
Russell T Davies Has Appropriated All Of Doctor Who For Himself | RTD Has Turned Canon To Dust | 

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To slip in language about cultural appropriation in the season finale and then in the behind the scenes film show all the designers and creatives fussing over erasing cultural identity and iconography from the great villain, Sutekh, was a real challenge to Doctor Who fans. It was a quick throwaway line in the dialogue that reveals the absolute depth of RTD's influence and ability to erase and graffiti over all of Dr Who canon and lore, all to satisfy a schoolboy immature story idea.
Time Agent Brendan looks at the ironies and the inconsistencies this throws up for any rewatch of classic Doctor Who now.
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25 июн 2024




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@moiragoddard592 7 дней назад
As the second Doctor said "some people make beautiful things and then others come along and smash them" words to that effect anyway - The Enemy of the World. RTD is the enemy.
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
Brilliant quote
@Farsight-nc1ib 7 дней назад
​@@noblerees1brings to mind the Second Doctor speech, there are some corners of the universe....
@mayotango1317 5 дней назад
Funny because that serial is so political agenda.
@Farsight-nc1ib 5 дней назад
@@mayotango1317 not as in your face as today nor was it full of waffle and faffing about
@iangreen4572 6 дней назад
Sutekh was an alien, an Osiran. When did he become a god? Just because the Egyptians thought he was a god, it doesn't mean that he was.
@roslyntrotter5025 5 дней назад
there is a tales from the tardis that says he has evoled in to a god well they say titan i think but yeah when he made the shalka doctor conan ithink that was the moment when he made it clear conon meens nothing any more i really hate that yes the conon had a lot of holes but instead of just acting like conon means nothing he should be trying to explain them i really hate he thinks he can just do what ever he wants nowi really am mad at rtd
@Problembeing 7 дней назад
You'd think, if Sutekh had been grafted onto the TARDIS all that time, he had a number of opportunities to disem'bark' at Gallifrey and wreck havoc there and take full advantage of TimeLord technology. It's so stupid.
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
Another moment of madness Lee I agree. I could have gone through all 217 stories he’s now wrecked
@charg1nmalaz0r51 6 дней назад
I'm still wrapping my head around how he ended up on the tardis in the first place. I may be wrong as its been a fair few years since i saw pyramids of mars but i was not under the impression that the rainbow tunnel had anything to do with the time corridor the tardis passes through. Am i right in thinking the tunnel was just a link from earth to mars and was a completely different concept?
@Farsight-nc1ib 6 дней назад
@@charg1nmalaz0r51 the rainbow tunnel was a time corridor linking Earth and Mars. It had nothing to do with the Vortex, it was completely different. Also, Sutekh was dead before the TARDIS ever left the cellar. The whole thing is a complete lie and attempted retcon by Davies.
@mancyank564 6 дней назад
@charg1nmalaz0r51, the rainbow tunnel linked the place Sutekh was being held in Egypt to the sarcophagus in England. Sutekh never touched the TARDIS.
@Problembeing 6 дней назад
@@mancyank564 I know! It's utterly R*T****D.
@osisho3323 7 дней назад
It was the cape on the back of dog-Sutekh that kept him from being able to get into the Tardis. He traveled for so long and never heeded Edna Mode's warning. No capes...
@stevenedwards8353 7 дней назад
And like Hell we can't flee to our "safe spot" in classic Who. The Chibnall/Davies retcons can only bother you if you personally accept them as canon, which many of us don't.
@Knaveofspades6 7 дней назад
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
I try not to cancel any episode but RTD has now made that talk impossible - Davros?
@stevenedwards8353 7 дней назад
@@noblerees1 I don't unnecessarily cancel stuff either. I was perfectly willing to accept Whittaker as the Doctor, even if I felt she was (at the time) the worst possible Doctor. I would've just accepted it as a low point for the series and moved on. But then Timeless Children happened, and pretty much everything built on that rock is going to have to eventually get retconned one day, so there's that.
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
I respect that and honestly it wasn’t a dig at you, I think you made a wise choice
@lenlooksback7981 6 дней назад
Good one!
@xenbo100 6 дней назад
since david tennant's return i turned my back on Doctor Who in its current form. That's my right as a free thinking human being. RTD wants to make Doctor Who queer. Ok why does he need a straight audience to watch it then? DW should be cancelled and the last year retconned. Someone else needs to be a showrunner that just wants to write good sci fi and not get side tracked with inappropriate sexual messaging to our children. Disgusting.
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
It’s a shame isn’t it when he has a keen dr who fan like you who feels ostracised by his work? He’s too In yer face. We will do mark of the rani tomorrow at 7pm snd best worst moments of 9th dr
@mayotango1317 5 дней назад
Doctor Who is the soft sci-fi
@thetasigma1905 6 дней назад
Could you imagine if either you or me sent a script like this to the producer in hope of getting it commissioned, they would have laughed at this fan boy fiction and politely sent a letter back saying “No Thanks”. The more l look back at some of RTD’s stories now, the more I believe he just doesn’t wan’t the audience to think and just consume this garbage . You are quite right with all the retconning he has done, as if “Doctor Who” is all about him and we should accept this or turn off. “No” the show should be for everyone, not a minority. This is why I have just accepted that the original Dr Who ended after Capaldi’s reign and everything after that is a spin off alternative universe.
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
Yes the crime is bbc RTD and Disney are seeing dr who as just a commodity to make the most merchandise money out of
@davidharding1299 7 дней назад
"Power-mad conspirators, Daleks, Sontarans, Cybermen - they're still in the nursery compared to RTD! 3 years of absolute power - that's what it takes to be really corrupt!" With apologies to Colin Baker, Robert Holmes, Pip Baker & Jane Baker.
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
We could have a fun time throwing these quotes back at RTD
@codyw1 6 дней назад
"25 years of having smoke blown up your ass about how wonderful you are - that's what it takes to be really delusional!"
@mayotango1317 5 дней назад
Funny because Robert Holmes also never care about continuity cof The Two Doctors cof
@davidharding1299 5 дней назад
@@mayotango1317 True... but to be fair to Robert Holmes... some of the continuity (specifically the 2nd Doctor's continuity) issues in "The Two Doctors" had already begun in "The Five Doctors" written by Terrence Dicks. Once they reached the Dark Tower, Doctor #2 and the Brigadier encounter spectres of Jamie and Zoe... and the 2nd Doctor reveals information that he can't possibly know... because in "The War Games", immediately after the Time Lords erased Jamie and Zoe's memories of their time with the Doctor and sent them home... the Time Lords forced him to regenerate. And yet, there the 2nd Doctor is at the UNIT reunion (without his companions). Taken in conjunction with "The Two Doctors" a fan theory emerged of an previously untold Series 5B... where - for a time - the Time Lords used the 2nd Doctor (and Jamie and perhaps Zoe) to run errands for them... before they erased his companions memories, sent them home and forced him to change into Jon Pertwee. Whether that theory has become canon or not... it works for me. The FOB to recall the TARDIS... I have no explanation for that. If the 2nd Doctor had it why doesn't the 6th Doctor have one (maybe the Time Lords gave it to him while he was conducting their business... and took it away again once his service was over... and that technology is not something he could fabricate on his own)? And even with Holmes' "The Brain Of Morbius"... I know he had (at one time or another) said those other faces in the "brain battle" were pre-Hartnell Doctors (something that never got confirmed or followed up on before "The Timeless Children")... but I always thought they were Morbius' faces. I still think that's what they were.
@user-id6ld8cr2l 7 дней назад
Mary Whitehouse would be more shocked and disgusted with Doctor Who than ever, if she could see it in its current form, and rightly so, to be fair to her.
@mayotango1317 5 дней назад
No, he hate violence.
@iangreen4572 6 дней назад
@12:27 That's the trouble right there: " Sutekh was banished into the Vortex ". 15 year old Russell didn't understand the ending of Pyramids of Mars. Sutekh was travelling through a time corridor and the Doctor increased the length of the corridor so that he'd never reach the end and aged to death. He was not alive floating around in the Vortex.
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
I would have hoped and expected that on his wage he would have revised his ideas from aged 15 till now
@user-id6ld8cr2l 7 дней назад
I've been speaking out against RTD since the end of series 2 of his crappy NuWho fanfiction, when I figured him out. He was always the worst thing that ever happened to the show. Troy
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
Well done for spotting him out so early
@redfieldblair 7 дней назад
I was the same, after series 1 someone who'd been paying more attention to the writers than me pointed out the one's I was complaining about were all his (and the two I loved the most were from the same writer as my favourite sitcom). After Love and Monsters I was broken, I waited for my parents (who'd been watching since 1963 - and made it through season 24 so they had more staying power than me) to say if an episode was worth watching (spoiler alert it was Human/Nature/Family of Blood and Blink). I didn't start watching every episode again until series 5. Sadly they finally, after 60 years, gave up after the Christmas special so I had no one to vet the latest episodes. If I had I'd have known not to watch anything but Boom.
@user-id6ld8cr2l 7 дней назад
@@noblerees1 I am glad I did. I wasn't the only one though, there were many others that also never accepted his version of the show. I went through all this death of Doctor Who acceptance years ago, but it is always sad what these people have done to the show..
@stevenedwards8353 7 дней назад
My take: RTD never really brought back Doctor Who. Doctor Who had been more or less a full family show, slightly more geared for young boys. What RTD "brought back" was a cheap romcom for teen girls, with 3 "boyfriend Doctors" to keep their attention. The moment a Doctor actually resembled one of the older Doctors with Peter Capaldi, a lot of those newer female fans dropped off all of a sudden, go figure.
@Farsight-nc1ib 7 дней назад
I had him sussed before he took over. Anyone who read his New Adventures novel knew what was coming (ironically panned by DWM)
@terrystewart1973 7 дней назад
To be honest, the more he does this, the easier it will be for someone eventually to retcon out of existence everything since Capaldi, and everything else RTD and his crowd have done.
@mayotango1317 5 дней назад
That is a coward idea.
@briancurtis6022 6 дней назад
The clashing social messages were bizarre this season: Dot and Bubble: "The future will be *racist* !" Rogue: "But the past sure wasn't!" Legend of Ruby Sunday: "Archeology is just plundering a past culture for your own benefit... we *hate* it when people do that!" Empire of Death: "However, when WE do it...." 😆
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
Mixed messaging and sometimes very badly tossed in to plot
@codyw1 6 дней назад
That's the problem with hypocrites. They fail to realise how stupid they look to everyone else.
@professorexposition9768 7 дней назад
There is a way to bring Sutehk back in a way that makes sense, but this wasn't it. You could do a callback to 3 Drs and Time Monster, claiming that the events of one or both of those episodes weakened the time corridor that Sutehk was trapped in, because the Earth end of it had UNIT built over it, according to Pyramids of Mars. But that would take a writer that cared about what they were writing. Also, you showed Logopolis there, which would have been Sutehk's best chance to wipe out the whole universe easily if we was there.
@FantomKat 7 дней назад
"Time Turds" -- I died 😂😅😆🤣
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
Oh good lol
@lesigh1749 7 дней назад
You just have to treat all of RTDs episodes as fanfiction, and canon is restored.
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
No quality at all
@sg-zd8eb 6 дней назад
Just imagine it’s an illusion like the fake trial in The Trial Of A Time Lord.
@codyw1 6 дней назад
@Problembeing 7 дней назад
I can watch Pyramids of Mars perfectly fine. This current cultural vandalism is not Doctor Who and has absolutely nothing to do with real Doctor Who. Doctor Who 1963-1996
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
You have a fan base for that sentiment
@Paul_1971 6 дней назад
Yep - all Nu-Who is fan-fic to me now after RTD2. I wasn't even a huge fan of RTD1.
@mancyank564 6 дней назад
@Problembeing "This current cultural vandalism is not Doctor Who and has absolutely nothing to do with real Doctor Who". My exact feelings.
@stevenedwards8353 6 дней назад
1963-1989 if we're going to be doing that. It ended with 7 giving a nice speech and telling Ace they had some work to do while walking into the proverbial sunset. Not with 8 sucking Grace's face
@Problembeing 6 дней назад
@@stevenedwards8353 hahaha. I was erming and umming whether or not to include McGann. I did like his Doctor, didn't like the movie much. But sure, I can work with it or without it. Maybe reboot it and bring him in as an unknown Doctor in a rebooted universe. Start again.
@Farsight-nc1ib 7 дней назад
Any resemblance of new Who's Master to Roger Delgados, suave and sinister Master is purely coincidental!
@davidmullen6011 6 дней назад
I'm philosophical on this subject. As possesive as Russell Davies is, he is still just one Producer, coming after a long line of other Producers on the series, and there will be many more after him... My attitude is that all of this shall pass. Some new executive will come along, put their foot down, and get the series back on track. But the actual worry here is that the character himself is in need of a rest - it has been seven or more years now of massive damage inflicted on 'the Doctor' - gender-swapped into a Sue Pollard' caricature, a black Woman claiming to be him, then he's a black man, then he's suddenly gay, then... No character can survive this degree of mangling. No one can question why it is the audience isn't connecting with it anymore, as there IS nothing to connect with. When even the very first Doctor has been subverted and said _not_ to be the first at all... it seems clear that a war has been waged on the character, and series, and after over seven years of it it is straining and struggling to keep its identity intact. Indeed, add to all of that that he isn't even Gallifreyan according to the new regime! He is... something that race found and exploited to their own selfish ends. And this being stole a Gallifreyan Tardis and took it as his own. Let's be clear here - this character has been turned inside out. Beaten with a large stick, and is now a skin-suit being use for certain 'causes'...
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
That’s the key issue I agree. It’s been almost a decade of real denting of the lead hero character . Sadly your conclusion is correct too
@paulholgate4664 6 дней назад
It if they don’t learn from the failure or it’s cancelled.
@stevenbello2169 7 дней назад
"Pay for petrol" Outstanding!
@tardis_treasures 6 дней назад
Totally agree, and I also cut out all Doctor Who from 2005 onwards. RTD can keep his version of the show and shove up his slitheen. He has indeed damaged the show far more than chibnall did.
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
Join us for mark of the Rani 7pm tomorrow night
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
Some may have seen an impromptu opening minute of this earlier. Bad wolf are onto me!😂
@gregsmith7949 7 дней назад
I was rewatching the Brain of Morbius just yesterday and a quote from Morbius to Solon really hit me. "You want to be known as the creator of Morbius, not his servant!" I think that sums up RTD in a nutshell. He wants to be seen as the creator of Nu Who, not faithfully continuing established cannon and serving the 26 seasons that came before.
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
Creator of NuWho and major influence and final say on how classic is viewed.
@thetalonsofwaynechiang 6 дней назад
I put the whole of Nu-Who into an ‘Inferno-esque,’ parallel universe, thereby keeping it separate from the Classic series in my head. In doing so, I can enjoy my beloved Classic series without any of the retconned rubbish from Nu-Who effecting it - problem solved 👍🏻👍🏻 It does also help that I’ve never been invested in Nu-Who from the start - none of it is Doctor Who in my eyes.
@codyw1 6 дней назад
@jackmccann7147 7 дней назад
I read a scary report that even though Ruby is hardly in next season's episodes the story arc will involve her family and the finalé will concentrate on them. I seriously hope we don't get that far. The Crying Doctor meets Eastenders. Smashing. 😬🙄
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
We can guarantee soap we can be sure of that
@mayotango1317 5 дней назад
That sound like Series 2.
@user-id6ld8cr2l 7 дней назад
What RTD did to the Master all the way back in series 3 of NuWho was a bigger violation than this recent Sutekh fanfiction guff.
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
Yes we have given that an easy time - the master. We shouldn’t
@stevenedwards8353 7 дней назад
It's funny that one of the episodes Ncuti's Doctor watches is The Five Doctors. It's one of the stories (the other being Mawdryn Undead) that fully retcons Brain of Morbius (which, by the way, as many of you know, is the main "anchor" for Timeless Children) and establishes that the 5th Doctor had regenerated 4 times.
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
Good point
@codyw1 6 дней назад
"Retcon" is the wrong word since The Three Doctors fully established that anyway prior to Morbius.
@stevenedwards8353 6 дней назад
@@codyw1 I'll have to rewatch Three Doctors again soon, it's been years. But at any rate, I mention episodes that take place after Brain of Morbius because as you know, these people will probably try to say "well yeah, Brain of Morbius comes after Three Doctors so it changed it".
@triplejazzmusicisall1883 6 дней назад
An outstanding analogy I had never thought of. You are spot on. He is no different to Mary Whitehouse. Everything he says and does is sacred and not up for debate. He is the purveyor who chooses what is right and not for all viewers. In fact, us minions are not seen as even entitled to have a say that will be taken seriously and considered.
@gladiator652004 7 дней назад
Excellent talk. I've enjoyed all the dog-on-TARDIS pictures made by the fans, but when you run through how many stories complicate the soppy idea that Sutekh was clinging onto the TARDIS all that time, it shows what a liability RTD is to Doctor Who.
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
Custodian of dr who darling! Really?
@davidharding1299 7 дней назад
One of the great things about not watching the new episodes anymore (I haven't tuned in since "The Giggle"... and that was after I came back after 2 years of avoiding Chibnall's mess) is that they can mess with the classic series canon all they way... and for me, RTD's ridiculous alterations to the timeline simply don't exist. Now, I wish I'd stopped after "Twice Upon A Time".
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
You got it right
@jackmccann7147 7 дней назад
“Because of the absence of the Remembered TARDIS, we have complete narrative collapse at this point, where the TARDIS just invents a “Time Beam” that transports you through time and space. “[…] We’ve just invented something we’ll never use ever again - I hope we don’t - where the TARDIS can just whoosh you through time and space without a TARDIS. It pains me, I blame everyone else. We’ll just forget it […] Never again!” From Den Of Geek 😬🙄
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
Yes that is so acknowledgement from RTD that they screwed up because of timing or budget
@davidharding1299 7 дней назад
"Time turds". 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Love it!
@oneclout6643 7 дней назад
Sutekh was also pretty pitiful during the final fight. They defeated him with the ol bath time bait and switch. "You want the name? You want the name? Sike! You get the 'intelligent rope' leash. Bath time through the time void."
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
He would have read ruby’s mind and he knows the tardis inside out and controls it - that’s what he said
@paulholgate4664 6 дней назад
They defeated him with K-9’s whistle and lead. Get down, Sutekh! Heel!
@envoyfrommirrorcity 6 дней назад
Now there’s a problem with the sonic screwdriver looking like a gun. Really!? When did RTD last see a gun. With this show being on Disney+, does he not think it was a bit insensitive equipping a thirteen year old’s Segway with machine guns considering the shootings in American schools. It’s how the tables have turned for RTD. I’ll be glad to see him go.
@thepokebw10 7 дней назад
I hate to say it, but Doctor Who needs to take a break and enter a period of self reflection for their next future reboot. RTD has played his final hand to the cue of disastrous ratings and reception. To even begin to enjoy these new episodes, I had to lobotomise myself and stare dumbfoundedly at what RTD's imparted onto the series. It's time for a new captain to steer the ship.
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
The quality is in the gutter
@mancyank564 6 дней назад
It's lower than the gutter. It's in the sewer.
@mayotango1317 5 дней назад
Sorry but the ratings excuse is lame, because the episodes are watch by streaming first.
@thetalonsofwaynechiang 7 дней назад
Sutekh must’ve had a right headache after the Tardis fell off the cliffs in ‘The Romans,’ and ‘The Curse of Peladon.’!!!
@vorebiz 6 дней назад
I bet he didn't appreciate his paws and muzzle being painted pink in The Happiness Patrol either. The fact he's just been chilling on the Tardis all this time is kind of hilariously ridiculous when you put even the smallest amount of thought into it.
@robbiebonham 7 дней назад
I actually think Eric Roberts' portrayal was closer to the Master than any in 'Nu-Who'.
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
Yes he had sinister moments
@slumdogjay 6 дней назад
Roberts Big Finish audio Master stories are great. He’s really unsettling as the Master when written correctly.
@robbiebonham 6 дней назад
@@slumdogjay That's the thing, he's gotta be cool, calm, and collected, eventually leading to maniacal. I find Nu Who went straight to maniacal.
@slumdogjay 6 дней назад
@@robbiebonham Indeed. Everything about New Who is over the top.
@robbiebonham 6 дней назад
@@slumdogjay I'm not saying the actors involved in recent years weren't entertaining, but the character lacked subtlety / build up.
@dazblue5515 7 дней назад
What RTD has done to Doctor Who is not a one off, sadly - All of our classic franchises/IPs have been appropriated by social justice warriors trying to correct their percieved problems.... Doctor Who, Star Wars, Star Trek and the MCU... all these lucrative properties have been decimated by showrunners inserting their 'politics' into them! Hopefully common sense wins out soon, and all these great programmes get reinstated to their previous greatness... in the meantime, we still have all the many wonderful series of proper Who to watch.
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
Wrecking ball media execs
@davidharding1299 6 дней назад
@dazblue5515 Inserting politics is one thing. Lots of episodes of Doctor Who, Star Trek, etc... have often done a great job of weaving politics into their episodes. And there are tons of exceptional sci-fi stories that at their heart contain politics... or political themes. What we're seeing now with these franchises is "political correctness"... and, while it can be related to "politics", they're (IMHO) not automatically the same thing. As an example... there are political stories like Robert Holmes' "The Sunmakers"... the Kaleds dressing like Nazis in "Genesis Of The Daleks"... "Vengeance On Varos"... and many, many more. IMHO, the difference between "politics" and "political correctness" is in where you find the bad guys. With politics, it's usually politicians, rich elites, people with money, influence and power who abuse those things. But with political correctness, depending on the issue, anybody can be the bad guy... because too often with that, it's about purity tests and mob mentality designed to scare people into agreeing with the mob... or staying silent. When it started, it was about righting real wrongs in the world... but they quickly realized that very few people in the world all think the exact same way about every issue. The instant anyone in these insular groups breaks ranks with others by not holding the line on any issue... they are vilified and cast out. At least, that's how I see them being different.
@paulholgate4664 6 дней назад
@@davidharding1299What we are seeing now is tick box woke agendas.
@dazblue5515 6 дней назад
@@davidharding1299 I agree that politics have been in other franchises, but they never preached, or hit you over the head as the writers back then had the job because they were good at it, not because of DEI
@davidharding1299 6 дней назад
@@dazblue5515 But again, are they pushing "politics" (and sometimes, that was pushed pretty aggressively)... or is it "political correctness"? They are somewhat different, IMHO.
@paulbowler5345 7 дней назад
RTD brings us the gift....of rubbish Dr Who and falling ratings.
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
I wish we could laugh. It’s utter cultural vandalism
@paulbowler5345 7 дней назад
@noblerees1 I'm done with Disney Who, I'll stick with Classic Who for now until RTD is gone.
@davidharding1299 7 дней назад
I've heard that Sutekh has been riding on the outside of the TARDIS since "Pyramids Of Mars" (I haven't watched it so I only know what others have said). Does that mean he encountered Captain Jack when he hitched a lift on the TARDIS exterior that time? Or what about in "Frontios" when the TARDIS was destroyed for an episode or two? Did Sutekh get paint on him when the TARDIS got painted on during a 7th Doctor story... or again at the end of Clara Oswald's final story?
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
Those were the points I made. Capt jack held on to some member of sutekhs, sutekh must have been shrunk in logopolis and stayed shrunk because the block computation did not include him
@tardis_treasures 6 дней назад
Only from badwolfs Tales from the TARDIS episode, as the fx shots are the same, where in classic is definitely set in a different universe. 😉
@davidharding1299 6 дней назад
@noblerees1 There are so many pre-RTD2 stories which call into question how his Sutekh story is even feasible. RTD is supposed to be a fan too. Why doesn't he know the lore as well as we do? Some of these stories are even from his first go around. It's like Chibnall and the messes he made too. William Hartnell isn't the 1st Doctor? Really?? Despite all the times he was referenced in the series as such... and not just by the Doctor either? And he was supposed to be a fan too. If this is how fans who aspire to be Doctor Who showrunners treat the show's canon, give me a new showrunner who has never watched the show but is willing to watch it from the start to finish and learn it from scratch any day. It's like that old saying, "With friends like these, who need enemies."
@codyw1 6 дней назад
His bloated ego apparently makes him believe he created the show while breastfeeding.
@gladiator652004 7 дней назад
Just an idea. Now we've had the series, you should consider doing a character study of the Fifteenth Doctor and analysing whether the characterisation is homophobic.
@robertrowles5450 7 дней назад
The RTD/Mary Whitehouse comparison really burns. While I probably enjoyed most of the retcons in his first run - I think he had more respect for the traditional fan 20 years ago - your final description of him sums up my current feelings. Well said.
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
Thanks. It is sad that we have those conclusions - it really is. I welcomed RTD’s return but started to feel so underwhelmed during the non special specials
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
You are spot on - let’s gloss over that days RTD!
@davidharding1299 7 дней назад
I agree with you 100%. In the future, any potential showrunner would be well advised to jetison everything after Peter Capaldi. That is the ONLY way to fix the damage RTD and Chibnall have done to this show. That being said, I don't expect a future showrunner to do that. Out of a sense of courtesy to the creators of the past, they seem to not go out of their way to wipe out big changes from their predecessors on the series. Downplay or ignore... yes. But not go out of their way to eradicate bad decisions from past writers & showrunners.
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
Yes the media luvvies backslapping - mind you RTD said they don’t refer to or discuss previous doctors so such dismissal and ignorance can work both ways
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
Does he think he is untouchable? A world without being questioned
@codyw1 6 дней назад
That's exactly what he thinks.
@jackmccann7147 7 дней назад
The cinema receipts for the finalé are pretty grim but I'll let you expand on that. 👍
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
Dour but I’ve seen excuses that we are comparing midnight to evening family time lol
@Farsight-nc1ib 7 дней назад
If he thinks that about Sutekh, he doesn't know anything about Pyramids. He knows full well it doesn't add up.
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
Did he seriously sit down and reflect and more to the point did none of the bad wolf who fans say something?
@Farsight-nc1ib 7 дней назад
@@noblerees1 I bet they didn't. RTD can do no wrong! Either that, or they're afraid to challenge him!
@papalaz4444244 7 дней назад
It's not Dr Who and Bad Wolf and Disney don't have the rights to 99% of DW things. Sutekh name is not copyrighted but the design almost certainly belongs to the actual BBC and so they evaded all of it. No mummy robots for the exact same reason.
@Farsight-nc1ib 7 дней назад
Brendan, resistance is not useless!
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
I’ll Fight the fight
@Farsight-nc1ib 7 дней назад
@@noblerees1 good man!
@robertdodd6561 6 дней назад
Fiction has it's own truth. As they say.
@peterharrington7523 7 дней назад
I saw your stream was down before, thought they had got you. I see you with a fedora, raincoat on a foggy corner, a Time Detective. 😄 Suetkh has been cocking his leg peeing on Dr Who since 1975 then according to RTD, his sh*t has certainly hit the fans. RTD has bent many spoons like Uri Geller, a fake entertainment magic act well past his sell by date. The disgusting appropriation of our beloved series is now for all to see, the damage for me is irreparable. It needs a long, long rest. Maybe I'll be there to see it again but I'm happy with the past ❤
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
Yes mark of the rani on our midweek show tomorrow and best and worst of 9th dr
@peterharrington7523 6 дней назад
@@noblerees1 Oh great, lovely story. 💗
@lorrainesheridan496 7 дней назад
Russell has his fantasy in Ncuti. No cybermen as cannot be sexualized no Daleks as evil in wheelchairs. He has a third series backed by equally narrow minded BBC people. All they do is make people worried to mix when of course most of us have been doing so for decades whether straight gay or trans! This nonsense has to stop with the licence. I enjoy Strange New Worlds as they seem to have captured the old Star Trek so there is hope if they get writers in who say Russell no!
@stevenedwards8353 7 дней назад
It really makes me wonder if the only reason RTD agreed to come back was so that he could give his latest buttboy a job. It would explain SO much!!
@thepokebw10 7 дней назад
Yeah, it really does feel that way after watching his recent episodes like The Giggle. He's unleashing his ultimate revenge fantasy of parroting his ideal warped version of social justice by using Doctor Who as a political weapon against naysayers. He can write (sometimes) as proven by midnight, but now he's been given too much free reign. By using Ncuti as his ideal puppet to channel his revenge fantasy, he's harming the integrity and dignity of Doctor Who, and on his road of destruction, he's leaving nothing but an LGBT flag on top of a mountain of ash.
@jackmccann7147 7 дней назад
The thing about Strange New Worlds in comparison to the Crying Doctor is that nothing seems forced or shoehorned in unlike RTD's Heinz 57 varieties of fluff characters to fill his own freely admitted lifestyle quotas. Pantomime dames and Scooby Doo villains do not a sci-fi make.
@DaveLynchWriter 7 дней назад
Where's the cultural appropriation supposed to be? A lots not understood about the Egyptian gods. Who's to say Sutekh wasnt an alien god? And even if not, then its quite understandable that a god might choose that scenario to hide in plain sight. RTD has a lot to answer for.. dirty old man is all he is.
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
Who said RTD was the expert I agree. These media luvvies know everything about everything. Just stop oil protesters wreck events and pictures and RTD wrecks canon
@peterharrington7523 7 дней назад
Congrats on 800 🎉🎉🎉
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
Thank you. It’s quite thrilling at the moment
@my_roku 7 дней назад
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
Yes mark of the rani looks expensive on location and it’s a straightforward story with messages in there of you want them
@crimpleendoubloon 6 дней назад
A brilliant analysis, Brendan. Either Empire of Death isn't canon or everything after Pyramids of Mars up to The Church on Ruby Road isn't. And maybe I've missed something, but why is it the Doctor has only recently spotted Susan Triad about the place? Was she always just out of his eyeline on Atrios, Tigella, Sarn and the rest? You should put your mini-movie of Empire of Death out as its own RU-vid video. Truly hilarious. I loved it!
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
Will use it for tea break in midweek 7pm show tomorrow And then might follow yr advice
@Farsight-nc1ib 7 дней назад
We all know it's a lie about Sutekh, he was never in the Vortex, in fact he was dead before the Tardis left Earth
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
@nigeljones4464 7 дней назад
Is RTD just auditioning to work for Kathleen Kennedy at Lucas Films in destroying IPs ?
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
He’s certainly filling his pension pot
@muldwych2029 6 дней назад
Like some others here, I simply don't count New Who as being part of the same continuity. At best, it's an infantilised soap opera set in an alternative universe, and at worst, just plain bad fan fiction. In fairness, it has showcased the efforts of many talented people on both sides of the camera throughout its twenty-year production history, however those efforts have always been hampered by London-bubble ideologues like Davies and the people he associates with, whose appointments are rarely based upon meritocracy. I think he has always known full well he is way above his pay grade as showrunner of what should be a sci-fi/adventure, which is why he retcons everything. It isn't just to insert his activism (though that is part of it), it's also to pull Classic Who down to his level, so that a younger generation of viewers will assert that Doctor Who was "always" like his version; that it was always silly/queer/devoid of canon/high-concept/etc. Churn out enough of your own dreck and people will eventually associate the brand with it, as is happening nowadays with Star Wars and Star Trek. Brand damage doesn't need people watching for its effect to be felt. It just needs to make people apathetic to that brand, and that's where we are now with entertainment across the board.
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
Love how you articulated what a lot of us are trying to say/ would you like to come in our show sometime?
@muldwych2029 6 дней назад
@@noblerees1 Sure, I'd be happy to. I'm a different time zone and don't often catch you guys live, but if we can figure something out, I'm in!
@PaulRichards-vz4pl 6 дней назад
The Doctor isn’t the one that needs to seek therapy through bi-generation as RTD thinks because I think it’s RTD that needs that. What a mess! Can’t we just get good stand alone episodes with good scripts instead of all this Classic desecration and ongoing tedious mystery box plot lines 😒I can’t believe how bad the scripts have become. Death to death brings life? 😂 By that logic fire on fire brings no fire? 🔥 😂 Intelligent rope! 😂Didn’t the Doctor trap Sutekh in a time corridor rather than the time vortex? Great assessment.
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
You are spot on. There is so much in the series to challenge. It just does not hang together at all
@PaulRichards-vz4pl 6 дней назад
@@noblerees1 You’ve got to wonder about the state of RTD’s mind at this point.
@Farsight-nc1ib 7 дней назад
You know the TARDIS was reduced in the BBC books to the size where it fitted in the Doctor's pocket? He literally had Sutekh in his pocket😂
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
Clutching his pearls?
@Farsight-nc1ib 7 дней назад
@@noblerees1 I'm wasn't sure sure if you'd read any of the books. The Tardis was almost destroyed when the Doctor had to stop Faction Paradox. It spent a century or so gradually regenerating and growing back to it's normal size. Imagine a mini me Sutekk clinging onto a Tardis the suze of a matchbox🤣
@calroy8359 6 дней назад
I didnt like the Master drum retcon at the time, but my head canon was that there was an original Master who was evil because he chose to be. And then Rassilon saw him and the Doctor having survived the time war, and then Rassilon adds the drum to the Master. Now the master has the drum in his head, and he decides to blame his miserable life on the drums. I hated the Moffat era, there was a lot of crappy stuff done to canon then, I feel like RTD getting doctor who back is him just going, well I brought Dr who back and they ruined it, so now I am going to ruin it as well.
@triplejazzmusicisall1883 6 дней назад
RTD's ego and self-righteousness are bigger than this universe itself and no-one seems capable of restraining him. I have held on and on and on waiting for DW to return to form. It didn't. I was one of those who said I would walk away but never did. Well now aside from RU-vid channels I am truly walking away from DW for good. I don't care about it today and I don't want my memories and internal lore and logic to be shredded to pieces anymore. I also want to respect those who worked on it in the classic years and the 2005 season up to Capaldi's era - awkwardly that can't include the man who brought it back to then later destroy it nailing the coffin lid with extra reinforcement.
@somerandomyoutubeaccount5895 6 дней назад
I think you’re being a bit irrational mate. I don’t think this season is amazing, It was really stupid. But doctor who has always been cartoonishly a stupid show. Chibnall era still sucks balls tho but that’s because it was boring as dog shit.
@triplejazzmusicisall1883 5 дней назад
@@somerandomyoutubeaccount5895 I agree Chibnall's run was very boring. I didn't watch some episodes as they were more effective as sleeping pills. I don't agree DW has always been a cartooinsh stupid show. It has at it worst times, but at other times it's been a cracker of a show - just like anything that's been aroundf for decades. Bad is better than boring though. You can laugh at bad where boring has nothing to offer. Cheers
@julieanngoodwin30 6 дней назад
Couldn't agree more with everything you have said. RTD has produced stories which lack any kind cohesive structure or logic, of which the finale is the most spectacular example. A lot of fans were upset that Ruby's mum was nobody , after all their grand theorising, on the back of RTD's deliberately misleading plot points, however, the Sutekh question, because it craps all over the history of Doctor Who, bothered me the most. Even if you are a younger fan and are only familiar with 2005 onwards, what was Sutekh doing while the Tardis was sitting in the desert for thousands of years in "The Ghost Monument" ? Where did he go in "Flatline" ? Can Sutekh shrink into siege mode? What about the events of "The Doctors Wife " with House and Idris ? What was Sutekh doing in RTD's own " 73 yards " nonsense, the Tardis was just left sitting on a cliff top in Wales for 70 years, his very reason for revealing himself in the final was right there, on her own ? I'm done with RTD's version of Who, there is incorporating ideas, expanding on stories and then there is his out and out demolition, rewriting and denigration of a loved and respected classic series. His creation deserves all the criticism it is receiving.
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
Some excellent questions there and as usual RTD will dismissively refuse to explain any of it
@bryancorrell3689 6 дней назад
Sutekh must have hated it when the Happiness Patrol painted him pink. I can still enjoy Classic Who just fine. RTD's fan fiction is the same as anyone else's, he just got paid for it. Edit: And the Mara is the god of beasts because......um, why? Its physical form being a snake is the only beast related thing about it.
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
Or he got graffiti in him in paradise towers
@DoctorHowTV 6 дней назад
Something is destroying the whole universe... again. I've lost count how many times that's happened in this show. No danger, no stakes, no internal consistency, the hero isn't a hero, the villains aren't villains (they're idiots), poor writing, no characters I'm invested in... why would anyone watch this?
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
A question we ask ourselves a lot - and how much is he getting paid to do what the hell he wants ?
@envoyfrommirrorcity 6 дней назад
I first saw pyramids of mars when I was eight. It’s one of my favourites. So yeah, bought it on different formats over the years, and still enjoy it now, as much as I did then. That was until empire of death. This mess has tainted my enjoyment of a tv classic. Now when I watch pyramids of mars, I won’t be thinking, oh, that’s the end of sutekh. I’ll be thinking of this nonsensical sequel. As much as I haven’t really enjoyed series 14, what makes me more reluctant to watch any future series is more classic stories recked by RTD. It’s heart breaking to see my favourite tv show treated with such disrespect. Russell is certainly no Robert Holmes
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
And didn’t you think that sutekh was sent way into the future beyond his life expectancy? And RTD just flippantly says he sat on the tardis
@envoyfrommirrorcity 6 дней назад
@@noblerees1 yeah, that’s how I remember it. It made sense. It gave no reason that we should expect to see Sutekh 49 years later. RTD has undone a great story in favour of his nonsense. The whole with the rope and whistle, I’m guessing that it was meant to be funny. I’ve still yet to laugh.
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
It’s just utter nonsense - it’s almost as if he doesn’t care
@alanbeaumont4848 6 дней назад
The modern Egyptians don't have the same culture as Ancient Egyptians. Now if you tried to mess with modern Islam...
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
Very true
@chrischatfield8550 6 дней назад
I dunno why everyone is dissin Scrappy Doo in Empire of death ....I thought it was a great Cartoon ❤😊
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
It was the park ranger not sutekh
@chrischatfield8550 6 дней назад
@@noblerees1 🤣
@TaliesinapCerridwen 6 дней назад
50 years? From the audiences point of view yes, but surely from The Doctor’s and Sutekh’s centuries have passed? I’ll confess, I’ve not been watching and I’ve noticed RTD doesn’t like the idea of anymore time passing for The Doctor than for the audience but surely even he wouldn’t go that far? What am I saying…of course he would.
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
Yes we need menace - real menace not wild manic ott villains
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
You are spot on Mancyank564
@paulholgate4664 6 дней назад
For me Doctor Who died on Durdle Door before ferret face turned up again and The Timeless Child was all a lie by the Master.
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
After all this that’s happened I’d take a full retcon
@davidroberts5250 6 дней назад
Bring back Paul McGann for a mini series and, have him regenerate into a new 9th Doctor at the end of it.
@paulholgate4664 6 дней назад
@@davidroberts5250Sack Russell T Davies. Bring back Paul McGann and then have him regenerate into Christopher Eccleston.
@davidroberts5250 6 дней назад
@@paulholgate4664 I'd be happy with that as well.
@Problembeing 7 дней назад
How many Egyptian Sutekh worshippers are there in the world that RTD didn't want to offend? 🙄
@robfellows4096 7 дней назад
Ironically I think he's offended every single secret sect of them in existence. Hail the Real Lord Sutekh! Steamy shoulder press of vengeance for RTD 😤
@timleopardxolo 7 дней назад
Well, I can't imagine The Temple Of Set took too kindly to seeing the central figure of their spiritual belief system reduced to a naughty doggy being dragged around on a bloody lead.
@Problembeing 6 дней назад
@@timleopardxolo Yeah. They'd probably want to shag it.
@Problembeing 6 дней назад
@@robfellows4096 🤣🤣🤣
@the_flyattractor8656 6 дней назад
RTD is NOT a Real Dr WHO Fan! He just leached onto it as a way get himself into the Industry. I formed that opinon after reading his forward in one of the New Target Collection Novels.
@somerandomyoutubeaccount5895 6 дней назад
You’re talking about the guy who brought back the show. You’re just a crybaby mate.
@the_flyattractor8656 6 дней назад
@@somerandomyoutubeaccount5895 Broughtr Back Don't Mean Brought Back GOOD!
@somerandomyoutubeaccount5895 6 дней назад
@@the_flyattractor8656 so your saying that Eccleston and David Tennant were bad doctors and their eras were bad?
@lenlooksback7981 6 дней назад
The 4th Doctor makes it perfectly clear that the ancient Egyptians "appropriated" Osiran culture and NOT the other-way-around.
@Lord_Mistfire 6 дней назад
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
Yes tardis alone with its dog
@jackmccann7147 7 дней назад
I blame Catherine Tate.
@mancyank564 6 дней назад
@dougsims4242 6 дней назад
Well said Brendan mate. Judging by the number of comments you have hit a nerve. Time for a cup of tea now and watch a few unspoiled classics ( while they are still untouched by " Sutekh - Davies"
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
Mark of the Rani and best worst moments of 9th doctor tonight at 7pm
@dougsims4242 6 дней назад
@@noblerees1 👍
@thehandoflenin 5 дней назад
I see the Radio Times are saying Space Babies has had nearly 6m views and that overnight ratings don't mean anything. They are also repeating its there biggest show for the under 30's without any proof, I might say. I think this says a few things: 1. There will most likely be a 3rd series with RTD at the helm. 2. The second and possible third season's will just be a bad as the first. 3. They don't care about the older fans or the history of Dr Who. Which leaves me to say: I'm done with the show. The BBC and RTD can have it - they have won! It will die slowly like the BBC is doing. Us older fans can basically say Dr Who finished another end of Peter Capaldi. I'm out, out touching grass, never to return.
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
Yes not fan fiction though. Mind you it needs fresh blood now
@BillSilver-kg8hs 5 дней назад
I thought RTD would do this to "Dr Who". I only wish he hadn't. I do like Ncuti Gatwa though, and would like to see him play the Doctor in grimmer, less campy ,frivolous "confectionary", like much of what we've had this season. He deserves better. To have stories that can be looked back at and labelled classics. Like "Pyramids of Mars".
@RichArd-vc5jp 5 дней назад
The backlash against RTD begins and rightly so. The guys a menace to everything he touches
@snakedaemongaming6590 5 дней назад
Thing is sutekh was trapped in a time corridor Not the time vortex The only other time that the doctor was involved with a time corridor was resurrection of the daleks Theres the fact that sutekh is jackal like and not a god, he was more powerful then his fellow osirans but he wasn't a god The madness of the master, I never liked but we could always say that happened when he was revived for the time war and not the original version, the whole loom a timelord thing means timelords can be brought back (that was the theory revolving around the doctor and the other) (like ace was meant to join the timelord academy), the master died so many times and kept coming back and honestly so much could have been fixed by saying the master was the timeless child, explains his madness (as it could be explained away as his hidden memories were breaking through), explains his hatred of the timelords after discovering the truth and how he was able to kill them so easily (afterall hed be able to keep going like the energiser bunny until he takes everyone down) There fixed that crud
@cliffmaxwell8718 4 дня назад
I’ve not even watched the last two episodes, as this was the sort of thing I was afraid of, and it now seems to be quantum magnitudes worse than what I had expected. Russell T Davies has not one single original idea in his head. Much of the NuWho stories are kernels of classic, who appropriation, but they’re different enough to be a little more unique. This third first series is his finally doing what he had intended to do all along with NuWho. Oh, the fact that he would change the context and meaning of stories written by other people is disgusting.
@lordinquisitor6233 4 дня назад
I was excited to hear Sutekh was back then RTD made him a time grifter who is defeated by rope. They reduced the greatest antagonist in the setting into Clifford’s edgy cousin
@ste_zace 7 дней назад
Who is this show really for now? Doesn't seem like it's for older fans
@noblerees1 7 дней назад
@millietanner56 3 дня назад
Time turds! This needs to become a canon thing.
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
Outstanding explanation David Harding
@BreezerBigB 6 дней назад
Why would Sutekh even care about Ruby's mystery mum, he despises all life. surely he would see himself above such trivialities
@somerandomyoutubeaccount5895 6 дней назад
He was mad he didn’t see her face.
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
I agree with that or possibly after capaldi
@scottsutton140 День назад
Mt frist Doctor was William Hartnell, My last was Peter Capaldi.
@user-ft5ud6ry8u 6 дней назад
Agreed. This season of dr who was unwatchable.
@noblerees1 6 дней назад
It’s been incredibly frustrating
@cybermatstrikes7557 6 дней назад
Someone will retcon his legacy at this point. I'm watching to the bitter end but Season two feels like it's going to be a chore.
@sethidk6439 5 дней назад
Please learn what a retcon is. I retcon isn't Mel acting differently, it's say Mel has always acted this way(that hasn't been done). The master being given an explanation for why he wants to kill everything isn't a retcon either
@gfrears1 6 дней назад
I choose to ignore this pile of shite and how it affects the classic who. Also I chose to see the retconned Davros as a pre injured Davros And for anyone who says I’m not a true fan because I think this show is crap now well **** off! I’ve been a fan 45 plus years spent thousands on merchandise and going comic cons meeting my favourite Doctor WHO characters I’m more a fan than most of who would say I’m not!
@mayotango1317 5 дней назад
Well, is a showrunner. That's is his work. Duh.