
Russia’s Tu-95 Bomber Is Old, But The Bear Still Has Claws 

Military Plus
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The Tu-95 might just be Russia‘s version of the B-52 bomber: To date, the Kremlin hasn’t deployed its powerful fleet of bombers against targets in Ukraine in any substantive fashion. While the Ukrainian people have already faced untold horrors since Russia launched its unprovoked and unwarranted invasion in February, and Ukraine’s urban centers have been heavily damaged in the fighting, Russia’s bombers still have the potential to level those cities to the ground.
Among the weapon not employed has been the Tupolev Tu-95 (NATO reporting name “Bear”), a large Cold War-era strategic bomber that was first flown in 1952. It is now among the oldest aircraft designs still in service with the Russian military, and the Bear is also the only propeller-powered bomber in service anywhere in the world today. However, despite the age of the platform, it is a highly-capable bomber - and much like the United States Air Force’s B-52 Stratofortress, it has been steadily upgraded and will likely remain in service well into the 2040s or later.
The four-engine propeller plane was developed in the 1950s after Soviet planners had requested a four-engine bomber that could fly five thousand miles and hit targets across the United States. The choice of propeller-driven engines was made due to the fact that jet engines of the time burned through fuel too quickly, and the Soviets lacked the capability to refuel its bombers in flight. The Tu-95 has a range greater than 15,000km (9,300 miles).
The aircraft has four Kuznetsov NK-12 engines with contra-rotating propellers. It is the only propeller-powered strategic bomber still in operational use today. The Tu-95 is one of the loudest military aircraft, particularly because the tips of the propeller blades move faster than the speed of sound. Its distinctive swept-back wings are set at an angle of 35°. The Tu-95 is unique as a propeller-driven aircraft with swept wings that has been built in large numbers.
Though it may have been a turboprop aircraft, the Tu-95 still featured some notable advancements for the 1950s, including its swept-wing design, which helped ensure that the main wing span passed through the fuselage in front of its bomb bay. It also allowed the aircraft to cruise and fly at greater speeds than straight-wing bombers as the 35-degree angle of the swept-back wings provided improved aerodynamics.
The bomber proved to be a symbol of pride for the Soviet Union and regularly made a presence at European Air Shows.
Interestingly, while the bomber was first flown in 1952, and entered service with the Long-Range Aviation branch of the Soviet Armed Forces four years later, the Bear wasn’t actually used in combat until 2015.
Source: www.19fortyfiv...



26 сен 2024




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@gabrielfernandez145 8 месяцев назад
Did you really say, unprovoked? NATO and Ukraine literally begged for it.
@theodoretheelder6248 Год назад
It's a piece of art. The most beautiful aircraft I have ever seen.
@admiralcraddock464 13 дней назад
You obvously haven`t seen a Spitfire
@joemoore4027 Год назад
When I was in the US Navy we saw many a Bear in the Indian Ocean in the 1970's. The plane made a lot of racket, you would hear it before you saw it. It was very impressive to see one cruise by.
@doorkapatrool536 10 месяцев назад
Согласно Русскому анекдоту, если ты слышишь приблежающийся ту-95 то у тебя есть всего 4 часа что бы спрятаться в бункер
@savagemako17 Год назад
Love the aircraft, but the propaganda, "unprovoked and unwarranted" is wrong and just plane ignorant. Love the bear, one of my favorites.
@davidmeehan4486 6 месяцев назад
It's not incorrect at all. The Russian Federation's actions in Ukraine are simply criminal.
@giggling_boatswain Год назад
Part 3 (of 3). "Ukraine's fatal steps" - In December 2021, Russia sent Requests to NATO and the USA to ensure security for Russia. These were concrete proposals for a new security architecture for the whole of Europe. They were beneficial to everyone ..... except the USA. (Russia offered to fulfill the promises of the West not to expand to the east and return to the state of NATO in 1997 - before expansion). Refusals came from the US and NATO. In fact, Russia called on the West to fulfill its promise given to Gorbachev the quote: "NATO will not come an inch closer to Russian borders." The naive Gorbachev took his word for it without concluding a written agreement on this matter, and of course he was deceived. He withdrew all Russian troops from Europe and reunited both Germany, and then he was cynically deceived - there were 5 waves of NATO expansion to the east. - On December 30, 2021, a video call took place between Putin and Biden, in which Biden promised not to deploy strike offensive weapons (missiles) in Ukraine. Then it looked like someone like Sullivan, Blinken, or Nulland, I don't know, indignantly said something to Biden like "Hey Joe, I hope you didn't seriously promise Putin that?", and already at the meeting of the USA and Russia in Geneva on January 10, 2022, the USA completely forgot about this promise, which led the Russians to extreme bewilderment and ascertaining the fact of another US deception. "The flight time for conventional missiles from Kharkov (Ukraine) to Moscow will be 7 minutes,"- Putin once said on June 9, 2021. The question is closed. Russia acted not just logically, but super logically - it began the process of denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine in order to stop all threats. What would the US do in Russia's place? I think they would have bombed cities for a long time only at a hint of a threat. I draw this conclusion on the basis of all the pretexts for starting all military operations on the part of the United States over the past 60 years (and if you dig deeper, you can unearth more than one case of far-fetched US military intervention in military conflicts around the world). Ukraine has pulled together 260 thousand troops to pacify the Russian rebellious regions of Ukraine by force. How to protect Russians in these areas? - Russia thinks. There is no choice and Russia reacts - February 21, 2022 it recognizes the independence of the new states (For 8 years, Russia refused to do this despite the desperate requests of these rebellious regions. Russia fights to the end for the preservation of the borders of Ukraine, hoping for the implementation of the Minsk agreements, which preserved the integrity of Ukraine, but gave the rebellious regions the status of autonomies within Nazi Ukraine) and concludes an agreement with them on mutual security. Exactly like a blueprint, repeats the trick of the Americans with Kosovo. But there the Americans were forced invented the reason in the form of a non-existent genocide of the Serbs against the Kosovars, which in reality did not exist. The Russians repeated this trick, only the threat at this time was real - 260 thousand Ukrainian troops ready to massacre the Russians of the Donbass and Lugansk people's republics. By the way, the Russians insistently urged the Americans then not to make such a legal precedent with Kosovo - otherwise anyone could use it in future. But the Americans did not heed this Russian warning, the precedent was nevertheless created by the Americans, the Pandora's box was opened and the Russian took advantage of it twice - the situation with the recognition of Crimea and these two republics as independent, then referendums on joining Russia (there was not even a referendum in Kosovo - it was simply decided by the local parliament there. Russians made a referendum as required by law - the highest degree of democracy. Ideally.) And already in mid-April 2022, in his interview with the BBC, Zelensky said that the country had begun preparing for a clash with Russia since December 2021. Thus, we can conclude that Zelesky's curators are striving to create such conditions in Ukraine that are guaranteed to draw Russia into a military conflict. With his statement, he only confirmed what Russian politicians and experts have always said: NATO was preparing Ukraine for war with Russia. As it is already known today from the documents seized in Ukraine, Russia preempted the Ukrainian invasion of the Donbas by only 12 days, thereby avoiding numerous civilian casualties. Today we already know what awaits people only suspected of being loyal to Russia, and some simply accepted humanitarian products from Russia and were killed for it. Dozens of videos of executed civilians for this. Donbass was awaited by a sea of blood of civilians, there is no doubt. Now we know that it was these intelligence data that finally spurred Russia to launch a pre-emptive operation. In March 2022, Putin, when presenting the Hero of Russia Star to Artyom Zhoga, which his son was posthumously awarded, said the following phrase: “If there was at least one chance to solve this problem by other, peaceful means, we, of course, would use this chance. But they didn’t leave us this chance, they simply didn’t give it. There was simply no other choice." A lot of time has passed since the beginning of Russia's special military operation in Ukraine. Some observations and conclusions can be made. And there is an important point here: Russians treat Ukrainians as a single Russian people (which all historical documents irrefutably prove), as brothers sparing the civilian population, and Ukrainians consider themselves not Russians (as the Poles wanted from the 13th century, starting this project "Ukraine"), and the Russians are considered a foreign hostile nation demanding the total destruction of every single one, including babies. Hence such a different war on both sides, the attitude towards prisoners and civilians. It must be said that Ukraine was ready to accept a neutral status, as Russia insisted. There were a number of meetings between Ukraine and Russia to develop a certain document on the neutral status of Ukraine. Putin demonstrated a preliminary draft of this document at a meeting with African leaders in Moscow on June 17, 2023. This document is signed by the Ukrainian delegation. The final signing of the already prepared document between Russia and Ukraine was to take place in Istanbul on March 29, 2022. But at that time, Boris Johnson urgently flew to Kiev and delivered an ultimatum: if Ukraine concludes any agreement with Russia, then Ukraine will no longer be able to count on help west. After that, the Ukrainian delegation hastily left Istanbul without signing anything. But before that, Russia took a number of military steps of goodwill - it withdrew its troops from a large territory of Ukraine to create a favorable atmosphere for the negotiations in Istanbul
@margaretorango8444 9 месяцев назад
Where is part 2 of 3?
@margaretorango8444 9 месяцев назад
Where is part 2 of 3
@giggling_boatswain 9 месяцев назад
Google has omitted these parts further down in the comments feed in different places. I don’t know why, but they are not in order and not side by side, but very far from each other.@@margaretorango8444
@giggling_boatswain 9 месяцев назад
Part 2 (of 3). "Ukraine's fatal steps" «However, the Ukrainian authorities after the 2014 coup d'état and their Western curators for some reason forgot about it. Ukraine today is so obsessed with the idea of joining NATO that it even wrote it into its Constitution, and President Zelensky never tires of reminding Western "partners" of this Ukrainian dream of NATO at every opportunity. Thus, Kyiv violated the main rule of the document that proclaimed the independence of Ukraine. This is what creates, in our opinion, a fundamental threat to our security», Putin said. Russia economically powerfully supported the Ukrainian economy with energy benefits and direct gifts in the amount of 470 billion non-refundable dollars for all these 30 years, naively believing that the economy is the best guarantee of friendly relations. - The beginning of the creation of their own nuclear weapons under President Poroshenko. President Zelensky at the Munich Security Conference in February 2022 confirmed this intention to revise Ukraine's nuclear-free status. He was applauded by all the representatives of the collective West, and at the same moment, the ultimate goal and the role of Ukraine in it became clear to Russia. In June 2022, ex-Foreign Minister, ex-Minister of Defense of Poland, member of the European Parliament Radosław Sikorski argued that the West has the right to supply Ukraine with nuclear weapons. In early February 2023, Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany Oleksiy Makeev said that Kyiv wanted to start a discussion about Ukraine's nuclear status. - A huge number of secret bio-laboratories of the Pentagon (46) on the territory of Ukraine to create bio-weapons of selective action in relation to the Slavic race. It's right at the Russian borders. U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland said during a speech before the Senate in March 2022 that there are biological research facilities in Ukraine, Kyiv and Washington are now working to prevent materials accumulated there from falling into the hands of Russian forces. - 8 years (2014-2022) of shelling by Ukrainian troops of territories that did not recognize the Nazi coup d'état in 2014 with numerous casualties among civilians (14,000 people died). Shelling was carried out mainly on non-military infrastructure facilities, villages and cities in the hope of making life there unbearable and encouraging the local population to leave this territory. Their argument (words from a video of Ukrainian soldier in a trench) -“Is that there are no pro-Ukrainian residents there, pro-Ukrainian people have already left for Ukraine, they are separatists” (means - you can kill them. It doesn't matter that these are civilians). - What usually unites people in difficult years? That's right - a common language and faith. Today, Orthodoxy for the West is the basis of Russianness. Therefore, it must be destroyed. Therefore, in order to destroy unity, it is necessary to destroy the common Orthodox faith. How to do it? Let me say a few words from history. Attempt to split the Russian Church in Ukraine is not the first- the Union of Brest in 1596 replaced Orthodoxy with Catholicism for Western Ukrainians through the efforts of the Poles. The second attempt to create their own church was made by Ukrainian nationalists in 1917. The weakening of the church played into the hands of the communists - they were atheists. This was a serious mistake of the short-sighted communists. The church and society were also split. And in 1920, the split of the church was partially successful - the Ukrainian church received autocephaly. After all, this is possible only in one case - there, the nationalist-minded Ukrainian church authorities do not, in the depths of their souls, consider themselves to be a single Russian church and are constantly trying to separate, there is no other explanation. Thus, they are the conductors of the Polish narrative - Ukrainians are not Russians. That's how deep Polish metastases have penetrated. In 2018, President Poroshenko created a schismatic church in Ukraine that supports nationalism and war. To help him, the United States and Canada sent their priests to begin this process of schism. Their personalities are very interesting from the point of view of Ukrainian nationalism - they are the best for this. But their plans are more grandiose - get rid of the remnants of the Russian Orthodox Church (destroy the Russian world), they consider the new schismatic Ukrainian church as an organization that largely influences the huge masses of people in Ukraine, the right people are already everywhere and are firmly connected with the special services USA, Canada and UK. Ukrainian propaganda says today that the Orthodox priests of Ukraine - are Moscow priests (this is a direct quote). Although most of the priests were born and raised in Ukraine and speak Ukrainian. And today we see the expulsion of Orthodox priests from churches, criminal cases for Russian books, accusations of spying for Russia, the seizure of churches. This is happening right now, before our very eyes. The people are not blind, they see it all and understand what is happening. Why did I pay so much attention to this? Russians have great respect for their church and it is a veeery, veeery important part of their national code. All these steps, fatal for Ukraine, were made under the influence of Western countries and led to war. Russia made all diplomatic overtures to prevent such a development of events. Minsk agreements - These are concrete steps to resolve the conflict between the rebellious regions and the new Nazi authorities. The Minsk agreements were invented by Russia and they leave the rebel regions within the borders of Ukraine (Russia especially insisted on this !!!). Russia for more than 8 years - since 2014 - did not recognize the independence of the republics of Donbass and counted on a peaceful resolution of the conflict with Ukraine within the framework of the Minsk agreements that leave Donbass as part of Ukraine. That is, Russia fought to the end for the preservation of Ukraine within its borders. Ukraine completely ignored these agreements, the guarantors of which were Germany and France, By relying on a forceful solution to the problem (by destroying the Russians in the Donbass - these are the historical lands of the Russian empire until 1922, which Ukraine did not return to Russia after leaving the USSR in 1991). For all 8 years, the Guarantors did not demand the fulfillment of the Minsk agreements from Kyiv. Later it became clear why: in December 2022, former German Chancellor Angela Merkel admitted: «the Minsk agreements were an attempt to give Kyiv time to strengthen» - she said in an interview with the Die Zeit newspaper. In this way from the very beginning, no one was going to perform them. Ukraine needed time to pump up Western weapons against the Donbass. The Minsk agreements gave them that time. In November 2022, Russian pranksters on behalf of the former US Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul called the former President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, who signed the Minsk agreements. Poroshenko, thinking he was talking to an American, said that he "needed these agreements" in order to "get at least 4.5 years" to "form the Ukrainian armed forces, build the Ukrainian economy and train the Ukrainian military along with NATO to create the best army in Eastern Europe”. (Video of this conversation is available online). He got almost twice as much time as he expected - as much as 8 years to strengthen. Russia has been deceived again. Putin was discouraged by this admission. He sincerely believed Angela Merkel in the issue of supporting the peaceful resolution of the conflict following the Minsk agreements. In an interview in December 2022 , he was asked to comment on Angela Merkel's confession. It was evident how he was discouraged by Merkel's recognition of the sabotage of the Minsk agreements by Germany and France from the very first minutes after the signing, his purely human emotions are clearly visible at the same time - confusion by this betrayal. He couldn't expect that from someone he truly believed. Then he slowly said that the decision to launch a special military operation was correct in the light of the newly discovered circumstances (from Frau Merkel). “The Minsk agreements of 2014-2015 gave Ukraine time to strengthen the country’s armed forces. Yes, Angela Merkel is right. The Minsk agreements stopped the Russian offensive for a while. Ukraine “strengthened its military position”, the country’s army has become better trained and equipped compared to 2014. It is the merit of the Minsk agreements that the Ukrainian army got such an opportunity, "- said on December 30, 2022 in an interview with The Kiev Independent, the former French President Francois Hollande (he held this position from 2012 to 2017) and is one of the signatories of the Minsk agreements. They all lied to Russia, no one was going to peacefully resolve this conflict from the very beginning at the signing.@@margaretorango8444
@kevinwilson8039 Год назад
“The soviets lack capability to refuel their bombers on flight” Cut to view of Bomber refuelling in flight 🤷🏼‍♂️
@mihajlovucinic011 Год назад
this video is a big lol
@lemsolaris67 Год назад
In fact the reason for turbo propeller was that even refueling the jet they could not reach US and comeback, so they opted for turbo propeller , and sent to Siberia the engineers that failed to give required mileage with jet engine
@einundsiebenziger5488 Год назад
the narration says "lacked*" (in the early fifties when the plane was developed and put in service).
@ВладимирШемякин-х4к 9 месяцев назад
@@lemsolaris67 Враки.
@redbision6707 2 месяца назад
So many times they chased my carrier USS Ranger CV-61 during the Cold War days over the Indian Ocean. When they got close two tomcats was right there!
@seanbaskett5506 Год назад
I've always wanted to hear one of these fly over in real life. As long as it's not flying over my house, that is
@chapiit08 11 месяцев назад
That characteristic Russian light green interior, as found inside armored vehicles, underground facilities and control rooms.
@pardeeplace4480 6 месяцев назад
Soviet designers found green to be the most soothing color
@altaroux1415 Год назад
I wonder if nato meant is as a compliment or an insult when they dubbed the TU-95 The Bear. It sure does not resemble a bear when you look at it in motion but they were right! It is steadfast, strong, does not hesitate, keep going, dedicated as a bear protecting her young and has devastating 'claws.' And those propellers make my heart miss a beat or 2. By far my favourite bomber. The TU-160 is a sleek beauty but The Bear is Thé Bear. Keep this smart old lady right where she is at her best and happiest. Admiration, respect and love from South Africa. 🇿🇦🇷🇺
@giggling_boatswain Год назад
Part 1 (of 3). "Ukraine's fatal steps" As has been noted more than once, different generations of Russophobes in different countries of Europe, the USA and Canada worked on the project “Ukraine as anti-Russia”. In general, they have achieved certain and even significant success. It is worth noting that such sentiments have been present in Ukraine since the 90s. Ideologically, this country began to disintegrate itself from that period. It is noteworthy that "the more it plunges into chaos, the greater the threat it poses to the citizens of Russia," and today's events are just an example. In turn, we will begin the chronology of the Nazisification of crimes in Ukraine with the events on the Maidan in 2014. It was then that the nationalists perverted by the West forcibly imposed their bloody ideology on society. Radical extremists from the Right Sector, UNA-UNSO, UPA, as well as from relatively moderate parties - Udar and Batkivshchyna - took part in the riots in the center of Kyiv. These same demoniacs later formed the aggressive asset of the neo-Nazi military formations, calling themselves volunteers. As a result of the coup d'état, the population of Ukraine was divided into two categories - privileged patriots and pro-Russian separatists. Even then, the "patriots" were given the right to humiliate and later kill their opponents with impunity. Russia took every conceivable step to avoid war, but was left with no choice. Ukraine made a number of fatal mistakes and got a war. - brought to power the nationalists / Nazis as a result of the coup d'état in 2014 with the support of the United States. The cost was announced by Victoria Nuland - "We invested $ 5 billion in the revolution on the Maidan." John McCain on the same stage with the Ukrainian Nazis in front of the crowd in Kyiv 2014 and so on. And here is a photo of Biden shaking hands with Ukrainian fascist Oleg Tyagnibok. The attitude of Russians towards the Nazis is special. It is not the same as in the USA or in Europe. 27 million dead Soviet citizens. Each family lost many relatives, each Russian family. Russians have a genetic hatred for Nazism. The US made a big mistake by betting on the cultivation of Nazism heavily mixed with Ukrainian nationalism in Ukraine as a cheap way to fight Russia. They are useful idiots (their ideological motivation is- they are ready to fight Russia for free). But it was a guaranteed way to drag Russia into a military conflict. Why not? - thought in the United States and the tangible development of Nazism in Ukraine began rapidly roughly since 1995, first painted as patroitism, after it grew into a violent Ukrainization of everyone. The approximate logical chain of the United States was as follows - It is extremely problematic to defeat Russia by military means (Russia's answer, the damage may be unacceptable in terms of the degree of destruction and casualties in the United States and Europe), which means that Russia must be destroyed from the inside with the hands of its own opposition. How to do this if Russia took into account the experience of all the color revolutions in neighboring countries on regime change and cut off the flow of funding for foreign agents within the country? Let's drag Russia into the war, accuse it as an instigator, impose sanctions unprecedented in the world on the aggressor, and since the Russian economy is breathing its last, it will collapse, the standard of living in Russia will plummet, which will cause a wave of discontent within Russia and voila - the people will overthrow Putin. The goal has been reached. We will put Yeltsin 2.0 in power and Russia will again be obedient and impoverished, and you can still split it into several mini-states. What is the ultimate goal of the West? Change of power, fragmentation of Russia into small states and control over them, free access to their resources. So almost it was under Yeltsin. Since the US consumes more than it produces, it is very important to get the cheapest possible resources from different countries. This is what ensures a comfortable standard of living within the United States. And for this, you can overthrow disloyal governments and install loyal ones there and get cheap resources from these countries. This is how this one has been working for the last 70 years. Listen to Bill Clinton's Report at the Secret Meeting of the Joint Chiefs of Staff - October 24, 1995 on how the US plundered Russia's resources in the 90s. Putin stopped the plunder of Russia and again restored the geopolitical rival of the United States in the form of a strengthened Russia with a different point of view on the world order (more just, multipolar), and the United States will never forgive him for this. 2014 was the peak of the already formed Nazism in Ukraine. The transformation of Ukraine into a Nazi state began back in 1991 after leaving the USSR on the ideas of Ukrainian nationalists Dontsov and Bandera - as a result, we get Ukrainian Nazism with the veneration of Hitler and his Ukrainian henchmen. The Ukrainian authorities named many streets after them and declared them heroes of Ukraine. Compared to Dontsov's ideas, Hitler's racial politics is a children's bedtime story. Building the purest state of one race is its highest goal. Everyone is divided into masters and slaves - Ukrainians, by the will of the Lord, are masters. “Russia will never allow such a state to be built, therefore, this Asian-Muscovite state (Russia) must first be destroyed”- writes Dontsov. His words are repeated by all modern Ukrainian leaders. Bandera developed Dontsov's theory further. Hence the pathological forced Ukrainization of everyone, because Following the Ideology of Stepan Bandera, whose fans came to power in 2014, Ukrainian nationalists need a single, pure mononation (which is bullshit, of course). - prohibition of the Russian language (аs of 2014, statistics showed that 38% of the population consider it their native language, and 65% of Ukrainians speak it in everyday life) - in 2021, a law was passed declaring that Russians living in Ukraine no longer fall under the concept of "indigenous people". But any historian can easily prove that those who call themselves Ukrainians are historically Russian. All this - is the oppression of the Russians. - perversion of joint history beyond recognition in an anti-Russian context and the teaching of this nonsense in Ukrainian schools. The result is a many anti-Russian population. - Forced Ukrainization of the inhabitants. The inhabitants of Ukraine are not homogeneous, and political elections for the period 1991-2021 show that exactly half of Ukrainians gravitate towards Russia. Pro-Russian candidates and parties are guaranteed to have +/- 50% of the votes in all of Ukraine. But in result of the coup d'etat, people came to power with the ideology of Western Ukraine, which for 700 years was under the yoke of Poland and was brought up by the Poles in a fierce hatred of everything Russian. The new authorities are breaking through the knee people from central and eastern Ukraine who, to put it mildly, do not agree with the ideology of the nationalists who came to power through an armed coup. These regions took up arms to defend the Russian world. It is important to note here that the Russian communists Lenin and Stalin pursued an aggressive policy of Ukrainization of the Russian population of the Black Sea region for their own purposes (other than the goals of the Poles and Austro-Hungarians). Lenin saw 8 reasons for the need to make of the Russians of the Black Sea region a nation that had never existed before - the Ukrainians. His Plan was really good politically and gave the Russian communists a significant trump card on the international plane. He spoke about this even before the Russian Revolution of 1917. Therefore, the USSR pursued an aggressive policy of Ukrainization of the Russian population in the Black Sea region for almost all the years of the existence of the USSR. - Ukraine, when leaving the USSR in 1991, did not return Russian lands to Russia, which received this land for free from Russian communists in 1922, together with the Russian population, when it became part of the USSR. This is a huge area. Before joining the USSR in 1922, Ukraine was three small, impoverished, exclusively agrarian regions. These three regions make up only 1/3 of modern Ukraine, the rest 2/3 is the land of the Russian empire. With what she came to the USSR, she must leave with that. But the Russians looked at it loyally (historically a single people, and all that, the strongest kindred mixture of people over the centuries of living together in a single country, and so on) until a threat to Russia began to emanate from this territory. - the actual development of the Ukrainian territory by NATO forces without the formal entry of Ukraine into NATO. Here, let me give you a little historical background: Ukraine left the USSR in 1991. And already on March 10, 1992, Ukraine joined the North Atlantic Cooperation Council. Already in 1994, she was the first to join the Partnership for Peace program, which made it possible for NATO servicemen to participate in regular joint exercises on the territory of Ukraine since 1995. Ukraine wants to join NATO so much that it was even written into the constitution under President Poroshenko as the goal of goals for Ukraine. Russia would be quite satisfied with a neutral Ukraine (don’t even need to be loyal, just neutral). In June 2023, Vladimir Putin recalled that this country became independent after the declaration of independence was signed. This document says in black and white that Ukraine is a neutral state.
@robertcamble3543 12 дней назад
The passenger version is among the most beautiful passenger planes ever built with propellers .
@Sunark Год назад
People say that the aircraft is old and obsolete but for some reason I find it quite menacing even today.
@per-cq5nk Год назад
I repeat: the Tu-95MS flew for the first time in 1979, in the city of Taganrog. Serial production of this aircraft since 1981. End of the production in the middle of the 90s. It is a Tu-142MK, modified for the Russian long range aviation. (The last B-52H is in 1962).
@lexburen5932 Год назад
@@per-cq5nk no the TU95MS is a modernized normal TU95
@per-cq5nk Год назад
No, the Tu-95MS derives from the Tu-142M converted to variant "Tu-95M-55": first flight 31 july 1978. The second prototype of this "Tu-95M-55" (a modified Tu-142 for long range cruise missiles) became the first Tu-95MS: first flight in september 1979, first mass production in Taganrog.
@tylerdurden4006 Год назад
Speaking of old, the american b 52 was first designed in 1952 and production started not long after.
@madzen112 Год назад
It's definitely an iconic aircraft
@al-azimahmed1188 Год назад
Still an awesome and bad ass aircraft, and still capable. Yes they are old and noisy but we forget we are still using alot of old military tech in western armies
@AndeyKurniawan Год назад
first sentance is a turn off. unprovoked .. where were you when neuland started to intefere with the elections and the subsequent conflict?
@pimpompoom93726 Год назад
They have to add their required smidgen of Western propaganda, no matter-the rest of the video was informative.
@PopulismIsForBottomFeeders Год назад
Russia's been meddling in Ukrainian affairs since the Russia's previous collapse in '91. Ukraine's only 'provocation' (and you have to be simple/Russian to think it was a provocation) was telling Russia they weren't going to let them interfere with Ukraine anymore, so Russia invaded and got most of it's antique army and cosplay soldiers killed. Serves themselves right.
@einundsiebenziger5488 Год назад
... sentence*. "Neuland" is a Russian invention, it never was an actual state. And even if Ukraine interfered in any election, there is still no need to invade it and murder civilians who had absolutely nothing to do with this.
@frenchsteam7356 Год назад
The Maritime Bears are Tu142MR Bear J.I believe the 95s based at Engels were attacked recently by Ukraine and the Bears are being used to fire missiles at Ukraine from a "Standoff" position
@zloymyx2486 Год назад
I think everyone understands who provided Ukraine with intelligence information and assistance for the attack on the air base in Engels. And this airbase is an element of strategic nuclear parity. Rest assured that in Russia this was taken seriously. For starters, Russia closed access to its nuclear facilities. Now denounces treaties.
@colinstewart1432 9 месяцев назад
Russias incursion was provoked. By1. The Western-inspired coup in 2014 and 2. The shelling of civilians in Donetsk and Lugansk. 3. The public announcement of prospective NATO membership at the Munich Security Conference. 4. The deliberate flouting of any pretence of adhering to the Minsk Accords. There's more but I think I've made my point.
@RostislavBycek 20 дней назад
technicaly ist superbv macinery
@per-cq5nk Год назад
I don't know what you mean by "old", but when the Tu-95MS was put in serial production (1981), the Tu-95 had already been out of production for years. The Tu-95MS is a modified Tu-142MK.
@TP-ie3hj Год назад
People see props and think old, no Idea these were built late 80s early 90s. He hints around it, but only 5min in after dogging it for being old. The last B52 was built in 1962! Then again the "unwarranted and unprovoked invasion" by Russia leaves out the who 8 years of conflict in the Donbass so not really worried about being neutral or accurate.
@per-cq5nk Год назад
@@TP-ie3hj The history of the Western Europe has separated it from Eastern Europe, but I personally hope that one day we will be one great Union. Unfortunately journalists are poor and earn nothing and therefore they are the servants of those who pay them. Unfortunately, true journalism no longer exists in Italy, for at least 30 years. Now in Italy it seems that there is no war in Europe.
@silveriorebelo2920 Год назад
@@TP-ie3hj the guy is a sad anti-Russian propagandist, and not a smart one bw...
@1999glock Год назад
Essentially a turbo prop B-52. Awesome and beautiful plane.
@paulstefanovich5217 10 месяцев назад
@tedbohne-ij4zf Год назад
the oldest B-52 is 70 years the few left are receiving Rolls Royce engines, glass panels, new radios etc.....
@jamesschenk Год назад
It's one of the noisiest aircraft on earth the tips of those counter rotating propellers make there own sonic booms that why there so noisie can you imagine hearing that noise inside the plane it would be deafening
@pimpompoom93726 Год назад
Tu-95MS upgrade includes new engines and props, noise and vibration have been significantly reduced.
Россия - Лучшая !
@mohmoudfarah1897 Год назад
I wonder if it could take off with only two engines and perhaps, land with one engine.
@thomasjhenniganw Год назад
This channel is pure propaganda, Once I heard talks about Russia's "unprovoked" attack on Ukraine, I quit.
@einundsiebenziger5488 Год назад
It was unprovoked! Russia had absolutely no reason to invade Ukraine. Ukraine is a corrupt and mismanaged state, yet did absolutely not deserve to be attacked. So, no propaganda in this regard!
@ashokadew2091 Год назад
I do believe It just a vintage model, the engine must be new..
@jaytc3218 4 месяца назад
"The too. 95 might just be Russia's version of the bee. 52 bomber." 🤦‍♂ I can't f***ing stand that synthetic text-to-speech narration. Practically all of these so-called "military" channels that review military hardware like aircraft, tanks, ships, etc. use that synthetic speech garbage.
@Mike_Alastor Год назад
phh..unprovoked blah blah blah..
@jodylowe8476 6 месяцев назад
FUnny all the comparisons to the b52. This thing would not get within 1000 miles of the US.
@robshepherd3782 7 месяцев назад
It was not unprovoked.
@rogerbichanicz9420 Год назад
It would be shot down if it ventured into Ukrainian airspace.Used to hear one going to Coventry,civilian of course.Sounds like doodle bug from WW2.The Texan trainer also has blades that break the sound barrier.Spookey sound.
@zloymyx2486 Год назад
He doesn't need to go there. This aircraft has not been used as a bomber for a long time. This is the carrier of cruise and supersonic missiles, the range of which allows him to be completely safe.
@pimpompoom93726 Год назад
@@zloymyx2486 10 Tu-95's participated in recent cruise missile attacks against Ukraine with devastating results, as you noted it doesn't need to venture close to Ukrainian airspace.
@giggling_boatswain Год назад
Part 2 (of 3). "Ukraine's fatal steps" «However, the Ukrainian authorities after the 2014 coup d'état and their Western curators for some reason forgot about it. Ukraine today is so obsessed with the idea of joining NATO that it even wrote it into its Constitution, and President Zelensky never tires of reminding Western "partners" of this Ukrainian dream of NATO at every opportunity. Thus, Kyiv violated the main rule of the document that proclaimed the independence of Ukraine. This is what creates, in our opinion, a fundamental threat to our security», Putin said. Russia economically powerfully supported the Ukrainian economy with energy benefits and direct gifts in the amount of 470 billion non-refundable dollars for all these 30 years, naively believing that the economy is the best guarantee of friendly relations. - The beginning of the creation of their own nuclear weapons under President Poroshenko. President Zelensky at the Munich Security Conference in February 2022 confirmed this intention to revise Ukraine's nuclear-free status. He was applauded by all the representatives of the collective West, and at the same moment, the ultimate goal and the role of Ukraine in it became clear to Russia. In June 2022, ex-Foreign Minister, ex-Minister of Defense of Poland, member of the European Parliament Radosław Sikorski argued that the West has the right to supply Ukraine with nuclear weapons. In early February 2023, Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany Oleksiy Makeev said that Kyiv wanted to start a discussion about Ukraine's nuclear status. - A huge number of secret bio-laboratories of the Pentagon (46) on the territory of Ukraine to create bio-weapons of selective action in relation to the Slavic race. It's right at the Russian borders. U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland said during a speech before the Senate in March 2022 that there are biological research facilities in Ukraine, Kyiv and Washington are now working to prevent materials accumulated there from falling into the hands of Russian forces. - 8 years (2014-2022) of shelling by Ukrainian troops of territories that did not recognize the Nazi coup d'état in 2014 with numerous casualties among civilians (14,000 people died). Shelling was carried out mainly on non-military infrastructure facilities, villages and cities in the hope of making life there unbearable and encouraging the local population to leave this territory. Their argument (words from a video of Ukrainian soldier in a trench) -“Is that there are no pro-Ukrainian residents there, pro-Ukrainian people have already left for Ukraine, they are separatists” (means - you can kill them. It doesn't matter that these are civilians). - What usually unites people in difficult years? That's right - a common language and faith. Today, Orthodoxy for the West is the basis of Russianness. Therefore, it must be destroyed. Therefore, in order to destroy unity, it is necessary to destroy the common Orthodox faith. How to do it? Let me say a few words from history. Attempt to split the Russian Church in Ukraine is not the first- the Union of Brest in 1596 replaced Orthodoxy with Catholicism for Western Ukrainians through the efforts of the Poles. The second attempt to create their own church was made by Ukrainian nationalists in 1917. The weakening of the church played into the hands of the communists - they were atheists. This was a serious mistake of the short-sighted communists. The church and society were also split. And in 1920, the split of the church was partially successful - the Ukrainian church received autocephaly. After all, this is possible only in one case - there, the nationalist-minded Ukrainian church authorities do not, in the depths of their souls, consider themselves to be a single Russian church and are constantly trying to separate, there is no other explanation. Thus, they are the conductors of the Polish narrative - Ukrainians are not Russians. That's how deep Polish metastases have penetrated. In 2018, President Poroshenko created a schismatic church in Ukraine that supports nationalism and war. To help him, the United States and Canada sent their priests to begin this process of schism. Their personalities are very interesting from the point of view of Ukrainian nationalism - they are the best for this. But their plans are more grandiose - get rid of the remnants of the Russian Orthodox Church (destroy the Russian world), they consider the new schismatic Ukrainian church as an organization that largely influences the huge masses of people in Ukraine, the right people are already everywhere and are firmly connected with the special services USA, Canada and UK. Ukrainian propaganda says today that the Orthodox priests of Ukraine - are Moscow priests (this is a direct quote). Although most of the priests were born and raised in Ukraine and speak Ukrainian. And today we see the expulsion of Orthodox priests from churches, criminal cases for Russian books, accusations of spying for Russia, the seizure of churches. This is happening right now, before our very eyes. The people are not blind, they see it all and understand what is happening. Why did I pay so much attention to this? Russians have great respect for their church and it is a veeery, veeery important part of their national code. All these steps, fatal for Ukraine, were made under the influence of Western countries and led to war. Russia made all diplomatic overtures to prevent such a development of events. Minsk agreements - These are concrete steps to resolve the conflict between the rebellious regions and the new Nazi authorities. The Minsk agreements were invented by Russia and they leave the rebel regions within the borders of Ukraine (Russia especially insisted on this !!!). Russia for more than 8 years - since 2014 - did not recognize the independence of the republics of Donbass and counted on a peaceful resolution of the conflict with Ukraine within the framework of the Minsk agreements that leave Donbass as part of Ukraine. That is, Russia fought to the end for the preservation of Ukraine within its borders. Ukraine completely ignored these agreements, the guarantors of which were Germany and France, By relying on a forceful solution to the problem (by destroying the Russians in the Donbass - these are the historical lands of the Russian empire until 1922, which Ukraine did not return to Russia after leaving the USSR in 1991). For all 8 years, the Guarantors did not demand the fulfillment of the Minsk agreements from Kyiv. Later it became clear why: in December 2022, former German Chancellor Angela Merkel admitted: «the Minsk agreements were an attempt to give Kyiv time to strengthen» - she said in an interview with the Die Zeit newspaper. In this way from the very beginning, no one was going to perform them. Ukraine needed time to pump up Western weapons against the Donbass. The Minsk agreements gave them that time. In November 2022, Russian pranksters on behalf of the former US Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul called the former President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, who signed the Minsk agreements. Poroshenko, thinking he was talking to an American, said that he "needed these agreements" in order to "get at least 4.5 years" to "form the Ukrainian armed forces, build the Ukrainian economy and train the Ukrainian military along with NATO to create the best army in Eastern Europe”. (Video of this conversation is available online). He got almost twice as much time as he expected - as much as 8 years to strengthen. Russia has been deceived again. Putin was discouraged by this admission. He sincerely believed Angela Merkel in the issue of supporting the peaceful resolution of the conflict following the Minsk agreements. In an interview in December 2022 , he was asked to comment on Angela Merkel's confession. It was evident how he was discouraged by Merkel's recognition of the sabotage of the Minsk agreements by Germany and France from the very first minutes after the signing, his purely human emotions are clearly visible at the same time - confusion by this betrayal. He couldn't expect that from someone he truly believed. Then he slowly said that the decision to launch a special military operation was correct in the light of the newly discovered circumstances (from Frau Merkel). “The Minsk agreements of 2014-2015 gave Ukraine time to strengthen the country’s armed forces. Yes, Angela Merkel is right. The Minsk agreements stopped the Russian offensive for a while. Ukraine “strengthened its military position”, the country’s army has become better trained and equipped compared to 2014. It is the merit of the Minsk agreements that the Ukrainian army got such an opportunity, "- said on December 30, 2022 in an interview with The Kiev Independent, the former French President Francois Hollande (he held this position from 2012 to 2017) and is one of the signatories of the Minsk agreements. They all lied to Russia, no one was going to peacefully resolve this conflict from the very beginning at the signing.
@RostislavBycek 20 дней назад
10 llitre of petroley per secubde
@einundsiebenziger5488 Год назад
The administrator of this channel should clean up the comment section. There are a shitload of Russian propaganda trolls and a few more comments just containing random gibberish.
@paulstefanovich5217 10 месяцев назад
Lot of Bullshitten Yanks too
@brianhammer5107 Год назад
the Bear would have a short, exciting life against NATO air power
@MegaVero23 Год назад
Lost me at unprovoked..
@PopulismIsForBottomFeeders Год назад
Bye bye rando vatnikian.
@jamesschenk Год назад
There is no way a tu95 cold go hypersonic it's a subsonic aircraft but it is still an awsome bomber
@pimpompoom93726 Год назад
But it carries hypersonic missiles, so it doesn't need to be hypersonic itself.
@getout2441 Год назад
Unprovoked b.s.
@LCMNUNES1962 Год назад
@ivanborsuk1110 Год назад
@PopulismIsForBottomFeeders Год назад
Ukraine: "We want to move away from Russian meddling in our affairs". Russia: "wHy YoU dO tHe PrOvOkE 2 Us?!?!?!?!"
эта ретротехника еще летает??? или это показывают последний полет.
@doorkapatrool536 10 месяцев назад
Регулярно летает, не 160ми же украину бомбить
@cydricdivine3499 Год назад
Wait is tu 95 is different from tu 142
@zloymyx2486 Год назад
Tu-95MC - missile carrier. Tu-142 - anti-submarine aircraft.
@seeklarose5045 2 года назад
Love 💕 no war
@RostislavBycek 20 дней назад
tu 95 ist ltelary maerican b29 bit modern
@mukainoda9453 Год назад
So it can non stop fly NYC to Sydney 😲
@RostislavBycek 20 дней назад
je stare ale stíle umí kousat, šelma .
@nadjajukova55 Год назад
Красавиц - самолет!!!
@RostislavBycek 20 дней назад
Ukraino drž se!
@fredferd965 10 месяцев назад
There's a lot of Boeing in that aircraft - the design was influenced by the B-29 bombers the russians took apart at the end of WWII. The B-29 gave them a lot of their bomber technology. For example, look at the rear gunner's position, and then compare that to the one on the B-29.
@ВладимирШемякин-х4к 9 месяцев назад
И всё?
@jameswaters3939 Год назад
War and guns are ... 'going away'.
@mikeaze423 Год назад
You actually believe what you are saying?
@jameswaters3939 Год назад
@@mikeaze423 Of course. The internet makes war and guns embarrassing and without honor. They are now, just stupid.
@mikeaze423 Год назад
@@jameswaters3939 how does the internet make war and guns embarrassing?
@jameswaters3939 Год назад
@@mikeaze423 Humanity becomes too smart to be stupid and use of firearms is stupid. Sorry - guns are lousy at defense and not a good use of one's time. Target shooting is not a sport. We now have a thing called "grocery stores", so hunting for food is no longer needed. Therefore, they go away.
@davidbell1619 Год назад
Wishful thinking of a fool. Have greedy corrupt politicians gone away? I think not.
@a.p.guaschino Год назад
The two..................................................................................................... Ninety five.
@jeffreyrichardson Год назад
hope and i sit down over head door wedding gown john taberskis frown
@timbow614 Год назад
These dinosaurs would not stand a chance against Ukrainian air defenses. The Russian military leadership also knows this and therefore does not allow these aircraft to fly missions in Ukraine.
@per-cq5nk Год назад
Yes and "I am Sheena: Queen of the Jungle".
@ilisapecikaitavu1469 Год назад
Wishful thinking
@NCSiebertdesign Год назад
It doesn't need to be in Ukraine when it can carry cruise missiles.
@danielene7904 Год назад
Yet they have been used to launch rockets against ukraine several times from great altitudes
@mihajlovucinic011 Год назад
these are heavily used and no way Ukraine will be able to reach any of them as they fire missiles from a long way back.
@jeffreyrichardson Год назад
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@jeffreyrichardson Год назад
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@jeffreyrichardson Год назад
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@IqbalKhan-ei7tt Год назад
Russian have best Bomber aircraft in World
@timbow614 Год назад
However, the aircraft type shown here is definitely not one of them. So it can only be vaporware.
@einundsiebenziger5488 Год назад
Russians* have ...
@franciscosandre8613 2 года назад
Tupolev TU 95 code name BEAR Counter rotary Turbo prop strategic long range nuclear bomber .
@theogangryscotsman7607 Год назад
Super advanced orc prop planes
@doorkapatrool536 10 месяцев назад
Суперсовременные ту-160, которые украина сдала в чермет за зелëные фантики
@nerinacaytuna8500 Год назад
Russia must upgrade those bombers by replacing their engines with hypersonic jet engines and modify their fuselage and entire body parts with materials with maximum strength to make them withstand hypersonic flights.
@steven8417 Год назад
Okay.. I think you've huffed a bit too much jet fuel lately 😂😂😂
@lexburen5932 Год назад
TU160 and Tu22M3M can fly super sonic. TU95 dont need to fly hypersonic. MIG 31BM can fly 3100 km/h
@nerinacaytuna8500 Год назад
@@lexburen5932 flying at hypersonic speeds is better than at subsonic or supersonic speeds because conventional detection and ground-to-air anti-aircraft systems have not been "configured" against hypersonic aircraft. As such, there has been greater probability of penetrating and surviving against enemy defenses if hypersonic weapons and aircraft are used.
@pimpompoom93726 Год назад
@@nerinacaytuna8500 Putting powerful jet engines on the Tu-95 is pointless, the structure could not sustain supersonic speeds. And Russia just upgraded 40 of these to the Tu-95MS standard which gave them new, more efficient and powerful turboprop engines along with new a propeller design which reduced vibration and noise significantly. They'll be flying these probably until 2040-2045.
@nerinacaytuna8500 Год назад
@@pimpompoom93726 that was why I said that there must be modifications to the fuselage and all other parts of the airplanes/fighters-bombers to maximize their strength and make them fit for hypersonic flights. Confer my comments about it.
@tominoski2581 Год назад
Aww that’s cute. The b-52 can carry over double the amount of the bear.
@kevinwilson8039 Год назад
That’s cute the TU-160 can carry 20,000 lbs more than the b-52….and it can do it at Mach 2 So what’s your point?
@doorkapatrool536 10 месяцев назад
B52 может нести бомбовую нагрузку вдвое больше, не зря его называют грузовик для бомб. Но бомбы, даже управляемые, в современной войне не с заводчиками верблюдов неэффективны Ту-95 может нести на 2 ракеты больше, что довольно важно
@robertwaim6376 11 месяцев назад
Blame USA and NATO aggression and greed to destroy Russia with eastward NATO expansion for the war.
@APerson-ni1gb Год назад
It’s got a big Lip
@harpreetsinghsingh4361 Год назад
How Soviet pure technology ahead that time
@yellowboot6629 Год назад
Tu-142 Navy is better...🤣🤣🤣... Thanks
@wbduckman Год назад
This is STILL a Bad Ass Bomber!
@aussienscale Год назад
Don't need radar to detect if they are coming to attack, you can hear them coming 😆
@zloymyx2486 Год назад
He will not approach you. These aircraft have not been used as bombers for half a century, they are all converted as carriers of long-range missiles.
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