
Sabbath Breakers (July 13-19, 2024, Q3 L3)v2 

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Commentary of "Controversies" (July 6-12, 2024, Q3 L2)
Weekly Sabbath School Lesson Commentary and Adventist Fact Check with Colleen Tinker
This weekly feature is dedicated to Adventists who are looking for biblical insights into the topics discussed in the Sabbath School lesson quarterly. We post videos and articles which address each lesson as presented in the Sabbath School Bible Study Guide, including biblical commentary on them. We hope you find this material helpful and that you will come to know Jesus and His revelation of Himself in His word in profound biblical ways.
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@jimliley8850 2 месяца назад
Here is a companion article that compliments this video. blog.lifeassuranceministries.org/2024/07/11/july-13-19-2024/
@dallyjacobson2146 2 месяца назад
Jesus was not only Lord, but Creator of all things. Everything is His Story. We need to see Him in Everything.
@stephencoe2231 2 месяца назад
Bravo and the ending perfectly said. He is our sabbaths rest.
@RandomTChance 2 месяца назад
Hello All 🕊️ I'm dealing with the aftermath of hurricane Beryl. Pray for Houston and Texas as we recover. 80% of the gas supply was affected and power returns slowly only to have the stations run dry from demand. It's getting better but life is hard for many. I have power after two days but many will not until the weekend. Blessings 🙏
@ColleenTinker 2 месяца назад
@RandomTChance, I'm praying now! I am so sorry...that the Lord will provide and restore and be your strength.
@user-fe5yr8ow7c 2 месяца назад
@tasiaflynn3549 2 месяца назад
Amen glory to God in the highest and peace on earth praise God Almighty for ever Amen 🕊🙏🕊🤍🙏🤍💙🙏❤️
@user-fe5yr8ow7c 2 месяца назад
Me,lam anew covenant true believer. Salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus christ, who paid the penalty for my sins once for all. I will be in HIS kingdom by HIS grace through faith in his shed blood , atonement, once forever.
@preacherjoegros1092 2 месяца назад
There's far more than Adventist who, in their pride, desire to share in their Justification, their just standing before God! CERTAINLY all their works done in the Body will be burned up like "wood, hay & stubble"! My worry is that their pride may be so great that they're not even in the Body and may be told "I never knew you". 😢
@jesus_our_priestking 2 месяца назад
The ones who put together the lesson studies are well aware of the details that they import which does not come from the scriptures but are from the writings of EGW.
@swordthroughsoul 2 месяца назад
"Adventists insist that the wine that was created out of water was grape juice" ... absolutely insane ... when i didn't think this religion could get any more absurd. Thank you Colleen. Keep exposing this ridiculous sect
@TheFaithofJesus-bk4wl 2 месяца назад
So, what you're saying is that if there had been a recovering alcoholic at the wedding feast, that Jesus turning the water into fermented wine would have turned him right back into an alcoholic? Hmmm, interesting, sorry but Jesus wouldn't have done something that would have caused someone to fall into sin or back into sin.
@damirsavka836 2 месяца назад
When Jesus at the lord supper shared and ate "unleavened" bread in order to be pure. Which represent his body. Don't you think the wine would be also "unfermeted". To represent his blood also being pure and not diffiled by fermenting. So why then make you think impossible Jesus as being pure would make wine which causes drunkeness? Think please think!
@TheFaithofJesus-bk4wl 2 месяца назад
@@damirsavka836 Amen!
@omayra2009 2 месяца назад
Amen. Thank you God
@aosigal8704 2 месяца назад
Sabbath never as worship day but for rest day. Worship GOD on daily basis, Holy Bible through the Jews Priest shown two times (erev boker) whorship. If you wish, you could take that example.
@Adrian_Mason Месяц назад
Yes I heard the "lesser to greater" last night and I immediately said it sounded more like 'greater to lesser'. I got no response as I am a "heretic" but healing a withered hand is definitely less than being forgiven IMO. After all we are told handless heaven is better than 2 hands in hell.
@kydanefrancis3755 2 месяца назад
The new covenant is written in your heart which God promise in Jeremiah 31 and 2 corinthians 1-6 Christ in you makes you obey him surrendering your whole heart the same heart which he wrote on
@josephkirimi5453 25 дней назад
And the spirit of God teaches you to understand the commandments. If you don't have the holy spirit, you will only understand them just like the Jews got it. mundering was understood only as killing a person. Today you hate your brother, you are a murderer, you use family planning methods, you are a murderer, rest was on Sunday today, Jesus is our rest and all of them are elaborated in the spirit of God to those who have him.
@kydanefrancis3755 2 месяца назад
Original language en-tel'-lom-ahee Definition an order, command, charge, precept, injunction
@camillaa.5231 2 месяца назад
The truth about the Sabbath will continually make no sense to a current Adventist's mind - on account of it being saturated with the teachings of EGW! What makes an Adventist a FORMER Adventist? It's because one has come to understand and see the simple TRUTH of the GOSPEL - and got disentangled from the web that EGW spun with her writings abd teachings. Adventists FAIL to understand, despite Scripture saying that the Sabbath was the SIGN of the FIRST Covenant with ISRAEL; ONE NATION which God had CHOSEN among ALL other NATIONS! (Ex. 31:12-17; Deut. 4:7-8; 2 Sam. 7:23) (SDA'S FAIL to understand through scriptures that God RESCUED/REMOVED Abraham's seed - fleshly decendants - from Egypt, a Nation of idol worshippers; a nation which did not know God; a nation of Gentiles - as ALL SDA'S ARE - so that He could fulfill His FIRST promise to Abraham (Gen. 12:2) Adventists, YOU are NOT JEWISH (not by a long shot 😀) YOU are GENTILES - often referred to in scripture as "the SURROUNDING NATIONS, Israel's ENEMIES/ADVERSARIES; HEATHENS, PAGANS; A people who did not know God and were worshipping graven images as their god. God DID NOT GIVE HIS SABBATH/SABBATHS TO THE SURROUNDING NATIONS! You can keep the JEWISH SABBATH, no sweat (Rom. 14:5-6) BUT it WON'T bring YOU any closer to God than anyone else who worship on Sundays if YOUR heart is hard. Adventist's focus on the Sabbath makes them miss so much of the Gospel! Adventists, please answer me this? WHY did a Gentile who CHOSE to worship God - before Jesus came - had to become a proselyte/Jewish proselyte? WHY did the GENTILE MALE have to be CIRCUMCISED? You people push God's Word aside in favour of EGW and YET you SAY that you believe God! The Jews in Jesus' day, though some converted to Christianity, were reluctant to let go of the Sabbath which is understood because it had been given to their ancestors - and they had been keeping it for generations. And since it had no bearing on SALVATION, those who wanted to keep it could do so. WHAT is your excuse, you Gentile? Not that you should not keep it, if you want but calling those who don't keep it, "LAWLESS/LAWBREAKERS is going too far! Is EGW HIGHER than Jesus Christ? I don't see any record IN THE BIBLE where JESUS CHRIST called any of His Gentile believers, "Lawless!" If the Sabbath still had the SIGNIFICANCE that God had given it under the First Covenant with Israel, you think Christ would have FORGOTTEN to teach it? 🤔🤔.. Oh, I guess He did; and if so, God Himself FORGOT because He sent EGW centuries after Christ! 😁
@edwindevera7549 2 месяца назад
Adventists. Soft on abortion. Obsessed with Saturday. Bizarre. Get your moral compass fixed.
@douganthes6250 2 месяца назад
So Jesus is not Lord of the Sabbath, but Sabbath is any day of the week or everyday of the week. So you are saying Jesus drank fermented wine? And what was your explanation for Jesus to do so? Because He has fulfilled the law? I'm not see the logic or should we also remove ourselves from logic. Show me where the use of alcohol is good. Is that why you choose the wheat instead of the wine? The Sabbath is only a sign not salvation. Your continual bashing of the Sabbath suggests a desire to separate us from the love of God. What Christian wouldn't want a whole day with Jesus every week?
@ji7448 2 месяца назад
Are you saying Jesus broke the Sabbath that He set up for us to obey? He is out example, so we can now go ahead and bteak the Sabbath? 🤔 Thisakes no sense to me.
@jimliley8850 2 месяца назад
“So Jesus is not Lord of the Sabbath, but Sabbath is any day of the week or everyday of the week.” No one said Jesus wasn’t Lord of the Sabbath, and no, the Sabbath is not every day of the week. Jesus is Lord over all creation, there is no Sabbath day mentioned in Genesis. The seventh day of creation that was sanctified and blessed was not a 24 hour time frame, it was a never ending perpetual period of time since creation was finished. It was the “type” of rest one receives when they are born again by believing and trusting in the finished work of Christ the “antitype”. Hebrews 4 explains this. blog.lifeassuranceministries.org/2021/07/01/jesus-is-lord-of-the-sabbath/ “So you are saying Jesus drank fermented wine? And what was your explanation for Jesus to do so? Because He has fulfilled the law? I'm not see the logic or should we also remove ourselves from logic. Show me where the use of alcohol is good.” No one said that the use of alcohol was good, and no one said that the moderate use of alcohol was bad. It is logic that leads theologians to understand the wine had to be fermented since the harvest had been months prior. It is logic that says the wine Jesus made from water was also fermented because the guests would not have said it was the best of the feast. It is logical to think that Jesus drank the wine at the wedding feast. The law had not been fulfilled until He rose triumphant from the tomb. Https://blog.lifeassuranceministries.org/2023/06/01/21-the-sabbath/ “The Sabbath is only a sign not salvation. Your continual bashing of the Sabbath suggests a desire to separate us from the love of God. The Sabbath was a sign God gave His chosen nation the Israelites, not all nations. The Sabbath is not being bashed. What is being said is the Sabbath day of the Old Covenant was never given to the church. It is the counterfeit SDA’s organizations elevation of the Sabbath to something never stated in the New Covenant that is “in your words” bashed. What Christian wouldn't want a whole day with Jesus every week?” Why would a Christian settle for just one day a week with Jesus, when we are able to abide with Him 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by being born again? blog.lifeassuranceministries.org/2019/03/28/jesus-is-our-sabbath-rest/
@jimliley8850 2 месяца назад
@@ji7448 “Are you saying Jesus broke the Sabbath that He set up for us to obey?” No it was the apostle John by inspiration of the Holy Spirit that said it. John 5:18 For this reason therefore the Jews were seeking all the more to kill Him, because He not only was breaking the Sabbath, but also was calling God His own Father, making Himself equal with God.(LSB) “He is out example, so we can now go ahead and bteak the Sabbath? Thisakes no sense to me.” Christ is our example on our interactions with fellow humans as well as how to submit to those that God has placed in roles of leadership whether it be spiritual, workplace or government. He is NOT our example on what behaviors one needs to do in order to be saved. He is our savior, He came to pay the penalty we would have had to pay, He died in our place. We the ‘church’ (not denominations) cannot break something we were never required to observe. The Sabbath was the sign God gave to Israel under the Old Covenant, the ‘church’ is a new creation under the New Covenant with new signs and laws. Those signs are baptism and the symbols of the Lord’s supper.
@douganthes6250 2 месяца назад
@@ji7448 You have said what I would have said. I think she is so determined to void the Sabbath that she has become confused. When you want to do away with the 10 commandments you need to bring everything against the word of God. Even if it is written on blue stone. By doing so she needs to get rid God the creator of heaven and earth, even His signature and authority. Jesus Christ is the gospel and not without His commandments. "If you love Me, keep My commandments" " Here are they that keep the commandments and have the testimony of Jesus"
@jeewamoses3395 2 месяца назад
Only a priest could eat the bread, not the anointed king David. Did you forget what rhe anointed King Saul do by offering the sacrifice before Samuel got there? He did what only a priest should do. How do you account for this?
@andymarin 2 месяца назад
Speaking about the Law, of the Old Covenant - as you said, why are you not worshiping idols? Why do one would not kill? Why wouldn't you lie?
@jimliley8850 2 месяца назад
Why would you think and assume that those behaviors are the outcome of not being under the Old Covenant law? Has the O.C. Law prevented anyone from engaging in the behaviors listed? Did the O.C. Law Prevent Israel from these behaviors? Has the O.C. Law stopped, prevented or even slowed down anyone from committing these behavioral sins? NO it hasn’t. The best that can be said is the O.C. Law defined and showed what sin is and why we need a savior. That’s the reason God gave it to Israel, to make clear they could never be sinless enough to ever be able to be in God’s presence. Post resurrection and post Pentecost, believers are under the New Covenant that was given to all who believe. We were never under the shadow (O.C. Law). We have the giver living inside us to guide, convict and sanctify us.
@rebeccagable9629 2 месяца назад
Jesus, the New Lawgiver...even getting angry at someone is equivalent to killing/murdering. "t has been said (in old covenant/10 c's) BUT I say..." Jesus When a person is born again the Holy Spirit convicts of sin. Sin is deeper than the 10 C's.
@andymarin 2 месяца назад
​@@jimliley8850 Does the state law prevent a a thief from stealing? It's about how one relates to a certain Authority. Indeed, Paul states that law uncovers sin (Roman 7:7-8) So how does one live after he made covenant with God? He is the New Covenant, as you said. If he sins after making the covenant, which standard declares his status as "sinner"? The Law! Which Law? But if he is in accord with the Law, that means he does not sin (speaking in actions, not nature; everyone is a sinner). My conclusion is, we cannot break free from the Law. One either breaks it, either keeps it. Plus, in Romans 8:4, Spirit guided means keeping the Law.
@andymarin 2 месяца назад
@@rebeccagable9629 Jesus Christ does not give a new Law in Matthew 5. The Israelites interpreted all the 10 Commandments literally. When he says "anyone who is angry with a brother will be subjected to judgment..." (NET) he does not nullify the "You have heard that it was said to an older generation, ‘Do not murder,’ and ‘whoever murders will be subjected to judgment.’ Jesus is interpreting the Law as the Israelites should have understood it since Moses/ since receiving it. Jesus Christ was present at Mount Sinai. He is the Lawgiver. Now, on what standard/basis does the Holy Spirit convict you of sin?
@jimliley8850 2 месяца назад
@@andymarin I would suggest that to get the proper understanding of the law and the role it plays for a New Covenant believer is to read the book of Galatians focusing on chapters 3-5. Paul is clear that the servant-woman (representing the law given at Mt. Sinai) is to be cast out. New Covenant believers’ are heirs of the free woman and the promise God gave Abraham. If we mix the two by including the law with the promise, that would be spiritual adultery. Here is a link for further clarification blog.lifeassuranceministries.org/2022/11/10/7-the-intent-of-the-law/
@kydanefrancis3755 25 дней назад
Jesus is lord of the sabbath not our sabbath the Jews obey the letter of the commandment and not the spirit the law is written in our heart which is the new covenant that’s if you believe in the new covenant the only way you know what sin is it’s because of the commandment because sin is the transgressions of the law no law no sin we are saved to obey until we are able to sin no more
@kydanefrancis3755 2 месяца назад
If you love me keep my commandments including the sabbath day that’s if you love him you are not saved by keeping the sabbath but because you are saved you obey in faith why because I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me with Christ I would not obey him but Christ in me am able to obey
@jimliley8850 2 месяца назад
“If you love me keep my commandments” is not referring to the Old Covenant 10 commandments. Do a word study of ‘nomos’ and ‘entole’ and you will find that ‘commandment’ in John’s writings when using ‘entole’ always refers to the teachings and commands of Christ.
@rebeccagable9629 2 месяца назад
The word "commandments" in this passage is not the 10...do your research into the original language.
@shellyblanchard5788 Месяц назад
Jesus commanded us to come to him rest. At the time he was still under the old covenant , but gave a new rule for the new rule us instead.
@ctucker7002 2 месяца назад
Are you SDA?
@lorenv44 2 месяца назад
No, she's ex-SDA.
@damirsavka836 Месяц назад
Shake Shake Shake, Shake away Colleen. One day I believe you will see the sabbath for what it was created for. Especially when you are forced to worship on a made up day of worship.
@elambhashyllalonneth9243 2 месяца назад
Are you a new covenant Christian or an old covenant Christian? Please tell us.
@stephencoe2231 2 месяца назад
Not sure who you are asking. There are only new covenant Christians as Jesus fulfilled the old covenant concerning those who believed on who He was. You they all became new covenant believers as they confessed Him as Lord and the only way to salvation and became baptized.
@aosigal8704 2 месяца назад
Please tell us what is your understanding new covenant and what is old covenant. And what was the covenant that YHVH Elohim tied with the Israelites and what was the new Covenant that God gave to Israelites according to Jeremiah 31:31.
@rebeccagable9629 2 месяца назад
@@aosigal8704 "This is the New Covenant in My blood" Jesus . SDAs do not have the correct definitions of the old & new covenant. The ones I talk to say they are the same which is quite illogical.
@TheFaithofJesus-bk4wl 2 месяца назад
That jewelry and makeup tell me all I need to know.
@Jaco3688 2 месяца назад
And what does it tell you?
@edwindevera7549 2 месяца назад
Ha! Such shallow non-thinking from some Adventists!
@rebeccagable9629 2 месяца назад
You better not come to LL University church on Saturday! The SDA women are all dripping in jewelry. You have been taught that jewelry is a horrendous sin, haven't you?
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