A rare devotee of the Master tastes of the Hari Ras , He lives in perpetual bliss all the time , One gets to It through great good fortune . GURU AMAR DAS JI
Most respectfully and humbly I express my gratitude to Sant Satguru Kripal ji who was God walking on earth in the man body for initiating me with His Nam Dan and taking me in his lap and I think myself as very lucky
La freccia dello Shabd Naam del Gurudeva ha colpito il mio cuore . Resta sveglio nella devozione giorno e notte , attraverso tale pratica la mente rimane concentrata . BABA SOMANATH JI MAHARAJ
The whole world Is entangled in the very same net ; It is hard to bel disentangled ; one knows not from what strands it is made . Whosoever is dedicated in love to the holy feet of the Satguru , In his heart alone the longing is aroused for the vision of the Divine Ocean ( rather than for Maya ) . SANT DARIYA SAHIB JI MAHARAJ
While the parents are alive , they are not given a morsel of bread to eat . But when they die , the son goes to some holy place to feed the Brahmins , and to throw food into the river . Who is there to eat it ? Such people are , in fact , fools and ignoramuses . They reduce they ancestors to the level of ghosts and disembodied spirits . SANT PALTU SAHIB JI MAHARAJ