
Satsang by Sant Ajaib Singh Ji on 11th January 1995 Bombay 

Ajaib Satsang
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@gurkamalsingh8601 3 года назад
@domenicodima5837 4 года назад
In reality , the Guru is not the name of a man . He is a Power which is manifested in this body temporarily . He Is our true ideal in the light of which true spiritual progress is made . He is full of radiant light , like an electric bulb . While He shines , the thought of the structure of the bulb does not enter the mind . The seekers After spirituality sacrifice themselves like moths over this divine Light . BABA SAWAN SINGH JI MAHARAJ/HAZUR KIRPAL SINGH JI MAHARAJ
@saravjeetkaur1581 3 года назад
@urmilamanoharlal7107 Год назад
Radha swami babaji🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 daya karo
@ramsakaljaiswar62 6 месяцев назад
@domenicodima5837 4 года назад
When Bhai Kehar Singh was made to drink the hot Blood and pus , It turned into milk , and he drank to his satisfaction . Bhai Kehar Singh saw this whole amazing scene himself , and Hazur Maharaj showered him with His grace . Bhai Kehar Singh told the other souls there that the Blood and pus given to him was converted into milk when he remembered Hazur Maharaj Kirpal Singh Ji , and asked them to take His name . So the other souls , Who were drinking hot blood and pus , also sterted taking the to name of Hazur Maharaj Ji ; but the yamdoot removed their tongues so that they were not able to take His Name Then Bhai Kehar Singh was taken ti another hell , people were tearing off pieces of their own flesh , and eating it . All around on could hear the cries and shouts of the suffering souls , and see a big forest where nothing could be seen exept a huge burning fire . Thousands of people were being roasted like gram in the fire and each one was covered from above with a huge stone - like covering ; and when the suffering souls asked for water , the yamdoots put burning fire torches to their mouths . When the same Fire torches were put into the mouth of Bhai Kehar Singh , It became water . A . S . Oberoi
@domenicodima5837 4 года назад
God abides in soul , Soul in God ; One realizes this From the guru ' s teaching . When the World is realized , One ' s sorrows end , One ' s sorrows end , One 's ego Is eliminated Says Nanak : Cursed are the maladies Born of the ego . Wherever I look , There is the same affliction ; It Is through His primal grace , In the form of the World , That one is saved . GURU NANAK SAHIB JI MAHARAJ
@domenicodima5837 4 года назад
Having drunk oceans , your lips should be dry . Having progressed spiritually , you should never exhibit your progress . '*. "* """* Perfect Saints always show us a way to lead our lives so that we are freed from bondage , that we may never return again to this world . *. *. *.. Compassion leads to forgiveness and greed leads to sin . Chastity is the ocean of happiness , none can fathom its depth . Humility Is the ornament of a Saint . Speak in love , take everything in love , weed out everything in love . That Is the way back to God . HAZUR KIRPAL SINGH JI MAHARAJ
@domenicodima5837 4 года назад
I bambini s ' incontrano sulla spiaggia di mondi sconfinati Su di loro l' infinito cielo è silenzioso , l' acqua s' increspa. Con grida e danze di mondi sconfinati. Fanno castelli di sabbia e giocano con vuote conchiglie Con foglie secche intessono barchette e sorridendo le fanno galleggiare sull' immensa distesa del mare. I bambini giocano sulla riva dei mondi. R . T.
@domenicodima5837 4 года назад
People say that Khusro Is an idol- worshipper ; Yes , yes , I am . I have nothing to do with the world and its creatures . SANT KHUSRO JI MAHARAJ
@parbhukargwalparbhukargwal889 6 лет назад
@domenicodima5837 4 года назад
La verdadera paz yace en ese Naam . El Dhunatmak Naam contiene la felicidad . La mente no conocera la paz no llegar alla . Es conocera la paz hasta no llegar alla . Es como la advertencia del hombre sabio a los viajeros , de no caer en un gran hueco . " Amados , tengan cuidado , hay un peligro escondido mas adelante ". Algunos veran esa trampa y se salvaran . BABA SADHU RAM JI MAHARAJ
@domenicodima5837 4 года назад
Di fatto , la nostra anima ha ancora più bisogno di nutrimento del corpo, poiché è stata affamatA per nascite e nascite. Non sappiamo per quante nascite l' anima sia rimasta priva del cibo della meditazione , ed ecco perché è diventata molto debole, molto fiacca. È solo a causa di questa debolezza che l' anima non è in grado di fronteggiare la mente. Sapete come la mente ci tribola e ha trasformato l' anima in una serva. Facciamo qualunque cosa voglia. Ci troviamo in questa condizione solo perché non abbiamo dato forza all' anima. SATGURU AJAIB SINGH JI MAHARAJ
@domenicodima5837 4 года назад
Dio è in cerca di ognuno di noi per trovare un uomo , da qualche parte. Anche il Maestro, il Dio manifesto nel Maestro, sta cercando di formare uomini Il peccato è che non viviamo in base ai Suoi insegnamenti. Cristo disse : " Se mi amate, seguite i miei comandamenti". Se vivrete in quel modo anche per un mese, progredire te a meraviglia. Se vivete con il Maestro per cento anni, ma non vi curate di quello che dice, sarete come una pietra nell' acqua , allora? SANT KIRPAL SINGH JI MAHARAJ
@ravidaspendempendem3827 7 лет назад
Radhaswami ji pls put in babaji bajans
@Krishna-rs7so Год назад
@domenicodima5837 4 года назад
La vanità è come un mucchio di cenere, sul quale la goccia d'acqua che vi cade secca subito. Preghiera e Contemplazione non producono alcun effetto sul cuore rigonfio di vanità S . R .
1 Satsang Sant Sadhu Ram Ji em Barranquilla
Просмотров 8 тыс.
Просмотров 880
Satsang by Sant Ajaib Singh Ji on 6th February 1986
Satsang by Sant Ajaib Singh Ji on 26th May 1997 at Delhi