
Scientists Confirm The Existence of The Oldest Galaxy Ever! 

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17 сен 2024




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@anomalouswoof2554 Год назад
Please don't use the flashing white speckles (not stars) in your videos. They are annoying and distracting.
@markhuebner7580 Год назад
I have some concerns about pronunciation, but I am awed by the perspectives on re-ionization, the age of the universe and many other aspects of our understanding of the reality around us! Thanks!
@danielpaulson8838 Год назад
It's a modern reading bot. Still isn't quite there to the discerning ear.
@scottymoondogjakubin4766 Год назад
I would like the JWST to peer into the voids like bootes void ! I just always thought that voids are like windows to the outside of the universe !
@RobertCampsall Год назад
The voids are simply areas of the Universe with very, very little visible matter in them. That's all. Because even in voids there is gas and thin dust, it means that light can't travel completely freely through them, so If you were in one of the larger voids, until you have access to tech that can see other EM frequency's other than visible light, it may appear your location is alone in the Universe, as you couldn't see any other galaxies when looking up in the (night) sky.
@ariadnelecoutre9453 Год назад
The only thing i hear and see is a lot of guesses!
@buya3671 Год назад
What Maisie knew (but she ain't telling).
@shoa3199 Год назад
There are 9 more galaxies behind Maisies. We just need a bigger telescope further away.
@thekingofmojacar5333 Год назад
...and a powerful group of quasars (ultramassive black holes) that supported by their jets energy and particles to the new created universe bubble (after the big crunch of the previous universe)... Casually today NASA informed: James Webb just detects giant black holes all over the early universe that could redefine astronomy...
@Realnatur3 Год назад
Maisie's Galaxy. ...👍👍
@thomasharhen2168 Год назад
Amazing 👏
@yogimarkmac Год назад
People in the future that understand the variable nature of gravity will laugh so hard at these videos that invoke "dark matter"
@semorgh2854 Год назад
Maybe some of those early Galaxies HAVE GONE OUTSIDE of OBSERVABLE UNIVERSE of ours. 380 million years since the beginning is a very long time and that time is being measured by our standards of today which maybe that time was more STRETCHED than our today's time since according to Mr. E Gravity and Time are bond together, 380 million years after the beginning there was hardly any GRAVITY therefore 1 second of our time was 100 second or more of 380 million years after the beginning.
@PJRiter1 6 месяцев назад
Time runs faster or slower in other parts of the universe.
@JCAH1 День назад
If Jades-GS-z14-0 existed 250 million years after the speculated Big Bang, and if that galaxy contained stars having a high metallicity, then there would have to have been many supernovae long before that galaxy even existed. What are the implications for the speculated Big Bang's timeline? Well, you know as well as I do. I really wonder why this video doesn't even mention this.
@sonarbangla8711 Год назад
All these distant galaxy paradox maybe a faulty equipment on JW?
@thekingofmojacar5333 Год назад
A fully mature galaxy only 390 million years after the Big Bang (invented by scientists)? It would be very interesting to know the exact age of our magical universe! Is it perhaps 15, 18, 21, 24 billion years old or is it even infinite (multiverse)? The next or over next generation of space telescopes will bring us certainty... *ahh, Maisie, I love you! You are even older than me... 💗
@wanderingquestions7501 Год назад
Sounds preposterous to me too.
@stevensmith797 Год назад
scientists didnt make up the big bang , both the expansion and the CMB were predicted by ienstiens math mate , and then confermed , bit of history go,s a long way
@sonarbangla8711 Год назад
It is not a matter of 'next generation telescopes', it is a matter of rearranging our theories.
@thekingofmojacar5333 Год назад
@@sonarbangla8711 Theories brings us closer to reality, but we need the telescope to be on the "safe side" (research). Without the JWST we would still assume a singularity and a start explosion (big bang)...
@sonarbangla8711 Год назад
We not only assume the singularity, but has no idea what a singularity means to us (one explanation we have is infinite curvature of space). Some say a more powerful telescope will reveal the reality. What bother me that no scientist can explain what we see. I am sure a powerful telescope won't satisfy us, we will get closer and closer to the singularity and then what...@@thekingofmojacar5333
@daved4547 Год назад
Which just shows you that they know nothing and everything is guesswork, until proven otherwise, and this one kicks the 'big bang' clean out of the window.
@stevensmith797 Год назад
rubbish , big bang is fine , the expansion is there and so is the CMB , when , thats up for debate and yet to be peer reviewed
@colombard140 Год назад
❤❤❤❤ The presence of mature galaxies at the edge of the observable universe gives support to the pulsating universe hypothesis. These mature galaxies may be remnants from the previous universe which had collapsed into the singularity which gives rise to the present big bang. 😂😂😂 Dr HW Looi
@thekingofmojacar5333 Год назад
remnants - you say it (very right)! 💣
@melaomelao8689 Год назад
Please correct the title on your front page: "250 light years after BB" makes no sense shouldn't be "250 years after de BB" instead, since tou are talking about time not distance?
@richardmercer2337 Год назад
Headline needs work. It would be strange indeed, if "The Oldest Galaxy Ever" did not exist...
@richardmercer2337 Год назад
But perhaps not as strange as NASA doing commercials....
@richardmercer2337 Год назад
Come On! Surely it must be pronounced "re-ionization"!
If someone from that galaxy looked at us, would they rubbish our theory about the age of Milky way?
@wanderingquestions7501 Год назад
A whole galaxy formed in less that 400 million years?
@alfredpetrossian3036 Год назад
You should be giving away pens to subscribers, not selling messy antiquated pens to them.
@tdw5933 Год назад
They think!?
@lord.3960 Год назад
Does information can go backwards?😎
@thekingofmojacar5333 Год назад
Maisee is older than information... 🤣
@lord.3960 Год назад
Oh my "?" ???👀😎
@Montana88417 Год назад
Light can strech and always it takes fastest way. Tyred ligh theori. 😂
@ronaldkemp3952 Год назад
We can't use a telescope to look back in time because light traveling at c experiences both time dilation and length contraction per special relativity. In the paperback book I published 09-27-2021, almost 3 months before NASA launched the JWST, on page 48 I wrote, quote "James Webb Space Telescope will discover old, fully grown galaxies as far as the telescope can see, further than 13.8 billion light-years away." I know where the theories, laws of physics and the evolutionary cosmological model went wrong. I fixed the mistakes and came to the conclusion we cannot use a telescope to look back in time per the claims by general relativity's look back time. You can be awed and inspired by all these incorrect theories and postulates or you can simply pick up and read the paperback books I published to understand the secret universe. If I had not figured it all out years ago, then I would not have accurately predicted the massive galaxies in my books. Don't be left in the dark like all the rest.
@stevensmith797 Год назад
evidence for a photon feeling the effects of time dialation and length contraction , because without that actual evidence (and I dont remember ever and 1 saying they do in any experiment ever) you have a hypothisis , not even a therory
@ronaldkemp3952 Год назад
​@@stevensmith797 The JWST discovered more than 100 fully developed galaxies, some more than 10 times larger than our own Milky Way galaxy but further than 13.5 billion light years away. I would say it's sufficient evidence indicating we can't use a telescope to look back in time. If the telescope could look back in time like Einstein predicted with his general theory of relativity then the JWST would have found tiny young galaxies containing young population III stars. But nope, the JWST found fully grown galaxies further than 13.5 billion light years away. If the galaxies formed rapidly from galaxy collisions in the early universe then the galaxies would not be smooth. They would be stretched out and warped out of shape. They would not be bright, they would be dim. They would not contain old red giant stars, which take billions of years to form per the Eddington Limit, they would contain young population III stars with no heavy metals, hydrogen and helium, possibly lithium. The only way to explain the large, bright, old galaxies in the distant universe is if Einstein's look back time was wrong. Astronomers and astrophysicists are still confused how galaxies more than 12.7 billion light years away are more than 10 times larger than our Milky Way. I however accurately predicted them.
@JamesJackson-st6vt Год назад
Please help us to understand by letting us now the name(s) of your book(s). Respectfully appreciative of the thoughtfulness and ideas, I note that hypotheses without official theories and testable experimental evidence are very crucial, regardless of whether or when they may yield results that are measured.
@Montana88417 Год назад
And its not tyred Light!! its Light strech teori
@Montana88417 Год назад
I can make a paper to specily tyred ligh theori...if u just thing.. its bull like light can tyred 😅. Always less and less...
@Ironyko Год назад
Isn't there also the concept that Bing Bang was born in an existing universe? The galaxy that has no way of existing since the beginning of the Bing Bang is not possible to have existed in the universe before? doesn't this theory exist among scientists? . And do we think that we are in the center of the Galaxy, and the Galaxy rotates behind us?
@RobertCampsall Год назад
If the Big Bang is mostly correct, then every location will appear to be in the center of the Universe. Every point in the Universe is receding away from every other point. This is one of those places where the concept of Relativity is very important to grasp what we're looking at.
@Ironyko Год назад
Let me understand that at the point where the Bing Bang happened there is nothing left, we can consider that point the center of the universe, do we have a way to look towards that point? If we go forward, shouldn't other galaxies come behind us? Or because we move at the speed of light, other galaxies are the same and the black matter makes the distances even greater, we don't know if a galaxy is coming towards us because the black matter separates the galaxies, and in this way we don't know in which direction to look for the center of the galaxy :) Worse
@AB-tc8lx Год назад
My findings suggest the Universe is 14 to 15 billion years old
@thekingofmojacar5333 Год назад
...hmmm, even a bit more... 18 - 21 Billion of years?
@elijah8867 Год назад
Genesis 1:1. "In the beginning". Make up any number you want. It's still "In the beginning GOD created the heaven and the earth." I don't need a telescope to tell me anything. And when you stand before God to give an accpunt of yourselves, read Him your laughable "theories".
@ulfingvar1 Год назад
How embarrassing a post.
@elijah8867 Год назад
How embarrassing a theory. Kinda like evolution. @@ulfingvar1
@stevensmith797 Год назад
in the begining god created heaven and earth , and the first verifyable mistake of the bible , as for evolution , again a verifyable fact , so says our (and every other living thing we have tested ) came from 1 start , all linked , no adam , no eve , a myth writen by people who didnt know any better , welcome to the 21st century
@danielpaulson8838 Год назад
Monomyth worship. Watch this. Do you know of Moses in Exodus? Can you read conceptually? With Greek myth, Jason and the Argonauts. Same sequence as Star Wars. 1. Calling - Moses and Jason both saved out as children. 2. Denial and struggle to leave past - Jason and Island of Old gods. Moses and Pharaoh. Both leave but then are chased, barely escaping. 3. Cycles of hurt - Egypt and plagues. Phineas and Harpies. 4. Supernatural Aid - Moses talks to God at burning bush on Mt Horeb. Jason talks to Zeus on Mt Olympus. 5. Crossing the threshold - Jason sails through clashing Rocks with Goddess Hera's help. Moses crosses Red Sea with Gods help etc, etc, etc They are stories made up on the same template. Did the Romans of "Official Bible" know this? Yeppers. Jesus was the chosen one as the son of God, had supernatural powers and directed to seek the Kingdom of Heaven Within. King Arthur was chosen as the one who could extract Excaliber, had Merlin for supernatural powers and seeks the Holy Grail. This is why religions want their practitioners to stay away from reading anything else. The pattern is too obvious. Only the genre of story telling the mythical template remains the same. One may as well worship Zeus and await the return of Jason.
@Randomguy-ep7zl Год назад
@@danielpaulson8838 He worships myth as if it's an idol.
@angeldelacruz1384 Год назад
its because bb is just a theory not a fact
@stevensmith797 Год назад
thats right , a theory , not a guess , or hypothisis , a scientific theory backed by real world experimentation and even mathematical prediction
@Randomguy-ep7zl Год назад
Bb signals a moment in time that we can observe. That indeed is a fact. However the known Universe and the bb was not likely the beginning but some form of iteration. But that is based on the best evidence humans have. You have access to it as well.
@soerren5393 Год назад
@@stevensmith797 little steven is a pro?!?!?!?!?
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