
Scientists investigate the phenomenon of misophonia 

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Psychologists from the University of Sussex in the UK are investigating the phenomenon of 'misophonia'. It is a condition in which sounds like chewing and tapping can trigger intense irritation, anger, or distress in some people. TRT World Health Correspondent Nicola Hill explains.
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6 июл 2021




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@GilaMonster971 Год назад
People don’t realize that misophonia isn’t just an annoyance with sounds. It’s rage...I want to hurt people over chewing sounds.
@monkeforsure1973 Год назад
@Truth Seeker i hit things arround me when I get triggered
@wesley6442 Год назад
My trigger is street traffic or idling trucks.. when I hear someone start up their truck and leave it sitting there it feels me such rage and distress my mood plummets and I get such horrible depression, then a wave of relief when they drive off.. it's absolute torture how I can be fine one moment then filled with such crippling distress over such a gritting, annoying sound that so incessant and pervasive. The combustion engine is a feat of engineering but also the bane of my existence lol
@PerpetuallyAnnoyed Год назад
Not just rage, but intense psychological and emotional pain! Certain sounds literally throw me into panic attacks, and I feel like I wanna punch everything near me! People don't understand that people like us actually hear these annoying sounds LOUDER than anything else. We can't tune them out like normal people, and I hate it when people say I'm just being difficult when sound literally causes me pain.
@okay12322 Год назад
@@monkeforsure1973 same I use to block out the noise
@rachaelgosser5659 2 года назад
My daughter can't have dinner with the family without having ear buds in. Her triggers are clicking, chewing, slurping, smacking, also certain tones of voices. Layered voices in songs (like harmonies by Simon & Garfunkle) baritones, the group volbeat. I remember when she was 1-3 if I was singing to the radio in the car she would tell me "stop it mama stop it" I didn't understand why until years later. School was almost unbearable for her and some sounds trigger absence seizures for her (like loud trucks and motorcycles) so now she's 23 but can't drive due to these. Eating sounds cause a strong disgust, nausea, extreme anger. Other types like some music sounds and harmony can cause major irritation, some anger, and some seizure-like sensations. It can be really rough for people who suffer from misophonia.
@whateversmurfette 2 года назад
your daughter is not alone, the nausea and anger are unbearable but that is nowhere near the worst part. the guilt that comes with just having the negative thoughts is crushing in itself. sometimes i wonder if this thing hurts us more or the people around us.
@amykirchmann8374 2 года назад
I know you as the mom have also suffered immensely.
@theferalacademic Год назад
i know it’s been a while since you posted this, but i was that little kid, and i just want to thank you for being so understanding with your daughter today. my mom’s singing was one of my triggers too. i felt terrible for it. my mom loves to sing, and i know it must have hurt her to see me react so severely to her voice. she would just keep going anyway, saying she wasn’t going to let her own child boss her in her own home/car, which, y’know, fair enough given there was no name for it in the 90s. she had no way of knowing how much she was hurting me. i wish i’d been allowed a noise-cancelling buffer in trigger situations, or that someone would have taken the time to try to understand why these things overwhelmed me so much instead of just scolding me for it. i’m dumping all this to say you seem like such a good mom and i’m so glad parents like you are out here trying to understand this thing that’s still so nebulous and under-studied. and now i’m gonna go have a little cry in the library about it. 💜
Hi i hope your daughter is ok i also suffer from same TRIGGER SOUNDS it really is upsetting
@miloskostic5963 Год назад
why did you have that problem
@oliverw3646 6 месяцев назад
Thank you for these insights. It's not easy to live with misophonia when you work in a shared office. Crunching sounds, the sound of an apple being chomped on rather than being cut into manageable pieces, the aggressive scraping of an empty yogurt container; the sound of air bubbles going up a straw when a beverage is finished, etc, truly infuriate me to the Nth degree. I become a hateful monster with V shaped eyebrows and ears back. I find that even more infuriating than the sounds themselves is the fact that the miscreant is utterly unaware of how annoying it is.
@dedeleblanc5912 Год назад
When I was a child, my room was in the front of the house, and I heard every single noise. It would literally put me into a rage. My parents ended up swapping mine and my brothers' room, which was at the back of the house, and put a box fan in there. Now, as an adult, certain sounds throw me into a fight or flight response, such as repetitive tapping, slurping, taking too long to close chip bags, soft, but high-pitched singing, or humming. I also have visual sensitivities, like repetitive movements, like leg bouncing, or feet moving. The list goes on and on. I finally purchased some noise cancelling earphones, and they help a lot, but it is difficult for me to watch a tv show, unless everything else around me is silent. I wish I knew what causes it, because it is not a fun thing to live with. It's almost as if my blood starts to boil when I am triggered, as I can literally feel my body start to flush, as it makes its way toward my head/face.
@Chyna_Doll Год назад
I’m glad that there are videos out there on this subject that don’t suddenly bombard the audience with unannounced trigger sounds. Thank you for being considerate. :)
@alexajackson8227 Год назад
If anyone is making a video about Misophonia but then makes a trigger noise but claims to have not done this on purpose , that’s just abusive and ignorant.
@berryreadable Год назад
OMG! I’ve seen a lot of videos like that. It’s so rude and actually hurts misophonia awareness.
@TheTrickyTwix Год назад
I actually felt crazy for so long. I understand how irrational it must sound to someone who doesn’t suffer from this. I could be in a great mood and suddenly want to punch a hole through someone’s skull if I hear them chewing. Other sounds like celebratory “woos” also piss me off. “Piss me off” is an understatement, it’s the most unbridled, visceral rage I’ve ever felt. The frustrating thing is we just have to sit with it and act normal.
@berryreadable Год назад
The celebratory woo is a unique trigger. My odd ones are vocal fry and Keith Morrison. OMG, I HATE the way he narrates. Lol
@miauet5934 2 года назад
People whispering/talking to themselves makes me want to claw my eyes out and stuff them in my ears
@lauriefrancisco1084 Год назад
I'm almost 70. My misophonia started as a child too. When I would hear things that would annoy me, I'd complain, but the response that I usually got from either parent was, "Just tune it out." That was like telling me to stop breathing. I COULDN"T tune it out and couldn't understand why. I heard about misophonia for the first time a couple of years ago from an unrelated TV program. It was a reality-type show, and one of the people in the cast referred to it. I sat up straight and said, WHAT? I realized instantly there was a name for my problem, and I wasn't alone. However, mine extends beyond just annoying sounds. I work as a transcriptionist, typing various audio files. I don't have any problem as long as the principle voices are relatively clear. I've even had to learn to control my reaction if someone is chewing gum or making some other noise like that in the background. I guess because I can't do anything about it. BUT the real problem comes in when there are multiple noises in the background, be it unrelated voices, people milling around, then my brain has trouble isolating the voices I'm transcribing. Add an echo to the mix, and it's nearly impossible for me to do the job. I have struggled to finish jobs like that, but it takes me WAY longer than it should, exhausts me, and causes me great anxiety and agitation. It can even get to the point where my brain simply can't process it anymore. My experience in those situations leads me to believe the problem may be more complex than just being unable to tolerate chewing or other repetitive human noises.
@Hy-Brasil 8 месяцев назад
i first heard the term on Longmire - final season ....actually might have been the last or second to last episode. i had the same reaction though. it started in childhood too but got worse as i got older - pretty sure my brother and dad both have it too. my mom is utterly oblivious to the world around her so she was probably the source of our rage without even realizing it lol (my husband and older son have her level of apathy as well. just totally blind to everyone around, about as mindful as a woodpecker on a hollowed out pine tree. and if i say anything about their noise, they act like i'm a selfish monster. and if i get up and leave, they still act like i'm a selfish monster. growing up however, i didn't dare tell anyone about anything that upset me because it was fuel. especially for my older brother or cousins. the second they found out i didnt like something it meant they should do it more. so i suffered in silence a lot. loud radios, loud engines, i especially hate motorcycles. like i get it.... loud pipes save lives... unless you drive near me. because now all i want to do is flatten you with my truck to make the noise stop. it literally feels like someone is stabbing my brain!!
@CrazyNewsStory 6 месяцев назад
I love this..I suffer from this daily and I think it really boils down to us being affected and disturbed by peoples lack of social awareness and etiquette
@zee7375 2 года назад
cbt did not work me for me i have lost a lot of hope in ever recovering from misophonia. it’s such a peculiar illness and the lack of research jus makes me so upset. nobody knows what we go through and how hard it is for us to do normal things. it’s so much easier for us to develop anxiety n depression. ive noticed i’ve become less social since it started :(
@kystars 2 года назад
I have been like this since as young as I can remember. we are not alone. and neither are you. Eating sounds, gum chewing, popping bubbles , swallowing, slurping coffee etc, makes me want to run for the hills. I'm in my 50s now, so i'm not worried about trying to cure it. I don't think it can be cured anyway, but maybe. I just avoid situations and wear headphones.
@zee7375 2 года назад
@@kystars i’m so sorry to hear you’ve had it for ages. i realised i had it at 15 and i’m now 21 it hasn’t been that long but it’s been long enough to mess up my studies, social life n health. i can’t imagine how it’s been for u. all those sounds affect me too. i especially hate when people talk whilst chewing, breathe loudly & the sound of cultery against a plate. i usually use headphones too or leave a room. there’s not much else we can do
@idioticbagel2833 2 года назад
I’m curious. Have you ever had any long string of ear infections or hearing loss when you were younger? Like any at all. I’m pretty certain that’s where my misaphonia came from. It’s already been confirmed that some of my sensory skills haven’t developed because of it. I wonder if it’s linked to something like that for everyone.
@zee7375 2 года назад
@@idioticbagel2833 thats an interesting take. it could be possible they’re linked. i did have a few ear infections prior and after realising i have misophonia and my hearing hasn’t always been the strongest
@mankindlifetalks2970 2 года назад
Lmao 😂 m have the time of my life hear and m very sorry it's jus that m really surprised at how most people think that there might possibly be a cure I hate to be the person to deliver this to u but being a person living with misnophonia for 29yrs I have tried everything and everything my whole life nothing's works actually it's like trying methods to make urself better amplifies it so jus forget about being better m actually thinking of actual giving up headphones and jus let this thing kill me
@860realrell Год назад
I'm suffering terribly from this and I just started learning about it last week. I feel really helpless to it
@whateversmurfette 2 года назад
headphones help me a little because when a trigger occurs its like everything else is unbearably loud. i don't want to be hurtful to everyone eating around me so i eat in a different room by myself. its depressing but having seen how this affected my dad, to the point of not always controlling his rage/violent response, i'd rather not allow it to well up that way.
@amykirchmann8374 2 года назад
Thank you for researching this. My misophonia started when I was 7 or 8. I discovered it's name when I was 29. My childhood was extremely traumatic and I have a whole bunch of problems as an adult because I was not able to deal with this as a child. I long for a cure and help. It's traumatic for me that my life could have been very different. It was triggered by a sexual exploitation when I was 7 and I think that actually triggered another memory that I had gone through earlier as a child but have blocked out of my mind. Still to this day, no one in my family can talk openly about the way that I have suffered. No one understands or can identify. It's like this big secret. I never ever talk about it because it's too heavy.
@saeedahpeters2734 Год назад
Same but I'm 17 now
@lifestylebyrachel Год назад
Thank you for sharing
@amykirchmann8374 Год назад
I’m so sorry. I know exactly what you have been going through. It’s so hard. So it seems misaphonia or the one you have is related to post traumatic stress disorder. I wish we weren’t such fragile human beings. I also have visual triggers and kinesis triggers.
@saeedahpeters2734 Год назад
How do you deal?
@amykirchmann8374 Год назад
@@saeedahpeters2734 I don't deal with it very well. Most of my triggers come from my Mom. I live in a different country to her and a lot of it is avoidance tactics- like I will remove myself from a room. It's very hard. I'm not sure what your exact triggers are. I did see on youtube one woman in America had significant reduction in her triggers after she went for a specific type of therapy. So I do think help is coming. Unfortunately, I don't live in America - otherwise I would probably travel to that doctor. If I find something that hellps- I'll get back to you.
@pikijuiyii777 2 года назад
Loud noises are what makes me angry. From morning to late at night, people here seems to like loud noises. If is not loud exhaust, motorcycles or loud car speakers, even churches are loud here in Puerto Rico. This is hell, and it won't matter if you uses ear plugs or earphones. Even people without misophonia, will propably end up having it. This is seriously insane, and government and their laws are dumb. I've been here for one and a half year and im going insane. Thankfully im moving soon 😡
@miloskostic5963 Год назад
why did you have that problem
@michellecolombo9884 Год назад
So glad awareness is becoming greater on this subject.
@Natalyatta Год назад
Todays world is loud as f*#@ you just can't easily find a quiet place or time.. with the cars, the mobiles, the social media, the yelling, the children.. it's too overwhelming for me.
@ooommm4024 Год назад
I have misophonia. Crunching noises give me electric shock sensations in the ear drums. As a kid, loud noises such as fire alarms going off drove me crazy and caused physical pain. It turns out I'm sound sensitive due to adhd, cerebral palsy, and migraines, Surprisingly, I became an EMT // RN years later and work in ambulances.
@albal-v3869 Год назад
It brings me hope when I see these videos, however... I find it odd that most studies mainly mention rage. My reaction is extreme, soul crushing anxiety (blurred vision, hyperventilating, shaking that can lead to a panick attack) and I've head of others who also have extreme sadness as their reaction.
@berryreadable Год назад
It’s a fight-or-flight response. I usually get irrationally angry.
@albal-v3869 Год назад
@@berryreadable so you're saying most peoples reaction is 'fight' instead 'flight' or 'freeze'?
@Flush75 Год назад
Misophonia: Uncontrollable neck-pulsing murderous RAGE. I wish this on NO-ONE. I have so many triggers it makes me look-forward to the long sleep that will arrive one day. I literally look-forward to death (not suicidal, just longing for that permanent peace)
@Stinky_sack Год назад
Mine started age 12. I'd have full on panic attacks from certain sounds that were constant. An alarm clock, the shower, and even the ceiling fan would trigger a panic attack. Still deal with it today but it's more people chewing and unexpected loud noises enrages me
@hannah-rn4qk Год назад
for me it’s noises from other rooms, or just genuinely loud noises that may not be loud to other people. It drives me nuts
@nadia4297 Год назад
i noticed that when sounds repeat overtime they become a trigger
@budyfixit 3 месяца назад
Having miso made me realize how hermits came to exist
@jcstevegigs 2 года назад
My triggers are whispering and men talking in a soft voice... anyone talking in voice fry does it too.
@nightcall7398 2 года назад
Feminine weak men talking triggers me too
Oh, snap I thought I was the only one that can't stand whispering. I've almost punched ppl for trying to whisper to me.🥹
@jcstevegigs Год назад
@@SCHRODINGERS_WHORE OMG - whispering in my ear would send me to the moon...Mainly I hear it in TV/Movies.
@stanlb1122 Год назад
Glad to hear that someone is researching about this. Is there any kind of discussion groups in social media somewhere? My list of triggers were only few, but i have observed that the list has grown considerably post covid. Anyone else on the same boat? I wanted to understand how you are coping with it
@alie5111 Год назад
Reddit has a couple of subreddits on misophonia :)
@fermageehamilton1402 Год назад
Yes, I’ve noticed also that it’s getting worse as I get older and my list is also growing.
My trigger sound is whistling. It really sucks in public because I can't just tell people to stop, they just don't understand. In school my trigger sounds were pencil tapping and pen clicking. I just thought it was distracting, didn't know misophonia was a thing at the time. I discover new sounds any time I'm out in public.
@joyredmond7822 Год назад
I seriously cannot stand people whistling in public. Or humming. I think it’s incredibly rude and entitled. Not everyone wants to hear your noise pollution people! It puts me in a bad place just thinking of it.
@pocolokointhecocoa3817 Год назад
This is conjecture but I think my Misophonia started when I was publicly shamed for eating loudly I soon became hyper aware and distressed by any dirty/rude noise I made or others made. This mixed with social anxiety is not a fun combo.
@brettsample1786 Год назад
Can’t stand a sound is kin of an understatement. Certain noises can put you into a violent rage. At least inside that’s how you feel. Maybe a little bit of disgust. But mostly anger. The sound causes a physical sensation. And it’s hard to control your reaction. I’ve said rude things to dates. And have ate alone or suffered through if there we had a noisy eater. But yes, if someone is making a noise, it’s nearly impossible to listen to a conversation, and actually be present. It would be great to know what causes the issue of Misphonia.
@mankindlifetalks2970 2 года назад
I personally think very few people have any idea what misnophonia is.i hear people talking of small trigger sound's and chewing and all that guy's yourll are truly blessed u guys Shud appreciate the small degree of misnophonia that url have I really envy yourll I live with misnophonia and guy's hear this some of us have it to the max like applied level's here life is hell misnophonia is a curse how can u live ur life when every sound terrifies you guy's this thing is hell ask me whrs hell and I'll point you straight to misnophonia people who pretend to have it I have no words for u but that day u shall experience such I promise u you will turn even on the very God uve been praying to your entire life.
@MrJellybellylove Год назад
This hurt my brain to read. It’s worse than google translate. Please learn some grammar.
@newtoyourlife Год назад
@Elzie2244 5 месяцев назад
For me, even the sound of someone swallowing a drink sets me off. I have to put headphones on quick or leave the room. Or I'll get so angry. Recently learnt I probably have this condition. I'm learning to become a sensory integration practitioner as an occupational therapist so it's really interesting to learn about
@eddue12345 11 месяцев назад
Misphonia is torture!! Its torture that I endure alone because no one around me really cares or is truly empathic about what I'm feeling. I think I'm wrong because everyone has right to chew the way they want. But I also think my family is wrong because if they cared about me even a little bit they could just learn to eat with their mouth closed and that would be a very small adjustment that would 100 alleviate the TORTURE that I feel. But I've explained it to them several times very scientifically and calmly. And they don't stop. Deep down feel it's because they don't care about me enough for that. They are just not empathetic to me. And they are in their right to not be. But I'm in my right to not live TORTURED. So I'm debating cutting them out of my life forever because I don't know what else to do with this problem.
@teddmented 2 года назад
The devil created this
@yummy8074 Год назад
I'd wager the devil himself fears miso.
@FadeMouse Год назад
i’ve had misophonia ever since i can remember. it’s awful and nobody understands
@Acousticlystrange Год назад
I do, and then when people make fun of it
@TheSandkastenverbot Год назад
If Americans actors would finally learn to talk without constantly lip smacking I could actually watch a whole movie again 🤬💩
@yummy8074 Год назад
Or dramatic whispering in movie trailers. Nobody speaks that way and it sounds terrible + it's cringe.
@myworldautistic6839 7 месяцев назад
My misophonia is critically severe as well. So much so that i can't function at all.
@Acousticlystrange Год назад
I'm misophonic please pray for me.
@majorpygge-phartt2643 2 года назад
Beware, this appalling and potentially life RUINING condition can happen to ANYONE, anytime, all it needs is the wrong kind of brain damage, like if you're attacked, or have a serious accident, or pick up a certain parasite etc. And it can mean having to stop working completely, and losing your partner if you're lucky enough to have one, and your kids, it could mean losing your home and even becoming homeless and then being unable to go to any hostels, the possibilities are appalling.
@TheSandkastenverbot Год назад
What do you mean "beware"? It's not like you can kung-fu chop misophonia away from you. Such a post isn't helpful at all
@majorpygge-phartt2643 Год назад
@@TheSandkastenverbot Here we go again, I used to get stuff like this on facebook, there's always one who misinterprets what I've said, most likely deliberately. You know as well as I do that people can end up seriously brain damaged if they're attacked, or if they're involved in a serious accident and in some cases it can leave the victim severely misophonic, and the same can happen if they get infested by certain types of parasite, it has been known to happen. That's what folk need to be aware of, it can happen to anyone and it can utterly DESTROY an entire life.
@miloskostic5963 Год назад
why did you have that problem
@okay12322 Год назад
I’ve got misophonia and my triggers are: Chewing slurping Loud breathing (I can’t remember the rest 😂) and I remember I got put next to someone who breathed from his mouth that I Nearly started crying! One of my “friends” told the teacher sp he moved but I do hear him sometimes.
@flower4598 9 месяцев назад
Glad im not alone, this is horrible!
@Hy-Brasil 8 месяцев назад
i have an incredibly good and incredibly long memory and can remember the day this started with me. my mom had some dumpy fugly 1970's clunker we called Pepe Le Pew (because it was black with a white stripe). this was in the days of kids not being required to ride in car seats. i used to sit in the floorboard of the backseat rather than in the seat (because being restrained by the seatbelt would make me vomit every single time.. which is another issue probably. i am sensitive to certain pressures or surfaces. and i blame that car.) there was no carpet in the floorboard btw. and my mom never cleaned anything so it was always nasty, gritty, hot, just a bucket full of yuck. and the car's speaker was right next to my head. and while i don't remember the title of the song she was playing that day i do remember the chorus would end with a mighty clap of several hands. And it was that song on that day that I knew what actual torment was. none of my skinned knees, kitchen scratch booboos, falling off my bike or bumping my head every came close to the ear shattering racket i experienced with that song. And it just kinda got worse over the years. The funny (or maybe sad?) thing is I was often alone when i was younger. i didn't have friends to hang out with because my mom didn't like going anywhere and she didn't like sending me off with strangers and she didn't like getting to know new people. so i would stay in my room and read and listen to my little bedside radio or i went to school. that was the extent of my social life until the last year of middle school. when my mom and i would rent movies or go a theater i was hyper aware of her chewing and the sound she made through her nose while doing it and always felt bad for thinking it was disgusting. The memory of her smacking on chewing gum while driving through town still haunts me. by the time i got into high school i didn't even want to have a social life so it was a moot point. i would skip lunch and hide in the library for the entirety of high school. basically i had no idea other sounds bothered me until i finally started hanging around more people because prior to that i was going out of my way to avoid social settings. and what really baffles me is .... i have a farm. The sound of a horse crunching away on his grain or the cow eating hay, the ducks snurdling around in the mud, even my pigs and dogs eating their food... none of that bothers me. But give my husband a bag of giant pretzels and i will lose my mind. if my oldest son eats an apple i have to leave the house. Loud motorcycles make me feel an unnatural hatred towards the rider... same goes for loud cars and trucks. i don't mind a muscle car rumble that shakes the ground. that decibel is low and soothing. but the moment you make it scream.... i wanna commit violence. shrill barking dogs, or dogs that have skin issues that make them chew on themselves. rain on a tin is maddening. loud music - even music i like..... Big Nope. If it's loud enough to make someone shout over it to be heard then you can bet the farm that i experiencing pain. i could go on for a while but ya get it. i just want to live a quiet calm life with my farm......and my family.... but they are just so danged loud!!
@NeuroPulse 2 года назад
Growing up with a brother with misophonia has done serious destructive damage to me. I had no context or feedback other than his about the sounds I made. Thought it was me.
@LS-fr6if Год назад
Why destructive ?
@flightattendantsteven Год назад
Chewing, tapping, car alarms, scuffing feet when walking (flip flops/thong sandals are the worst)...just a handful of sounds that make me want to scream. I became a flight attendant six years ago...the best job! The sound of the jet engines kind of blocks out everything else.
@mikhaillotter5328 7 месяцев назад
I only found out about a year ago that this is a condition. For years I have been trying to understand why certain sounds would send me into a rage fit. I can't stand the sound of people eating, even the way some people breathe. My GF thinks it's a joke or that I am being unnecessary when I get annoyed with her and the way she eats. What she doesn't understand is that I am fighting off the urge to punch her in the face. I have to ask myself all the time, why do people need to make all these unnecessary noises with their mouths?
@mygentlediary Год назад
I lost my eyes because of cancer when I was 4. And I have this condition as well. It irritates me and get angry whenever I heard noises until now. Then my negative thoughts start to come out. I ve been trying to adjust how I feel about this noises but it doesnt work :(
@BubbleoniaRising 8 месяцев назад
Beeps, bells, slack chimes, and robot sounds of any kind -- especially hold music/voices, and robot Ai voices -- all make me want to fight or scream. Most support for misaphonia seems geared towards chewing noises, but Id rather be in a roomful of people eating than next to one person with loud phone or computer notifications.
@mahraab2092 Год назад
They really don't know and that's really sad
@Human1136 Год назад
I hate revving engines
@christopherw6309 Год назад
Kind of interesting to me because I love cars and engine sounds. That being said if someone continually revs the engine it drives me crazy. Especially motorcycles in traffic.
@lucarussell7286 3 месяца назад
I had cbt for this and it done absolutely nothing to help. Also aversion therapy was part of it which was hell. Having to sit and listen to my trigger sounds (slurping) and not be able to move, make a sound or cover my ears. Awful.
@thatonearanara Год назад
I have it with burping and it is the worst as people can easily use it to bully me so I hide it so people can’t bully me with it, should I get earphones or earplugs, I am at the level where I have attacked people because of it and the only thing stopping me is usually a teacher.
@ibelievethesecret80 Год назад
My triggers are pretty much mouth sounds..eating, smacking, brushing teeth, swallowing loud after drinking(only my sister does this so far I heard) BUT I also hate SEEING people eating and certain food related words piss me off! When people say mmmm, tasty, sometimes yum yum, SOOO GOOOD! So watching tv and commercials from McDonald’s, Dairy Queen and any other food commercial I at least look away so I don’t see them chewing! I hate how I am!!! 😢
@fahads_artwork Год назад
I don't want to endup punching a class fellow during the class...I better will leave the place where these sounds are coming from ,,,and it really is unbearable, if you does not react or leave that place it will mentally and physically effects you bery bad like it weekens you
@StAu8390 9 месяцев назад
Is it the same as hearing pounding or hammering repeatedly or the honking or idling cars or people talking at the same time loudly? All those sounds drive me crazy, make me want to flee the place or wherever I am just to get away from it.
@dandydiavoless1473 Год назад
This makes me wanna move to the UK and be close to their studies and findings and such.... I´m mexican and for the moment living in Mexico as well, and being a 3rd world country makes it even tougher for people with miso since there´s cero acknowledge about it even existing, which translates to cero empathy and a whole lot of judging...... anyway thanks for making these videos..... they sure give me hope.
@rory5780 Год назад
People in the UK are not very understanding. Also I would consider Mexico a 2nd world country although there is a lot of inequality so regions will differ
@thriftysurvivor6117 2 месяца назад
Can this be a particular persons voice. There's a particular person in my family who's voice really irritates me or when they cough, snore or clear their throat. I'm also irritated by the sound one one of the dogs when I hear them tapping across the floor while others don't bother me?
@lisaliu7788 5 месяцев назад
I remember how i Scratch the blackboard because that terrible sounds.
@lisaliu7788 5 месяцев назад
It's not completely for specific sounds,it's the unbearable noise had me dropped off of school because i rest in class after recess,till these days i avoid eating or business mall for feeling sick and puking
@lisaliu7788 5 месяцев назад
It effected my social life alot, essentially not possible to avoid noises in modern society.
@lisaliu7788 5 месяцев назад
These things has put me in situation that i had autistic people as friends or thinks ted Kaczynski was right.
@lisaliu7788 5 месяцев назад
Because Chinese people are very noisy in restaurants, holidays I've been hating marriage and death ever since I was kid.
@Stinky_sack Год назад
Ya let's show people eating in a misophonia video. Love that
@rory5780 Год назад
Quite ironic really just shows that they don't care
@garysgroundschool4739 Год назад
I wonder if the use of technology by children escalates this condition
@rory5780 Год назад
what makes you think this?
@SensationalSeafairy Год назад
If people instead of making fun of misophinia took ot as serious as it governments could use it as a torture tactic.
@majorpygge-phartt2643 Год назад
Forget chewing and tapping etc. what about raucous CACKLING fits from FAT-trap loudmouths, or dogs, or banging doors or gates, or stupid skull piercing "whistling", or that stupid insane finger-click nonsense which has become such an insane obsession with the so-called "entertainment" industry, and which is constantly played over the PA system in shops and various public buildings making them inaccessible, eh?
@swapnilbhat2929 2 года назад
Any cure
@angelnunnart 2 года назад
Did you even listen?
@stevewillis1681 2 года назад
A 12 gauge
@Chipzclipz 2 года назад
@@stevewillis1681 danm Steve
@MistyForest111 2 года назад
death seems to be the only cure lol we shall suffer forever :)
@mankindlifetalks2970 2 года назад
Living with this beast for 29 years now and there's no cure or treatment my brother hear death shall do us part
@earth_is_a_time_machine Год назад
---- IF YOU HAVE ROOT CANALS THIS MIGHT BE WHY YOU HAVE MISOPHONIA ---- Just wanted to come back and say mine is gone because I had a failed root canal for 7 years on a back molar (#15 tooth). Since it was capped with a crown that trapped infection which spread to my ear and thus brain. I almost didn't make it. After trying millions of things the decay hiding under my nice looking crown cracked the tooth and I was in severe pain for a month, disabled. ----- IF YOU HAVE ROOT CANALS THIS MIGHT BE WHY YOU HAVE MISOPHONIA
@rossydv Год назад
This sounds like a reaction to inconsideration, not sounds!!
@paft 11 месяцев назад
Nope. My dog smacks his mouth a lot at random, it infuriates me. Mouth sounds are a big one for me. Even when people have proper manners, eating with a closed mouth still triggers me.
@majorpygge-phartt2643 2 года назад
Hold on a minute, if that lady presenter is supposedly misophonic then how on EARTH can she work?! What if you can't even visit a supermarket because of the excruciating noise in such places?! I'm sick and tired of hearing people online who claim to suffer with misophonia and then they mention their nice fancy professional job, and their partner, and social life, and entertainment, and their holidays etc. Well what about those like ME who have NONE of that but just an absolutely WRETCHED solitary existence and confined to disability welfare and spend their whole life almost entirely alone and relentlessly tortured out of your skull! And stupid earphones and plugs etc. are absolutely USELESS, they DON'T WORK!
@bollymann1982 2 года назад
There is different grades of misophonia, someone struggles A LOT and i am very sorry for them. And som people may only be triggered by a few sounds. :)
@chloeeechloeee9235 2 года назад
I’m so sorry it impacts you to this extent. I am heavily impacted, but to what you are talking about. People have varying levels of Misophonia. I keep headphones with me constantly to avoid triggers. I try to talk about the triggers with the people close to me, but they get offended and upset, or make me feel bad. I’m sorry you live this isolated life style. Have you tried talking to a specialist?
@majorpygge-phartt2643 2 года назад
@@chloeeechloeee9235 Of course I have but there's nothing they can do, all they can offer is their lousy stupid drugs which only make things far worse and have absolutely BRUTAL side effects which only cause even MORE brutal torturing hell, so they're a waste of time. And remember misophonia IS a disability and if your country has anti-exclusion laws like we supposedly have here in the UK then you should have a right to some degree of protection but if it's anything like here in the UK then you'll only find even MORE appalling EXclusion which is all I ever find and no-one will admit it or accept it and instead just start getting all arrogant and dictatorial and trying to tell me that there is "no exclusion, or discrimination" etc. and just totally abuse their authority, they're right little hitlers who think they're some kind of real big shot but in reality they're nothing but closed-minded ignorant s-ds no better than anti-social teenage yobs.
@ChantelStays 2 года назад
Mmm that's pretty judgemental, even though it's coming from a space of pain...and loss...and you're definitely at your wits end As with any "disorder" or variant ....there comes a massive spectrum and everyone falls on it differently Plus the human experience is one that is simply personal, what is painful for one person may feel different for another. I personally struggled *a lot* but with dedication , I've found many ways to manage and create a happy world for myself. Does it mean every day is great?- no... Does it mean I don't go into excruciating migraines because of my over sensitive nervous system? - no... But you have to make the best of what you're given. I have 2 amazing daughter's that understand I need quiet and I am blessed that they are pretty chill, introverted artistic kids. They know I can't eat at the dinner table like a "traditional" mom And etc. I also am a massage therapist/Reiki practitioner and esthetician. My space is a heavenly zen'd out place, where I can promote relaxation for my clients (and myself) Its a fantastic career with minimal disturbances. ...mind you I sometimes hold my breath to not hear myself breathe 🤣 and breathing definitely helps through my triggers...I guess it's a good thing the sound of oil on skin doesn't bother me haha. Anyways, best of luck in your future. Don't give up. And don't be so viciously mad at the world. You'll find a way through this.
@majorpygge-phartt2643 2 года назад
@@ChantelStays Judgemental? I think not, but only simple statement of simple fact. Some sufferers of this absolutely APPALLING wretched disorder CANNOT have ANY remotely "normal" life at all, it can mean absolutely NO work, not even lousy shelf stacking or emptying bins etc. NO "social" life, NO courting, NO marriage or relationships etc. NO kids, NO "holidays" or travel etc., NO group activities, NO hobbies, NO "entertainment" etc. and NO "happiness" at all! the list goes on so it's just like PRISON, and it can mean all manner of appalling EXclusion and the sooner more governments and other authorities, both public and private start recognising that the better, and NOW, NOT next century! Misophonia IS a disability and MUST be taken FAR more seriously and NOT so outrageously "played down" and trivialised by all those who are so normal and have absolutely no concept whatsoever of how absolutely DREADFUL it is. But instead all they ever do is just keep on piling more and MORE totally unacceptable barriers in the way!
@majorpygge-phartt2643 2 года назад
Hasn't that lady presenter got a lovely fuller figure?!
@1msubswith1video11 Год назад
Many people don't know how bad misophonia is *E V E R Y S I N G L E D A Y I W A N T T O L A S H O U T* *I TRY TO KEEP IT IN, THIS IS EVERY DAY* *stop, stop,STOP* *AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA*
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