
Scott Kiloby - 'The End Of The Spiritual Search' - Interview by Iain McNay 

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@061356 12 лет назад
This gentleman Iain McNay is one of the most interesting interviewers I have ever heard. he actually listens and asked the RIGHT questions. You can tell he has done his homework. Love Iain.
@danspeerschneider3840 3 года назад
I agree ...❤️🙏🏻
@omarmiz Год назад
He’s totally present and truly listens intently.
@CuriousCritter9 13 лет назад
Excellent interview and with the most brillant interviewer I have ever seen. Excellent, excellent, excellent.
@oviaelectronica 10 лет назад
Wonderful interview, thank you Scott and Iain for sharing this with us
@annabaldock2519 Год назад
I’m 😊
@dharmaservant 13 лет назад
I wasnt going to look at this - it came up in the side bar as I watch Francis Lucille. I resonate deeply with Scott. I myself have had a similar journey, I am deeply grateful to Scott. Several other celebrated Advaita teachers in the west belong to 12step groups. Jai Ma
@neetalt 6 лет назад
22:25 play the play.... Scott tried his level best to put it in simple words so our minds can understand it well. He tried to take us as close as he can to understand TRUTH conceptually but left the experience (practical) for us to have. Thank you conscious tv for sharing one more Awakening experience.
@andreac647 5 лет назад
"The fear was like the glue that had been holding that sense of self together". This is exactly how I experience it, though still in present moment but it gets more and more intense.
@guitpizz 4 года назад
Btw, I read Scott's book a few times. It is good one. No BS in there. A nice Krishnamurti vibe floats in there without the harshness and lack of humor K often had when he was on an angry rant looking down the world from his soap box. K is an essential teacher however. Cutting through religious bullshit like a razor blade. A very unique and assertive voice. Not just the guy to listen to if you need to have a good laugh.
@david203 11 лет назад
Very much agree--all his interviews are stellar.
@dasfreutmich1 5 лет назад
Beautiful , Scott ! Beautiful !!
@storiesneedears 9 лет назад
Thank you. Real and precise.
@baloog8 10 лет назад
I guess everyone has their own ideas seeing from the comments below, even "advanced" or "enlightened" people, but in the end, all that matters is what the people watching this video take from it. If it opens your heart and silences your mind, then that is really all that matters.
@azzurres1 7 лет назад
out of drug addiction to a spiritual awakening.. you can learn just fear out of his his words and experiences.. there is so much behind the anxiety... wrong thinking.. thinking of no love.. no hope.. hate to others... fear of death.. anxiety has always a name.. and if someone tells you this is just a process without meaning you dont have to understand it, you can be terrified.. anxiety is not the spiritual way.. anxiety is just an evidence of a wrong believe.. an old habbit which wants to be healed.. it has always names and you can always know where it is from..
@rihabgamal7809 2 года назад
thank you so much
@talkinghead22 13 лет назад
Brilliant interview!!
@Mele222X 10 лет назад
This was fascinating. Thank you.
@RajWilAdi 14 лет назад
Found myself in resonance with Scott.
@iloverumi 14 лет назад
Thanks again Iain! I love these interviews!
@C_Masi 3 года назад
Looks like you guys are doing the interview on the death star lol so awesome! Great interview too!
@ebutnoekim 14 лет назад
@mahendrasinghvi7187 10 лет назад
Absence of separation and the feeling of "melting away" is something that eastern cultures have long talked about. Feelings of "Advaita" or non-dualism are experienced in deep meditation stages where you lose sense of self as we know it. Scott has been able to explain it quite well even though he does seem to be at a loss at times to explain in the way an average common man would understand. Very interesting. Thanks for sharing.
@gordonbrown5340 3 года назад
Eloquently nearly explains that which can never be explained
@JonathonTaoofJonathonBeauchamp 11 лет назад
Thank you for sharing this interview. I found it interesting and think it will be useful to some people:-)
@LaRueEppler 13 лет назад
@ladylillyflower Beyond duality, words do not exists. Therefore verbalizing feelings can be difficult, not because Scott cannot label the feeling, but because words them self are not the same as the experience. Words are only symbols but are not the true experience. Hope this helps you understand how non-dual teachers can sometimes come across as out-of-touch.
@inescruzada 8 лет назад
The best that spirituality has to offer is thiis, really. Life free of bullshit of all kinds.
@ultracalicokittycat 2 года назад
Excellent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :~)))
@david203 12 лет назад
I can relate to skepticism, but you are so strong about your opinion, with no apparent basis, that I wonder why you believe as you do and what is the source of your incredible negative energy. There is something going on here with your powerful rejection of this spontaneous common human thread.
@david203 11 лет назад
I like how you are now asking a genuine question, thus admitting that all your previous questions (and statements) were bogus. I am willing to discuss Enlightenment with you, but I suggest first that we switch to a private conversation by email, so we can stop clogging this comment area with our off-topic postings. Are you interested?
@michaeldelisieux5252 6 лет назад
The unexplainable is what it is: (unexplainable)! Cheers!
@david203 11 лет назад
1. Scott has discussed his Awakening elsewhere. He has talked honestly and fully, as have the other Nonduality teachers. You raise questions only to express your disbelief, not to seek answers. 2. I'm not defending Scott from you. You have no serious attack that needs defense. 3. Why do you think I could kill someone? Where is your reasoning? You are the one who seems violent. 4. Why am I dishonest, unreliable, ignorant? Where are your reasons?
@TheLetsbegin 12 лет назад
The mind is always trying to reason for no apparent reason, except for ego thought connecting for survival:-/
@sclhzrd Год назад
I assume now that Scott has found his reason for his addiction and wanting to escape life
@JupiterMoonTune 12 лет назад
Yes do the work reap the results. Simple but not easy;-)
@Alkenphel 14 лет назад
i feel like how he felt. the alien-ism
@david203 11 лет назад
(Part 2) To do this you must be willing to ask and answer questions about yourself. I've tried to help by giving you feedback and asking you questions about yourself. You have answered not even one question. How do you think you can understand Scott Kiloby, or me, when you are unwilling to examine yourself by answering these questions?
@LoyolaIgnatius 5 лет назад
Oh my....this is hillarious 22:22
@websoull 11 лет назад
I accomplished nothing...absoulately nothing...but seems like this guy accomplished something big:) can you tell me ...you must know because you defend him so strongly
@worldpeace8299 8 лет назад
Did he say he was smothered as a child?
@grants.6122 8 лет назад
smothered with anything he needed.
@ichhabedich1 11 лет назад
danke ihrem schöne sprech hier Liebe Scott
@mianusa 12 лет назад
This is most confusing interview I heared here. I know what he is trying to say. but he seems to be not articulate enough. Look at Iain's face is priceless.
@Zippose3 11 лет назад
just be
@david203 11 лет назад
No. I don't claim to be Enlightened. I make no untrue claims.
@websoull 11 лет назад
and this should be a lesson for you...if you read my first comment I said there is no enlightenment...i didnt say I want tobe enlightened or I want to learn how to be enlightened...If you were sincere you should have start the conversation by asking me: "why ddo you think there is no enlightenment?"...obviously i didnt deman anything, I made a statement, a conclusion...you didnt ask because you had an agenda...you wanted to impose on me your version of truth...know your opponent first
@david203 11 лет назад
(Part 2) Concerning your new claim: you now claim it is bad to earn money from helping others reach Awakening. What nonsense. Each person who Awakens should help others. And since it is necessary to have an income based on what one does, Awakened people have every right to charge for their time. In fact, you are getting Scott's help for free through You Tube. Rather than being grateful, you spew complaints for everyone to read.
@mrcuteblackie 13 лет назад
why must one sit still.
@websoull 11 лет назад
I would love to but its irrelevant....your ego wants to see itself higher than me..its obvious from your answers...somehow you think you already achieved some sort of enlightenment... I have gone thru non perception stage, out of body experience, nonduality, my chakras open, when i close my eyes I dont see darknes; kundalini awakening, ,and things that I am not allowed to say...so what else is there that you can possibly tell me...I stayed in buddhist temples and at the end guess what I found..
@websoull 11 лет назад
I can guess you probably had some sort of experience - bliss, celestial, some sort of perception change etc...and you think you are getting somewhere...I can assure you you are going no where...becasue to see the truth you cannot train yourself...it just happens...and when it happens you will realize everything is just a game including the game of enlightenment...that why I say there is no enlightenment...
@websoull 11 лет назад
another reason I dont answer your questions is because I dont think you reach to a level where you can help me....you are probably still lower level...
@david203 11 лет назад
Why are you so combative? Can you see the violence in your heart? Why do you think I know nothing about meditation when I received training that most others respect? Why should I get a "real job" when I am retired? Why is helping others not a "real job"? Why am I stealing money when my clients are happy with their transformations? Why am I stealing money when I take no salary?
@david203 11 лет назад
(Part 1) You already stated clearly that you do not believe (or understand?) Enlightenment, so pretending to be Enlightened and having all knowledge doesn't work. But you accidentally said something very profound: "when you know yourself you know others." Your first task is to know yourself.
@websoull 11 лет назад
I am not combative you are....and you cant see it....you are projecting...
@conaboa1 10 лет назад
There is no such thing as enlightenment.Nobody can ever be enlightened simply because it's impossible for the ego (character) to be enlightened given that separateness is its very nature.Therefore anybody who claims to be enlightened is fake.All these characters who claim to be enlightened are really on an ego trip and just looking for attention, making their condition actually worse, i.e. becoming more lonely, more dual. As long as there is mind and discussion, there is no non-duality.,,,no enlightenment.Thus, these shows/interviews although entertaining,are totally useless and of no help to anybody.
@Leftovercrack1987 9 лет назад
conaboa1 Ur not really right. Because someone can say i'm enlightened just to tell someone the ego isn't there anymore. Ofcourse everyone is enlightened underneath the layers of ego. But just a wrong choice of words doesn't mean shit.
@conaboa1 9 лет назад
De Leftover When someone claims that they're enlightened, they really saying that their ego is enlightened.So how can an ego be enlightened when it doesn't even exist. No one is enlightened, because no one exists.
@meditationbrett 7 лет назад
Enlightenment is when one steps beyond the ego, which is of the mind, and into the divine mind or authentic self. When you have this experience and see that you are not your thoughts nor are you your feelings, enlightenment clearly presents itself. You step beyond judgement and duality. When this happens, one can experience peace, joy and love. Perhaps Jesus said it best when he spoke of "The peace that passeth all understanding". Meaning you cannot comprehend enlightenment, you can only experience it. And that is only done by transcending the logical or egoic mind.
@halwarner3326 6 лет назад
conaboa1 get over it
@mojamurphy4905 6 лет назад
The words are necessary when attempting to communicate the experience, the truth. They are for the listening portion of the one. They are pointers, they are not "it". In order to "reach" the unenlightened, communication must be in terms understood by the audience.
@david203 11 лет назад
Yes, there are quite a few Nonduality teachers, and yes, it can be taught to those who are receptive. "obviously you never experienceed non duality...you cant teach nonduality"--to whom are you addressing this? If to me, I never claimed to teach Nonduality. I teach only meditation. What makes you think he has an ego, or wants to make money? I doubt you have proof. You're just such a complainer, an irritable bully is what you are. Stop it.
@antandshell 3 года назад
Iain, my ego wants to comb your hair...
@websoull 11 лет назад
maybe thats a model you built in your head...maybe I am gone beyond those models....how do you know? how do you know I need help to get enlightened? how do you know I am not enlightened already? now let me ask you a genuine question...what is enlightenment?
@conscioustv 6 лет назад
The transcript of this interview is available to view here. conscious.tv/text/142.htm
@sanekabc 4 года назад
All these up turned hands Jesus imitators.
@websoull 11 лет назад
so you really think you are enliughtened:))) and this joker too....hahaha I am not here to answer your questions because your questions are based on your selfish interest not mine...so dont pretend like you are trying to help me...drop your poker face and see the truth...
@david203 11 лет назад
There is some truth to what you say. So, then, why are you so negative, combative, and obnoxious? If that is normalcy, I want nothing of it. Give me Enlightenment any day--it's much more fun.
@groundofbeing9733 2 года назад
This guy is just repackaged Adyashanti and Greg Goode. Careful...!
@ultracalicokittycat 2 года назад
funny, I found him to be quite unique in his approach!
@lizr8484 11 лет назад
wow, one day you will see this and laugh at yourself, is this a reflection of something you dislike about yourself prehaps? you will see there is no real need to be this way. dont lose yourself in the ideas. peace
@daveg56 14 лет назад
Scott seems to be a really grounded human being. Excellent.
@david203 11 лет назад
(Part 3) If you ever hope to understand Enlightenment, you must be a little humble, and ask real questions, not "bullying" questions. No one wants to cooperate with a person who makes it clear that they don't want to cooperate with anyone else. Real knowledge can spring from humility, cooperation, harmony, and curiosity. So far, you have shown none of these.
@websoull 11 лет назад
I dont need reasoning because I know it from myself...because when you know yourself you know others....you dont need reasoning or logic because wisdom is always there and you can easily see thru your instinct what anyone is doing...this is beyond your unsderstanding...I can see you are still on the path...keep going...
@Explorer766 13 лет назад
This biography type interview of Scott's story has been something I was curious about and appreciate hearing very much, thanks.
@ronatholl 12 лет назад
he is a good interviwer
@Sebastiaan75 11 лет назад
Amazing interview! Thanks Ian and Scott!
@websoull 12 лет назад
there is no enlightenment...there are no enlightened beings... these people are just repeating nonsensical words based on an experience... its an experience - it is a thought - why is it any more special than your everyday experiences and thoughts? thank God I have seen it all so I can reject all these idiots... their experience is no use to anyone other than selling their book and trying to be popular, which is a selfish activity to the core...these people are worse than politicians
@andthereisntone1 14 лет назад
wonderful interview. tx.
@david203 11 лет назад
(Part 1) The point here was your claim that "there is no enlightenment...there are no enlightened beings." Your failure to address this strange yet energetic claim shows your weakness of mind.
@david203 11 лет назад
I did ask you why you believe there is no Enlightenment. That was one of the questions you did not answer. I will not impose my truth on you. I will only try to help because that is what I do in life as a meditation teacher. You are not my opponent; you are a precious, lovable human being.
@sanekabc 4 года назад
Conscious tv means it isn't conscious. The moment you posit the one you create the opposite.
@paradoxman316 11 лет назад
There is no such thing in all of existence as non-duality. Duality is merely how creation is expressed in pairs of opposites. We are moving into Monism as opposed to Dualism; and the latter is the idea a dual opposites are opposing each other, which is not true. Dualism is polarization, which will and must end. If we end duality, we annihilate creation, which only exists as natural pairs of opposites, two sides of a single coin. We are moving from separation to unity consciousness..
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