
SDA Women's Ordination Crisis - Supportive response to Pr Doug Batchelor and Stephen Bohr and Appeal 

Maranatha Media
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At the General Conference Session of Seventh-day Adventists this year a vote will be taken to allow individual divisions to decide for themselves whether or not to Ordain women as pastors. This video supports Pr Batchelor and Pr Bohr's appeal not to do this and also appeals for consistency regarding the Father and Son as revealed in the Bible. It also appeals to remember Ted Wilson's opening address to the Church in 2010. For more information start the Theos Journey here. www.onegodonelo...



30 сен 2024




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@valentinaskurockinas7144 5 месяцев назад
Amen 🙏🏽
@alfredkilembe4330 9 лет назад
We should be aware of numerous crises from individual to corporate. We may be led by the devil to neglect all our sidetracking from the cross and believe Women Ordination is the greatest sin. It may not even be sin. Sinning is rampant in all the ranks of our church society, we should be serious about such as well. I mean from the individual, family, church etc. Some want to be very close to those who practice the OT male priesthood that Christ abolished at the cross while at the same time say we are not buying such doctrines. Knowingly or unaware they follow those who say they shall never have women as priests but as Nuns. Those who to detach themselves farther from women they added a doctrine of celibacy. Some of these views are built from the elements of their doctrine and yet we claim we are standing apart and accuse those who have an inclusive stand as following them. Know that something can be Biblical (found in the Bible) but be not right or misapplied. Most interpretations from the Bible and SOP are shaped to suit one's stand. So it is now like opposite parties are seriously campaigning as they near polling day. I believe eternity is possible with or without Women Ordination. Christ left us all Priests (1Peter 2:5,9). I hope we from the agree that the SDA Church does not practice the male OT Priesthood. Let us not be deceived by the devil to sit and be waiting for what he paints as the greatest sin while he makes us sin in the easiest way.
@statutesofthelord 9 лет назад
Alfred Kilembe God has said it is best to be single, if you can.
@forthangel1711 3 года назад
@forthangel1711 3 года назад
@bryenbrentcastle5975 9 лет назад
If they are going to vote "yes" at the GC 2015 to Ordain women then we are no longer a United World Church of Seventh-day Adventist. Meaning, that we are going to have our "OWN" way of doing things, by Division, By Local Conference, by Area, by District and by Local Church.I am going to have my own too according to how I intrerpret and understand the scriptures. Whoever these people who are advocating for this "Women's Ordination" idea you are introducing disunity and trying to end the Adventisim all over the world.
@barringtonbrennen 9 лет назад
What terrible theology: "Eve was the image of God through Adam." Where did that come from? The Bible clearly states that Adam and Eve were in the image of God.
@statutesofthelord 9 лет назад
Barrington Brennen Genesis 2:22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. Did you forget this verse?
@Delsha777 2 года назад
Interesting. But don't forget about the Mother Holy Spirit and Daughter Wisdom. Blessings.
@zerosparky9510 4 года назад
So was Junia an apostle or not? Do uthink an apostle could lead a church?
@alfredkilembe4330 9 лет назад
Please read and watch both views. To know yourself if you are biased you will observe that you have closed yourself on the stuff of one side of the debate. You may have so many verses and SOP quotations, but check on the opposite side too. If you are a theologian and you respect the SDA Historical Grammatical method of interpretation, you will humble yourself. My surprise is that there is minimal or none, honest exegesis of 1Peter 1:5, 9. Is it out of place (not fit to be part of the Canon)? Mind you it was not easy to accept gentiles in the day of Peter. It was not scriptural but the Holy Spirit was speaking. It was not scriptural (not according to the SOP as well) to accommodate the uncircumcised but the Holy Spirit was speaking and they are accommodated. Jerusalem Council was probably tougher than our 2015 GC, but the Holy Spirit was speaking. To replace Judas was not easy because the 11 had been chosen by Christ Himself, since Christ was not physically present, it was not according to the Word to do that, but the Holy Spirit was speaking. Judas was replaced. The idea about the election of the 7deacons was strange fire because there was no scriptural reference as well, but the Holy Spirit was speaking. The SDA Church spent time justifying herself in a Shut Door Theory (it was deemed scriptural). Because the Holy Spirit was speaking, we can say "We have come this far by faith." Jesus performed "Strange Fire" in one case by choosing to be alone wit the "Samaritan" "harlot" "woman," and in many cases "a friend of sinners" He did not live "according to the scriptures and the SOP." In such instances the Holy Spirit spoke not "according to the scriptures" or not according to their common/agreed interpretation hence understanding or doctrine; but the church continued. Now, who can stop the Holy Spirit to do the same with us today? He is still doing His business as long as we are not in heaven. I am expressing my perception so just be honest about yourself. I am not affected by who is on which side.
@forthangel1711 3 года назад
Your own prophet said each of husband and wife is to have the Lord as authority
@JTRAVEL4K 7 лет назад
a very judgmental indeed. God Chose both Men and Women in this work. Christ now is our High Priest, Head of the Church and the Man and Husband. We are the bride of Jesus. Woman and Man can lead the church. There is noting against or in favour of Woman Ordination in both Bible and Spirit of Prophecy. Open your eyes to the truth of the Bible, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, I am praying for you Pastor. God bless always....
@marks6292 7 лет назад
One reason to reject the anti-trinity point of view, is that its adherents are underhanded. I.e, this video is not titled properly and was calculated through deception to get me here. The Title is a lie, created by a deceiver. Similar things were done and are being done to promote womens ordination at every level, including women elders.
@mosestctan 5 лет назад
What an irony that a woman was chosen to be the Founder and most prominent leader pf the church? Or is there a message for us?
@charlesbrooks9577 7 лет назад
I do not see why this is a bone of contention in any church,when it is explicitly forbids a woman from being a pastor or minister in the New Testament.
@GaryLordsWayMinistry 9 лет назад
Trinity comes form Roman Catholic Church theology who is the Antichrist so that speaks enough for me as to where this doctrine or I should say Dogma comes form which is founded on tradition and not scripture only. And you will notice it came around 225 years after the Last Apostle of Jesus Christ had died for they knew all too well How Jesus was. Do your homework and seek your own salvation and have His Spirit in you so you have no need of a teacher 1 Jn.2:20 & 27 seek out your own Salvation Phil.2:12 by calling upon the lord for His Holy Spirit Lk.11:13 and then keep all of Jesus' commandments and not mans' for we are not to lean unto our own thinking are we Prov.14:12 and Prov.16:25, see Is.28:9-12 or end up as all those in verse 13 here as well. Without Jesus' Spirit in you how can you have His wisdom or power to know the right way to go you cannot Jn.3:3-8 or be blown where He needs you to go for Him! see Mt.12:31-32, you will still be in your own will then won't you?
@GaryLordsWayMinistry 9 лет назад
Jn.10:30 Jesus is the I Am that was before Abraham Jn.5:58 and if we do not know Him as the I Am we too will die in our sins Jn.8;24!
@GaryLordsWayMinistry 9 лет назад
There is the problem you are taking your understandings form Helen White who has not understood all that is written and as Isaiah said you would have children and women over you in the last days.Is.3:12, your theologies must obey all scriptures and never come in conflict with another or you have the wrong hermeneutics and Exegesis. Jesus has power of life and death and He alone has the power to lay it down and to pick it up again because all life has life in Himself and He lays it down and picks it up again because he is the word which is God made flesh see Jn.1:18 the begotten God, who is in the bosom or the Holy Spirit seen in the glory that will only be given to God alone if they had known this they would have not have crucified the Lord of all glory 1 Cor.2:8! See Is.42:8 & 48:11-12. Jesus had this glory that only God can have Jn.11:40 who has life in Himself seen in Jn.6:68 for only he has the words of life so Jesus must be God for only God can finish His work Jn.4:34! Has to be God!
@DanielFlores-tb2em 9 лет назад
If Jesus is just the begotten Son of God and He is not equal with God as what this video is insinuating, why did Isaiah, Titus, Hebrews and other passages in the scripture tell us that Jesus is also God? The reason why Jesus becomes the Son of God is because he humbled himself Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: Philippians 2:6. If Satan wants to exalt himself to the extent that he wants to become god, and the great controversy is between Christ and Satan, it is logical to say that Jesus is equal with God. If Jesus is equal with God, can we not call Him a member of the God head? We call the father God as Jesus told us so because Jesus acknowledge the different role He and the Father have. In Hebrews 1 says; 3.Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high; 4 Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they. 5 For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son? 6 And again, when he bringeth in the first begotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him. Take notice the father said let all the angels worship Him (the Son). Does it not indicate Jesus equality with God? To conclude my point the Godhead of Jesus is not an issue because the Father has already acknowledged Jesus worthy to be worshiped by the angels even by all men, as every knee shall bow(worship) before the Lord Jesus. Therefore the accusation that Jesus is just the Son of God and that He is not God is of the devil because the devil wants to debase Jesus as the devil wants to be like God. If the Father calls Jesus His son, who are we to conclude that Jesus is not equal with God? Can we search the unsearchable and unfathomable God? Can we question who God is by our mere human reasoning? And the idea that Jesus calls God his father is their any indication that the father is higher than the Son? Not at all for the Godhead are just having a different role in their being One God. Just like Adam and Eve as they have different role in their being one. The question is who is Jesus to you? Is He usurping the throne of God when he says I and the Father are one? Can we read in the scripture or in the Spirit of Prophesy that Jesus is not equal with the Father? As for me and my house we acknowledge Jesus as the Son of God and we invoke God the Father first in our prayer, yet we believe that Jesus is equal with the Father as no man can come to the Father except through Him (Jesus)
8 лет назад
+Daniel Flores I assume you believe in triune God. That is why you have problem understanding " *begotten Son of God* ". He isn't " _just begotten Son_ " but *the only begotten Son*. Not accepting trinity doesn't mean taking away divinity of Christ. Hebrew1:4 Being made so much better than the angels, as *he hath by inheritance* obtained a more excellent name than they. - Christ is God by nature. He inherited divinity from his Father. This is easy to understand. But every son is always lower than his father. Good son must obey his father. And Jesus is such a Son: Joh 14:28 ....... If you loved Me, you would have rejoiced that I said, I am going to the Father; *for My Father is greater than I*. 1Co 11:3 But I want you to know that Messiah is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and *YAHWEH is the head of Messiah*. So, your statement " _there is no indication that the father is higher than the Son_ " is very wrong & unbiblical, unless Bible contradicts itself. Jesus is divine & worthy of worship, he's equal with Father, because his Father made him so: Joh 8:54 Jesus answered, If I honour myself, my honour is nothing: it is my Father that honoureth me; of whom ye say, that he is your God. But he still is Son of God. Real Son, equal to God the father in his divinity by inheritance, just like Eve was equal to Adam in humanity, but still lesser in her statute. 1 Cor 11:7-10
@4ChristianLife 9 лет назад
Powerful presentation. Thank you for sharing.
@888mladen 9 лет назад
Let me ask the author of this video one simple question. Was Adam naked when God created him? Is God naked? Could you please find what Bible says about it and then reflect it in you presentation. Thank you.
@MrPioneerlight2011 9 лет назад
Thank you for this bro. Adrian!!!!
@maxximuss22 9 лет назад
I respectfully don't agree with this. I saw this video and if you claim that whey shall take every tex like it is then your mistaken, just like the rich man and Lazarus is that to take as is it written? Or did jesus explain the reason why he spoke in "parables" to the apostles in Matthew 13-10?. Yes he did and that was not to take it how it is written had to be explained in the church because people did not know what it meant. All the video and your explanation had nothing to do with the subject but if you think that the "trinity" has to do with women ordination then that's up to your understanding but the main thing is it biblical, did the apostles did it or practice it or did jesus did it? No since the foundation of the earth jesus establish man and gave him dominion over all and if you claim that you understand that's is clear then I think that's clear enough that God put man as the head of everything. God bless you happy week.
@barringtonbrennen 9 лет назад
Why didn't Stephen Bohr read other strong statements from Ellen White where she clearly stated that women and men can be pastors. The selective reading is not good.
@edgardozavala 9 лет назад
Barrington Brennen It's easy give us the reference to confirm your argument/contention/asseveration
@Edupier 9 лет назад
Barrington Brennen If it's true, which I doubt it, you must bear in mind that she said she was not perfect. That everything she taught should be in accordance to the Scripture, and womern's ordination is not.
@Edupier 9 лет назад
Pastors in a general sense of guiding people to the Lord, not to ordain women as pastors. Besides, our only rule in matters of doctrine, according to EGW, must be the Bible not her books.
@Edupier 9 лет назад
 ***** It is NOT shamefuL at all. She said EVERYTHING must be in accordance to the Scriptures, and you are forcing some of her writings to be interpreted in the light of your convenience.
@Edupier 9 лет назад
Ciao, rebellious sister
@dominiqueblagojevic9447 8 лет назад
Doug Batchelor believes in the trinity. God the Father and God the son have different roles, but same God. Jesus was not made he always existed. there is nothing in scripture that states that he was made.
@UltimateSkidz 7 лет назад
He was born of a woman biologically does that count?
@Rockys-Mum 9 лет назад
I was baptized by female pastor SDA Sligo church
@888mladen 9 лет назад
Rocky s Mum What about those who have been baptised as babes? You know the answer don't you. It's in the Bible.
@Rockys-Mum 9 лет назад
888mladen No true christian baptize their child, Roman Catholic does! And you will not find infant baptism in Bible either! I am not an infant...what are you trying to say here?
@888mladen 9 лет назад
Rocky s Mum I just don't want to spoil your pleasure of finding the answer on your own. However here is the tip: What have your baptism and a baby baptism in common? I think you have already answered this question.
@Rockys-Mum 9 лет назад
888mladen Both of them is wrong, not Biblical, i didn't know then, but now I know! Why don't you find out that Women Ordination was voted out! more than 1300 people voted against this apostasy! 1 Corinthians 11:3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman isthe man; and the head of Christ is God.
@Edupier 9 лет назад
Rocky s Mum You had a bogus baptism. Re-baptize ASAP
@KENSH65 9 лет назад
Too bad that Doug does not see the belief in the co-eternal, co-equal trinity goes contrary to what he believes about the equality of women or the ordination of women. God made man and woman equal in nature, yet man is the head. Christ is equal with God in nature, yet is in submission as the Son of God. Is this random role playing? No. Woman came from man, Christ came from God.
@David88973 9 лет назад
I believe along the line that women should never usurp the position God gave men. But, I also am sensitive to decisions that eclipse Jesus. Debate, accusation, condescencion, anger, self-preservation, etc have no place in the search or protection of truth. When these are present, Jesus is cast out. This is the atmosphere that filled the post-apostolic/early Dark Ages church which took on all of the issues that Adventism is facing today. But, because they had long before lost their first love, all that they could bring to the table was the above list. The Spirit of Jesus was not present and had not been present with them for two centuries. The church was in dark ignorance and knew not its hour of visitation. The standards dropped and Satan walked right into the church from top to bottom. Was pagan religion guiding that process? Is it guiding the same process within Protestantism and Adventism? And even though outside influences toppled the apostolic church, it isn't honest to say that that was the only force causing the church's demise. Truthfully, the church itself began the process of decline. Laodicean, cool relationships with God and man, an eye skewed to the world while the other hypocritically looked to heaven, lack of serious suffering under the condemnation of the Law of God which could lead to the need of a Saviour from sin, all of these plagued the early church, and they have plagued us today in the Advent movement. When the apostolic church strove against the Spirit of God without repentance so long, God had no choice but to give it what it wanted--self-indulgent false religion. That is what we are seeing happening to Adventism. We strove against the Testimony of Jesus for so long that now we are reaping what we have sown. Isn't that what happened to Israel time and time again? This concept is biblical; it is sound doctrine. But it is unwelcome to a worldly church. So, are we going to argue, or will we weep between the porch and the altar, for the abominations being done in the church and in our own hearts?
@GaryLordsWayMinistry 9 лет назад
When we have seen Jesus we have seen God Jn.12:45 see Jn.14:1 and 14:7-18 whose Spirit we need to have the interpreter of all scripture that was wrote by Holy men who were moves by the Holy Ghost who is God for God is that Spirit Jn.4:24 who is the Father in Christ Jesus who does the works for He is the power and wisdom of God that is in Jesus 1 Cor.1:24 seen in 1 Cor.2:1-16, if you believe in two Gods that is Poly theism the worship of two gods.
@David88973 9 лет назад
"And it waxed great, even to the host of heaven; and it cast down some of the host and of the stars to the ground, and stamped upon them. Yea, he magnified himself even to the Prince of the host, and by him the [cross of Christ] was taken away, and the place of His sanctuary was cast down. And an host was given him against the [cross of Christ] by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practised, and prospered." (Dan 8:10-12).
@lizklym9061 9 лет назад
this is how I understand the Bible. Pastor Doug and Stephen Bohr did a excellent job on it using scripture to do the explaining.,
@danab47 9 лет назад
Thank you for this, it is wonderful!
@missionarygirl2552 9 лет назад
Happy Sabbath everyone!! Division is what satan wants to happen in our Church these last days. He muses when we are disunited. He laughs when we are divided.
@bybelbyt2425 9 лет назад
MissionaryGirl On the other hand, when we discriminate on the basis of sex or race satan is happiest. If this was a question of whether a race group may be ordained, it would be frowned upon. Yet Paul advocates for slavery along with women's 'subjection'. How can we not see that in Christ all are a new creation - no discrimination. Or we can go back to a time when women were property - to be sold and raped without issue (Exodus 20:17, 21:2-4, 7; Deut. 22:28-29).
@robert123ro 9 лет назад
Lenne Gabriel Oberholzer And how do you know that? Satan told you that? No, Paul DOESN"T advocate for slavery. Read the Bible and stop spreading lies. "You were bought with a price; do not become slaves of men." (1 Corinthians 7:21-23)
@mimijuneau5187 8 лет назад
Wow wow wow thank you very very much for this powerful presentation I agree with you because it comes from the word of God by the way,it is not discrimination it is just normal ,I am a woman and I was certain tha a woman cannot be a pastor it just confirme what the Lord says. emancipation is from Satan even feminist is from Satan and it comes from a women, thank you again it is so appreciate excuse my faults I am french. maranatha altesse Mimi ,Quebec city Canada
@maranatha-media 8 лет назад
Glad you were blessed Mimi. :) For more on this subject, check this article: Gospel of Right or Privilege and Women's Ordination maranathamedia.com/article/view/gospel-of-right-or-privilege-and-womens-ordination
@barringtonbrennen 9 лет назад
Pastor Doug, your statement is not that accurate regarding all professors. Why? Because in 1976 the Biblical Research Institute, through deep study of the Bible, indicated that the church can move forward in ordaining women and pastors. It stated that the Bible was not against it. Also during Ellen White's time. She clearly states that "both men and women should be pastors" and set aside "by the laying on of hands."
@barringtonbrennen 9 лет назад
But you select what you want to believe. Women were ordained in the bible Laying on of hands
@soldierjag 9 лет назад
Can you please give the references for both of your quotations?
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