
Seeing Truth Clearly - 2 Timothy 4:1-8 - Skip Heitzig 

Calvary Church with Skip Heitzig
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24 окт 2024




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@riseuporganic 11 месяцев назад
Great sermon. So true about truth and all that we’ve been through over the past three years.
@margaretcerchione2722 2 года назад
“Sanctify them by the truth;Thy Word is Truth.” John 17:17
@hosnaarzani 4 года назад
And this man is called a "false teacher" - Christians aka legalists have gone ballistic. This is sound teaching!
@theoracle5265 2 года назад
Thank You Lord for putting Your Holy Spirit into Skip and making him a faithful teacher/ preacher to the Body Of Christ!
@supplantermusic9413 4 года назад
Jesus is Lord
@jamesmulanax1424 4 года назад
... clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap! Thank you for stepping up, taking your gifts seriously and giving the Lord credit.
@gnieu1278 3 года назад
Sanctify them in the truth, Your Word is the Truth.... Enough said
@charleswomack2166 3 года назад
I love how Skip is truly gifted at explaining the meaning of the bible, and if there is something that cannot thoroughly be explained (usually for translation issues) he explains this.
@rubywedderburn6528 3 года назад
I'm blessed by God's grace and mercy also for the teachings of this Pastor and I'm grateful Now Let's Begin Shalom 🙏🏾
@paulsoman434 3 года назад
Great sermon it is so clear and informative
@anjeeabadmaitra6574 4 года назад
Thank you . Praise God.
@lukeedwardfowler4813 11 месяцев назад
What a great Message my Brother Skip and this Truly Blessing me and may God Continually Bless you 🙏.
@georgejaquith4732 3 года назад
Wonderful sermon and introduction to this series on truth, something sorely needed. God be with you.
@rojanthomas4146 4 года назад
What a blessed message ! Wish many believers would listen this message and be blessed. Thank God for His wonderful Word.
@charmainroach932 3 года назад
YOU never mention that the nation should pray and fast to God for the healing of the nation. thank you for your great message. Shalom. Shalom. Shalom.
@rhondabaroli2683 3 года назад
The more you grow .the more better for your well being
@donwilson5951 4 года назад
Amen !!!
@clementgangmei3707 4 года назад
First to hit the like button 🙌🏻 Amen 🙏🏻
@lulugirlxox 4 года назад
Amen 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
@sstarklite2181 3 года назад
Psalm 9:18 For the needy shall not always be forgotten: the expectation of the poor shall not perish for ever. Psalm 41:1 Blessed is he that considerate the poor: the LORD will deliver him in time of trouble. Psalm 72:4 He shall judge the poor of the people, he shall save the children of the needy, and shall break in pieces the oppressor. James 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction…..(help them financially). Isaiah 14:24-27 our whole purpose should be the same as God’s: to end oppression on the whole earth.
@sstarklite2181 3 года назад
Ferdinand Lundberg said that the only way to get rich in capitalism is by good luck, or doing something shady or illegal. We should start demanding the redistribution of money equally worldwide ASAP and end world poverty and crimes and wars worldwide, because it never should have been distributed unequally in the first place! God bless everyone!
@ProphecyUnfolding 4 года назад
I wish skip would talk about all the pastors and Christians who are all having dreams of the rapture saying jts coming this fall. Pastor Dana Coverstone said he is having prophetic dreams about how the US will come to its knees and be no more this fall. How do we know if they are speaking the truth.
@islewait6107 2 года назад
🙏 ⚓ 📖
@jewishbride5010 4 года назад
Father God, in agreement with this message I loosen the whole word of 2 timothy 4:1-8, 2 corinthians 6:14-15, galatians 6:5, 1 john 3:10 for myself and my opponents to come to truth, each according to one's own actions, binding all false doctrine to the pit of hell upon no return in my life, in the name and blood of Jesus Christ, amen and hallelujah: "4 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; 2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. 6 For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. 7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: 8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing."
@charleswomack2166 3 года назад
Did you write that yourself ?
@ebonyromero17 3 года назад
Awesome prayer! Thank you!
@PatrickTengmusic 4 года назад
2 Timothy Chapter 4 ☝️
@gayleholmes1 Год назад
how do i find the next sessions of this topic? I can't find them in my search. If you know how please let me know
@sstarklite2181 3 года назад
God’s WHOLE PURPOSE is in Isaiah 14:24-27 to end oppression on the whole earth so that should be our whole purpose. And most people misunderstand I Thessalonians 4:17 “meet him in the air” because it really means all nations will start building only Tower cities connected to maglev Trains worldwide, which can only be done when WE end world poverty, which is caused by the wage system, just like in Exodus (mentioned in the Bible over 600 times), so it’s the theme of the whole Bible. The new heaven and earth will happen right here on earth today, because most money is just numbers in computers. Look at how capitalists think it’s right to give all the money to a few rich people while leaving billions to starve to death worldwide. The fountain of living waters is referring to a Universal Basic Income because it will end poverty worldwide. Jer 2:13. The Mark of the Beast is capitalism which forces us to BUY AND SELL something or starve which is evil. In other words, no guaranteed income. Revelation 17:15,17; 18:2,3, 7-24. God’s Perfect way will be a UBI worldwide, and start building only Tower cities connected to maglev Trains worldwide, because that’s the only way we can save the earth and all of humanity and animals. God’s promises are always about things on earth, not in heaven. Isaiah 65:17-25 (& many other places) will be possible for every baby born to live to 100 because there is no more poverty, and someday no more death, everlasting life here on Earth, not in heaven. Then we’ll see Micah 4:5 “everyone will worship their god, and we will worship ours.” God doesn’t care who or what god they worship, as long as there will be no wage system (deadly) and no more poverty and death, so T&T weill be able to eliminate all cars, roads, houses, most of the work with AI, no weapons, no military, etc, so we’ll eliminate most jobs and still end world poverty and crimes and wars. That has always been God’s whole purpose. Isa 14:24-27. God bless everyone.
@deborahcaissie3385 4 года назад
Can someone tell me exactly where I can share the covid-19 scam video from?
@veeshoo9441 4 года назад
You tube. "What we should all be doing right now" from The Adley Show
@sstarklite2181 2 года назад
I think God wants us to talk about physically saving people from death, the last enemy that shall be destroyed. Deuteronomy 30:19 says “I have set before you life and death; therefore choose life.” And Jesus physically healed people of their diseases as an example to all generations. God is love, so He loves all people of all religions. And God promised his people land to live on, and prosperity in New and Old Testaments. Read Deuteronomy. And today, for the first time in all history, we can end oppression and world poverty, because most money is just numbers in computers. Why don’t you get Christians to reject capitalism because God hates the oppressive wage system. See Isaiah 14:24-27, His whole purpose (used 4 times) is to end oppression worldwide, because it says specifically “on the whole earth.” The few richest Americans are teaching us and leading us and all nations INTO SLAVERY for tiny wages. See “Rogue State” by Wm Blum, and many books at Third World Traveler. Colleges teach us slavery! These things are what God looks down on earth and sees. Haggai 1:6. III John 1:2 Hw wants us to physically prosper (meaning a fountain that never ceases to overflow, so it’s about a Universal Basic Income worldwide. Water in the Bible also refers to money, see the dictionary. When the Bible refers to “evil men” they are doing/saying evil things, like “get a college degree and make more money” but if it’s ever been a lie to even one person ever, those words are Satan’s words, and lies that kill people. Look for interviews of former CIA John Stockwell who tells how USA is killing millions of people, which Americans had no idea was happening. WE should teach these lies, myths and fables, about life and death matters, so we can redirect every nation and individual to despise the wage system (slavery called capitalism) so people will stop buying anything from corporations, which are Beasts and modern slave plantations that are destroying the earth and all people eventually if we don’t change. Capitalists think it’s right to give all the money to a few rich people which is insane, and is obviously the cause of world poverty. Teach that, and lead people to God’s Perfect Way, in which all people own all things, because then necessities would be free. No rich people could say “if you want MY FOOD, get a job so you can buy it, and if you can’t ever get a job then starve” and billions are starving to death worldwide. God’s words are all words that can’t ever be a lie not even once throughout history. Today God’s fountain of living waters is a Universal Basic Income worldwide, which USA thinks is evil! It’s not evil to end world poverty and human suffering. It’s evil to not try to end oppression and world poverty! It’s hard to explain in one paragraph but please think about how God’s will is to show us how to end oppression and world poverty…and crimes and wars.
@jamespinkerton7942 3 года назад
My only critique is the use of the message translation. Leave that garbage at home, it's not even a translation. It is a mystical interpretation that has its roots on some really shaky foundations. I would prefer a good word for word when teaching but there are even some good thought for thought and paraphrase translations out there. I use to read some from the message until I researched more into the founder and what the MSG actually is.
@sstarklite2181 3 года назад
I was hoping to hear you say some words that aren’t true because they actually mislead and kill people. The one I think everyone has heard is this: “If you get a college degree you will get a job that really pays you more money!” So many people take out loans to go to college and then they never get a higher paying job, and it might even contribute to their becoming homeless because of many things that go wrong, like a long illness, or blindness, or they lose an arm and/or leg to cancer or car crash, and once someone becomes homeless it’s almost impossible to get out of that horrible situation, without someone giving them a windfall $1 million or something. “God’s words of truth” aren’t just words written IN the Bible. It means any words that are lies, and causes hardship and even death. What if the single wage earner (with salary of $5000,000 a year) of a family with 12 kids gets killed in a car crash? What will happen to his whole family? Don’t say “ that’s why everyone should buy life insurance” because they maybe didn’t know it existed, or they hadn’t gotten around to buying it. Plus there’s always been horrible stories about the wife kills her husband to collect $20,000,000., which shows that it shouldn’t exist, because it’s not Perfect. God’s way is Perfect, so that means that none of these things could ever cause these problems because they shouldn’t exist, there has to be a better way, a perfect system. These wrong things are what capitalism teaches, so these capitalist lies are from Satan, the father of all lies that aren’t perfect, and they actually kill people! You mentioned “my people are destroyed by a lack of knowledge” so that is referring to all of these and many more lies that they teach as truth! The lack of knowledge has to be the “fountain of living waters” in Jeremiah 2:13, TODAY (& I’m not sure what it could have meant before today when we have computers and most money is just numbers in computers), so today that has to be referring to a new system, one that is Perfect, so like a fountain all people worldwide should all have a Universal Basic Income, the money is always overflowing and there is no end, our cups should be running over continuously! The problem with capitalism, work for a temporary income, is that it’s not God’s Perfect way! If all believers said in unison “we demand equal wealth worldwide” we will definitely get it! USA is causing world poverty and wars and crimes because of teaching these lies. USA has been violently forcing all attempts at an alternative system to capitalism to fail by starting over 50 wars, teaching torture, assassinations and more, which are detailed in “Rogue State” by Wm Blum and many more books. See more at Third World Traveler.
@DaphneTinane Месяц назад
You are not serious
@abourachidhamidi228 4 года назад
The contradictions of the bible: God is Perfect Wise .... // God regretted his creation of man and repented for what he did. Genesis: Chapter 5 ¶ And GOD saw that man's wickedness was great on earth, and that all the imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only continually evil. 6 And this caused the LORD to repent of what he had done to man on the earth, and it grieved him in his heart. 7 And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man and beast and crawling beings, and the birds in the air; for it makes me repent of having done them. Why does the Quran contain no errors, either linguistic or scientific, and has no contradiction?
@benjaminneesham8439 4 года назад
I understand where you're coming from: I'm not a Biblical scholar and am possibly not the best person to reply, but such a sincere and perceptive question deserves a response. The apparent contradiction in the passage you quote is explained by our human inability to describe a transcendent God in anything other than terms we understand (anthropomorphism). We thus speak of God 'having regrets' or 'repenting', as if He was human, when in reality the text is attempting to convey, in terms we understand, the pain God feels when human life is wasted, either on an individual level (personal sin) or corporately, as in the passage you quoted. Although God is perfect, He created humans with free-will, as a consequence of which we have the potential to accept or reject Him; to obey or disobey. He could obviously have programmed us to be infallible, but then our obedience would have been forced, and there'd have been no basis for the relationship we, as Christians, believe we can have with our Creator, through the sacrifice of Jesus at Calvary, His subsequent resurrection, and His gift of the Holy Spirit. As human beings, Christians are far from perfect (some dreadful things have been done in the 'name of Christ', either by believers or people falsely claiming to be His followers), but anyone who sets aside their preconceptions and reads one of the Gospels; e.g. Luke, will meet a genuine Saviour, who loves them more than they could possibly imagine. Inviting Him into our hearts provides an assurance of eternal life, in contrast to the doctrine of abrogation, which suggests that God could change His mind in relation to a person's eternal destiny. I hope this reply goes at least some way to answering your question!
@charleswomack2166 3 года назад
@@benjaminneesham8439 plus the original language that the bible was written in was not English. Greek or Hebrew or Spanish .
@Natalie-1-10v3-y0u 6 дней назад
@@benjaminneesham8439 thank you for this thoughtful response, it has helped address the contradictions i noticed. good to know four years on your msg is still helpful (im a new believer :))
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