
SEETHE & DILATE- Trans Writers Use Comics To Gaslight Themselves That They Made A Good Decision 

Comics MATTER w/Ya Boi Zack
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@justshyn7347 Год назад
I have a lot of respect for you Zack. This symbolism is exactly what I thought of this entire situation. I am writing a serial novel that looks at this entire thing in a lense similar to your analogy, but worst and shows what happens when you prey on weak minded individuals without consequence. As a woman who grew up neglected and sexually abused and bullied by her parents for 25 years being a man sounded so good. I just wanted peace and justice and to feel like I had the right to exist. And my peers and mental health people were all yo happy to gaslight me. But I’m a nerd so I read a lot of books on psychology anf abuse and ptsd. Now, I’m grateful that I never was able to make the T therapy appointments. My life has changed drastically now that I accept myself , believe in Allah, trust myself and validate myself. ❤
@billjack1857 Год назад
So many tomboys get fooled into this - it's sad and painful. I feel genuine dread for these girls.
@RJStheFourthAge Год назад
What you're describing has a name, Zack. It the “Sunk cost fallacy.”
@hope-cat4894 Год назад
There's something very symbolic about never allowing a wound to properly heal in order to love yourself.
@Duranous. Год назад
Guys whatever you do don't watch any trans regret stories unless you want to feel utterly horrified about what happened to someone and completely enraged at the monsters who did it to them and all the fool that push them down this hill, smiling. The amount of physical and emotional trauma these people have to go through is harrowing and I fear that many of their lives have had their life expectancies cut very short (not even counting those that can't deal with the waking nightmare that has become their lives and decided to clock out early). And there was never a good reason to expect these quack procedures to cure what ailed them for it was not their bodies but their minds that needed help. This was just pure butchery.
@TheSpawnfan Год назад
I've heard of a story that almost was, a boy started dressing as a girl and said he wanted to be a girl, the parents ended up sending him to the mandatory medical evaluation and the doctor asked him what should have been asked the first time: the three letter word, WHY? The kid said that it was because his toddler sister got all the attention from his parents and he thought if he was a girl too, he would get attention as well. The doctor told the parents and the whole stuff with turning the boy into a girl eventually was halted then and there. The doctor said, years before that he is appalled that kids get subjected to things like puberty blockers without any regard for what might be actually going on with the kids and that there are doctors that go along with those procedures without the proper checkout.
@freman007 Год назад
It is horrific.
@NukeA6 Год назад
The story of Dr. John Money, the pioneer of these trans surgeries, is enough for me. He destroyed a whole family with his gender experiments.
@MrBrachiatingApe Год назад
And he lied his @$$ to the world doing it. His glowing reports about "Brenda" aka David Reimer (whom he sexually abused, along with his twin brother) convinced the medical world that transitioning could work on anybody, that gender is just a set of behaviours and expectations... By the time his horror show was exposed, it was the Official Truth, and way too few in the medical community now know the true story. Those who do are too involved, afraid, or scummy to stand up say Money was a monster and all his works are lies. Too many profit by his lies, and the rest are afraid of being cancelled. Hypocritic Oath is more like it. They all deserve prison and the massive way of civil suits coming in the next 5 to 10 years.
@MrBrachiatingApe Год назад
@@jaded9234 Even worse is hearing that people are still doing these terrible misdeeds, _knowing_ full-well the physical, mental, and emotional consequences as well as the lack of statistically provable psychiatric benefits... _and_ knowing it's all based on falsified research borne out of the wishful thinking of pedophiles and extreme ideologues. Not to mention knowing that either 80 or 90% of teenagers with sexual dysmorphia _GROW OUT OF IT_ by their mid-20s if not pushed into "transitioning." And yet somehow they are compassionate and we are bigots.
@bretmcdowall2224 Год назад
Bottom surgery sounds like the absolute worst thing in the world. Anyone who's truthful about it say its like having your entire pelvic region completely numb and yet in constant dull pain for the rest of their lives. Even just going to the bathroom is painful. And their sexual drive is completely gone (you removed your testicles go figure) and even if you do have sex with your weird inverted 'penis' its painful. Its no shock that some turn to suicide. I had a toothache for 2 weeks once and I wanted to kill myself, I can't even imagine bottom surgery.
@thomaslacroix6011 Год назад
This is what science without strong ethical principles looks like: experimental surgery treated as identity affirmation. Nonsense.
@wuddermalin5616 Год назад
the suicide rate among the post-transitioners is horrendous.
@davimusprime5292 Год назад
"You were just born in the wrong body!". Weird how the same intellectuals that ridicule people for worshipping the flying spaghetti monster suddenly becomes experts on the allocation and misallocation of transcendental souls.
@Sentry331 Год назад
The use and abuse of autistic people for clout and profit is evil. Also, the fact that the mainstream is stuck in a far left downward spiral is sad, but also, sadly predictable. Zack tried to warn them. But hey, I get Jawbreakers. That's a win I'll gladly take.
@clogs4956 Год назад
You forgot to mention eugenics there…
@robertcopp2411 Год назад
Man, I'm so happy my autistic ass grew up in the era of DBZ, X-Men, and Batman cartoons. The only thing I was convinced I could transition into was Super Saiyan.
@MK_ULTRA420 Год назад
lmao when I was a kid I wanted to be Batman and my dad said "over my dead body!"
@shemhazaithewhisperer2061 Год назад
If you want a less horrifying analogy, there is an Aesop Fable about a fox that gets his tail severed in a farmer's trap, and then he goes to the other foxes and starts encouraging them to whack their own tails off by bragging about how much happier he is without his tail. But in reality he's butthurt about the loss of his tail and is trying to get the other foxes to lop theirs off to make himself feel better about his own fuckup. This applies mostly to Gray Roomers, but it's also why these people have to turn every character they touch trans. At least the characters exist in a world of magic science that can change them back when another writer takes over the book. Real life doesn't work that way.
@ragenstorm6464 Год назад
You are more right thank you know Zack. I've literally seen them talk amongst themselves to justify their life altering surgery and it's quite honestly, sad. They talk about the pain, the medication, the convalesces it takes for the surgeries that leave them broke even with insurance. I've even seen them gang up on a person who read all their troubles and said, "I don't know if I will do this now." The person even had to say, "why are you all being so mean to me all of a sudden?" It was as if her saying no, meant they made a personal mistake. I think many, deep down, feel that way, but you're right, it's too late to go back.
@eloquentsarcasm Год назад
Girl I work with is the textbook "tomboy", doesn't wear makeup, girl clothes, just bought herself a motorcycle and goes camping/hiking all the time. 30 years ago I wouldn't have worried about her at all, but nowadays I can't help but wonder if she'll get ambushed by these conversion freaks at some point. She's actually cute, even without fakeup and the usual garb. So many are coming out now after they've been bamboozled and ruined their bodies and lives, there needs to be far more though in order to stop this insanity. There is a young lady, early 20's IIRC I can't remember the girl's name, but she's done several interviews and her story is so typical. Young, awkward, unsure of their beauty, and they fall for the crap being pushed on them only to discover as they age and mature that they made a terrible mistake. She only had "top" surgery, but still, she'll never be able to breastfeed a child, and will have to have reconstructive surgery to look normal again. All because supposedly "older and wiser" people led her naive self down the wrong path at a vulnerable time in her life.
@imjust_a Год назад
Is Chloe Cole the early 20's young lady you're thinking of? I watched an interview with her, and the terrible things she underwent made me sick to my stomach. I felt so bad for her.
@eloquentsarcasm Год назад
@@imjust_a Yes! She's the one.
@1SpicyMeataball Год назад
It's not a vagina or "something like it". Not even close. I know it's been a while since anyone took biology, but you don't need to dilate a real vagina. The analogy is spot on. You had something healthy and it's been cut to pieces to rot and fester. The comics industry we once knew is dead.
@justshyn7347 Год назад
@otakubullfrog1665 Год назад
I imagine that you'd suddenly see a lot more detransitioning if it ever becomes an establishment-approved victim narrative.
@maxwellkafka Год назад
When I was 7 in the late 80’s, I Identified as Raphiel from the Ninja Turtles, so luckily my parents were super progressive and flew me to Argentina to get me Ninja Turtle Transition Surgery… and I’ve been struggling to not die ever since, but I’m living MY TRUTH!
@grantdale9867 Год назад
I couldn’t agree more. Any time I end up reading a story by a writer identifying with the LGBT crowd, it’s the usual preachy crap that gives nothing of interest to the story. I quickly realized that they were trying to affirm their identity for themselves just as much as they were trying to convince others of it.
@MSinistrari Год назад
I forgot the name of the book, but I picked up one where Final Girls who survived slashers had teamed up to hunt down slashers. One of their cases ended up not being a slasher but a homicidal ghost from the 1800s that goes after young women. In the group of clueless teens the ghost goes after, one was trans and has a plot derailing pages long rant that it's trans erasure that the ghost didn't bother with the transwoman, and the ghost's transphobic with the others reaffirming the transwoman. I returned the book, got my money back.
@cesargonzalez4146 Год назад
​@@MSinistrariI need to find that comic in a pirate server, sounds almost like a story.
@iemzaf Год назад
​@@MSinistrarioh shit I think I bought that book a while back. Haven't gotten to it because of time, but now I dread having to read it knowing a skinwalker is going to preach about how hard it is being a skinwalker in current year
@MSinistrari Год назад
@@cesargonzalez4146 This was a novel, not a comic. Cover looked like a 80s style VHS coverbox.
@MSinistrari Год назад
@@iemzaf It popped on my recommendeds when I went through a bit of a retro horror style novel binge. Everything else I'd gotten was pretty good, so I read the synopsis for this one, skimmed the comments and figured why not. I'm a fast reader and I was off the next day so I dove on in and...yeah. I watch and read a lot of horror. My suspension of disbelief's strong enough to make the Olympics come up with something above the Gold Medal, but I couldn't get past your friends are going to get killed by this homicidal ghost if you don't move quickly, but you're making time to stand around rant about a ghost from the 1800s being transphobic.
@ericb5328 Год назад
I wish i could go back to before i knew that stuff about bottom surgery
@dekardkain5469 Год назад
I remember everyone warning me to choose the tattoo I got for my 16th birthday like my life depended on it, because it was forever. Adolescence was on recruit difficulty back then.
@DanyTV79 Год назад
This is insanity. And at the same time predictable and boring. They try to convince everybody because they want to be right about what they did to themselves. They prefer to destroy everything but accept they're wrong. Brillant video.👏👏👏
@piratebear3126 Год назад
I was recommended to be put on powerful anti-psychotics after 1 session for lacking social skills and anxiety as a teenager. Now the same thing is happening to gender non-conforming people. And even trans people point out that there are people who just want an odd fantasy for whatever reason get called transphobic. The more things change the more they stay the same.
@letopizdetz Год назад
A buddy of mine was exhausted and his health was slowly degrading from being overworked, we were in our 20's, overtime, extra work on the weekends 'to get the job done in time'... first doctor he saw tried to push opioids on him. He just got a better job a few months later and all the symptoms magically vanished. The US really has a problem with pushing pills instead of actually addressing the source of the problem.
@zxyatiywariii8 Год назад
I was recommended benzodiazapam for anxiety. Fortunately I research anything before I ingest it, and I saw so many horror stories about how hard that is to quit (even dangerous sometimes) and now I'm grateful I never took it.
@terracannon876 Год назад
Only Zack can link a fanfiction-style self-insert to literally insertion into oneself yet still make an analogy that more or less makes sense.
@Shinhotep Год назад
It's the Way of the Marine.
@bradleysmit1842 Год назад
Coke and some migraine meds immediately after playing videogames for me, otherwise, the migraine I will have is a devastating all day thing. You've ruined the term self-insert now, because all I can imagine is Goodbye Horses playing with the writers going "would you misgender me, I'd misgender me."
@joro3945 Год назад
I remember thinking that I was trans once upon a time. It turned out I was just being manipulated by my therapist and “friends” into thinking that having feelings besides anger made me trans. Glad I never went through with any hormones or surgery shit and instead got *real* therapy. Twelve years later I’m stabilized from where I was back then.
@ketami2 Год назад
Caffeine and chocolate helps push it off but I always crash harder later. The weather is one of the worst things for my migraines. When the pressure changes I get migraines. The weather in Texas right now is killing me. The heat plus the storms in the gulf is murder every other day.
@Kendro311 Год назад
Some people have a revulsion to the word "moist". I now have that reaction to the word "dilate". One of these days I'll have something constructive or useful to say in the comments, today is not that day.
@megaultradamn Год назад
"This moist prolapse ain't gonna dilate itself, big boi"
@Kendro311 Год назад
@@megaultradamn blurp... Gurp... Gwahhhhk 🤮😆
@LadyHawke78 Год назад
I am confused. And I’ve been watching this channel since Zack’s reviews of bizarre lesbian roller-derby comics…
@snake56 Год назад
The saying is "write what you know" but sadly these people don't go outside, all their know is their fetish and the stuff they saw on tv (sitcoms and Joss Whedon shows). As for the author, "Jadzia"? Really? They know that Jadzia Dax from DS9 is not trans, right? Also about the dilation, it's what stops the body from healing itself. The body knows that there's a wound where it shouldn't be.
The irony of using a Trill from "Star Trek" as a trans role model is that the Trill are actually anything but. While they regularly switch back and forth between sexes, they are not given a choice as to which sex their next host body will be, IIRC, and once they are there they immediately love and accept the body they are given, whether it is male or female. In that way, the Trill are the ultimate realists. Trans people, on the other hand, are anti-realists who rebel against the body they are given and refuse to accept what they undeniably are.
@2ndstreetmarvel Год назад
Let me guess…this comic was written by Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly? I could be wrong. 🤷🏿‍♂️ Oh, Judzia Axelrod…I was close.
@tomkerruish2982 Год назад
No one else will say it? Fine, I will. We don't talk about Bruno.
@benevolentremnant2949 Год назад
This analogy/analysis is both horrifying and probably true
@SpectreXS Год назад
The migraine weird visuals... oh how that can haunt you... I've been migraine-free since I was like 18, thank God! Man, the bodybuilding analogy is spot on... "it's not harmful if you never stop doing it", as they would say. We'll only see the fallout tens of years from now, meanwhile big pharma is licking their lips with long term customers... God bless this modern world...
@MK_ULTRA420 Год назад
"We'll only see the fallout tens of years from now" It will be swept under the rug like lobotomies, Thalidomide babies, and COVID-19 vaccines, just watch.
@beautyforashes2022 Год назад
I get the visual anomalies as well. It's like looking through a cracked mirror or glass and usually comes before the onset of the migraine. Also, love the video title, you're so funny. 😁
@kathrineici9811 Год назад
The male version is an open weeping wound that cannot be allowed to heal or the flesh will knit back together over the opening of the urethra The female version is flesh flayed from the arm slowly necrotizing while stitched onto a wound
@mariomorales3841 Год назад
I remember io9 when Charlie Jane Anders was writing there some years before GG, then GG came and everyone went crazy, I never knew CJA was trans until way later, now you can tell when someone lgbtqia2+ writes anything in one sentence.
@impressivestory Год назад
This one's a killer, Zack. Got me laughing audibly and cringing physically once I realised what you meant by 'very literal self insertion' as you sort of hinted at what you meant and then it unraveled.
@HistoriaenCeluloide Год назад
You wanna know something curious? in Latinoamerica Batman's name is Bruno, Bruno Diaz not Bruce Wayne🧐
@nivekleveb8872 Год назад
Most of the time i get online i feel like im being gaslighted by the entire world. As far as new comics go, Hawkwoman 1 was the last one I read on a pirate site. I dont know what Marvel, DC, Image, etc could do to get me to even check out their stuff on a pirate site now.
@thebibliophilering8881 Год назад
That's a powerful metaphor that works in so many ways. Castration is a good symbol for the disarming and retirement of masculine characters like the Punisher. Replacing male characters with female versions is like that penis inversion surgery. One thing I find odd about the trans women writing for Marvel/DC is that seemingly all of them are lesbians. Mags, Axelrod, Anders...every one of them writes self insert, lesbian romance stories. I know gender expression and sexuality are different but they're usually pretty well correlated. Girls who like girls dress like boys etc. Whatever. Thank God for Mark Millar. Big Game is diverse but the main focus is on high octane action. That's all we fans want.
@DareToWonder Год назад
"You have seduced yourself and others with lies"
@diseabronx5075 Год назад
You know, I saw the title and this is exactly what came to mind. Spot on observation BTW.
@rulu1828 Год назад
There was a tiktok clip of a transman (I believe his channel name is thetranscoach) who explained the loneliness he now felt now as a man and misses the open sociability of womenhood. I don't think he regrets the decision of transitioning, but he does explain that it's not all roses and rainbows thereafter.
@tkps Год назад
I saw that on someone's YT channel. That's the stuff those who medically rush these kids through this process don't tell them. But none admit regret. To do so causes the same ostracising and pure hatred as detransitioners and let's face it most do it to fit in. This one wanted to be a 'man' and does seem to pass unlike many others. Women tend to be wary of men. Not because all men are dangerous but because women don't know which ones could be. That 'man' is now experiencing that wariness with a female brain. No matter what claims are made you can't change your biological sex. It must be very lonely but the path was chosen and as Zack said, no going back.
@dustymuffincop Год назад
If he doesn't regret transitioning, good for him. If he does regrets transitioning, he likely won't admit it. Detransitioners are disliked by some trans people and LGBT activists or their pain is heavily downplayed.
@milestrombley1466 Год назад
Can you review Archie's Chilling Adventure Weird Science? It's all about the transgirl dealing with her male trauma and embracing the past.
@1SpicyMeataball Год назад
The nerdy red head girl that they made a transwoman (read man). Completely lacking any self reflection that they just erased a legit nerdy female character and dove into unintentional misogyny, despite how they claim they want more women in the sciences. *that character?* 😂
@Cassandra112 Год назад
I got migraines for years. 40 years old and realized Excedrin is a thing... Which is literally acetaminophen, aspirin and caffeine. so, nope, not weird that you drink coke, and take Tylenol.
@Pilot-the-Radiowave Год назад
Judzia Axelrod is the adult transwoman version of arson, its like how did you come up with that and what can we do to make you change it? its a horrible name dude, like what is wrong with fucking, Amy? Jannet? Juniper? Cathrine? if you wanna be diffrent like steal a name off a cartoon character or something, anything but THAT
@lesewing Год назад
Sounds like they took the name Judzia straight from Star Trek Deep Space 9. Never heard that name everywhere else before.
@Pilot-the-Radiowave Год назад
@@lesewing I take back my last statement then, just pick a name that sounds like a name please 🙏 if your gonna go by something like that then at least have the decency to use it as an unprofessional nickname
@BiggieTrismegistus Год назад
​@@lesewingYeah, she need herself after Jadzia Dax from DS9. I not sure why though because the Trill symbiote/host relationship could only be considered trans by people who barely watched the show.
@piratebear3126 Год назад
⁠@@BiggieTrismegistusthey actually had an unjoined Trill who was trans in Discovery. I heard they handled it well enough for all that show’s problems. The symbiotes being given to hosts of opposite genders each life could be an interesting story to tell in relation to a trans host, but they’d never be allowed to write that story right now.
@kathrineici9811 Год назад
Lilith is another popular one that’s like Sir nobody has that name
@Buenosaurus-Rex Год назад
Holy based that title 😂😂😂😂
@letopizdetz Год назад
Simple test for the migraines - don't drink caffeine for two weeks. If you get a horrible migraine in the first 24-48h, it's caffeine withdrawal, just push through it like quitting smokes. You'll be a lot better afterwards.
@europeanlore Год назад
You just made me want to re-read The Dark Knight Returns for like a donzenth time, Zack... Thank you.
@koboldsage9112 Год назад
My premigraine symptoms are not visual other than light sensitivity. I feel fuzzy, and sometimes like other people or things are fuzzy, and I get a strong craving for blood.
@Ozzystrayroo Год назад
I never thought they can made mp40 looks so gay. Well here we are
@andrewtaylor940 Год назад
P'ssst Zack, if you see the Special "Migraine Strength Tylenol" or similar in the store. It's just high dose Acetaminophen + Caffeine.
@YaBoyK1 Год назад
my boy Zack, i was eating :(
@MaverickhunterXZero Год назад
I think they are beginning to realize they ruined any other chance of a career with how toxic they have acted over the years. No company would hire them now unless they are begging to go under.
@MarioWendorf Год назад
That's the most potent ingredient in excedrin
@screenmonkey Год назад
The migrane thing has a name Zack it's called an aura, and caffiene is a known compound good for helping treat or stop a headache/migraine by constricting the blood vessels and maybe cause of caffiene withdrawals.
@monkfan72 Год назад
My migraine quick fix is 1 asprin, 2 Tylenol and something with caffeine in it.
@moviegique Год назад
Jadzia? AYFKM?
@spurnd Год назад
Ah, the Old Man from Star Trek DS9.
@JousCroe Год назад
So the industry basically underwent an ideological bottom surgery
@coyoteone6197 Год назад
Is it odd that I found the weirdest element of the thumbnail to be an MP-38 with a pic rail on the top?
@StephenGillie Год назад
The comorbidity of autism and transsexuality is something like 15 times higher than in other people.
@The_Burning_Sensation Год назад
This is a fantastic metaphor.
@MusicSetAdrift Год назад
What am I looking at?
@keithmichael112 Год назад
it's an early example of trans representation, Swastika Jugs from the Dark Knight Returns
@MrGrimjaw Год назад
​@@keithmichael112for real?
@keithmichael112 Год назад
​@@MrGrimjawyeah, definitely. I never noticed the guy behind the counter is cracking up
@DoomRulz Год назад
Wait, that character was trans? I thought she was just a butch woman.
@keithmichael112 Год назад
​@@DoomRulzlol I'm not even sure, I think they were called Bruno? a memorable character to be sure
@riseshiningundam Год назад
Terrifying stuff
@TheV8maverick Год назад
best video title you've ever come up with
@bigdaddydavejordan192 Год назад
You can't say they don't commit to the bit. Also, I have an entirely new mental image for the term "gash", so thanks for THAT.
@seancarroll136 Год назад
Hawk girl in a comedic take on DC superheroes would try not to bring up her traumatic reincarnation. “Don’t say a word, just ignore what I have become.”
@corysapp7818 Год назад
aaahhh the issue with the purple girl and where everyone has the same ass haircuts!!!
@Sneedboy Год назад
“Right decision” it’s never right
@Babidi111 Год назад
- Sorry to hear you get migraines. I've had issues with them most of my life and it can really destroy ones enjoyment of almost everything. I was actually told that caffeine was something that would help with migraines. At least thats what a doc had told me, though I had said that I didn't drink coffee or drink much in the way of caffeinated soda so maybe it only works if your body isn't already tolerant to it.
@undeadbynight Год назад
Wasn't "Vaguely Ethnic, Bi-sexual Hawkgirl part of her whole deal when Geoff Jones reintroduced her in JSA #1 in 1999?
@justin_5631 Год назад
I know it must be boring to repeat yourself all the time but I'm really just here for the lawls.
@FasterthanLight11 Год назад
I think this is hitting the nail on the head
@SteveMichael Год назад
Dude you are doing Gods work here my man. Thanks as this helps me when talking about comics about letting people know what the state of it is in.
@qwertyman321 Год назад
In short, copeaganda.
@Deathwing2001 Год назад
Interesting video. I know you are busy with your books and planning your recent move, but I gotta say I’m definitely missing my daily dose of Ya Boi Zack
@MrCrazywrench Год назад
That’s how the sausage is made.
@guineapigsith699 Год назад
nailed it, but it's never the right idea
@demosthenes6891 Год назад
Ya boi!
@karaperrio-du5gs Год назад
your right
@Runescape12345 Год назад
It's always lesbians, seriously. *Always*. Lesbians.
@shadowpoet4398 Год назад
Ahh, they're making misogynists weirder and weirder these days
@killfang9659 Год назад
Hum... you might be onto something. I know some amateur trans writers and artists personally and they don't do this. Then again they are sure in their decision. No regrets. No desire to detransition. They are to terms with it.
@Sneedboy Год назад
They made a mistake lol
@adolphineatingchildren2641 Год назад
zack is so spot on with this, that history textbooks in 2099 will site this video
Why everyone stopped reading.
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