
Send This Video To A Tarkov Cheater 

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6 сен 2024




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@mc-tb8yu Месяц назад
i think a clear identifier of cheaters would be a solid start, I've played with people ive ended up thinking were cheating and mysteriously stopped playing... imagine a system and invalidates the loot, kills and xp from any raid you played with a cheater in, would stop closet cheaters very quickly, they get banned and their friends knowing or unknowingly get punished also, a system notification telling the "friends" of that cheaters username, dates you were in raid with them and a warning 1 of 3, if you're found playing with cheaters, boom 3 strikes and you're out, now the closet cheaters will have no choice to either stop playing, play solo or risk the embarrassment of being caught, and the people knowingly playing with cheaters wouldn't want to due to fear of losing their account, ontop of that add a system in game (global insurance) any time a cheater gets banned their effect on the world is removed, all deaths from a cheater removed of the players they've killed, any gear lost from those deaths returned to the players and then or good measure add a wall of shame every user caught cheating gets posted to with any twitch accounts that are also linked to them made viewable. problem is bsg is so lazy that people think this is impossible but its actually very basic player tracking and wouldn't be hard to implement
@likobeznik3145 Месяц назад
1. You will need to find the cheater first before wiping and reversing anything the cheater has done. 2. The wiping and reversing is a bad idea as it will play a HUGE role on the game's economy and irl trading services. 3. It's not that easy to identify a closet cheater as most of the time they use undetected cheats that bypass the game's anti-cheat. Also many closet cheaters know the game good and can imitate a legitimate player very well. 4. The 3 strike thing for playing with a cheater may be a good thing to prevent blatant cheater boosting. But then again you will have to identify the cheater first, and if it's a skilled closed cheater he may not be detected for months if not years. 5. The "wall of shame" will just be useless. 6. There is no perfect anti-cheat, there isn't a game without cheaters, with new patches come new bypasses. You can't say that it's a basic thing and BSG is just lazy about it, maybe they are, but it's a lot more complex then that.
@mc-tb8yu Месяц назад
@@likobeznik3145 just so we're on the level i have a masters in programming so when i say its pretty easy to implement this stuff im not just saying that, theres already extraction shooters that do exactly what i said there (global insurance) its not that hard, do you know how many identifiers bsg already take from every user? they're not stupid they're just selective about bans, they only ban the windows key and drive serials of the users they ban, both can be changed with simple script, they have access to every serial that machine has and they choose to make it easy to make a new account and carry on cheating, fucking warzone is better at banning people, they had abs detected for 5 months before they hit them with the ban hammer yes thats to build a userbase and do a larger ban but they allowed people to cheat in their game for 5 months just to do a large ban, punishing the cheaters and anyone they load in with is the first step of all this, a wall of shame would literally shame any closet cheater, their username forever visible as a cheater, theres no coming back from the game itself acknowledging that you are a cheater, hell give us a theatre mode for raids so we can spectate sus players and the user base will be the best anticheat money can buy and before you say how hard that would be, the raid ID system tracks everything that is done in that raid, everything, every button pressed, every bullet fired so yes rendering that in an environment we can spectate wouldn't be hard, and "undetected" cheats are almost never "undetected" the company just wants to ban as many people as possible so they let them ride, the only undetected stuff is dma custom firmware like 1 of 1 firmware and considering the setup cost of that its an incredibly small amount of the player base compared to script kiddies paying for their "undetected" cheats
@asher_1256 Месяц назад
As a guy that has cheated in some games but not to the extreme (using aimbot and so on) I can say in some cases cheats can save your sanity. I mostly play games that require some grinding to get things done and it's annoying when you find someone cheating that is griefing you or is a sweaty tryhard that is toxic and ruins game just because of satisfaction od kd ratio. That is the only reason why I used cheats. Mainly to avoid those people by using esp and grind in peace and save hours. Now it's rare for me to use cheats but certain mmorpg russian game that I play currently makes me so insane that makes me rethink why I stopped cheating.
@richatkinson4803 Месяц назад
Subscription model wouldn't help, cheaters are already doing RMT runs, they already get enough money for new accounts, all the sub model does is force every other normal player to pay out of their non cheated earnings
@SovereignDaniel Месяц назад
it's more about causing destruction than playing the game
@kefpull6676 Месяц назад
If you only ever have one config then obviously it gets boring pretty fast, so I instead have different cheat methods for different playthroughs. For example on one of them I have radar and instant skills and all of that, and in another i have 20% damage multiplier but no radar. Compass is also very useful for noob players like me, it allows you to learn where the quests and extracts are (I already know the main extracts for maps like labs and factory) and I've also gotten pretty far down the quest lines for prapor and skier
@vaskee223 Месяц назад
Don't hate the player, hate the game
@ryd9686 Месяц назад
cheating always starts with family issues
@Honed- Месяц назад
be me, click the video, don't even cheat, don't even play tarkov... hmm yes... me... the cheater...
@MichaelDavis-mk4me Месяц назад
You can hate cheaters all you like. But I wouldn't propose to cease existence though. I don't care about the cheaters, but RU-vid is going to spank you one day if you keep saying it, even this once might already be too much if they find out. And if some random person who saw your video goes through with it and their family finds out, regardless of whether or not it was motivated by the video, you'll have problems far bigger than whatever RU-vid can throw at you. But hey, you do you, I'm just mentioning this for your information, do as you like.
@Toxic-Masculinity Месяц назад
Whining proclamations such as this be the very reason they resort to deceit; thou hast played into their hands most perfectly. Thou hast uttered naught that hath not been spoken a myriad of times; 'tis time to move on and let Tarkov meet the slow demise it so rightly deserveth.
@bounzig Месяц назад
This billion dollar industry is suffering badly from cheaters. Game studios simply can't keep the cheaters out. The only solution is to get some help from the government. Make cheating in games fraudulent and punishable by law and demand KYC from gamers. Since there is no technical way to stop people from cheating then we need to start scaring cheaters with jail time to make them stop. I know and I understand that cheaters don't think this is a big issue, but it is. This industry and it's customers need help sorting this out.
@hi41000 Месяц назад
what a wild take any lawmaker that would advocate for such a thing would be laughed at lmao. like if you play with a sibling or friend on split screen and they glance at my side to see where I am, does that mean they could go to jail for that? What happens if you get accused of cheating, does that mean you got to go to court to plead your case? Why not just cheating in general instead of just videogames? Even if by some miracle a law like that passes courts would be absolutely flooded by those types of cases kyc from gamers would also be insane and would never fly, because you would essentially be giving your id to essentially every foreign government out there. Not to mention it would massively hurt the actual industry you are trying to help lmao. Like what do you think is going to happen to all the underage kids playing videogames above their "age rating"?
@bounzig Месяц назад
@@hi41000 Cheating on a CS major to win $1M is absolutely fraud in my world. You could also argue that cheating on twitch to make money is fraudulent. Tarkovs age rating is 18, same with CS and a lot of other games, so there shouldn't be any kids affected. Your argument about looking at your friends or siblings monitor is just childish. KYC is already implemented everywhere in the financial sector, works great. And you need an ID everywhere IRL, no big difference.
@hi41000 Месяц назад
@bounzig what would cheating be construed as then though They are using things outside the game to have an advantage ingame. There have also been an actual case of someone cheating at an tournament by looking at their opponents screen. Not to mention the cases of stream sniping. Also about to tell you something wild. But kids play games outside their esrb rating. They are also the second largest gaming group outside of young adults. In terms of kyc there is a big difference between using a banking service vs playing something for fun and would 100 not fly when you take into account chinese games. Or any foreign government videogames spying on their citizens.
@bounzig Месяц назад
@@hi41000 Why are you talking about Chinese gaming, is that our region? No, they can deal with cheaters in their own way. Stream sniping is easy to solve, just put some delay on the stream. Besides, the problem isn't stream sniping, the problem is streamers cheating for $$$. If you don't wanna be stream sniped, don't stream or use delay. You need to show your id everywhere irl, it's no big deal signing into steam with bank id, it would take about 5 seconds. This would be great for everybody that lost their whole steam account due to hackers, lost password etc. Accounts would be easily recovered with bank id. And I don't care about gamers that look at opponents screens irl, that's a non-issue tbh.
@hi41000 Месяц назад
@@bounzig What on earth are you talking about? Im talking about videogames from different countries, how would they moderate your country to make sure there are no cheaters, the only actual way would be to give whatever company in whatever country your id to verify. wild thing is that not every videogame ever made was made in your country. Also steam sniping/looking at opponents screen is an issue, because cheating by definition is to act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage. Stream sniping and screen looking would be a part of that, like its equivalence is using wall hacks. You cant just really go teehee some cheating methods are ok, but not others. And no, you don't have to go around showing your id to everyone, what country do you live in? Do you need to show your id to buy food? When you get in a cab do you have to show your id to use its service?
@Hacker41822 Месяц назад
But what if you don't have health insurance? Aka the typical american.
@lowkeypotatos4416 Месяц назад
the guy in black who killed you was me. i was behind the glass and just shot u cus u were standing still in ur inv. the audio is quite awful on labs if you didn't you. you can just run up on people without them hearing you cus the games shit
@vinchi_gg Месяц назад
show my dogtag in your stash
@lowkeypotatos4416 Месяц назад
@@vinchi_gg vendored right to therapist ion even know what ur in game name is it was a bit ago
@ThePenguinSnoozer Месяц назад
TL;DR: People cheat in games like EFT because they're bored, have high hours, buy RMT, or just aren't good. There are many reasons, and it's usually not what you expect. Hey, just a cheater here chiming in. I agree with most of your points; it's a good video with a few inaccuracies. Let me share some insights on cheating in EFT. Most cheaters in EFT are RMT sellers, people who can't play the game, those buying day keys, or, most commonly, people who are bored or need motivation to play. These bored players often have high hours in the game. My friends and I, for example, all have 6000+ hours and still cheat because we either find the game boring or need a reason to keep playing. Many cheat to revive their interest in Tarkov, which is why you often see cheaters late in the wipe. To truly understand why people cheat, you almost have to do it yourself, which is pretty sad. There are many reasons for cheating, but it's usually not what you think. Yes I put this in ChatGPT cause im to bored and lazy to correct my writing and shit, if you wanna talk to learn more or just cause lmk also also, my rust video was just me being bored again, I have over 5k+ and can play the game fine im just bored.
@maxhuis Месяц назад
if you are bored, just play literally anything else jesus man
@ELPez276 Месяц назад
I cheated in tarkov a few times got banned bought another account and got bored of gaming entirely and started picking up different hobbies like fishing and hunting. Now life is good and im not sure if I should get back into gaming while there are other games no other game has peaked my interest like Tarkov and left 4 dead 2.
@bounzig Месяц назад
So you are part of harming the gaming industry because you are bored? There is something seriously wrong with people like you. I hope someday cheaters will face jail time for fraud. Until then I hope you stop cheating and ruining the experience that people pay for. There is no reason to buy gaming computers and upgrading your internet etc when people like you are still online. You understand how deep this affects the industry now?
@tryharderpls Месяц назад
Your my next target
@namegoeshere197 Месяц назад
@@ELPez276 why even bother playing if you are bored? I dont understand the mind set. im bored whenfor im gonna do something that is also boring?
@outcold2643 Месяц назад
I hate losing and I don't want anyone to feel that sense of superiority over me after beating me. It's absolutely infuriating to know that there is a better player than myself that I can never be better than. I can however ruin their fun. I am no cheater and have never cheated, but I routinely teamtroll or teamkill good players and then I instantly leave the lobby so that they won't report me. If I would cheat, then only to ruin the fun of gifted gamers. I can't stand people in general that have won the genetic lottery. looks, iq, whatever the trait's they were lucky enough the be born with. And I enjoy seeing these people frustrated.
@vinchi_gg Месяц назад
i respect your honesty
@outcold2643 Месяц назад
@@vinchi_gg just saying I have never cheated and never will
@takiiinotfound Месяц назад
i may but a cheater but curiousity get the better of me by clicing this video lol
@ThatStarDude Месяц назад
i hate cheaters as much as anyone else but telling those people to kill themselves with a "rope" or "traffic" is beyond disturbing. your way worse then they will ever be, prioritizing your gameplay experience over an actual human life is something i cant even comprehend. its even more horrific that your opening statement and the title of the video encourages other people to send this to other people. suicide is a very serious matter i dont care if its a "joke" no one laughs when the person they loved takes their own life.
@jacobroberts3713 Месяц назад
sounds like you need to take a nice soothing bath to calm down. maybe make some toast while you are at it
@maxhuis Месяц назад
The lowest of low doesn't deserve your sympathy.
@ryanblack5967 Месяц назад
it's weird you took it as if he was saying it in a serious way.. in comedy nothing is off the table. and you're just part of the crowd who's sucking the life out of our culture joke by joke. get over it.
@ThatStarDude Месяц назад
@@ryanblack5967 you assume every person understands its a joke people dealing with these kind of emotions don't think critically. yes i understand its very unlikely that this video would cause someone to actually do it but even if there is a fraction of a chance it should never be taken. some people can be so unstable that a simple joke could be the last straw. these kind of statements are very real for a lot of people and shouldn't be taken lightly.
@ryanblack5967 Месяц назад
@@ThatStarDude it's not the responsibility of society to cater to the most unstable of the population in such minor instances like this. Stop trying control what others say, period.
@user-kt5jf7ve9f Месяц назад
i mean tbh i love cheating, itd fun for me and not you, two birds one stone, im sure every one had done something in a game has done something that is considered bad from the community from some game, so your as 'bad' as me. tarkov is stupid not cause its hard, but because of mechanichs
@vinchi_gg Месяц назад
This you? facebook.com/people/Jonathan-Mavi/100069944899751/?paipv=0&eav=AfazMeEcV6LC6U_zXCZNQe1kIbXvAYUMVpRnFcV6iNyVSRX-5oNrfCx_1E0SMALH4bY&_rdr
@thegame2531 Месяц назад
Spoken like a true loser. Your life must be really sad, but I'm glad for you that you found cheating in video games gives you some agency over at least one thing in your life.
@gizmo2778 Месяц назад
As a person who used to cheat in games i can tell you that its really fun even tho it seems like there isnt much happening
@mikedebakker5820 Месяц назад
Explain the fun part? Is it just ruining other peoples experience that is fun to you? Because if so, sorry but you're just a bad person.
@gizmo2778 Месяц назад
@@mikedebakker5820 I used to hvh a lot and thats fun because of the challenge. Or just casuall cheating for no reason just to make life easier, its just one of those thing that dont sound appealing unless you try them.
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