
Senegal President Diomaye Faye's speech at Olympics summit in Paris, France [English] 

Abraza Africana
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@teeldd Месяц назад
Why are people hating on this speech? He is at the Olympics telling them to change their ways or be punished. This is a good speech! It's like Mia Motely
@emmanuel5332 Месяц назад
I am afraid you are missing the point. It is NOT the speech that people were after but the person's appearance at the event. Ask yourself when was an African Head of State especially a newbie like this one totally incompetent of geopolitics, international relations, international affairs ever invited to give a speech at this type of global event. Bottomline: Try to discern when you are being used for hidden agenda.
@claudepreira3811 Месяц назад
@@emmanuel5332 Just because senegal will host the youth olympic game in 2026
@emmanuel5332 Месяц назад
​@@claudepreira3811 Thank you for the update. In politics and this situation is politics it is necessary to see and appreciate the nuances see beyond rhetoric cut through the smoke screen. Succinctly, it is France that is staging the Olympics using Senegal as decoy. Senegal does not have means- funds, acumen, capability, infrastructure usable road, water, electricity, accommodation, security to host Olympics. It is France sneakily embedding herself deeper in Senegal. France will be footing the greatest portion of the bill. Perhaps, Faye would try to get ECOWAS to contribute funds. What is in it for Senegal and Senegalese? What are they getting in return? Finally, Faye and Sonko have just kicked out their predecessor to take over from him. That is disingenuous of them. The Senegalese voted for them for change in governance not change in actors. They misled the people of Senegal. That is a shame. This is a country that is worth following from an international affairs perspective.
@connorg5112 Месяц назад
Starting to wonder how he REALLY got out of prison 🤔
@mohamedswaray470 Месяц назад
By bribing perhaps, you know African things. Bribery is the easier ways to get judgement done in your favourite. 😂
@ramathanabdallah6493 Месяц назад
Former president and France negotiated
@youssouphsambou9264 Месяц назад
La haine et la jalousie sont bien ancrées dans le coeur de certains africains. Pretendre que ce jeune président bien élu par son peuple a négocié sa sortie de prison ne fait que montrer le niveau d'abrutissement dans vos pays. On ne gagne rien en essayant de diaboliser son prochain surtout quand celui ci est légitime sinon être ridicule. Depuis le Sénégal, pays d'un peuple mature et réputé intelligent et instruit.
@eman67rp Месяц назад
Something is off here. 😮
@divineadd Месяц назад
You have No dignity
@divineadd Месяц назад
He IS a real Puppet....Till Now He make No move for the Senegal people......shame on you b
@youssouphsambou9264 Месяц назад
@@divineadd Es tu sénégalais? Evidemment que non parce que les sénégalais sont plus intelligents que ça. Quand la jalousie et la haine vous habitent, vous ne direz jamais de bon de votre semblable. Idiot
@julianandygumbsVI Месяц назад
No, Faye is No Sankarist Pan African, but neither is Togo, nor is Sierra Leone, Guinea and Chad. Faye's speech was very good and timely, but was it articulated from a Sankarist Pan Africanist, No. But neither was, or will there be a Sankarist in that forum either. Under Faye's and Sonko's leadership, I see a more diplomatic and moderate society. But in his speech, I also heard the framework of the AES and BRICS, which I expected, but also Faye articulated what No other African leader could have, because they weren't invited. On the continent, there HAS been a big shift, driven by the Youth's, and you all up here are behind. The World you've created since 1944, is Overwith, you can either embrace change, or fall to the Era of the past. This was a very good speech, and Faye Will bring economic success to his people. Will Senegal be a Sankarist Pan African nation, we don't know, but they'll definitely partner with the AES, just like what Togo has done, and bring great success to the ECOWAS region. In closing, Senegal is also part of the CFA and they'll benefit greatly once the AES makes the currency Globally attractive for the first time. I truly believe they'll collaborate on a currency that will benefit all the CFA region's, while still keeping the unique qualities of the AES 70 million people.
@highthoughts1 Месяц назад
This is the mindset that's holding back Africa
@julianandygumbsVI Месяц назад
@highthoughts1 Respectfully, I didn't vote for Faye, I don't reside in Senegal, furthermore, it is Sonko who chose Faye to be the leader of Senegal, in his place, given his arrest by Sall. It is the Youth's of Africa who are driving the change on the continent, and I look on with tremendous support. The AES is a collection of Sankarist Pan African who has seized the opportunity to change the lives of the Sahalian. I'm not going to get into a long dialog to validate my observations over the past 4 years I've seen events transform within those nation's. Respectfully, I know every nation in Africa won't be staunch Anti Imperialist like Eritrea, but it's far better to allow Pan African ideals grow than be Benin.
@highthoughts1 Месяц назад
@@julianandygumbsVI Respectfully, I support all the good work. However, Fayes position, including his speech was only to hinder and not help Africa and Africans. You cannot always watch words and actions, but what is behind them. He takes the position of a frenemy, which is worse than enmity. Nana Akufo is an open enemy, so if he visits the Sahel, they will be more comfortable with him, knowing who he is than with Faye, not knowing what to expect. It is like the same game that they play in gang turf wars, and they are using Faye as the two-edged machete. What good purpose can his way serve? I will tell you clearly. NONE. I am 58 years old.
@sydeedee9198 Месяц назад
Avant de raconter des sottises sur un homme que tu ne connais pas du tout ,aies l'honnetete intellectuelle et ls rigueur vertueuse de t'inforper sur l'Homme! Tu es un vraiment infâmant! 1 / rien que tu be saches du oarcours du Président Bassirou Diomaye Faye. 2/ Rien que ti saches de l'organisatoon qui a abouti à son arrivée au pouvoir. 3/ Rien que tu ne saches de l'ideogie qui est à ka base de ka révolution, notte révolution socio- politique ayant abouti ( à travers un groupe de reflexion stratégique bie. Endogène) puis la geste d'un oartie Pastef( dont les figures ancestraux de Prou sont : Cheikkh Anta Diop , Mamadou Moustapha Dia, et Nos figures tutelaires depuis nos Royaumes : nos Reines, nos Rois, et Dieu sait su'ils dont nombreux) . 4/ Les élections n'ont été qu'in moyen de orebdre le poivoir et aucunement le projet. Car, ce extrêmement conscients , que nous avons mener cette révolution populaire Sénégalaise. Compris! 5/ Ke Peuple Sénégalais est Seul et Unique financier de tous les depenses , car, nos ne voulions lai´dresser immixion dans nos affaires internes Sénégalaises . Compris. 5/ vous ´´êtes pas obligés d'aimer notre Président, lais respectez nous! 6/ vos préjugés sont tapissés de la propagande mensongère conçue par l´occident ,pour tenter d"isoler notre nouveau Leadership extrêmement retourné vers le socle commun au senegalais, qui compte s'appuyer sur notre révolution populaire Sénégalaise qui a eu lieu bien avant celle même dite française. Compris ! 7 / C´est la Révolution des toreros. Mais comme tu ne connais rien du Sénégal et tu spécule, on te sert du factuel. 8/ Nous y allons à notre rythme, au pas à pas et sans pression . 9/ Rien sue vous ne sachiez du Pacte de Keur Massar . Et pourtant comme par attitude moutonniere, tout le monde tire sur notre Président Bassirou Diomaye Faye. Stop apprenez l´humilité.
@youssouphsambou9264 Месяц назад
@@highthoughts1 Pour vous le panafricanisme c'est Integrer l'AES ou coopérer avec la Russie ou même faire des coups d'Etat. Déteompez vous, au Sénégal c'est la force des arguments contre les arguments de la force comme il est de coutume dans vos pays. Faye est élu par le peuple sénégalais et n'a donc de compte à rendre que ce dernier qui s'est battu pour l'elire. Que ceux qui passent leur journée à parler du Sénégal de mauvais commencent d'abord à se battre comme les sénégalais. Idiotie
@bloucrick Месяц назад
I strongly believe he and Sanko signed something in order to be freed prison. This why the youths should throw them out.
@brendangwira7998 Месяц назад
time will tell, look at Gabon, Bongos live on and the truth is out. we are watching and the youth are not fools. no one person is above the population,
@mohamedswaray470 Месяц назад
My friend nothing changed in Gabon. It's still the old French shit going on in that country, it just under management. AES are the only country and organisations that I hope for.
@user-gm9ln4rs9z Месяц назад
They don’t trust him yet. They were on urge but they desperately need him. Faye is praying a dangerous game though.
@gstarUKGAMEKID Месяц назад
MR Puppet you have lost the Senegalese Youth I know there will not be a coup in senegal because they have never had one but I cant wait till you are gone I hope senegal youth can find a leader that will join the AES I do not think it will be Sonko because he said himself Faye is Sonko vote for him so I take it as Sonko is leaning to france Also
@lionrulethejunglewithoutfe3207 Месяц назад
So true
@mactarbadji9063 Месяц назад
Speak for yourself, but not for the senegalease people.. we know why we voted for him and he is in the right way since he is in charge...
@gstarUKGAMEKID Месяц назад
@@mactarbadji9063 he is in the right way since he is in charge? Okay if that is what you believe we will see how things go for the AES in 2-3 years and how things go for Senegal I hope things work out for them
@kennelthdike4616 Месяц назад
They're giving him opportunity to adres the public, in his mind he will be thinking they love. He is becoming puppet
@lionrulethejunglewithoutfe3207 Месяц назад
@@kennelthdike4616 I agree
@user-xg9lg6hg7j Месяц назад
They are testing him..they are busy with him.i don't see him getting loose.its getting late.
@afrkleaks4991 Месяц назад
Good speech or not what really is going on here?OS in France is not in Senegal and this have nothing to do with Senegal or he thinks Paris is belong to him or he is belong to Paris.😮😮😮😢😢😢
@Negroidsage Месяц назад
See how they didn’t clap until he mentioned a problem that is part of their propagandas
@MrHOPPONG Месяц назад
I think he's not a puppet yet but it looks like they are trying to bring him in line. Shame on him. He never spoke bad though.
@youssouphsambou9264 Месяц назад
Accusation gratuite, voilà le fort de certains citoyens africains incultes qui croient donner des leçons de moral au peuple sénégalais qui s'est battu au prix d'une dizaine de morts.
@ramathanabdallah6493 Месяц назад
He is a total puppet......No need to trust this traitor
@youssouphsambou9264 Месяц назад
L'insolence est bien votre marque parce que vous n'avez rien d'intelligent à proposer. Que des accusations gratuites, des invectives et des allégations. Au Sénégal c'est la force des arguments et non la l'argument de la force qui fait office chez vous à cause de vos guerres tribales interminables. Insolent
@benod9237 Месяц назад
We no longer listing or care what sale out like you have to say, say different and act different, mother land or death hear know this and know peace
@Greatma9 Месяц назад
Young puppets
@youssouphsambou9264 Месяц назад
Les marionnnettes sont tes parents. Insolent
@junebrowse1010 Месяц назад
Oh dear The New Puppet on the block. He does not inspire any confidence at all. Go sort out your problems at home.
@youssouphsambou9264 Месяц назад
Les invectives, les accusations et la diabolisation sont les activités favoris de certains citoyens africains vis à vis de leurs voisins comme ils n'ont rien à proposer de construcrif. Chez nous au Sénégal c'est la force des arguments et non l'argument de la force comme il est de coutume dans vos pays, raison de vos guerres interminables du tribalisme. Idiot
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