
Serial Designation N, Breakdown and Analysis 

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6 окт 2024




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@Parris807 4 месяца назад
N's mental state went from like 70% to 14% in the span of 7 episodes
@ElizabethLittlebird 4 месяца назад
@Minion_9876 4 месяца назад
Yep and it's probably gonna get worse in Episode 8.
@Victoria_77773 4 месяца назад
@@Minion_9876 yeah and if N dies in ep 8 I don’t think I would want to live
@randomgirlontheinternet1735 3 месяца назад
And in ep8 it's like 3%
@mahmoudsherif9657 3 месяца назад
​@@Victoria_77773I already have some reasons to why I wanna kill myself and this is one I'm adding to my list
@bodo3868 4 месяца назад
"N's made friends whit rocks, by the way. He'll move on just fine."
@Excavator32 4 месяца назад
It took me watching a video analysing episode 5 to realise she meant actual rocks. And not one of the students
@Darklean18 4 месяца назад
​@@Excavator32 oh really?? I thought that V meant about the students too lol
@atilamaldonado8944 4 месяца назад
I still find that quote from V just stray up cruel 1. Because that was some bitch behavior towards Uzi. 2. If thats true then is just sad the fact that N had to make friends whit literall rocks went V and J were his squad and the only drones he wasn't traying to kill, but V ignored him and J hated him.
@the_veemonator 4 месяца назад
Most likely a lie, or at least not fully true, after Iv personally analysed Vs character its become clear that she changes her actions to N quickly after Uzi appears. Its likely that in the pilot V doesnt remember N when she says "Ew, Who are you?", and if she does then its to push N away to protect him. in Ep3 she starts to get (Somewhat) vulnerable with him, People don't realise that Vs neurotic and can't control jealously for Uzi, so she lashes at N (literally) to keep him from stopping her killing Uzi, as V hyperfocus's on Uzi when she is threatened with losing N, she reaches a point where she doesnt care about killing workers, she just want to kill Uzi. In Ep4 N fights against V to stop her from hunting Uzi, when N fights back with a sword V is verbally and visibility Shocked and concerned with her own conflictions about losing N, when N tells her to stay she ignores it because of her inability to control jealously. In 5 she Gets angry at Uzi for allowing her to feel comfort with N again, and apon realisation that she isn't in the past she snaps at the potential information N has just gotten about there past. and In 6 V realises that she has no purpose anymore, she's lost her lover, and has no role to fill for killing Workers, so she sacrifices herself for N and Uzi to survive. N is left by himself, He Self harms to cope with losing someone he probably has only recently gotten his memory's of that relationship, and then loses his other outlet that he could get that validation from. V only acts cruel to N when she's trying to scare away Uzi, Kill Uzi, didn't remember him, or influenced by other people like Lizzy. Her excuse to protect him made sense in her head at the time but she realises the mistake she made when he gets happier. she probably assumed he was fine with the way he acted before he met Uzi. thank you for coming to my Ted talk, I'm awaiting the "I ain't reading allat" replys.
@trooper_0257 4 месяца назад
@@the_veemonatorI read allat
@Iso20227 4 месяца назад
Here is my N character analysis. (It’s pretty long) I know it's a little weird to talk about psychology with a robot character, but that is a major part of writing good characters. As a story writer, you pretty quickly learn to view characters from a psychological perspective. How are they at the start of the story vs how are they now? How have they grown from who they used to be? Why do they act the way they act? What have they experienced that made them grow as characters? In comparison to who they used to be, how different are they? And after applying this all to N, he's actually grown a lot. At the start of the show, he was happy and cheerful. However, he was only happy and cheerful as a coping mechanism for all of the abuse he endured from J and V over the years. Comparing that to who he is now, he has grown a lot to be able to stand up for himself. Do you know how difficult it is to overcome your own coping mechanisms? It's your brain's automatic response to hardships, and you can't simply "get better". You need to make an active and constant effort to basically reprogram your brain. And that is exactly what Uzi helps N to do. Uzi's presence gives N somebody to fall back on instead of his usual pretending that everything is okay. And over time, he learned to rely on Uzi instead. You really see this shine in episode 4, when Uzi isn't there for N, and N doesn't know how to cope anymore. He's happy for the first part of the episode, but the moment Uzi runs off into the woods, his whole character changes. He immediately lashes out towards V when she refuses to listen to him, he doesn't smile once until he finds Uzi again, and the moment he finds her, he's laughing again. And then it was N's turn to help Uzi. And this all started developing at the end of episode 2, which just goes to show how much planning went into N's character. In episode 5, we see the way N used to be. He was happy, but when he was scared, he would show it openly as opposed to putting up a facade of being completely happy as he later would. The thing is, we can clearly see how the trauma of betrayal and these horrors affects him. Starting the moment he gets locked outside, he doesn't crack a single joke until near the end of the episode. Sure, he says some "humorous" lines. "Who, *our* Cyn? Nah, she's cool", or "Not creepy, sweet"! But those aren't technically jokes said by him. The first joke he made was when he was staring at his own corpse in the basement. "Not dealing with this great, to be immediately honest... *chuckle* okay, it's gone". I'm probably reading too deep into this scene, but it seems to me like that's where his method of coping first began. And that coping mechanism all the way to episode 3 when N learned to rely on Uzi. From episode 6 onwards, he doesn't try to hide his emotions or replace them with something else. He smiles when he's happy, he looks nervous when he's nervous, he screams when he's scared. And when he and Uzi are separated (most of episode 6 and 7), N is left to process his emotions alone. Emotions such as grief at the loss of his friend, fear of the monster that's hunting them, stress as the anxieties pile on top of each other in his mind, and sadness that he's been separated from Uzi. All of these emotions have been stacking together one by one, and N hasn't been afforded even a second to process. And now, at the end of episode 7, everyone he trusted is gone. V is "dead", Uzi is "dead", "Tessa" was never really Tessa, Cyn is on Copper-9 and she's trying to destroy the planet, and everything is left solely to him. This could result in some serious mental consequences, and now that Uzi isn't there to calm him down, it could very easily lead to a massive mental breakdown. It would happen to anyone who was in his situation. And that would only be good for his character development. I would imagine the conclusion to his character arc would bring him from merely standing up for himself, to actively fighting against Cyn with no fear.
@Excavator32 4 месяца назад
N's mental fortitude is admirable, but the fact he has such a high amount is also concerning yeah. I wager will he snap in episode 8, the entire show has been building to it
@Ph1llteredName 4 месяца назад
Wish I read this comment sooner. The only reason N has for him to keep going is that both V and Uzi sacrificed themselves for him, and he doesn't even know why, for what reason he gets to live? I can imagine him going: "Why are we still here? Just to suffer?" You can't change my mind that N is the actual main character of the show.
@speedythehero7441 4 месяца назад
In the span of 1 episode and about 2 minutes of the previous one, N “lost” three people: V, Tessa, and Uzi. V sacrificed herself to save N, Tessa, and Uzi, N stood up to Tessa by killing her, and Uzi sacrificed herself for N. Even though he now knows the truth about Tessa, it was evident that after he killed her it was definitely still a hard thing for him to do. Now with V and Uzi gone, he’ll need to work alone for a bit, which I can imagine will be difficult for him.
@soundwave4236 4 месяца назад
N might be the most ruthless of the squad, cause unlike V and J, he just kills straight away, doesn't really toy with his prey at all
@toilet8635 4 месяца назад
And there’s more proof that N didn’t kill Nori because as you said he doesn’t play with his prey he just kills them and Khan said in the pilot that he had to put Nori down after getting stabbed with nanite acid
@theprancingprussian 4 месяца назад
He probably wouldn't be prolonging suffering
@Abandoned_Sewer_Rat_1 4 месяца назад
Nah bro I think N is starting to go insane after loosing TWO of his loved ones Good vid btw
@Excavator32 4 месяца назад
Oh 100%. Its not that simple though and that's a good thing. You can tell V's death affected him for sure, especially in the elevator crash scene
@teineone 4 месяца назад
​@@Excavator32 Bit of a wild theory on that, not likely but I'd love it if it ended up being true. We all know that Cyn is no longer the administrator for either N or V, and that's where the theory really begins. In the pilot episode, on the "You died" screen that flashes across N's face, we see that the absolute solver program was blocked by "administrator Cyn." The program was very clearly being used to help them regenerate body parts, but Cyn did not allow access to the entire program. This is enough evidence to show that the murder drones all came handily equipped with the Absolute Solver program. Now this is where the theory starts to get just a little crazy. Cyn is not N's admin anymore, Uzi is (under the user DarkXWolf17). And N just lost both of the people that were closest to him, and also found out that Tessa was actually Cyn the entire time. For any solver infected drone, that would've been a solver-activating level event, like we saw in Doll after she lost both her parents. I would not rule out the possibility that N's originally suppressed Solver abilities could come out and make a beyond dangerous Murder Drone/Solver Drone hybrid. It's pretty clear that Cyn knows exactly how dangerous that really is because she prevented her murder drones from having those abilities. Another potential activation for this is the reboot that happened to N after Cyn's attack, but if it activated we wouldn't have seen the solver in that situation because it was too close to the end of the episode and also because he was promptly yeeted out of the cathedral. On top of all that, it seems as though Cyn is actually blocked from taking over the murder drones due to the hacking (or her own design, which'd be ironic) which may make for an alternate form of the patch, preventing N from being taken over if this is all the case. I think this scenario would make a beyond fun ending to season one. Needless to say, I will be very excited if I see a solver logo flash in one of N's eyes. Even if this doesn't happen, I definitely think he's going to go full Terminator mode on some people in the next episode, maybe even J alongside Thad, Lizzie, and Khan. Not sure if I worded this well enough or not to be easily understood, but here's an essay for you lol
@Excavator32 4 месяца назад
@@teineone I do like the idea that N gets an eldritch form. But I'm not sure if it would suit him or if he would kill Thad or Khan. I can see Lizzie and J but N likes Thad and Khan is Uzi's dad who N deeply cares for
@teineone 4 месяца назад
@@Excavator32 I wasn't thinking eldritch form, just solver, like Uzi/Doll. Neither of them have gone eldritch (except for when possessed by Cyn, which has been made clear doesn't work for N due to the admin restructure). Definitely think he'd be beyond dangerous.
@Excavator32 4 месяца назад
@@teineone Oh. The idea of N getting full control of the AS program is interesting and I like the idea it gets patched somehow. But that's a decently large subplot and if there isn't a season 2 then episode 8 will wrap up all the lose ends meaning there won't be time. If there will be a season 2, which makes more sense to me, then it would probably be during the rising action (the first few episodes) similar to Uzi's Solver but it'll be less significant
@lottilicious 4 месяца назад
Probably already been said but the bone saw scene is especially heartbreaking when we KNOW N has better, quicker tools to use than a bone saw to effectively do that. Especially with him saying he deserved it. While it was necessary to get him out of the situation, he was definitely purposely inflicting more pain than necessary for losing V and keeping secrets from Uzi :CC thank you for the uplifting links in desc you are a lifesaver or else I would just cry about everything N for the next hour 😭😭
@Excavator32 4 месяца назад
No problem. Figured someone might need them
@NimbleBread357 2 месяца назад
I don't know, Maybe, but considering the fact that he needs to still be stuck for the next scene, the amount of space he has both in world and in terms of the frame, how he quickly switches from being hesitant to rapidly sawing his arm in a panic once Cyn shows up, it makes me think that he wasn't thinking about how painful it would be. Even with that though, him choosing to say "I deserve this" to convince himself to be able to cut off his arm shows that he definitely shows he blames himself quite a lot and is very sad.
@thehistoryandbooknerd8979 4 месяца назад
5:58 The way I read that scene is that N is signaling to Uzi to go - he knows she has to investigate stuff and was giving her a “discreet” signal, as he also doesn’t try to stop her from leaving or go with her; he’s here as a distraction for the worker drones with V to make sure Uzi can investigate properly/safely; plus his worried look would most likely be a “I don’t want you to go/I want to go with you/I’m worried about you/I want you to be safe” kind of look - this is all just my own interpretation of the scene :3
@EclipseVenexus 4 месяца назад
People weirdly insist (mainly on Reddit from what I’ve seen) that N is a static and relatively unchanging character. When I really don’t see that. Especially with this wonderful video in mind
@EclipseVenexus 3 месяца назад
Okay. Especially the idea that him butching Tessa is 'out of character' when it really isn’t? Early him yes, current him no.
@NimbleBread357 2 месяца назад
I agree. Some of his development could have been shown more clearly (specifically his feelings for Uzi), but it is still shown.
@thatsneverokay 3 месяца назад
People have been theorizing that N was s3lf h4rm1ng because in the pilot he says "our saliva neutralizes the nanites, otherwise 𝘐'𝘥 𝘣𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘭𝘺 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘺𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧" but we never actually see him "accidentally" hurt himself after he meets Uzi. In episode 7 he says he deserves getting his arm free more painful because he lied to Uzi. I wonder what he's going to do after he thinks she's dead
@Excavator32 3 месяца назад
Complete mental breakdown is my bet. I'm not sure if he did do that to himself but it's entirely possible, which is kinda scary.
@thatsneverokay 3 месяца назад
@@Excavator32 Yea, I feel bad for him
@bella_daze3092 2 месяца назад
He’s gonna break, I know he will… it’s not gonna be good
@thatsneverokay 2 месяца назад
@@bella_daze3092 I wouldn't be surprised if he did, he's gotten so much trauma piled on top of him, and it just keeps coming.. Not only did he lose his childhood best friend, but he also lost his new and old crush..
@dylagence443 16 дней назад
@LuckyTheCat256 4 месяца назад
@funtimefreddygamingz2364 2 месяца назад
@NimbleBread357 4 месяца назад
This video really made me think about just how great of a character N is. On one hand, he is the most wholesome cinnamon roll ever, but he also has a personality outside of that and isnt perfect. He also is pretty relatable like uzi is
@yourlostsocks 4 месяца назад
This is why I love this show. It makes it feel human, even though all the characters are robots. Heck, these robots feel more human than shows I've watched with actual humans before. I truly care about these characters, enough to spend my time watching videos explaining their character and dynamic. I may not have been born in time to see the feats of kings and queens Or late enough to see a true utopia But I was born just in time to watch Murder Drones :)
@UziDoorman-19 4 месяца назад
My friend thinks they were actually humans because I said all these reasons why they are organic in some way
@yourlostsocks 4 месяца назад
@@UziDoorman-19 There is the whole thing with the ribcage and doll and uzi bleeding human blood as well. Where is it coming from? Uzi literally stated in episode 2 when talking about the absolute solver that you can't make something out of nothing.
@LuckyTheCat256 4 месяца назад
I feel very lucky to have the wonderful experience of watching this series. I only wish I could watch it for the first time all over again 😭
@MosssyShadows 4 месяца назад
Man, if nervous for episode 8, knowing N is about to have a mental breakdown from losing everyone, you did an awesome job putting N's perspective into words, but knowing theres a huge chance of N sacrificing himself hurts, awesome video!
@Excavator32 4 месяца назад
There's a trend with the sacrifices. V in episode 6 and Uzi in episode 7. So it makes me wonder if 8 will end with that too. Wouldn't be a bad cliffhanger for season 2 but it might make more sense to have N be the victim of it again or maybe he gets to go out on his own terms like the other 2.
@MosssyShadows 4 месяца назад
@Excavator32 Yeah, with the merch stuff, it would probably kill off N fans tho
@Hatsunemikufds 4 месяца назад
@Tataah7 4 месяца назад
@Tataah7 4 месяца назад
13:41 Idk why calling uzi n’s girlfriend and that they will live happily ever after made me laugh a lil (cuz it’s not canon, I do ship them tho)
@TheOriginalStarwalker83 3 месяца назад
Genuinely a helpful video, N truly is a good character when you look at him at first he always seemed cheerful but that was all an attempt at masking himself and hide his emotions, he didnt want to dissapoint anybody and would even choose to be the "middle" of an argument wherw he would try to satisfy both sides, when he met Uzi he still struggled and doubted himself but once he got to know her better he genuinely became himself, showing the emotions he is feeling and also he had somebody to care for, the same way he helped V deal with the solver he now helps Uzi with it, N can be compared to a puzzle piece honestly as he is the Guidance and compassion and the one dude that actually looks at the person instead of the thing that they're controlled by thats what he serves as for Uzi and for V but at the same time he also needs them because V would often take the burden upon herself aswell as help him with harder choices and Uzi is there so that he can genuinely show who he is and not have to bottle up his emotions any longer, this can also be seen as he blames himself for certain things he didnt really have control over aswell as suddenly not having the person that helped him with being himself because he acts so confused and troubled (even insecure) but he finally shows his true emotions towards the end with the "hanging out" scene, he finally gets his reunion but kind of had to break his promise to Nori and tell Uzi that she just kicked her own mother into the abyss and this leads to Uzi "sacrificing" herself (just like V) in order to keep N safe, this is literally yet another breaking point for him as he had to see both V "die" and see Uzi "die" the two people that helped him be himself and not only that but N was always ready to sacrifice himself for them but now they are doing it for him, N's mental state has probably hit rock bottom by this point. Another thing i wanted to point out are the acryllic stands, one was made foe V's "sacrifice" as she finally managed to show her caring side more openly and admit who she is One was made for Uzi's "sacrifice" as she finally became more open and caring for people Both did something which they never expected to have to do thus pretty much kind of finishing their development (And yeah this is going into a bit more of a theory territory but i still wanted to point it out) And there was a 3rd acryllic stand with a big ?, and the possibility of this being N would make sense If N would be ready in episode 8 to finally show his true self even without having to have somebody by his side, basically being able to take a burden upon himself, manage a harder task by himself and literally being himself by himself, that could also lead to him sacrificing himself (maybe even for good but that would be controversial) for the others because he fulfilled his purpose of guiding them and finding himself. (If you read this then thank you, i kind of made this comment as an overview/summary for myself because i dont wanna forget anything since it is 2am currently for me)
@Excavator32 Месяц назад
You were right mate, the third one is N
@dragonyoshi-ninja 4 месяца назад
Dang, this poor kid lost both V and Uzi (The only friends he has). Losing Uzi especially hurts N the most because she is there for N, and helps him to stand up for himself.
@Ph1llteredName 4 месяца назад
Amazing video. You could even argue that N used to commit self-h*rm at one point. In episode 1 when he's talking about the nanite acid, he says: "...otherwise I'd be constantly disassembling myself.. ha!..." Given his low self-esteem, the expression he makes when he says that, and that he's not afraid to do it (12:56). I think it's safe to say that it wasn't by accident that he would do it. Some people will say that N (1-6) is shallow, but I beg to differ. He acts shallow, but only when you rewatch the show can you see that he really isn't ok and needs a hug. Also, the uplifting content is very sweet and recommend watching.
@Excavator32 4 месяца назад
I didn't say it, but the mineshaft scene is exactly that
@Shadoq-vb8tq 4 месяца назад
N is like that one friend that everyone likes but hates on them (bricks)
@Excavator32 4 месяца назад
To be fair N is so wholesome people don't want to hate on him.
@nosks_stopmotions 4 месяца назад
12:56 May i add that he could've used a significantly less painless option (the sword) to get it done quicker and less painful, yet he chooses the bone saw because he believes he deserves the pain 😭
@KraftDragon 4 месяца назад
I think his arm was right against the wall so he wouldn't have enough room to swing and hit his arm before losing alot of momentum by hitting the wall Also he's pinned dgainstvthe wall so he might not have enough room for leverage to swing strong enough to cut it of in 1 swing (also I duno if they feel pain pain)
@nosks_stopmotions 4 месяца назад
@KraftDragon they 100% feel pain because they react to every injury they get with grunting and. Well. Pain noises?
@mahmoudsherif9657 3 месяца назад
I actually made a comment about that scene specifically and it's just sad to see him sad this way and it's a self harm scene that is really hard and sad to watch. Poor guy.
@CoiBoiKoi717 4 месяца назад
N has def become one of, if not my, favorite character ever! This video does a fantastic job putting my thoughts into words, and I look forward to your new Murder Drones content
@bella_daze3092 2 месяца назад
I bet N will have a mental breakdown episode 8… N is in a very vulnerable state and I am SCARED of what he’ll do to himself given what we do know about him. I love your analysis on him! This was wonderful! ❤❤❤❤
@Excavator32 2 месяца назад
@@bella_daze3092 Cheers mate
@bella_daze3092 2 месяца назад
@@Excavator32 yippee!!! Cheers to ep 8 when it happens
@sofichu_gamer655 4 месяца назад
A 15 minute straight video about the best goober in a of history
@mahmoudsherif9657 3 месяца назад
@themidnightbanshee5927 4 месяца назад
Poor guy is gonna have an emotional breakdown
@soysaucestudios3863 4 месяца назад
This incredible show gives me so much anxiety because of this precious little cinnamon roll. I would die for this boy, this show gives me so much joy, and sadness, and wholesomeness, tis in my opinion the best show! No room for filler and meaningless episodes of lies!
@soysaucestudios3863 4 месяца назад
I could talk about this show for hours and I would never be able to say all I wanna say
@soysaucestudios3863 4 месяца назад
Thank you for the pick me ups, I really needed those :c
@horsiesys 4 месяца назад
awesome video, N is my favorite character and i hope episode 8 atleast makes him meet up with uzi edit: rewatching this after ep8, I was right! hours before I also predicted some scenes in art lmao
@dignityflame4577 4 месяца назад
@baileypressman7650 4 месяца назад
@KurO_playz_J-fan 4 месяца назад
Knowing they are just a teenager just breaks my heart..
@Serialdesignation__X__Xyra 4 месяца назад
Ayyy hi Kuro
@AraileLioness173 4 месяца назад
What I've concluded from this video is.... N and Uzi need a hug and some therapy. DESPRETLY.
@Excavator32 4 месяца назад
Yeah that's the TLDR for Murder Drones tbh
@Hatsunemikufds 4 месяца назад
You and sarcastic chorus are the only ones that i have seem in youtube that actually analysis N and Uzi relationship in a proper way and analysis N character in a proper way too! you've got my respect😌
@Addix_MM2 4 месяца назад
@A_Hylian_is_not_an_elf 3 месяца назад
At 2:04 i thought it was because he didnt want to fight V, not necessarily because he wanted to fight J
@Excavator32 3 месяца назад
Could be a bit of both really
@mahmoudsherif9657 3 месяца назад
And there's something I wanted to point out here, when N is trying to free himself from the boulders he uses a bone saw. At first I thought it would fit cause he is cutting his arm off but then I started to notice that he didn't use his sword or his chainsaw hands to free himself while also saying that he deserves it. He blames himself for Uzi being afraid of him and Tessa, and to make matters worse, the solver/Cyn shows up and mocks N with a hologram of V while also giving him a memory of what happened to earth in an effort to corrupt him and make him a mindless servant again. Let's just hope for N's sake that him, Uzi, and even V can all get their happy ending. Edit: most of this comment is exactly what's been said in the video except the first part and the happy ending part
@Excavator32 3 месяца назад
Yeah it's basically a self harm scene. I don't think I included much mention of it though, since the scene is hard to watch and I'd already established that he is emotionally worse when he's separated from Uzi, so there wasnt much reason to mention it, since I don't think it develops his character in any way. But yeah, poor guy
@mahmoudsherif9657 3 месяца назад
@@Excavator32 really, now I see why people (including me after I dug deep into this scene) want to give this guy a hug, but he doesn't only need just a hug, he kinda needs therapy and confort
@Excavator32 3 месяца назад
@@mahmoudsherif9657 they all need therapy yeah. Keep in mind the time frame of the show is like a week. So they see all of this in a week
@mahmoudsherif9657 3 месяца назад
@@Excavator32 I know this show is fast pace but that is a lot for it to happen in just one week don't you think
@Excavator32 3 месяца назад
@@mahmoudsherif9657 Oh 100%. Way to much in that amount of time
@blazelightzero595 Месяц назад
Just wanna say I recently subed to your channel a few hours ago and I've gotta say you have to be one of the best MD channels to go this far in-depth about the characters in this show. These psychoanalytic videos go a long way towards giving me a newfound level of respect for the trauma these guys go through and how their interactions underscores the major themes of connection and self-actualization in this show. Well done man.
@Excavator32 Месяц назад
Thank you very much. It's hard to tell if I do a good job with these so it's nice to see positive reinforcement like this
@ConeH34dd 4 месяца назад
N when hes woken from his murderer state: hii :3 N after ep7: WHAT THE F-
@Xdeadlyxphantom 4 месяца назад
If N and Uzi don't live I'm going to be sad
@Excavator32 4 месяца назад
That's a mood.
@MDiano Месяц назад
I hate people (Cough Yagster Cough Cough) who say all N's character was, was just a nice guy in the beginning and loved V, then starting to love Uzi, and say that he's just simping for her, or only agreeing on things with Uzi, and that's it! And I absolutely hate the N fans who say they like him because he's a little guy or whatever. It's made people think that all character is, is that, which obvious he's more then that. I'm so so happy that you made this video man, it really shows N's actually character in the show and not just some lover for Uzi, or some character who is ONLY a nice little guy. Fantastic job man! :D
@Excavator32 Месяц назад
N is a pretty complex character and it's a disservice to call him a simp or just a nice guy. I think the non canon promotional material is partly to blame for this aswell. The problem is most people say an opinion without knowing what they're talking about. Having an opinion is fine, but I think people need to prefix their level of knowledge or thought more then they do
@sofa35929 4 месяца назад
@Gattobabbo06 4 месяца назад
Everolng at the end...Simply magnificent. You have excellent taste in music
@Excavator32 4 месяца назад
@L1z_010 3 месяца назад
“He’s hesitant and uncertain with him holding on to hope that there’s another way. Because, Uzi is his universe.” THAT HAD NO RIGHT TO HIT ME THAT HARD 😭😭
@L1z_010 3 месяца назад
Ok I just watched the end of the video and damn this creator was correct about people being emotional
@Excavator32 3 месяца назад
I got very emotional with this one. Makes me wish I wasn't so dead in the other 2
@can_obeans5646 4 месяца назад
im so glad someone else associates everlong by the foo fighters with N and Uzi
@gachaxJDE 4 месяца назад
I hope he goes insane next episode because I think he was even more serious in ep 6 than he was in ep 7 😭
@alsiredwood5642 4 месяца назад
What the hell, man, you are one of the most wholesome narrators I have ever listened to and honestly big respect to you for that. I absolutely love the way you narrated N's character and his relationship types to V and Uzi, and now I'm feeling as emotional as you sounded by the end. I wonder if Nori will ever give her Mama ApprovalTM for Nuzi, or if V will come back (something I believe Lizzy (I think that's her name) hints to end of ep 7) Hope for their sake it ends well. Props to you, dude, props to you.
@KoiFish-qn3th Месяц назад
2:12 or maybe it’s the fact that he doesn’t want to hurt the girl who he (at that point) wanted to spend his life with
@EclipseVenexus 4 месяца назад
Have you considered doing a video like this on Uzi? I’m surprised there aren’t many videos on her specifically.
@Excavator32 4 месяца назад
One is releasing for V tomorrow oddly enough. I'll probably default to doing one for Uzi next but I plan on doing a poll (which Uzi will be in) to decide which major character is done next. As long as I get the motivation I'll do one for Uzi though at some point.
@EclipseVenexus 4 месяца назад
@@Excavator32 sweet
@The_baconNader9000 2 месяца назад
I think N is going to go on a killing rampage because he lost what he cared about most because after we died, he started caring and tried to get her and he snapped very easily at Tessa and killing her with no hesitation
@Tara_hollows 4 месяца назад
WAIT, WAIT, IN 12:18 UZI'S BLEEDING BLOOD, NOT OIL *sorry if it's already mentioned, i haven't seen the rest yet, or it could be the lighting, idk*
@Excavator32 4 месяца назад
You're right, it's blood
@Tara_hollows 4 месяца назад
@CZgIitch 3 месяца назад
id say in episode 8 either uzi dies or somehow n takes the solver virus or her mom then they get killed off or launched into space
@Buddy_Pall 4 месяца назад
This is a good video! You're doing great for your channels size! good job! :D
@Excavator32 4 месяца назад
Thanks mate
@Bardown_Biscuit 4 месяца назад
How could i guess what your voice sounded like before i clicked lol
@Excavator32 Месяц назад
Most generic dead sounding voice ever
@clauliz5502 4 месяца назад
will you do a breakdown of other characters?
@Excavator32 4 месяца назад
I might do V or Uzi or potentially even Khan or Doll. It depends on how well this does and what the demand is really
@DiamondAngelMusic 4 месяца назад
Dude, he's me.......
@Nscanonhusband 3 месяца назад
best video ever
@tomasmartinezcalvo9233 2 месяца назад
You know in episode 1 where N asks Uzi if he could fight J insted of V? Welk i think it is cuz he does NOT want to hurt V(he literally says "i wont let you shoot V with that thing") because at this point in the rimeline N may still have feelings for V(he literally says he has a crush on her, at least for now) so i think thats why he prefers to fight J, not to mention that until Uzi was in danger he NEVER went on the offensive against V and even when he did it was just a knockdown/neutralizer and not full on death(as to why he went on the offensive when Uzi was in danger, i dont think its because he developed feelings for her, atleast for now, but since in your own word "hes already grown attached to Uzi" since "Uzi was the only person who stood up for him")
@Excavator32 Месяц назад
Yeah he doesn't want to hurt V. For whatever reason, maybe his crush on her or maybe he has some subconscious memory of the gala, hence him having a soft spot for V.
@GIoomyAbyss 4 месяца назад
Dope breakdown
@Gamingturtle91 4 месяца назад
Feel like I’m the main character is going to die at the end of the motor drawing series
@melissaw8381 Месяц назад
I thought he said no sneaking off To Uzi For a signal that she sneaks off
@Excavator32 Месяц назад
@@melissaw8381 nah, the way he says it makes me think he wants her to stay, plus the sad look he gives after
@jimmyzeng998 4 месяца назад
Awesome video, made me cry. Can you add captions next cuz sometimes hard to keep up with idk
@Excavator32 4 месяца назад
I'm not sure yet tbh. It depends on how easy it is since I use a script for most of them which makes it easy to do subtitles. It's down to how easy it is to do on RU-vids side
@briian40 4 месяца назад
i enjoyed this vid. will you do more on the others?
@Excavator32 4 месяца назад
I'm considering it for sure. Especially for V since she's also quite deep. But I have something else (that's still MD) that I'm fixated on right now and it requires me to learn blender so it might take a bit. No idea when it'll be out but I'll make it at some point
@briian40 4 месяца назад
@@Excavator32 v is probably my favourite character i love the depth she has. oh man im excited to see what you are cooking up now, I'm actually learning how to use blender myself.
@murderdronefan123-wl2oz 4 месяца назад
Hope you make it two 200 subscribers
@DropTheAxo 3 месяца назад
Bro i just typed 382983 and got my comment removed
@Excavator32 3 месяца назад
Autocensor be wildin
@speedythehero7441 4 месяца назад
I don’t think he exactly *hates* J- (not at first at least) in the pilot he just doesn’t really want to hurt V. Even in the second episode he’s still hesitant to be mean to/hurt J.
@Excavator32 Месяц назад
It's probably more he dislikes J and loves V. Then he hates J
@natalieomeara0220 4 месяца назад
my guess where the relationships started through episodes Ep1: N has a crush on V- Uzi has a crush on Thad (heavily implied)- V has a crush on nobody Ep2: N has a crush on V- Uzi is losing feelings for Thad and is getting them from N- V has a crush on nobody Ep3 N lost feelings for V, but is still very close with her- Uzi has a crush on N- V is having *SMALL* feelings for N. Ep4 N is starting to get feelings for Uzi- Uzi has a crush on N- V has a crush on N Ep5 N has a crush on Uzi- Uzi has a crush on N- V has a crush on N Ep6 N and Uzi are basically dating- V is dead Ep7 N and Uzi are basically dating (GIVE US KISS SCENE 👹👺)- V is dead
@Serialdesignation__X__Xyra 4 месяца назад
Will smith style💀😭🙏
@rebellarose6434 3 месяца назад
V was asking to get her ass kicked. I’m sorry but she talked way too much sh*t to back it up during that fight. 😂😂(But I will admit V is a good fighter.)
@Excavator32 Месяц назад
Keep in mind the DDs are supposed to outnumber Solver Drones 3 to 1, and V tried to take Uzi on alone
@omogisalu 4 месяца назад
"why is there a hole there? i woke up and there was a hole "grab'z uzi doll and drop'z it into the hole" that was my fav doll btw and now it'z in the hole...(ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Kirq0SkaWVE.html)
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