

Turkey Personal Tours
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The Seven Churches of Revelation, also known as The Seven Churches of the Apocalypse and The Seven Churches of Asia (referring to the Roman province of Asia, not the entire continent), are seven major churches of Early Christianity, as mentioned in the New Testament Book of Revelation and written to by John the Apostle. In Revelation, on the Greek island of Patmos, Jesus Christ instructs his servant John to: "Write on a scroll what you see and send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus, and to Smyrna, and to Pergamos, and to Thyatira, and to Sardis, and to Philadelphia, and to Laodicea.
Faith Tourism
Developments in the scope of technology,without an exemption of all national boundaries, bring people close together. Since the discovery of writing, perheps 9.000 or 10.000 years ago, certain places in the world were the grounds for close contacts among different cultures, civilizations and religions.
The foundations of the various ancient civilizations' on the lands of Anatolia, the settlement of the disples during the first quarter of Christianity in Anatolia or that of Jewish people who were subjected to the policy of annihilation in their homelands during the Mediaeval Ages inevitably provided the Anatolian region to embody various synagogues and churches besides the Islamic works of arts belonging to the Turkish nations.
The fact that these works of art have attained to our times as a result of our nations' notion of respect and high esteem to other religions enable Turkey to gain an advantageous position among the other countries.
The evaluation of the interests of people to visit religious centers out of the consideration of regular fulfilments can be identified as Faith Tours in the scope of tourism phenomenon.



10 сен 2024




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@hecke1959 9 лет назад
This is why Jesus said pick up your cross and follow me,we are to look in to our own hearts to see if we are in the faith.Do not be conformed to the world,but be transformed,by the renewing of your mind,is our minds in alignment with the word of God.
@AMotionP 9 лет назад
Thanks for this video, it's helped me put some things together, rather an Epiphany- as I watched John watch his fire there I realized something, a thousand years is a day to God, that scene of John was little more than a day before in one week of all existing in human history, today is part of the last day, how the last day starts, we are in the dawn of the ultimate Sabbath.. The way these 7 churches relate to all doctrines and denominations we see is widespread, God cuts it down to precise mandates based on the belief of men, it is all encompassing, I found plenty of myself, my new self put into these churches and even back in my Atheist days I had once looked into Pagan things, I'd gone Gnostic to a degree, I now understand why those things never satisfied or really meant anything.. all our days of our entire lives happen in seconds to God. Brotherly love, blessings in Christ Yeshua
@wins2761 8 лет назад
Thank you for this very informative and inspiring presentation of the Letters to the Seven Churches. The Book is beyond religion and denominations, it is The Whole Truth ( and nothing but the truth). Those in doubt should just relax, sit back and watch everything come to pass exactly as written (with them exactly where it says they should be!).
@teresarajumedikonda1680 4 года назад
Thank you so much brother for the excellent tour video to all seven churches mentioned in Revelation of the Holy Bible. Your explanation about each church is amazing and I just experienced as if I have traveled all through the seven places. God bless you brother. Amen.
@susanmcdonald6879 8 лет назад
the beautiful 2-story ruin in Ephesus was a library!!! built by a son to honor his father who had died. what a fabulous building! and a library, with scrolls of learning on every subject imaginable, greek tragedies, philosophy, architecture, medicine! thank you for showing such beautiful video of perhaps the best echos from the past! Pergamum had the second best library next to Alexandria - astonishing history!
@karenshine5010 7 лет назад
Amazing awesome video, God bless you!
@philipfrie77 9 лет назад
There is a way for each person, even the lukewarm can find a place, if they only fully repent, & do as they are asked of by Christ, will they be given eternal life.(rev, 2:26-29 given power over all the nations, he shall rule them with a rod iron; they shall be dashed to pieces like pottery vessels as I also have received from my father and I will give him the morning star, he who has ear, let him hear what the spirit says to the church's.) imagine to wash the old away of all the paganism on the earth. That would be truly beautiful to see the earth washed clean, & see her as God made her, un-defiled & made clean.
@kerryanne9797 4 года назад
Thank you so much for Sharing.
holy spirit spoken to Jesus believer's
@bernardgill1439 5 лет назад
Dr. Richard's book is the first published book on the historic protestant reformation of the 16th century in Pakistan...published and released October, 2017 to celebrate the 500th anniversary of this event, 10,000 copies were freely distributed
@marshalllittleton8832 3 года назад
I love our Judeo-christian and Greko-Roman heritage. I have a problem with a few things said, chiefly about Gnosticism.
@jessamaebalacy3891 6 лет назад
God bless
@lauriglenn6381 6 лет назад
I'm studying these churches now, and on Pegamum. I'm really confused because the first two churches has the same references in my Bible in the introduction verses, etc. And Pegamum is completely different. Just confusing. Idk if it's a translation problem, or if it's supposed to be like that.
@HISSWORD 3 года назад
You lost me by putting so many adverts
@altafnaseem7961 7 лет назад
@elizamills4400 9 лет назад
A nice look at the places mentioned in Revelation 2 & 3 and their history. Nicely spoken too Mr Hume. Yet after watching it through and hearing you say that the messages apply to all Christians at all times I have to ask myself why you needed to make this video. Can we not simply open our Bibles and read it for ourselves?
@glendamclachlan5021 9 лет назад
Eliza Mills Based on your theory there is no need for anyone to teach the words of the bible. You have it all summed up and no need to be reminded of anything. Jesus Christ said share my gospel and teach those who have become discouraged and love others. Your view is of self only.
@caridadbadillo4253 4 года назад
@altafnaseem7961 7 лет назад
@annanimus4445 8 лет назад
Nero was not in Rome when the fire started. He returned to help, using emperor funds be used to clean up and provide new housing.
@johnpapp2028 8 лет назад
Does anyone else think that David sounds exactly like Christopher Walken?
@someoneofgods2620 2 года назад
Research Biblical flat and stationary earth with a firmament and pray about it
@susanmcdonald6879 8 лет назад
I also must point out that if, indeed, the stone structures you claim were early christian churches, it was my understanding that for its first few centuries, churches were organized and held in homes because in the roman empire, Christianity was illegal (though the romans were tolerant to a variety of religious practises in their empire in general) not until the 4th century could they have built stone churches.... it is highly unlikely that the author of Revelations was the disciple; dates for Jesus' ministry were way earlier..... writing history to confirm beliefs is a dangerous misguiding enterprise....
@MistyMarie1970 2 года назад
I appreciate the history of the churches but i wish that you would acknowledge Jewish believers as followers of the way ( Followers/believers in Yeshua who was the prophecied Jewish- Judah messiah, instead of presenting it as Gentile followers and Jews as a synagogue of Satan. For clarity thousands of Jews believed in Yeshua and had conflict with Jews who didn't.
@susanmcdonald6879 8 лет назад
in Ephesus, the foot, said to point to a brothel, also had carved below it: "Follow me." interesting implications here, but why not tell that part?! also, biologically driven, ancients had less problem with sexual needs & behaviors... aphrodite (venus to the romans) was just the expression of these desires & needs...
@lauriglenn6381 6 лет назад
Who "has" the sword. ??
@brozkeeper 8 лет назад
What if each church represents the 7 geographical continents? #justsaying
@thomasbressler4575 4 года назад
crashonher e'day The beast from the pit...
@green_beans5038 8 лет назад
I truly apologize guys, forgive me, I'll focus more. please forgive me.
@lauriglenn6381 6 лет назад
Smyrna seems very similar to U.S. today.
@JeremyBX 7 лет назад
Jontron is gonna make this video popular.
@gurusfeed 9 лет назад
Man has been invoke the rights unto the spirit hundreds and thousands of years before any prophet, church or religion.The spirit, the endowment unto all mankind.This fact alone proves all prophets real and Muhammad a deceiver. God abandoned the heaven long ago when the angel's sinned against man and set blasphemies names of god unto man to rule over them.Plus that whole war of the angels in the court of gods heavens.The first to spill the blood of their own kind.He cursed them claiming man would rise conquering death,war , famine and pestilence and that when we do the doors to Hell and Hades will be locked and sealed and the angels right to heaven would be stricken from creation forever more.Jesus a incarnate unto the spirit.Proof of god's strength that we all hold within us.Did just this,Healed the sick and blind feed the masses cured the leopard and would give rights even unto the whore as his sister and was resurrected unto the cross and the hour is here.Kneel and be numbered or stand and be counted!
@fadik.4494 8 лет назад
Thyatira 25 to30
@Magnolia1955 9 лет назад
Is it too bad these these local congregations and centers of vibrant Christianity are now held in the hands of a pagan religion -- Islam.
@glendamclachlan5021 9 лет назад
***** Religion is the definition of paganism. Christianity is not. Most religions are false. Christianity is not found in a building or a false teaching or following false prophets. Christians are those who live by the teachings of the bible and not add to it. Jesus Himself hates religions and their ritual and rules that are not of His teachings. Amos 5:21 I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not take delight in your solemn assemblies. @5 Revelation 22:18 @22For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
@gladwinjoseph2 8 лет назад
+ugur parlak LOL we don't worship CROSS we worship one true living god jesus !! he died on the cross because he LOVED us, and it's a symbol for christianity, because christ died for us and on the third day he rose again we dont worship any earthly things You guys worship the black stone in mecca so, research who's following paganism ?
@susanmcdonald6879 8 лет назад
are you saying that Christianity is not a religion? Jesus differs with the status quo interpretations of ancient judaism & challenges those interpretations, and paul's conversion of gentiles, to include them exclusive of judaism's beliefs, comes out of the jewish religious beliefs & writings! how can they not be religions? is it philosophy? science?government? psychology? what IS it then? Just "Truth"? also, to love one's enemies seems to say the opposite of hate on any level ("jesus hates religion"). Religion, the word itself, comes from the Latin meaning simply: to "look back". Equating the history of the word and its etymology with " paganism " is perhaps a misguided attempt to promote ego-centrism into the equation (here's what it means to me & my beliefs).... saying something is the total Truth , that simply everything else is wrong or false is risky-business; and not very good arguments for defense of your claims, not to mention , actually pushes people away .....that if this is how christians believe, it must involve a tyranny worse than any political system...
@jettabobetta2192 7 лет назад
Jesus revealed himself to me and rescued me from darkness. Today, I am blessed mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally, financially!! I have joy that is in me everyday!
@erdincylmaz2842 7 лет назад
pagan religion? ahahahaha, Islam is the one and only true religion. Hz Muhammed is the last messenger of God.
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