0:58: Principal of the thing notices that playtime is getting bullied 1:18: Fills my Tummy………..WHAT 1:45 Bully gets dragged 2:40 Bully trips Baldi 2:50 Baldi get tied up 2:54 Baldi’s face looks shocked 3:30 Bully snatches Baldi’s ruler 3:45 Playtime gets kicked into the wall 4:02 Bully locks Principal of the thing in the lockers 5:00 Baldi gets untied. Playtime helped 5:08 Baldi’s angry face with no black eyes 5:28 Bully notices Baldi is gone 5:46 Bully kicks Playtime for a second time 6:12 Bully punches Baldi 6:52 Baldi kicks bully and then get swept by Gotta Sweep 7:04 Gotta Sweep trips bully and the principal of the thing probably said “ What did I tell you about bullying, you are kicked out of the school”
I have mixed opinions. I know it's The Bully, but that doesn't mean he can just kick a child. But at the same time, Baldi is the teacher, which means he can't just punch his pupils. Oh well, *GOTTA SWEEP SWEEP SWEEP!*
Keeley Freeman don’t let that “cuteness” fool you. When’s the last time you have had all seven notebooks then playtime just comes out from around the corner with baldi behind you?
Bully punch baldi was hurt and increases his body because bully was hurting him on his stomach was hurt and increases he couldn't walk well because he's very hurt on his side I hope he gets better soon I'm worried about him being hurt on his side