Appreciate these prayers acknowledging Ha Shem in words that show His Almighty character. I find myself feeling inadequate about expresssing myself in prayer.
Shalom. I had the opportunity to utilize Ari's recording Thursday morning. What a blessing it was to hear and to agree with "ameins' when my morning moved in a direction out of my control. Toda rabbah!
So we only do this one in the morning?? Pretty long on a work day but that means wake up 1 hour early not a problem to do it for GOD ALMIGHTY. Do i need to face the east? Stand up or kneel? Im tryjng to learn but i know nothing 😮
The Shema: reciting the shema daily once in the evening and once in the morning. Annunciate each word clearly and do not run the words together. With the following 3 word formula, God trustworthy king when reciting the shema recite the 1st verse aloud with your right hand covering your eyes and concentrate intently upon accepting god's absolute sovereignty. The Amidah _ facing East. This is done at the Amidah in a synagogue or whether you're at home. It's recited while facing the direction of the land of Israel. You take 3 steps backwards left right left, then 3 steps forward right left right. Then, one remains standing with your feet together. During the Shemmoneh Esrei Amidah (Service of the heart) one recites it with quiet devotion and without any interruptions, although it should not be audible to others. One must pray loud enough to hear oneself. Good praying! Shalom!