
Should Christians Get Involved in Politics? 

Cross Examined
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@gallo916 5 лет назад
This world is controlled by evil .. what do u do when both sides seem evil ..
@seasidelife9742 2 года назад
Where does scripture say the world is controlled by evil instead of the sovereignty of God?
@gallo916 2 года назад
@@seasidelife9742 1john 5.19 We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one. Satan, the ruler of this world, will be cast out.” (John 12:31) Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe the Gospel.” (2 Corinthians 4:4) U need to study more and not be blinded by the world ..
@0987__ 2 года назад
One is far better than the other. Not perfect, but we don’t get perfect in this life
@carlorivera3035 Год назад
The Christians should preach to both evil parties, if they indeed are, to save them, too. God wants all men to be saved. 1 Timothy 2:1-4 "I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth."
@carlorivera3035 Год назад
The Christians should preach to both evil parties, if they indeed are, to save them, too. God wants all men to be saved. 1 Timothy 2:1-4 "I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth."
@Jong23 2 года назад
Crazy I’m just now seeing this video. Can’t believe this came out almost 12 years ago. Frank was spot on. All of these things have happened.
@fnfn9229 Год назад
Yup, especially at the end we can be fined or jail for misgendering some1
@CrossExamined 10 лет назад
Should Christians Get Involved in Politics? #ChristianApologetics
@yourfinalbreath4397 8 лет назад
Please be aware that your hashtag leads only to two YT videos arguing against the Christians worldview. Not very constructive.
@Stsebastian8900 7 лет назад
@DainBramaged00 7 лет назад
A better question is: are they obligated to do so, in order to protect themselves and others?
@jaybirdjetwings7516 5 лет назад
Love your videos Dr.turek but disagree with some political views. I'm more in favor of a social democracy
@Demonoicgamer666 Год назад
Individuals should but the church as a whole shouldn’t
@amorgod7776 3 года назад
here in 2021
@BoyKagome Год назад
That's not the real question, the real question is should we bring Christ into our politics. As a motivation to do what is right? Yes. But to say straight up "This would be Christs political position." I think is going too far. Christs goal was to get people to follow him, once they were he could clean up all their morals.
@jesuslovesyou8039 5 лет назад
What about anyone who opposes Christians practicing Christianity is commiting hate crimes towards "freedom of religion" and "freedom of speech". How contradictive don't you think?! Does anybody stop to think WHY God separated people by having us speak different languages in the first place??
@mcfrickenwatcher195 3 года назад
whats your point?
@8thMusketeer 3 года назад
Does anyone know what course in collage Turek is teaching here? Or is this just a presentation?
@brandonhethcox5354 3 года назад
Christians got involved in Politics back in Europe during the Middle-Ages and it worked out well for everyone to a certain degree.
@seasidelife9742 2 года назад
That’s how the west became the best
@Demonoicgamer666 Год назад
No it didn’t George the 3rd was a tyrant. Europe isn’t religious like that anymore because it didn’t work.
@cece3194 6 лет назад
@josephvallejo3929 3 года назад
@samg9905 4 года назад
Not one politician Can/Will be salt or light. God was clear to his people what would happen to them after BEGGING to have a man over them. Yet they insisted on having one, God told them again what would happen to them, But Nope they wanted to be like everybody else. Since..... we see how God is never wrong & man is constantly trying to disprove God. Even before i loved God i never voted, much less now that i love God. He said He'd put up & take down. Nuff said!
@paulcimijotti 3 года назад
Jesus Christ loves you
@slft47 Год назад
For everyone waiting for the 2nd coming, the bible has allready confirmed that the 2nd coming has allready came… so stop waiting😎
@MattPesek 12 лет назад
truthb2u2, what job doesn't have aspects of being worldly, full of greed, or corrupt? All Christians aren't called to be pastors. We are indeed called to be in the world but not of the world. I think some Christians are called to be in politics, but not conform to that culture. With regards to Jesus voting, he never had the chance to vote. Let's be salt and light wherever we go.
@massimocasella4201 3 года назад
@chriswest6652 3 года назад
check out the truth about george washinton. Acording to him, g.w was a bad general( he got lucky) and an even worse hunan being.
@Ash1RockRunner 12 лет назад
usa was christian country do not talk like stopit jwesh..... frank jwesh
@carljones8334 4 года назад
I was waiting for a single biblical verse telling us to vote, and he never gave one, just opinion. I am so glad he is not my pastor. He does say we are citizens of this world and heaven. but that is not what the Bible says. In Daniel 4:17 The Bible teaches that God raises up the BASEST of men. Is that who you vote for, if not why not? Do we vote for the BASEST of men, or do we go contrary to God's Word and His will? If you can't go along with voting for the BASEST of men, then simply abstain from voting and pray that God will raise up the BASEST of men, as He says He will.
@samg9905 4 года назад
& when Gods people WANTED to be like everybody else & have a man to be over them, what did God tell Samuel to tell HIS people ? & exactly what God said would happen, did. This is why Not One politician Can/Will be salt or light while being a politician, they'd last maybe 30days & be forced out or die a mysterious death.
@carljones8334 4 года назад
@@samg9905 Not only did the people suffer, but they were rejecting God. We never learn.
@samg9905 4 года назад
@@carljones8334 Yep.
@archangeljesus4369 2 года назад
Jehovah's Witnesses are the true Christians
@ManyLegions88 2 года назад
Doesn't matter. I am the son of perdition. You will not bow, you will burn. Very soon.
@danielviets4427 Год назад
What do Jehovah’s Witness’s believe?
@dollrose3085 Месяц назад
False!! JW is a cult
@yourfinalbreath4397 8 лет назад
Thank you for your labors. However, I must ask: Are you teaching and advocating a PreRapture/inevitable(moral/spiritual) decline in America? If you are, then that is very sad. Unfortunately, many Christians hold to an eschatological view that promotes the idea that the moral/spiritual condition of America must absolutely decrease from this point forward. However, there is no evidence that the spiritual/moral condition in America must in fact grow worse from this immediate point forward. Think about it for a minute. There cannot be effective evangelism in a given community without a corresponding positive change in that same community. We have plenty of historical proof of that. Therefore, anyone teaching or implying that the moral/spiritual condition of America must decline (from this point forward) is actually claiming, in effect, that effective evangelism and the light/Gospel of Christ must also decrease. Now, if that is true, then why should I even bother to improve society in general and my community specifically, if things must just continue to decline? Does this not negate the great commission to spread the light of Christ? Does it not make Christians look like confused and ignorant individuals when we stand in such a massive contradiction by, on one hand, claiming we should try to effective positive change in our country and communities through prayer and other means and then, on the other hand, claim that our country and communities cannot improve morally and spiritually? In addition, Bible-believing Christians must discern the difference between spiritual/moral decline occurring pre and post rapture. That is very important. I have found that all the Bible verses that specify a condition of moral/spiritual decline or prevailing iniquity are either misinterpreted or applied pre-rapture instead of post-rapture. An example: "And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold" (Mat 24:12). If this can and should be applied to a post-rapture period, then we cannot--with absolute certainty--claim that this condition of prevailing iniquity must be present as a pre-condition of the Rapture as so many preachers and teachers support. Further, my argument maintains that the Rapture and the Second Coming are two separate events, not two stages of one event; they are two separate events.
@James-et5hh 8 лет назад
This is very true.
@genesisalday8479 4 года назад
What's your religion are you if you dont mind me asking?
@genesisalday8479 4 года назад
I find it hard that you are really reaching with this question. I'm very curious to know your religion so I can have a understanding of your view in this.
@ManyLegions88 2 года назад
I killed christ long ago.
@drumrnva 12 лет назад
"Taking away our rights to practice our religion"?? Do you know how many churches there are in the US? Are they not free to operate several times a week, TAX-FREE?? You're talking gibberish, man.
@josephvallejo3929 3 года назад
Tax the churches
@thirdplanet4471 5 лет назад
He really predicted that situation with same sex marriage
@HisFlock_ 3 года назад
One finnish politician was in court for citing a Bible against same-sex marriages
@jam4678 3 года назад
timestamp please
@HisFlock_ 3 года назад
@@jam4678 Päivi Räsänen
@marino2duper 3 года назад
Except the jail part isnt happening in America but the corporations are firing us for those beliefs.
@patdav6834 5 лет назад
This is such a hard issue. For me, I don't believe churches should be involved in politics at all. Jesus never was. He told his disciples not to tell anyone he was the Christ. He was more interested in people and not government. He actually made it pretty clear that he didn't come to overthrow a government. I respect everyone opinion but whomever is in office, it doesn't change eternity. When Jesus comes back he will be the king of the world.
@samg9905 4 года назад
@ Pat Dav, Before i loved God i never voted, now that i love God & studied where Gods people wanted to be like everybody else & have a Man over them & God told them (more than once) what would happen, yet they insisted. Couple thousand years later, God is still correct & man.... Well, you clearly see what's happening.
@0987__ 2 года назад
Wow... this aged nicely... we are there now Frank
@thomasmichael5940 5 лет назад
Jesus Christ, the founder of Christianity was politically neutral. He was not a social reformer. He preached the good news of God's Kingdom Government as the permanent solution to humanity's problems, including bringing an end to sickness, old age and death, something no human government can solve. Daniel 2: 44, tells us that God's Kingdom will do away with all worldly governments, in the near future, who have all failed in solving humanity's problems, and it itself will stand to times indefinite. Satan the Devil tried to tempt Jesus to become involved and to take over all the kingdoms of this world, as they are all controlled by Satan. This is found at Luke 4 5-8. Christians are politically neutral in whatever nation they live in. Jesus taught his followers to have love among themselves, as this is the identifying mark of all true Christians. (John 13: 34, 35.) So, no Christian would go to war against their fellow believer or anyone else. Jesus even taught his follower to "love your enemies"-(Matthew 5:44).
@Ashley-id2cb 5 лет назад
@thereichscollector 5 лет назад
@Moviefan2k4 12 лет назад
There are certainly a lot of churches in the United States, but when compared to mass media and various businesses or social trends, that's a drop in the bucket from an influence standpoint. The sad fact is that for many, many years, a lot of Christians were afraid of public opinion, so they didn't stand their ground. The society we now live in, where tons of people equate Christianity with hate and/or irrelevance, is a direct result of those mistakes.
@carlandre8610 3 года назад
Thank God we have a King. :) The Good news is we can enter the Kingdom because Jesus is our King and the way into the Kingdom. Praise the King. Do not take them out of the earth.
@zritel.viewer 9 месяцев назад
Hi there, RU-vid folks. I'm a male christian from Russia and I'm asking you a question: What do you think, should I obey the government's order to go to Ukraine, if they announce full mobilization next year? Personally, I consider this special military operation in Ukraine as an act of expansionism, which I can't accept as a "self-defense" type of thing; so I've decided, if the order would happened to obey as long as they allow me to protect our motherland borders as the borders were present in 2013. I think it'd be way better to put our resources in the way of life; saving people, saving animals; to build, not destroy.
@mmabbs 8 лет назад
All churches should renounce tax except status....... who's bread I eat his song I sing
@1godonlyone119 4 года назад
Tax exemption does not provide money or bread -- it prevents theft.
@seasidelife9742 2 года назад
It’s sets the church up for controlled opposition
@Demonoicgamer666 Год назад
The church would have to take thousands in donations if they lost tax exempt status.
@joseph816 4 года назад
If I remember correctly, it's Frank who mentioned "sex, money, power they are all good things that can be used wrongly". So perhaps by Faith we can use politics to advance God's kingdom. I actually opened the video thinking that we shouldn't get involved because Jesus wasn't, but perhaps He didn't get involved because it wasn't His ministry, not because it's wrong.
@jonmote6787 3 года назад
@shinju Food I totally agree with you, Jesus did'nt get involved in Politics and many other times in his time simply because it was'nt his ministry
@OragansDAristilde_TheChristian 3 года назад
Politics wasn't Jesus' ministry and we don't see the apostles involved in politics yet government is established by God as according to romans 13 but, 1 corinthians 5 says Christians should judge those inside the church as God judges those outside. So it makes me think maybe God allows man to make a government but us Christians have no business judging outsiders as 1 Corinthians 5 says.
@sleepinggiant4102 2 года назад
@@jonmote6787 Jesus was involved in Politics. The Pharisees were not only religious leaders but they were law makers and politicians on their day who controlled daily life. The Sanhedrin was the council of elders that made laws and ran trials. You could be even stoned to death by their judgment. Even the way they set it up was strikingly similar to how our senate room in the US is set up. Half a circle and everyone sitting around it.
@jonmote6787 Год назад
@@sleepinggiant4102 hmnnn... you've got a point there.
@catfinity8799 Год назад
"Do all for the glory of God." Do politics to glorify God.
@JohnJakeWilliam 3 года назад
Greetings with Christian love, ... Jesus was crucified by a coalition of political-religious conservatives (the Pharisees) and political-religious liberals (the Sadducees), working through the secular government (the Roman Empire). The reason the liberals and the conservatives could unite in the common cause of crucifying Christ was that they had one vital thing in common: They hated each other! Why was Jesus a threat to both parties? Because He would not unite with either party against the other! If Jesus had united with the Pharisees (conservatives), He would not have been crucified. If Jesus had united with the Sadducees (liberals), He would not have been crucified. Why? Well, because loyalty to either party justifies the existence of the other. The dark genius of the game our world’s political parties play is that each side feeds the hatred that sustains the other. And Jesus would not play that game. The Pharisees (conservatives) and the Sadducees (liberals) were two versions of the same system, and Jesus was something so completely different than either of them that He simply had to be removed. So they engineered a union of church and state to get rid of Him. The political element and the religious element came together to crucify God in the flesh, because there was one thing, and just one thing, that they could not tolerate: LOVE! More specifically, they could not tolerate the radical notion of eliminating all enmity between one another by loving their enemies as themselves, because to love their enemies would be to eliminate their enemies, and to eliminate their enemies would be to eliminate the very reason for their existence as opposing political parties grabbing up power and money from one another. All political parties and systems are a mixed bag of good and evil principles, whereas the kingdom of Christ is composed only of good principles that arise out of God’s indiscriminate love for all people. As a follower of Jesus, therefore, I cannot be loyal to any one political party, but rather must affirm true principles wherever they may be found regardless of political party. I am what you might call a liberal conservative, or a conservative liberal, whichever you prefer. Why? Because that’s exactly what we see on display in Christ: a perfect equilibrium of conservative and liberal principles. Therefore, as a follower of Jesus, I have to believe in true and righteous principles wherever they might be found, rather than be loyal to any political party and its entire portfolio of policies. But most people, myself included, don’t like complexity, because it requires the hard work of thinking. We don’t want to think through the implications of the various issues and compose a perspective based on agreement with the good principles that may be found in both political parties while rejecting the bad ideas that exist in both political parties. It’s much easier to let others do our thinking for us and be simplistically loyal to a political party, because doing so allows us to be intellectually lazy while indulging in the shallow but euphoric satisfaction of getting all hyped up about how “my party is right and yours is wrong.” But to occupy that kind of position necessarily entails disobedience to the gospel of Christ and unfaithfulness to His alternative kingdom. In fact, Jesus commands His followers to enlist themselves in His kingdom and thus to break ranks with this world’s failed systems. To enlist in His kingdom entails committing to the high standard of loving all people, even Republicans, even Democrats, and to embrace righteous principles wherever they may be found. In a word, we are called upon to love like Jesus loves (Matthew 5:38-48). Revelation 12 According to the prophecy of Revelation 12, the visible “Christianity” operating on the world stage throughout the Middle Ages was, in fact, a political vehicle driven by the dragon, Satan himself, through which the character of God was grossly misrepresented and by which millions of true believers were slaughtered in the name of Christ. Simultaneously, according to the prophecy, the true church of God operated as an underground movement, in the shadows of the Christ-less “Christian” empire. This underground church proclaimed the true gospel of Christ to the trembling masses who were politically dominated, theologically oppressed, and financially pillaged by “the Christian Church.” Revelation 13 According to the prophecy of Revelation 13, Catholic and Protestant “Christianity”-“the beast” and “the image of the beast”-will eventually hijack the American political system for purposes of forced “worship.” While many in mainstream “Christianity” are crying out against atheism and secularism as the big dangers of our times, Revelation 13 warns that apostate “Christianity” exploiting the power of the state is the greatest danger to the world. Let it register deeply in your consciousness: apostate “Christianity” exploiting the power of the state is the greatest danger to the world The prophecy of Revelation 13 explains that the church will manipulate its way into politics and use the state to force religious laws upon the public by enforcing a “mark” of allegiance that can be received in the “forehead” or in the “hand”-meaning that some people will buy into it with their belief system and other people will merely comply with it in order to maintain economic security. Every “Christian” motivated by financial self-interest will either believe in or comply with the illicit union of church and state that will rise up like a monstrous “beast” to destroy religious liberty in the name of Jesus. What much of the world at large despises as “Christianity,” is really an ugly form of pagan nationalism that has hijacked the name of Christ for its political ends. For many of us, it will be a painful realization. But once you see it, you can’t unsee it, and it will open your eyes so wide that you’ll never see politics and religion the same again. Politics and religion are a lethal mix. And the separation of church and state is the only doorway through which a human being can enter into the liberating love of God. The gospel of Christ, by revealing God’s non-coercive love, insists that church and state must remain separate and that liberty of conscience must be preserved, for only those who are truly free can love God supremely and love their neighbor as themselves.
@2bittesla 5 лет назад
Yes absolutely, is that even a thing. Everybody should be involved. Except for Civil Servants, but that's a whole seperate issue. All participate in government so all values are considered in Law. No one group should govern above all others. Extremists radicals avoid government in favor of violence and doom all.
@mcfrickenwatcher195 3 года назад
"No one group should govern above all others" fax
@giosueagius7003 4 года назад
Wait.... God created government? No such thing, God never did such a thing, all governments were created by humans, God helped the Jews rebel against government, and rebel against tyranny, if anything God is an anarchist. This is why I am an anarcho-Syndicalists but still a christian. Jesus himself rebelled against jewish and roman authorities. I never heard of a case where Jesus and God established a government, God dismantles governments, not builds them. The First christians for 3 entire centuries lives in anarcho-Communists communes. Christians should have freedom to vote and a freedom not to vote.
@Mr.Lucess Год назад
This is what I heard "God hate politics"
@godsoldier6240 3 года назад
Yes I used to say we don’t but if we don’t then our future are decided by the peoples who are usually for their self interest
@exiled30 12 лет назад
second. I always wanted to be first. (sigh) one of these days. John Calvin was a magistrate. Wycliffe, Huss, Luther all had influence as well.
@Powerful9315 2 года назад
this is awesome!!
@estellatrevino1836 3 года назад
Romans 13:1 and 7 Paul says, let everyone be subject to governing Authority for there is no Authority except that which God has established.... what it literally means is to obey the law. It does not mean to be part of the political movement. Political movement is a group of people to change government policy or social values. The politicians had gotten out of hand oh, they have lost their values. The people have no civil rights anymore. The government can take over your life completely if they want to. There is no Freedom anymore they have totally broken the Constitution of the United States. Really people do you really want to be a part of the government movement? No" if you are wise enough you would stay out of it. The only way is through Christ the narrow road there will be stumbling blocks but with the help and the strength that Jehovah will give you through Christ Jesus you can make it. Blessings to all🕊❤
@jerrycallender9927 2 года назад
To be a recognized 501 C-3 charity REQUIRES the charity be APOLITICAL, not holding ANY discussions on politics, political parties, nominations or elections!
@carlandre8610 3 года назад
If the church does a good job at properly evangelising and then incorporates that person into a sound church they become discipled over time. They enter into that culture with that Kingdom and benefits, they can influence others. The church in the Western World has lost much ground, and often has been wishy wasy luke warm. Looking to politics to correct this is like trying to force the Kingdom of God on unbelievers, when the Kingdom is unseen. That said all believers in all domains and callings should be influential. The Kingdom should be like yeast and salt affecting the whole world. A return to Holiness is needed. Unfortunately things have been marred by a lot of t.v. evangelists. Also there have been a lot of false converts. Nevertheless this is to be expected. I would rather be in the minority than attending a phony church or living as a child of God than living in a country that falsly claims to be Christian. The church needs persecution and cleaning up. Our own house needs to be in order. If divorce is high among Christian what light does that shine. If Christians can not live withim their means. If Christians cut work early are constantly late cut corners what does that say? I have been made aware that i must shine and am trying to reflect Our saviour. We are not perfect but we are called out. Different. We are here to be the church. The Mission assignment of the Church is to carry out the great commission preach the Kingdom to all nations, make disciples and baptise them as a testimony. We are witnessess. We are witnesses to this Kingdom operating in thee world. Others can test that we are in a different political system. The church should be training people in their gifts. Eph.4 11 -13
@genesisalday8479 4 года назад
Read genesis exodus all the way to Deuteronomy and and Roman's and james. To enlighten you and after that read Timothy and titus. Any questions. Feel free to ask? I'm using my gf account. Fyi
@georgesomaru8973 4 года назад
"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations" (not disciple): KJV
@guilhermesantosvieira1315 3 года назад
Matthew 28:19-20 says: Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. The greek word translated as "teach" is μαθητεύσατε, mathéteuó, which is more likely intended as "make disciples". Although is inseparable from teaching the making of disciples.
@seasidelife9742 2 года назад
@@LovelovelyJesus there is a lot that you seem to not understand. The great commission is a political statement. It changes culture and nations. The west is a great example of it
@petertimothycooper 10 лет назад
@carlorivera3035 Год назад
Amen, Dr. Christians are to make disciples, not mere believers.
@andystitt3887 3 года назад
Why didn’t Jesus try to petition Romans to leave Palestine?
@themiataboy909 Год назад
Maybe it depends on a person's calling. If someone is called to ministry, like a pastor it's better to stay out of politics until it directly affects the church. But participating in politics in the west is still submitting to government, as long as you dont make an idol out of it or want to overthrow the government. This government is one where its perfectly legal to criticize it and participate in it, and you're not breaking any laws by practicing your rights. The main thing to remember would be to speak truth in love rather than misrepresenting and attacking the other side personally.
@danielviets4427 Год назад
There’s a couple points that I disagree with you on. Firstly, a pastor of a church has a responsibility to pursue and uphold the truth. Whether or not to specifically dive into a political issue is up to the discretion of each pastor, but it is certainly not forbidden for a pastor to do so. Also, the US is a special circumstance when it comes to overthrowing the government. The constitution of the US gives the people the authority to overthrow the government when it’s no longer useful to the people, so it isn’t necessarily wrong for a Christian to support overthrowing the government since that’s technically not illegal according to the highest law of the land (regarding governmental law, obviously God’s law is higher)
@micahellerbe2782 3 года назад
Watching this in 2021 and oh my.....
@RedNeckBeard 4 года назад
10 years ago today!
@justincameron9661 3 года назад
Awesome video
@christcentric4788 8 лет назад
So few views. What a shame.
@santosscribbles 13 лет назад
@mark31648 5 лет назад
2 Timothy 2:4-6 King James Version (KJV) 4 No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier. 5 And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully. 6 The husbandman that laboureth must be first partaker of the fruits. COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM AND BE YE SEPARATE I THINK YOU ARE A BLIND GUIDE
@zeddicuszorrander3599 2 года назад
People aren't upset that ChristianS are getting into politics. We're upset that ChristianITY is in politics. I mean, we're upset that the only reason you want to impose your view on marriage, for example, is because "God says so." If you can't give any other reason to impose your views, then you can't give any good reasons your neighbor down the road should be required by law to adhere to your views.
@EvaleeWorld 5 лет назад
I like frank turek mostly, but good lord is he fear mongering at the end🤮
@hotrodmtf 5 лет назад
He's only speaking the truth and giving us a heads up 👍
@kevinkresher6599 8 лет назад
Turek..the picture that you should have put up should have been Jesus. Shame on you. Look in the Bible what Jesus said about the government. You ought to look at the New Testament. Shame on you.
@infinightsky 2 года назад
Where is your god?. what is it made of?. How do you communicate with your god?. Can you show your god to everyone?
@lotterytechinc.5059 10 лет назад
politics is NOT the place for religion it's too biased and divisive with its biblical views and incorrectly claim that God is behind a particular religon when in reality he is not
@BoyKagome 8 лет назад
God tells us we are.
@lotterytechinc.5059 8 лет назад
No he doesn't that is a lie
@BoyKagome 8 лет назад
....didn't you watch the video, Frank showed you in the bible it happened.
@joe_b77 6 лет назад
Yeshua, (Jesus) said, I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the father but by me. That is God speaking absolute truth , if that offends you get over it, your feelings are insignificant it's your soul you ought to be concerned about
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Objective Morality - The Objections
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John Piper - Church and politics
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Why This Astrophysicist Left Atheism & Found Jesus