
Should Christians "trick" kids about Santa? 

Mike Winger
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Perhaps you have heard that Christmas is pagan... yeah, that's not factual. While many pagans delight themselves in the idea that Christians have coopted Christmas from them it simply isn't the case. Here's a video on that and the more genuine concern that Christmas is in danger of secularization and materialism. • Is Christmas PAGAN? In...
Also, Christmas trees aren't pagan either. And that is not what Jeremiah 10 is about. Here's a video showing that people who say Christmas trees are expressly forbidden in the Bible have misunderstood Jeremiah 10. • Stop Twisting Jeremiah...



5 дек 2023




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@landlubbber 7 месяцев назад
So strange that "don't lie to your children" is a stance that requires justification
@mandibernal3443 7 месяцев назад
Surprisingly, I always thought I would be judged or shamed if I didn’t lie to my children about Santa, or take them trick or treating for Halloween.
@Haemesh 7 месяцев назад
My wife and I decided that we’re going to tell our kids that Santa is not real but sometimes it’s fun to play pretend and it’s not nice to spoil things for other people (Santa, movies, etc.)
@hotwax9376 7 месяцев назад
Exactly. The Bible says in no uncertain terms that lying is a sin, and it doesn't make exceptions for lies that seem harmless and/or fun. Paul said in Romans 12: 2 not to be conformed to the world, but Christians who lie to their kids that Santa Claus is real are doing exactly that. As for trick or treating, I don't think that's necessarily bad, but you need to check the candy to make sure it's safe, or only go to pre-approved houses of people you know and trust.
@wheatNtares 7 месяцев назад
@@mandibernal3443 Yes, that's one of the evidences of our fallen society. So much pressure to do the wrong thing! Even before I was a Christian, I never felt right about lying to them about Santa. So when they asked I said, "I've never met him. What do you think?" Then, when the Lord saved me, I went and told them the full truth that same week . They took it so well! It's hard to care about Santa when you find out Jesus is real.🙂
@junk3996 7 месяцев назад
no doubt. why would you lie to your kids at all. soon as they find out its a lie, depending on the circumstances, they could lose a ton of trust for you. i've witnessed this, including what the parents were trying to teach the kids about God and Jesus. the children, now finding out their parents are liars, basically are like...why would i believe you about this then?
@christclinger6540 7 месяцев назад
My wife and I disappointed our family when we told them that we weren’t going to lie to our kids. Christmas should never be about what it’s been turned into.
@jazzimilz 7 месяцев назад
My pastors were the first people I knew that raised their kids to not believe in Santa and their comment was "why would I lie to my kids and expect them to believe me?" And that just struck me. And since then, my husband and I have decided we will not tell our kids Santa is real. I want my kids to trust me so knowingly going into a lie about something so trivial just does not compute to me.
@BellDavidE 7 месяцев назад
I had a discussion with a Christian relative one Christmas Day about Santa Claus. I said one of my concerns was that Santa tends to displace Christ. He objected and called his young son (I don't remember his exact age--it was decades ago) to where we were and asked him, "What is Christmas all about?" to which he answered, "Oh, you know, Santa Claus and stuff"!
@rcmogo 7 месяцев назад
dude walked into that one
@stewietinktink8441 4 месяца назад
Point proven lol
@masterPyo 2 месяца назад
lol ty for that
@TheMirandaPlease 7 месяцев назад
Santa was traumatic for me. After growing up in a Christian home and being told never to lie when I found out I felt beyond betrayed. I instantly understood the hypocrisy and felt it deeply! I was furious and exploded in anger and then didn’t talk to my mom for a week. When I got a couple years older and ran into faith questions and got watered down answers in Sunday school and felt like I couldn’t trust my parents to ask them, and at the same time got science teaching at school, knowing that people treat Santa, the Easter bunny, tooth fairy, ect… as real made me distrust any faith and only want things I could see to believe. I think it was harmful to my parental attachment and to my belief in God in so many ways and definitely will not be telling my kids Santa is really. I’ll tell them about the game that other families do and that it’s make believe and explain the history behind it but that’s all.
@AThoughtfulSpot 7 месяцев назад
At age 8, I told my mom some kids at school said Santa wasn’t real. I told them he was because my mom wouldn’t lie to me. I asked her to tell me the truth. She quietly did so. I cried, not because of Santa, but because she lied. I told her to never lie to me again. She then turned around and told me I now had to help her and my dad do the Santa game with my 3 younger siblings. I can remember being upset but obeyed. We had the Nativity and went to church, but Jesus was never the focus. Then when I was 19 and in college, my sister and I were having a heated argument about who Jesus was and my mom came into our room. She told me that actually she had lied to me all my life and that Jesus was just a good man, not the Son of God. My sister said “so, there’s the Santa game AND the Jesus game-I win.” I cried for days and never trusted my mother again. I chose not to do Santa with my children. My youngest asked to play the Santa game when he was 3. We said no. He played it by himself. Pretty precocious kid. At age 7, he said I’m finished playing the Santa game. I think one has to be careful if you are lying and saying that Santa is real like in the movies and children’s books.
@SgtTeddybear66 7 месяцев назад
If I ever have kids, I'm not teaching them a lie. Christmas will be about God.
@Version135 7 месяцев назад
Oh I am so sorry for you. I had a horrible Santa lying experience with my family and I would literally advocate for Santa at school. When I found out it was crushing. I hope your mother and sister found Jesus. We started out thinking ' we just won't correct the kids' (oldest is five) but we told her this year and begged her forgiveness for our evil lies. Not correcting is still lying.
@jabaridavid1256 7 месяцев назад
I pray your mum and sister come to know Christ as Lord and Saviour, in Jesus' Name Amen
@nathan1sixteen 7 месяцев назад
I’ll take “things that never happened for $500” please
@justjosie8963 7 месяцев назад
That's so sad. I'm sorry it effected you that way. I suppose I had so many other things going on in my childhood that make-believe Santa didn't effect me much. I remember asking questions about Santa wearing glasses or how was he in the store when we just saw him elsewhere and my mom just said he had helpers, that they weren't the real Santa. She didn't lie when I asked direct questions and she sat me down and taught me the REAL reason for Christmas being Jesus, when she felt it was time. I don't recall exactly her saying Santa wasn't real, but just that he wasn't the real reason for Christmas but Jesus was and the Santa, presents and such were secondary. I think she handled it perfectly. I don't recall feeling a great deception. I'm sure I must have had some dissappointment that he wasn't real. But rather than deception I just take it as something they did to put some fun, whimsey and magic
@sayhi2johny 7 месяцев назад
I love that my parents didn’t lie to me about Santa. The presents were from my parents and I know how hard they worked to give me the presents and I appreciated the gifts a lot more.
@foxecarpentress4964 6 месяцев назад
I raised my only child to believe the Truth, that Jesus is the reason for the season, not Santa Claus and all her gifts were signed, Love King Jesus! 🥰🤴🥰 She has raised 3 children in the LIE of Santa, who did not bring the children gifts flying in the air to their house!!! 😫 Praying for her to REPENT…… 🙏
@m.willow11 7 месяцев назад
I had child like faith in my parents honesty. I was devestated they lied to me and it caused me to question anything they ever told me. When we became parents, we taught the kids abour St. Nicholas from Turkey and never did the santa thing. Im so glad we did that. Even just recently, my oldest children voiced how thankful they are that they can trust our word because we dont justify dishonesty. Its a slippery slope. If we're willing to be dishonest in a little thing, we'll also be willing to be dishonest in much.
@DamonNomad82 7 месяцев назад
My parents took a similar approach to your approach, and, like your children, I am deeply thankful they did so. I was spared the soul-crushing experience of believing a lie all through childhood and finding out about it once I reached a certain age. The result is that I still find my parents' words 100% trustworthy and Christmas never entirely lost the wonder and "magic" for me like it did for my peers who were raised believing Santa was real.
@theradiantdehd3997 6 месяцев назад
And even if it’s the only lie you ever tell, once they know you’ll lie to them, it’s hard for them to take you at your word. Honesty really does pay, but only if you’re diligent.
@timrodriguez16 7 месяцев назад
I tell my kids Santa isn’t real, not for any religious reason but because I’m not letting some imaginary character take credit for their presents… I worked hard for that appreciation lol😂
@melfuz 7 месяцев назад
@elysemcclure148 7 месяцев назад
That is the one reason why I might tell my kids that Santa is real… because I DON’T want them to think the presents are from me. Young kids would see the presents as just another part of your parental obligation, just like providing them food, clothes and love. They can’t really appreciate the work that goes into these things. But there is a lot of awe from receiving presents from someone you don’t even know, who is so busy yet can remember every boy and girl in the whole world. I think it provides a good lesson in thinking about the wants and needs of others and giving generously.
@IchigosBestFriend 7 месяцев назад
lol I’m with you 😂
@jncon8013 7 месяцев назад
@@elysemcclure148 but of course they’re not receiving presents from such a person, so… you still do run into the issue of honesty if you teach it as truth lol
@elysemcclure148 7 месяцев назад
@@jncon8013 Of course, which is why more nuanced versions of Santa would have to be told each year as the kids got older so the truth wouldn’t be a shock or a breach in trust. I don’t know the perfect way to go about doing this, but the one reason why I’d want to try is because, again, it’s a simple, tangible way to encourage young kids to think about others (if you focus on that aspect of Santa). You can tell them about Jesus, but stories alone won’t make the lessons real to them. It’s also hard to understand or show radical kindness if you haven’t received it yourself. As a parent, you can hope the world will teach them these lessons, or you can try to create the opportunities yourself.
@pray2slay2day70 7 месяцев назад
I didn’t grow up in a Christian home. I remember my parents telling me. I thought what an incredible lie to make up. It broke my 9 year old heart and it made me doubt my parents and what else they had lied to me about. I became a Christian later in life. We have never lied to our kids about Santa. It isn’t what we celebrate at Christmas. We do go to ballet, symphony’s and adventure parks for Christmas. Our kids know the truth. We have went back together as a family and studied the history. It is also an opportunity to be kind and love on others.
Well, I agree! just make sure you never tell them about the Dutch Santa and the black Peter who would gather all the naughty kids and burn them. That’s the history of the Dutch Sinterklaas. Also, December 6 is the Dutch Christmas just so you know because I’m Dutch. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with taking them to visit Santa in the red suit knowing that he doesn’t exist. It’s a fun thing like do you even let them watch the old 60s Rudolph the red nose reindeer, puppet animation shows, so merry Christmas.
@bikesrcool_1958 7 месяцев назад
@@ONSTAGEMUSICPODCAST There’s nothing wrong with incorporating Santa Claus, but I agree that we shouldn’t sell him as the Christmas traditional real thing.
@@bikesrcool_1958 I totally understand
@78endriago 7 месяцев назад
let me get this straight. you know santa does not exist, but you never bothered to apply the same method to know god does not exist. that is so sad.
@Window4503 7 месяцев назад
@@78endriagoSanta and God are not the same being and God has evidence for existence. Besides your obvious need to make people argue with you, why did you feel the need to change the topic when someone was talking about how they enjoy Christmas with their family?
@miahill1485 7 месяцев назад
It’s amazing you posted this today when today was the day, I confessed my sin to my child of be apart of the lie of Santa and repenting to Christ. I did say it can be a fun game but I didn’t want to continue telling a lie my parents told me. I had the choice to stop it. And I did. But I told her that we can still play a game and be festive but this holiday is centered around Christ.
@sharonabbott9588 6 месяцев назад
You are a courageous parent to come clean and apologize to your child. ❤️ It takes boldness and conviction to not join the culture, but now you are building trust so that your child will respect and honor you. You are also honoring the Holy Spirit by heeding His voice.
@nicolebuchanan229 6 месяцев назад
I did the same thing when my kids were toddlers. They still have so much fun and enjoy the season. Santa doesn't make Christmas, Christmas.
@FronteirWolf 7 месяцев назад
I wasn't raised to believe Santa was real. My mum half played the game, telling people that we had so many aunties and uncles Santa didn't need to come to our house one year, then the next year I had learned to talk and I said exactly the same thing to someone who asked me about Santa. My mum didn't come out and say Santa's not real, but Santa coming at Christmas wasn't part of Christmas in our house and I never believed in Santa. She was open about presents coming from her and my dad. We went to see Santa every year though, which I really enjoyed. Christmas was a fantastic time of year in our house without believing Santa brought the presents
@m2redshirt 7 месяцев назад
There is also the social pressure to play along with the Santa myth when dealing with other kids, even in the church context. Parents are free to trick their kids all they want, but it makes me uneasy when I can't speak honestly to kids at my church in the Sunday school context. I've had kids ask me questions about Santa and how he fits in the Christmas story. I felt pressured to play along because it was not my right to dispel what these parents are trying to do with their own children. But in the Sunday school context, there are other kids too. And when I go along with the Santa thing (even without actively promoting him), it causes me to become a reluctant agent of influence on other kids to believe in Santa. It's like a Buddhist family coming to church and instead of speaking the truth about Buddha we have the social pressure to keep Buddha-believing kids to keep believing in Buddha. So the problem with the Santa myth is that it doesn't stay in the home. It bleeds over even to the Church context where we should be standing up for the truth.
@jzerf5329 7 месяцев назад
My position for my kids was "I don't believe Santa is real. Some people do, and that's fine for them, but I believe it's just a fun story." Framing it that way allows me to stand on the truth, while allowing them to choose what to believe. If they asked why I believed what I do, I would give them the facts as I see them, just like I do with the rest of my faith.
@Window4503 7 месяцев назад
@@jzerf5329That’s a good approach. And if parents get angry then it’s just time to have that discussion about the spiritual impact of lying to their kids.
@letfreedomring7330 7 месяцев назад
Yes! I'm a Sunday school teacher, and my biggest fear is that the kids will ask about Santa in class. I will not lie, so I'll be in a lot of trouble with parents if that ever happens.
@michellemybelle9591 7 месяцев назад
Not saying you should tell the truth. But.... aren't we called to hold each other accountable and speak truth IF we are TRULY believers? All that to say... maybe consider saying you need/should talk to your parents about that. 🤷🏻‍♀
@sharonabbott9588 6 месяцев назад
Very good point
@davidhealdjr.513 7 месяцев назад
I've always taught my kids about the men who have inspired the myth of Santa. Saint Nicholas, King Wenceslas, and Saint Boniface, how they loved and worshipped Jesus and had compassion on the people around them because of God's love.
@vacuumpower2595 7 месяцев назад
I love this and I think I'll do that too when I have kids :)
@bbgun061 6 месяцев назад
That's an excellent idea!
@CharlieKraken 7 месяцев назад
The thing about Santa Claus is there's really no good reason to lie to kids about him being real. As a symbol of giving and Christian charity Santa Claus can be fantastic, but he should be kept as simply a metaphor, is the thing. Lying to your kids is just going to foster an attitude of "Well maybe Jesus is like Santa Claus and not real too. Just something parents tell their children so they feel better." or what have you. You don't actually gain anything of substance by making your kids think Santa Claus is real, and the risk of them doubting you on other things is simply too high. Its such a weird cultural tradition to lie to one's kids about Santa that I think we've overcomplicated it. Just, don't lie to your kids. I think that should be the universal standard. Regardless, God bless you and your ministry as always!
@nanoglitch6693 7 месяцев назад
I honestly never liked the whole Santa deception being played on kids. Why do grown adults enjoy building up the fantasy knowing that eventually the rug is going to get pulled out from under them and when you see your own child in tears, do you even wonder "was this worth it?" Always felt kind of sinister imo. And why are Christians of all people willingly weaving this deception into the most miraculous event in all of human history? I have heard some people claim that the Santa deception was the point they decided God must not be real also. I don't know if I buy that though. I do think those people (the ones I've met anyway) would have just found some other reason for their unbelief. But it's still an ugly thing to lie to your kids about.
@theAstarrr 7 месяцев назад
This is the exact attitude of my parents and makes perfect sense. You don't want kids thinking you lied about Jesus
@RLaraMoore 7 месяцев назад
Have you ever seen the book?: "A Special Place for Santa" The cover art shows a sculpture figure of Santa kneeling in prayer at the Baby Jesus in a Nativity setting. The story premise is that 'Santa' overhears people losing the real meaning of Christmas and prays about this, grieving that he certainly doesn't want to be the reason anyone forgets about Jesus. God answers him with a series of actual references to various historical events that were the foundation and development of modern traditions celebrating Christmas time, including the development of "Santa". In conclusion, God reassures 'Santa' that people remembering to enjoy the love and gift giving at Christmas time does help people to remember the reason for the celebration. That being the Greatest gift of all to all mankind, the birth of Jesus. My parents never lied to us or tried to 'dupe' us into believing Santa as really real. We knew the real celebration was the praise and worship and appreciation that God provided the birth of Jesus, as promised, to become our means of salvation and redemption for eternity in Heaven in God's Presence and Provision. However, we also enjoyed the cheerful entertainment of enjoying the story and idea of Santa. Some years we set out cookies, we would sometimes see Santa at the department store and sometimes tell him what we wanted for Christmas. We always wrote a wish list, but it was never "mailed to the North Pole". We all decorated our Christmas tree together. Only presents to extended family went under the tree to take to family celebration on Christmas Eve. We were allowed to open one gift received at the family dinner before going to bed. Overnight our parents would put all our wrapped gifts under our tree to be there when we woke up on Christmas morning. (as would be 'consistent' with 'Santa' leaving gifts for everyone on Christmas Eve for Christmas morning. It was comparable to the entertainment of hearing fairytales and then seeing/meeting the characters at Disneyland. It was wonderful to imagine, but we really knew that's what it was, enjoying the imagining. We went to church, we thanked God for Jesus's birth. It was a thing to cherish in wonder and awe. And we also enjoyed all the Santa themed Christmas cartoons and movies. I never suddenly "learned" Santa to be not 'real'. I always knew Jesus's birth was real. Besides which, Santa being not really real was subconsciously logical. We knew our parents shopped and bought the presents for other people. We knew every year our parents would take us window-shopping to browse at the toy store ("Kiddie World" was an amazing toy store!) We knew that we were all sharing "carrying" the story of "some people say that ....(fill in any particular part of the Santa story)", until about young teenage years. But, we were also told to be respectful that other folks might still be celebrating around the theme of 'Santa', and we knew to not interfere with their preferences of who or what Santa was to them. To this end, I tried to raise mine similarly.
@joyfuljaj 7 месяцев назад
​@@RLaraMoorewe had a similar attitude about Santa growing up. I remember at one point wondering how he would get in our house because we didn't have a traditional chimney. My mom said he could use the back door. However our Christmas was more about doing the Advent wreath every year and doing activities at church. I remember enjoying my dad taking us to buy presents for our mom every year as well as helping my mother wrap presents for everyone else. I don't remember a moment of learning that Santa was not real. I don't remember at what age I learned the story of where the Santa story came from. I've never had children so I've never had to really deal with this issue very much. I don't think my nieces and nephews were brought up thinking Santa was anything important. Their parents may have downright told them it was just a story and probably told them some version of the story as they grew up.
@RLaraMoore 7 месяцев назад
@@joyfuljaj Try to find that book. I think you would like it: *A SPECIAL PLACE FOR SANTA* "Author Jeanne Pieper presents the beautiful and true story of how St. Nicholas was transformed into the legend of Santa Claus in this touching tale. With a lovely introduction by Pat Boone."
@kirbyourenthusiasm 7 месяцев назад
My mom and dad always did the Santa thing when I was a kid. It was MAGICAL. I don’t remember when I found out he wasn’t real but the year i turned 10 my parents also had a very contentious divorce so Santa was the least of my worries. When I became a parent I was so excited to play Santa for my kids. I was all in. Santa had different wrapping paper. Different handwriting. Santa gave all the best gifts we had to give. My first husband and I divorced and subsequent Christmases at my house were filled with fewer and less expensive gifts because I couldn’t afford them. I still did Santa and my kids seemed ok even if their gifts were a little less than before. I became a Christian and got remarried a few years later but lost my job, so that year Christmas was very slim for our family. Although we went to church and the kids knew Jesus’ birth was why we celebrated, I still did Santa with the kids. My son came home from school the first day back from Christmas break crying. He was in 4th grade. I asked him what was wrong and he asked me why Santa loved one of his friends more than he loved my son. I asked what he meant, and he proceeded to tell me Santa brought his friend a 4 wheeler for Christmas but all he brought my son was some clothes, a couple of puzzles and games, and some candy. My heart was shattered for him. I had to tell him Santa wasn’t real at that point. My husband and I made the decision at that point that if we had more kids we would not do Santa. We have two daughters (16 and 18 now) who have never received gifts from Santa. We still watch Santa movies and they have even had their pictures taken with a guy in a Santa suit. We have told them stories of where the Santa legend came from and and they love to give gifts at Christmas. We always told them if their friends brought up Santa they were to just say nothing since we didn’t want to cause issues. One Christmas my daughter told a friend at church Santa wasn’t real and the girl’s mom was LIVID. She was mad at ME over it and told me that because I didn’t play Santa with my kids that SHE had to make up a story to tell her kids so they would still believe in Santa. It’s been like 10 or more years and the mom still doesn’t like me. Oh well.
@rcmogo 7 месяцев назад
You are a hero! Love this story. It brought me to tears. This is YET ANOTHER great reason not to do Santa. I had the same experience with my friend about Santa - wait, YOU are lying to your kid, but I'M the bad guy? Inversion at its finest. Hopefully that mom comes around!
@kirbyourenthusiasm 6 месяцев назад
@@rcmogo Thank you so much! I’ll admit I shed a few tears recalling the story. Honestly I don’t feel like I lost out with this particular mom or her kids not liking our family very much. I am always kind to them and that’s the best I can do. I can’t control other people’s actions but I can control mine. My oldest daughter and her husband have made the decision to not do Santa with their son either and her MIL was mad about it. It has occurred to me that many parents who do the Santa thing aren’t doing it for their kids, they are doing it for themselves.
@SeekTheCross 6 месяцев назад
Great that you stopped, you see how it can damage a kid. And remember "santa" didn't do anything, it was you all along out of your love for your children.
@snuggisthecute 6 месяцев назад
Wow, love this story! Great job, mom! I don't have kids, but I have a friend who experienced similar inappropriate/negative treatment from another mom for not teaching her kids about Santa. I love courageous moms like you!
@elijahcandage 6 месяцев назад
Oh darn! Some random person we don't really know or care as much about doesn't like you! What ever will we do about that!?
@EvanMoon 7 месяцев назад
My parents allowed me to have fun with this Santa but when I had real questions, they gave me the real answer. I’m almost 40 and I still watch Santa movies and all that, but I know the truth and I am happy that my parents told me the truth at a young age.
@SpaceCadet4Jesus 7 месяцев назад
Santa (HO HO HO) doesn't like to hear naughty things like that from little Evan. I think you might be on my BAD list. Perhaps, I'll go deliver a few gifts and maybe come back. Besides, where's my rum and warm milk?
@mikereid1031 7 месяцев назад
Same. Did the Santa thing with my kids when they were young, then when my kids started to ask real questions (probably around 5ish) my wife and I told the kids the truth. Never any issue. Kids still love Christmas but it’s not based on Santa specifically.
@ktcarl 7 месяцев назад
They told you when you were 40?
@SpaceCadet4Jesus 7 месяцев назад
@@ktcarl Well....better late than never. LOL.
@stevelenores5637 7 месяцев назад
I don't think my parents had to tell me Santa wasn't real. There were just too many Santa's around during the holidays to take it too seriously. Of course there is value in pretended there was one for my Mom's sake. When Santa puts you on his knee just make sure you tell Santa what you want loud enough so Mom could hear. We both pretended and Mom was OK with that.
@bjbarlowe 7 месяцев назад
I have four kids and I decided I would never lie to them about Santa. They know about it, we have fun pretending sometimes but he’s just like a character in a book to them. Just a fun story but they know he isn’t real.
@CombatWombatQRF 7 месяцев назад
Glad you talk about these things, Mike. Sometimes I feel like the only parent at my church that has issues with the secular holidays or components of holidays like Halloween, Easter, and Christmas.
@mombeaubob 7 месяцев назад
I just kept my mouth shut. I had a brother 5 years younger than I and did not want to ruin it. So what? No Santa? It was great while it lasted. I have been a follower of Jesus since I was 5 years old. Yes, I believed in Jesus. I knew Santa was just a holiday thing.
@SpaceCadet4Jesus 7 месяцев назад
@BenjesBride 7 месяцев назад
Neighbor kid asked my kids what Santa gave them for Christmas. My kids told her, “nothing”. Neighbor kid replied, “but you’re the nicest kids I know!!” The Santa lie is that if you don’t get presents, you’re bad-terrible!
@reepicheepsfriend 7 месяцев назад
Yes, in that sense Jesus' story is far better - He's the gift no one deserved, but God gave us anyway!
@bengali481 7 месяцев назад
My favorite: a lady asked my four year old if she was excited about santa coming. She looked her in the eye and said "Christmas is about Jesus"
@rcmogo 7 месяцев назад
How cute that the neighbor kid said that, AND that your kids are apparently sweet enough to get such a compliment from another kid.
@juliand6317 6 месяцев назад
There’s a good book to get kids wrestling with Santa giving only to good kids. “When Santa learned the gospel”.
@maritzah.4039 6 месяцев назад
@@bengali481that’s incredible
@hardcore907 7 месяцев назад
I LITERALLY just discussed it with my wife this past week and we agreed to tell our kids that Santa is a fun traditional thing to enjoy but, not a REAL person delivering gifts to us in the middle of the night to “good” girls and boys and not “bad” girls and boys.
@mellowsoundspectrum 7 месяцев назад
My parents did this, and we still got to pretend, but she told me not to tell my friends who believed. It was cute! I would write Santa a letter and leave cookies and milk and get a note back. I loved that my parents were playing a game with me, and I didn't miss out.
@gorgo4910 7 месяцев назад
My kids are 4 and 7 and we’ve always told them that it’s fun to pretend that Santa is real. They know daddy and mommy are “Santa” and Christmas is still fun and exciting. It’s a win win for all of us.
@Hunter-ox6kh 7 месяцев назад
St. Nick was a real person and worth sharing his life with your children
@jennprescott2757 7 месяцев назад
@@Hunter-ox6kh Saint Nick and Santa Claus are not the same story though
@Altaira17 6 месяцев назад
You know, I just realized the whole “good” child, “bad” child somehow never sunk in with me. When I used to pretend I was Santa, I gave presents to every child on earth! Because the presents were in honor of Jesus and Jesus loved everyone so I should too. Or something tangled like that.
@ashlovemore 7 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for this video! People question my decision all the time to not do Santa with my kids (ages 5 and 2), and I’ve even started to second guess myself. I don’t feel right lying to my children while at the same time teaching them that lying is wrong. And I do worry that they’ll question everything about Christmas/God if they’re taught that one [culturally] major aspect of it is true and then it turns out not to be. I feel very reassured in my decision, so thank you 🙏🏼❤️😅 Jesus is the reason we celebrate! 🙌🏼
@hardengarden 7 месяцев назад
God bless you, Momma 💗
@sharonabbott9588 6 месяцев назад
I agree
@user-ve2qh1ck5j 6 месяцев назад
Santa Claus Satan Lucas= Lucifer ! Who wants to celebrate now! Not me!
@foxecarpentress4964 6 месяцев назад
I taught my kid the Truth! Every Christmas her gifts were signed, Love King Jesus, with the power of Life God gives me! She had 3 kids and taught them all the BIG FAT LIE, that Santa brings them the presents! 😫
@Aftershow_C0splay 6 месяцев назад
I would second guess myself every Christmas. I can honestly say I have never felt better about a parenting decision as I do this one.
@lewlewbelle7275 7 месяцев назад
My sisters and I were raised as Missouri-Synod Lutherans and also went to Lutheran School from k-12. Basically, we were raised in that denomination because that is what the generations before us were raised in. We were went to church every Sunday, not just Christmas and Easter like a lot of “Christians” do. My grandparents and parents always did the Santa thing, and I remember as a child I thought Santa was real because I wasn’t told differently until I got a little older. Which didn’t effect me as to my belief in Christ. It was a fun time of year and a-lot of my fond childhood memories were from Christmas, Easter, and birthdays. So, when I had my 4 children, I carried on with the “traditions of men” and did the whole Santa and Easter bunny thing. I really enjoyed those “traditions” now incorporating my own children into them, hoping they would also have lifelong fond memories. I see things differently now because when my oldest son (now 33) found out that Santa wasn’t real, it rocked his world!! Thru his teenage years when there was a disagreement or punishment for lying, guess what he threw in my face? You lied about Santa Claus!! At the time, I defended it with, but that was just for fun. Now I know lying (even for fun) is wrong and it caused trust issues in our parent-child relationship. He even went through a period of atheism, and I believe it had a lot to do with the “fun” lie and trusting me. Why should he believe me when it came to the Bible or in Jesus if I lied before? As I’ve grown in Christ over the years and my children adults now, I can see the harm in it. I pretty much stay away from all things Christmas now. It’s so materialized, and in a spoiled rotten western society, and don’t really know what doing without is, do we need more “stuff” when people are starving and thirsty all around this world? It’s a shame that the Roman Catholic Church, incorporated the birth of our Savior in with all things Santa Claus. I have not found one verse in the Bible that states what date Jesus was born or that we are to celebrate. I think it’s a tragedy that most evangelical churches and western society as a whole ignore this. I do not judge or condemn others that want to celebrate Christmas as a day to lift up Christ, but we, as Christians should be doing that every day. Sorry so long, and blessings in Jesus, our Lord, Savior, and King 👑 💕🙏
@hotwax9376 7 месяцев назад
It's true the Bible never commands us to celebrate Christmas, but it never condemns it either. In fact, Jesus' birth was actually a highly celebrated and commemorated event. People who knew about it celebrated it, angels announced it to shepherds, and God Himself commemorated it with the star of Bethlehem. It's not required, but I think if God thought it was a big enough deal to let things like that happen, then I think Christmas is absolutely worth celebrating now.
@lewlewbelle7275 7 месяцев назад
@@hotwax9376 yes i understand it’s greatly celebrated and a joyous occasion. What I have a hard time with is the December 25th date (not iBiblical) and that Jesus should have to take a back seat even in Christian homes, to Santa Claus, presents, and everything else “Christmas” for the believers and non believers.
@hotwax9376 7 месяцев назад
@@lewlewbelle7275 First, you're right the Bible never says when Jesus was born. It could've been any date, but what matters is not when He was born but why. Second, if you're afraid of Jesus taking a backseat to Santa at Christmas, the solution is for Christian homes to keep Santa out of Christmas, or at least make it clear he isn't the focus.
@benfowler9182 7 месяцев назад
Thank you for your perspective.
@mudbrick6083 6 месяцев назад
Sometimes adult children say things like “I don’t believe because you said or told me….” because they know it will hurt you. It doesn’t mean it’s true. Just my two cents.
@rebekahearly1144 7 месяцев назад
That replacement thing was definitely the case for me. I was raised believing in Santa until I was maybe seven or eight. To this day, I struggle to shift my focus on Christmas Day from the gifts and festivities to the incarnation. I don’t anticipate becoming a parent, but I think if I did, or if I had a close relationship with people who were considering this issue for their kids, I would say stick to Jesus.
@richardclark4692 7 месяцев назад
Have you researched the history of catholicism and how they mixed pagan holidays With Christianity, Satan has his hand in these holidays,
@rothronthewise 7 месяцев назад
Thanks again Mike, I think people always thought I was a bit strange not doing the santa thing, my kids would look at people in confusion when asked 'what have you asked santa for?' We dont do Christmas lists or Santa, but we do celebrate Jesus, best Christmas tradition we have is starting to read Christmas story from a old childrens bible in Christmas eve and finish it together in the morning before any presents get unwrapped. Keeping the King front and centre! Thanks for all your work 🌟
@sharonabbott9588 6 месяцев назад
I like that.
@michaelbell2867 7 месяцев назад
My wife and I were born again before we had children. We chose to not do Santa with our children because we would be asking us to trust us that an omniscient, omnipresent man exists that benefits those that are good and you can't see him but just believe (aka faith) in him . Only one day to tell them we actually lied and say but believe what we taught you about Jesus because he's there. We also taught our children to respect others and even others in the church that do Santa with their kids. I do not regret it and my kids still enjoy the season.
@andrewtlockemanch 7 месяцев назад
No one needs to “trick” their kids about Santa. We’ve told our kids about Saint Nickolas. How he was charitable and generous with the poor families in under his care. How he defended the doctrine of the Trinity. And about how all kinds of fun legends and stories grew up about him over the years. Santa is fun, he’s a legendary representation of an actual person, but if you’re clear with your kids from the time they’re young, they’ll understand and they’ll be able to enjoy the fun, just like everyone else. As Santa said in ‘The Polar Express’ when he gave the boy the first gift of Christmas: “This bell is a wonderful symbol of the spirit of Christmas, as am I. Just remember, the true spirit of Christmas lies in your heart.” Well said.
@Chris_Husk 7 месяцев назад
bro i legit just watched polar express a day ago. Tripy movie.
@mindonthespirit1543 7 месяцев назад
Why is Jesus not the Spirit of Christmas?
@andrewtlockemanch 7 месяцев назад
@@mindonthespirit1543 because Jesus isn’t a symbol.
@2besavedcom-7 7 месяцев назад
@@mindonthespirit1543 ...and the Messiah of Israel has NOTHING to do with the "Mass of Christ." The only reason it is held Dec is because it's 9 months after Easter. Easter is the pagan fertility festival and 9 months later, the spirit of the world is born. Ir's all about pagan sexual symbology!
@mindonthespirit1543 7 месяцев назад
Okay, so Satan Clause... I mean Santa Claus is the symbol of the spirit of a season or day about Jesus and because Jesus is not a symbol we replace Him and His Spirit as the spirit of the season with another figure...because?
@Rosie-uf5ox 7 месяцев назад
Totally agree with you, Mike. When our kids were little, there was just something that felt so wrong about the idea of ever lying to them about Santa Claus. It probably contributed that we had come out of a spiritually abusive church, and I never wanted to testify to anything I wasn’t 100% convinced of ever again. So from the time our kids were little, we told them that Santa was a fun story and based on a real person who loved Jesus. I don’t think they have ever suffered for even one minute because of not believing in Santa. Christmas is still magical and special and it’s totally centered on Christ. Santa is a fun game we sometimes play, but we know it’s not real. They are in their teens now and perfectly happy. I grew up in an nominally Christian home, but we never went to church. The disillusionment about Santa was incredibly painful to me. I don’t know that I had conscious thoughts about God until my teens. But when I encountered the Holy Spirit and got saved at 16, I remember just being absolutely shocked that it was actually real. This video made me wonder if perhaps I had given up on anything supernatural by that time, and whether that was connected to my bitter disillusionment about Santa. I don’t know. 🤷‍♀️
@rebeccastaib551 7 месяцев назад
Thank you for your thoughts on this Mike, it’s hard for us as we’re navigating parenthood of two young toddlers, and the judgement we get from grandparents about not doing Santa. I also feel quite alone in this because all our friends and Christian friends bring their kids to take pictures with Santa, etc. I love them dearly, but I see in a lot of parents this selfishness about living through their kids, and it’s wrong. These children aren’t ours to play around with, they are the Lord’s children and I am doing my best to lead them to Christ. The world has enough deceptions and temptations out there, I want them to be safe in our home at least, with truth.
@lukehanson_ 6 месяцев назад
I don't understand this accusation from your (which Mike Winger makes as well). What's the difference between giving kids wonderful childhood experiences and selfishly living through your kids? It's pretty incoherent to me.
@rebeccastaib551 6 месяцев назад
Hi! I think every parent wants to make their children’s lives fun and exciting, and we definitely get joy from seeing them joyful, but I see a lot of parents do this overboard, to the point where we should stop and say, why are we letting our crying baby sit on Santa’s lap? It’s all out of tradition and I see a lot of it as just keeping tradition and living your childhood memories through your children, and I think we should be more sober minded and intentional when it comes to bringing up the next generation of believers
@lukehanson_ 6 месяцев назад
@@rebeccastaib551 Mayybee, but that's not connected to the Santa debate. Not everyone who does the Santa thing is like that. And there are many other instances of that happening in situations that have nothing to do with Santa.
@rebeccastaib551 6 месяцев назад
@@lukehanson_ sure! Ur probably right on that- I just get convicted about the Santa thing pretty strongly, and I understand other family’s don’t think the same way. I do think there are other areas, other than Santa, where we put unhealthy emphasis on meaningless things too. I get it it might not be as damaging to children, but I just want to be clear minded and keep my eyes on Christ in each step in parenting.
@pamd1342 7 месяцев назад
My parents lied to me about Santa & the tooth fairy. It DID NOT make me lose my faith in GOD. DID NOT lie to my three children about Santa, tooth fairy, or the Easter Bunny. They got gifts & monies b/c God gave us strength & ability to go out and work. 🙏🏽🙏🏽
@Reformed_Borzoi 7 месяцев назад
It did for me
@blumousey 7 месяцев назад
I think there's a difference between lying and playing along. It preserves a sort of innocence of childhood, a naivete and magic about the world. But if a kid asks you a question, you tell them the truth.
@michellemybelle9591 7 месяцев назад
@@blumousey I used the word naïveté today! and I have only used that word maybe once before and now here it is! It makes me think of Gilmore Girls!
@blumousey 6 месяцев назад
@@michellemybelle9591 haha it's a great word 😉
@theeternalsbeliever1779 6 месяцев назад
@@blumousey There is no difference. A parent allowing the kid to believe a lie is the same as the parent lying to them.
@cjay3543 6 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for this! When I got old enough to question the reality of Santa Claus, my mom seemed angry that I questioned it. I felt that I had to pretend to believe in Santa for years until it was suddenly permissible for me to no longer believe in Santa. She was lying to me and I was lying to her. It was awful and caused a lot of anxiety and confusion. I pray more Christian parents would boldly stand up against this cultural nonsense. It really is deception.
@brielleandrews9707 6 месяцев назад
This is /exactly/ my view, and it's very satisfying to hear you sum it up so well. I know I'm in the minority in our culture, but it's genuinely so /weird/ to me that it's considered so normal and acceptable to just straight-up lie to kids every year. There's plenty of childhood whimsy and wonder to be had without taking advantage of your kids' limited life experience and trust in you to make them believe something that isn't true
@i.m.7777 7 месяцев назад
Growing up my dad was very serious in telling us about Christ's birth, God's ultimate gift, was the reason for celebrating. Never included Santa Claus, not on cards, wrapping paper, nothing. We did always have a tree and presents though.
@StacyHartChristianMusic 7 месяцев назад
@tammywilliams-ankcorn9533 7 месяцев назад
No stockings then? Just curious. I love the real St. Nichols story. He was a martyr for the faith. The legend of him putting gold coins in stockings for poor maidens is why we have stockings. Just interesting
@annadkart6437 7 месяцев назад
We didn't do stockings either. Even now, we do festive decor for Christmas but ALWAYS avoid mentioning of Santa or even any characters, on pajamas or on wrapping paper. Our God Jesus Christ is worthy of all the glory! WHY? OH WHY are Christian are so quick to give His glory to something else? Idolatry is what's being taught to the kids when they are told to "believe in" Santa instead of focusing and learning about the birth of our Savior. 😊
@StacyHartChristianMusic 7 месяцев назад
@@annadkart6437 I taught my kids the same thing when they were young and they were homeschooled. It helps to hear that there are other Christians who believe the same way!🥰
@jennifereldridge4795 7 месяцев назад
I am honest that Santa is me, and let them know at a young age, but when they ask, I ask them if they want the fun stories or the real ones. Usually they sau real, realize it is boring, and ask for the fun stories. They get so excited over Santa but also acknowledged it is me. Its so cute. I was worried it would spoil the fun, but they love the Santa game.
@abigailadditon 6 месяцев назад
That's a great way to do it! Still playing, telling the fun stories, and letting the children use their imagination, without lying.
@diananeuman6222 7 месяцев назад
I grew up knowing Santa wasn't real. It was a fun game our parents played with us. We never used santa wrapping paper, etc. But we watched all the cheesy holiday specials, etc. With my own kids we told them Santa is just a game grown ups play with kids. But they has strict orders not to tell anyone at school! Christmas for us has gifts, and family, but mostly a beautiful Christmas Eve service at church. The focus is on Jesus.
@kforsythe 6 месяцев назад
We raised our kids “playing the Santa game” but focused on Jesus. I don’t think any of our kids even do that with their kids. It was fun but really net necessary. Christmas is magical even without Santa :)
@DamonNomad82 7 месяцев назад
My parents always told me the truth about Santa. They also told me not to tell other kids, but I thought it was horrible of other kids' parents to lie to them and tried to tell them the truth. By the time I had started elementary school, I had given the whole thing up as a bad job, as other kids (shockingly) believed their parents over me!
@lori10155 7 месяцев назад
The exact same thing happened to me. I gave up after a heated argument that was me vs my first grade class lol
@Hopespringseternal 7 месяцев назад
I had a fine childhood with Santa! Jesus was the focus and my mom would always bake him a cake. But Santa came and when I found out, I wasn’t devastated. I remember going to her and saying “Hello, Easter Bunny!” I know I had to be a little annoyed, but I didn’t cry nor was my faith in her destroyed.
@lucybear1613 7 месяцев назад
I had an older brother and have no memory of believing in Santa. I wish I had a chance to experience. There’s plenty of life to have heaviness. It’s fun and if you grow up thinking that your parents wronged you about letting you believe in miracles of Christmas then you might have other deeper issues
@TamikaMichelle 7 месяцев назад
I loved Santa growing up. My thoughts on Santa was through tv and school. But I knew my mom bought presents just cause we were so poor it was obvious. So I knew the truth but enjoyed the myth. More importantly the birth of Jesus was always told to me. Somehow I never mixed it up. Or maybe I thought Santa only visits houses with Chimneys Im glad God blessed me with a mom who could buy me presents 😂
@tammywilliams-ankcorn9533 7 месяцев назад
I used to go to sleep on Christmas Eve listening for the hooves of the reindeer. And we also got Easter baskets from the Easter bunny . I just grew out of it, no trauma, part of the magic of childhood like the tooth fairy. But I still believe in Jesus. When my own kids finally asked if he were real, I read them the real story of St. Nick and said he lives in heaven with Jesus now, not the North Pole.
@mlwilson2956 7 месяцев назад
Exactly. These are just magical childhood experiences. All these comments about "trauma" and being upset about being "lied" to are bizarre
@rwatson2609 7 месяцев назад
I was raised in a Christian home that said Santa was coming and had to hit the bed early enough for that. But by the time I hit five or six I had found that my parents didn't know everything, so Santa fell into question. But yes, it bites when you know that your parents are involved in deception.
@lyndeehawken4436 7 месяцев назад
My parents always played as though Santa was real. They said Santa brought us the things in our stockings. They ate the milk and cookies we put out. Guess what? I still believe in God. When I found out the truth, I never questioned spiritual truths. I question how strong of a hold your faith has if you can give it up over something silly like Santa. With my kids, we do similar things to what my parents did. It is not to get some thrill from tricking my kids. It is to enjoy their innocence and joy about everything they don't yet understand. We make every effort to put Jesus front and center in the holiday. Whenever we talk about Santa, we also come back to Jesus. I believe in giving my kids as many fun holiday experiences as possible. My experience with kids who know the truth is that they delight in ruining the season for all other children. And they seem far sadder than those allowed to simply grow out of their innocence naturally.
@garygrant6987 7 месяцев назад
@RachelDee 7 месяцев назад
Agreed. Same
@salvadaXgracia 7 месяцев назад
@lyndee out of curiosity, do you allow your kids to tell other kids that Santa is real?
@reepicheepsfriend 7 месяцев назад
Children can be nasty about the way they handle the truth sometimes (for example, "tattling" or trying to get siblings in trouble - or I remember my cousin trying to scare me by explaining the truth about where steak comes from). However, it does not then follow that telling children lies is somehow preferable to telling the truth. A very simple way to prevent the holiday from being "ruined" by other children telling the truth is to simply tell the truth to your children right from the start. My parents did this, and we still had wonderful experiences on Christmas, and never felt we lacked anything. In any case, even if we had missed out on something, Scripture commands us to tell the truth (Ephesians 4:25). Is it really worth breaking God's command for a "fun holiday experience"?
@merrygrammarian1591 7 месяцев назад
I still have far more bitter feelings toward the girl who told me Santa wasn't real than I do toward my mom who was VERY good at the Santa game. That girl was a know-it-all snot in those days, and my mom made Christmas so special. But when I had my own daughter who is extremely sensitive to truth and lies, I realized she needed firmer grounding than I had when I was a kid. So I told her that we "play" Santa, and she's still able to participate in the fun, and I think it's been a good balance for our house. She has strict orders not to talk about it with other kids.
@rosemarygrabowski5834 6 месяцев назад
About the replacement idea, I think you are spot-on, Mike. When our kids were little, I didn't want to deceive them: it was important to me that they learned from an early age that I would not lie to them---I wanted them to be comfortable asking me anything, as I believe that this carries over into the teen years when the questions become deeper and have greater consequences. Having said all that, we still had friends, neighbors, relatives, etc. who talked about Santa---there is no way to hide from it. So we did two things: first, I explained all about the current Santa Claus, we read the poem, and I explained that it's a game of pretend that grown ups like to play with kids. Second, I taught them the story of the real Saint Nicholas, who was a real person who lived long ago and was very kind and wanted to help his neighbors but wanted to do it in secret, not drawing attention to himself (which is a wonderful example of what God wants us to do still). We discovered that December 6th is Saint Nicholas Day, and is celebrated in various countries all around the world. In one country, the children put their shoes by the door before they go to bed that night, and in the morning the shoes have a little bit of candy left in them. We decided that this would be fun to do, and it's also more in keeping with what we'd read about the real Saint Nicholas. It worked well for our family.
@debbydoodler33 6 месяцев назад
Exactly what I'm with my kids this year. Love this.
@michellehand2271 7 месяцев назад
We have always told our kids the truth. They think it's silly that other families believe that we have stolen the "magic" of Christmas from them. We still give gifts and talk about how Jesus is the greatest gift. Its their favorite holiday, and still exciting for them.
@jty1999 7 месяцев назад
I think I was one of the weird kids that never believed in Santa to begin with. Somehow I intrinsically understood Santa Claus was a manufactured icon for commercial benefit, although I couldn't articulate it at the time.
@ktcarl 7 месяцев назад
Really?! You thought that as a kid?
@friendlyolbum 7 месяцев назад
@cryptfire3158 7 месяцев назад
interesting. Probably a fairly intelligent child.
@jty1999 7 месяцев назад
@@ktcarl As far as I can recall 🤔
@jty1999 7 месяцев назад
@@friendlyolbum eh... Just a skeptic at heart lol
@thinkingtoinfinity 6 месяцев назад
Absolutely. So well said! My wife and I decided early we'd always tell the truth to our kids. We've never regretted that choice, and our kids have thanked us for it, but I've heard plenty of people who felt betrayed when they finally discovered the truth after being lied to.
@rbo1823 7 месяцев назад
Loved it as a child. Was not upset to learn the truth from my parents. Firmer than ever in my faith as an adult now. My brother was somewhat hurt by the truth. We played along for my sister and loved it. I will never judge a loving family for their traditions regarding Santa Clause. But I greatly appreciate your perspective and explanation.
@RachelDee 7 месяцев назад
I WAS in the “don’t do Santa” camp for many reasons and I actually changed my mind in the reverse. I heard more perspectives on the pros of letting kids believe in it, how to frame the truth when the time comes, how to tweak the messaging/focus on his role, and how to point things back to Jesus instead of on himself or presents. So we do Santa/St Nick, but more in a liturgical than commercialized way.
@RachelDee 7 месяцев назад
My motives are definitely not for my entertainment, but I really appreciate how that guideline was articulated and will keep it in mind.
@richardclark4692 7 месяцев назад
Research the origins of Christmas Easter Halloween and catholicism The catholic church mixed pagan holidays With Christianity, Satan has his hand in these holidays Also watch a film by Paul Wittenberg called AFTER THE TRIBULATION,
@rcmogo 7 месяцев назад
How does wholeheartedly believing in Santa benefit your child? (Genuine question)
@shadowcolorado3668 7 месяцев назад
​@@rcmogo because it introduces fantasy, the whimsical, playfulness and feeds the imagination - which is incredibly important in understanding story, narrative, metaphors and parables. Imagination is also undeniable for it's function in art, music architecture, infrastructure, inventions and many things that we enjoy and take for granted. The mind's ability to see past black&white and deeper than just what's in front of our faces is a gift not a sin.
@RachelDee 6 месяцев назад
@@rcmogo honestly the other reply answered pretty well. Especially because we’re not teaching him a commercialized modern view of Santa
@brando3342 7 месяцев назад
I’m squarely in the “it’s perfectly fine, so long as the whole thing is done in the spirit of ‘play’ “ camp. As in, it’s clear this is us using our imagination. There’s nothing wrong with imagination.
@richardclark4692 7 месяцев назад
Babyl was destroyed because of man's imagination,
@brando3342 7 месяцев назад
@@richardclark4692 Wut? 🤔
@shadowcolorado3668 7 месяцев назад
​@richardclark4692 imagination also brings beautiful music, paintings, poetry, architecture, infrastructure, plumbing, heating/ cooling and all of the amenities we enjoy in the modern world. Imagination in and of itself is not a sin. Your argument is incredibly terrible and tries to strike a blow at one of the most beautiful gifts GOD has given mankind - the human mind and it's ability to rationalize, dream, hope and invent.
@Jabberwockybird 6 месяцев назад
Still see it as wrong because even fiction teaches morals. And Santa doesn't teach good morals. He replaces Christ as the meaning of the season. It makes presents the focus of the season. He teaches the overly simplistic "karma" idea of good and bad. (The real world is more complicated. King David cried out in one of his psalms "why do are evil men allowed to endure?") Like, even if you made it clear that someone is just play acting as Santa (see, its just me in a beard), it would still not not be clear that it isn't dressing up as someone real.
@brando3342 6 месяцев назад
@@Jabberwockybird This comment doesn't makes sense to me at all. Are you saying little children must understand all the extremely complicated situations in life, and cannot learn important lessons from simple points? That sounds backwards to me. It's better to start simple for the younger less developed mind. Instead of starting with "Look kid, you might break both your legs one day, but that might be a good thing!" LOL You think a child is capable of making sense of that kind of argument? No, obviously not. I don't see a problem at all with the message of "be good, and you might get what you want for Christmas"... it's a simple message of doing good has it's benefits. Children understand physical rewards, much better than moral self satisfaction. Your second point doesn't make sense to me either. Why couldn't it be clear that it's just fantasy? lol
@autumns3008 6 месяцев назад
I’m currently pregnant with our first child, and every time I go to a store and I have had my eyes opened to how much Santa is around like an idol and then there’s a small section of Jesus related Christmas items or none at all. Being in my mid twenties I feel like my age range has turned and continues to turn the narrative of Christmas and this has lead to my husband and I to talk about what we want for our future children when it comes to celebrating and traditions that we would like to have. We also watched a Christmas movie that is sort of new, I think it’s called a boy named Christmas. Wow, to make a movie lying to kids how Christmas started when literally Christ is in the name Christmas, do you feel my frustration!! 😂
@ilovecats9336 7 месяцев назад
We have told our kids Santa is a made cartoon character from before they could talk. Last year they were picking out wrapping paper and they went through the entire bin looking for the one without Santa! The funny part was the told the clerk how much trouble they had finding it. They were not rude, they just said the gifts are from Mom and Dad, Santa is made up, so we don't want him on our paper. The clerk was so shocked she didn't know what to say.
@Justsayin490 6 месяцев назад
I REALLY Appreciate you addressing this. I was alone in my decision about ‘no Santa’ because I didn’t want to lie to my kids. Everything was about Jesus We will Celebrate Jesus’ Birthday ( even have a Birthday Cake) Also “every good and perfect gift ….” - so my kids didn’t miss out on anything ( on Jesus’ Birthday Everyone gets gifts) I remember thinking Christmas was “over” when I learned there was No Santa and felt this was for years until I came to The Lord. Again THANK YOU ❤️
@ame5445 7 месяцев назад
I'm not going to let my kids do the whole santa thing, because yes, kids will begin to doubt other things in their life that their parents say are real, because I was one of those kids. I may have not actually doubted and gave up on Jesus in the end, but the thought process was still there during my teenage years. Anyone saying it's harmless isn't really thinking deeply about it and what it's actually doing to a child's mind. In the same vein, listen to the lyrics of Christmas songs. They literally give santa qualities that only God should have.
@MichaelSmith-mr5dh 7 месяцев назад
Reminds me of the Father giving every good gift, our Father is the giver of gifts! 🎁💝😊
@allapattah5550 7 месяцев назад
I told my children the truth❤ from the start. When they asked I told them the “good news”. Everyone gave me a hard time, my children will always know Moma told them the truth.
@Lamamalou 7 месяцев назад
For all the reasons you stated and more this is exactly why we don’t do Santa with our almost 4 year old daughter. There’s plenty of magic in the season without lying. I’m an outlier though, most of my family (Christians) think Santa is ok, and just part of childhood.
@stevenlester985 7 месяцев назад
Simple solution: talk about Saint Nicholas. The real guy. Not only is this not a fiction, but he was a dedicated servant of Christ, so he it doesn’t replace Christ. He points toward Christ. It also gives a way to contextualize the secular tradition in terms of our faith.
@beautifullyhim-ourautismjo5050 6 месяцев назад
Any recommendations for what I can read to my daughter to teach her about him?
@debbydoodler33 6 месяцев назад
@@beautifullyhim-ourautismjo5050 I tried searching up resources, and ended up showing my 6 and 4 year old the Veggie Tales movie about St. Nicholas of Myra. It's free on the Veggie Tales Official RU-vid channel. I would have loved to find a good quality picture book, but this was a great alternative.
@c.nohren24 7 месяцев назад
thank you so much for speaking on this! I don’t have kids yet, but around this time of year, I’m always thinking what I will teach my kids regarding Santa. This gave me so much clarity. Thank you!
@bobbyadkins6983 7 месяцев назад
There are no pros for Santa Claus.
@santiagogodoy8211 7 месяцев назад
Good topic. I don’t have an issue with Christmas. I love Christmas. I hate what Christmas has become.
@omniviewer2115 7 месяцев назад
I spent my childhood days believing in both Jesus and Santa. Eventually, I reached a point where I stopped believing in the latter, though this was entirely by choice. I told my parents, "I'm going to choose to believe for one more year," and after that, I was done. It had absolutely no affect on my perceptions of God and Christ in any way, shape, or form.
@evasccl7846 7 месяцев назад
I am an advocate for truth yes or yes. When it comes to children in particular... this is a golden opportunity to teach about God as our provider, the meaning of sharing, how to be grateful, what should be our heart's posture before God when it comes to all the gifts He gives us daily, how God knows our desires and He loves when we tell Him what we would like to have, knowing He will give that which is best for us... also a great opportunity for children to learn that God also likes to surprise us with something we may have forgotten that we have asked for. ❤
@lexxycoppola4501 6 месяцев назад
Thank you for this. I definitely believe that we should be honest with our children, especially when it comes to things like Santa Claus. I remember being a kid and being told about Santa, and really believing. And when I realized it wasn’t real, it really hurt. Growing up with a disability I always felt different. But when it was that special time of year as a kid, I always would get excited, because I thought somebody was looking out for me. And was going to bring me the toys of my dreams and wildest imaginations lol To find out that it was all just a story kinda broke my heart lol, that’s why if the Lord allows me to have children, I will be honest with them and show them what it means to be loved completely by God and their family. Happy holidays and God bless.
@brrrayday 7 месяцев назад
I don't think my parents ever said Santa was "real," it seemed to be more of a game, and by the time my brother and I wised up to it, we pretended to believe just so we would get extra presents. Funny enough, I still get a little gift from Santa every year
@Dee-nonamnamrson8718 7 месяцев назад
That's wierd.
@captainriker9088 7 месяцев назад
my mom always told me "if you believe, you shall receive." So I still get gifts from Santa because I "believe" in Santa. She knows that I don't, but it's kind of a funny gag at this point.
@AyWoe 7 месяцев назад
Same here, it was magical and when I figured it out, I wasn't upset, I just played along for my siblings to enjoy, then when my brother figured it out, he played along too for my sister. I never once felt lied to by my parents over it, nor did it affect my walk with Christ in the slightest. Until we left for college we always got gifts from "Santa" but would thank our parents of course 😊
@brrrayday 7 месяцев назад
@@Dee-nonamnamrson8718 elaborate? My point was that we treated it like a game, like hide and seek. My parents were also good in that we always knew the reason for the season, and that has nothing to do with toys or Santa. The only gift that matters is the one Christ came to earth to give us, all the materialism of Santa is an illusion which evaporates like a fart on the wind come the new year
@Dee-nonamnamrson8718 7 месяцев назад
@@brrrayday the part about you still receiving presents from Santa as an adult is weird.
@ArleneAdkinsZell 7 месяцев назад
We celebrated Christ's birthday (even had a birthday cake with His name on it) but I did let them have a tree and we exchanged gifts, but we gave our own possessions. My children always knew that there was no Santa.
@coreypendergrass6713 7 месяцев назад
The number one roll in my childhood home was that we tell the truth. We just always knew that we could trust each other, because we did not lie. And then at nine years old, I found out my parents had lied to me systematically for years about Santa Claus. I got over it, but I was devastated. It just seems so hypocritical. Now that I have 5 children of my own, I just can’t bring myself to lie to them. Rather, I’ve found it much more inspiring to tell them true story of Nicholas of Myra. 🎅🧦
@benstout7995 7 месяцев назад
Interesting reflection. When my dad explained to me that Santa wasn’t real, he more so focused on how Santa was a real person and known for being greatly generous and those who want to give gifts without being told, thank you put his name on the gift. So that they can selfless give.
@AllThingsNew1723 7 месяцев назад
Funny story… I had always raised my son to not believe in Santa, and I explained to him the real purpose of why we celebrate Christmas. And one day he gets in the car after preschool, completely excited telling me. ”Mommy Mommy we were wrong all along!!!” I asked him what we were wrong about, and he said “ Santa is real! Rachel saw him at the Christmas tree lighting over the weekend!” 😂 He was so excited! And that year Santa came to his preschool to take pictures, and I’ve never seen any kid so happy to sit on Santa’s lap! By the next year he had forgotten about it, but that year he believed😂
@Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr 7 месяцев назад
Kids are funny. I remember being very careful to tell my young child Santa's not really real and later she's like he's real and I'm like I give up lol not really
@farmboy5622 7 месяцев назад
Wait, Wait, Whaaaaat!!! You're telling me that there is no Santa Claus?!?! I am 66+ years old, and you just messed me up big time. My life is not worth living!!! I suppose that you are going to tell me there is no Tooth Fairy either?!?! I am getting ready to lose all my teeth, and was hoping to score some big money from the Tooth Fairy, to get my gender re-assignment done. Now I don't know who I am. I am stuck in limbo. Are you also going to tell me that there are no Alien Space people?!?! How am I going to leave the earth, when the poop hits the fan?!?! Now I have to look like a loser father, and tell my kids and grandkids the truth. (Ha!Ha!) (Just funnin' ya!!!) (Couldn't resist.) Keep up the great work Mike!!!
@bekabarboni4956 7 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for doing this!! People struggle to understand that I won’t be lying to my kids about Santa, just don’t feel that it’s necessary So many other ways to enjoy Christmas and make fun traditions without lying
@randomhead670 7 месяцев назад
Well said! Happy Holidays, everybody!🎄🕎🙌🏻
@TylerDaleHood 7 месяцев назад
I literally became an atheist because my parents pushed Santa on me and I distrusted them in all spiritual matters after that. How is it not idolatry to push a fake being on kids with God’s attributes?
@Yesica1993 7 месяцев назад
You became an atheist because you chose to. You can't put it on your parents, much less Santa. Please.
@CharlieKraken 7 месяцев назад
Judging by your channel you're in a good place spiritually now, but I am so sorry to hear that. That is exactly why I think it is foolhardy to lie about Santa Claus. Parents lying to their kids about ANYTHING creates lasting scars and distrust. I definitely thank God that you still came around to Him, but yeah that is an example of how dangerous such lies can be. God bless you.
@SpaceCadet4Jesus 7 месяцев назад
Really?? Santa has no spiritual assocation and isn't a Christian figure, nor does he exhibit God's attributes. He only is said to know if you've been good or bad due to his elves watching you. Evidently he has a large army of them. He's more like a Marvel Comics SuperHero with the speed he flys with those raindeer. Otherwise, he's an obese old man who likes milk and cookies. Santa and the Easter Bunny is Atheists reply to Jesus birthday and resurrection celebration. Not a Christian celebration.
@rroeger 7 месяцев назад
Yea i am glad you told your story here and even though most either won’t listen or change, your testimony might plant into their hearts and eventually take root. Your second point is a great one as well and why making these imaginary holiday creations idols and encourage it as parents to worship them is a very dangerous practice and I leave the outcome to the Lord. Thank you for this, it lifted me a bit during this season that for me can’t be over soon enough
@elizabethvidrine7936 6 месяцев назад
How old were you when you found out the truth?
@gdvortex2169 7 месяцев назад
My mom sometimes tells pur friends the story about the time I ruined some kids’ Christmas by telling them that Santa is not real. Another time we were at church on Christmas and they had a Santa Claus there. I asked my mon ”We dont believe in Santa, right?”, still cracks me up.
@justenejorger1840 7 месяцев назад
Thanks for your thoughtful and graceful response on this topic. Definitely gave me something about for future Christmas' where I'll have my own children.
@serenaortengren9728 7 месяцев назад
Honestly thanks for discussing this because with my own little baby having her first Christmas and it’s made me really think about what we are gonna do about these things. I tend to agree with you
@sam_tate 7 месяцев назад
I don't plan to ever tell my kids that Santa is real. He's 3 now, so i guess that conversation may come up soon, but i grew up not even celebrating Christmas at all. The lies and deception have never sat well with me. Right now, my husband and i spend each night reading the book of Luke to our kids. As they get older, maybe we'll incorporate other traditions as we go. 🤷🏾‍♀️
@Kefalonia31 7 месяцев назад
I have a few questions. 1. Why didn’t you celebrate Christmas? 2. Do you feel decorating is a sin, or like… bad? 3. Do you think singing Carola about Jesus and thinking about Jesus’s birth is… bad?
@shackledtograce 7 месяцев назад
I am right there with you! We celebrate Christmas but we leave Santa entirely out of it. My kids can watch Santa tv shows but I’ll never teach them he’s real or visits us and gives them presents. We read the book of Luke during December as well 🤍
@toreyhorton1789 7 месяцев назад
Great points! Christmas is a lie. Nothing about it is true. And I don't see how people can imagine they are transforming a lie into an honorable celebration. Only in their minds! Please don't believe God has to agree or agree with your delusions. If you deceive yourself by reciting that your reason for celebrating is honoring Jesus, Jesus is NOT forced to agree with your deceptive thinking. Jesus hated what was bad and said the devil was the father of the lie. There is no way Jesus could be so hypocritical as to disregard the lies about Christmas because some people use the opportunity to deceive themselves about the “reason for the season.”
@kevinsnipes826 7 месяцев назад
Thou shalt not worship false idols. Santa has become an idol.
@bellyfulochelly4222 7 месяцев назад
Especially in the hearts of little children. They just adore Santa and seek to please him.
@RachelDee 7 месяцев назад
I let my young kids believe him. But he is not the one they place faith in to bring them lots of stuff they want. They know to worship the Christ that influenced Santa to be the kind and generous person he is in the first place.
@kevinsnipes826 7 месяцев назад
@RachelDee Santa parents are hypocrites. Parents know their kids have been bad and still put gifts out for them, claiming they are from Santa. People may claim to know the meaning of Christmas, but far too many are worried about worldly things and do not honor Christ.
@theeternalsbeliever1779 6 месяцев назад
Everything about Christmas is an idol, whether it be the materialistic trappings, the Santa myth, the decorations, and especially the falsehood about Jesus being the "reason for the season". A lot of "Christians" don't have the courage or honesty to face the reality that Nimrod is the true reason for the season. This all started with ppl honoring Nimrod as a sun god, and this world continues to do so today.
@RachelDee 6 месяцев назад
@@kevinsnipes826 yep. Agreed. That is confusing messaging and I don’t support that specific framing or teaching
@calebgorum8570 7 месяцев назад
Awesome video Mike! I stand with you brother! It seems as if many have bought into doing what always has been done over the years. The “Santa” stops with this family. Time to elevate Christ this Christmas.
@dwm1433 7 месяцев назад
I love your t-shirt Mike. It brings back memories.
@des711 7 месяцев назад
No Santa. I didn't tell my kids that Santa was real. I was told Santa was not real. I appreciate that my parents did not lie to me. Always speak true things. Pretending is OK if everyone knows it is pretend.
@planning_nirvana 7 месяцев назад
People want to protect their traditions to pass on to their children. Jesus literally reprimanded the Pharisees and Scribes for holding on to their traditions and ignoring the word of God. Just because it is tradition doesnt make it good nor does it always make it evil. But lying is a sin and claiming santa is real is a lie.
@davidwood3145 6 месяцев назад
Thank you for this video Mike. Never thought about this issue before but now that you bring it to light, I definitely agree with you.
@roneil6713 7 месяцев назад
Amen! You are not alone on this stance Mike. My wife and I have been married for 19 years and have 4 children that are now all teens/tweens and we taught them about the real person that Santa derives from, but made it very clear that he is not real. You hit the nail on the head, I never wanted to put my children into a position to wonder “what else did my parents lie to me about”. Plus I want them to know these presents are from their parents, who love them and not from some random guy that gives them if they “are good”.
@DaisukiJesus 7 месяцев назад
My parents told us about Santa. It was always fun. I am grateful they put in the effort to make our childhood magical. When i found out it was my mom shopping for us, i was excited to help find gifts for my sisters. I never felt resentful. Santa is a sweet story for kiddies. And it's not as though i couldn't tell the difference between santa and Jesus. Feels like everyone is underestimating children. Similar to the whole, they cant read harry potter, cuz it's satanic, craze.
@maryanne.sanders 6 месяцев назад
If you read through this comments section, you’ll see there are many experiences that are not like your own. And if you have your own kids, you won’t know if their temperaments and experience will be like yours or like these other commentators. It’s a huge gamble. Also, no one ever tries to convince kids that Harry Potter is real. It’s a fictional story, not something that kids really truly believe with all of their hearts is real until their belief is shattered.
@DaisukiJesus 6 месяцев назад
@@maryanne.sanders people tried to convince kids that the magic in Harry Potter would turn your kids to Satan. I know, my parents believed what all the Christian publications were saying. I find most Christians think their kids are idiots, and ban things that would never lead them astray. That's what I experienced anyway. I just don't believe that any child will reject Christ because of Santa. The biggest factors seem to be the public school pushing lgbtq and the culture teaching judging any behavior is wrong, as well as parents being biblically illiterate and not teaching their children. But I could be wrong.
@SpaceCadet4Jesus 7 месяцев назад
Around age 7 or so, my step-father snuck outside in the snow, scuffled around making boot tracks and rustled the snow on the roof. Then came back in and both parents excitedly pretended that Santa just came, left gifts and took off. I didn't know or hear he was doing this. So when I observed the evidence, I turned to them and matter of factly said, "It's not real, there is no Santa" and from then on I always wanted to be a police investigator. (We were agnostic and only used the name Jesus in swear words).
@FronteirWolf 7 месяцев назад
My mum said that her dad would put on boots and stamp his feet and ring some bells to simulate Santa. She was raised on Santa and it was a positive thing for her. She didn't raise us with Santa though and I loved Christmas growing up. Santa wasn't a necessary ingredient for kids to have great Christmases.
@time_2_get_ready 7 месяцев назад
And YOU are the man for the job! God bless you 💓
@rcmogo 7 месяцев назад
So did you become a police investigator? I'm not sure why but I have to know.
@SpaceCadet4Jesus 7 месяцев назад
@@rcmogo I wish. My grandfather was an officer over 30 years and my best friends were/are officers but where did I land? Eventually an IT repair business owner investigating computer issues, malware and other networking issues. Kind of a cut-rate investigator, of sorts. 😅
@rcmogo 7 месяцев назад
When my son, five years old, asked me point blank if Santa was real, I had to tell him the truth. My friend got angry with me because he went and told her son Santa wasn't real. It took a year or two for me to realize how wrong it is that YOU are lying to your son, but I'M the bad guy? That is how inverted the whole Santa thing is. These poor kids are Santa apologists at school, and when they are told the truth, their desire to defend the truth cracks just a little bit. This world "cracks" at that in so many different ways throughout our lifetime. Why would parents want toa dd to that deterioration of faith at such a young age? Parents, please ask yourselves: what are you really offering your kids when you try to make your kids "believe" Santa is real? Mike, I love your fair takes on these kinds of topics (especially your exegesis on Jeremiah 10:1-5), and appreciate that you provided this update on the topic.
@jeanag3279 7 месяцев назад
This is excellent! Thank you, Mike.
@NewCreationInChrist896 7 месяцев назад
Lying isn’t cool it’s worldly, focus on truth by teaching children about Jesus Christ during Christmas not Saint Nick. Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.”
@cmiddleton9872 7 месяцев назад
I was raised believing in Santa and I am choosing not to raise my children believing in Santa. My reasoning is this: the logic that your faith in Santa and your faith in Jesus being different and therefore unconnected is 100% true, however a child's faith is different than an adult's. Before a certain age, a child simply believes what they are told. You as a parent are the trusted authority and they simply take your word as truth. When you tell them about Santa, you are lying to them, even if it is a fun trick, it's also a deception. That's what the half-consumed milk and cookies are, falsified evidence. If they now know that you used this lie to tell them to be nice and not naughty, or whatever else, that raises the question, "what other things have my parents lied to me about to get me to obey?" Is this all powerful being who sees my every move and cares for me and has a law by which I should live my life, is he also just a trick? Children believe with child-like faith, and one shouldn't abuse this amazing gift they have. Adults believe with reasoned faith. This is also good, and as far as an adult goes, your argument is correct, that Santa isn't an issue, but Santa isn't for adults.
@dalu_ogue 7 месяцев назад
Thank you, Mike ❤️
@g.h_-heart-_bunny 6 месяцев назад
This was respectful and very well explained. ✝️💜 Merry Christmas. Christ is King whether you celebrate Christmas or not.
@heathersmiliekiwi8528 7 месяцев назад
My husband got dressed up as Santa every year. ( because people at church would ask our children “what did Santa give you?”!) So it was like playing a game. He still does it for grandchildren Ü
@DavidNutter1963 7 месяцев назад
They are NOT laughing at their kids. They are filled with Joy over their kid's happiness. It's not entertaining the parents. You make it sound sadistic, and it's not.
@RachelDee 7 месяцев назад
Some are. I’ve seen it firsthand. But we do a little bit of Santa and it’s definitely not an entertainment or holding onto tradition motive for us.
@josephineanzisi4385 6 месяцев назад
I agree with you. God Bless you for the very important work your doing
@jessyrichards6703 6 месяцев назад
Love this video! I'm so grateful my parents raised me with beautiful Jesus centered Christmas traditions. Our Christmas season is so full of the good stuff It would be preposterous to think of missing Santa. My eldest son is 9 years old and every Christmas thanks me for not lying to him about Santa. The Jesus center traditions are so rewarding! They are food for the soul❤
@lionoffireministries 7 месяцев назад
Let's be honest. There are NO pros!
@Rachgolds 7 месяцев назад
I was brought up as a JW who was told Santa was false and never got to celebrate. I wish I had the magic of Christmas and a magical belief. Now I let my kids believe, it’s just a magical fun time. Take it from someone that never believed in Santa, let the kids have fun while they are young.
@Sherelle86 7 месяцев назад
Funny it was the same for my mom. She was raised JW and went all out for Christmas. It's still my favourite holiday. What's funny is I never actually believed in Santa, At least as far back as I can remember. Yet I went along letting her believe I believed in Santa because it seemed to bring her so much Joy 😂. I'm going to go hug my mom now.
@RachelDee 7 месяцев назад
This is what changed my mind to do Santa after all. I have two Christian mom friends that are very intentional about not lying to their kids. Then one year, they were talking about how their older daughters actually showed a craving for wanting a little fantasy to believe in. In our house, he comes on Dec 6 so that Jesus can be the focus on the 25th. He brings one small gift that enhances the anticipation period while we remember how the world waited for Jesus to come. He is generous and kind without it being based on our merit because he loved and learned to do that from Jesus’s life and more important gift of salvation from our sin.
@PRAISEYESHUA1111 7 месяцев назад
Magic = mysticism Why would you want to open these doors to your own kids ?
@benmlee 7 месяцев назад
Even as far back as 3rd grade or so, the most touching moments of Christmas is the song Joy to the World. I was not a Christian nor did I understand. But something told me a heavenly king coming to earth was special. The fun of Santa is a poor substitute for the real thing. Is only special because of millions of dollars of forced tradition.
@salvadaXgracia 7 месяцев назад
But as a JW you never got to celebrate Christmas at all right? I was raised Christian and we had a wonderful Christmas every single year and we never missed Santa. We were always happy we knew the truth and felt secure that we could trust our parents to not lie to us even though the rest of the world did and pressured them to as well. I think it helped me into adulthood to try to take the right path and not just cave to peer pressure. My kids also appreciate that we tell them the truth and Christmas is their favorite holiday. :)
@ckapkaplan5096 6 месяцев назад
Thank you for this video. People need to hear this.
@curtthegamer934 7 месяцев назад
Is it coincidence or intentional that you uploaded this on Saint Nicholas Day?
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