
Should These Climbs Be Possible? 

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Has Blizzard gone too far? Can they fix it? Is GM and above too diluted? Today we take a look at something we are all curious about, what do these fast rising players look like.
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26 сен 2024




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@TheDiensn Год назад
Coming here after watching Awkward do his unranked to GM on baptiste in less than 3 hours
@acarrotte571 Год назад
ME TOO!! he's so disgusting on bap it's insane
@A10Nerd Год назад
A fresh account is different than an established account with MMR - Awkward goes crazy hard though dude is nuts haha
@joegibes Год назад
Yep a fresh account with 100% wins in placements will get MMR boosted fast! This is the system working as designed. He still had to keep up those wins until GM though - super impressive.
Same lmao
@Nyxtia Год назад
Well to state the obvious, he absolutely deserves to be in GM asap. The faster he gets there, the better.
@GREED_EU Год назад
Ranked system makes literally no sense. I have quite a few accounts in top 500, but some others hardstuck masters with 50% win rate flat where I get complete bots on my team going 5-12 in 10 mins making the games completely unwinnable. How can I be top 500 all roles on so many accounts, so consistently across seasons, but sometimes an account just gets hardstuck diamond/masters, it's nonsensical.
@toraow Год назад
Yup same here. My main acc has notoriously been "cursed". I've still climbed on it on all roles GM, but it's been a giga struggle. My 3 other accs all have like 70%+ winrates and climb in very few placements.
@snnowmann Год назад
Games have felt weird towards the end of season 3 and start of 4, a lot of sus feeling players on either team. Just hoping Blizzard gets this sorted out eventually.
@ChuckNorris12798 Год назад
Yeah all my games since starts of season 4 are like you get rolled by the enemy team or we roll out the enemy team, mid diamond btw.
@@ChuckNorris12798 yeah its weird as hell
@user-xh5gu9re8e Год назад
​@@ChuckNorris12798just recently got into competitive as a support, every game feels the same. It doesn't matter what rank your in, (I'm gold 1 now tryna get to plat) every game has throwers or people who are straight up doghouse and completely unbalanced compared to the enemy team (usually a semi decent widow or Mei).
@d.e8516 Год назад
this season’s matchmaking is excruciatingly weird. I lost 15 matches in a row and my rank downed from master3 to plat2. Moreover, I’m still having matches with so many ex-grandmaster and master. IN PLATINUM MATCH.
@muckdriver Год назад
I'm wondering how much of an influx of players they get each season(obviously not many new) like I could see this being "seasonal players" that either play like the first or last 2 weeks of a season and whatnot. I also wonder how MMR/SR of one role affects the others. Got some at end of S3 with a GM or T500 icons/tags in a couple matches. Not an insane amount but definitely an odd amount.
@pump9486 Год назад
Thank you so much for featuring me! Much love ❤
@edsonoliveirajr Год назад
I was hardstuck 3600 in OW1 for 20 seasons (mostly because there were no matches above that in my region, but also because I’m bad). Managed to climb to GM5 as support, the role I play the least, and at a 70% winrate. Season 4 bumped me to GM1, and I definitely think it’s wrong.
@asunder3259 Год назад
I may be wrong but, the game put you in GM 1 because you were playing in those lobbies and (I assume) were playing good enough to stay in those lobbies. So your visual rank was lagging behind your mmr rank in that sense.
@parrotw3367 Год назад
Similar situation for me. Masters 4 by the end of season 3. Season 4 comes along and the game has put me in GM1 for support. I did have a 78% winrate though to be fair
@NuclearWaffle0 Год назад
With the release of OW2 there has been an influx of new players to the game. And what people need to understand is that those new players to the game have absolutely no idea what they're doing. And when they inevitably go into comp, they will be going against players who have been hardstuck in bronze since OW1. But those OW1 bronze players have a better understanding of the game then the OW2 players, so what happens? The OW1 bronze players win more and get promoted to silver. Now players who have been hardstuck in silver since OW1 are going against bronze players from OW1, guess what? The silver players are obviously going to win more since they're better and get promoted to gold. And a chain reaction is started. It's going to keep happening until it equalizes. Blizzard has stated multiple times that whatever rank you have is the rank you deserve. More now so than ever considering that your rank will match your MMR in S4. Is there inflation? Yes, but it's not because blizzard is making ranking up easier.
@paramnesiacs Год назад
personally, i think the solution would be to add another rank much to the same effect valorant has with their acesdant rank. this is something ow skipped out on, most other big games added another rank to help their bell curve but ow didnt.
@konplayz Год назад
exactly. it is ridiculous how when someone complains about being too low everyone says “you deserve to be at the rank you’re at” and now people are saying everyone is boosted and ranked to highly
@iwaldelta Год назад
I played a match about 30 minutes ago in a gm2 average lobby. I myself am gm2 and have climbed from previously being masters in ow1 but I had a support on my team who was gm1 but was low silver in ow1 and ow2 s1. I’m sure they were playing their best but it put us at a huge disadvantage due to the lack of game knowledge and skill compared to some of the other players within the lobby and we ended up losing because of it. It is ridiculous how a player hardstuck in one of the lowest ranks has climbed to the highest rank in the game with a 48% win rate on their main support heroes.
@sums6653 Год назад
Some of the jumps are little ridiculous but I was a mid masters tank player for ow1 and got knocked down to plat in s1. Long story short my mmr was through the roof and made it impossible to climb low masters when every game I was in was already a gm/top500 lobby. This new season I’m already at a 73% wr at gm4
@capten272 Год назад
had the same issue, but not that hight. my tank was plat 5 but I only played in masters lobies. this season it got booseted to dia 3, and I havn t even done my placements yet so I might end up in masters
@Peacecamper Год назад
No way this is a GM1 lobby, this whole game looks so messy. Also am I the only one where the lobby rank and the start screen shows only in like 1/10 games?
@Piggehh Год назад
This is what gm1 looks like in ow2. Gm1 doesnt mean they play or know the game well. At all.
@acerola_pekora Год назад
3:15 this is the part people will probably be able to tell that ain't GM1 fundamentals: overagressive pin with no LOS from teammates, ending up with a wasted shatter when he was low hp. on attack our guy was charging basically every time the ability wasn't on cd. the fact he still won easily is a bad sign to what happened with ow2 matchmaking.
@SwamiDayswani Год назад
Dude was def playing like a plat player to me. A lot of his positioning was kind of weird. It looks like red team got boned by the matchmaker.
@hawarikhaled5704 Год назад
they valk visor and got a pick prob thought his team would followup and get heals with valk its fine tho mistakes happen ON average he is good
@acerola_pekora Год назад
@@hawarikhaled5704 to be fair on defense he played somewhat alright besides that play I described. I just can’t defend the way he played on attack, it wasn’t a mistake here and there, my guy quite literally spent more time in the charging animation than not. you could show this attack part to somebody without context and ask them to guess which elo is this and I’d bet money not a single soul would say GM1.
@Squiddy55 Год назад
More like he has good days and bad days
@limboxis1022 Год назад
I was averaging 3700~3900 on Zarya on OW1 with 3200~ for both DPS/Support (although I played these roles significantly less) OW2 came out, I played a bit, and got the following for S1: Placements: Gold Tank, Silver DPS/Support After some time alongside a 90% winrate I got to Masters tank and Diamond DPS/Support S2 (I basically didn't play and got): Placements: Diamond Tank, Platinum DPS/Support S3 (I started playing again with some mates. At this moment I was actively trying to win games): Placements: Plat Tank/DPS/Support End of Season: GM3 Tank, Masters 4 DPS/Support (Roughly 35 wins on each role) I feel like the rank system is more squished together, as if the hidden MMR ranges from 1500 to 3500 (instead of 0 to 5000). Winning 5 games in a row by having good dice rolls on on teammates will result in your ordinary Gold/Platinum reaching a far higher rank than they were used to as you have 'prove' yourself less by winning a fewer amount of games to reach a higher elo. Obviously I do not know any specifics and this is a mere educated guess, but, I still felt like mentioning this for anyone wondering.
@jigglevevo Год назад
i feel the same way when i get carried by my friends, get to masters relatively quickly and then realise that i am not a masters player :)
@addictedow9551 Год назад
I think the main issue is with the new influx of players and more players at every rank we need more ranks to distingush players. gm1 honestly feels more like 4k flat in ow1. With more players to compare to now all the veterns even those who were low ranked in ow1 are now being bumped up like crazy and everyone is being grouped into gm1 because no rank is higher then it.
@ZSonnenblick Год назад
nah i dont buy this..if youre a new player theres no chance in hell youre good enough to get out of gold/plat. so once youre in a high plat/diamond game theres zero chance a new player is in those games. newer players would floor the bronze-gold games and maybe make older silvers able to get to gold but it wouldnt have as much of a ripple affect to justify the leaps we are seeing.
@god2930 Год назад
@@ZSonnenblick if the bottom rank distribution becomes wider then all ranks will be worth less. if you're bronze ow1 and new players who are worse than you become the new bronze, then you are now silver. then ow1 silvers now become gold, and ow1 gold becomes plat etc. but as new players get better at the game and rise in sr it should (theoretically) fix itself as time goes on.
@ultraslayer9255 Год назад
@@ZSonnenblick my friends got into diamond during the first season the played ow2 I made it to plat
@jibbs_aim Год назад
I was M1 end of season 2 as a hitscan player and climbed to GM1 in season 3. I had a very high winrate (almost 70%), focused constantly on improvement, and put in a lot (but still a reasonable amount) of hours. However I still feel conflicted about GM1. If GM1 is supposed to be the equivalent of 4400 SR, I am not a 4400 player. 4400 is top 100 and Im not even in top 500. I think the curve needs to drop off harder. There should be extremely few GM1 players, even fewer than top 500 in my opinion.
@casualhomies4730 Год назад
Crazy moment when you find your duo in the comments of a vid you're watching
@YTHandlesWereAMistake Год назад
As a hitscan who got to gm5 in s3 beginning and stopped playing completely, then without much trying in s4 got gm3 instantly, while being stuck at 3500-3700 for MANY seasons, I completely agree with this take. I think only one account I've heard was deranked after first calibration. They went down like 2 tiers total, and are at gold. Everyone else I have seen got 2-8 tiers up with the season change. This is insane.
@acroissant9460 Год назад
@@YTHandlesWereAMistake This is silly bc many of my accs dropped down hard with high wr% and good stats. After going 5-1 it put me a subdivision higher then I was previously if not more so idk what happened but it doesnt add up.
@shtinkyboy8674 Год назад
Hit GM last season, was a steady 3300 SR in OW1. I don't think I improved all that much and the ranks do feel extremely inflated. My alt account hit GM in 20 games, which I really don't believe I deserved to be honest, I play on that account with friends mainly and we don't do amazing, GM doesn't feel as special as it was in OW1 in my opinion
@cooltwittertag Год назад
Not inflated, Blizzard themselves stated that in S1 and 2 the system was massively underrating players and the avg rank was way below target. They're tryinng to fix this now, so people will see big jumps. This game has way more players now so obv you're gonna do better to the rest and since Blizzard tries to achieve a percentage based distribution in all ranks except T500 you'll be higher than OW1
@minami_janai Год назад
Yeah they do still feel insanely inflated. Should just give the SR number back since they only changed it for the sake of change
@eggwuheggwuheggwuh Год назад
The first guy just got gm from playing reinhardt it is a guaranteed win in season 3 in the metal ranks unless you get a rein mirror. Im gm i play tracer and I swear I have had SO MANY 2500~ elo rein players who are now high gm and have no idea how to play the game
@BENJAMIN-pc1ir Год назад
i hate rein
@sierraj7480 Год назад
how these people with above 50% winrate have been conditioned to believe they dont deserve to climb is one of the most depressing things in video game history. the old system was awful. the new one gives you free ranks. it should be somewhere in the middle but above 50% winrate should never decrease rank
@SnakeSkinz Год назад
Yeah I'm so confused by the rank system. I didn't really play much comp in OW1, only really did placements and was in Plat. Season 1 of OW2 I decided to actually try to play comp and I hit Diamond. Didn't play Season 2 cause I hated the meta and the derank so I ended in Plat. Season 3 I ended in Masters, though I did play a total of 200+ games. Part of me thinks it can be legit because of how many games played, but the ranked inflation thing makes me feel like I didn't actually earn it. And now I hear things were adjusted again in Season 4
@Mac-uy2fk Год назад
Been playing on and off since OW1 launch and never hit GM. Consistently been a 3.5k-3.8k player. I hop on OW2 for the first time in about a month and I hit GM in 3 days playing casually. Didn't even feel like i earned it
@D4veTheNinja Год назад
This looked more like a plat game than a GM game. Just compare a OW1 Rein main at 4400sr with this guy and you'll be flabergasted how this man made it up here. First fight on attack he ints 1v5 becuase his team is still running out of spawn while he's pinned away from them twice. This system is hella broken and GM doesn't mean anything if you can play like this and still gain rank.
@jagdhund_o7 Год назад
Yeah, I hate to say it, but this Rein got carried in the match we saw. Not trying to be mean, he just didn't really bring much value, especially when you watch the attack round.
@pump9486 Год назад
Classic dave hating saga
@D4veTheNinja Год назад
@@pump9486 not ur fault. I blame blizzard
@excalibur_k Год назад
I came back to overwatch last season, placed low Diamond/High plat. Then this season they threw me into masters💀 I wanted to feel like I earned it but this just left me feeling sad. Overwatch 1 ranked was waaay harder
@vengeanceavenger7257 Год назад
Alternative title: spectating a feeder getting bailed out by his team for 13minutes
@blacktuxwidow4318 Год назад
mean for no reason prob jealous of the rank LUL
@vengeanceavenger7257 Год назад
@@blacktuxwidow4318 nope more salty that kids like this are now playing in my rank and making ranked feel like dog****. Been top500 since ow1
@blacktuxwidow4318 Год назад
@@vengeanceavenger7257 i mean true. But is it his fault?
@ahbin Год назад
Yeah what should the rein do? Throw until rank down? Hahahaha
@vengeanceavenger7257 Год назад
@@blacktuxwidow4318 not at all thats why i dont flame my teammates for being displaced but it makes it so hard to care in the slightest about comp which in turn leads to more shitty matches
@RealLifeLuca Год назад
Had such an amazing winstreak at the start of the season getting a new peak with GM2. Going 3-15 then dropping to M2 and going 5-2 and back to M1. I'm currently 1-12. It is very weird.
@ahbin Год назад
I’ve been a constant gold(near plat) player since OW1, I took a very long break at the end of ow1 and grinded aim and all this. Season two ow2 I was still high plat, and went from plat 2 to gm 5
@RazorwingFairy Год назад
I have been onetricking Zarya since 2017, I'm at ~1.300 hours on her across multiple accounts and I have maybe 40hrs of combined time on all other heroes. That being said, I was hardstuck diamond for a long time and only shortly before the release of ow2 managed to get into low masters (partly due to your videos, so thanks!). In ow2 I especially last season without playing much differently I was almost knocking on the door of the grandmaster rank at masters 1 and 4 won games in a row after the rankup. Truthfully I don't think I qualify for grandmaster, considering I haven't really made major changes to the way I play and that I can realistically only play one hero. There is definitely something going on that enables many players to ascend the ranked ladder at accelerated pace.
@little_error295 Год назад
You may have got a boos from all the new players being bad so if gm is for example top 5% if you add 10million bad players the amount of people that qualify for that top 5% is broadened
@Dartnitt Год назад
Thanks for making this video, I was thinking if anyone is gonna do something like this so im suprised. So here is my experience for anyone interested to read it. I was diamond tank, high plat dps, high plat supp in ow1. Ow2, Season 1 i barely played enough to get my decayed rank back. Season 2 tank diamond 3, got diamond 3 on dps, support plat 2. Season 3 tank peaked diamond 1, dps i finished master 5 for the first time after 100+ games, support peaked diamond 2. Except I also feel like i improved this season the most, not only because i was winning more or my stats were better. I genuinely focused on getting better at heroes, for the first time I decided I will try to play max 3 heroes per role and master them, I also bought a new mouse and my aim really got a lot better. So for tank I mostly played doom, watched ton of tutorials, dps played pharah, ashe and other hitscans, got really good stats on pharah, was watching yznsa and dafran pharah u2gm to get better at her, support i played mostly kiriko and zen, my stats were never better on zen. Overall it was my most played season so I just dont understand that how apparently plats would all of the sudden be gm with small or no improvement? They got more lucky than me? Matchmaking would throw gold sometimes here and here in my diamond lobbies but that usually means that both teams have gold player so its "balanced". I was also watching kill cams or vods myself sometimes to see if I actually play against players of my level and usually I would say hard yes, I played against master players that were hitting shots I never saw anybody else hit so consistently in my ranks ever before, but whatever. Now season 4 and ranks adjustment to mmr, where as turns out again when everybody talks about jumping few ranks above or down I have the most normal experience. I keep track of my wins/loses so I know I lost more than win on both support and tank before next rank update, dropped from d2 to d4 on both, dps i didnt play any after getting m5 so i stayed m5. I think this season 4 is also a lot of people not fully understanding how system works so they didnt count loses before rank update and then they are suprised they dropped, but there also may be some bugs goin on, except again, why cant I experience any of this? I dont know what to think about it but im just gonna leave it there
@greenbambooman Год назад
i feel the same as you, and i hope people get less stressed about ranks and more about improving their performance
@bob-man0335 Год назад
Going from plat to GM1 is crazy, it should not be possible. I dont think this rein player plays bad or deserves a worse rank, because when you do get a high rank (because of the game rank system is broken) U will still get some games with actual high ranked players and that will make you play good automaticly. If u are a plat player and u play with gm players u will get better super fast. And it is also a diffrent story since this guy plays rein, witch is the only hero in overwatch 2 that you should play weird/crazy/unexpected so I dont think anyone (even gm players) knows how to play against a agressive rein in the backline. (I learned this from LhCloudy, check Spilo and LhCloudy vid on 2:30) So my conclusion is that this guy proboly started limit testing in plat, and went crazy in dia, played unexpected in Masters and Gm and got better gamesens because he played with high ranked players after he got a big winstreak. My firend went from gold3 to Masters 1 in half a season and he was also just playing rein, I know that there is alot of players that have ranked up alot of ranks in OW2, but I do think it is a diffrent story for rein mains, I can see how they can easier rank up more ranks that for example DPS players or Suports. This video was entertaining I would like to see more of these types of video's and I think it would be even more entertaining to watch a DPS main. Love the content BTW
@Synky Год назад
Very well said, and very true from my own experience.
@shevek5934 Год назад
I just hit diamond and then masters for the first time but I didn't see any rank adjustment this season. I just started winning a lot, so I feel like I earned it.
@The_Tachmonite Год назад
Absolutely you did. And chances are you would climb again if you were placed at a lower elo. There's a saying that we have in basketball that goes like this: "You get the record that you deserve." If you are better than the other team 60% of the time, you will win 60% of the time. The team that is better that game always wins. And realistically, you get your rank by winning...
@organicdog5648 Год назад
In OW1, I was hard stuck 3300 on Tank, and 3000 on DPS and Support. I feel guilty and undeserving now for being all the way in Masters 1/2 on all roles in OW2 (Basically 3900 in OW1). I feel like I didn't "earn" my rank and I was directly boosted by the new ranked system for OW2. Everytime people ask me my rank now, I end up just saying I'm Mid-Diamond because if I say I'm Masters, they will think I'm cracked at the game but in reality I'm not that confident in myself and im just above average at the game.
@calewilliams6967 Год назад
Always been a fan of the channel and watch your twitch streams. Season 3 I finished diamond 5 tank, played my first game of season 4 tank at Gold 3. I felt cheated and my games felt more like bronze. When will this end?
@voila-nf5cc Год назад
When you will carry your games and climb back up
@Bozomine Год назад
You will always feel better about the game when you focus on your own improvement. But sometimes you just want teammates to develop brain cells related to hand-eye coordination.
@Pheminon1 Год назад
I could tell in the first 5 seconds that this dude used to be plat lol The fact that he's playing rein on Numbani and NOT being punished for it is beyond hilarious
@meat. Год назад
the state of gm1 is sad now
@TheKnightofSTL Год назад
I think the fight on second where you saye he was standing in the open I kind of disagree with. I think he was playing cart for cover and flashing shield zoning the enemy team. The doom got in a 4 v 1 as a result.. Its kinda cloudy's idea of rein
@natibot Год назад
I was plat in ow1. Ow2 dropped, and in the first season I climbed to master. Next season after than I got high gm, and I'm not t500 on tank. I want to say I improved quickly, but I think there's something going on here.....
@denesleal7930 Год назад
I think one factor that people often don't consider in these discussions is that OW2 is a significantly easier game than OW1 to someone who has knowledge of the fundamentals but maybe lack the discipline that comes from grinding the game. For tank specially, OW1 was simply brutal, it's no coincidence that tank queues were so short and half of the tank players insta-locked Roadhog who was one of the less punishable tanks at the time. I'd bet that people that kept playing tank in the end of OW1 saw the biggest rank ups in OW2 S3. Overwatch 2 has 2 less players per lobby, which means ~14 less factors to consider in a game as for each player you need to consider position, health, 2 or more cooldowns, ultimate status, attention and LoS at any given moment to decide if a play will be good or not. This means it is a lot easier to keep track of everything that is relevant. Also having one beefier Tank instead of two means it is a lot easier to get value from tank heroes as they are no longer balanced around synergy that meant nothing in 90% solo queue games. It is also easier on supports who have one less tank to heal and one less diving them (less true at S1 than now), and it is also easier on DPS who don't have to worry about an offtank making their life hard everytime they try to make a play. Of course the main driver of these rank changes are the population increase, but I think it is necessary to point out that there is more at play than that. Let's see what the skill level at each elo looks like in a few months when everyone had the chance to grind to a stable rank and then we can discuss if we need an extra elo or whatever.
@5145liam Год назад
High plat most of overwatch 1. Winston main. Uni holidays come, overwatch 2 launches. Consume tons of tips of the new ow2 tank role, lhlcoudy, bogur, you. Start custom primal juggling practice every morning. Start watching my replays a few times a day and considered decision making and watch spilo to compare. Brought positivity and coms to games. Big improvement, hit diamond quickly, then at the end of the uni holidays i peaked masters 3. i lost a bit and went back down to diamond for a bit but back and masters for season 4. I understand what you are saying, you might be right and I think that hurts. I guess rank inflation timed well with my decision to start practice and get good. Watching this guy, I agree that he is not GM. But he seems not far off from me, the charges are quite perplexing.
@Klenzer Год назад
This is a kind of hard map to tell if his Rein is good or not. Numbani really is not a good map for Rein because of the lack of vertical movement. I'd say the enemy doom was bad in this case and the Rein's team was making up for Rein's mistakes. He's not bad, but I would put him in high diamond if I was a matchmaker. This is coming from a GM player in 3 roles
@mandmand6042 Год назад
I jumped from plat to masters in one season, season 4 placed me back down to D1 then after one rankup I went back to masters 1 I have no idea whats going on with this ranking system
@Sharrakor6 Год назад
I didn't change ranks with season 4 adjustment, was previously pinballing between silver 5 and 2 on support and dps, ended up the exact same rank I was at start of season 4(silver 2) however, immediatelly ranked up upon playing for the first time in season 4. Got into gold on both rolls after a little more than 10 games... no clue what to make of that.
@thefootballpunnedit Год назад
Went on a crazy losing skid Deranked from Daimond 3 to Plat 3 Watched your tracer breakdown on Colliseo and absolutely REEMED today
@theodorerhigginbottom5837 Год назад
I was always a masters or diamond player in ow1 but never truly try harded. Season 1 I didn’t play at all. Season 2 I was diamond one, next season I got masters one. Next season I was gm1 and peaked 250 late in the season. And after the mmr rank change I’m gm1 still. I feel like I deserve my rank as you can see the progression and my aim and game sense have massively improved . I don’t deserve masters almost gm dps tho I don’t know who let me in there.
@KlebinDaBoca Год назад
I think Blizzard said something along the lines that the "performance system" that used to work below diamond on OW1 was removed for OW2. Could that be the reason people are easily climbing out of the metal ranks? Look, this guy screams "IM A PLAT REIN" all over his plays, but with one less player on tank and with the only meaningful stats for the ranked system being if you win or lose and the average MMR for the match, I can see how it's possible for someone to have such an inflated MMR right now and we all played with some guys that shouldn't be at their rank at all. My theory is that the performance system was basically a "guard clause" that prevented people from being straight up carried by barely winning more than 50% of their games below diamond. I mean, you threw all game on OW1 and still won below diamond, you'd get far less SR (sometimes less than 5 points, which is kinda rare on metal ranks) than someone that did their job (which would get a far better score increase) and if you lost by doing that you would lose hard (sometimes more than 30 points). Right now if you throw all game and end up winning it seems like the game look at you and scream "IT SEEMS LIKE YOU WON", then wink twice and give you all the same reward. That's especially shitty on metal ranks since knowing the basics was what was supposed to make you climb out of there. Before OW2, people said "all that holds you on your elo is yourself", but right now it is quite clear that the only thing that keeps someone on their elo is time.
@spirate7182 11 месяцев назад
I was diamond 4 pretty consistently and took a 2 month break from the game and this season I went from plat 1 to masters 3 this season on dps
@Decree_ Год назад
I haven't played comp since 2017/early 2018 season 8 when it was only no role queue game mode, during OW season 2 I decided to pick up comp again with supp and managed to climb to GM 5 in 2 weeks ( I got proof / pics and stuff posted on reddit ), and on season 3 I didn't play supp much and focused on DPS and also managed to get it to GM 5. Then season 4 dropped and my MMR on support has boosted me all the way to GM 1 for some reason ( I can't believe this is how I hit GM 1 lol, but I didn't care much about rank, I'd only play to secure the GM comp points and play other games )... Anyhow, yeah, I do think I'm a decent player but something is off, and as you see in the video the enemy team can be really bad like that even in GM which is weird af, and if both teams are like that then it's no wonder it's easier to climb.
@rainy9648 Год назад
absolutely dumb ranking system i havent done my placements since season 1 and i was roughly about plat dps and gold support the last time i played ranked. after a while of not playing ranked i randomly decide to que to games yet i come to find out that im suddenly masters 5 dps and diamond support despite not touching ranked since season 1. now ive been diamond in both roles before but it still doesnt feel right that my rank gets suddenly boosted out of nowhere when i most definitely didnt earn it
@MorrTex Год назад
This dude does NOT play like a GM1 tank. His macro is horrible. Even playing rein instead of dva winston on numbani is a soft throw
@SalsaRimjob Год назад
Can definitely smell the ego coming from this Rein. Not only does he have his m1 button glued down and making a lot of risk pins, he seems to be shielding randomly when in front of the enemy. Legit the flanking Cass on point two killed his Ana because Rein wanted to try to kill the Cass despite being too far away and not having his fire strike ready. Lost his team 2nd point because he didn't realize Ana had to come back from spawn. Lil bro has a bad case of tunnel vision. His team won him this game for sure.
@shlumpd3045 Год назад
Yea I use to be a low-mid plat player, i barely played comp but I felt like that was where I belonged for a while, and in OW2 starting after season 2 I became a mid-high diamond player all of a sudden
@judopunch2672 Год назад
I have seen several 'master/grandmaster role challenger' players that, frankly, its not possible for them to be that rank. I would put them in high gold in OW1 at MOST. My games are totally volatile, they are, not exaggeration, stomps one way or another 7-10 matches. I specifically started playing comp again seriously at the end of S3, I am currently D5 tank, and maintained "Plat 1" (2900) in OW1 for several seasons. Now in S4, its a clown fiesta that makes no sense at all.
@-AnnOwO- Год назад
tbh last season i couldnt escape bronze ranks, some people tell me i play like a plat, console ranked its another stuff... either its your fault or the teams are trash
@baldfelix1841 Год назад
I get flamed really often for being in gm while having overwatch 1 platinum, although there is a lot of factors going on imo. First i barely played overwatch 1 and my first ever placement on overwatch 1 was platinum 2600. I have more time now on ow2 than ow1, and i was "stuck" in platinum mostly due to not playing the game and dealing with decay (leave for like 1-2 seasons come back climb back to peak and so on). Recently i just hit rank 336 peak on support a role i never played before in ow1 and i only been playing it for about 2ish seasons. People refuse to accept someone can just improve tbh because of the amount of people who had their ranks inflated. I get countless flame for just being in their lobbies even though im facing ow1 gms and top 500s people still call me a plat player.
@Ethan-iu2sp Год назад
I started casually playing doom in plat a week ago. Now im in gm which isnt even a rank ive been able to get before on anything else. Even though i usually statistically play very well it feels as if either the game in diamond/masters is alot easier than i thought, or I don't deserve the rank im at. Because going from plat to gm in a week on a character i barely even play is just bizarre to me
@b3nnjaminn037 Год назад
Overwatch 1 players were hardcore for last couple years at least. Ow2 is full of noobs and casuals so makes it way easier to climb
@skipius Год назад
This season is really weird! I have played in diamond since season 5 and now I'm GM 4 and it feels like a diamond lobby...
@jorgeDcmeca Год назад
that guy mako kiryu throws games so hard
@powertrip8676 Год назад
ranked is completely fucking cooked. my plat friend who barely even plays comp was put in GM 5. the only fix for this is to completely reset the ladder, erase everyones rank and hidden mmr but they wont do that
@和泉さぎり-c3v Год назад
I climbed to master 5 in season 3 on my main, then went on to play quickplay. This season I wanted to do some rehab by playing comp on a new account first, and somehow pulled off an unrank to GM with 87% win rate. I know MMR works different on new account, but I find it weird that I didn't feel more pressure in the low gm/high master lobby than the low master/high diamond lobby I used to play in. Guess I'll play more and see if I just got lucky in that one game.
@seventwentyseven Год назад
idk i started playing like a month ago i went from silver 4 to plat 3 in like 60h playtime (20h ranked) and i only play echo on attack and soldier on defense
@dizz1944 Год назад
i was plat 2 but at the end o f the season they just threw me into master 2 it really annoys me cos i wanted to get there legit and the game just chucks me in now i have to ruin people games not on purpose just to get back to my rank
@oisindobbie6848 Год назад
Played a lot last season with just above a 50% win rate climbed into high play but got stuck around plat 2 playing masters diamonds and even top 500 in basically every game
@taviddurley7502 Год назад
I got bumped up to Plat 4. After getting 5 wins, knocked down to Gold 2 XD
@williamskeid9124 Год назад
Ranking has been all over the place this season, outside of the rank jumps I feel like ranked games have been so uneven. Like I have had master and diamond players in gold 1 and Plat 4 games
@mage0534 Год назад
Bruh Here I am stuck unable to fucking rank up in silver, meanwhile others are apparently ranking higher than they think they should. Competitive makes no sense man.
@unclerussman3736 Год назад
as a high diamond low master player this rein feels more like a plat. ive seen reins in my rank that would diff him so easily
@ImBoyee Год назад
My worry are rolled or get rolled lobbies. I don’t want to sacrifice a fair game for queue times
@krnt13 Год назад
I'm a Lucio OTP and the game seems to try to keep me in low gold with every new season and I climb back to mid plat, but is getting annoying that even for this last season I was ripped off my plat rewards, funny that I got to plat in 10 games but still ranking is odd lately...
@jim8171 Год назад
my man hadnt even finished saying dont let anyone tell you that you havent earned your rank and then he tries to pin an ulting cass lmao, you cant make this up
climing out of gold was hell in this new rank system. i had to go like 30 kd for 5 games in a row with bastion while being on 70 fps 720p lowest graphical settings possible the game looked like shit but i made it out. then intel updated their iris xe drivers and it went back to shit because intel sucks at driver updates for older gpus. also all of the games we barely won by the skin of our nails
@omnithewolf3628 Год назад
I went from Master 5 on tank to GM 2 like what was this mmr update man lmao
@pr0faker Год назад
Pretty hard carry by his genji mopping up the actual kills and diffing the other genji. Defo not gm1 gameplay, but also not terrible.
@billbobbophen Год назад
I was hard stuck gold on support in Ow1 and this season was the first time I placed on support in ow2 and I ended up in masters lol
@mosesglade5996 Год назад
i am currently plat on dps and have been seeing master role badges yet match quality has seemed better to me idk
@gaiblexx1919 Год назад
I went from diamond 5 to masters 3 and I barely played last season
@shutup11337 Год назад
I’m in Masters 3 rn (on all roles) and I’ve teammates that literally look like they’re gold? The matchmaking rn is wonky I feel. I had better matchmaking when I was climbing thru diamond last season wtf
@heatseeker_ow7537 Год назад
Was hardstuck 3500 as a bastion main in OW1 and now I'm GM1 in supp, GM2 in dmg and GM5 in tank... like wtf (tho I'm grateful cuz I've been in A10's game and other amazing streamers/content creators! :D)
@flushed3601 Год назад
rein on this map bro is cooked
@kingjayy8020 Год назад
so why is it that I went from gold to plat but consistently playing against diamonds and master
@LoradLP Год назад
OW2 had many new players and the lower ranks are getting filled up with new players. So of course above average players are getting pushed to higher ranks. It would probably be best to have a new rank above GM (like superGM or whatever) in order to not have such a wide skillgap in GM1.
@dtps_champion6016 Год назад
You don't get to talk about the competitive integrity of the ladder if you do unranked to gm challenges all the time.
@YearsPast Год назад
Sz1 plat 5dps Szn3 Gm 3 peak it cool ig but sometimes definitely feel the knowledge/skill gap.
@M0rg3nT Год назад
I'm gonna be honest, I can see how this player is gm1. First of all it's a super one sided game where his team did their job, but the enemy team also had insanely hard counters for rein and didn't play that well (zen, cass, hanzo, etc). On first point he knew to zone the backline instead of peeling for the doom which I know a lot masters and below wouldn't have done in a rein vs doom matchup as rein. When the fight ends he knows to set back up on high ground again which a lot of players don't do. The first shatter on defense was very greedy but he definitely had to go for it because hes 100% dead in that situation and attackers will win the fight cause of spawn advantage and the attackers' tank is still alive. Was it a bad pin to start with? Yes, no need to over commit for a kill when the fight wasn't losable yet but given that he already pinned in the shatter wasn't that bad. Not all his shatters throughout the game looked like this. At 4:55 he goes for the hanzo in the room instead of just afking on cart and hoping his team would help him get out, which a lesser player definitely would've done, so he gets the kill on the hanzo. This guy goes for a lot of plays when he doesn't need to but I think they've come to this conclusion because they realize you won't climb in ranked if you just afk and wait for something to happen. A10 said "a good player is somebody who punishes a bad player, not somebody who creates these crazy plays, or forces openings." Well what does one do in the scenario where no one is making a move and we're all playing incredibly safe? Or against good players who don't make mistakes that are fight losing? What about we're down a player and it's overtime? How do we get value in these cases then? The answer is still being able to create "openings" or "make plays." By openings I don't mean just pin into the backline or something like that. I mean setting up for a flank/off angle while not being too deep to instantly get punished and die. "Making plays" or "creating openings" with positioning. We're not punishing anyone's mistake. Unless you consider someone's lack of marking a flank a "bad player's mistake." At 8:35 he goes for the pin on the high noon which seems like a dumb move, but what else could he really have done there? Enemy team used zen ult second so they have the advantage. They also kiri ult so he cannot kite in any way, they don't have lucio or whatever. If he shield he will just die anyways to the high noon breaking his shield and follow up damage from kiri ult. He might as well go for the pin on the cassidy with the slim chance that he gets the kill. Could he have kited earlier after the enemy zen ult? Maybe, but then he would be giving up the whole map. On attack the doom makes the mistake of peeling the rein instead of just killing backline or zoning the rest of the attackers so the rest of the rein's team walks in and kills them all. Did rein feed? Yes, but did he create space, do his job so his team could walk in and win the fight? Yes. Towards the end of the game they already have 5 minutes so he could've felt like he can feed and still win the match so everything after it is mostly excusable. Also he doesn't hesitate with his shatters and hold it for 4 years like a lot of players do in lower ranks. This is why I can see how this player is gm1. This is also only 1 vod, 1 game. He could adapt and play differently if we look at his playstyle across more games which could further explain how hes gm1 cause he's an adaptable player and not just 1 dimensional (benefit of the doubt).
@malcolmkey9603 Год назад
It’s not hard to make the match maker keep your lobbies within your ain’t range or 2 levels higher so plat 3 -plat 1 lobbies. Or gm 5 to GM 3
@alexhopwood8340 Год назад
Ow2 boosted me way too high into masters 2 despite losing all my games, I’ve not been playing ow2 for a few weeks but came back to look at my profile, and they just decided that I am gm now.
@johndirico226 Год назад
I don’t play enough to get my in game rank to where my Mmr is so when I hopped on and say I went from diamond 2 peak on dps to masters 5 and plat peaked tank to masters 4 I was kinda shocked. I didn’t even get masters challenger :(
@Pheminon1 Год назад
LMAO And they say theres no SR inflation This is HILARIOUS
@JambonBeurre_ow Год назад
I have a question ! OW1 pick elo 4089. On ow2 I was m4 in S1 S2 and s3 and s4 I am top 500. I did a lot of review, scrim, coaching and video. Despite the monstrous influx of gm1, since I'm top500 the blizzard boost doesn't concern me, does it? I am JambonBeurre I was seen in one of these videos :) I would like your opinion!
@Sindoku Год назад
I don’t understand why Blizzard had so many problems with their ranking system. It’s a pretty simple thing to make. I doubt that many new players started OW 2 so that a plat in OW1 is now GM. Maybe diamond and MAYBE masters, but NOT GM 1! Blizzard has managed to totally screw up a fairly simple ranking system (the ELO system). That said, hidden MMR is also a terrible idea. Just do standard ELO and no hidden MMR, and update the rank every match. That would fix a lot of transparency problems.
@batman-hw8dz Год назад
i ended diamond 1 my third season and this season it took me down to plat one but i won 5 games lost 2 and got taken back up to diamond 1 and im currently masters 4 right now
@pump9486 Год назад
7:39 Yes its possible ive done it before :)
@damp_au Год назад
At the start of the season gm1 on oce was actually really stacked, like contenders players every lobby but it’s sort of dropped off now
@Ruicyte Год назад
Despite the serious problem of every diamond OW1 oce player hitting GM1, the lobby averages are still low-mid masters half the time (basically silver OW1 average player can be in your games if you are GM1), it's just a dead region
@DrinkItRight Год назад
this season I went from gold 1 to masters 3 in one whole day lost 2 games the whole day I'm super buzzing lol
@aidanorias9260 Год назад
ive never hit gm before and i made a fresh acc to one trick rein (after nerf who ive never played before) and got gm in 20 wins? just doesnt feel right
@creamquat Год назад
been high plat my whole ow career s1 of ow2 drops and i end masters 5 the next masters 3 and season 3 im suddenly gm 1 theres definitely something wrong
@blacktuxwidow4318 Год назад
i went from masters 4 to gm1 now. i dont feel like i deserve it at all.. i can hang in there in high rank and i could be that rank, but i wish the grind was more grindier like ow1
@alexandermendoza4890 Год назад
Coming here when i was a Plat 5 ball player. NOW IM TOP 422 WTFFF
@draqxn7965 Год назад
I climbed from hardstuck silver to diamond in a season then masters the next season and ive kept thinking that i just fluked thay jump and im not actually masters lol
@L2kneel Год назад
I’m silver playing with masters consistently since season 4 started
@meat. Год назад
This was basically a plat diamond lobby in ow1
@txthys Год назад
definitely less of a jump but I went from Gold 1 all around to Plat 1, very unexpected but very pleased.
@ok-wl2xf Год назад
I was hardstuck gold/plat in ow1 because I never played too much comp, in ow2 I climbed to gm 3 in one season :D
@wabingus Год назад
This guy is playing lore-accurate Reinhardt. Minus the part where he actually gets out alive. Numbani first is my least favorite part of any map ever. If you don’t bring a dive tank, it’s pretty much impossible to get through since the entire objective is surrounded by defender high ground.
@IBBX22I Год назад
I don't play a lot of comp, and I want from gold 1 to diamond 4 this season, this makes me want to play more !
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