
Should you Post your Private Practice Rates Online? 

Private Practice Skills
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11 сен 2024




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@enatp6448 3 года назад
Definitely on the side of posting rates and just generally sharing as much info as possible about my practice so that clients can make decisions early on. And to cut down on initial contact and then referring out. I don't offer sliding scale but rather do charge on the lower end of the recommended fee schedule and I share information on my website about very accessible free or low cost counselling options that are government funded.
@SKBD69 3 года назад
Great idea to share info about accessible free/low cost counseling ⭐️ on your site
@JorgeMendoza-zm7ev 3 года назад
Agreed! Not posting fees sets up this perspective of, "if you have to ask, you can't afford it" and no one likes being on the receiving end of that
@sleepnbeau823 3 года назад
I'm pro posting to set expectations, promote transparency, and acknowledging that finances are a very real part of many client's search in services.
@leanabrown7864 3 года назад
Another amazing video! I do the same as you, I post my rate on my website and other "find therapist" website. I agree 💯 about the transparency and it helps in not wasting clients time! Also I hope you are enjoying your bundle of joy!!!
@lizdestefano4905 2 года назад
As a person looking for a therapist, I want to see your rates online and to see if you take my insurance so heck yeah! also i dont like talking about money or ask about $ it's very uncomfortable for me! I don't buy or spend $ without a price tag, i want to see! I work in retail
@shiningstar2843 3 года назад
How are you not growing faaaast? Amazing videos :)
@emawilliams3284 3 года назад
Thank you ❤️I really needed this video.
@kimmeystorey4577 3 года назад
I love your channel!! Would you be interested in doing a 'therpists reacts' to the therapist in the movie The Silver Linings Playbook. I think that there is a bunch of bad scenes in my opinion with the therapist. But one of the 'good' scenes is when Pat sees his therapist outside the office and his therapist doesn't break trust with Pat. Keep making cool videos. !!
@kaleimaile Год назад
When I open up my own PP, I want to be able to post my rates b/c I would rather the person know before calling me if they can afford me or not. If not, they can move on. I am having my Lawyer look to see if I can post it on the website.
@odenisgutierrez5495 3 года назад
Please react to violet turner from the show private practice
@TheLadyGiles 2 года назад
This is so great!
@englishrose4388 3 года назад
Love the topic.
@odenisgutierrez5495 3 года назад
React to season 2 of never have I ever Devi’s therapist
@TL-zn8pp Год назад
I would like to start off by saying that I've watched several of your videos as it pertains to private practice and starting a successful counseling business. There were alot of helpful tools and resources provided. But as I looked deeper into your methodology and belief system I was truly alarmed. How can someone call themselves a Christian and deny God's very word related to gender identity, confusion and homosexuality. True, everyone deserves to be loved and treated with respect but as Born Again believers we are not to condone or accept sin which is direct disobedience to God. Your platform has brought you notoriety, financial gain, and a voice... why would you use that to lead people in error. There is no such thing as a Progressive or Affirming Christian. God said be in the world and not of the world. Be **transformed** by the renewing of our mines not Conform to societal norms. Understand there will come a day you will have to answer to every idle word and false message that is spread. I share this in love and respect so that you will repent and come back to the truth. God Bless.... 1 Timothy 4:1‭-‬2 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron. 2 Timothy 4:1‭-‬4 KJV I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
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