
Show Me I Will Become Muslim! Shamsi and Jassy Speakers Corner 

Sam Dawah
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@sirjuju4766 2 года назад
"But those in whose hearts is a disease, it will add doubt to their doubts, and they will die in a state of unbelief"
@mnosairi79 2 года назад
Look at 13:06 how beautiful and humble Shamsi as a person is! MashaAllah! Allahoema Barek Shamsi!!!!
@letusbehumane Месяц назад
@YanPerak 2 года назад
It is the responsibility of every Muslim to explain the truth. That's all. Shamsi you are right. Unlike Christians whose hearts are always restless. Insulting Islam without studying Islam sincerely
@bobnordstrom5944 2 года назад
There is no truth in Islam , built on lies .
@johnfrancis5673 2 года назад
But didn''t muhammad teach to tell lies to your wife, your family & your enemies? & tells muslims to practise taquiyah (tell lies to spread islam), also 1 of allah's 99 names is the greatest deceiver. It is these facts that Christians are skeptical about islam/muslims (when your own book teaches all muslims to be liars) as well as the fact of muhammads convenient revelations that allowed him to fulfil his carnal desires - lika he can have ALL the believing women as his wives - as well as the 13/14 wives he already had, special privelege for him, when regular abduls can only have 4 wives. Nobody can change allahs word the quran says... yet allahs torah, psalms & injeel got changed. Allah made someone else look like isa on the cross to deceive all the Cristians - surely its allah's fault we are Christians & not abduls,, then he deceived every soul that walked the earth from year 0 until quran was written (8-900 yrs later) leaving everyone to believe isa died on the cross, so waited 8-900 years before he let anyone know that it wasn't really isa. etc etc then we learn Aisha (muhammads 6 yr old wife when he was 54) had a pet goat that used to eat quran verses - especially the embarassing verses about adults being suckled/breast fed TEN TIMES... bizarre beyond belief. Also states that when some soldiers died in combat that verses were lost as they were the only ppl who memorised them. It also refers to Mary the mother of isa as the sister of Moses & aron - but Mary the sister of Moses/Aron lived about 1600 years apart - how can quran get such facts so wrong..
@bobnordstrom5944 2 года назад
@@johnfrancis5673 Muslims will look you right in the eye and lie to you . The entire ideology of Islam is a lie . Mohamed was a horrible man .
@umerimran1616 2 года назад
@@johnfrancis5673 wow you know so much man! Impressed.
@johnfrancis5673 2 года назад
@@umerimran1616 No problem, I used to be very ignorant & thought I was clever cos I had a few qualifications. Until 1 day I had a spiritual revelation/awakening & was shown the spirit world is real, evil is real, hell is real & eternal (far worse than the human intellect can comprehend, once entered you can't come back onto the earth to repent as the body returns to dust). The ONLY way to enter heaven is through the ONLY saviour for mankind, The Son of God, Jesus Christ. I can prove any of my above comments if you are interested, just 1 point to note that may peek your interest/curiosity is the fact on my journey of studying religions, cults occult etc I discovered that ALL the deities mentioned in The Holy Bible re still worshipped today, from Molech (worshipped at Bohemian Grove amongst others, often secretly in abortion centres) through to Be'elzebub (Freddie Mercury from rock band Queen in 80's sang about making a deal with him) through to Ashteroth & Baal with obviously the main most powerful being Lucifer (the Bible describes Lucifer being his name when he was made a perfect angel in heaven, but iniquity & pride were found in him & he tried to usurp the power of the almighty creator & so was cast out of heaven down to the earth hence now being called satan/the devil a fallen angel. All fascinating stuff from a book 2000+ years ago - yet despite numerous searches & speaking with quite a lot of ppl I HAVE NOT FOUND 1 single cult/occult group that worships a deity called ibliss or jinn (nor have I come across a single ritual that invokes that name), unless of course you can show me? that in itself is evidence that The Bible spoke the truth about this subject, but what does that say about the quran?
@tchickamarotv5641 2 года назад
8:20 Moment Of Truth. They know it deep in their hearts.
@TheKamikaze786 2 года назад
“Indeed, those who disbelieve - it is all the same for them whether you warn them or do not warn them - they will not believe.” - Holy Quran [2:6]
@SilentEmpires 2 года назад
"And sign of the ignorant is they reason with the illogical"
@fedesetrtatio1 2 года назад
The argument was In islam salvation is only offered to muslim but in Christianity salvation is offered to all. The reason being in islam salvation is religion based and in Christianity salvation is sin based.
@ArkhamDeluxe 2 года назад
@@fedesetrtatio1 Which is a stupid topic for an argument as both religions require to accept a certain set of beliefs before attaining paradise, regardless of how anyone words it.
@edoz3279 2 года назад
@@fedesetrtatio1 That is a wrong argument obviously As we know in christianity those who do not accept Jesus to be God/son of god will not enter paradise
@fedesetrtatio1 2 года назад
@@ArkhamDeluxe said: Which is a stupid topic for an argument as both religions require to accep .......................... If muslims claim to follow the same true God of Abraham then the criteria has to be the same. Islam has a whole new set of criteria totally different from Judaism and Christianity. That is where the problem lies - either you are following a false god with false claims or a true god with legitimate claims. The God of islam is totally different to the true God of Abraham and yet they claim that it is an Abrahamic faith.
@fedesetrtatio1 2 года назад
@@edoz3279 said: hat is a wrong argument obviously ................ The argument is not whether you accept Jesus or Allah the question is to whom is salvation is offered to. Re read my initial comment. Islam only offer salvation to people who will accept Allah and his prophet and death to the others. Christianity offers salvation to all because it offers it to sinners. You fail to see the difference or you dont want to see it. Ponder on that statement for a little while - it is definitely a new concept for muslims.
@basismoslem6436 2 года назад
Seeing this guy... i can smile at the same time, feel sick.... may Allah protect shamsi and all of us always... and make us still in hidayah....
@khodeejahidris135 2 года назад
Shamsi speak d truth even if it bitter he doesn't fear d criticism of the critics or blenm of d blemers may Allah SWT been with us end reward you in both Life
@fedesetrtatio1 2 года назад
The argument was In islam salvation is only offered to muslim but in Christianity salvation is offered to all. The reason being in islam salvation is religion based and in Christianity salvation is sin based.
@bilalsim124 2 года назад
@@fedesetrtatio1 if a person accepts Jesus according to the conditions that soco laid out in this video then that person is a Christian. Therefore a person must accept Christianity to enter paradise according to you and soco
@enockt6218 2 года назад
@@fedesetrtatio1 its no salvation in islam. Its nothing you can do to grant it. And shamsi just lied that muslim grant jannah even his prophet was not sure and his abdul god said no one sure of his plans for paradise.
@enockt6218 2 года назад
@@bilalsim124 According to bible kingdom of God is for everbody and Jesus speak about who is that kingdom for for poor and children etc This is part to it to enter to confess him. Romans 10:9-10 Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. The sermon on the mount speak about his kingdom jesus spoke. He said: 3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. 5 Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. 6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. 7 Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. 8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. 9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. 10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
@bilalsim124 2 года назад
@@enockt6218 exactly Romans If you declare(A) with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”(B) and believe(C) in your heart that God raised him from the dead,(D) you will be saved. This is the criteria for someone to become Christian and if you don’t meet this criteria regardless if you are rich, poor, righteous and all the rest of it you will not enter paradise. Same in Islam a person who believes that none has the right to be worshiped accept Allah and that Muhammed is his last Prophet and Jesus is his Prophet and believes in all the messengers going back to Adam (peace be upon them all) and the pure uncorrupted messages they came with will enter into paradise regardless if they are rich, poor, righteous, young, old and all the rest of it. So when shamsi told soco this he said this is the reason I won’t accept Islam but I will accept Christianity. Which makes no sense because the criteria is the same. Both say accept the message and you enter into paradise. The only difference is one (Islam) goes in line with sound reasoning and the other one doesn’t and our brother shamsi has explained how many many times👍🏾
@yunis15 2 года назад
This guy seem genuine may Allah show him the straight path and join him with the believers
@PantheraTK 2 года назад
This guy is the hateful cameraman for Bob the Liar. Big Islam hater.
@79Sarwar 2 года назад
He is far from genuine.
@bilalsim124 2 года назад
His drunk
@MightyM2024 2 года назад
Far away from genuine unfortunally
@syruseye 2 года назад
@@bilalsim124 give your evidence
@fayemcduling7744 Год назад
Shamsi keep on exposing these lies and intoxicated Christians, they deserve it . You are a master in your Dawah at all times. All you Dawah guys you are appreciated by the millions of Muslims around the world.
@shhaba6519 2 года назад
Shamsi was amazing in this conversation, shamsi answered this Christians questions and refuted everything he said with evidence, shamsi is very intelligent and has spent many many years studying the scriptures and has a much greater understanding of the bible than any of the Christian speakers at speakers corner including the Christian missionaries and Bob and hatun the Christian hate preachers. Shamsi is one of the best speakers to speak at speakers corner
@MrFar80 2 года назад
Allah akhbar.. May Allah open this brother heart to accept islam and be a good Muslim.
@zukarry 2 года назад
Shamsi is talented Masha Allah!
@דניאלהמלה 2 года назад
Shamsi is a talented liar
@zukarry 2 года назад
@@דניאלהמלה May I help you in understanding whatever part of this video you think Shamsi has told a lie? Because if you can't, then I beg you to open your mind. I completely respect your opinions. But please don't hesitate to agree whenever you feel like it just because you've been taught not to. Because, when you call someone a liar and the person wasn't lying, then you do realise that you become the liar, right? I'm not calling you - or anyone for that matter - a liar. But I'm requesting you to have a civil discussion with people you disagree with. I completely mean no offence.
@funkyboi09 2 года назад
May Allah guide the brother in humanity to Islam ameen
@warakanda7356 2 года назад
SubhanAllah Alhamdulillah Allahuakhbar May Allah SWT guide those who reverted to Islam, to the true teaching of Islam and being an obedient Muslim, will grant them and all the Ummah with a place in Jannah. Aamiin🌙🕌🤲💕
@نارقنبرا 2 года назад
الله أكبر
@amir123786 2 года назад
May Allah swt bless Brother shamsi forever
@yaallah.lembutkanhatimuham864 2 года назад
Man...i love u shamsi.awèome.u are the best.wow.i love u shamsi.
@harrykuffal6516 2 года назад
Subhanallah. yesss at 0:53 he said muslim assured to jannah. and after br Shamsi give the verses, he said "not muslim but ME as ahlul kitab". astaghfirullah.. May Allah bless br Shamsi.. Never talk to person that caught lying like that
@عبدالله-ع4ض6خ 2 года назад
Masha'allah Masha'Allah My God protect you Very nice video Thank you Jazakum Allah khier
@abunusaybah1058 2 года назад
Maasha' Allah.. Shamsi has completely anhilated and ended this Soco/Jassy's whole career.. wow.. Brilliant!
@sabet3600 2 года назад
ماشاءالله، بارک الله فیکم
@gurzbey8284 2 года назад
Alhamdulillah for Islam.Alhamdulillah ya Rab. You forgive us. You gave us such a gift. We are poor and you are Ghani. Forgive this ummah ya Rahman, ya Rahim. Take our souls as muslims ya Hadi, ya Ghafur, ya Latif. Amin ya Allah.
@SuperKauser 2 года назад
can't believe how funny shamshi is .lol
@bazd313 2 года назад
Shamsi you're too good to be talking to a drunk hypocrite like this man. Literally expects muslims to accept non believers but he admits christianity doesn't
@drive-2786 2 года назад
the egotistical spub has a hard on for Ali Dawah .
@enockt6218 2 года назад
He lied about allah and muhammed and you say he is too Good?
@batlefieldproes 2 года назад
@@enockt6218 please provide your evidence if you are truthful
@wanridzuan4102 2 года назад
@@enockt6218 waiting your answer after 18 hours
@enockt6218 2 года назад
@@wanridzuan4102 sorry i do not see any answer think youtube block it
@ehabradiology 2 года назад
وَمَن يَبْتَغِ غَيْرَ ٱلْإِسْلَٰمِ دِينًا فَلَن يُقْبَلَ مِنْهُ وَهُوَ فِى ٱلْءَاخِرَةِ مِنَ ٱلْخَٰسِرِينَ
@tucker4173 2 года назад
"you worship a man" says the Christian. Peak comedy right there.
@innerdimensionsinc.1281 2 года назад
@deesott5123 2 года назад
Philippians 2:5-7 Evangelical Heritage Version Jesus Humbled Himself 5 Indeed,[a] let this attitude be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. 6 Though he was by nature God,[b] he did not consider equality with God as a prize to be displayed,[c] 7 but he emptied himself by taking the nature[d] of a servant. When he was born in human likeness, and his appearance was like that of any other man,[e]
@mohammedsamimukarram2270 2 года назад
@@deesott5123 who wrote it
@misshouda1740 2 года назад
@aspreedacore 2 года назад
@@deesott5123 it’s still worshiping a man which is ok, the problem is you worship him as THE GOD… not muslim
@mns_vlogs 2 года назад
ماشاء الله سكران محترم هههههه يقول : انا اقول ( سبحانه وتعالى ) as a respect 😅👍 الله يهديه يارب 🤲
@shifazulhaque 2 года назад
Socotun is a begotten son of Hatun 😂
@saeedurrehman9658 2 года назад
@randomness8819 2 года назад
This guy is a comedian.🤣😂
@lionabbass 2 года назад
Surah Imran/Chapter 3, Ayah/verse 31 shows that if you abandon everything and follow the Prophet SA, Allah will forgive you, etc and will make your affairs easy.
@OmoiSenpai 2 года назад
This Cameraman guy gives off the vybes that he learns from Anti-Islamic websites and assume that it's 100% the truth, then spits it out to a real Muslim and gets served. Samsi shouldn't have stooped low to his level at the end though, but it is what it is.
@hudsonbartley2493 2 года назад
Shamsi the road runner.
@shing96 2 года назад
The only time this man didn't get drunk he tries to speak straight but he failed 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@sj4695 2 года назад
Masterclass in moving the goal post fallacy
@fedesetrtatio1 2 года назад
The argument was In islam salvation is only offered to muslim but in Christianity salvation is offered to all. The reason being in islam salvation is religion based and in Christianity salvation is sin based.
@sj4695 2 года назад
@@fedesetrtatio1 So muslims will go to paradise either way, because if christianity is true then it offers salvation to muslims according to you. If Islam is true muslims also go to paradise. But Islam is true and muslims only will enter paradise, not people who attributed a son to God and rejected Islam
@fedesetrtatio1 2 года назад
@@sj4695 Immaterial whether you are a jew, gentile, slave or free Salvation is offered to all. All you have to do is repent for your wicked way and turn to Jesus who is the way the truth and the life. Islam offer no salvation to anyone. Because Abu Bakr one of the most holy of islams followers said that even if he had one foot in Paradise he would not trust Allah to get him there. There is no assurance in islam. It all depend on the will of Allah wheter he like you or not. Allah saves whom he will and send to hell whom he will. all your fasting, and alms giving and pilgrimages does nothing if Allah decide he want to send you to hell.
@aryquadir 2 года назад
@@fedesetrtatio1 dont u have brain?
@abutalsafuba2179 2 года назад
@@fedesetrtatio1 So it's conditional. No difference to Islam then.
@dostonusmonov3756 8 месяцев назад
19:40 perfect🤝
@ehabradiology 2 года назад
إِنَّ ٱلدِّينَ عِندَ ٱللَّهِ ٱلْإِسْلَٰمُ ۗ وَمَا ٱخْتَلَفَ ٱلَّذِينَ أُوتُواْ ٱلْكِتَٰبَ إِلَّا مِنۢ بَعْدِ مَا جَآءَهُمُ ٱلْعِلْمُ بَغْيًۢا بَيْنَهُمْ ۗ وَمَن يَكْفُرْ بِـَٔايَٰتِ ٱللَّهِ فَإِنَّ ٱللَّهَ سَرِيعُ ٱلْحِسَابِ
@AvarClan 2 года назад
its a mental block and they tend to fall back on typical anti Islam rhetoric, baseless rhetoric. Just like their christianity which is unrecognoizable by their own Jesus. He didn't believe as they did, didn't live like they do, didn't act like they do and didn't teach what they do.
@NorfLondon4Eva 2 года назад
Does anyone know what's time Speaker's Corner tends to start and end? I'd like to attend.
@angelosaleh8344 2 года назад
5:41 How many Bottles did you drink? Shamsi's Humor is hilarious 😂 May Allah guide him.
@SYWTG 2 года назад
Did this missionaries mention Allah Subbhana wata'ala. Masa'Allah..someday sense will knock his head while he studied the AlQuran deeply.
@osman.s1405 2 года назад
Bro turn off ads - i might be wrong but from my experience, when ads appear in the middle of the video, then you have turned the ads on
@osman.s1405 2 года назад
There is music and women that may appear or other haram which u have no control of
@mhd2680 2 года назад
Is this the guy of soco channel ?
@sadiafortune4064 2 года назад
@akhilkn225 2 года назад
If there is a creation there is a creator, then who created the creator.
@Farrukhsiyar159 2 года назад
Is the tall guy with starbucks Algerian too? I see him in all of Shamsi's videos.
@maxpain5555 2 года назад
Truth always comes out when you're drunk so they say. I would never let him live that down he owes himself a shahaadah
@mohdzulhilmimohdzin 2 года назад
Debating with this soco cameraman is a waste of time😂
@TBYS07 2 года назад
Never waste time with people who don’t genuinely want to be guided, make that a rule before you start a dialogue.
@batlefieldproes 2 года назад
manners of Christians ....
@sandboxaccountz.zy.7012 2 года назад
he gets his words trough the earpiece
@yikee7592 2 года назад
Go to Surah Bayyinah
@gusxwazt1607 2 года назад
I love this gabriel. He's a funny guy. Hope he'll become a muslim someday 😂 .
@ilhankapucu823 Месяц назад
Ahi Shamsi,let it be.that is a clwon
@fbbinoire201 2 года назад
this clown devoted his whole life insulting and mocking ,he is not there to learn
@thinkcritically9560 2 года назад
Don’t take Jeci seriously… he is just a drunk troll.
@hudsonbartley2493 2 года назад
Repentand believe the gospel(Mark 1:15) while you still have breath in your body.
@MohamedShou 2 года назад
That guy should stay behind the camera and continue recording for his DCCI Trinitarians 🤦🏾‍♂️
@fedesetrtatio1 2 года назад
The argument was In islam salvation is only offered to muslim but in Christianity salvation is offered to all. The reason being in islam salvation is religion based and in Christianity salvation is sin based.
@fedesetrtatio1 2 года назад
@Safraz Hussain said: Salvation is open to all mankind. Thats why millions are accepting Islam....................... According to islam Salvation is open to all mankind only if they accept the pagan God Allah and his prophet Mohammad. In Christianity Salvation is offered to all mankind inspite of their religion, creed or culture. This is the third time I have tried to differentiate the two. "Milliion are accepting islam" is an islamic canard, a slogan, a standard narrative. But by now you should know that the standard islamic narrrative has holes in it. Islam is the religion that makes the least convert - the only way islam is growing is because of procreation. As a matter of fact 40 years ago we never heard of ex muslim but now they are everywhere. Even your leaders are now preaching about tsunami and avalanches of apostasy. On a video by Abdullah Andalusiah, he was forced to admit and reveal the plight of islam with regards to people leaving islam. He centered on one crucial element of this apostasy, he said because of the cruel apostacy laws, Islam is rotting internally. Ex Muslim who afraid to come out, because of these cruel laws are in promenent roles in the masjid as reader, muizins, teachers, youth leader but are hiding their disbelief's. Islam is rotting internal, that is one reason why you see muslim targeting and killing Christians where they can find them helpless, it is a desperate action. There is another point I would like to bring out. Truth is not measured in numbers. Truth has always been qualitative not quantitative. If truth was judged by numbers we would still be believing that the earth is flat and a geocentric planetary system. And also remember what prophet Jesus said. Broad and wide is the path to hell and many trod it.
@shagg9204 2 года назад
@@fedesetrtatio1 same as Christianity you ignorant foolish person if they don't accept Jesus christ as ther God and savoir there not going to heaven period
@falsehoodexterminator2336 2 года назад
When a person is an idiot, it is forever!
@sonofgod7099 2 года назад
John 3:16 God give assurance to every one who accepts Jesus is asure salvation
@sbludba 2 года назад
Every Muslim accepts Jesus as the messiah.
@ot4579 2 года назад
Ask Allah for guidance Jesse
@shakeel4luv 2 года назад
Alhamdullilah Quran has unveiled hypocrites like them,May Allah guide them to truth. May Allah bless you more in knowledge and patience brother Shamsi to expose this hypocrites. Ameen 🤲
@one.path.onefaith 2 года назад
[Surah Al-Baqarah: 99] And We have certainly revealed to you verses [which are] clear proofs, and no one would deny them except the defiantly disobedient.
@fedesetrtatio1 2 года назад
Allah was afraid of the intelligent and the mind that questions. Only a man made book would make such a stipulation. On the other hand the bible commands all Christians to question their faith and have a good reason for believing in it. See the difference between the two religion one so confident and the other hiding behind ignorance.
@one.path.onefaith 2 года назад
@@fedesetrtatio1 Peace is upon those who follow the Guidance You made a claim that the Qur'an is a man made book where is the proof of that???
@fedesetrtatio1 2 года назад
@@one.path.onefaith What evidence do yo have that an angel visited Mohamamd in the Hera Cave. There were no witnesses, no miracles to back it up, No prophecies proclaiming the coming of a prophet. Right from the beginning there is nothing to substantiate a divine origin of the quran. All you are going with is the testimony of an ignorant man set in the midst of an ignorant and backward culture which did not even have a descent fully realised language or script. Putting all the pious myths aside andconcentrating on the actual facts on the ground, and you will soon realise that the quran is nothing but a man made book plagerised from all the pagan, gnostic, pseudo jewish and Christian writing, and Syriac legends.
@one.path.onefaith 2 года назад
@@fedesetrtatio1 Islam is The Truth with the Proofs Verily I can see you are not of those who is seeking the Truth, There are Many evidence of the Prophethood of Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him, from Muslims sources and Non Muslim Sources, But if you are seeking the Truth the correct understanding of Islam then ask, your questions if not [Surah Al-Kâfirûn: 6] "To you be your religion, and to me my religion (Islamic Monotheism)."
@one.path.onefaith 2 года назад
@@fedesetrtatio1 PLEASE BRING YOUR PROOFS IF YOU ARE TRUTHFUL THAT THE QUR'AN IS FROM OTHER THAN ALLAH THE CREATOR OF CREATION Do they not then consider the Quran carefully? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found therein much contradictions. Chapter 4 verse 82
@optimus7051 2 года назад
God loves us all. No matter what religion. No matter what you believe in. That's why we have convertors. Jesus died for our sins. All of us.
@AvarClan 2 года назад
and he coming back to kill all who don't accept he killed himself for your sins. Revelations 19
@thechingochingo9956 2 года назад
So i can kill innocent people and I won't get any punishment? wow what a just god you have
@imranw16 2 года назад
Then he contradicted ezekil 18 :20. It says no one can be responsible for for others sin.. How the he die for our sins.
@YanPerak 2 года назад
You will not find the answer in the bible you will go to heaven if you make Jesus your god
@A--dk8xg 2 года назад
Your God loves Hitler, Rapists? 🙄
@mcwynwynter2987 2 года назад
That man is sick bro
@adjiedguman67 2 года назад
Brothers dont belief soco coco the mad camera man
@ariyasin1793 2 года назад
he is the one.. was kameramen for hatun..
@sbludba 2 года назад
JC forefathers did human blood sacrifice in Peru. He believes in that for salvation.
@pirokriva 2 года назад
Indeed, those who disbelieve - it is all the same for them whether you warn them or do not warn them - they will not believe. " Baqarah 6 " So br. Shamsi don't bang your head with them. He promissed he will accept islam but he didn't even you showed to him proofs. Here is another verse: In their hearts is disease, so Allah has increased their disease; and for them is a painful punishment because they [habitually] used to lie. " Baqarah 10".
@etikr7307 2 года назад
Why don't set subtitle...
@abuhudaifah_0 2 года назад
But in Christianity you have to accept jesus for salvation. What's with the double standards / hypocrisy.
@pandanigg4 2 года назад
That s why alcohol is bad fir you Christians
@augierogers84 2 года назад
Shamsi must debate bob
@warakanda7356 2 года назад
SubhanAllah Alhamdulillah Walailahaillallah May Allah SWT gives the strength and courage to all our Muslim brothers sisters who sacrifice their times and families by giving dawah for Islam and grant them a place in Jannah. Aamiin. These are some examples of notorious and rude Christians simply arrogantly accosted our Dawah brother attempting to discriminate Islam with all kind of accusations and it was found out that those were lies. Same to this guy here, he is trying to portray the Al Quran has different version, but he couldn't substantiate with an evidence. While they arrogantly defending their Bible that they new were not from word of God, it has been inspired by those anonymous authors with full of discrepancies, misguided and false statements and it has been fabricated. May Allah SWT have mercy on them and open their hearts to know Islam better. Any accusations that were thrown by them and were not found in the Al Quran or the Hadiths, were not true and just lies. In fact Christians do not have anymore ideas to pin down on Islam, therefore they created all kind of false stories and allegations just to have an argument. Then later they were pinned down by our Dawah scholars, and fled. Alhamdulillah. Allah SWT (Almighty) send revelations in Surah Al Ikhlas 112: In the name of God AllahSWT, the Gracious, the Merciful. 1. Say, “He is Allah SWT, the One. 2. Allah SWT, the Absolute. 3. He begets not, nor was He begotten. 4. And there is nothing comparable to Him.” This proof that Allah SWT can't have flesh. Allah SWT doesn't have son and he doesn't bear a son. Anything we see, we feel or we imagine in this world or in the universe is nothing like Allah SWT. If God said to be the son, has flesh and was being crucified, killed or died by human kind, his own creations, that is not God. Jins, in the form of Satan and Iblis are able to enter and intervene into the human body for the purpose of deviating human kind from the true teaching of Islam and bring human kind with them to Jahannam(Hell Fire). Allah SWT doesn't have to come to earth to give revelations and being killed for all the sins of human kind, a disgraceful, stupid and ilogical claimed by Christians. Allah SWT has Angels, Gibrael, who conveys his Revelations to all the Prophets at their time and for their own respective races and within their own community. Only the final Messenger, Prophet Mohammad PBUH was assigned as Messenger to convey the revelations from Allah SWT to all mankind on earth. SubhanAllah.. Alhamdulillah.. May Allah SWT guide those who reverted to Islam, to the true teaching of Islam and being an obedient Muslim, will grant them and all the Ummah with a place in Jannah. Aamiin..🌙🕌🤲💕
@user-72648xz 2 года назад
So.. i have seen someone comment that its hypocritic that Christians say that Muslims worship a man, cause Christians worship Jesus. Lets have a closer look: Well, according to the Bible Jesus Christ says that only through Him, we go to God cause He is the Messiah. To be exact, through acceptance of Him dying for our sins we go to God. Plus Jesus was no ordinary man am i right? But i guess all these things dont matter to someone who doesnt believe in the old scriptures, but rather believes in a book written 600yrs later, which not only implies the christian faith to be false, but the jewish faith too. Its like wiping away over 10 thousand of years from history. Another big point is, how are we talking about the same God, if the Qur'an is mostly the complete opposite of who God originally was/is in the Torah and Bible? In the Qur'an one of Gods titles is "The greatest of Decievers" and from the Old and New Testament we know that this is the title given to Satan, thats literally what we call him because God is not decietful, thats an evil trait. But whats even more interesting to me is, that according to the Qur'an suddenly the Jews arent Gods chosen people anymore lol. Now instead of Jews, Muslims are worth more than anything on this world and Jews (and Christians) are worse than insects in Gods eyes. Again, what happened there? Lol. Not to mention, Jesus said "there will be fake prophets" who will try to decieve us all by speaking in Gods name and they will try to make us abandon Gods teachings. I think by now the Message cant get any clearer than that.. but Muslims tend to just say "Well the Bible and the Torah are corrupted" like are you serious? Lol thats your excuse? Even the Qur'an says you have to respect these books, but most Muslims dont do that at all, not in the slightest. Only westernized Muslims do, because they live in christian countries and they have to adapt. Should i go on? ..By the way im talking about and comparing true Islam to my examples, not the westernized version or the version all the lying sheikh's are telling to millions of Muslims. I have to admit i find it horrible how many people are being decieved, not only by the Qur'an, but the false teachers and scholars who are manipulating their own brothers n sisters of Islam with false interpretations and words from their own scriptures. How do u have to manipulate your own members, just to make them stay in this religion.. This is why thousands of people in Muslim countries are finding their way to God in christianity, because its all about love and truth. They are scares of being killed when saying they dont want to be Muslims anymore or simply by doubting anything from the Qur'an. I dont see this violence in Christian countries.. and i think by now its clear why. The truth doesnt allow such things! May your souls find their way to God 🕊Boi etee ✌🏼
@alaamroo 2 года назад
I don't know why shanai keeps wasting his time with this showman Every argument he has ever came up with has been refuted, and still rejecting the truth
@misshouda1740 2 года назад
Christians are so entertaining 🤣
@imranw16 2 года назад
I saw jc .. Back of mind- What bullshit he brought up!!
@CaliphForCaliphate 2 года назад
Summary: Christian Will Not Accept Islam Because According To Islam To Enter Paradise One Have To Become Muslim, This Christian Man Has Problem With This Idea, But He Has No Problem With The Same Idea In Christianity, To Enter Paradise One Have To Accept Jesus.
@Fayoumi9 2 года назад
"Indeed, the believers, Jews, Christians, and Sabians1-whoever ˹truly˺ believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good will have their reward with their Lord. And there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve." Surah al-baqarah 2:62 Look at that mercy. Wallahi just take a minute and appreciate that verse. We read sometimes and don't reflect upen it. The fact that Allah including the believers, Jews, christians and Serbians, shows you that Allah swt welcomes everyone's into his mercy. Go look in the Torah, bible or any other scripture and try to find a verse to match this verse. You can't, because they are not gods words. "These twelve Jesus sent out, instructing them, “Go nowhere among the Gentiles and enter no town of the Samaritans, Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel." John 10:5-6 "And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil. But He answered her not a word. And His disciples came and urged Him, saying, “Send her away, for she cries out after us.” But he answered and said, "I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel." Matthew 15:22-24 Examples upon examples, i can carry on. They say Jesus came and died for all of us, when it is writing in their book clearly that he was only sent to the lost sheeps of Israel. Wallahi even the word "sent" is their. They say Jesus is god, who came down on earth, but yet he says he has been sent. Who sent him? Amazon or wish? How can god sent god? By Allah, you have been blessed with Islam, and Allah gave us the Quran as a blessing. I end with Allahs words "The Jews and Christians each claim that none will enter Paradise except those of their own faith. These are their desires. Reply, ˹O Prophet,˺ “Show ˹me˺ your proof if what you say is true.”
@mdyunusolamiah1162 2 года назад
Mr soco needs medical attention because he can't hear 🙉 the truth
@akifshah 2 года назад
10:00-10:10 😂🤣
@A-RJ 2 года назад
I wont let you in my house because of your colour then i call you racist for not letting me in your house because of my colour. Christian logic.
@augierogers84 2 года назад
Experience the Christian love
@A-RJ 2 года назад
@@augierogers84 I experienced it 3 times. So thats once according to Christian maths
@sonofbabylonian44 2 года назад
Sahana watala 🤣
@haras5135 2 года назад
As soon as I seen this disingenuous face and read the first comment I knew this clown wasn’t true to his word . He’s just a clown looking for views and fame . Pointless watching the video! May Allah bless our brother Shamsi for even trying . Mashallah he has hope for everyone . Love it . Keep it up brother Shamsi . Just don’t waste time on blinded fools who u know are disrespectful and are only there with pre determined agendas without an ounce of integrity to learn ! JazakAllah Khair
@drive-2786 2 года назад
Did bobby the builder fired Eggface the Cameraman .
@honest3889 2 года назад
SOCO is younger brother of SHREK
@saqibm1792 2 года назад
This guy used to always get humiliated that's why he stuck to just recording video for afew years and now he's trying to debate again and has been humiliated once more.
@arianfreedom 2 года назад
Is surah 43 not 44
@ShortVideoBD1.2M 2 года назад
@rikodanprime85 2 года назад
Shamsi is a showman always turning to the crowd 🤦🏾‍♂️
@peacelngbro547 2 года назад
Its all show me..when it shows again looking for another show me,
@johnappleseed703 2 года назад
@aroundworldnews 2 года назад
من ابو عبدالله اللي يهديه
@mohammedkhalid3684 2 года назад
Brother Shamsi don't bother talking to people like this ,who have no intention of seeking the truth and have a peanut brain.
@mdyunusolamiah1162 2 года назад
Soco wanted to be doctor but without the certificate
@tboss6689 2 года назад
Shamsi is a good Muslim , loves to insult others 🤣🤣🤣
@Iy4zz123 2 года назад
Wallahi the arrogance is killing me. This guy makes no sense and is so stubborn and hypocritical
@JaySamurai79 2 года назад
It would of been a nice conversation if there wasn't the constant mentioning of the guy in the hat being called out for drinking.
@shahzadahmed6638 2 года назад
Jassy has himself on camera twisted and lied about what he originally asked. He said “Show me where muslims are garanteed Janah (paradise)”. So brother Shamsi quoted a verse promising exactly that but and as per usual Jassy and all these Christians lie and change the goal posts. Embarrassing for Jassy the liar.
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