
"Signs Of Our Times": Ven. Fulton Sheen on Anti-Christ & Crisis in the Church & Society (1947) 

Andrew Guernsey
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'Signs of Our Times' A radio sermon by Ven. Fulton J. Sheen delivered on January 26, 1947
Expanded radio address in transcript (below) printed in 'Signs of Our Times' In Light Your Lamps, 8th ed., pp. 5-17. (Huntington, IN: Our Sunday Visitor, 1958): goo.gl/y7kROm
Also included in Fulton J. Sheen, 'Communism and the Conscience of the West' (Bobbs-Merril Company, Indianapolis, 1948), see pp. 22-25 (scanned original): goo.gl/1wQPEs
(5:22) "The Antichrist will not be so called; otherwise he would have no followers. He will not wear red tights, nor vomit sulphur, nor carry a trident nor wave an arrowed tail as Mephistopheles in Faust. This masquerade has helped the Devil convince men that he does not exist. When no man recognizes, the more power he exercises. God has defined Himself as “I am Who am,” and the Devil as “I am who am not. Nowhere in Sacred Scripture do we find warrant for the popular myth of the Devil as a buffoon who is dressed like the first “red.” Rather is he described as an angel fallen from heaven, as “the Prince of this world,” whose business it is to tell us that there is no other world. His logic is simple: if there is no heaven there is no hell; if there is no hell, then there is no sin; if there is no sin, then there is no judge, and if there is no judgment then evil is good and good is evil. But above all these descriptions, Our Lord tells us that he will be so much like Himself that he would deceive even the elect - and certainly no devil ever seen in picture books could deceive even the elect."
(6:38) "How will he come in this new age to win followers to his religion? He will come disguised as the Great Humanitarian; he will talk peace, prosperity and plenty not as means to lead us to God, but as ends in themselves; he will write books on the new idea of God, to suit the way peope live; induce faith in astrology so as to make not the will but the stars responsible for sins; he will explain guilt away psychologically as inhibited eroticism, make men shrink in shame if their fellowmen say they are not broadminded and liberal; he will be so broadminded as to identify tolerance with indifference to right and wrong, truth and error; he will spread the lie that men will never be better until thy make society better and thus have selfishness to provide fuel for the next revolution; he will foster science but only to have armament makers use one marvel of science to destroy another; he will foster more divorces under the disguise that another partner is “vital”; he will increase love for love and decrease love for person; he will invoke religion to destroy religion; he will speak of Christ and say He was the greatest man who ever lived; he will say his mission is to liberate men from the servitude of superstition and Fascism; he will organize children’s games, tell people whom they should and should not marry and unmarry, who should bear children and who should not; he will benevolently draw chocolate bars from his pockets for the little ones, and bottles of milk for the Hottentots; he will tempt Christians with the same three temptations with which he tempted Christ."
(7:56) In the midst of all his seeming love for humanity and his glib talk of freedom and equality, he will have one great secret which he will tell to no one: he will not believe in God. Because his religion will be brotherhood without the fatherhood of God, he will deceive even the elect. He will set up a counter-church which will be the ape of the Church, because he, the Devil, is the ape of God. It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content. It will be a mystical body of the Antichrist that will in all externals resemble the mystical body of Christ."



9 окт 2016




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@olivialouise9117 5 лет назад
Amazing how spot on he was. This is why I'm converting to Catholicism.
@monice8 5 лет назад
Amen. Will be praying for you. Welcome home!
@olivialouise9117 5 лет назад
@@monice8 thank you, I appreciate it ❤️
@1Cheribaby 4 года назад
Olivia Guerrero .... welcome to “The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church “. I myself am still considered a baby catholic. I was baptized, exorcised and confirmed December 22, 2017. Had my First Communion at Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve 2017. It took me until my 60’s to become Catholic....and I feel very blessed to be Catholic. It’s amazing the blinders we wear throughout life...and when the blinders are removed everything is so clear. We cannot unsee the truth.
@timsullivan250 4 года назад
Olivia Guerrero glad to hear praise God
@timsullivan250 4 года назад
The church lost a great speaker
@Ire308 7 лет назад
Ven. Fulton Sheen was a true prophet. He could see our reality when he spoke this words 70 years ago!
@thomasxavier9923 3 года назад
Don't take the killer vaccines www.bitchute.com/video/K4cdTLhuMjLS/
@richardharepax123 4 года назад
To bad that we don't have Venerable Fulton Sheen today we need someone like him as Pope
@winniehall5569 3 года назад
Thank God he was never a pope. He has blessed many as Fulton Sheen. I can't see him as anyone else. I am glad I know Him
@thomasxavier9923 3 года назад
Don't take the killer vaccines www.bitchute.com/video/K4cdTLhuMjLS/
@josephjohn3857 3 года назад
Pray through him....to Christ
@tonyale749 3 года назад
If he is the Pope, they will murder him....
@franzitaduz 7 месяцев назад
Perhaps not, consider Benedict’s fate.
@personofearth5076 6 лет назад
OMG he speaks of today.
@franksgattolin8904 3 года назад
Yes, he does.
@mistybuttercup110 3 года назад
@thomasxavier9923 3 года назад
Don't take the killer vaccines www.bitchute.com/video/K4cdTLhuMjLS/
@fransnongka5074 4 года назад
Only this last few months I an Indonesian followed Bishop Fulton Sheen"s show. He indeed deserved to be beatified. Praise Lord
@bellaveritas2378 6 лет назад
Thank you for posting. Bishop Sheen was a most devout and intelligent Bishop. It was through him and his TV show that converted many to the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church.
@thomasxavier9923 3 года назад
Don't take the killer vaccines www.bitchute.com/video/K4cdTLhuMjLS/
@Laugkh 3 года назад
I thank god that I found ven sheen he’s a saint to me 🙏❤️
@johnnocera3034 5 месяцев назад
Absolutely prophetic words. I just reverted to Catholicism. Considering that fact that I was Protestant pastor for 39 years that's saying a great deal. Why did I revert? Study of Scripture, extensive Church history research from early church fathers, and the fact that Protestant worship is more about making people feel comfortable, having "fun", and singing songs so loud you can barely hear yourself think.
@marynadononeill 10 дней назад
God Bless you John and welcome home.
@terminalwaltz 4 года назад
Yeah. He's talking about 2020.
@thomasxavier9923 3 года назад
Don't take the killer vaccines www.bitchute.com/video/K4cdTLhuMjLS/
@padraiggluck5633 4 года назад
When I was a young boy we would watch Archbishop Sheen on live tv. I admired and trusted him. He was intelligent and would sometimes punctuate his homily with dramatic gestures. I believe he was a good man and I hope to meet him again one day soon.
@willbranson3216 6 лет назад
Probably the saddest sign of our times would be if Fulton Sheen, or any pastor, were to deliver such a homily today, he'd be immediately branded a fanatic.
@thomasxavier9923 3 года назад
Don't take the killer vaccines www.bitchute.com/video/K4cdTLhuMjLS/
@mrsandmom5947 7 лет назад
Ven Fulton Sheen, you were the best..these words apply today.
@mistybuttercup110 3 года назад
@paisley293 Год назад
TODAY 2023!
@TrveLatinCel Год назад
@@paisley293 yep
@paulaudialterampartem6906 7 лет назад
Great man of God
@fides249 4 года назад
Bishop Fulton J. Sheen has always been spot-on on current world issues. Product of his daily hour contemplation in the Blessed Sacrament.
@tesstele 5 лет назад
Oh my God, that's why they're keeping Bishop Fulton Sheen from being canonized a saint so to prevent we Catholics from listening to the Truth from Our Blessed Lord...may God helps us become all saints.
@revconyers4333 4 года назад
Any one washed by the blood of the lamb, is a saint in God's eye.
@gusbeau1 3 года назад
Thanks be to Jesus & Mary we have his books, his video tapes, his cassettes & Whatever else is out there for us to listen to nowadays. God, he was such a wonderful, holy priest. Honest, courageous, loyal & lived His Christ -like Obedience. Our Lady will see “her son” get his justice, he’ll be canonized in & by the One, Holy, Catholic Church founded & loved by her Son, Jesus Christ. I hope I do not come across as “triumphant” in tone, here. It’s just that even as a child I loved this dear man. Felt so blessed that he was “ours”. In short, I love & thank God for lending him to us for the years He did. I have a personal typewritten short note addressed & sent to me in 1977 after my dear mom’s death. He was a kind & gentleman. ❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹🌹🙏🏼
@gusbeau1 3 года назад
That’s the usual way we all go, friend. It’s a real fight.
@gusbeau1 3 года назад
The holy Catholic Church (which gave us The Bible) doesn’t teach against what you quote. Please, pray for me.
@gusbeau1 3 года назад
Pray while you read. You are still in the deep forest & you are not seeing the “trees”. God bless you. Truth knows no Time. It’s a constant, it is of God.
@anselmwilliam3146 4 года назад
I am strugling verymucy to save my soul,but with hope faith,Amen.
@Hbmd3E 3 года назад
Surrender! To Him. You cant save your self. Only he can. And after surrendering you get his righteusness and peace.
@rhope3019 3 года назад
Keep in mind Jesus was on a cross next to two criminals one who mocked him and the other who asked him to remember him when he entered into his kingdom Jesus Said “ Today you will be in paradise with me.” He could forgive even at that point. We all have hope after his greatest sacrifice
@Hbmd3E 3 года назад
Your additude feels good. Strugle is sign that you may have saving faith already. Gentiles in the world dont feel the fight. Receive the HolySpirit, its biblical. Rom. 8:12 Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Luk. 11:13 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him? Joh. 13:20 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth me; and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me. Joh. 14:15 I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. 1Cor. 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 1Cor. 2:12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. Tit. 3:5 Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost Rom. 7:18 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.
@thomasxavier9923 3 года назад
Don't take the killer vaccines www.bitchute.com/video/K4cdTLhuMjLS/
@teraguest6252 3 года назад
Check out saint Ignatius of loyola
@nardforu131 6 лет назад
Absolutely amazing, profound sermon from Venerable Fulton Sheen.
@VictorMartinez-mp2ml 2 года назад
Bishop Sheen is one of a few Holy souls in the Catholic Church that adds people to the Church and keep people in the Catholic Church.
@landsbergerandy 7 лет назад
Floods, earthquakes, famine, communities against communities, religion against religion, friends of the past are now enimies, brother against sister, children against parents, chaos in governments, lies, selfishness, hate, greed, vanity, and even the church is not spared, as there are so many freemasons in the vatican holding high leadership roles. What must God be thinking of all this chaos in the world? Its 2017 and if the world was having problems in 1947, so what will the world be in the next 70 years?
@julianphillips2100 5 лет назад
God bless St. Fulton J. Sheen!
@adammooney2415 3 года назад
"He will identify tolerance as indifference to right and wrong". My God his accuracy is eerie....
@SharpCats371 7 лет назад
Peace be with you; Good Lenten Journey, God bless you...in name of Jesus Christ, thanks praise glory to God, amen.
@Joseph-M44 4 года назад
Will we ever witness in our times another one of his kind? Uncompromising truth as it meant to be delivered.
@izbavynasotlukavago 3 года назад
Abp Vigano
@mistybuttercup110 3 года назад
Most probably NOT- because they are punished by the infiltration of the Anti-Christ in the VATICAN! SEE DR TAYLOR MARSHALL’s channel.
@waxjr 3 года назад
Father Altman...Check him out. He speaks truth.
@thomasxavier9923 3 года назад
Don't take the killer vaccines www.bitchute.com/video/K4cdTLhuMjLS/
@chriscas2012 7 лет назад
Wow! Thanks for posting this! If things were this bad in 1947 what would Bishop Sheen say to us in 2017? Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
@jeffreyhenry4503 7 лет назад
your lady of fatima is an idol and cannot pray for you, and asking an idol to do so is idolatry, and a damnable sin, for you are rejecting the finished work of Christ, and thinking you need someone other than the Holy Spirit and Christ Himself to intervene - You reject the stripes of Christ, and His blood, which he endured to give His Children direct access directly to the Father, and need not ANY OTHER AGENT.
@murad0530 7 лет назад
You talk about Jesus Mother like that, you will not look good with Jesus. Will pray for you
@moralesgigi1328 7 лет назад
mama Mary is chosen by God...
@moralesgigi1328 7 лет назад
mama Mary is chosen by God...
@chorusetcantus5109 6 лет назад
"What will the world be like it if rejects entirely Our Lady, which is to reject Our Lord, because if you reject Our Lady you're not going to have Our Lord as Savior. You will have one great big Gulag." Wanna find out what hell is like? "Go and try living in a communist Gulag." Those who managed to survive it quite agreed. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-EG3ohELIFpc.html
@brendalittlejohn8730 3 года назад
Bishop Sheen, was in the fifties a great inspiration and today, a prophet The young people of today would be wise to listen to his talks. I'm sure their parents would see that what he says has come true. I think their would be less addictive behavior if all parents would expose their children to his talks. May God help our world to see that we are destroying ourselves! God. Bless our country and the world!
@MCS1993 6 лет назад
God have Mercy on us
@SmithsnMoz 6 лет назад
Stay close to Our Blessed Mother, Pray the Holy Rosary, Stay in a state of Grace( Make use of HOLY SACRAMENTS), do Holy hours and attend Holy Mass(,Receive jesus in the Eucharist) as often as possible! ...and pray for God's Mercy for this backward world! .. THAT'S MY BEST ADVICE TO KEEP IN THE CORRECT PATH TO HEAVEN!
@aimformyheadplease 4 года назад
Amen to all you wrote. We are in a period where we have access to Our Lord's Divine Mercy like no other period in the history of His Church, we need to do all we can to meet Him halfway and receive this Mercy, not by our own means alone but by the grace and the power of the Holy Spirit. God bless you SmithsnMoz, for the sake of His sorrowful passion have mercy on us, and on the whole world.
@mwidunn 2 года назад
Why is staying close to Mary -- and, not Jesus -- your first counsel? If that is your "BEST ADVICE," I will pass on it. It is, perhaps, better to follow the command of the Father: "This is My beloved Son. Listen to Him!" (Mk. 9:7).
@SmithsnMoz 2 года назад
@@mwidunn ... Nobody stays closer to Our Lord Jesus Christ closer than His beloved mother. .. She Only brings Christ to us my friend..God love you Matthew
@mwidunn 2 года назад
@@SmithsnMoz Jesus first; Jesus always. Let the rest follow! Please, read "Lumen Gentium," ch. 8!
@greysonthecat 6 лет назад
This is prophecy. Like he saw into 2018!
@mistybuttercup110 3 года назад
In 2020.
@thomasxavier9923 3 года назад
Don't take the killer vaccines www.bitchute.com/video/K4cdTLhuMjLS/
@rosethornil 4 года назад
Archbishop Sheen was our American saint. Thanks be to God that these sermons are available on RU-vid.
@salmavillagomez242 4 года назад
Wha a prophet! He’s describing what is happening today, 2019.
@rosethornil 4 года назад
That’s how you know that he really was a man of God. I’m not a Catholic but I’m crazy about archbishop Sheen.
@designsolutions8927 4 года назад
These are all in the bible. It is not his prophesy but observation.
@blindknitter 7 месяцев назад
@helenlebo4170 3 года назад
I remember my mother watching him when I was a little girl he was before his time he is speaking of our time right now he still speaks to us and teaches us and leads us from Heaven by God’s grace everyone take heed of these messages that bishop Fulton J Sheen is speaking he is speaking of us right now God bless you all let’s put up the good fight be salty
@robertphillps3747 6 лет назад
This is accurate beyond much that has been current..
@mariacortez5931 2 года назад
Wow. I hope to give him a great hug in heaven
@paulabeltran6166 4 года назад
he is in the glory with God Pray for us Fulton Sheen the world is collapsin into sin very deeply especially this new generation
@thomasxavier9923 3 года назад
Don't take the killer vaccines www.bitchute.com/video/K4cdTLhuMjLS/
@fluffystaley7339 3 года назад
Breathtakingly prophetic.
@mamiejackson3862 Год назад
I miss him I use to watch him all the time! He was different and right on! Sleep In Heavenly Peace 🕊️🕊️🕊️
@OriginalAyron 3 года назад
We cannot keep our mouths shut anymore. We need to speak up of God's kingdom even though we are persecuted or threatened with cancel culture. Be fearless, our lord goes before us. He said the world hated him first. We will be on the right side of history and save our nation and when our time comes we will hear.. well done, good and faithful servant.
@personofearth5076 6 лет назад
Thank you for this post Andrew.
@applepie5171 4 года назад
Watching it today on 07/20/2020. 🙏🙏🙏never too late. Truth is timeless.
@happy1831 3 года назад
7/24/2020 🌹
@koshaplummer5815 3 года назад
@galadethlaernis6266 4 года назад
Soon to be Blessed Fulton Sheen, pray for us!!!🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 Truly he is a Saint for our times!!! He needs to be officially recognized as a Doctor of the Church!
@societyofroodest.590ad9 3 года назад
Always loved him. I remember watching him on TV when I was just a lad. He was a true man of God.
@followeroftheway8454 3 года назад
Thank you for sharing this important prophetic message.
@michelleb1 3 года назад
The true wisdom of this man comes through in this video audio. Truly a man of wisdom and he obviously was a mystic in the church. Knowing how profound his words of everything that is happening now are all coming true at this moment.
@dluebbert4626 6 лет назад
@chuimataisinglai8235 2 года назад
Great sermon ever Love a lot from Baptist
@christopherbellon4560 6 лет назад
Thank you for sharing this!
@eddytamayo3200 4 года назад
Thank you for uploading - please all y'all pray for mercy and repentance/conversion of sinners
@paulbutterworthbillericay Год назад
'Red Sky at night, shepherd's delight, red sky in the morning shepherd's warning'. Wise words in this sermon, love the way his words hit hard but true
@feaokautai7354 3 года назад
Your excellent teachings ...relevant to our life today. Please pray for our salvation VENERABLE Bishop Fulton Sheen. You are a saint knowing our false identification of the world with immorality. Please pray for us sinners to return to GOD MORALITY. Amen! Amen!
@feaokautai7354 3 года назад
Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen!!
@mohancharles3158 3 года назад
Amazing! I want to follow his other videos too,as much as possible and Asap.Praise be to God The Father and the Lord Jesus Christ! Mother Mary pray for us! Greetings from Colombo Sri Lanka!👍😇🌹🌹🌹
@followeroftheway8454 3 года назад
His best and most telling truth in preaching I have heard. All must here this, especially important in these times. God bless him.
@georgethomas8243 4 года назад
I don't understand this english because I am not well in language but god already blessed him and fr. Pray for me
@marynadononeill 10 дней назад
Oh my God! 1947!! And I say that as a prayer to my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Fulton Sheen has been given to us as a prophet though he said he didn't wan to be one. He describes as the result of all he is saying exactly what we are living now. Lord have Mercy.
@japojo1958 4 года назад
Now we can see why the likes of Dolan and Bergolio hate Sheen. Sheen was brilliant and spoke of the likes of those two.
@paulabeltran6166 4 года назад
Dolan and Pope Francis are consecrated we need to pray for them everyday do sacrifices and penances they need to be iluminated by the Holy Spirit to lead them to the true as Sheen did !
@lidiasoares5675 3 года назад
Venerable Fulton Sheen, Servant of God, pray for America so that God stops evil from succeeding with Fraud and lies and manipulations.
@roxanatapia7428 4 года назад
este santo hombre profetizo lo que iba a dares y se esta dando ahora, grande monsenor Sheen
@neilwatson2412 4 года назад
For such a time as this
@saransiri2779 5 лет назад
I wonder how he’ll speak about crisis in the church these day if he were alive.
@pattiday431 5 лет назад
As FJS said remain in a state of grace, pray the rosary, and ask St. Michael to be our protector.
@pjoseph1658 3 года назад
The Greatest Saint of the 20th Century! He was a fiery Seraph!!! And spoke TRUTH!! I wish that our own priests of today would speak this way, and only the Truth, as Sheen did.
@Iwtchutube 4 года назад
Where are the great men and women such as the great Fulton J Sheen? I wish he was with us today. We so desperately need him and ones like him today! God send us a great man liken to your servant venerable FJ Sheen.
@janec.kowalczyk5824 3 года назад
May God Bless Bishop Sheen & The Whole World. These are the end times 9/11/20
@thomasxavier9923 3 года назад
Don't take the killer vaccines www.bitchute.com/video/K4cdTLhuMjLS/
@harryfaber 5 лет назад
Wow. That was powerful!
@imnotmelvin3 5 лет назад
Please pray the rosary. Satan hates it. the 100 yrs are over Jesus is returning very soon repent confession repeat and share. :)
@paulabeltran6166 4 года назад
@FrankRGodBlessJohnVoightHeisri 10 месяцев назад
Fulton Sheen was spot on! How truly prophetic the Bishop was. We live in the end times now. Wake up for your redemption draws near. Be not deceived. In the end the triumph of the Immaculate of Mary will defeat the forces of evil.
@followeroftheway8454 3 года назад
All should hear this truth. Amen
@lidiasoares5675 3 года назад
Wow!!! He was hitting the nail on the head for 2020!!! who is that making themselves as humanitarians??!!!
@darlenemagee6351 3 года назад
Thank you so much for sharing god bless and stay safe
@eliot451reade5 4 года назад
The year is 2020 and thank goodness we have Trump to set things right again.
@paulabeltran6166 4 года назад
pray for his re election!!!
@FrankRGodBlessJohnVoightHeisri 10 месяцев назад
Saint Michael the Archangel pray for us. God love you.
@rezmetis6723 5 лет назад
Truth and light
@feaokautai7354 3 года назад
Praise God for your moral brilliance! Pray for the U.S.A as she journeys towards 2020 Presidental election to bring a MORAL PRESIDENT THAT LOVES HUMANITY THRU PROTECTING LIFE OF UNBORN CHILDREN AGAINT CULTURE OF DEATH.
@angelasneed8006 3 года назад
Sounds like 2020 ... We are quickly coming to the end of the church age ... I’m not denomination oriented as God speaks through many people and this man is one of those ... 🙏🏻✝️🙏🏻 You will either follow the Worldview or Gods View ...
@Lerian_V 3 года назад
How would you know God's view exactly?
@feaokautai7354 3 года назад
Praise God for your wisdom in you VENERABLE Bishop Fulton Sheen for your genius teachings in our world today as in the U.S.A of modern liberalism death culture against life of absolute God. Pray for us saint VENERABLE BISHOP FULTON SHEEN for the MERCY OF GOD.
@martinedalo5595 10 месяцев назад
Oh how I love him!
@catherinegiuliano8573 10 месяцев назад
God bless Fulton Sheen ❤
@szudy76 4 года назад
St. Sheen ❤️🥰🥰
@sabrinawanderer7560 3 года назад
@erichyde2581 3 года назад
"There is no apartness. We who were sent out to establish a center of health have caught the disease, and therefore have lost the power to heal. And since the gold is mixed with an alloy, the entirety must be thrust into the furnace that the dross may be burnt away." Wow!!!
@felixjrsanbuenaventura1791 Год назад
@julianphillips2100 5 лет назад
His voice sounds deeper here than on the tv show.
@jaysomewhereinflyoverterri735 3 года назад
He describes what is being taught in our universities today. He also describes our present pope, Frances.
@honestyquality3565 3 года назад
“””We’re at the end of a non religious end of human history “””
@jean-guydallaire6527 3 года назад
"God loves you..." the words that Bishop Sheen begins with... and speaking of the people of that time, he says... they asked for a sign. He reminds us of God Divine Mercy, asks us to pray and that God loves us. We are in 2020, and signs are everywhere... even in the heavens... and we must lean to see them.
@stevelawrence5268 3 года назад
So few words are said so in light much is conveyed.
@mrsandmom5947 3 года назад
Its all come true
@daisy317mi 9 месяцев назад
@tonysaid6184 Год назад
The last part of Abp. Sheen's talk is pure Americanism: the religion of the humanist betterment of mankind that earlier in the talk he had so perspicaciously exposed and forcefully condemned. No man by obeying his conscience stays in a religion that is not the one true religion, the Catholic Church; he stays there or embraces a false or heretical religion because he has shut his ears to Christ mercifully speaking the Truth to him in his heart, and calling him to conversion and baptism.. "Behold I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice and open the door I will come in unto him and sup with him." - Apocalypse. "Whoever is of the truth hears My voice." -Christ before Pilate; "Why can you not hear my words? Because you are not of my sheep." "My sheep hear My voice..." - Christ to the unbelieving Pharisees. "They have not received the love of the Truth; therefore God sends them the operation of error to believe lying." - St Paul: Romans Abp. Sheen had already unwittingly embraced the heresy that denies (through impious caveats and sopisticated obfuscation) that there is no salvation for any person outside actual membership in the mystical body of Christ , the Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church; and that membership is given only to those who convert, profess the integral Catholic faith, and who desire and receive the regenerating Sacrament of Baptism. It is this error which he no doubt held, as we see per this last statement of this talk, which has been embraced and is taught as De Fide doctrine by almost the entire clergy, including so-called traditionalists, and especially the men in papal robes and who sat/sit in the Chair of Peter during and after the Vatican II Council, which is responsible for the chaos and the horrendous scandals among the clergy world wide, the soul-damning sacrileges permitted at mass , and the moral laxity and loss of faith in the Eucharist of most people (70%) who still call themselves "catholic". To embrace this false doctrine is to say that Magisterium of the Catholic Church in its infallible canons on this crucial and foundational dogma of the Faith has been in error, and that therefore God, who has taught us through the authentic voice of His Church is a liar: "He who hears you, hears Me." "We are all Americans, whatever our religious beliefs... so we work together for...." what? Do you see how the liberal democratic ideology with its disguised mountain-high hubris that this priest, (as were all of us), was raised in, and which glorifies the American nation with its this world oriented "American Dream" of earthly prosperity and "pursuit of happiness" as the greatest nation on earth and even in all history, has lodged itself in the very depths of the souls of millions of Catholics and their clergy, and is discovered even the soul of a man like this, who is so right and Catholic in so much that he says, and yet is so tragically wrong in this the matter of salvation in false religions and cooperation between and with them to fight evil, as if they were not sources of evil in themselves, and the worst enemies of Truth and ultimately of unity and peace in nations and in the world. Tragic! No wonder then that we have had four (or is it five to date?) Assisi "in- human-solidarity-we-stand-united" prayer events, which teach most visibly and unmistakably this error and body forth a world universal Church of all religions (or none!) which requires a "new evangelization". One more thing: Abp.Sheen says that "the elect will be deceived". This is untrue: Our Lord says: "..such that, IF IT WERE POSSIBLE, even the elect would be deceived." Draw your own conclusions about the Archbishop.... and about yourselves.
@bedrosnersesyan6975 3 года назад
THIS is a Catholic Christian. Ora pro nobis Fulton. 🙏📿
@kevincassidy1983 11 месяцев назад
Love a good mass
@whiteflame8249 6 месяцев назад
A brilliant sermon even after listening to it several times. There are some errors in the transcript. Am happy to edit them if you wish.
@heathenhammer2344 Год назад
Perfect description of Bergoglio
@abbie.ireland 3 года назад
He sounds so well spoken and authoritative.
@Lerian_V 3 года назад
Just like St. Paul the apostle.
@paulabeltran6166 4 года назад
can u post it with subtitles please!!!!!
@AndrewGuernsey 4 года назад
There's auto generated subtitles. Here's a transcript: drive.google.com/file/d/0B65x5F_RAFfwcVQ0MXM5NURpVGs/view
@grandlotus1 11 месяцев назад
I pray the cause for his sainthood advances.
@tribeasher8129 3 года назад
Fatima 3rd secret....... should be given to the public. Cardinal Vigano. Thanks. Peace.. Live FATIMA
@reginabillotti Год назад
9:07 Has some audio been lost here?
@Arthur_McGowan 3 года назад
The announcer sounds like Don Pardo.
@suzanasaloma7356 6 лет назад
Saint Veronica Giuliani Visions of Hell (THE FULL VERSION) . PLEASE READ AND SHARE TO PRIESTS, FAMILY, FRIENDS, ENEMIES AND STRANGERS ALIKE. . "In a sudden, I found myself in a dark, deep and smelly, you heard bulls, braying of donkeys, lion roars, whistles of snakes, ghastly confusion of voices, and thunders that contributed great terror and fear. I saw flashes of fire and dense smoke. I cried out for help, but nothing! I seemed to see a big mountain all covered with snakes, the snakes and reptiles braided together, no one recognized the other, and in quantity without a number. Beneath them, I heard curses and ghastly voices, I turned to my angels, I asked them what those voices were, and they told me that there were many damned souls, and that this place was their prison. At this point it opened immediately, the great mountain, and I seemed to see it all filled with demons and damned souls! In large numbers! The damned souls and demons were stuck together as if they were one, and the demons were connected with the damned souls with chains of fire as if the demons and souls were the same thing though every soul had so many demons upon which could not be counted. The way in which I saw this I cannot describe it, but I understood, but I do not say anything of what it is. Suddenly I was transported to another mountain where bulls and horses were unbridled which continuously and viciously but one another. These demons issued fire from their eyes, mouth and nose, they had swords and sharp teeth that seemed to be devouring and chewing up some type of objects into pieces. I then suddenly realized that these were SOULS of the damned with the clash of their kicking and devouring the souls, what terror it was. Do not ever stop and realize that this last forever. Then I saw other mountains with most ruthless torments, but it is impossible to describe, and the human mind can never, ever understand. In the midst of this place, there is a horrible throne, high, broad, and composed of demons! There is a horrible struggle, in the middle of the devils throan as the demons who make up this horrible throan are always warring with each other. The chair is made up of mostly demons, the head and the principal. Here it is sitting, Lucifer, ghastly, horrible. O God! What can describe such horror! More horrible and ugly than all other demons. Satan seems to have a head the size of a hundred heads, and it is full of very long spikes on top of each of which there is like an eye, big as a head of cattle, which sends arrows fire burning all of hell. And although this is a very big place comprising innumerable damned souls and demons, all see Lucifer without veil no matter where they are tormented Lucifer is always seen by all, and all in hell are suffering the same torments over seeing Lucifer. Lucifer sees all, and everyone sees him. Here, my angels, made me understand that, as in heaven, the sight of God, face to face, makes everyone infinitely happy and blessed, those in hell, will forever have the ugly face of Lucifer, this diabolical monster. They see Lucifer, face to face the enemy of God at all times to their ever lasting horror, and having lost God forever, and ever, they will only know horror. Lucifer stands out so that all the damned always sees him to their horror. Lucifer cursed and blasphemed all, it is all cursed and curses, and it haunts, and torture all for eternity. And how long is this? I asked my angels, and they answered me: Forever, for all eternity. O God! I cannot say anything, of what I have learned and been made to understand, with words, we do not have words in our way of unferdtanding. Here, now, I saw something that filled me with horro. The cushion in the chair of Lucifer, that was seated in that throne. It was the soul of Judas! And under the feet of Lucifer was a very big cushion, all torn and horrible. I was made to understand that these were souls of bad Religious who performed their duties to our Lord's Church poorly and Lukewarm; suddenly the throne was opened and I saw among numerous demons that were under the chair, a large amount of what appeared to be animald. Then I asked my Angels: Who are these? And they told me that they were prelates, Head of the Church, and the superiors of Religion. O God! Each soul suffers, all the damned souls of others torment each other, and I seemed to be made to understand that my being there was a torment to all the demons! And all the souls in hell. However I was not only accompanied by my Angels, but I was also accompanied incognito by my dear Mother, Mary most holy, because without her, I would have died of fright. I will not say more, because I cannot say anything. All I said is nothing, and everything I've heard from the preachers in the Church is nothing. The human mind and soul does not have the ability to portray the horrors, pains and torments of hell. This journey to this horrid place was very good, made me make the decision of departing from everything and to do my Catholic duties with more perfection as I am so neglectful now. In hell there is a place for everyone, and there is still my place, if I perform my duties bad or commit even one mortal sin without Confession.. May everything be all to the glory of God, according to the will of God, for God, God! On another occasion I was brought back down to hell and this time it was the devil who showed me hell. “It seems that the tempter showed my soul hell being opened, and that in fact he had placed my soul in it, and that only a small push was needed to cast me inside forever. It seemed then that I heard screams and voices of lamentation from the damned. I saw infernal monsters, many serpents, many ferocious animals, and an infernal stench and extremely hot flames, which were so big that their height could not be measured. I could only compare it to the distance between heaven and earth. As far as the size of the place, one could not see the beginning or the end, it was so vast. You could hear many blasphemies and curses against God. How sad. What torment this caused my soul.” After that I was shown hell once more: “At that moment I was once again shown hell opened; and it seemed many souls descended there, they were so ugly and black that they struck terror in me. They all dropped down in a rush, one after the other, and once they had entered those chasms there was nothing to be seen but fire and flames.” This led me to offer myself as a victim of Divine Justice: “My Lord, I offer myself to stand here as a doorway, so that no one may enter down there and lose Thee.” Then I stretched out my arms and said, “As long as I stand in this doorway, no one shall enter. O souls, go back! My God, I ask nothing else of Thee but the salvation of sinners. Send me more pains, more torments, more crosses!” The Blessed Virgin Mary speaking to Veronica about her trips to hell told her, “When you were going around hell, you came across torments and tormentors at every step; but that time when you went by the seat of Lucifer, you were terrified at seeing so many souls were on the seat of Lucifer himself. This is in the center of hell and is seen by all the damned, by all the devils, and this sight causes all of them great suffering. I also let you know that, in the same way that the sight of God in Paradise constitutes Paradise itself; down there in hell, the sight of Lucifer is what constitutes hell.” The Blessed Virgin Mary also told her, “Many do not believe that hell exists, and I tell you yourself, who have been there, have understood nothing of what hell is.”
@drcholyboy 8 дней назад
All about Francis the great maestre masón in rome and his pervert clerical legión (Tucho, Martin, MacCarrick, Donovan, Parolin, Rupnik, zanchetta, Villa-no etc etc etc.
@deborahn.6215 3 года назад
Go to You tube and listen to PAUL HARVEY 1965... "IF I WERE THE DEVIL" it will give you chills !
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