
Silkroad 10D 70:70 Sword/Shield PvP 

kaWs SRO
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50% 1

lv 94
70:70 Sword/Shield
Masteries atm: 93 Bicheon / 92 fire / 60Ice / 55 Light
Masteries @100: 100Bicheon/100Fire/60Ice/40Light
Song download:




16 июл 2009




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@schiedam90 15 лет назад
Thanks, good to see you like it ^^
@Hassbolzen 15 лет назад
Finally you got back to your old style of music :) Very happy to see that. Keep this up in the future! Greetings
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
hehe thanks ^^ Btw i watched all those disney movies from ur channel...so nice u put them up on youtube^^
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
Hehe thanks, this is the music style i like best indeed^^
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
Oh nice, i remember you from the srf forum. Yeah u made this guide about the build, it kinda inspired me. I prefer s/s the most for pvp(not really good for pve since u wont 1 nuke mobs so you have to use bicheon skills). Bow is really great for pve, but a bit less for pvp imo (but still ok). Spear is kinda in between :)
@PanCake639 15 лет назад
new build ,sweet :) I was 70 70 archer few weeks ago :) now i use spear .never thought that s/s would work ^^
@FCKALL666 14 лет назад
nice vid 5* u can´t have nukes with this build 70;70? with mag atack u have low dmg? pls answer :) ty xD GL
@tubehax 15 лет назад
you got a kickass character there, nj
@haroldoduarte7420 13 лет назад
what u think is better for this build ? ice/light or fire/ice? w8ing for ur answer atm farming a char :P
@tubehax 15 лет назад
that is pretty badass
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
Well it's a pretty all-round build imo. And yea, it kinda works for either bow,spear and s/s.
@odaithebest 15 лет назад
man i love u :D your musik your cha all :) nice effekts 5****
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
I had my doubts about this build as well..but i never seen a high lv one so i knew i could be wrong :) Kinda surprised me too.
@AninhaNinah 15 лет назад
really nice n kinda fits the song. ;D 5/5
@XxBigRedxX 15 лет назад
I would never ever think that this build would have worked o.O
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
Thanks! When i'm 96 and (hopefully) somewhat farmed i'll make another (in around 2 weeks i hope since my i-net recently has turned his back to me =.=)
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
Thank u ^_^
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
Oh yeah i've seen it now hehe, nice vid of yours btw ;) Is this really your last time you'll enter the world of sro? Because i would like a rematch when we are equal lvls :D
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
Thanks bro :)
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
I do handle with it, i reply on your feedback @ the vid. Anyway...where do you make up i recieve much dmg? My set aint great, not the last tier so not worth spending too much gold on it :), but it's not like i get hits which are rly a threat to me(maybe a crit without snow)....is it?
@HeroTwinkii 12 лет назад
@thephrone 15 лет назад
Nice video ... but i want ask about something .. it's normal in ur server use vigor with chinise with us in pvp :S ? !!
@1337NukerFTW 15 лет назад
thx bro ;) u r dutch right? i just wanna know if this built can own pure int ss nuker cuz they are damn strong as well this cap ^^
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
oh, i'll upload the song and put it in my description thingy of this vid.
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
I did pvp some, too bad couldnt find one lv 94+. But i'll remember that build for my next vid for sure, more ppl asked me about it^^
@schiedam90 14 лет назад
Going s/s is worth it. Especially since you're halfway reskilling now. The higher lvl you get the more fun it will become, really :) I already regret i skilled back to bow after s/s. If i didnt get the sunbow i would have stayed s/s for sure :).
@ArturStaturTastatur 15 лет назад
gutes video :)
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
Thx bro ;)
@NanoSpyder 15 лет назад
Yea, you're totally right xD It looks like the 80 cap with the new skills. Giving Stats -> KD -> Giving Stats -> KD .. and so on :-D But I'm looking forward for your vids :-) So keep it up ^^
@99uknown99 12 лет назад
Lekker bezig Nederlanders :^^
@EathshakinG 15 лет назад
Cool, gratulation! I saw a good video, thx:)
@Konfleik 13 лет назад
@HaOz0r It's called "experimentation". All builds has pros and cons ;)
@schiedam90 14 лет назад
Cool :) Well 100fire/100cold is possible, but will cost helluva sp :) With light 40/ice60 i still have 40% snow with +10% mag attack. But i think both builds will work fine =]
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
Thanks eayh =]
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
For pvp i like s/s the most. I can tank alot and still kill with s/s. With spear and bow i couldnt survive long w/o snow. And i wanted to try something different so i choose s/s. For PvE 70:70 bow is the best tho.
@Mazze206 15 лет назад
yeaa thats awesome^^ i never thought that 70:70 would be that strong as s/s nuker^^ really great but i'm excited if u can win against bladers too xD 5*
@schiedam90 14 лет назад
Haha, thanks ^^
@odaithebest 15 лет назад
very nice O.o
@hrelt 15 лет назад
one noobie question. How do you see 70:70, without gear or with?^^ cool video
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
Thanks^^ Well i just pvped with Juulke vs _kaWs_(let a friend play on it) and he was pretty hard to kill with snow xD
@NanoSpyder 15 лет назад
Hey shiedam :-) At first, it's cool too see that you changed your build of Heuksal -> Bicheon. But i never thought that a 70:70 S/S Build would make such a high damage ! But why aren't you nuking? And you're using a lil bit too much KD-Skills ^^ Anyway 5* !! Zaister [Alps]
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
Thx, yeah at lower lvls the difference in dmg isn't rly great, mostly str win the pvps there. It's worth it in the end imo.
@NiTGarN 15 лет назад
good, very good 5*
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
Well atm i have a +18% phy buff(lv 94) and a +10%mag buff(light 40). This imo, including the other buffs of fire (mag def,fire wall, fire shield,). If i would go full light i would have like...18% mag attck increase. Those 18% phy attack damage makes up for the 8% mag attack loss imo. Plus, i will have a better mag def.
@VRex96 14 лет назад
One Question, I wonder cause Hybrid build are a little complicated to place good mastery, one main thing is always 100% Weap. I have a Hybrid 2:1 s/s and Im not sure of what to do : 100 Bicheon/fire 60 light 40 cold or 40 light 60 cold or 100 Bicheon/Light 88 cold 12 fire.
@MrStoned93 13 лет назад
what is 70:70?
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
Thanks. Ja ach, je hebt ze er altijd tussen zitten :) Waarschijnlijk zat er een build tussen die hij zelf erg goed vind of iets dergelijks, anders snap ik echt niks van dat soort gasten mja ^^
@Alps4ever 15 лет назад
whats ur hp mp?its a good char
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
Nice, i'ts all worth it imo ^^
@darkrabitt 15 лет назад
ah oke man :) well done! 5*
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
They arent that weak as i thought they would be. I didnt add them that time because i lacked sp. When i'm lv 96 i'll make a new movie with (hopefully) the new fire nuke :).
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
Alright :) I actually wanted to wait until i was lv 98 to come with another vid, but i see alot of positive comments so i might make another one soon ;).
@schiedam90 14 лет назад
Nah i think a snow is needed for a hybrid. For a hybrid s/s, 32% could be enough(ice40/light 60). But i still reccommend 60ice/40light. But both will do fine i guess :)
@Janickvangelder 14 лет назад
How many HP and MP you have ?
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
Yeah i switched to s/s because i was kinda bored with spear. Plus, i died pretty fast without snowshield after all.
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
Alright guys...70:70 is different from 1:1, lets make that clear. It's also not 1:2. It's somewhere between (a bit like 2:3 = 1:1.5 ratio i think).
@someoneontheinternet6088 15 лет назад
Wat betekent 70:70? 70 int en str?
@1337NukerFTW 15 лет назад
hey bro its me again :D i know i can annoy :P i saw that u will skill light 40 and ice 60? why don't u do ice 100? is it because of the mag dmg +?
@JustDeniz 14 лет назад
heej s/s hoe zit die build inelkaar qua skills en qua int str?
@10wilko 15 лет назад
Welke Server speel jij? je bent fkigpro ^^
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
Yeah i didnt have the sp yet to add the flame wave wide nuke. I'm planning to farm some sp and add the nuke, i'll show u guys the result in my next pvp =].
@aCroX126 15 лет назад
Hey schiedam =) nice char , pvp , and music :D 5* mfg leon
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
Alright sure :) I checked rev6 and saw u had around a +4 set that time, so i thought it was legit to put our pvp into the vid :) It will take some time for me to get lv100 =.= But we can try a pvp when im 96(just for fun, without the camera's ^^) and later when im 98 :). Thanks for your comment btw.
@UfckingSh1tHead 15 лет назад
well done dude 5* :)
@OGD80 15 лет назад
_Bossman__ char still urs? Hope to see ur archer in pvp:p now with sun bow rite?
@OGD80 15 лет назад
schiedam..make ur vid against some pure int/heavy int hybrid s/s plz. how about max ice(phy def buff) along with snowshield and bicheon force(phy att +)? Both buff is in 2 minutes...
@mechanickel28 15 лет назад
If anyone makes a 70:70 s/s char just know that they suck in pvp at lower levels when you are up against people with a lot of hp. @schiedam90 Thank you for making the first high level 70:70 s/s char. After leveling my 70:70 s/s to lvl 37 and completely sucking in pvp I thought this build wasn't that good, but I thought there was potential cuz you get debuffs at higher levels.
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
No absolutely not, the time i made this vid i didnt have very good gear at all. Just +2-+4 with blues(str4-6, int4-6). Nothing special really. I recently bought some sos prots(chest/legs) for fun, but nothing really special :]
@schiedam90 14 лет назад
i never did say it's the best build. But uhm...you wonder why they use the strong-bow book? Because it's one of the best skills of archer maybe?
@darkrabitt 15 лет назад
what is so hard about Juulke if i might ask? greetz MySun
@schiedam90 14 лет назад
uhm....no. a 70:70 phy/mag balance doesnt mean u have to add equal str and int. 70:70 is between 1:1 and 1:2.
@schiedam90 14 лет назад
Yeah but i'm pretty underfarmed atm ^^ i could make like a teaser (yes...again =.=), but i think i'll be fufa in about 2 weeks.
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
I did some pvp with Juulke vs _kaWs_ today. _kaWs_ was wearing snow and i had a hard time killing _kaWs_ with Juulke. The point is, i think _kaWs_ with snow is hard to kill even though my archer(juulke) is lv99.
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
Yeah, but i'm kinda lacking sp atm^^ I'll level the nukes as well later on. Now it looks like im some kind of blader with snow, i know what u mean xD
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
Thanks, i have ~24k hp and 27k mp :).
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
^^ ppl get rewarded to watch 'till the end ^^
@2ObelisK2 15 лет назад
i was that friend *-*
@XxBigRedxX 15 лет назад
debuffs can go a long way i guess
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
No, what vid am i in?:P
@Janickvangelder 15 лет назад
Waarom veranderd naar s/s ? =P
@xxBorn2kill 14 лет назад
@party31321 mag and phy balance are 70´%
@Mazze206 15 лет назад
hehe i would like too watch some more too^^ and u maybe find some blader lvl 94+ xD wish u luck xD
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
yeah wanted to go that way, but my sp wouldnt let me xD
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
Hmm without bleed or division it will be hard i guess. But i guess they will fix the combo stats on ecsro? If not, stay spear :]
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
More def, i do less dmg but i can survive alot more, really....alot ^^ With either bleed or division i can still win my pvps :).
@1337NukerFTW 15 лет назад
dude nice build my ss nuker 70 70 hybrid as well is lvl 80 ... can u show me some ways to pvp full int ss nukeR? u r pro keep on doing vids best wishes ;)
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
Nope, but the real owner goes on vacation for some time. I could use it for some pvp and make a vid with it =]
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
it was thinking between 100fire/100cold/100heuksal and 100fire/100heuksal/66cold/34ice. I was planning to go for 100/100/100 after all, but then i changed my mind and went s/s. Now, i'm kinda lacking sp hehe.
@Daliuzz 14 лет назад
Interesting char, but how that would work again EU, like rogue or warrior. I am rogue and usually its easy for me to kill any kind of china hybrids. But its always surprise :) p.s. Nice video.
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
Why would i show all the screen? So i want to ''prove'' i fight ppl with prem+ or..? I dont have to prove any to you, but for the record at 3:08 you could see the knight had prem. Anyway...i couldnt be more happy that ppl like you hate on this vid...without the hate there wouldnt be any love left.
@HaOz0r 14 лет назад
@schiedam90 i wanted to say WHY MANY BOWERS DON'T use the Strong Bow Book :P ... ( sry i wrote wrong in the first post xD )
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
Nee, nog steeds RedSea. :)
@fr0zen2 15 лет назад
u have nice videos and nice chars 5***** xD
@rebbL4X 15 лет назад
dude, only bicheon skills work on pvp? i guess u're not usin nukes coz at 70:70 hyb they wont make any good dmg?
@HaOz0r 14 лет назад
to all ppl who are asking about the build ....a s/s char is bettter to be made a pure int ( no matter what is your build that you have in mind for him ) but if you want to make 70:70 or other things .... sry but picking a s/s char for that isn't the best choice , and I might even agree to someone if it would say that this isn't a good choice at all if you want 70:70 make a bower, a glaiver, a blader, a Spear o.0 ( not even this deserves this "humiliation" ) so don't F7&k up your char like this
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
Uhm 70:70 is without gear,prem,gdf,avater(naked). Most of the time your balance would be 69:70 or 70:69.
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
Hehe ok^^ Good luck with the farming, it sucks ass =.= I still need to farm like 300k sp -.-.
@schiedam90 15 лет назад
hehe :)
@purogol 15 лет назад
:) nothin more to add^^
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