
Silly things men say …..😂😂😂😂 

Linda McGillin
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When they are trying to “argue”….



26 сен 2024




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@gee4947 6 месяцев назад
As a daughter, a sister and a mother, I cannot understand the logic of women putting men down, any more than I ever could understand sons, brothers or fathers dismissing women. We are two sides of the same coin and need each other. You cannot blanket ban half the worlds population of being inadequate, meaningless, unnecessary or anything derogative unless you yourself are insane!
@lindamcgillin2263 6 месяцев назад
I am responding to the energy of men who put down women as “derogative” , “inadequate”, and have oppressed women under patriarchy for five thousand years. Where have you been? Are you not aware of history? Are you not aware of daily misogyny that happens globally? It is men who have “blanket banned” women from equal power and equal rights…..
@gee4947 6 месяцев назад
Well this is what I'm saying. It is wrong coming from either side. To flip flop back and fore helps no one. We have to cease the war of the sexes because it's self-hating, self- defeating behaviour. It's about time we met in the middle, called a truce, and began working on progress. At this moment in time, there are enough males awakened to women's needs to be able to do this. Hate breeds hate, and is no respecter of sides.
@gee4947 6 месяцев назад
Oh, what happened to my reply? How strange lol!
@lindamcgillin2263 6 месяцев назад
@@gee4947 huh??? What are you smoking? 😂😂😂😂😂someone is not in reality …
@ByronLivingstone-v1u 6 месяцев назад
Pee standing up
@risetagge5012 6 месяцев назад
Our entire culture is insane, including you! Trump 2024!❤.
@lindamcgillin2263 6 месяцев назад
Anyone believing in corrupt Trump is by definition insane… I’m looking forward to the election and his defeat 😂😂😂😂😂😂❤️😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@chrismcmahan8768 6 месяцев назад
Well you have to be good for something.
@lindamcgillin2263 6 месяцев назад
Annnndddddd… yet another silly thing angry men say 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@illiniwood 6 месяцев назад
@@lindamcgillin2263Well, if you're not willing to empty our loins, at least fill our bellies. There's really not much difference between the two anyway.
@MrSmith_ 6 месяцев назад
Arguments like this are detriment to equality. It takes two to tango, always has and always will. The common misconception that men do not want to be fathers is 60-going-on-70 year fallacy. Societal norms have dictated the roles of males and females for many years, but those norms have been changing for the better thanks to the likes of: Gloria Steinem, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B Anthony, Martin Luther King Jr, Frederick Douglass, John F Kennedy. Do you think they envisaged a point where society would argue which sex is better than the other?
@lindamcgillin2263 6 месяцев назад
The only fact about humans that is one hundred percent is that women create every human life. That and that we die. There is a huge difference between men and women in terms of necessary labor to keep humanity going and it is the woman’s labor. Add to it that male mediocrity gets rewarded under patriarchy and all female labor gets denigrated under patriarchy and you have this time. That is why it is important to speak about gender differences. Men are angry at women’s ultimate creative power and they have been trying to control and denigrate women for thousands of years to control that power. All those names you named would agree with this simple statement of fact
@MrSmith_ 6 месяцев назад
@lindamcgillin2263 Thanks for your reply. I do enjoy debating topics especially ones I am passionate about. I disagree that men are angry that females are able to birth children. You state in your video that men do not want to be fathers, why would they be angry about the women's ability to conceive from insemination if they didn't want to be a father? Females can't conceive without sperm irrespective of how that sperm is obtained. We can agree that this is a known fact. That said, I have no desire to denigrate women in any shape or form let alone based on differences between the sexes. Of course, there are differences between the two sexes, but both should be rewarded on their own merits. We can't create an equal society if either sex are fighting one another over who is "better". Laying blame on _all_ men goes against the cause in the first place doing so only serves to create division. I would like to see more talks about fairness between both, men and women, in a far more serious capacity between people of power. At least then we can actually progress more as a society other than being told things by media to enrage us at a particular demographic. I'm not saying what you state in the video is entirely what you have seen in the media. I'm just saying this is quite a common tactic used by the media to divide people. A nation divided is easier to control than a nation joined for the greater good.
@lindamcgillin2263 6 месяцев назад
@@MrSmith_ the root of patriarchal society is to control women and to ensure paternity by controlling the woman. The first laws men wrote were to control women. This is what I mean by men saying they wish they could have children. They don’t want to do the labor but they want the credit for paternity. (A metaphor for patriarchy: women do most of the necessary labor on the planet and the men get the credit and control the resources.) This is why under patriarchy we have false gods and false religions where it is god the male creator and the male is supreme. Under matriarchy, which we originally were, women have the babies, raise the children communally and control the resources which are needed to raise children. For thousands of years men didn’t even know whose child it was. Survival of humanity was key and women were the key to that. Patriarchy only operates by stripping women of resources and rights in order to be controlled (to control the vagina and to control paternity) by a man who doles out resources to her. It forced women to be dependent on men through laws, religions, customs, war, rape, genocide and violence. That is why we are in the fall of patriarchy now. The world is corrupted and out of whack with hoarding of resources by powerful men, with rape and genocide and corruption, pollution and violence dominating. These are the only way patriarchy leads because it is a false system based on lies, corruption, genocide, war and slavery. Might makes right . Time for more women to lead the world clearly . Women create the life. There is no need to subjugate or control anyone to prove that. Women control the resources and laws because raising children is resource dependent. Matriarchy puts the raising of children at the center of society. Patriarchy puts male power and control at the center of society. A society that cares about children doesn’t create war, rape, corruption, violence, genocide, slavery, false gods and corrupt governments.
@MrSmith_ 6 месяцев назад
@@lindamcgillin2263I see you did not disagree with my previous comment. The very notion surrounding patriarchal society versus matriarchal society defies the very argument around an egalitarian society. Are you an advocator of equal rights, or do you believe that only women deserve positions of power? Societal norms are, and have been, changing for many years. There have been many women in positions of the highest order granting them unchallenged levels of power. Throughout history, Queen Elizabeth I, Queen Elizabeth II, Cleopatra VII, Nefertiti, Boudicca, Isabel Perón, Benazir Bhutto just to name a few, each with every opportunity to change societal and cultural norms. Wouldn't you agree that advocating a matriarchal society pose problems with imbalances of power? Would you also agree that an egalitarian society is better?
@lindamcgillin2263 6 месяцев назад
@@MrSmith_ we have been operating under a patriarchal system of power for five thousand years . Laws, religions, wars, indoctrination. Just because there have been a few powerful women along the way doesn’t mean they can overthrow all laws and customs. Matriarchy is based on fairness and cooperation and the raising of children. Patriarchy is based on hierarchy, control, oppression and lies. You somehow couldn’t absorb the words and my logic of what I typed so why should I bother wasting effort on you if you can’t understand ? If you thought logically and not defensively you would understand. Logic. Not defensiveness. Get it? This is why women need to be in charge: because too many men lack logic and defend a broken system. Patriarchy has resulted in a world out of balance. Men have shown that they consistently do not listen to reason and logic and endlessly argue with a woman out of defensiveness. Studies show women make better and fairer leaders and bosses, that the position of women in a society determines how successful and peaceful that society is. Women make better surgeons and doctors, studies show this, better employees and we also create every life . I am not saying that women dominate and subjugate men the way that men have dominated and subjugated women through violence, but I am Talking about an egalitarian world which is run by women. You mistakenly think that I am the only one to have that opinion. There are many who agree with me: President Obama, Nelson Mandela, John Lennon, Will Ferrell, many other men and of course so many women. Not interested in your defensive retort. Again, use logic, not emotional defensiveness.
@CarlosFerreira0210 6 месяцев назад
Except no man begs you. I bet that bothers you quite a bit. 😂
@lindamcgillin2263 6 месяцев назад
Huh? Happily married thirty three years…and men give me compliments ALL the time
@frankdolan1515 6 месяцев назад
You can have all of the worthless corporate jobs, Your poor husband should go out for a pack of cigarettes and not come back
@lindamcgillin2263 6 месяцев назад
My husband is grateful to me for the children I created and dedicated myself to raising . Why should he be upset with me? I supported him in his career which he loved, supported him in his life, and I took care of the house and kids so he could focus on his career which he loved. And he has tons of friends and family and plays in a band and is getting ready to retire. The question is: why do YOU hate women so much? Something for you to examine…. While my husband and I have dinner and cocktails together and discuss vacation plans and whatever we want to discuss… you can enjoy your angry lonely night …..
@andyman58 6 месяцев назад
Hey now go make me a sammich. Woman are good at that too.
@lindamcgillin2263 6 месяцев назад
Not a very good look for men to be so incompetent and lazy they can’t even do something as simple as make a sandwich, wouldn’t you say. Like why is this even a thing men say? Add to the long long list of dumb things men say….😂😂😂😂😂😂
@andyman58 6 месяцев назад
@@lindamcgillin2263 Now you go make me a sammich. And make it snappy sis.
@bidragandeorsak 6 месяцев назад
The womans body is amazing and surely does the work! Though your expression implies you're hermaphrodite, that's biological incorrect and might receive a mild reaction since it would mess up the offspring.
@lindamcgillin2263 6 месяцев назад
Huh? Are you insane? I had three incredible children who I nursed for two years each, and I had natural childbirth for each birth. I spent decades devoting myself to raising my children and they are all incredible gifted and loving adults. Unlike you, who has some massive mental and emotional malfunctioning… just get a grip on your foolish self which “tries” to insult me. You are soooooooo stupid. Seek medical help
@bidragandeorsak 6 месяцев назад
@@lindamcgillin2263wow, reading that as an insult, as i just point out that it might be seen as an exclusion of one sex in the propagation of humans, which is biological unsound. (I also stayed home, raised and nurtured kids so that part is just overreaching and assumption). And then you go straight to ad hominem. I can just sadly suspect that the mental state you mention is not on my side. No reason to take this further. Good bye
@lindamcgillin2263 6 месяцев назад
@@bidragandeorsak so many crazy people insult me and you said I was hermaphrodite… just soooo odd to say. Now you are babbling away some more words and implying I overreacted.. I think the mental illness and overreacting is on your part….
@lindamcgillin2263 6 месяцев назад
@@bidragandeorsak men insult women for being stay at home mothers and for being lazy. Men insult women for being women . Men denigrate women that is what patriarchy is built on. Women create all life. If you are from another country where things are different just come out and say it. If you are a man who raised children and knows what the workload is just say it . Don’t go into obscure references to hermaphrodites. Frankly I still don’t even know the point of what anything you say is … except to challenge me . So I was right in my assumption about you.
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