
Simulating Predation, Stealth, and Perception 

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Adding stealth and perception to my evolution simulator in order to make predation better.
Using video games to simulate evolution!
Watch artificial life evolve in this simulation / DevLog!
#evolution #simulator #nature
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26 сен 2024




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@stillcantthinkofaname4800 Год назад
I think the scale for diet preference is backwards. With how you described it, the closer to the poles the more omnivorous the animal is because they're less likely to roll to move elsewhere (a 1 will always move to a new tile to find more meat and a 99 will almost always stick around to eat plants.) A solution would be to simply check for under rather than over. So using your example of 87 we roll the d99 and if it's *less than* or equal to 87 then it moves to a new tile, but if it's over 87 than it stays to eat plants
@spheroid-collective Год назад
No, the opposite, if the animal has an 87 (towards meat) and there isn't any on its tile dice are rolled, if it rolls from one to 87 it will move to look elsewhere for meat rather than trying plants, if it rolls 88 or above it will try for the plants
@stillcantthinkofaname4800 Год назад
​@@spheroid-collectiveThat's... what I said?
@spheroid-collective Год назад
@stillcantthinkofaname4800 no, the closer to the poles the more it will go specifically for what it wants, if it's a one (towards meat) then it will only have a one in ninety nine chance to go for the meat
@spheroid-collective Год назад
Fuck never-ending, sorry about that
@spheroid-collective Год назад
Never mind*
@petersmythe6462 Год назад
Some ideas related to the "how can predators win???" issue: 1. Herbivores invest a lot more into getting away than fighting, which makes them harder to hunt but also much less likely to kill the predator. 2. Predators inherently gain more skill over time hunting a given prey item. Herbivores do not gain nearly as much skill because a given herbivore interacts with predators less than a given predator interacts with prey. Predators have better learned hunting strategies than prey have surviving strategies. 3. Predators have weaponry that is good for controlling the fight, unlike most herbivores. Being bitten by a lion and kicked by a zebra might be comparably bad, but the lion then gets a grapple and is completely winning from there on out, and the zebra doesn't get to kick it again at full force or with good accuracy. The predator only needs to dodge one attack to have the upper hand, and can freely disengage if the situation is developing poorly. Meanwhile, the herbivore has to deal with a situation where it has been immobilized and cannot attack or flee. As soon as it's losing, the situation will develop to become increasingly hopeless.
@EightLittleBears Год назад
This is a really great comment. I’ve been thinking about how to implement a proper grapple mechanic because, as you say, herbivores aren’t optimised for fighting predators. Think of buffalo and lions. A buffalo is massive and has these huge weapons, but those weapons are only optimised for fighting other bulls, because the reality is that most buffalo don’t get killed by lions. - they fight other bulls and the one that wins get to reproduce, making little offspring that are good at fighting other bulls. - the lions aren’t going to attack the toughest one. They go for the weakest, which would never reproduce anyway because it got beat up by the strong bulls. So all the offspring end up being good at fighting other bulls, but not dealing with lions. In terms of “how can the predators win???” I suppose my goal isn’t about winning or losing. It is more about how can we create a balanced and stable ecosystem? In that sense, predators (especially obligate carnivores) should be very rare. I need to do some optimisation as well so I can run a much larger map as I’m thinking int the current size really limit’s diversity on the map.
@babull4751 Год назад
​@@EightLittleBearsmaybe for the grapple mechanics you can tue it to the diet stat? Like a predatory animal will have a chance to grapple type thing? If that makes sense
@j.t.484 Год назад
​​@@EightLittleBears It might not be entirely helpful, but these types of simulations were something taught in a dynamics coding course I took at one point. And the basis of a lot of the code was in differential equations. It took a lot of these "if-then" statements and made it a single formula. Like, for a virus transmission simulation, each "persons" chance of contracting the virus was a formula akin to p(infected)=a1*x1 +a2*x2 etc, where the A's are the weighting and x's are some input condition. So, a1 could be that person's immunity, or chance of contracting should they be next to someone with the virus, and then x1 could just be a binary "am I next to someone with the virus? Then x1=1." But the x values don't have to just be binary, so for yours it could be that it's the shortest distance to a meat tile so now the omnivore can say "okay, plants today, or maybe rabbit in 2 days if it doesn't run too far." Not exactly a realistic example, but just to get the point across. I really wish I could remember this better, because it was very helpful. But, I know I was able to use these formulas and their interactions to simulate bird flocking (though, poorly) by saying (in code) "bird entity has a certain chance to be the leader, as leader nearby birds have a certain level of acceleration toward it" and then also "birds attracted toward food, if not hungry then attracted toward trees" so it was this giant messy web of acceleration formulas that were incentivising following a leader, finding food, finding trees, and moving away from the cold, each with their own respective weights. And, if food or trees weren't found before starvation or loss of energy, the bird would die. While I didn't have any evolution, I think it wouldn't have been crazy difficult to implement that on top of what I had. Also, I'm not sure if you have already and the visual is just for RU-vid, but if you currently have your visual generating at the same time as the data, I recommend disconnecting that. Rendering the images per iteration is going to be super intensive, so it could be quicker (but more storage space intensive) to store the entity locations, statistics, and actions, within a csv file, and then generate the fancy graphic afterward from that csv once you have a graphed trend that looks interesting. Which would let you test out a bunch of different biome configurations.
@LordNezghul Год назад
Stealth should have its "stealthy color" so green creatures would be stealthy only on grass and white creatures would be stealthy only on snow. That would reinforce incentivize for speciation for different environments.
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Another great comment (which is on the roadmap😃) - the blocker for this one is just taking the time to draw enough creatures to make implement this. Suppose I could do a generic monster that grows in weird ways, but I kinda like the idea of using real animals to the extent possible.
@LordNezghul Год назад
@@EightLittleBears Nothing should stop bears from evolving green fur :P
@EightLittleBears Год назад
@@LordNezghul hahaha good point…
@SoraQuill Год назад
@@LordNezghulgreen bears would be terrifying
@boomkruncher325zzshred5 Год назад
@@EightLittleBearsPerhaps what you could do is give each color an animal has a number, then every color for each terrain has a number. As part of the Stealth Check, each creature compares their color number to the color number of the tile’s terrain. Whichever creature’s color number is closer to the terrain’s color number gets a bonus to their Stealth equal to the difference between the predator and prey’s color numbers. You can use a standard rainbow gradient 🌈 and assign numbers 1 to 100 for the color numbers, and just assign the numbers as desired. Heck, perhaps you could also use this as a day/night cycle? You could have a second set of decimal numbers from 0 to 1, 100 of them (like 0.01 to 0.99) and make it between white at 0.01 and black at 0.99. You make it so noon is 0.01, and midnight is 0.99. Then, you multiply the stealth bonus by whatever the time number happens to be. One turn can advance the “time clock” by one step, starting at noon at 0.01 , cycling down to 0.99 with increments of 0.01, and cycling back up to 0.01, completing a “full” 24 hour cycle. Perhaps to simplify that idea, this “time cycle” can be the following: 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, etc. Tenth place instead of hundredth. What this might do is simulate the effect of darkness on a creature’s ability to stealth. If it is dark, then whomever better matches the terrain will have an easier time blending into the shadows and being unnoticed. In the daylight however, there is no such advantage, especially against those who have good perception. You can also add a variable to the creatures that includes a “rest” cycle, essentially a set period of time based on size and lack of hunger that they need to sleep else they start getting penalties to their stats. Could be something like “After X time ticks, give a -1 penalty to Perception and Stealth, and increase this penalty by -1 for every tick until the creature rests”. So Creatures that are efficient will eat before they rest, so they are not fatigued when they need to hunt. Larger creatures tend to need more rest, while smaller creatures usually have more hunger and don’t rest as often (think a hummingbird’s absurdly fast beating heart vs. a lion resting for 20-ish hours of the day as an extreme comparison). If the time step is 0.5 or higher, daytime creatures accelerate their fatigue, so they are incentivized to rest at night. If the time step is 0.4 or lower, nighttime creatures accelerate their fatigue, so they are incentivized to rest during the day. This is a cool project you are working on, I look forward to future updates!
@LordNezghul Год назад
To strengthen ecological stability I would introduce terrain types that would provide more safety for certain types of organisms. For example rocky terrain can provide safe cracks in rocks where small organisms can hide from big organisms. Or maybe there can be plants with thorns, that would provide safety for small organisms, could only be eaten by small organisms or those that would evolve special mouth/tongue, or be trampled by big enough organisms with hard skin.
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Terrain types and different plant types are on the roadmap, but I’m not 100% sure how I want to approach that yet. Thorns is a really interesting idea. I had thought about trees being a generic “shelter”, but having multiple layers of shelter depending on the tile sounds pretty cool - thanks for the input!
@gasparg643 Год назад
@@EightLittleBears could be with a relation with the stats bonding the size and rocky terrain making soo the more big the less they can move on it and the small the closes to normal terrain or things like that
@EightLittleBears Год назад
@@gasparg643 interesting idea, could do similar things with perception and speed, maybe add a “balance” stat or similar. Thanks for the input!
@vadandrumist1670 Год назад
I would suggest dividing stealth and perception into both hide/sneak/spot/listen and base it on regions, since that would encourage greater variety and specialization. Speed could similarly be adapted to terrain, which could extend to aquatic movement. Finally, I would suggest creating modifiers for plant life so that plants may require certain sizes to be eaten, different growth rates and region tolerance, etc.
@EightLittleBears Год назад
All great suggestions! I think the nice thing about adding more granularity to perception is that it can also be built into other parts of the simulation. For example, good eyes aren’t only good for spotting prey, they are good for keeping locked onto prey while chasing down prey. Smell helps you more easily find a mate. Etc.
@ourcade8265 Год назад
This might be too complex of a jump to make for the progression of your next video, but I'd be interested in seeing a dynamic environment. Either through stuff like floods, droughts, fires, etc. or invasive species that you can potentially mega boost the stats of to force lots of evolution
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Natural disasters are on the to do list (probably not for the next video though)!😃
@sunshowers3838 Год назад
Hey, thanks for letting us watch this project of yours grow. I look forward to seeing how it'll get finetuned~
@EightLittleBears Год назад
My pleasure! Thanks for your support!
@nonridiculousadjective6597 Год назад
I like how these results somewhat coincide with Biblaridion's speculative biology series. Like smaller landmasses evolving smaller creatures, often because of the food scarcity.. It felt like the speed evolution made the east into a sort of scavenger niche. Great video overall!
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Omg how has RU-vid never showed me that channel before!! And thanks!
@sterbur Год назад
You might want to try splitting the one perception stat into sight, smell, hearing stats. As a bonus, this will also allow you to have more variability in the visuals (e.g. higher sight stat = bigger eyes). You also might consider doing a Day/Night Cycle where perception/sight has a disadvantage. To make things simple, you could represent every 8 hours as a turn (i.e. day, night, dawn/dusk) and predators & prey have a trait that gives an advantage depending on if they either a day, night, dawn/dusk type. This will cause them to specialize more.
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Splitting the senses is on the agenda, but not for a while I think as I want the core system to be complete before I start breaking things down into super granular levels. Day/night is something I want to implement relatively soon (along with seasons).
@peruru84 Год назад
These are so cool! I'd love to be able to "play" this game myself haha
@asexymicrowave4131 Год назад
I think it would be interesting to see how the animals will evolve in different biomes and circumstances (since as we saw in this video, dessert area led to greater size) and then at certain points making it so that a few of them enter a different biome either by "accident" or a search for resources or due to migration, which would increase the gene pool and make it more varied...
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Interesting thought! I’d need to increase the map size quite a bit I think so that creatures couldn’t just dip in and out of biomes. One thing I am working on at the moment is adding more variables to biome tiles themselves (so for example they will have an insect population, decomposes, various plant types, etc.). I am curious to see whether this might induce the type of migration you have talked about here, as creatures should naturally seek out the highest value food, and over-consumption of specific types will destroy certain biomes. The next phase of that will be thinking about animal intelligence, memory, and learning, but that is a bit of a project in itself, so I’ve not spent time on that yet 😅
@KKkacperro Год назад
Keep up the great work, these simulations are so fun to watch because the mechanics evolve too.
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Thanks! I’ll do my best!
@xann2681 Год назад
I cant wait to see this project evolve, its so cool
@EightLittleBears Год назад
@nuclearcatpotatoe3714 Год назад
We just keep adding complexity and features until eventually we create an actual mini universe lolol
@ThisIsNotADrell Год назад
So cool, so interesting, to see how population could self regulate through predation.
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Yeah! Hopefully over time we’ll see some more natural behaviours!
@maxhatter1 Год назад
Just found this Channel, and i think i'll stay ^^
@EightLittleBears Год назад
@erinkarp Год назад
I'm excited to see where this simulation goes!
@alexanderharchenko2124 Год назад
Love your idea and art style. Good job )
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Thank you!
@MiquShiro Год назад
It might be a good idea to give a buff or a debuff to creatures based on their stats in certain regions, for example in nature colder climates favor bigger animals because they can keep their temperature higher for longer
@EightLittleBears Год назад
This is a great observation and definitely on the to do list!
@RizzCentral-zx5rt Год назад
Keep it up my brother ❤
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Thank you, I will!
@neonbunny1407 Год назад
I found these videos from the suggestions on my home page. Im glad i gave them a watch! You earned a sub and another fan looking forward to more videos
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Amazing! Thanks for the info. It’s helpful to know why views are coming in at certain times!
@neonbunny1407 Год назад
@@EightLittleBears So what inspired the idea behind creating your own evolution simulation?
@EightLittleBears Год назад
@@neonbunny1407 not sure tbh. I saw primer’s video 4 or 5 years ago and always though you could make a pretty interesting game with something similar. That game never came so I thought, I’ll have a go!
@neonbunny1407 Год назад
@@EightLittleBears Certainly seems like you have yourself a good start of one. Keep it up but try not to burn yourself out. Witness many an artist , including my two exs, burn out fast with similar things. Do take time for yourself. Don't let frustration win over when it arises
@Elementroar Год назад
Actually Bengal tigers hunt sloth bears and I believe Siberian tigers have been found to also hunt grizzly bears, with footage showing them entering their caves to hunt them.
@EightLittleBears Год назад
In rare cases, yes it is possible for a tiger to hunt a brown bear (e.g. attacking a hibernating bear or ambushing a smaller one). On average, brown bears are just more well adapted to fighting other predators because that is a major part of their evolutionary strategy 🤷🏼‍♂️
@Bradux_White 7 месяцев назад
I hate how Only your first Video Got famous. You deserve better, Underrated
@EightLittleBears 7 месяцев назад
Thanks so much! I guess I’m still pretty new on RU-vid and I don’t post that often, so the numbers aren’t too bad. With more time and experience, I’m hopeful things will grow more and more 😀
@rdmdude734 Год назад
Ahhhh there is the next video as always you doing great work hope you keep on uploading i think in less then a year you gonna have near or over 1k subs
@EightLittleBears Год назад
I’ll do my best!
@digitaldritten Год назад
Fun fact: snakes use *venom* to take down prey, not poison! Something is poisonous if it is toxic when ingested, so there are poisonous snakes too, but what you were referring to at 0:30 was venom. Venom is a toxin that is not necessarily meant to be harmful when eaten, it is more often injected (like with snakes' fangs through a bite) or sometimes sprayed onto an open wound or into the eyes of the victim. Venom is an attack, but it can also be used for defense if needed. Poison is for defense rather than attack, because if you are poisonous, something needs to catch and maybe even take a bite of you to actually get poisoned, which isn't really great for you, but it at least deters that predator from eating others of your species, thus improving the fitness of your genes. That's also why many poisonous creatures are brightly colored or patterned, to let predators know "Hey, don't eat me, it would be bad for you!" There are also organisms that are poisonous to touch as well, like poison ivy and several species of frog. Another interesting thing is the existence of creatures that are not poisonous but still have bright colors to mimic actually poisonous creatures, so it may fool you into thinking it is poisonous when it's really not. A good example is the viceroy butterfly (which is edible), which looks nearly identical to the monarch butterfly (which is noxious due to its diet of milkweed). The mimicking creature doesn't have to waste resources producing toxins, while still getting the benefit of being less likely to be eaten by predators wary of getting poisoned. Of course, some predators still do eat them, and since they're not poisonous the predator doesn't get any negative effects, but then that predator might mistake the true poisonous ones for the harmless mimics later on and end up getting poisoned anyway if it can't tell the difference between the mimic and the poisonous organism. There are mimics of venomous creatures too, like the harmless milk snake, whose red/black/yellow/black stripes look deceivingly like the highly venomous coral snake's red/yellow/black/yellow striped pattern. Basically, venom is an attack, and poison is a defense. Science!!!
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Haha I realised I made the “poison” mistake about an hour after posting… rookie error… but surprisingly you are the first person to point it out! Thanks for the detailed comment!
@digitaldritten Год назад
@@EightLittleBears haha it's always _right_ after you finalize something that you realize/remember things, isn't it?
@doggo4127 Год назад
I love your work already!
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Thank you!!
@TheGrinningViking Год назад
I think you need minerals, or retained minerals as a stat to encourage movement. If everything needed a bit of salt to live and salt was found in rocky tiles with fewer plants, sea tiles, and inside other animals it could lead to novel behaviors and increased movement. When salt gets low enough for deer they will cronch a rabbits head and eat the whole thing, despite being entirely herbivorous otherwise, but it happens so rarely it's something you'll probably only ever see if you search for it online. Terrain difficulty types paired with movement types that increased in cost with effectiveness and creature weight could help promote ecological nitches as well. Swimming could not have a lower weight cost increase, get some whales showing up, but being an effective swimmer and walker would be more expensive than being great at just one of the two. Climbing could cost more than normal walking and eliminate the penalty from certain rough terrains, but on flat land it would be less cost effective. Flying could have the highest weight cost increase of all, and require more energy to do, but it would keep you entirely away from everything but other fliers and not cost much more to do very fast. I'm sure I'm just taking to the wind and this kind of stuff is already in your head. Programming is complicated though, and the real joy comes in the unexpected weirdness that results from this kind of thing. Looking forward to seeing more 👍🏼
@Naktya7 Год назад
Just found your channel. I love your artwork, your simulations and your videos. I have seen a lot of great ideas in the other comment. One I haven't seen is bigger river/lake/ocean and the ability to swim. I'm really looking forward to your next videos.
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Thanks so much! And yeah lakes/oceans/aquatic creatures are good ideas I want to implement at some point for sure!
@vinestick Год назад
love this series so far, looking forward to the next video
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Glad you enjoy it!
@Ilovebread9919 Год назад
If this channel do not get to 120k subs I'm not dying
@EightLittleBears Год назад
That would be good! That sweet sweet silver play button!
@theredhex1795 Год назад
i love your videos man. its really cool to see the evolution simulation type thing. id love to see a kind of bigger map. obviosly nothing over the top but i feel like it would make more sense to have more of a plains type feel. have tyles with tall grass thats good for small animals but also good for stealthy predators. it just seems like the over abundance of trees. my personal preference but honestly youre doing amazing as is man, keep up the awesome work
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Thanks so much! And yeah I need to tweak some of the settings for grasslands I think…
@celinatienda8470 Год назад
I think it would be interesting if there was a aquatic skill for example if a creature is specialized with water it could go trough the water faster and last longer in the water and can also be used as a way to escape predators
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Yeah aquatics are in the todo list!
This is truly fascinating
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Thanks so much!
@alexanderwhite5374 Год назад
This is super interesting! Keep up your amazing work!
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Thank you! Will do!
@samueltrusik3251 Год назад
I find the differences between isolated continents far more interesting. Seeing the east go completely insane was fun. Too bad there is no cross-regional transfer, those islands got empty quick. Would also be a good way to see invasive species, maybe.
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Yeah I agree! Aquatic mutations are on the todo list so hopefully that should cover both scenarios. Thanks for the comment!
@Snakeyess Год назад
Your videos are so good. You need more subscribers
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Thank you!
@lstsrvivor00 Год назад
I think stealth inhibiting to how fast creatures can move from tile to tile is why carnivores struggle. It is incredibly hard for carnivores to catch prey in this scenario as they would have to luck into a herbivore being close enough to reach. Because perception is tied to size, i think stealth works perfectly as a third piece to this equation and as a tool for predators to get bigger while still maintaining an ability to hunt decently sized creatures. it is why most large cats are ambush predators after all. It would still be balanced because herbivores have their speed stat to escape from predators. There are too many mechanisms that allow prey to escape now, so predators struggle, while omnivores can survive by eating plants/scavenging in my opinion. My Less thought out options in no particular order: 1. Simulate season or more resource scarcity. Less resources means more dying herbivores, which means more room for carnivores/scavengers. 2. Herbivore direct competition, herbivores can fight each other over resources if they share a tile. Increases different niches and playstyles. 3. Different types of herbivore diets. Since all herbivores can eat all plants there is quite literally food everywhere for them and they can wander the world, limiting diet types allows for herbis to stay in certain areas and for predators to specialize and hunt specific prey 4. Speed needs some sort of counter, it seems like speed is by far the best stat, it helps escape from combat, it helps reach more food, and the only drawback if any is it costs more food, but it helps get more food, effectively eliminating its one drawback. There needs to be some way to counter act this whether it be terrain, TRUE ambushes/traps where there's no chance to escape, or 5. Stamina or Day/Night cycle. Most predators don't go for prey when they are at their strongest/readiest. Herbivores need a weak period that can be capitalized on by predators to help guarantee the kill. Making animals need to rest after moving for a certain amount or have day/night cycles where animals need to rest or have reduced perception or something give predators a period where they are strong and can hunt, while day or the time where herbivores have their full stamina they are strong and can escape. There is an ebb and flow, a push and pull between predator and prey.
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Thanks for the detailed comment. I like all of your suggestions and most of them are currently on the roadmap (some even in the next release)! One thing to note is that that I wouldn’t think of predators as “struggling” as such. - Obligate carnivores are pretty rare in the real world compared to their herbivorous counterparts, so i kind of see their rarity as a sign of success. - similarly, most predators are unsuccessful most of the time (tigers, for example, only kill something like 5-10% of animals they try to kill). The main advantage of being a predator is that, when you catch something, it is worth a lot (how many calories are in a bull compared to some grass?) so you don’t need to eat very often. I had a similar worry to you (I.e. that it was just impossible to be a predator), but my code reports cause of death and lots were dying due to predation. It just turned out that this environment was less suitable for being solely reliant on meat. That said, I agree speed needs a nerf, but I think the main part of this is how the speed stat itself ties to movement speed on the map.. just need to tweak that equation a bit. Thanks again for taking the time to give some awesome feedback!
@SemlerPDX Год назад
Great video!! Thank you!
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Glad you liked it!
@clockworkconcatenation375 Год назад
I think it would be important to have a link between size and reproduction. Smaller species can often reproduce much faster than larger ones and that would introduce more dimension into the competition for resources.
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Thanks for the comment! This is something I originally had in the system, but when I started digging into the literature on reproduction it turns out that there is just way more to reproductive strategies which I didn’t want to lose by tying it directly to size (though that does have an impact). For example, a crocodile is massive, but produces lots of offspring. Many birds are tiny, but produce very few offspring. Even in mammals, bats are small but have few offspring, etc. Where an animal sits on the food chain appears to have a big impact (because there is no point in investing a lot of energy into individuals when 99% of them are going to get eaten anyway. Sea turtles are many times larger than mouse but produce even more offspring for the same reason (high mortality rates). It’s a fascinating subject which I definitely want to implement in a more detailed way at some point, but it is very complicated 😄.
@chaoton Год назад
May I propose you the fun concept of age? Disclaimer: I’m no scientist, researcher, or anything related, just some guy who interest in science. But age changes a lot of things from behavior, diet, habitat, ect. Like how caterpillars eat leaves so they don’t compete with the adult nectar eating butterfly. A species of shark exclusively eat a certain type of seaweed until they’re old enough to be carnivorous. There are hypothesis that juvenile t-rex is an active hunter while the mature t-rex is a scavenger. Then comes the fun of egg laying vs pregnancy. Some species simply died out despite being the most powerful when fully grown up because they can’t protect their youngs. Some lay uncountable eggs to offset the fatality rate. Some put their eggs in one basket that happened to be inside their body. Imagine the fun!
@EightLittleBears Год назад
This does seem fun!! I have some rudimentary aging effects in there (basically limited to when creatures can reproduce and when they are at full strength), but it would be a cool add more!
@reaper7425 Год назад
holy moly this is amazing.
@TedToal_TedToal 4 месяца назад
I'd like to see an attempt to explain results mathematically. Can you find equations describing aspects of the simulation, that have stable points that correspond to stable states of the population? When you build in more stealth if the creature eats more plants, or vice versa with animal eaters, it seems to me you were building in rules that you actually want to see evolve. It will be interesting to come up with specific questions and then see if a simulation and a course wanting mathematical model can answer them. I've been accumulating ideas about this for a long time but just haven't got around to trying to sort through them and try to put together a simulation to address an interesting one. Regarding sudden mass extinctions, it would be interesting to study each one and find out the cause of it, which is one thing you can do from a simulation, to see if you can come up with any factors that seem to often lead to mass extinctions.
@blackbloodnope6647 8 месяцев назад
i think it would be cool if mutation chance could also be a stat that mutates
@PaWnAable Год назад
I really enjoyed this
@bigchiefcwich8307 Год назад
Really love these videos, there are too few out on youtube in my opinion, keep it up
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Thanks, will do!
@nuclearcatpotatoe3714 Год назад
Maybe a general "brain" skill that makes your combat, stealth, and perception better, in exchange for much higher energy use and a size minimum the bigger the brain?
@komodobadger3687 Год назад
I think a good addition from here would be adaptability or something like that, for example a creature that is highly adaptable would be less specialised to an environment but can adapt over time, while a creature with high specialisation can survive in specific environments but struggle outside of those environments. I'm sure this sort of mentality will be worked in at some point or another but I think once it's programmed in in some form or another we'll be able to see more clearly defined "species" rise and fall in the simulations
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Agreed! This is something I have toyed with, but not quite worked out how I want it to work. I could just have it as a stat, but I felt like "adaptability" should be something more organic than that... will figure it out! Thanks for the comment!
@komodobadger3687 Год назад
​@@EightLittleBears hmm, maybe having it as an axis type system or point based system. Simplifying certain aspects as a starting place would be inevitable so looking at environments in a simplified capacity could allow a clearer vision on how to expand and detail the system further. For example: Moisture being on a scale of arid to wetland, temperature ranging from sub-zero to torrid, verticality from flatlands to peaks, surface integrity from solid to shifting, terrain ranging from rugged to smooth. With these being the factors I think a good system to use this with would be a gradual adaption system: each creature would have a corresponding stat to the different terrain variables and the more time spent in these biomes the more their stats will slowly change to align with the current biome. If their stats are aligned with the current biome they face no penalty but the greater the integer difference between the animals stats and the biomes stats the greater the penalty they face such as reduced speed, lower prey hunting success, increased need for food, etc. However there is one other aspect to consider: Creatures adapted to more hostile environments coming into less hostile ones not too radically different. To counteract this I think if a creature is adapted to a biome more extreme so their stats support that they receive a buff while their stats are attuned to more inhospitable biomes as long as the values are within the same positive or negative integer, such as an animal highly developed to a sub-zero environment would be able to thrive in a warmer climate to a point, however once it goes from being a neutral or negative integer to being a positive one it switches back into inflicting debuffs rather than buffs, like how a bison could thrive in both neutral and cold environments but a slightly too hot one would overheat it too drastically
@Slop_Dogg Год назад
This stuff is really cool
@EightLittleBears Год назад
@boomkruncher325zzshred5 Год назад
Have you given thought to other decisions creatures can check for? Like building a nest/having a lair. Example: if a creature spends 3 turns in a row on the same tile, they build a Nest. As long as the creature is in the Nest they build, they have Advantage on their Stealth check (roll 2 dice and keep the highest result). If a Predator still succeeds on the Stealth check, then the prey’s Evasion roll is at Disadvantage (roll 2 dice, keep the lowest result), as their nest hampers their ability to flee. What are some other behaviors that animals could do other than what you have already programmed for them? I am curious what you think of this!
@EightLittleBears Год назад
I am going definitely aiming to add stuff like this at some point!
@ryanmartin1232 Год назад
Hey man love what your doing with your channel. But my smooth brain found the second video hard to follow without commentary 😅.
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Haha - there wasn’t much to follow tbf. I just thought it had been a while and I should release something! Didn’t have time to provide context 😂.
@Anon-dt5yf Год назад
I would love to watch you actually code some of this during the videos
@EightLittleBears Год назад
You think you’d love that… but my code is a real mess 😂… But thanks for the idea. I might try and figure out how to present a video like that… need to go watch some Code Adventures for inspiration…
@Anon-dt5yf Год назад
@@EightLittleBears ahh my code is no where near good enough to critique yours, it would just be good for a comp sci student like myself to learn from is all. Either way you’ve got my sub !
@koenhartholt7033 Год назад
Pack/herd tactics would be great. Predator packs often lose size and need more food to share but have more ease in a hunt (more chance for success but more success needed to live) while herds need more food and lose stealth but win fights much more often. Also maybe add a parental protection thing where newborns get fed and protected by their parent(s) for a little while, with some being abandoned while others get coddled for a while. Parent and kid need more food but increases survival chances for the kid. Also also is size taken into account for the amount of meat is produced?
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Yeah i definitely want to implement team tactics! Just need to think about the best way to do it - for example, effective teamwork requires at least some level of intelligence (outside of things like Eusocial insects), so I need to figure out how to represent intelligence first. Yeah meat scales with size.
@CorwinTheOneAndOnly Год назад
I recommend separating the diet stat into two stats. 0-99 for plants and 0-99 for meat. The cost of their metabolism in energy can be the two numbers multiplied by eachother (and whatever modifier makes it balanced) such that a perfect 99/99 is unreccommended. The reason for this is that a pure 99 herbivore in this current system will never, ever, EVER develop carnivory because it would have to first get rid of its primary successful food source. Separating the stats will allow carnivory to develop over time in any population as they can slowly gain a taste for meat and lose their taste for plants when possible. And vise versa as well. This also vaguely represents how diets work in real life too. Most animals are omnivores, and the stuff needed to digest plants is different from the stuff needed to digest meats. It just gets more passively costly to be able to digest both due to a more complex metabolism.
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Sorry perhaps I wasn’t clear - say a creature went from -99 to -45 (or 0 or even 50), this would not require them to give up plant food their primary food source, it would just make them a bit less efficient with it (and a bit more efficient with digesting meat). Even a creature that has a rating of 50 (I.e. primarily carnivorous) would still be able to survive on plant food if meat is scarce. It just wouldn’t be able to survive as easily as something which has specialised in plant food. If you watch my first video, there are occasions where predation completely takes over, even from a pure -99 herbivore. But again I am reworking this system currently (e.g. so that plant eaters can’t just eat all plants with perfect efficiency), and there will be lots be lots of sliders (but a limited number of what will effectively be “diet points) so I guess you are ahead of the game 😁.
@battlingd9880 Год назад
this is really intresting
@EightLittleBears Год назад
@battlingd9880 Год назад
@@EightLittleBears no problem
@StringsOfTheHarp Год назад
I don't know how you specifically structured your code but a few things I'd possibly bring up: Old age deaths/starvation should be considered for meat food sources, as should some level of 'grace period' before any of the meal decays, possibly in an exponential manner rather than linear. This will benefit a lot more of a varied diet and might encourage carnivores; who currently are required from the sounds of it, to hunt prey, which in turn restricts their diet. It might also be interesting to allow tiles with meat on to produce a smell of some kind also. Reproduction rate, currently it seems like creatures are creating 1 offspring per reproduction? There are a few interesting variables that should be easy to implement if it picks a parent at random, and produces offspring equal to the weighted value of the chosen parent. This would allow diminishing returns and scarcity of resources for newborns, splitting the energy which I assume the parents are 'gifting' to the offspring. On a similar note, parents need to be losing energy when producing offspring if they aren't already, as I would expect that might be why herbivores are benefitting the most, as there is no major cost to maintain their numbers beyond the regrowth rate of nearby plants. If you wanted to add a bit more of a complex calculation, some plants should be only edible by some kinds of creatures, think some kinds of poison berries or cactus, which could hurt a creature and leave remains for predation. This would potentially be a simple boolean, inheriting a chance of say 40% per parent and a 20% chance to be random true/false. This would also potentially allow for larger and more varied maps without needing a large forest/jungle region for food. If you are looking for a good idea of how combat could be improved there is a great board game called Evolution which has different trait cards that allows things like burrowing, hard shells and other abilities; but limiting each creature to only have a set number of traits at maximum, which could be tied into stats or hunger rate. Hard shells would slow down a creature, or the ability to burrow would be extremely energy intensive the larger a creature is.
@StringsOfTheHarp Год назад
Also worth keeping in mind, nature is messy; sometimes young offspring will just die, having a very slight infant mortality rate within some of the populations would help further the idea of multiple offspring like is done in the real world.
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Wow - thanks so much for the thoughtful comment! Meat is produced when creatures die from any cause (including old age) and predators will prefer this to hunting if it is available. There is a placeholder function for meat to produce a smell, but I haven't got round to finishing that yet! Parents take a pretty big hit to energy when they reproduce (though this depends on the overall energy investment they are making with their offspring). I am going to make this more complex in the future but there are so many potential avenues for this and (some of which you have mentioned) so it is on the backburner a bit. Different plant types for different creatures is something I am working on at the moment and will be in the next update! I'll check out Evolution - sounds fun!
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Oh also infant mortality is basically taken care of organically (if a parent invests very little energy in their offspring, they will be born very weak and are likely to die).
@SLAQGames Год назад
Great series so far, glad you brought back the commentary! Can you explain a little more about energy usage? (I think thats what you called it) Im assuming this means you're storing a value for this energy, derived from what they eat, and that it goes reduces over time based on the traits (size, stealth, etc) making smaller, less "effective" animals more food/energy efficient?
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Essentially yes (although it counts up as “hunger” rather than down as energy, but I’m probably going to change that - it made more sense when I was prototyping something very simple ha). One caveat is that larger animals are actually more energy efficient (though they of course need more energy in absolute terms).
@SLAQGames Год назад
@@EightLittleBears thanks for the reply! That makes a lot of sense...and trust me, I understand the pain of refactoring code lol. I'm developing a strategy-simulation game in Unity and it's an ongoing part of the process Anyway, keep it up! Super interesting stuff
@TerrisH20 Год назад
wouldn't a predator being stealthier then the preys' awareness be a big difference in if the prey can evade them? Letting them get closer? Perhaps a carry over system. Difference in the perception/stealth check gets carried over to the evasion check, multiplied by the predator modifier (if the predator wins). If the prey does not evade, difference in the evasion check gets carried over to the attack check, multiplied by the predator modifier. Success builds upon success.
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Interesting concept.. and better than just doubling attack power! Thanks!
@Milkiia Год назад
It's probably not a hight priority stat to implement, but you could add an incentive to flock together. Herbivor that don't relie in stealph survive better in groups, and while it does ask for more meat, a group of predator can take bigger prey
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Teamwork is definitely on the todo list! But I need to implement some form of intelligence first I think!
@tubeseekee7870 Год назад
you should add aquatic creatures and weather. i think it would be cool if land creatures could evolve into aquatic ones or aquatic ones into land. i also think weather could be cool, such as rain increasing a plants growth rate, or something like a meteor shower impacting the environment.
@EightLittleBears Год назад
All great ideas which I hope to implement over time! 😊
@ginge3845 Год назад
speed stat should be more nuanced imo, just as how there are sprinters and marathon runners. I feel like having some form of stamina stat for land traversing would change a ton of stuff. On the same vein, I really doubt a marathon runner would enjoy running in the winter, so if you could make seasons and weather more noticeable, not just for plants, that would be cool too.
@EightLittleBears Год назад
@nuclearcatpotatoe3714 Год назад
Id like to see what happens if you add flying. Presumably, flying creatures can choose to fly or land, and while flying, you are immune to attacks from anything that isnt a flying creature. Though, to balance that, you probably cant stealth while flying, and whilst in the air you expend a lot more energy than normal, especially the larger you are. Flying could probably also give you a big move speed bonus and perception bonus too. Maybe a bonus in attacking smaller creatures
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Interesting idea.. flight is pretty weird because you have some birds that can basically sleep while a flying because they are so efficient, and then some like hummingbirds who are pretty much starving to death all the time because they need so much energy. Will take some thought but deffo something to add! Thanks for the comment!
@timseig4200 Год назад
I wish we could have seen the total availible food and the population over time. I feel like this would be helpful in understanding things like the mass extinction that you speculated was in relation to that. :shrug: There are also so many more trait's I'd like to see, but spaghetti the code might.
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Population is already reportable so that’s easy. Total available food (or other non-creature stats) is a good idea! Thanks!
@BishopCDN Год назад
I'd be interested to see if Socialbility would have a major effect. So, a creature enters the space of another creature, if its prosocial they can share the space. If its antisocial they must move on or other wise fight, causing more meat.
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Yeah this is something I have on my todo like along with general “intimidation” and “intimidation resistance”. Will be useful for bears and stuff!
@Joseph_Drew_III Год назад
1:46 Maybe I’m just hearing wrong, but it kinda sounds like it should be the other way around. Because if I’m hearing right, having a higher total value means they’re _less_ likely to look for their preferred food.
@EightLittleBears Год назад
This is a good question. It can seem counter-intuitive but the code works like this: Roll a 100 sided die with a diet rating of 87. - If the result is between 1 and 87, search another tile for your preferred food source. - If the result is between 88 and 100, try another food source on this tile. - so animals are more likely to choose to search for their preferred source than try something new. Also remember this decision only takes place if the creature has already searched the current tile for their preferred food source, and not found it. I.e. the “decision” is: “I can’t find meat.. do I risk spending energy to search elsewhere for meat, or do I risk just trying to live off plants for now?”
@Joseph_Drew_III Год назад
That genuinely helped a lot. Thank you.
@shoebkhaja3697 Год назад
2 min squad!!
1 min squad!!!!!
@BigAlinTN Год назад
This plan seems to be promising! but it would be nice if there was aquatic creatures! "I dont want to say to much but weather would be nice!"
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Both on the todo list!
@chrisrush4915 Год назад
15 hour squad!
@Beeontree Год назад
Hey great videos, would you mind explaining how you coded the visuals?
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Thanks! I use the Unity game engine which has a decent rendering system. So I can draw/model everything in Procreate (an art app) and blender (3d modelling software) and then load these assets into Unity and manipulate them with code. All pretty great tools.
@OceanBagel Год назад
Pretty interesting! Any plans on releasing this or making it open source? I'd love to mess around with it myself and see what sorts of results I can get.
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Thanks! The goal is to make it into a playable game so will release it at some point. Not sure about making it open source. Maybe 🤷🏼‍♂️
@zachariasadams1984 Год назад
You can also have creatures develop from newborn to adult differently based on their stats.
@EightLittleBears Год назад
To some extent this happens already. “Reproduction Rate” is a stat that can mutate like any other. A high value will result in longer intervals between reproduction events, but it will also result in stronger offspring. Lifespan doesn’t mutate directly, but it is largely determined by size and reproductive rate, so it will change from generation to generation, with longer lifespans (generally) taking longer to mature. This is something I want to spend more time on in the future, as there are lots of reproductive strategies out there and a lot of nuance to them (e.g. protection from parents).
@someoctopus8749 Год назад
@@EightLittleBears think the thing that this (great btw) simulation is missing is the individual adaptations which could be pretty cool to see (like the poison you mentioned earlier, etc.) even if they just augment the already existing stats
@EightLittleBears Год назад
@@someoctopus8749 yeah this is definitely something that is on my list of ToDos at some point. The fun thing is that the project has potentially limitless levels of granularity I can go into at some point!
@someoctopus8749 Год назад
@@EightLittleBears Truth, I can’t wait for episode 67 in which every creature has 139 bars and there are exactly 1,018,927,799 creatures born every 1-4 years
@sciburger8000 Год назад
Add contental drift. Like every 10K turns 1 tile land will turn water and 1 water tile turns into land
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Ha - this is something I had considered when spawning mountains. I want to do it, but it is a bit of a project in itself because I want it (to some extent) to reflect actual plate tectonics as opposed to just a hard-coded solution. Great suggestion though!
@joeyready3 Год назад
I'm subscriber 999
@rennoc6478 Год назад
You should make the evasion chance change based off of a creatures speed
@EightLittleBears Год назад
It does! 😃
@rennoc6478 Год назад
@@EightLittleBears whoops guess i just didn’t pay enough attention, nice work
@mrfrog0913 Год назад
Could you plz add a swimming stat and for every 1 swimming thing a thing has it can cross water tiles onto new land 1 swim=1 tile
@Mangaka-ml6xo Год назад
=This is a sacrifice to Algorithmo, the great algorithm god= (Again!)
@EightLittleBears Год назад
I appreciate it!
@sahilhossian8212 Год назад
Lore of Improving Predation in My Evolution Simulator - Awesome Results! Momentum 100
@shaunabbott8078 Год назад
What are the skinny animals with horns?
@EightLittleBears Год назад
It’s a deer. Probably need to re-work them. They looked pretty cool when drawing but they are so small in the sim that they just look kind of like sticks haha.
@justadude8391 Год назад
u should post this on steam i think a lot of people would like to watch thier own simmulation (i would at least)
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Yeah I started building a steam page but there’s quite a few hoops to jump through… I’ll probably put it in itch.io at some point but at the moment it’s not really playable as a standalone build.
@justadude8391 Год назад
@@EightLittleBears ok thank u for the response
@mrfloaties991 Год назад
what program did you use to make this ?!?!??
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Unity / C# for the mechanics of the simulation and the charts, and Procreate for the art.
@revimfadli4666 Год назад
Huh didn't know TTRPG-style checks could be used in an evosim... I wonder what would happen if it uses a Jabrils-style rock-paper-scissors combat instead
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Interesting - I like Jabrils, but not seen that video. Can you send a link? Rock-paper-scissors is generally a good concept for this type of thing!
@revimfadli4666 Год назад
@@EightLittleBears the one currently titled "I fixed Nintendo's bad Al so it's actually playable"
@mattaku9430 Год назад
I think you need to introduce building blocks for creatures to choose from
@EightLittleBears Год назад
In what sense? Like a decision tree when hunting?
@mattaku9430 Год назад
@@EightLittleBears no, I mean things like eyes, ears, mouths, might be even the means of transportations, like legs, arms? Also, might be everyone can eat everyone? That’s how it’s going in real life.
@EightLittleBears Год назад
@@mattaku9430 ahhhhh I see. Yeah I have some ideas for that (I’ve always wanted to know how effective lions would be if wildebeest had electric eel vibes… but for the moment I quite like the idea of using (basically) real animals and building up a repo which results in them having basically realistic stats. This will allow me to do things like SIMULATE THE BEST BEAR!!! Which is my real goal… everyone keeps saying it is the American black bear.. but I am team brown bear! That said, I am changing the way diets work to have all different types of plant matter, insects, meat types, eats. Which will (sort of) have operate in the way you are describing.
@gabrielbolerazsky1643 10 месяцев назад
Why none of these consider that "plants" are also living organisms that adapt and evolve acording to the environment and their predators and competition...
@EightLittleBears 10 месяцев назад
Funnily I was just thinking about how to implement that earlier this week (along with a system for seasons and an updated system for decay and arthropods). It is quite a long way away but I definitely want to add it!
@navidyaghmaei Год назад
I am working also on a natural selection Simulation but I have problems programming a good graph. If u could tell me how u plotted ur data it would be a huge helps. 🙏
@EightLittleBears Год назад
It’s something I built from scratch in Unity. It a spaghetti code solution so I can’t really explain it here, but basically it’s a mixture of plotting vectors or ver time and then using line renderers to connect them. If there’s enough interest I could maybe try and figure a proper solution and do a tutorial! Thanks for the comment btw!
@InukedAlazharyearsago Год назад
​@@EightLittleBearsYou would save lives. You have NO idea how much we need these kind of solutions as undergraduates. It would gain you thousands of new viewers if not tens.
@navidyaghmaei Год назад
Ok thanks 🙏. If u know any tutorial for creating graph it would be nice if u could send them I found one but it isn't that great.
@Farriswheel805 Год назад
can you make this a game so we can play it and see what happends and mabye even add a way for us to have our own little sever of people ass animals or something like that
@EightLittleBears Год назад
I am working in making it a game but need to get all the core systems in place first. Being individual animals is an interesting idea…
@ieatdogs612 Год назад
When do you think the demo or betas will be released?
@EightLittleBears Год назад
It’s probably quite far down the road. I still have a full time job and responsibilities and stuff so everything takes a bit longer sadly🥲
@ieatdogs612 Год назад
@@EightLittleBears good luck on making this game I hope it blows up when a demo or beta gets released I'll definitely be playing this game when you make a beta for it😁😁😁
@NeoEvanA.R.T Год назад
Please make a timelapse video
@EightLittleBears Год назад
As in just an unedited (other than sped up) simulation over a long period?
@NeoEvanA.R.T Год назад
@@EightLittleBears yeah like that.
@BluShiGuy Год назад
@vr_zaWORLD0 Год назад
this is not related to the simulation be next time you do one if it's possible it would be really interesting to watch live
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Interesting! I hadn’t really considered that because they take several hours and sometimes they end up as duds (e.g. everything just dies after 10k turns). Though maybe that would be a good way to put out more content between the main videos!
@douglas0828 Год назад
I am speed >:D
@jupiteramongthestars Год назад
im confusing as how this can be a good simulator if none of the actual organisms die out? or without weather that affects the ecosystems
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Weather is something I hope to add eventually. The organisms can definitely die out. In this run of the simulation there are two smaller islands in the south which started with independent populations- one survived until around turn 5,500 then died out. The other died out around turn 17,500. If what you mean is that the same creatures keep popping up, this is because my simulation only has a limited number of avatars (will be adding many many more over time). So two creatures that appear as brown bears could actually be two independent species which just have stats that are most similar to a brown bear.
@jupiteramongthestars Год назад
@@EightLittleBears i more meant die of old age instead of starvation however i greatly appreciate you responding even with my poor english, dying of old age, if not already in it, would be very cool to see
@EightLittleBears Год назад
@@jupiteramongthestars ah no worries - my apologies! Yes they can die of old age, with lifespan being primarily determined by size and reproductive rate (until I can come up with something better), as these are (sort of) indicators in nature.
@Fluffy_Space_Ball Год назад
No way this RU-vidr has 910 subs make it 2 mil looks like another beanlooking youtuber
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Not sure what beanlooking means but I appreciate the sentiment! (Unless it’s mean, in which case I’m sad 😢).
@salsichalivre5401 Год назад
U may be very smart. You should study a bit of the stuff that u said u never did in any college just be make your experiments more relevant and introduce scientific validation. If You live in US, almost sure u can get minor degrees and such with ease. Just need to get them and the study u do it yourself regard the level of the teaching offered for it
@EightLittleBears Год назад
It’s a nice idea - I try to read peer reviewed papers when I get a chance. Maybe if I can turn RU-vid into a full-time gig then I could think about some sort of degree. For now the thought of studying and working a full-time job simultaneously (something I’ve done before) is just a bit much haha.
@salsichalivre5401 Год назад
@@EightLittleBears yes, I been in the same situation. What I can tell you is this. Try to identify if CS is a passion that you have. If it is and you not working with it full-time, it may be of your interest to start a major, and then quickly, in six months, and using the power of your videos to help, to switch to a CS job. I have no idea about your current full-time job, but I am almost sure that you can get the same or more salary in an internship from IT field. Is it an expensive move? It will be if you find out that CS is not your thing. Otherwise than that, it is a new world to explore. I am talking this without any knowledge about your age, where you based, marital status, your current career path, so I miss many stuff here and there. But don't bother to reveal them. Just check if it sounds feasible, try to check if You can start a very cheap, however honestly good CS bachelors, check the first semester, check if it is your thing, and along the way of the first 6 months, start internship hunting in Glassdoor, LinkedIn and any other platform for your location. Easier said than done. Nevertheless, better to try and fail than never try, never know.
@phroggo2553 Год назад
what game are you using 🦧
@EightLittleBears Год назад
It’s something I am developing myself
@de_bestburger Год назад
Add experience so if a prey survived a lot of incounters, it should have a high chance of winning, and maybe strategy types could be added to counter experience
@Darknessofthedarkendsouls Год назад
Hey just a idea episode 2 of asking can you make it so they can evolve to migrate and make groups and boats and have war, combined colonies and events like some sort of Olympics. And make it so they can evolve to go to other moons and planets. Anyways great video @EightLittleBears
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Ha - I dunno maybe 🤷🏼‍♂️😁
@_SoySauce22 Год назад
I just stumbled upon your videos randomly and this is super interesting! Great work so far and i'm excited to see whats to come from these simulations!
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Awesome! Thank you!
@allthespam3213 Год назад
Hi ! What engine / language do you use to run these simulations ?
@EightLittleBears Год назад
Hi! It’s the unity game engine and I use c# (though it also supports JS if you prefer that)
@allthespam3213 Год назад
Thank you very much for your answer, good luck for futur simulations !
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