
Some say God is evil. To that I say… 

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18 сен 2024




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@albertascott99 Год назад
I am a Pastor from Alberta and also a film actor. Thank you for sharing the gospel
@BRAVOVII Год назад
Is separation of church and "state" a thing in Canada? Im curious if its tougher for pastors in other places besides where I live.
@nzlevim 8 месяцев назад
I live with chronic pain and I praise God because I know this is a fleeting moment in eternity. This is not my final destination.
@angelacochran8 7 месяцев назад
Amen brother! Me too, and yes this life is but a fleeting moment compared to eternity! All the suffering in the world rests solely on the shoulders of Adam and Eve.
@RefinedQualia 6 месяцев назад
@@angelacochran8 "All the suffering in the world rests solely on the shoulders of Adam and Eve." - then why is God punishing us for crimes we didn't commit? If thats how you understand God then your God would be evil, so hopefully it doesnt exist
@acurisur 6 месяцев назад
@@RefinedQualia That's not what they said, you need to read what was said in context to understand what was said, a common mistake that unbelievers make. We are not punished for what Adam and Eve did, but they committed the first sin. Each person is judged for their own sin.
@arlenaholmes 5 месяцев назад
Love you Alan in Christ!!! GREAT MESSAGE!!!
@martindeleon9863 Год назад
I admit, the first time I saw you was on Blue Mountain State. But seeing you now professing Christ and proclaiming truth is amazing to see brother!! God bless you and your ministry!
@FollowerofJudah Год назад
Slooooooots! Where is my mojito!!
@LookNBeef 8 месяцев назад
@Curexe Год назад
Great video, most times I see people confuse Evil with Tragedy. People also seem to forget the fact that God originally intended for us to live perfect peaceful lives in the Garden, but we brought this upon ourselves by disobeying his word, and by sinning against Him. Sometimes tragedy strikes those who least deserve it, but rather than blame God I like to think that this gift of life that he has given to us is worth all of the ups and downs. Experiencing love and joy and gratitude is worth all of the pain that comes with tragic times, and rather than point the finger at God "allowing" these things to happen, I pray and thank God for giving me consciousness in order to experience any of this at all! Anyways, love the videos, thank you for sharing!
@SonOfZion777 Год назад
I felt like i was always searching for something ever since i was born. I tried a lot of things to try to find it. I went to evil and closed "roads". I experienced with drugs from weed to speed and other drugs. It took away all that trauma of my childhood that was far from perfect. I could never get over the things i been through, many consider me quite sensitive. I thought i was self medicating at first with the drugs but then i got severely addicted to the substances and i just kept falling. Before this i had tried the twelve steps program and completed the program. Yet i still fell. I got put in psychiatric wards 6 or 7 times because i kept falling. I went to church and got baptized and thought that was going to remove my falling. But i still fell, i still drifted in the fall of my own misery and no one was there to catch me. The year 2021 was a year i will never forget. I took this substances on a daily basis and it consumed me. EVERY SINGLE DAY, HUGE AMOUNTS OF SPEED, OF LSD, OF OTHER DRUGS. WHY DID I DO THIS TO MYSELF!? first i thought it was a fun thing, i had nothing to live for either way i was falling. Then i looked for spiritual answers through astral projection, through meditation and of course the drugs. Still fell down to my own misery towards hell. The fall was just there and at one point it felt like i was home. Yet late december i took maybe 1 gram of speed each day or more. i was about to get some heroin and end it all because i didnt want to fall anymore. But something inside of me screamed no more! HELP ME SOMEONE It was during the night, i was rolling up another ball to swallow and i just dropped down on my knees screaming and crying my lungs out PLEASE I PRAY TO YOU LORD. I CANNOT TAKE THIS ANYMORE, I CANNOT TAKE THIS ADDICTIONS, YET I CANNOT HELP MYSELF. IF YOU ARE REAL, HELP ME LORD, I REPENT, I AM SORRY FOR EVERYTHING. THE TEARS FELT LIKE IT WAS FILLING UP THE WHOLE APARTMENT AND THEN I HEARD A VOICIE IN MY THOUGHT PATTERN SAYING MY SON FLUSH DOWN THE DRUGS AND GO OUT TO THE BALCONY AND OPEN UP YOUR BIBLE. I rush to the toilet and flush everything i had at home then i go to the balcony and open my bible and the first thing i read is a bible verse about forgiveness. Someone had catched my fall. Someone is hugging me. Someone is crying with me. someone has forgiven me. Someone has a relationship with me. And that someone was our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
@nzlevim 8 месяцев назад
@SpiritualWarfareDM7 7 месяцев назад
Wow! Thank you for sharing your story. You have a powerful testimony. I hope you will keep sharing it. God will use you to help others who are struggling with the same issues because they will know you understand where they are and what they are going through. God bless you!
@joshuapetrick910 Год назад
@instachurch when people ask “how come God didn’t make a world that was pure, and free of pain”, the answer is “He did”. It was called Eden, and we messed it up.
@Miester7 8 месяцев назад
God told Adam to have children. They couldn't do that in the Garden of Eden. We didnt mess up.
@joshuapetrick910 8 месяцев назад
@@Miester7 who says that they couldn't have had children in the garden? One of the curses was that there would be great pain in child bearing. That leads me to assume that they could have had children in the garden. And by "we" I mean humans. Lol
@petesevern7638 8 месяцев назад
@josh, if man screwed up the perfect paradise r u claiming that man's will is stronger than the will of your God? 🤔
@Miester7 8 месяцев назад
@@joshuapetrick910 Well they ate from the tree of knowledge. It wasnt a perfect world because they couldn't have experiences to mould them into an adult. They would have stayed ignorant. Ignorance is bliss I guess for you.
@Miester7 8 месяцев назад
@@petesevern7638 has nothing to do with strong will they were tempted by the devil just like you and me
@brenda.araujo Год назад
Sharing knowledge is always important. Thanks 🙏🏻
@skipperlos46 Год назад
Thank you🙏 I have read that book and Dave is truly a man of God. The tears I shed for that lonely bewildered child and telling him whilst reading it is not your fault and in the end he conquered and reclaimed his name, not IT but Dave and have become the man that you are today. Once again Thank You for these deep felt posts. God truly is good and you are serving him well. God Bless you and your family 💕🥰
@youtuber101 Год назад
Thanks for posting this and starting this channel! I’ve always believed everything God does is either grace or justice. Either he shows us mercy or let’s the just consequences of our sin and the nature of our fallen world play out in our lives. God doesn’t owe us anything!
@comfycozie Год назад
So glad to see you today, friend. Thank you for your faithfulness. 🙏 Happy Sunday. I read A Boy Called It as a teen, but not the subsequent book. Dave's generosity later in life remided me of an illustration i heard. A man who was an abusive alcoholic had two sons. One grew up and would never drink and lived a clean life. When asked why, he responded, "My dad was an abusive alcoholic, so i had to. I never want to be like that." The other brother ended up on the street, drowning in the bottle. When asked what happened, he responded, "My father was an abusive alcoholic. It was kind of inevitable that I would end up like him." I suppose evil's "use"(?) In the world would be allowing us to make a response to it. A storm comes and knocks somebody's house down. Do we stand with arms folded, shake our heads and say, "That storm should not have happened. That was wrong," or see the situation and need and dive in to help? My husband likes to watch shows that follow paramedics around. SO many of the people in trouble are in trouble because of Their Own Stupid Fault. Regardless, the responders always help with a beautiful spirit. I would want to just facepalm and say, "you made your bed, you're on your own, idiot." Those awesome folks who make helping their career are such a heartwarming inspiration. Maybe the world holds three parts, justice, negative injustice, and mercy. Maybe for every perceived evil act there is another unacknowledged act of unmertited favour somewhere. You Alan, are another example of the good in the world. Love you. So thankful for you. I hope you are doing well and staying well. The Reacher Body scares me a little. Be good to yourself. 🫂 Fistbump, Tracy 🐝
@vito_reacts 8 месяцев назад
You could've kept your faith a secret to avoid criticism but you didnt. Bold of you. You're my role model
@danieldoesdumbstuff 5 месяцев назад
I vibe with this channel. Subscribed
@stephaniebehrens7317 Год назад
God does speak sometimes we don't listen. I had an NDE. I think in females in flow state as I fell from the stop step and saw the last 2 bottom steps. In my mind I heard myself try to think of how ro save myself. I didn't roll I was flying straight down. But a calm male voice say Stephanie close your mouth. I listened and I had a minor concussion and a bruise. The shape of my crown molding. If I hadn't I know my jaw would have went through my throat. Instead my face moved enough to land on my tooth and it's like a slap instead by closing my mouth it was more like a fist. He completely saved me. But it took me 2 years to realize that I was in the middle of a nervous breakdown. When I realized that it was not me but the Trinity or my Guaardian Angel that saved me. I cried for days happy tears because I realized in that 5 years I thought I was alone. I wasn't. And how it changed me to want to make myself worthy of His love have been the happiest I have been in years. I have lots of work to do but I was saved for a reason. I won't know till it happens but I am grateful I finally woke up. And thanks to people like you it has spurred me to reach closer to God and Love him as much as I can to Love Jesus through the Holy spirit to do what I am here to do. God bless and jeep you safe.
@joeh4638 Год назад
Thank you for sharing the Love of Christ in a loving way!
@HilariouslyAwfulProd 8 месяцев назад
I mostly listened to this but only the first half before my live stream, but it sounded good from what i heard. keep up the good work, alan.
@tequila6955 7 месяцев назад
There is no progress without struggle. If we have faith during our times of struggle we are brought closer to God.
@toddmatelski4650 Год назад
Dude so excited to see your are a Christian!! Also that you have understanding that most Christians do not have!! Can’t wait to see your new movie and Reacher season 2!!
@leontynehudson1748 7 месяцев назад
Thank you for sharing the gospel !
@clydesandry5351 8 месяцев назад
I love the way you deal with the challenge of pain, suffering and evil. You are clearly inspired. Thank you 🙏
@Syruproot 7 месяцев назад
I really needed to hear this! God must’ve brought me to this video, thank you for making this video! ❤
@bradleymorehead5375 Год назад
Mr Ritchson, I cannot tell you what it means for me to see a man of your standing witnessing to us. I feel like nobody in Hollywood wants a relationship with God these days
@russgilbertson8689 7 месяцев назад
Thanks very good point. The last sentence , putting our Trust in God is really what it is all about. Just like our coins In God we Trust not in man.
@TaskForceCP 8 месяцев назад
This is a fantastic word brother!!
Job-23 “Even today my complaint is bitter; his hand[a] is heavy in spite of[b] my groaning. If only I knew where to find him; if only I could go to his dwelling! I would state my case before him and fill my mouth with arguments. I would find out what he would answer me, and consider what he would say to me. Would he vigorously oppose me? No, he would not press charges against me. There the upright can establish their innocence before him, and there I would be delivered forever from my judge. “But if I go to the east, he is not there; if I go to the west, I do not find him. When he is at work in the north, I do not see him; when he turns to the south, I catch no glimpse of him. But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside. I have not departed from the commands of his lips; I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread. “But he stands alone, and who can oppose him? He does whatever he pleases. He carries out his decree against me, and many such plans he still has in store. That is why I am terrified before him; when I think of all this, I fear him. God has made my heart faint; the Almighty has terrified me. Yet I am not silenced by the darkness, by the thick darkness that covers my face.
@comfycozie Год назад
Hello, dear virtual friend. 💙 Happy Sunday 🌞 T🐝
@andrewhess7362 9 месяцев назад
Keep going man. Providing inspiration and hope.
@SimonDaumMusic Год назад
People are so fast to judge, just as they thought the blind man in the Bible must have dones something evil to be blind, just to learn that it was the opposite, for God used the mans Bblindness to work a miracle.. I have been ill for many years, lost al my work, home, friends, sozial life, and still love God and am grateful for every single moment I can enjoy.. I think we would do good to understand that God wants to save everyone (1 Tom 2:2-4), which means God wants everyone to be happy too... Besides that, the way we judge, we will be judged, and whatever may happen to other people, we do well to keep that in mind.
@Iridium. 7 месяцев назад
God gave us free will and that’s what gets us in all sorts of troubles . He gave us a great gift , but too many abuse it .
@goldenarms8805 8 месяцев назад
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭5:20‬ ‭KJV‬‬ [20] Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
@teabaggins3517 Год назад
Great to see a famous person that is not ashamed to talk about God and Jesus. God bless you!
@user-gi5dp1uh5h 8 месяцев назад
Reacher the preacher! 💪I love it
@tj8116 Год назад
I’m Catholic, and a serious old-school Aqua-man 🔱 fan. I always wanted Alan as Aqua-man (Perfect). And never knew why he was not cast by Hollywood as 🔱 following Smallville. Now I know. ✝️
@LookNBeef 5 месяцев назад
@S.W.A.P 8 месяцев назад
Well said!Thank you😌
@howlingcommando9400 7 месяцев назад
Thank you.
@AmandaStClair-hv6ef 7 месяцев назад
I think that when God cursed this earth after the fall- this is the devils playground. We are only safe under the wings of The Most High.
@usaykbs2740 8 месяцев назад
Thank you
@liviotavarner8610 8 месяцев назад
thank you for doing this alan
@josephhaddad395 8 месяцев назад
God Bless you brother HALLELUJAH 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼. I WATCHED YOU ON MICHAEL ROSENBaum podcast, ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!! So proud of you brother I will be praying for you 🙏🏼
@JK19777 Год назад
I think how many say God is Evil yet they are still Breathing while they say these words ...It's easy to blame God instead of realizing People on this Creation are behind almost all choices of bad behavior...I Believe God is Behind the Sun, weather , and natural force's of his Creation..People make things bad when they think against God...
@anakinskyguy6582 Год назад
Thank you for sharing the gospel! Could you tell us your opinion about Sound of Freedom? Did you at any point see the atrocities that are committed behind the curtains in Pedowood? What they do to children? It's truly an evil world we live in.
@1MrBanff Год назад
@AtheismActually 6 месяцев назад
What need has an omniscient mind to "suss out" anything? What forced an omnipotent into trade-off sitations?
@janelle9707 8 месяцев назад
People have free will. Even to pray. But one prayer can last through out your life time. You will be tested if you do not proclaim Christ nor repent.
@deborahbarnes6741 Год назад
Wasn't there another book about Dave called "A Boy Named It."?
@NoddyD Год назад
It's called "A Child Called IT". Also wrote "The Lost Boy" as well as the book mentioned on the video. Dave Peltzer ended up being a navigator on SR-71 Blackbird before doing the stuff he does now. He has such an incredible story. Very emotional with such a positive outcome. Such an inspiration.
@KenWAnderson 8 месяцев назад
Let me also recommend the writings of R.C. Sproul and the ministries of Ligonier and John MacArthur's 'Grace to you' to give you sound Biblical teaching.
@patientzer0687 8 месяцев назад
This guy played Thad Castle on Blue Mountain State btw...
@linger4605 Год назад
Love ya Alan
@myfalconry76 8 месяцев назад
The angels in heaven know not fear, sickness or suffering. They only know the goodness of God. Through our suffering comes faith, through our faith comes reward. Through our reward comes praise. Through our praise come glory. That glory is pure and tested. Tried in fire and suffering becoming true Glory that is only deserving for God. God had it planned he wants us to love him through all that pain, it makes us dependable loyal servants. Who would you rather have in your house. There’s a saying you find out who your friends are when times are tough. With God it’s sorta same principle. We have to remember. Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. 1 Timothy 6:12 Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.
@user-vv8dl7xt1v 5 месяцев назад
I think part of it is that people misinterpret Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose." as saying that everything that will happen to you if you believe in God (even peripherally) will be good/positive things. That's not what the verse is promising AT ALL. The example given at the end of this video is a prime example, as is the book "The Cross and The Switchblade". When I lived in Maryland, I attended a church where the pastor was a former heroin addict. He wouldn't say that there was GOOD in his life and what he was doing prior to answering the call to return to Christ, but that gave him an amazing testimony and the ability to reach so many people who were struggling. If everything all the time for everyone was GOOD/positive, then we would not have a testimony. There would be no need for grace or salvation. No need for Jesus. But in the end, we know who wins the spiritual battle and EVERYTHING that everyone goes through will work together for the ultimate good of the victory of Christ.
@DavidCodyPeppers. Год назад
To whomever is reading my words: 1. Do you consider yourself an expert in a field or trade? 2. Do you own a business and consider yourself in Authority? 3. Are you a parent who believes they know what's best for your child? IF God created everything then Who Are You to question ANYTHING God does? Your complaints would mean NOTHING to a God that commits Evil. As if He needs your permission. Peace! \o/
@ryaningerick2452 Год назад
1) Experts listen to others thoughts and opinions, and learn from them to make their expertise stronger. 2) Business owners listen to their customers and community to improve their product. 3) Hopefully parents talk to and listen to other parents to make themselves better parents. All of the people you mentioned are OFTEN questioned, and hopefully learn from those questions. But, according to the Abrahamic religions, we are not allowed to question the Abrahamic god. We are those who live on this planet, who enjoy its fruits and suffer its pains. We damn sure should question the rationality of a god or religion that tolerates no questions.
@DavidCodyPeppers. Год назад
@@ryaningerick2452 You aren't equal to God. Peace! \o/
@DavidCodyPeppers. Год назад
@@ryaningerick2452 An employer who fires a single mom for being late. 1. Some say 'its just business.' 2. Some say 'that is Evil.' I am guessing you will go with option number 1. And I am sure a business owner will take direction from a janitor and allow unionization. And I am sure you listened to people such as myself that said the mRNA shot DID NOT PREVENT the spread of COVID. Right? Peace! \o/
@ryaningerick2452 Год назад
@davidpeppers1763 Well, since your idea of god doesn't actually exist, then sure I am!
@DavidCodyPeppers. Год назад
@@ryaningerick2452 So you are just here to see yourself communicate. You better hope that Humanity NEVER comprehends what your cosmological view actually means: Evil will never be punished. Which I believe is what You truly desire. Peace! \o/
@nathanmcguire8736 8 месяцев назад
I just want to say there is a victory over all of this no matter what it looks like Jesus has given us victory over all this.
@JK19777 Год назад
@stevennolan5055 Год назад
@user-sy6ss1kx2c Месяц назад
God will use the bad and awful to create something good and beautiful.
@BasedAFPatriot Год назад
Release the Tennessee shooter's manifesto!
@musti5979 Год назад
Hello Alan Ritchson! As a 17-year-old, I encountered a distressing situation where I witnessed a girl making out in front of me. This incident, along with my deep involvement in the occult and being manipulated, has affected me. Despite still engaging in the occult, I had a dream that left me feeling paranoid. In the dream, I rapidly moved my eyes, and the words "the day of judgment" appeared before me. While I do believe in a higher power that is the source of all creation, I have forgotten how to place my faith in it genuinely, rather than just believing what others have told me. My belief is that the source of creation encompasses everything and resides within each of us, connecting us on some level. However, when we reincarnate on Earth, this connection is severed or significantly weakened. I'm unsure about what to do next. Additionally, with the possibility of the day of judgment being near, I'm concerned about pursuing my aspirations and whether I'll have enough time. It seems like you have a wonderful life, and I would greatly appreciate any advice or guidance you can provide as a role model.
@musti5979 Год назад
*a girl i liked*
@toddduncan9266 Год назад
We never know how our suffering is a tool God uses to grow someone else. If our purpose on this earth is to suffer and to effect someone else's life then that is our purpose. To this point I have been fortunate to not have had any extreme trials, and God willing I won't. That doesn't mean that I won't happen, if it does I pray that those trials will be from God and I will still praise God foe my growth or the growth that it will give others around me.
@comfycozie Год назад
Hello Enormous Friend ☀ Happy Friday. I hope you and yours are well and safe. Thought of you driving home yesterday and got that sad lump, and the song below came to me. Take good care of yourself. And let others take care of you too, ok? (squeezing your hand) Tracy 🐝 Anyway by Martina McBride You can spend your whole life building / Something from nothin' One storm can come and blow it all away Build it anyway You can chase a dream / That seems so out of reach And you know it might not never come your way Dream it anyway God is great / But sometimes life ain't good And when I pray / It doesn't always turn out like I think it should But I do it anyway / I do it anyway This world's gone crazy / It's hard to believe That tomorrow will be better than today Believe it anyway You can love someone with all your heart / For all the right reasons In a moment they can choose to walk away Love 'em anyway You can pour your soul out singing / A song you believe in That tomorrow they'll forget you ever sang Sing it anyway / Yeah, sing it anyway I sing I dream I love Anyway Sry long comment but this is the only place I believe you'll see my messages. 🙇
@dscottsw1 Год назад
There are certain 'rules' to the operation of the Universe. In 1977 Ilya Prigogine won the Nobel Prize for physics with his theory of Dissipative structure theory, which led to pioneering research in self-organizing systems. In English, this means that when a structure (of any kind) needs to grow, it must first break down (dissipate) so that growth is possible. Each organism is capable of re-structuring itself and will always do so at a higher, more functional level. You are, among so many other amazing things, a bodybuilder. So you know the muscle must tear, and some discomfort or pain will result before the muscle rebuilds itself at a higher, more functional level. This is an easy-to-understand model for virtually everything - physical, emotional, and psychological. Each of those developmental spheres requires us to let go of old models of self and being, old models of identity that we may be very attached to. This becomes really painful when our old identity, state of being, or whatever else is changing is removed and no longer available to us. We feel the pain of dissipation, but it is the absolute requirement of regrowth. And regrowth, like your muscles after a workout, always rebuild bigger, better, and stronger. Pain coming from change (and 'change' is a broad word) is inevitable. Suffering, on another hand, is resistance to change. Suffering is saying this, or that shouldn't have happened. People shouldn't be abused, war shouldn't happen, etc. But it does happen - and the Grace in that is that we are offered the opportunity to rise above those things. Whether we take the opportunity to be a hero or a victim - is always our own choice. The worst things in our life can be our greatest gifts, as you well know. One of the secrets is to "let go and let God," as the old AA phrase goes. If we think about it, neither of us has met a person who transcended severe adversity and has not become a luminous being. As you are, Alan. When you have 20 minutes to spare, Google "The Butterfly Circus" - it's a brilliant 20-minute short. It puts all of this into incredible perspective. Thank you as always not only for your insight, but for taking the time to share it. Love, Peace, & Blessings from Portland, OR.
@l10nbit Год назад
If there is no possibility of evil, there is no free will. If humans cannot choose between good and evil, how can they be said to have free will. Also, if you don't have a choice as to whom you worship, is your worship true? is it worship or are you just a machine running your program. It is our God given free will that allowed US to create suffering OURSELVES for EACH OTHER. God is the solution to fixing the problems we caused, without removing free will. Don't blame God, we chose this.When we choose God, we start to undo the terrible things we created.
@comfycozie Год назад
Alan, since I fell into the dark as a teenager I had to believe that God let this happen to me so I would be able to help someone else. But I had hoped he would at least send me a wheelchair before I had to help the next person with a broken leg. A bruised reed he will not break, but will be heal it? Or will he let it just stay bruised? 😥T🐝
@comfycozie Год назад
I'm not expecting any reply to this. I just don't really have anywhere else to put these thoughts. Please delete them if they get you down. 💙
@l10nbit Год назад
@comfycozie I'm not Alan but I'm moved with compassion by your words. I have felt similar feelings multiple times, and although I dont presume to know what you are going through the following thoughts have helped me cope: We all get dealt different hands. Some get good hands, and some get bad hands, and it doesn't seem fair. In the long run, it will be fair - God will make it all good eventually even if restitution comes only in the afterlife. Play your hand as good as you can, and ask God to help you. Meaning and purpose will become apparent at some point and the end result will be worth it. For some it happens quick and for others later. Let Him in to share in your pain.
@comfycozie Год назад
@@l10nbit thank you for your reply 🩵
@staffexec 9 месяцев назад
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things. - Isaiah 45:7
@thegamingjackash8950 8 месяцев назад
The world was perfect at creation until Adam and Eve bungled it and destroyed that pure state of being.
@bironjames9948 7 месяцев назад
People don't read thier bibles enough to understand this concept
@rustycaplinger8036 Год назад
The David story sounds like God used his misfortune as someone elses blessing. Theirs a pastor with no arms or legs and he talks about how he wished that someone would go to his school and tell his bullies to stop picking on him cause it wasnt right. And years later after becoming a pastor a little boy with the same problem as him with no arms or legs came up to talk to him. And that pastor went to that boys school and stood up for him just like he wished someone would do for him all those years ago. And now those bullies dont pick on him anymore. So the pastor was able to help someone in the same situation as he was in amd im sure it changed that boys life forever. I forget the pastors name but i see him all the time here on youtube.
@sheribell6322 Год назад
@RoyAlexander Год назад
I listened and didn't hear an answer to the question "why does god allow suffering". You talk about God not preferring the pain and suffering to have happened so why does it? If God is all powerful, why doesn't he intervene? I'd it becasue he cannot? Or is it because he will not? Also what does God have in store for people like me, who see the evidence of history and the validity of the gospels pointing to this miraculous man Jesus, hoping that it is real, and trying to live my life in a Christ like way, even going to church but.... Simply not believing. What of those of us who just are not built to believe? When I was younger I asked jesus to come into my life several times, sincerely and have never felt anything. God tells us that we are saved by the grace of God, not by our actions so why don't I feel anytl different? Why doesn't God talk to me? Am I saved or is there something injsut haven't done right yet? And if that's the case, then his love is conditional..... If there's a hoop I am yet to jump through? What if that hoop is the ability to believe, and that I was just not created with that capacity? I struggle with this.
@kobybear08 7 месяцев назад
Adam and Eve had the utopia and they were punished for their disobedience to God, SO the times had to change where Jesus had to come and save all mankind from a long ago Sinful couple Adam & Eve.
@favormindedjim Год назад
How bout ChurchTok ;)
@BootBizarre 8 месяцев назад
According to the bible, god said it was ok to get slaves from the surrounding nations, make them slaves for life, pass them onto your children as inherited property, and beat them as long as you don't kill them. I don't care about the word 'evil', but would you consider this morally wrong? I certainly would. And this is only one example of the god character as described the bible being grossly immoral.
@JG-um6tp Год назад
The term satanist didn't bother me, was curious how/why you were checking this girl out and of course why you chose to show her clip. My concern was that she'd get some unwanted attention/attacks and that her beliefs stem from her own pain/suffering. While I dig what you're saying I think her basic question and mine is still unanswered. Sometimes there will be a person with a "fluffy" prayer for lack of a better word and they'll say "my prayers have been answered". But maybe, this young woman believed, truly believed and prayed with all her heart (have no idea since I've only seen the little clip) only to have her prayers unanswered and still she was made to suffer. Granted it could be pure luck that the fluffy prayer was answered and had nothing to do with God's intervention but it still doesn't help those who believe, pray be it a child's prayer or a parent's prayer for their child. I know in a way you explained it but I think for those in the midst of the pain it's hard to understand. Did you ever Steve Martin's movie Leap of Faith? The con man who preaches and the pat response when someone isn't healed is that "their faith wasn't strong enough". It'd be awesome if you were able to offer some insight in how you can believe in a Bible written by men, men who will use God/religion to manipulate, gain power and control the masses. That's what I have a problem wrapping my head around.
@t0nyxgq Год назад
For Christian, in the bible, God gives a lot of reasons as to why He doesn’t respond to prayer. The great Apostle Paul, the one God used to write a majority of the books in the New Testament as God to remove the “thorn” in his side 3 times. I don’t think any of us today can say we have equal to or more faith than Paul and yet his prayer was answered. That answer was pretty much “no, my grace is enough for you.” Later Paul concluded that God didn’t remove the thorn to keep his pride in check. There are lots of prayer that go unanswered and the book of Psalm is a book of prayers and you can see the raw emotions of the people praying to God and crying out to God and hear nothing but when he looks around, it seems like the people who are doing evil are getting prosperous and getting away with it. Tim Keller is a good resource to understand more about God but basically, God is a being who is outside of time and looks at the entire history of mankind as if it’s now. God makes decisions based on His own free will but taking into consideration of past present future. If he has to explain to us why He did what He did, our little brains would explode because of the shear amount of information He’s considering in each of His actions. The way the world is now is what God in His infinite knowledge and wisdom have decided to allow to happen. I think for us to question God (it’s alright to question) why things are tough for us based on our tiny perspective is hubris. But God also tells us to pray and uses our prayers as he shapes the future. The “Christians” who would say a person’s prayer didn’t come true because they lack faith is just repeating the stuff some other people made up and that’s not what the bible says. But God does listen to his children (Christians, check out the theology of adoption). Most of the time when people are upset at God, it’s because if they were God, they would have done things differently. They would have answered those prayers, they would have stopped world hunger, etc. So because of this, they think God is doing a bad job and perhaps could do the job better. This is pretty much the definition of sin, the hubris, the pride, which the God says is the worst sin of all.
@JG-um6tp Год назад
@@t0nyxgq sorry not buying it. If God exists than no one, not I, nor you can speak for him or know his intent and I don't believe the Bible because it was written by men and men lie.
@t0nyxgq Год назад
@@JG-um6tp I agree with you in that no one can speak for God but I would add “unless He appoints people to speak for him which he does in the bible”. Also you saying definitively “No one can speak for God” but isn’t that statement itself speaking for God? You don’t have to believe me or the bible. I’m not trying to convince you but simply providing reasons for the God of the bible as clarification. It doesn’t fit into your system. But consider this. If you’re upset and you don’t tell people why you’re upset, they will never know but to guess. So we won’t know God’s intent unless He tells us because we can’t read His mind or anyone else’s mind. But God did speak to us and told us His plans through the bible where he appointed people to write it upon His behalf. That’s how we can say we know God and His plans because He told us. That logic by itself should make sense, logically.
@JG-um6tp Год назад
@@t0nyxgq you're missing the point by saying that "He appoints people to speak for him...in the bible" But if I think the bible is a work of manipulative fiction than that statement doesn't work. Now you can believe that he speaks to you through the bible but I don't. I see the bible as men creating a narrative to control the masses. take care
@t0nyxgq Год назад
@@JG-um6tp Yes I got your point. You don’t have any sort of foundation for knowing God or any other god so instead, you have to form your own conclusions about how the universe works. That also means when Christians explain things that’s based on their firm foundation of various truths like “the bible is the word of God” you will have disagreements because the foundation is not the same. We can do multiplication and agree to the same answer when our rules for addition is different. If I think 2+2=4 and you think 2+2=5 then the answer to any multiplication will always not agree. There are really no basis for any discourse.
@ryaningerick2452 Год назад
I appreciate your acting, your body of work. And I will continuebto. However, nothing that you have said here would change the mindset of those who think that the god of Abraham is evil. And it certainly would not change the mind of someone, like myself, who does not believe in gods at all. It's simple really, every Christian that I have known has claimed that their god is all powerful, all knowing, and all loving. And therein is the lie. It simply cannot be all three. 1) If the Abrahamic god is willing to condemn any of its creations to an eternity of torment then in no way, shape, or form is it a loving god. 2) The Abrahamic god, to not be evil, is either NOT all powerful or NOT all knowing. To be both and to do nothing is the very definition of evil. I was raised in an evangelical Christian church. These realisations are the reason that I walked away. And I am far happier for it.
@MC-342 Год назад
Not to be rude ,but I question why you listen to him and then comment. If you are glad you turned away, why are you even here? As a counselor, I can guess why, because of my experience, but I don't know you so I won't make any assumptions. You should also not make assumptions about whether or not this would change anyone. Alan is just doing the job of spreading the word. He's never made the claim to change anyone. I wish you luck in your journey whatever that may be.
@ryaningerick2452 Год назад
@@MC-342 Well, as to the question of why. He made it a public discussion in a public forum and I felt inclined to answer, especially since I know Jarma. He chose to answer her video, which was not directed at him. He chose to use it to promote his own flawed religious ideology. Without her permission. How can you, or he, not expect pushback from somewhere? If, as you claim, it is his "job" to spread the "word" then I view it as my job to offer an alternative view. One rooted in the rational world, not a mythological one. As to Alan never claiming to have changed anyone, he most certainly is trying here.
@MC-342 Год назад
@ryaningerick2452 That's not what I asked you. That's not what I said at all. Your obvious attempt to twist my words ,( and his) to fit your agenda tells me what I initially thought about you. You've put words in my mouth and interpreted it to suit yourself. I didn't say it was " his" job. This is his channel, and he can say what he wants, or does freedom of speech only apply to you? He is not claiming to change anyone and never has. Again, you've interpreted it to be that way. You have the right to your opinion as do I ,and he ,and I didn't question that. You missed my point entirely. And you didn't answer my question , which is fine. That evasive tactic in itself and your deliberate attempt to avoid it ,was an answer in itself.
@ryaningerick2452 Год назад
@@MC-342 Sure I did. You just didn't understand it. Here, I will make it simple for you. You asked why was I here, why did I listen to him. I do not follow him. Not here, nor on any other social media platform. I do know (as in I speak regularly with) the woman who's video he is using, without her permission, on his platforms to attempt to make a point about his religion. I followed HER here. He should stop speaking about her, using her name. "Alan is just doing the job of spreading the word." Sure sounds to me like you are saying that it is his job, and any Christians job, to spread "the word." Lastly, sure he is free to say what he wants to, that does not mean that he will be free from push back on it. Hope that clears it up for you.
@MC-342 Год назад
You never mentioned your friend in your original post. NOT ONCE. I never questioned your loyalty to her at all. You continue to use that to justify your rage. All I did was politely ask you a question that triggered irate anger. I even said it was OK if you didn't want to answer. Yet you persist in twisting ,lying and adding words to suit your perceptive rantings. You don't have to make it simple for me. Your passive-aggressive narcissism is clear in your attempt to harass me. You're not as smart as you think you are or you would read your own posts before writing all your lies.
Parents don’t stop all suffering superhero’s don’t stop all suffering and you are not God. There is darkness and that darkness is brought by men and the fallen. Turn towards the fathers will and follow his son proverbs 30 trust in Him lean not on your own understanding.proverbs 3. Gain wisdom understanding knowledge might gather counsel and the fear of the Lord
@LightOnAStick Год назад
Isaiah 45:7 kind of contradicts you saying that not all things are from his mind.... And you literally talked about the Lord hardening the pharaoh's heart... He was going to let them free.... And if there is a heaven where no evil happens, then there can be a reality where there is no evil. This can only be happen IF god were even real. But he's not. Therefore we are in reality where it doesn't care about you. There is no intentionality to our world. The only purpose is what we make.
@berunto8186 8 месяцев назад
First of all, you didn´t solve the problem of evil here. You are asking what kind of Universe would you create if there was no pain, suffering or justice. That isn´t really the problem. If we are working with the concept of an all-powerful, all-knowing and omnibenevolent God then there are unlimited solutions that don´t end with a Universe where people suffer against their will. The question is how could a best possible world look like? The first step could be to give someone a real choice if they even want to live in a world like we have instead of forcing them into that world and then even punishing them if they don´t do what God wants. So, a good idea would be consent. Imagine creating any world you want but nothing can happen against your will unless you consent to it. This allows you an actual choice that does not require punishment, unless you want that. There is no Argument against this unless a God is not all-powerful or omnibenevolent.
@sethhillyer4443 4 месяца назад
what is this guy talking about? lol
@comfycozie Год назад
How do I stop caring about being noticed or acknowledged by you? It's pathetic. 🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦 I guess I'm just hoping for any wisp of positivity to elevate my depression. Yet I isolate myself from the real life people around me. T🐝
@christiaanherbst1088 Год назад
Good to see that there are actors out there that are not pedophiles and child murderers. Keep up the good work. 👏🫶
@Baby_Boy_ Год назад
I honestly thought they were talking about Pennywise. Grating my nerves.
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