I love how they captured the sound of the environment, not jus like the mic is in their throat. I get the sense that im sitting somewhere in the balcony.
Perhaps not the same approach as Sills, but she does have high D6 and Eb6. Sills sang coloratura ornaments at very fast tempos. That was kind of her trademark
two of my absolute favorites...but sometimes you have to have some Sutherland, Price and Moffo! and while Beverly will always be this role for me - Sondra does a great Tosca and both Leonoras.
Two things: Callas never sang this role (although she should have) and Sills’ voice type was wrong for this role and she wrecked it with her self-absorbed, pushed, ‘gee aren’t I great’ performances. Sills was a leggiera (a very good one), not an assoluta.