
SpaceX's New Modified Starship Is Unlike Any Others... Great Starship! 

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26 сен 2024




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@dudermcdudeface3674 Год назад
One helpful thing about Starship prototypes is that they can be repurposed as anything in the testing campaign below their own complexity grade. If a full-up ship becomes obsolete, they can take off the flaps and tiles and use it for tanker or depot testing. If a tanker or depot article becomes obsolete, they can use it for subsystem or component development. Meanwhile HLS and LEO crew work feeds into each other, and tons of that would be applicable to the others too. They've got a bunch of threads going that support each other without interfering with each other.
@workerdroid290 Год назад
The world is catching on to what Musk is doing, and his capabilities. Mars is his target for now, and he has the industry to match the challenge. Boring machines, battery and el3ctric vehicles, robots and smart AI. Perfect for hard dangerous repetitive industrial tasks in Mars atmosphere. P,us the spaceships to get it all there…and beyond. This guy is a winner, a genius with vision.
@mrzoinky5999 Год назад
But he gaffed on the whole Twitter thing.
@paulmichaelfreedman8334 Год назад
He also got other companies to fork out millions developing a hyperloop, which failed. But he has some solid numbers now for its use on Mars as the atmosphere there is exactly what musk said it would be in the hyperloop here on earth. It was a testbed for Mars use all the time. These companies might hate him now, but that was some genius level incentivation.
Orbital depot will get a sunshade like the James Webb telescope. It could deploy out the back, but SpaceX is efficient. If the depot is oriented so it is pointing directly away from the sun, you only need to shade the base. And if no part is the best part, we use engine bells and engine covers for shade. Everything forward of that would be extremely cold.
@jdlessl Год назад
A purpose-built tanker Starship variant might use a sheathing of the same insulation they're using on the ground tanks. Combined with a modest sunshade, I'm curious what the overall thermal flux to the fluid would be? Might be low enough that a small solar panel could power a heat pump to keep it cool indefinitely.
@tomgreaney1 Год назад
You got it spot on, the Berlin air lift is perfect analogy
@Vourple Год назад
You are pumping out content!
@jdlessl Год назад
The historical comparison I think (and hope) to be most apt is that of the internet. Wind the clock back to 1990. It was there, and it was technically usable. But it was clunky, slow, expensive, and not much to do once you actually got on. But fast forward just 15 years, and suddenly everyone and their grandmother had high-speed lines to their homes. Another 15 years after that and it is almost ubiquitous, covering virtually every corner of the globe and much of the world's economy is utterly dependent on it.
@BlenderRookie Год назад
It's got to be a tanker with it built as lightweight as possible in order to supply as much fuel to orbit as possible.
@THX..1138 Год назад
More likely it's meant to receive fuel in orbit from a tanker than it is the tanker. A tanker must deliver fuel to orbit, then return. So it needs a heatshield and everything else, but the receiving vessel only needs to accept fuel to complete the test. It's never meant to return to Earth.
@SalvatoreReale-rs5jk Год назад
Space X is building a space port with ship 26 to refuel other ships and a staging area for working on other Star ships
@MIck-M Год назад
Makes me wonder if it is a fuel ship but has a really cool hidden door that opens to expose the connecting ports. I guess someone would have noticed that.
@robertkerby2581 Год назад
Great video! Well done!
@alphatech4966 Год назад
Thanks. We will try to make it better
@THX..1138 Год назад
It's possible they could launch 27 first with a load of V2 sats. Then launch 26 to transfer fuel to it after the sats are deployed. When the fuel transfer demonstration is complete both ships get deorbited.
@alphatech4966 Год назад
What do you think about S25?
@paulmichaelfreedman8334 Год назад
Pretty sure they'll work out the most practical way of getting the most out of the expendable starships, including considering all the pros and cons.
@jimle22 Год назад
During the Berlin Airlift the food was dropped primarily by C47 (DC3) and they called them "Buscuit Bombers" bc they dropped food instead of bombs.
@SalvatoreReale-rs5jk Год назад
Looks like Space X is going to start building a space port to refuel, to work on other Star ships and a staging area. This is what ship 26 is for. The next thing they need to do is figure out witch modules from the international Space Station they could use for there space port. It's not a good business to get rid of the whole Space Station if a lot of the modules are in good working condition, they could be used help build moons orbiting station also. This would save billions in construction costs and there already in space. We don't even have to launch them there. This would save ton's of fuel and money. Is there anything wrong with saving money???
@malibudan Год назад
Possibly first two launches will be these cleans ships, that way they can test propulsion and rocket systems in space without having to land it. Looks like one will be a full tanker only and the other will bring starlink sats to orbit then transfer liquids to stationary ship.
@tomdarco2223 Год назад
Right On
@magnusakerfelt5959 Год назад
The continued click bait titles have now gotten me to block the channel.
@williammccoy7127 Год назад
It is not a mistake Space x don’t do anything without a reason. It probably is not mend to return to earth it might be just a fuel tanker to be disposed of after use
@kenwhitfield219 Год назад
Wind tunnel testing, even when combined with computational fluid dynamics is still not accurate enough to measure the boundary layer effects on air flow disrupted by small protrusions such as the tile attachment studs. In order to detail the payload capability of the Starship orbiter, actual flight test is required.
@KarolKarolak Год назад
Explanation of S26 and S27 mystery ID very simple. Elon already knows that S24/B7 launch will end in an explosion before MECO due to collapse of unpressurized Skirt of the Starship. Absence of flaps on S26 and S27 makes it much easier to try to pressurize the Skirt so explosion of next prototype can be avoided. Since SpaceX have not figured out yet how to do stage separation they will most likely just weld Skirt of S26 to the top of next booster they will use use for testing. After launch rocket will fall back to Earth as one piece (no stage separation) That accounts for S26. Once that test is done SpaceX will try to develop pressurized Skirt stage separation and test it. That accounts for S27.
@robertclark1734 Год назад
Starship now has 6 engines. With 6 engines it can lift off from Earth fully fueled. Any reasonable estimate of the dry mass of the expendable version, i.e., no heat shield, ballast tanks, legs, flaps, shows it can reach orbit on its own, no SuperHeavy required. In fact, it should be able to deliver significant payload to orbit as an expendable SSTO.
@fakiirification Год назад
it has 3 sea level raptors and 3 vacuum raptors. not 6 engines. 3 engines, depending on where its at.
@clarencehopkins7832 Год назад
Excellent stuff bro, keep up your amazing work
@alphatech4966 Год назад
Thanks. ♥♥♥
@satyaprakashprajapati9008 Год назад
Awesome work
@alphatech4966 Год назад
@1701Larry Год назад
OK----. In the next few Weeks Starship 26 and 27 should grow a white paint job, Solar Cells around the nose and airlocks into the Cargo Section with a bunch of windows... Hopefully, they will also have lightweight Decks added with life support equipment for Astronauts among other necessities for Human Habitation... Giving Space X a destination for Dragon Capsules... As well as a Cockpit for maneuvering in space that would include docking and fuel transfers... Simply because the Starship is too BIG to dock with the ISS... Musk must provide Space X with its own Space Station or launching Starship becomes a DEAD END with no Credible Jobs beyond launching a few satellites... When a Starship Space Station would provide Billions of Dollars a year income Destination for Dragon Tourists and Research Scientists for hundreds of companies across the World...
@winstonsmith478 Год назад
Ship 26 + Tesla battery packs (no need for solar arrays) + landing gear (optional) = spectacular demo soft landing on moon for show once no longer needed for ground testing. Or into lunar orbit. Hey, after all, Musk launched a Tesla into solar orbit as a demo. No need to worry about dust kicked up by landing by not using thrusters near the top of the lander as would be with the operational version.
@byronrudnik2621 Год назад
Thank you for not being bot news.
@newzealandfortrump Год назад
S26 is Elons new multi story apartment building ...
@robsalbego Год назад
I think Ship 26 is going to be used to test the chopsticks to ensure that it all works so that they do not lose the main ships. They could launch to a high altitude and land a number of times.
@ChrisStewart2 Год назад
In order to test the chopsticks it would need to have something sticking out to catch.
@SLagonia Год назад
What if it's a target? Think about it - Why just show us that Starship can go to orbit and come down? Why not show that it can rendezvous and dock with another starship? Maybe S26 is just going to be there to be docked with?
@pravicaljudem1814 Год назад
Wouldnt the proppelent vessle explode becouse of heat of the sun? How do they get rid of excessive heat?
@owenwilson25 Год назад
Absolutely categorically Disagree! No, if we ignore NASA's designs, we can quickly build vast Lunar habitats for cities, farming, mining and industry able to provide space-bound nuclear power plants to enable human travel to & from Mars, and assist expanding a Martian settlement. Before human travel to Mars we send construction robots that build the first vast human habitats for habitation and farming to which the first human visitors will travel and from where they can base their operations on Mars.
@Paltse Год назад
Aah, no, we don't ask what Starship is for, we have known for a long gime now that Starship is for troopers.
@chrishorne4016 Год назад
How do the chopsticks grab it for stacking?
@bobstrayer9004 Год назад
Flaps and tiles are unnecessary for cryogenic testing.
@N07tony Год назад
Starship #s26: is it a DARPA test vehicle for a Thermal nuclear drive?
@sultanofswat9382 Год назад
When will the chopsticks be ready?
@alphatech4966 Год назад
They will catch the super Heavy in the first orbital flight
@sultanofswat9382 Год назад
Thanks for the reply because I’ve wondering for awhile
@twocansams6335 Год назад
Your thinking too much, ship 26 is just a expendable test ship, its goal is to get into orbit then crash in the pacific. Its just a proof of being able to get into orbit and the booster will try to land. My guess is once the booster can land then they will try to land ships from orbit.
@ChrisStewart2 Год назад
Ship 26 is undoubtedly an expendable test vehicle for full stack launch. This idea that we are going to be shipping 1000s of tones of stuff to mars is ridicules. We are many decades away from maned mars missions.
@alphatech4966 Год назад
Great. Thanks
@fkhdls Год назад
What will be the effect on the earth's climate of a thousand or more starship launches every year just so musk can mine mars?
@richardnelissen9773 Год назад
This is just clickbait... No news
@MissingTools Год назад
@adolphuszausa9653 Год назад
Watch alternative 3 people
@ChasingDifferentAdventures Год назад
Orbital refueling
@Jamesdylandean Год назад
They keep on modifying them. Why don't they try flying on for a change????
@garypio2241 Год назад
Think bigger , collect all the parts left in orbit an start building Lincoln log rockets , build a huge ship or station in space . Stop the waste .
@brianw612 Год назад
Mabey Starship will never go to Mars. This all may be an evolution along the way. Look at the F1, then F5 that never developed, and ultimately the F9 and the related but different track FH. Remember the Red Dragon? That was supposed to be the mars lander. All these ideas were evolutionary and changed, or dumped, along the way. Why should Starship be any different? Right now it seems Starship is more of a heavy lift cargo to LEO concept along with a moon lander version. Something very different may ultimately be mass produced to colonize mars. Keep in mind methane, it is a very potent green house gas emitter, 80 times as potent as CO2 over 20 years. Is that sustainable on such a large scale?
@ar-jayformalejo-eo9jl Год назад
It is a missile with nuke inside😅
@alphatech4966 Год назад
Haha,why not??
@craZivn Год назад
My thoughts as well! Our boy Elon is gonna strike the first blow against the hostile races massing for attack around Jupiter by blowing up the fricken' Sun to starve out their solar panels and force a quick surrender.
@blengi Год назад
Probably the new transpiration cooled orbital reentry model with ability to land directly on OLM lol...
@brendanpells912 Год назад
You do realise that almost everything in this video is fantasy and isn't going to happen?
@adolphuszausa9653 Год назад
There lying to you all
@rowdyazz7519 Год назад
After a community is built on Mars we humans will screw it up just like earth will have to have money and a government
@spiriroam Год назад
nothing new here
@wolfman007zz Год назад
The mystery Starship configuration is a test of SpaceX’s new welding technology and lighter/stronger structure. It’s the new “X” structure and proves a new technology for forming, joining the new basic structure, that will be used for all future Starship construction.
@dudermcdudeface3674 Год назад
The investments SpaceX is making in fundamental manufacturing technology will benefit the entire economy over time. Inspires a lot of hope.
@anthonypeterson5618 Год назад
26 27 sacrificial bullet. Should it fail no big loss. Proof of concept for FAA.
@joeheeney4821 Год назад
The most exotic and least likely explanation is that ship 27 is one giant Rod from God, in case Russia or China get out of hand.
@jonathanlivingston7358 Год назад
You’re the best spaceX channel
@EliasGraves Год назад
At that rate, we will dismantle the entire planet and move it to mars.
@jamesendsley1560 Год назад
They're getting the next model ready for the moon landing the building the moon lander Starship
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