

Teacher Azam
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Teacher Azam - Hammasini tushuntirib beradi!
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26 сен 2024




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@umidtohirov7812 2 года назад
Menga " Umar Muxtor " filmi katta ta'sir qilgan . Filmda jismoniy quvvati past inson ham vatanini matonat bilan himoya qilishi mumkinligi haqida mativatsion manba to'g'ri ko'rsatilgan. Shu bilan birga , bu film yashashdagi maqsadlarni bir taftish qilishga unaydi.
@F1rstcross 2 года назад
@VictorLite 2 года назад
Men nega yutmadim 😀
@TeacherAzam 2 года назад
o'zingizni nikizni yozib qoldiring, kuchukcha belgisini ishlatmagan holda
@inson_media1 2 года назад
my favourite movie is "Avengers 3". Because it is captivating
@hunter_pm9913 2 года назад
@@TeacherAzam oka yutgan odam strimda aktiv bolishi keremasmidi
@Javlonboy100k 2 года назад
Part 3 ni ham chiqaring iltimos 🙏 oldindan raxmat. Ishlarizga omad hamma contentlariz ajoyib va 100% foydali. ❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
@sardorsohinazarov2397 2 года назад
@javlonbekblog8694 2 года назад
@iamradjabova7458 2 года назад
Yeap, explanation of part 3 in speaking i am in need also)
@shahinasobirova6997 2 года назад
@omadoybotirova676 2 года назад
Teacher Azam. Sizga qoyil! Darslaringiz Juda tushunarli va foydali. Ham qiziqarli ham tushunarli ham foydali dars tayyorlash uchun anchagina pedogogik saloxiyat, aql va qobiliyat nutq va quvnoqlik kerak bo'ladi. Sizda barchasi mujassam va barchasi meyorida. Shunday inson bo'lib yetishishishingizga sababchi bo'lgan ota-onangizga rahmat. Charchamang. Sog' bo'ling. Ishlaringizga rivoj.
@saydulloergashaliyev1632 2 года назад
Aka raxmat Alloh rozi boʻlsin joniz sogʻ boʻsin yangi, kreativ kontentlar kutib qolamiz
@chinartalks_uz 2 года назад
Well , the film that somehow changed my life was the film of 'NOVDA' which is an Uzbek masterpiece . It taught me to love the motherland and showed me how robust our culture is . And , sometimes , I watch this film repeatedly to create the thought of not staying in the states after the graduation
@Sarvinoz_o6 Год назад
@Sarvinoz_o6 Год назад
Fikrlarga gap yuq
@maryamjonotaboyeva4439 2 года назад
kattaaaaaa rahmat foydali videolar chiqarasiz
@neo11shorts 2 года назад
Aka ishizga omad ertaga ko'rasiz inglizlardi o'zi yonizga kelib iye teacher azam biz in-gliz tilini chala bilgan ekanmiz bizga 100% orgat hamasini deb😉
@OdinaTogʻonboyva День назад
My favourite movie is"My name is Khan"i like it,because it is a very interesting and Islamic movie. I have gained a lot of morol and religious knowladge for myself from this movie. Thank you.
@umidjon4440 2 года назад
Garry Potterga owqatganlarbomi bratni
@jasurxojaozodov7837 2 года назад
The first movie that came to my mind as soon as the question was asked was "Me before you". This film, based on a work by JoJo Moyes, certainly made a good impression on me. The interesting story, colorful scenes and skillful actors really amazed me.
@mukhammadirakhmanov8921 Год назад
Obuna buldm brat videolarizga gap yo'q Alloh rozi bo'lsin sizdan😍🥰🤩
@mirabbosmominjonov3720 2 года назад
The film that changed my life is "Social network".This film about Mark Zuckerberg life.And that film helped me to improve my English.Thank you for your advise Techer Azam.
@mubinaburanova5827 2 года назад
bir fanim presentationi uchun tasodifan topib oldim bu kanalni. Juda ham yoqdi! oldin hech kormagan ekanman. Nafaqat aynan ingliz tili balki boshqa yonalishlarda ham manfaati tegadigan content #tavsiyu raxmat omad!
@bekhruzbro 2 года назад
videoga juda katta mehnat ketgan ajoyib va sifatli asosiysi❤️✊✊✊✊
@qodirovashaxnoza4625 2 года назад
Assalomu aleykum Teacher Azam. Menga yoqqan filmlardan biri bu "In time" filmi bo'lgan. Hayotimga bu film qattiq ta'sir qilgan deyolmayman. Kinoga shu darajada qiziqib ketganimdan kinoni ko'rib bo'lganimdan so'ng anashu filmni ichidagi hayot, real hayotda ham bo'layotgandek o'ylaganman. Kino judayam zo'r darajada ishlangan. Bu filmni ichidagi hayot ko'pchilikni hayoliga kelmaydi.
@muxlisaumarova2294 2 года назад
The name of the film which affected my life was Doctor House. It was actually a serial about Doctor House's profession, his intangible character and feelings. I really lived with the actor while I was watching it. I felt his situation, attitude towards life, people around him. I would have watched again and again.
@anvarmurodov157 2 года назад
It is great film! I have watched it again and again! He has great sense humour genius!
@sadokatshaxobiddinova1330 2 года назад
Menga siz bergan bilimlar juda foyda beryapdi.Ishlarizga omad👍👍👍
@muniraxan 2 года назад
One of my favorite movies is the Turkish movie “Su ve ateş”. The reason I like this movie is that in this movie, true love is glorified. The view of love in the heart of anyone who sees this movie will change.
@Mohlaroyim_0702 6 месяцев назад
Me too
@infobaza3662 2 года назад
Stiv jobs filmi men uchun ideal. Undagi Stivning bosib o'tgan yo'li juda qiyinchiliklarga to'la. Ayniqsa, do'stlarining xiyonati. Ammo o'zidagi mehnat va qat'iyat tufayli u o'z maqsadlariga yetadi
@Murodbek-l8x 7 месяцев назад
Ha men ham kurganman fikringizga qushilaman
@maalii______8153 2 года назад
My favorite movie is Harry Potter. The film is incredible and magical. By the way, Teacher Azam you are like Harry Potter because of you make magic for us with videos💫 Good luck 👋
@gulmirarustambekova3674 2 года назад
Menga eng yoqqan filmlar bu Sherlok Xolms va Garri Potter( har bir qismi ajoyib). Sherlok Xolms dedektiv yonalishdaligi, kishini oylashga undashi bilan, Garri Potter esa favqulodda sarguzasht yosindaligi va Garrining hech qanday tosiqlardan qorqmasligi bilan etiborimni tortgan. 1-marta kormagan bolsam ham ilk bor qiziqib emotsialar bilan korganman va hattoki kinosi meni kitobini oqib chiqishga ham undagan va yana bir izoh videoga gap yoq. Katta rahmat speaking part 2ni chiqarganingiz uchun.
@Nemoetemoe 2 года назад
The movie that literally turned my mind upside down is Fight Club. It talks about the consumer society, how people are fed up with capitalism. The small details, the references also make this movie even more awesome.
@Monicasprofile 2 года назад
Menga yoqqan eng ta'sirli film bu ''Five feet apart '' bo'lgan .Men uni 8-sinfligimda ko'rganman va bu vaqtda menda muammolar bor edi.Lekin bu film is ko'rgach muammolarim ko'rimsiz va arzimasligi, asosiysi sog'-salomat yurganligimni tushunganman. Ishlaringizga omad 🤲sizni birorta darslaringizni qoldirmay ko'raman
@imperator5837 2 года назад
"Паразиты" Фильм иделаьно показывает современную социальную жизнь. А также философию и границы между господином и рабом.
@begzodjoraqulov8196 2 года назад
One of the films than intrigued me the most in my life was "Magic Hat", and the magic in it led me to conclude that there was some kind of magic in my life. The protagonist of this film, despite being small, is in many places. His trip was so exciting that it encouraged me to travel in the future.
@brainbox_8 2 года назад
One of my favorite movies is Steve Jobs. This film is about how the founder of the famous Apple company, Steve Jobs, founded Apple. This film helped me improve my English.
@islomjonsobirjonov4986 2 года назад
Aynan sizning bu darslaringizni o'zi ham men juda katta ta'sir o'tkazdi. Men bu darslaringizdan o'zim uchun katta ishtiyoq topdim. Bunday so'zlar bilan kreativ fikrlab so'zlab gapirishingiz men lol qoldirdi
@Infinity-ep5hl 2 года назад
The movie "Five feet apart" was really heart-broken for me.Because lovers fight for their love with patience but anyway they couldnt be together☹️it was really impressive and make me cry at the end of this film and also sountrack was suitable for this film and made it more emotional...
@programmerboy3700 2 года назад
Judayam qiziqarli ham ajoyib videolar chiqarmoqdasiz.albatta ishlarizga rivoj harakatdan toxtamang
@sanjarisakulov6661 2 года назад
I'm just keen on watching movies,but now I'm going to tell my favorite one which is Merlin.This film tells us story about the boy whose name was Emras and his friend Arthur.Thanks to this movie I found out how to respect and protect my friends.
@shohidabozorova6832 2 года назад
Salom sizni darslaringizni doim kuzatib boraman siz juda yaxshi õrgatar ekansiz
@sheralitorayev5175 2 года назад
My favorite movie is "Forest Gump". The meanings put forward in it emphasize that one should only move forward. Just like life
@elyorbekxabibillayev5160 2 года назад
Assalomu alekum aka hamisha ishlaringizga omad bunday videolarni ko‘proq chiqaring. Men birinchi videoingizni ko‘rib fanat bo‘ldim sizga , sizdek bilimli teacherlar o‘zbekistonga kk!! "Titanic is the best"
@jamshidobloqulov8627 2 года назад
" THE GREEN MILE" was one of the, though fantasy sprinkled pictures that left an unforgettable impact on me. In the movie the collision of bad and good can be seen in one of the penitentiaries of US.
@aliabduqodirov4556 2 года назад
Men ko‘rgan kinolar ichida eng yoqqani bu "Novda" b/f. To'g'risi o‘zbek filmlarini kam ko‘raman lekin bu kino menga boshqacha tasir qilgan. Kino haqiqiy qishloq hayotini, o‘zbek mintalitetini ko‘rsatib bergan.
@xojimurodoljayev1566 2 года назад
The movie I liked most is "Freedom writers" which based on real life situations and happened in America. It illustrates how a teacher can influence students' life and lead them to be respectful to each others.
@ЗакирБ-м3в Год назад
Thank you teacher mir azam you poured my head your explain. I ask please manufacture fresh video🤓
@marjonatoshova3910 2 года назад
I'd say it is "Mo'jiza" filmed by Turkish producers. It is most tear jerking and eyeopener movie I have ever seen! It is about handicapped Aziz and his will to live which can inspire anyone!
@prettygirl4339 Год назад
manga eng yoqqan film bu Kukla Anabel cos man ujez movielardi yaxsi kuraman. Teacher A`zam rahmat sizga. man uzm sizdi bashqalaga rek qiberaman💕
@fozilvlog7078 2 года назад
One of my favorite movies is Interstellar. The first time I saw this movie, I was shocked. because it was from this movie that I first learned what a black hole is and what it does. Plus the roles of the actors in this film so perfect. especially when passing through a black hole on a spaceship. then the film beautifully sheds light on the environmental problems that humanity will face if it continues to live in this departure, and its impact on generations.
@zulfiqar2689 Год назад
In my opinion Interstellar best movie ever
@Muhammad-li6le Год назад
Rahmat oka ❤ vidyolariz juda keraklide thanks bro 🙏 🙌
@youtubesimpleuser 2 года назад
The movie that touched my life was "True Kind." In this film, a mute girl leaves her homeland, finds an elderly man and returns to his homeland, and at the end of the film, he suddenly speaks to warn a person of danger, and his mute disappears. This is a film with a deeper meaning than some of the current films.
@panjiyevv 2 года назад
Оллох рози булсин устоз 🤲🏻❤️
@asilbek_tinchibekov 2 года назад
Upgrade... This film 🎥 made a great impression on me. I was able to imagine the future through this movie.
@abdulqosimnaimov9947 2 года назад
"Otamdan qolgan dalalar"- this film is one of the heart touching film of all Uzbeks.However in this movie you can watch,how SSSR came to our area and hoe they manage us.
@omadbekashuraliyev9138 2 года назад
@bsbsbjdjjs4278 2 года назад
Eng yoqan kinolar kup yordam berganiga keladigan bo'lsak friends kinosi vashe xur Hammaga omad .. . . . .
@sugdiyonajovliyeva8845 2 года назад
👍👍 You described The Great Gatsby so well👏 I think Francis Scott Fitzgerald also would be a friend with you😁
@inventorakbarxon1482 Год назад
yaxshi qiz tanishaylik
@Unknown-do2nn 2 года назад
Oka raxmat video uchun men ham IELTS oqiyman lekn men endigina 8 sinfman. Sizni videolaringiz menga motivatsiya boladi va menga katta foyda berdi👍👍
@zarina9428 2 года назад
Teacher Azamя бы хотела у вас учиться ,вы просто и доходчиво обьясняете, прям после просмотра хочется заниматься английским. СПАСИБО за ваши труды, выкладывайте по больше видео😊🙏очень интересно!👍
@inventorakbarxon1482 Год назад
yaxshi qiz tanishaylik
@slavaalifer7891 2 года назад
Menga eng yoqqan film bu oʻzimizning milliy ''Ilhaq'' filmi. Chunki uni koʻrgan insonda Vatanga boʻlgan muhabbat joʻsh uradi. Ayniqsa aka-ukalarning bir birlariga boʻlgan mehri ham kishini larzaga soladi.
@misshyelin3721 2 года назад
my favorite movie is “the fault in our stars” it taught me to value every minute of every day of our lives and the people around us. and instead of giving up our dreams and interests, this movie taught us to move in that direction
@sheintashkent7364 2 года назад
Я тоже обожаю этот фильм 😭
@Заринка-ж3э 2 года назад
Жуда хурсанд булдим , thank you 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@ozodbekadilov6010 2 года назад
One of the movies that made a big difference in my life was "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time." Because when I watched this movie, I realized that there are always liars in life and that one of them could be someone close to you. But the lesson I learned most is that if you are strong, everyone is with you, but if you are weak, they are always far from you.
@brothersarmdealers9629 2 года назад
Azam tog'o e boru haqiqy uzbek o'glonisiz. Gap yoq Juda ham tushunarli sodda qilib tushuntirib berdiz katta rahamat Har bir vieroyingiz erinmay kutamana
@katookinava7052 2 года назад
THE TRUMAN SHOW filmi ham kulishga ham insonni o'ylashga majbur qiladigan film. Bu film " Erkinlik , ozodlik , orzularni maqsadga aylantirish va qanday bo'lmasin unga erishish " haqidagi film.
@nizamidinnazirov3266 Год назад
thank you very much dear TeacherAzam
@meybl9846 2 года назад
I'm unlucky in random competitions😂( But video itself was very useful. Thank you, TEACHER AZAM
@sirojiddin_08 2 года назад
@shahzodashodiyorova4410 2 года назад
Видео кундан кунга зур качествода чикяпти😍👍🏻
@iamradjabova7458 2 года назад
"The defence of Sevastopol" movie impressed me a lot comparing to other movies i had seen and It is all about second world war, protection of motherland by soldiers who lived in Soviet Union) it really persuades to value peace, close people till they pass away
@khakimovmmm 2 года назад
I love this film
@olimjonsultonov3014 2 года назад
To be honest there is one wonderful film with make huge effect on my career. That film is called "The porposal" in which talented actor Ryan Reynolds played main male role. This film is a movie helped to built solid relationship between my girlfriend and was reason from made a decision for learn English perfectly, and moreover "The porposal" changed my mind and taught me to do not judge by appearance of person.
@fazliddinburiev8949 2 года назад
A movie called The Pursuit of Happyness taught me and motivated me to set specific goals in life and work hard for them. And don't care what others say.
@Normie_girl1511 2 года назад
Menga eng yoqqan filmlardan biri bu albatta "Uyda yolg'iz "filmi . Film juda ajoyib kamediya bo'lib Biz doim oilaviy birga tomosha qilamiz
@ondewlgb5166 2 года назад
Actually I have watched bunches of movies so far , but the most interesting at the same time has a deep meaning! was " Five feet apart". It's not easy to say about it in just 2-3 sentences but the most significant lessons I learnt were the disabled girl just tries not solely to survive, but to live the rest of her life with discipline and regulation, which is the thing that even if we as a healthy person cannot do sometimes! ( for instance doing her routine everyday and some stuff like that) On the other hand the guy who is also disabled with that illness doesn't wanna do some stuff like the girl's and take his medication, but after falling in love with her he will take action and start to try to survive, but anyway dies((( I just literally cried after watching it and another thing the movie teaches us ,i guess, is that the girl and the guy can't touch or greet with each other even with their parents bcs of their illness, especially the scene the girl's mom comes and really wants to hug her but can't was strong..💔 Even if we have the opportunity to hug our loved ones , we don't do or show our love , we just feel ashamed of that, but there are some people literally do want to have the opportunity that we have which is the thing that we should be grateful!
@shahruznorimmatov2827 2 года назад
It is essay bro, not a comment😄👍👍💥💥
@rkamoldinov3839 2 года назад
I have watched that film too but I haven't took like this emotion
@nodirbekfayzullayev142 Год назад
yu a discribing so cool . I even afraid to imagine your level )just gorgeus .These are emotions , good luck
@shaxzodxadjayev876 2 года назад
Asslomu aleykum, hozirda 2 chi - darsingizni ko'ryotgan bo'lsamda menga darslaringiz juda ham yoqdi. Bundanam balandroq natijalarga erishingizni tilab qolaman, ishlaringizga omad . 👌🔥
@theazimjon 2 года назад
the film which is changed my life this is "Interstellar".After watching this film I was loved science like phsic and it was help me to study more efficently.
@behruzxonyoldoshev5251 2 года назад
Assalomu aleykum Ustoz🙋‍♂️ So'nggi videolarizga gap yo'q juda sifatli👍😇. Menga eng yoqqan filmlardan biri ,,Forest Gump" hisoblanadi chunki ushbu film har qanday vaziyatda ham taslim bo'lmaslik kerakligini o'rgatadi✊
@jasurbekliberal916 2 года назад
The movie that had a huge impact on my life is "Hachiko", very touchy movie, which succesfully depicted pure love and loyalty between man and dog. The plot as well as the skills of actors of the film is just second to none and it made me reconsider my attitude towards life.
@maftun7382 2 года назад
Ajoyiv videolar va maslahatlar uchun katta rahmat.
@atabekkamalatdinov9090 2 года назад
Menga eng yoqqan filimlardan biri bu albatta The Godfather part one. Filmda asosan dostlik sothinlik mavzulari ajayoib yoritib berilga.
@TeacherAzam 2 года назад
Ha chindanham ajoyib film.
@valijonqurbonov8211 2 года назад
@@TeacherAzam тўғри айтасиз оскар ва Британия Академияси томонидан фильм тақдирланган.
@azizbekburiboyev9417 2 года назад
Shu kinoni Uzbek tilida topsa boʻladimi
@feruzasaidova9697 2 года назад
Nima haqida
@abduazizmufid Год назад
Godfather emas goodfather
@diyor_normatov05 2 года назад
IShlarga omad juda zo`r kontentlar tayorlab borasiz
@saodatismoilova4115 2 года назад
My favourite movies are "Brave heart"(1995) and "life is beautiful"(1997) I always cry when I watch these movies. They are about courage, kidness, truth and gratitude
@ruslankhamraev7628 2 года назад
My one of the favorite films is "The Rainman", As for how i fall in love with this book is the great story and I can't depict it in words.
@rohatoydadaboyeva9069 2 года назад
The movie that has had the biggest impact on my life is Harry Potter. Because after watching this movie, I wanted to study abroad, and now I'm trying to go to Oxford University.
@komilashonazarova2871 2 года назад
Great answer 👍
@avaz_321 2 года назад
Assalomu aleykum.Men hali IELTS dan beginnerman.Speakingdan qiynaladigan joylarini köp.Gapirmoqchi bölsam özimni fikrimni tushuntirib bera olmayman.Bu dars men uchun yetarlicha foydali bòldi katta rahmat👍👍☺️☺️
@ahrorjon8900 2 года назад
The film is called "Interstaller". It is taught me to take care of our environment and value our time.
@eldorsamiyev3104 2 года назад
Manga yoqqan end oddiy film bu Charlie Chapling hayotida bu inson butun fokusini faqat insonlaga hush kayfiyat berish uchun bag'ishlagan va gapirmasada lekin insonlar qalbidan joy olgan
@programmeruz9714 2 года назад
Hi, teacher Azam. I was deeply touched while i watched the film that name is 'Saving private Ryan'. I can watch the film over and over, and I don't get bored. The movie is about the second world war and i highly recommend you to watch it
@laylotolmasova8790 Год назад
Sizi judayam yaxshi koʻraman❤
@nodirisroilov8838 2 года назад
Mening hayotim "Hello New York" kinosi bilan ozgargan. Chunki Amerika bu mening orzuim va bu film menga juda kotta motivatsiya bergan. Bundan tashqari men bu kino orqali Amerika aholisining madaniyatini ozgina bo'lsa ham organib oldim
@mimajor9177 2 года назад
Togri. Men ham mana shu kinono korganman
@uniqueacademy8376 2 года назад
Ha men bu kinoni barchaga taklif qilaman. Eng zor kinolardan biri
@javlonbekshaymanov1253 2 года назад
Men eng yoqtirgan va meni hayotimni o'zgartirgan filmlardan biri Amirxon bosh rolni ijro etgan "Pikey" filmi. Filmda ko'plab dinlar shunchaki odamlar tomonidan o'ylab topilgan yovuz ertak ekanligi, bu dunyoda faqatgina yaxshilik, mehr, muhabbat va insoniylik haqiqat ekanligi o'zga sayyoradan kelgan sodda bir yigit obrazi orqali ochib berilgan.
@bekzodraxmatullayev1776 2 года назад
I've been through a lot of movies that have changed my life, but the one that has had the biggest impact on me is "Prison break" because it's based on real-life events.
@mrpro8367 Год назад
Menga " Five feet apart" filmi katta taassurot berga va bunda faqat sevgi mavzusi emas bugunning qadri ertaning mavjudligi haqida ajoyib tarzda yoritilgan sahnalar bor.
@asadbekshukurov3161 2 года назад
The movie that changed my life is “interstellar “ , while watching movie you face different scientific theories, which could be true, and that makes you to analyze, and of course watch till the end. :)
@ziyobekabduganiyev1655 2 года назад
Good morning teacher Azam I watch the movie "Muhabbat masofasi"(Love Distanse) from my foreignfilms with great interest.I cry every time I see it It is a very moving film.
@Madina_33383 2 года назад
I read the book ' Molxona' that you recommended a long time ago, it is really a great book the relationship between humans and animals described
@inventorakbarxon1482 Год назад
yaxshi qiz tanishaylik
@IzzatilloAbduqaxxorov-x5n Год назад
Bro, i also love it
@abdurahimqosimov9199 Год назад
I also recommanded it and I read that MOLXONA by George Orwell, I just love this book
@muslimaismatullayeva Год назад
kitob nomi daxshatu. lekin ajoyib. omad🥰😇
@Madina_33383 Год назад
@@muslimaismatullayeva Raxmat😄🥰🥰
@SokinMusiqalar 2 года назад
Menga yoqgan filmlardan biri bu "Paper Town". Bu filmda do'stlik, sotqinlik va Amerika maktablaridagi hayot tasvirlangan
@murodmadjiyev1943 2 года назад
By the way, i'm student in university now, For me, this film has joined separetly useful part to my life😉
@shakhnozaniyozova2778 2 года назад
As for me i didn't watch films but there was a film i saw in my childhood. Even now we can see this the great masterpiece of the Uzbek film.this film was utgan kunlar(the lasted days) i appreciate the uzbeks' modesty and morals
@sirojiddin_08 2 года назад
That movie was The Pursuit of Happyness. The biggest lesson to take away from the inspirational movie can be summarised in one word: Having a dream is not enough, you need the courage and resolve to pursue it. After that I understood that saying: "I wanna be The President" is not enough if I wake up at 11 a.m. every day 🙃
@nygma717 2 года назад
Qaysi level siz? IELTS siz bormi sir bo'masa?
@muminovashohsanam8028 2 года назад
Last year all over the Uzbekistan had been popular a film about the World War II with the name "Ilhak". This film so sensitively gets in my dark heart,this is just about the people's lives,conditions and very bad days in the World War II. I absolutely love this film and learn a lot to say Alhamdulillah.
@abdulbosittolipov6226 2 года назад
Menga Ijtimoiy tarmoq filmi juda yoqd va zor motiv boldi bu kinoni szni kanalizdan ewtp kordm🤷‍♂️
@l_smoilov 2 года назад
Assalomu alekum.Ingiliz tilida erkin muloqot qilish uchun grammatikasiz, ingiliz tilida kino,seryallar ko'rib o'rgansa bo'ladimi? Javobingiz uchun oldindan RAXMAT ✊
@doniyorozingb2117 2 года назад
Aka man sizni muhlisizman doim sizni videolaringizni korsam juda kop motivatsiya olaman
@anvarbotirov9812 2 года назад
Your lessons so useful for us!Thank you very much,teacher
@carmusic6340 2 года назад
"Time" - has taught me a great lesson. This film taught me how to save time.
@davronbeksobirov9372 2 года назад
Ishlarizga omad aka yana shunday video larda chiqarib turing
@muqaddasabdusattarova397 2 года назад
Menga eng yoqqan kinolardan biri bu Tomas Karter ning "gifted hands" kinosi! Juda ajoyib va hayotiy voqealiklarga asoslangan kinodir! Ushbu kinoda haqiqiy mo'jizani ko'rish mumkin! Shu jumladan o'zimning hayotimda ham mo'jizalarga ishonishni boshlaganman🤗🤗❤️
@ozodbekk 2 года назад
The movie which motivates me a lot is "Hello New York"(Привет Нью Йорк). It beautifully show hardships immigrants face, problems they cope with. Also, the key point is that if a person strives to achieve a goal, he achieves it.
@lilyaliyeva7067 2 года назад
I like this film
@ozodbekabdumuxtorov6269 2 года назад
Judayam ajoyib video chiqibdi, meni sevimli filmim esa Forrest Gump agar koʻrgan boʻlsez judayam zoʻr film.
@abdulqosimnaimov9947 2 года назад
This movie is "Interstellar".After this film i felt,all people have things which they can't see but they can feel.This film is in the "51-area."
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