
SPECIAL SDAs REACT TO: Jewelry Featuring Dr. O!  

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29 сен 2024




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@thatnicekid04 3 месяца назад
0:00 - Intro 4:35 - We should obey Jesus as our Lord! 7:22 - We are the Temple of God 10:23 - Is it a sin to wear Jewelry? 12:53 - Self Denial 14:40 - Meaning of Modest Appearal 16:52 - God's will concerning jewelry 25:12 - Sister X and The Mixed Message 31:31 - Broided Hair and Costly Array 37:05 - Using Rebekah's example to justify wearing jewelry 43:08 - Jewelry is called a strange god 46:09 - The Origin of Jewelry 50:16 - The Wedding Ring 1:10:35 - Making Excuses 1:16:36 - Reward for Choosing Idolatry 1:20:42 - Bugema University's stance on jewelry 1:27:44 - Taking a Stand 1:30:30 - Recommended book on Jewelry 1:31:32 - Questions: Are Braids Forbidden? 1:33:19 - Is wearing a tie a sin? 1:33:28 - Are nose rings okay? 1:33:41 - Are multiple wives acceptable? 1:34:17 - Didn't Pharoah give Joseph a ring? 1:34:52 - Didn't the Prodigal son received jewelry? 1:36:01 - Didn't the priests where jewelry? 1:37:22 - What about Isaiah 61:10? 1:38:07 - What about Ezekiel 16? 1:41:07 - What about Psalms 45|13? 1:43:19 - What about gold watches? 1:43:32 - What about promise rings? 1:43:38 - What about Rebekah's jewelry? 1:44:29 - Make-up 1:54:51 - Does the church deny baptism because of Jewelry? 1:55:41 - Recipe for facial cleaner 1:57:43 - Did Jesus have a Tattoo? 1:59:16 - Closing Thoughts/ Announcements
@BallersLife3 3 месяца назад
Thank 🙇🏾 🙏🏾
@jkellyhunter8450 2 месяца назад
Note that in Ex 32:2 when Israel rebelled, and caused Moses to smash the ten Commandments tablets, they clearly were wearing jewelry - in fact their wives, their sons and their daughters had earings in their ears. These were jewelry that God had instructed them to "spoil the Egyptians" of in Ex 11:2 and Ch 12:35,36. However, the purpose was not for them to make idols of their wealth (Jewels) nor of themselves themselves, rather, to use these jewels to glorify God, e.g., in the making and adoring of the sanctuary. They obviously idolized the jewelry and therefore made a physical idol of them. God was not pleased. People /Adventist and otherwise, make idols of themselves or of the jewelry itself. Shall we make the same mistakes that Israel and those before did? May God help us to be wise.
@rroller124 Месяц назад
@@jkellyhunter8450 hello. It seems to me that you're really the only one who understands what's going on with the wearing it jewelry. Most have become indoctrinated to the point where you can't reason with them. Idolatry is the lesson or the sun. Not jewelry. Isaiah 3: 16:23 list everything but for some reason Adventist only focus on jewelry. Anything can become an idol. Even a bow tie, it a tie. The only purpose for those items is for aesthetics but they're approved whole heartedly. Colorful ties and bow ties. Peace
@leonietaylor7054 3 месяца назад
Whats wrong with the sun making the diamond sparkle or the sapphire sparkle??.People weaing gold with a pure heart has nothing to do with satan, Satan Sunday or the sun.Yall doing too much🤣🤣🤣🤣
@anntaylor8065 3 месяца назад
The mere fact that you put all these laughing emojiis with your replies says a lot.
@sttuffwithjoe4477 3 месяца назад
I disagree with some things Dr. O said. However, when the stream to come online abd discuss is present ill explain my case I guess. God bless you all tho
@leonietaylor7054 3 месяца назад
Brothers you live in elaborate homes and drive elaborate cars .Are you sinning too????
@rroller124 3 месяца назад
One question... What is the purpose of a tie or bow tie? These items are solely for the purpose of accentuating ones outfit. A person can be puffed up by having on a new tie thinking the tie is all that. I might not know he's feeling like this but God does. I find it strange that no one mentions these things. In Isaiah 3. The Lord said that he would take away the glasses or mirrors. Why the mirrors? We focus one jewelry so much but everything was mentioned in Isaiah 3. Even the changes of apparel where mentioned. Why do Adventist drive luxury cars? Anything can become an idol. This is a heart message and not an item message. Modesty is the principle in anything we do. The scriptures tell us why jewelry and anything else were removed. May the Lord have mercy on us all🙏🏽
@randyst1844 3 месяца назад
And what about the computer hanging around the wrist. (Smart watch)
@rroller124 3 месяца назад
@@randyst1844 I guess it has a purpose🤷🏽
@cookeymonstro2803 2 месяца назад
The difference should be that we dedicate everything we have to God. If it does not glorify God then we should avoid it. If we can find a purpose for the watch to be used for God's purpose and to exalt his name than glory be to Him. Same with the car and anything else we have. It is hard to find such use with jewelry and such things
@rroller124 2 месяца назад
@@cookeymonstro2803 all of that sounds good but what about apperal or costly array. A bow tie or tie is meaningless but yet it seems to be the standard of holiness or holy attire. Their only used for aesthetics. Same as jewelry. Many won't understand though because indoctrination goes deep. I mean no disrespect at all but I've talked with a lot of Adventist and they won't even try to look at it in a different way. Isaiah chapter 3 lists everything, not only jewelry. Even the mirror.
@rroller124 2 месяца назад
@@cookeymonstro2803 by the way, I'm Adventist of 26 years. I joined the church at 25. Grew up Muslim and then Baptist. I joined Adventism because it's the only branch of Christianity the makes sense of it all🙂. The prophecies are on point🙏🏽
@kiogre4eva 3 месяца назад
I just wanted to say thank you to Dr. O for standing up for God during the pandemic. Your letter that you gave out to protect fellow Adventist from loosing their jobs has helped me keep my job up until now. I've never met you, but I hope to meet you in Heaven.
@missybeverly1252 3 месяца назад
Just starting to watch this presentation and haven’t gotten past the deep and severe implications of Adam and Eve’s choice of eating from “the tree of lives” vs. “the tree of good and evil”. It is already speaking to me, Choose you this day whom you will serve! “15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. 16 And the people answered and said, God forbid that we should forsake the LORD, to serve other gods; 23 Now therefore put away, said he, the strange gods which are among you, and incline your heart unto the LORD God of Israel. 24 And the people said unto Joshua, The LORD our God will we serve, and his voice will we obey.” Joshua 24:15,16,23,24 KJV
@BrookDesHarnais 2 месяца назад
Jewelry is a sin but idolatry and apostasy are worse. Sda pride is more than enoughto keep us out of heaven. Sda membership is not the remnant and the trinity is 100% catholic.
@Relationshipsbyme 2 месяца назад
All the suggestions you gave to counter the makeup does nothing. It is all superficial and will not replace makeup. I’m a skin and makeup specialist for 30 years. I have loved skin and makeup since 3rd grade. I used to get in trouble at ur SDA schools for trying to wear nail polish. I knew by 10 that the religion was nonsense. For example where does investigatiive judgement appear in the Bible? The Bible has been translated so much in more than one language you can’t be sure that those makeup passages were part of the original Greek version, just like you can’t be sure about slavery and obeying your slave master like you would God that is in texts also. Certain things could be added by the rulers in those days. I told my very devout parents that I didn’t like the religion and refused baptism at 12. I refused being indoctrinated further after 12. I have never regretted leaving that church. My family was so involved in the religion. We had worship twice a day, we did every single thing EGW said. I can’t take her seriously either the first time she predicted a second coming and suggested believers sell their homes and belongings to be ready and when that prophecy didn’t happen, I would have called her out to be a false prophet. I have always loved jewelry and makeup and I doubt you will be able to convince women to give up the things that help them look better and increase self confidence. We are judged in this world by our looks. Men and women are assessed and judged by their appearance. Any religion saying that we need to be so modest and non fashionable, makeup and jewelry free with inexpensive attire is affecting our lifestyle, our livelihood, our ability to remain competitive and up to the worldly standard which exists and which we have to meet in order to be eligible for any opportunity. Do you think at my age of 50 if I let all my gray hair show, wore long skirts 9 inches from the ground, and cheap attire I could even get a job being a woman with ageism and a dark skinned complexion? The answer is no. I believe in looking good and being happy and of service to people every time I leave my house. Jesus said there’s only one commandment which encompasses everything he expects. We know what that is…. It’s about loving everyone like u do God. So all this stuff about our looks and how we choose to look is irrelevant and more about your religious preferences in the religion. If Christianity was true there wouldn’t be so many denominations. So much division over one Book and one God means Christians themselves have injected their own biased beliefs and translations mixed with Bible.
@jeffsimpson-h4g 3 месяца назад
just watched live and at end this scripture came to mind and should be greatly considered but didn't get it in. Isaiah 4:1 And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach. many will want to keep their own ways but be still called by the Lord's name.
@elmastewart8677 3 месяца назад
🙏 amen
@jakmelienne49 3 месяца назад
Amen indeed
@jakmelienne49 3 месяца назад
This was a very clear and well explained study of this subject as well as other truths. I do not know why but after the pestilence I saw a lot of Seventh Adventist born believers started wearing jewelries. Also those who were converted into the church went back to wearing what they had put aside.
@bobreese4807 3 месяца назад
@anncanzano1913 3 месяца назад
Praying for Dante and his family.The Lord Bless Dante and keep him.The Lord make his face shine upon him.The Lord lift up his countence and give you his peace Amen.
@jacquelynedwards4878 3 месяца назад
Yeeeeeees Dr. O, PLEASE y'all go to the perry show, that's if they're serious about knowing God's Truth.
@lloydlawrence2781 3 месяца назад
I am learning a lot from this presentation. God be praise
@TheGeeSpot1 3 месяца назад
Mic check: MY brothers I enjoy the content you put out. I will be bed ridden for the next several months because of a torn Achilles tendon. I am un able to make it to church due to my injury. So I rely on the content and the blessings you bring! But I have a bone to pick my SDA brother who put out content on RU-vid. You need to step up your 🎤 mic game! Today I was listening to Dr. O Presentation on jewelry and he had John Lomacang on and it sounds like he was talking through a can. I think the message you guys put out there is very important, but if I can't hear it clearly. I will do like most people keep on surfing until I find content that is clear. So once again please step up to the mic 🎤 and be heard. Thank you!
@knittersknots 3 месяца назад
Please do a show on modestly dressed . I don’t think it’s correct if you focus on jewelry but leave out dressing inappropriately for a Christian. If you or your wife wears Gucci or Chanel clothes or whatever big oversized sunglasses that draws attention , how is that better than jewelry? I am against jewelry but I am also against the hypocrisy of dressing like the world, justifying it and saying it’s not the same.
@leonietaylor7054 3 месяца назад
Good Lord.When yall get,done,we will have to resort to,wrapping old,white,sheets,barefeet,and living in caves
@michaelmorse4312 3 месяца назад
Exodus 33:3-5 (KJV) 3. Unto a land flowing with milk and honey: for I will not go up in the midst of thee; for thou art a stiffnecked people: lest I consume thee in the way. 4. And when the people heard these evil tidings, they mourned: and no man did put on him his ornaments. 5. For the LORD had said unto Moses, Say unto the children of Israel, Ye are a stiffnecked people: I will come up into the midst of thee in a moment, and consume thee: therefore now put off thy ornaments from thee, that I may know what to do unto thee.
@BernetJohnson 2 месяца назад
I'm an Adventist, and all you say is true.One thing is the white Jesus's,sorry you are wrong. Show me.
@naturallysimple4938 2 месяца назад
so, if a wedding ring is no sign of our vows then a marriage certificate or getting “married” is unnecessary as well.. asking
@christinahare4513 3 месяца назад
Happy Sabbath. Blessed study.
@harroneguthrie 3 месяца назад
Amen. Very direct & clear. I appreciate the content shared from the Bible & Spirit of Prophecy writings and the "spirit" in which it was done. ... A follow up presentation on the other aspects of dress reform is anticipated and welcomed. Definitely do a response to that video from the Perrys podcast. Blessings!
@Rated-R-Report 3 месяца назад
Respectfully and lovingly, I really appreciate Dr. O for his powerful commentary. I wished I was on that platform to participate with your amazing and wonderful brothers. This was truly a delight.... Amen.
@leonietaylor7054 3 месяца назад
If jewelry was so evil why wasnt it mentioned in the 10 commandments??
@BallersLife3 3 месяца назад
Throughout the scriptures, wearing jewelry is connected to idolatry.
@anntaylor8065 3 месяца назад
Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
@hallejudy 3 месяца назад
Thank you advent league for responding to this question of mine ❤❤❤❤
@michaelmutekedza5425 3 месяца назад
What About man not wearing long hair and women covering their heads during service?
@JudyAnn17 3 месяца назад
Just a thought for you to think about. The hair on Jesus is describe on his shoulders. Mrs. White didn’t cover her hair. The covering of women should be long hair. Some women can’t grow their hair or have no hair. If one feels the need to cover their head, , it should be modest, and no one should judge. Everyone should be convicted on their own as they draw closer with their relationship with God and his only begotten Son.
@michaelmutekedza5425 3 месяца назад
@@JudyAnn17 what does scripture have to say about this, those are the same passages which were being used. Where in scripture are you told about The Length Of The Hair Of The Lord Jesus ?
@JudyAnn17 3 месяца назад
@@michaelmutekedza5425 Woman’s hair a covering 1 Cor 11:15. Sampson was for bidden to cut his hair. King David’s son Absalom cut 5 pounds of hair yearly off if you remember your childhood Bible stories 😉 Moses is also described as having long hair perhaps his brother Aaron too? Why isn’t anyone offended with these types of images? Depending on what most think “ long” hair is, all the photos of Jesus show him with hair on his shoulders. Mrs. White in vision described his hair on his shoulders. Curly and lay on his shoulders I believe it’s in the testimonies. 1 T? I never ever saw a drawing of Jesus with a saved bald head. Never ever saw him with a crew cut. All the images of Jesus shows him with a nice lock of hair. Man naturally goes bald. That’s not a sin either 😉
@JudyAnn17 3 месяца назад
@@michaelmutekedza5425 Edited because I couldn’t reply. 👇 Testimonies Vol. 1. Mrs. White in vision , saw and recorded Jesus having curly hair that laid on his shoulders. An artist description always shows Jesus with a nice lock of hair. Same with Moses. Are you offended by those? I have never seen an Artist showing Jesus with a bald head ( man naturally goes bald- not a sin either) I never seen a Artist description of Jesus with a crew cut. Either. Sampson had “long” hair and was told not to cut it. How long is long? King David’s son Absalom, yearly cut 5 pounds of hair off …if you remember your Bible stories. I am almost 70 and remember that😉 1 Cor 11:15 for coverage of a woman.
@jerrystilwell7666 3 месяца назад
​@@JudyAnn17scripture states it is our responsibility to show a brother or sister of wrongdoing in love. Help them to overcome things they may or may not be aware of. God bless.
@Kunoichi139 3 месяца назад
Thank you for the information ❤
@valrie5671 3 месяца назад
@adelinelesporis5745 2 месяца назад
@leonietaylor7054 3 месяца назад
Brothers please,rightly devide the scriptures.The bible says its not only about wearing jewelry but its also about women been modest apparel and be shamed faced and sober.So we,can wear jewelry be sober,be modest and be shamed faced too
@forerunness 3 месяца назад
Wow! Powerful and sobering! 🔥🙏 How is that we all have veered off for so long from the path?… 😢
@CeciliaCharlery 3 месяца назад
Dr. O. Question. What about a watch is it Idolatry as well
@leonietaylor7054 3 месяца назад
Come on brothers,do you have wives without rings??I,would never ever marry you😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@feleshaheaven1723 Месяц назад
Okaaaaay 😳 pretty SURE they feel the same about you.
@hallejudy 3 месяца назад
Jaw drops
@jacquelynedwards4878 3 месяца назад
I love pastor John, but he needs to learn the 3 Hebrew young men God given names in Daniel or just call them the 3 Hebrew boys😊
@leonietaylor7054 3 месяца назад
I am from Jamaica.We,wear wedding rings
@MedIntellect-ep1yi 3 месяца назад
When I found out about you brothers about three months ago with the Perrys video I appreciatated your approach. But I must say ""I Cain't Rock"with you guys on this one too much. I am not much of a proponent of jewelry wearing by Seventh Day Adventists. However, the way this topic was handled IMHO was distasteful. I had the opportunity to watch the live yesterday. The topic was supposed to be about jewelry, but it was more about dress reform. I heard all the "Amens" and "Preach Brother" about women, but I noticed in the chat when a few questions were asked about the attire and strict Biblical appearance for men it was skimmed over or ignored. Not Christlike. Maybe it would be a little more helpful next time if the entire panel were a little more sensitive to these things.
@jakmelienne49 3 месяца назад
What was distasteful about the presentation? Please be clear
@MedIntellect-ep1yi 3 месяца назад
IMHO, the passion for women to look a certain way according to each person's standard is honestly exhausting and distasteful. The double standard is so interesting. I am not speaking of immodesty. But we must be honest, each person has their own definition of what modesty is. If s woman has prayed and is submitted to the Lord and He tells her what is modest for her to wear, that's all it takes. I have noted that some men want to have their wives or girlfriends looking so unattractive because they do not want another man looking at her. Is that appropriate? So what I am saying is that we cannot put Christian women on a box. Lastly, most of our brothers ( not all) do not understand the workings of a woman's upkeep and maintenance.They can only go by what may work for their wives. Especially Black womens hair and skin. We are totally different from any other race of women. God made us special 😉. Each person's skin is different. So to tell us just to use this or that on our skin and it will be fine is a total misunderstanding to the uniqueness of women. One product will work fine on one persons skin and the same product will have someone's skin broken out. So to tell a woman what to do for hair, skin and nails is a bit ingenious IMO. Of course health is always the main factor when considering these aspects of a woman, but definitely not the only factor. There is external care that is needed. I hope that answers your question. Just some thoughts 😊.
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