

Tim and Celeste
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22 окт 2024




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@ashd2799 5 лет назад
Hi Celeste, I felt compelled to share my story, but it certainly isn’t brief - I’m sorry! I’ve been struggling to conceive since I started trying (25 years old) until now (32 years old). We did 4 rounds of IVF with terrible fert rates (all rounds used ICSI/some PICSI). Our best fert round I had 24 eggs retrieved, only 10 mature and 5 fertilised, only one made it to Blast. My first round I had 19 retrieved and only 2 fertilised, it was truly devastating. The first 3 rounds we only had one make it to transfer each time out of 60 eggs retrieved which seems insane! I’ve trawled the internet for years looking for someone with a story like mine (lots of eggs, yet poor maturity and poor fert rates) and I’m yet to find it. We too were stamped with unexplained infertility...I know how frustrating it is. After 3 full IVF rounds we changed specialist. The new specialist knew we needed answers, so we did lots more investigating. In fact it was the first time my husband was physically inspected and the specialist stated that he had a varicose vein “varicocele” on the scrotum. We also did the further sperm testing and found that my husband also had the DNA Fragmentation of over 30% and also something else came back elevated but I can’t remember what it was. The specialist suggested surgery to remove the vein as the heat from the vein would be enough to damage the sperm. My husband went ahead with the procedure however there was no improvement so we were yet again unfortunate it seemed. The specialist seemed relatively undeterred by the DNA results, he had plenty of clients who had success with worse results than us. He said often a good egg can fix poor sperm. So then we went back to me. I too underwent surgery - a laparoscopy/hysteroscopy to check for endo, which I was extremely sceptical about as I’ve never experienced period pain in my life. But Lo and behold they found it, my left ovary was completely stuck down. They were confident that they had removed everything. I felt so relieved to finally have a diagnosis!!!! Once our bodies healed we tried naturally with renewed hope for a few months before diving into the 4th and final IVF round. The fourth round I was at my healthiest, I had a year break from IVF and hormone injecting, my diet was extremely clean and balanced, I was fit and feeling positive BUT my body didn’t respond to the meds like it had previously, suddenly I went from loads of eggs (19/17/24) to 8 eggs, which I wasn’t too phased about, I always worried that there was quantity over quality happening. But absolutely nothing fertilised...it was devastating obviously the surgery didn’t work for me and had in someway affected my egg reserve. I knew that it just wasn’t going to happen for us and that we needed to look at donor options. We opted for egg donor over sperm because I figured as long as I was carrying the baby it would always be a part of me but I worried that my husband would feel less of a part of it (it’s hard to describe) and obviously a huge and personal decision. So we went the egg donor route. I grieved a lot before this process, but finally I was ready. And the bottom line is, it worked and I’m currently 13 weeks and baby is fine...for the first time in 7 years we are hearing the word “normal” I can’t believe that I may finally have the happy ending after so many years of heart ache. We only had two blasts from the egg donor but the fert rates were so much better!!! 7 out of 19 fertilised, obviously still a big drop off but much better than anything we’ve had previously. From the first blast we transferred I got pregnant and miscarried at 8 weeks due to trisomy 13, not compatible with life, a freak thing that could happen to any “normal couple” the final blast is the one that is looking promising, no signs of chromosome abnormalities. I’ve had two miscarriages in total and one chemical pregnancy. It’s been a long journey for us and you and Tim will get there too. Just thought I’d share not to sway you in anyway, every journey is completely different...but I too am a strong believer that there is no such thing as unexplained infertility. Knowledge is power and maybe something from my experience will help. Take care, be kind to yourselves & keep believing X
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Thank you so much for sharing your story!! As I was reading it I was wishing we could just catch up to chat to discuss our experiences over a cup of tea! I complete relate to everything you've said. Unexplained infertility is a nightmare. Even when you think you've finally discovered the answer, after enduring so much pain & disappointment, & it STILL fails, it leaves you feeling sooooo defeated.... So wonderful to read you're finally pregnant after everything you've been through! I also understand the grief you felt going through the process of deciding to use an egg donor. We've been going through those emotions also, having to seriously consider what may need to be our next steps if this next IVF cycle fails; donor sperm or donor embryos. It's such a challenging thing to wrap your head around. We've actually been offered a couple of embryos by a friend of a friend, which we have recently finally decided to adopt. It's crazy the journey you go through from the moment you decide to try for a baby, to the confusion of it not happening like it is everyone else, to having the highest of hopes going into IVF, to it failing over & over, to losing babies, to not getting the answers you need, to holding onto false hope time & time again, to having to come to terms with the fact things haven't turned out the way you had always envisioned. But every journey is different & I'm sure when our babies are in our arms, however they make their way to us, we will not be able to imagine or want things any other way. Sending you the biggest hugs & wishing you nothing but the best for the remainder of your pregnancy! Lots of love to you xo
@nikolayromanov7152 4 года назад
am a strong believer that there is no such thing as unexplained infertility.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOLD WORLDS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! absolutely agree
@chicagoatheart77 5 лет назад
I cannot wait for the day you get to hold your rainbow baby in your arms. You are going to be the best momma.
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Stephanie Thanks so much 😘
@TheLuckyOnes 5 лет назад
Happy New Year! I love that you touched on how unexplained infertility doesn’t exist! It is so frustrating when so many specialists kind of just stick to the very small box of what they know and refuse to really dig to find out what’s going on. They really take a “one size fits all” approach and it’s just really lazy, to be honest. Being our own advocates is so crucial and I’m so glad you guys are continuing to fight for answers. I really hope your story can give pause to providers who are limited in their “beliefs” of what causes infertility. Keep fighting, you’re so close!! 💜🌈💜
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
The Lucky Ones It is incredibly lazy & shows such a lack of care. It’s outrageous considering the amount of money these people are charging... If they’re out of their depth it’s their responsibility to refer the patient to someone else, rather than continuing to string vulnerable people along. But they would never admit to being in over their heads, because of the big egos a lot of them have. I can’t stand the “one size fits all” approach- it fails couples time & time again, and cost us soooo much money down the drain. It’s hard to trust medical professionals after years of let downs! Thanks so much for your encouraging words 💖💫😘
@breannaneville4332 3 года назад
I just had a breakdown the other day because of this exact reason, I feel like I'M the doctor, I'M the one doing everything and asking al the questions, doing all the research, requesting testing, etc. It's very frustrating because I'm paying tons of money and these people are more concerned about filling out the chart, signing it, and sending me off with no answers. I had one physician look at me and say, "100% abnormal morphology doesn't mean infertility. It's a complicated and controversial topic. You likely have unexplained infertility." Are you kidding me? There's no such thing as "unexplained" it's just a matter of how hard are they trying to help you find out what the explanation is. But they don't care as long as you keep spending money getting treatments
@cahross1 5 лет назад
Celeste- you and Tim are so strong. I have been following you since my own TTC and infertility journey got started. Thank you for sharing your journey. It helps so much in such an isolating process to know that others are going through it too. My husband had a bad sperm dna fragmentation test sample, and also had low count, morphology, motility. He was seeing a urologist. I recommend your husband see one if you want specific help for him (per health care in the USA). His doctor recommended vitamins (specific mix on Theralogix.). When we did IVF, his doctor recommended he undergo a testicular sperm extraction (TESA) to get immature sperm but with better dna and less fragmentation. We did that procedure simultaneously with my egg retrieval and used that fresh sample for fertilization with ICSI. We also have a frozen sample from that surgery in case we need it later. We also did PGS testing. I forget all of the numbers, but I had 19 eggs retrieved, and 2 made it to day 5 freezing and were PGS normal. So there were still lots of embryos that did not make it, but I feel very fortunate to have 2. Our first FET was successful, and we still have the other frozen for later. I have a beautiful healthy 7 month old boy. I wanted to share this with you to give you more information about a path that could be successful when you have the high dna fragmentation issue. You are in my prayers and wishing you and Tim a healthy rainbow baby soon. 🙏
@ItsKelsiesLife 5 лет назад
It breaks my heart that you’ve had to put so many “puzzle pieces” together... you’re an incredible advocate for your own journey and it’s taught me so much. You’re right, there is NO such thing as unexplained infertility. My husbands semen analysis has always come back normal but he will be retested before we do IVF and I will absolutely be asking for DNA fragmentation tests. Wishing and praying that 2019 brings you and Tim happiness, you both deserve it.
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
ItsKelsiesLife It’s been hard work & exhausting having to pick up all the pieces the specialists have dropped along the way.. Shouldn’t be like that- I always take what doctors say to me now with a grain of salt, which is painful, especially the amount of time it takes to research things & the money we’re paying these people! Considering how expensive IVF is, and the fact that sperm DNA fragmentation can be a cause for failed IVF, you’d think they’d rule it out as a precaution, or at least offer it as an option! But it is an expensive test to do- cost us around $500 AUD. Hopefully it’s not as expensive for you! Thanks lovely- our prayers & strength go out to you guys too! May this be both our year! ♥️🙏🏼
@allisonmertzman2770 5 лет назад
ItsKelsiesLife I follow you too and so glad you have another option to add to your journey. Xo to both of you.
@emmamanvell6573 5 лет назад
I can't believe how much you and Tim continue to go through. I so hope you can find a path through everything, whatever that may look like. Here's to 2019 x
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Emma Manvell Thanks so much, lovely. Hoping this journey will end happily soon! X
@JAKSJourney 5 лет назад
Thank you so much for sharing this. We have gone through recurrent miscarriage and went from 29 mature eggs to 4 day 5 embryos(waiting on PGS results). I have never heard of sperm DNA fragmentation but am going to for sure push to have this test done now. THANK YOU! Can't wait for you to have your rainbow baby.
@crecine45 5 лет назад
I’m still praying for you guys. This is your year. It has to be! Like I’ve commented before, it took us 8 years of trying to have a baby before it finally happened. All of the ups and downs. Yes, even extreme jealousy toward others that seem to become pregnant easily. I totally feel your heartbreak, pain, anger, etc. Hugs and baby dust to you from across the world. ❤️
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Thank you for your continued support, prayers & understanding words! Means so much xx
@rosieposie2620 5 лет назад
Thank you for sharing. I’ve never heard of this fragmentation! 10 miscarriages, two REs and you’d think SOMEONE would mention this vital information!! I’m sorry you guys had such a crappy year. Wishing you all the best for 2019.
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Rosie Posie Isn’t it infuriating!!!! I’m so sorry, lovely... I feel your frustrations- we invest so much of our time & money into these specialists who do nothing but let us down & never take any responsibility. Wishing you all the best for 2019 also. Sending love 💕
@dianaray1470 5 лет назад
Celeste and Tim, words fail me as to what to say because my heart aches for you both. I pray every day for you and will never stop blowing baby dust your way. I hope this year brings you the news we all want to hear 🍼❣️❣️❣️
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Diana Ray Thank you so so so much 💕💕💕
@KimmyLove6932 5 лет назад
Christmas will always be a tough time for myself and husband. We lost our eldest son on December 4th 2015 to SIDS. He was our Rainbow after many losses and heartbreaks. Im still holding onto so much hope for you all. I wish I could give you a huge hug. Much love
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Kimmy Gosh, I can’t even imagine. I’m so sorry for your tragic loss. I wish I could give you a huge hug! Sending my thoughts & prayers to you & your husband, and thinking of your sweet son 💛
@mandy6062 5 лет назад
My rainbow baby passed away this December at 22 weeks and 5 days do to me having an incompetent cervix. Before him, we struggled with infertility for about 4 years. I completely understand your grief especially around the holidays. I am recovering using the same tactics as you are, looking forward and being the best me I can be for hopefully my future child. This is hard news to hear and I’m so sorry you are having another bump in the road. You are not alone.
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Gosh, I'm so incredibly sorry for your tragic loss.... I can't even begin to imagine. Sending you so much love & prayers xx
@janeowen266 5 лет назад
Bless your heart Celeste, my heart goes out to you and Tim and I’m in total agreement with you re you knowing everything about I IVF before investing so much money. My goodness enough is enough you have gone through so much. 2019 HAS to be YOUR year. 2018 was also an awful year for me. In fact the past decade has been a nightmare so I’m really hoping this year is a good one for us all. Happy New Year to you and Tim and once again I’m so very sorry Tim and you lost his mum unexpectedly. I’m sure that hasn’t helped your mood any. I lost my dad last year and there is no way I could have hosted Christmas for the family so bravo to you for doing that while your still grieving. You definitely deserve to have some good in your life after going through such an ordeal. My prayers sent your way along with positive vibes. ❤️
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Thanks so much for your moving words & kindness. I'm so sorry you also had an awful 2018... Praying this next year is much kinder to us all who have had it tough! Sending love & hugs xo
@dhivya2947 Год назад
You definitely gonna be a mumma .. please never ever lose hope... rainbow baby is arriving , you can hold baby sister
@OperationBabyBump 5 лет назад
You are so right on about fertility clinics doing a more extensive panel of tests. I have felt sick the amount of times I’ve thought about how much time and money we’ve wasted when we could have been consulted more appropriately and pointed in a different direction. I’m so happy you guys have a plan and you’re on the road to your sweet little miracle. Let’s keep going and never give up. I’ll walk with you.
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Operation Baby Bump Totally- so much money wasted, it leaves you feeling so sick! Thanks so much, lovely. Walking with you too! 💕💕💕
@Katekagood 5 лет назад
Your honesty is so refreshing! You have definitely helped me, as you already know, the DNA test is up next for us. We were going to just throw Stuart right into testing but because you said your doctor said that he believed the fragmentation could be improved with vitamins we have started Stuart on a strong dose of vitamins and then will have him tested in the spring. We wouldn't have done this protocol without me following your story, so I am very thankful for you!
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
KatekaGood Thanks, beautiful. I’m very thankful for you too! I’ve been planning on sharing what vitamins & antioxidants Tim’s been taking to try & make a difference. What’s Stu currently taking at the moment? Xx
@Katekagood 5 лет назад
​ Tim and Celeste Yes! I'd love to hear what Tim is taking. We have Stu on a multivitamin that has folate (not folic due to his MTHFR) along with a good omega, vtamin d, coq10, and ... I can't remember what else at the moment. :)
@sainters31 5 лет назад
I'm so sorry to hear that you guys have received yet more bad news :( It's unfair the amount of crap you two have had to go through. I really hope you get your happy ending soon, couldn't be more well deserved. It breaks my heart hearing the sadness in your voice. I'm so sorry for your loss.
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
hannahT Thank you so much for your kind words xo
@tucsinemeth911 5 лет назад
Dear Celeste, I follow you and your journey for years, and always pray for you. Sometimes we went through IVFs and frozen transfer at the same time, so I feel you so close even not knowing each other. What I am mostly surprised about how IVF treatment, specific tests and analysis are done so late by your clinic. I mean, I am from Hungary, which is not a leadind Country in such treatment, but our clinic made us to go through several specific tests éven after the second failed stimulation and transfer. Including Natural killer cells, sperm DNS fregmentation, MTHFR and a lot other (genetic analysis, series of different autoimmune issues,....). Of course it took a lot of money and time, but we could exclude a lot of problems before jumping into the next round without any success again. I am just a bit disappointed in the health service in Australia (or only in your clinic and specialists?), that you get your answer only after 4 years. It is not fair. But anyway, I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart! I know, 2019 will be your baby year!
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Thanks so much for your kind words & compassion. Sounds like you were at the right clinic to begin with! Isn't it ridiculous that 5 years in we're only finding out crucial information now... Crazy. And VERY disappointing. Feel totally let down, with so much money wasted. It's luck of the draw with finding the right specialist & clinic. I've heard from people all over the world who have had issues with specialists not providing them with all the tests needed, and instead just diagnose the couple with unexplained infertility. It's a massive problem, that's for sure! Thanks again! xo
@rosemareesays5503 5 лет назад
I feel you..... my year was terrible too. or third year of infertility, a failed ivf cycle, hubby got cancer, mum got cancer. So many new babies and pregnancies in the family are just depressing! :$ Merry Christmas, happy New Year. I hope this year is better for you!!!!!!! you have me inspiration to make my own videos :)
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Rosemaree says I’m so sorry, sounds like you had an incredibly tough year also... I hope this year is better for you too!! And yes, do it! I’ve found making videos over these last couple of years to be so therapeutic! Xx
@alyssam8977 5 лет назад
Wow. I can’t believe they don’t test for all of this before all the time, work and money is put into ivf. Thank you so much for sharing ❤️
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Alyssa M Isn’t it crazy... It would’ve been nice for them to just mention it so we knew it was an option! Xx
@PinkBlushGlamour 5 лет назад
Nothing is impossible sweet girl 💗💙 as I head into my 2nd IVF stim cycle I think it’s important to remember knowledge is power. The gift of finding out about the fragmentation test is that you and your specialist can now adjust things 🙏🏼 pathways are opening up for you. Our clinic in Brisbane offered the fragmentation test straight away so I’m shocked they didn’t mention it to you. I’m not sure if your specialist recommended PICSI it is very effective with prior poor fertilization. We will both get our take home rainbow babies 🌈 and there will be light again xo
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
PinkBlushGlamour Well I’m glad to hear some clinics are doing the right thing in mentioning it! I just replied to a lady who said she’s had 10 miscarriages & seen 2 RE’s & neither has mentioned this test. Fingers crossed 2019 is a more positive year for all! Good luck 😘♥️
@Tahiya81 5 лет назад
My condolences to you and your family on the loss of your mother in law. I absolutely agree that clinics need to check the sperm DNA fragmentation but most don't. My husband had a grade 3 varicocele and very poor morphology (1% normal). All the clinics blamed the issue with morphology for the reason why we couldn't conceive. After extensive research I found that his sperm DNA could be tested but only found one fertility clinic that would do it (I live in New York City so we have many fertility clinics here). His test results showed poor DNA, much like Tim. I feel that these clinics care more about making money off of IVF than fixing the actual problem. My husband decided to have varicocele repair surgery and it fixed the issue with the DNA (morphology remained the same which was interesting). After 3 years of infertility I went on to have one miscarriage and one son. I wish you so much luck on this long, hard journey. You are an amazingly strong woman. Many blessings and baby dust to you this year 🙏
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Tahiya81 Totally! They absolutely care more about making money... SURLEY these doctors would be aware of sperm DNA fragmentation, but when you have multiple failed IVF cycles & miscarriages, and they don’t mention things like this test, it makes it blatantly obvious they’re just in it for the money, not helping people achieve their dreams. It’s infuriating. I’m surprised there’s only one clinic in NYC that tests for it! I forgot to mention in this video that Tim had an ultrasound a couple of days before Christmas to check for a varicocele, but we think there’s no issue there. So happy to hear you finally had your beautiful son! Thank you so much for sharing your experience, for your kind words & condolences 😘♥️
@tracydavies1335 5 лет назад
Keeping both of you in my thoughts and am wishing so hard that 2019 is a better beautiful year for the two of you. You will make such beautiful parents when the time does come ❤️❤️❤️
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Thank you so much xxx
@kikirobinson7836 5 лет назад
Still praying for you and thinking of you often. I know our infertility problems are different but it did take us 6 and half years to have this successful pregnancy with donor eggs as me and my husband both has issues we had to work around. Just do not give up...keep on trying and planning new things. I am excited for your surrogacy path. God gives us grace for the next step and you will be ready for it or the next if the path continues. THOSE THAT DON’T STOP WILL GET THEIR BABY. Keep on going! Your baby will thank you later 😘
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Kiki Robinson Thanks lovely! Think of you often too- how have you & your bubs been going? 💕
@kikirobinson7836 5 лет назад
We are doing pretty good. I am 28 wks and measuring 37 weeks since it’s two babies. We are moving into a bigger house too. My doc wants me to take it easy...so there is a lot to do but I can’t really help. I am feeling very blessed and hopeful for you and Tim as well. Love u!
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
@@kikirobinson7836 Oooo so very excited for you! Will be keeping you & your sweet babies in my thoughts! Happy moving xx
@mrskaitimorris9836 5 лет назад
I’m so sorry about Tim’s results, Celeste. Wishing you the best of luck through the surrogacy. ♥️
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Mrs Morris Thank you ♥️
@heatherlafferty7419 5 лет назад
Prayers as you move forward. I was reading some of the responses to your video and I see many hopeful replies ❤️ thank you for sharing your story. I know it is helping others who are going through struggles❤️ This year 2019 is filled with HOPE. I’m believing this is the year you have your dreams come true. You and your husband deserve it❤️ you are going to be amazing parents
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Heather Lafferty Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️
@rickigill5206 5 лет назад
I continue to to pray for you and your husbands family ,losing a loved one is very tough ,I also continue to pray that u and your husband get your rainbow baby ,I have been watching your channel for almost 2 yrs ,I believe that you all will get your precious baby and happy new yr from the Usa
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Ricki Gill Thank you so so much! 💖
@EnglishVirgo 5 лет назад
I truly hope that this is your year, you guys are so deserving of a little one (or two). I was never sad about my infertility at Christmas. Yes I wished we were buying cute outfits and tree ornaments for our child and doing the whole Santa thing, but it didnt really trigger me badly. It was mothers day that was the killer.xx
@tinarowe8388 5 лет назад
StephieAck I don’t celebrate Xmas however I feel that I was depressed around this time the most because of all the fancy decks and Santa ect! Your right.. Mother’s Day is going to be worse!
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
StephieAck Yes, Mother’s Day this year was incredibly hard, on all fronts.... ♥️
@rhiannonwillmott649 5 лет назад
Great to see you both back and I am glad you have answers finally but I’m sad they didn’t test originally. I look forward to seeing more videos and a rainbow 🌈 baby for us this year xo 😘
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Rhiannon Willmott Thank you! 💕💕💕
@rhiannonwillmott649 5 лет назад
Tim and Celeste So welcome 🙏 lovelies xo
@wandamotsko7263 5 лет назад
Continued prayers for you and Tim. My 32 year old son in law lost his Mom Gail to lung cancer in June. The holidays are hard! 🙏🙏
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Wanda Motsko I’m sorry. Yes, holidays are hard. Thank you for your prayers ♥️
@jillianlacey8296 5 лет назад
Wow, what a tough diagnosis, My heart goes out to you both. Thank you so much for sharing.
@daddsyprincess07 5 лет назад
Definitely praying for y’all that this is yalls year I know 2018 was rough and hopefully 2019 can bring y’all some much needed joy and peace
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Pcosmama Thank you so much ♥️
@daddsyprincess07 5 лет назад
Tim and Celeste your welcome sweets
@kat2138 5 лет назад
My heart goes out to you. I too am going on 4 years of losses and infertility. I'm glad you have an answer and it then all made sense. What kind of diet and supplements are recommended? I really hope this year turns up with great news for each of us!! Lets hang in there. Much love!
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Kat C. Thank you! I’ll be doing a video outlining the supplements he’s been taking, but off the top of my head he’s been on Zinc, Selenium, Folate, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, a men’s multivitamin, Ubiquinol, & Fish oil. He’s also amazingly cut out alcohol and coffee & cutting back on sweets etc Good luck to you! ♥️
@ChelseaHansen 5 лет назад
I’ve learned so much from your journey! Thanks for sharing. ❤️ I hope 2019 brings buckets of happiness for your family.
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Chelsea Hansen Thanks, beautiful 💕
@hannahhakes6578 5 лет назад
Se ding you guys so much love and strength. I am sorry this year was so hard for you guys. I am hoping the specialist has some good news for you guys🤞❤
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Hannah Hakes Thank you! 😘♥️
@akerudawn 5 лет назад
Thank you for sharing so beautifully such a challenging human experience. Wishing you so much hapiness and sucess... I forsee you sharing good news in 2019. ❤️
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Oh your comment made me smile. Thank you
@TexasbyStorm 5 лет назад
I just love your precious heart so much. I pray my deepest hopes that somehow, some route you and Tim have your precious rainbow baby in your arms this year, at the very least early 2020. There is nothing wrong with following through with surrogacy and also trying to improve your personal circumstances at the same time.
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Oh you're so sweet- thank you!! xx
@TheGreatAmazingBibble 5 лет назад
There is power in knowing. Praying for you both🙌🙏
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
BlossumSprings Totally! Thank you 💕
@dee8261 5 лет назад
So hopeful for you. You are the strongest and smartest woman I know!! Xoxo ♥️
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
InBetweenDreams Thank you, lovely. As are you! ♥️ xxxx
@526mum 5 лет назад
Sending you and everyone out there in the same boat all my love, prayers, and baby dust. I battled infertility for 10 years before I was successful, and was told I would never have children. My daughter is 13 now, but the memories of the negative pregnancy tests and reoccurring miscarriages are as clear as day. My cousin was also told she would not have kids, and she has 4 now! Not a day goes by that I don't think of you all. EDIT: I had different infertility struggles than Celeste does so do not read this and take it in a way that I am insinuating that. I had advanced stage endometriosis and a high clotting factor. It took 10 years to find the right cocktail of meds
@lauraalvarado2477 5 лет назад
I'm so sorry to hear about Tims news. I'm so glad your friend has continued to offer you to be her being a surrogate. Praying you can have a mini me this way. Continuing to pray to you all.
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Rikki's Reviews Thank you. I’m sorry it took you so long to get the answers & treatment you needed... So glad you finally got your daughter 💖
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Laura Alvarado Thank you ♥️
@janellmartin7066 5 лет назад
I have said before that I am praying for you, and I still am. Do not lose hope. One day you will hold a beautiful baby in your arms. I'm sure he or she will be as beautiful and sweet as his momma. God is in control, not test results. Blessings ❤
@brunageske2474 5 лет назад
You're so brave! Thanks for sharing your journey. ❤❤❤
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Bruna Geske Thank you! ♥️😘
@charlottekane2843 5 лет назад
I feel so sad for you. Nobody deserves anything you guys have been through. I hope 2019 brings you a family and happiness💞 you are in my prayers💞
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Charlotte Kane You’re so kind- thank you so much 💕💕💕
@morningglorymedia5005 5 лет назад
I never mentioned this before, but I work in a lab and used to do semen analysis (our regulations have changed and our lab cannot comply with the new requirements, which is ok with me, they need another place and better trained people to do it, we were just trained "on the job" and not andrologists). Now I only look at specimens in patients with vasectomies, mostly because the urologists demanded we keep doing that. The RE that used to oversee us retired, so there is no longer an RE within an hour of here. Anyway, we rarely sent out for DNA Fragmentation testing (it goes to a more specialized laboratory in a very well respected hospital in the US). Not sure when the RE would decide to do it, whether poor semen analysis or what. We saw many many couples with much worse semen analysis than what you showed on his report and I don't remember any of the few we sent out coming back with terrible DNA Frag results. I just don't know much about how they do the testing or why they recommend it be done, but it is NOT a routine test. Maybe it should be, along with testing for all these other so-called "rare" things like blood clotting issues or natural killer cells. Especially if you are going to have IVF! Most of the time, that's an out of pocket expense and it's NOT cheep! This is why I've been to 4 REs. The first 3 would NOT listen to me. At least at the second clinic, they had just started to do ICSI on ALL patients doing IVF. Anyway, it takes 90 days for new sperm to be made, so do whatever you can to get some good sperm in the 3 months leading up to the next IVF and hopefully that will do the trick with the DNA Fragmentation.
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Heart Warrior You’re right, it isn’t a routine test, but I think it should be something at least offered or mentioned to couples before they attempt IVF. I had assumed that because Tim’s sperm analysis came back fine that that was that! That we could rule Tim being an issue out of the equation! Failed IVF cycles & recurrent miscarriage are things that could indicate sperm DNA fragmentation. But instead, doctors put us in the unexplained category, rather than continuing to try to find out what’s going on. It’s ridiculous that 5 years into our journey, & MANY failed ivf cycles later, we’ve only discovered this now. And after I suggested it! Infuriating when you think of the thousands of dollars you’ve paid these people who aren’t doing everything they possibly can to help you...
@kerrybarr5962 5 лет назад
Love & hugs to you both .. so sorry for your horrible year .. love from oz x 😘❤️💋
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Kerry Barr Thank you ♥️♥️♥️
@melanierose3909 5 лет назад
As a former foster kid, please consider adopting a foster kid. Your baby might might be waiting for you. So many foster kids don't have loving parents. They grow up feeling unwanted. Please adopt a foster kid. I promise you, you will change a life. You will get your baby and spend alot less of money. Best of luck on your journey. Sending lots of love.
@janewhitson6065 5 лет назад
❤️❤️❤️❤️ I hope all of your dreams & wishes come true in 2019 xxxxxxxx ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Jane Whitson Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@natalygomez5509 5 лет назад
I’m really curious to know if you guys have tried ICSI on all 3 IVF’s ? And more importantly PICSI along with it ? Im doing IVF this month and I had to paid for those two procedures even though I haven’t been diagnosed w infertility yet ... my wife and I decided to move to IVF after an ectopic pregnancy and two failed IUI cycles (we used different sperm donors for each)... I also want to thank you for putting out there all these helpful information for us.. I’ve learnt heaps from watching your videos :-) my best wishes for your family in this new year 2019 sending you good vibes and blessings 🤗
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
NATALY GOMEZ Yes, our last 2 IVFs have included ICSI, as well as HA which is a ‘slightly better’ version of PICSI, (in my specialists opinion). Because we’ve already tried these things in the past, we’re also adding in IMSI next cycle, which is where they look even closer at the sperm integrity prior to injecting the egg, in order to choose the ones that look the best & most likely to create a healthy embryo. Stupid they don’t already do this as standard practice for anyone doing ivf! Thank you so much- wishing you all the best for your upcoming ivf cycle! 🙏🏼♥️
@avva4310 5 лет назад
I hope this is your year to receive your rainbow baby xx
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
AV VA Thank you xx
@CherryLipgloss1000 5 лет назад
Hi Celeste, My friend is going through fertility issues. I have never felt so heartbroken for her. She’s been trying for years without any success. I’m basically doing research into it all, just so I know how to support her... what do you look for from friends when it comes to these issues? What support do you need? I sometimes never know what to say and just cuddle her while she sobs her heart out, but I feel like I should be doing or saying more?
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
CherryLipgloss1000 You’re so sweet- she’s lucky to have you! Knowing you just genuinely care is amazing. That kind of love is felt & always helps. Sometimes there just isn’t anything to say- just being there to listen & agree how shit & unfair this journey can be is enough. Spending time with her doing things she enjoys- for me it’s just hanging out with friends watching movies or playing board games, or going to have a picnic in the park, or going out for dinner. It’s the little things that help take your mind off things. Hugs to you & your friend! 💖
@Hufflestitcher87 5 лет назад
Hugs ❤ I really hope that 2019 is kinder to you both ❤
@Hufflestitcher87 5 лет назад
I always tell people to check out your channel if they are looking for more information about tests etc
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Chloe Crawford Thanks so much, lovely ❤️😘
@mannann1934 5 лет назад
Oh my goodness my husband has this problem and we almost back in 2013 jump to ivf because a dr was refusing to do the DNA fragmentation saying we’re young and healthy. When we got the results he was around 40% it would have be a Fail cycle. I don’t understand why drs has to wait so long to do this simple test it makes me so mad. For him With diet a total change life style it went down to 23%. Still no baby had 2 miscarriage back 2017 and now saving to go back to a different clinic. Wishing you all the best
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Mann ann Yes! It’s terrible to think doctors make these assumptions based on what’s most likely- it’s not good enough! We’ve fallen into the small percentage of people on so many different occasions. These things need to be tested for & not just assumed to be fine. That’s great you were able to get the number down, but I’m sorry you’re still trying. Wishing you all the best with your new clinic! X
@mannann1934 5 лет назад
Tim and Celeste Thank you love; I’m wishing you guys all the luck on all upcoming treatments. There’s so much to look at when doing IVF that I wish dr will test everything ☹️ and not just wait and see and treat us like guinne pigs really.I understand the first round is always like a trial but after 1 fail they should be looking farther specially this DNA issue. But I’m glad you’re now on track to a new approach 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼💖
@nikkimctouton6706 5 лет назад
Ryan's was at 65% after 90 days of completely different lifestyle and certain supplements he got it down to 22% and we got Ben from that round. Look into it and then do whole new egg collection and do TESE with HA ICSI. It was our biggest hurdle. I alkso think you need to do some antihistamines for 5 days before transfer and 7 days afterwards. You need to to do 25mg of pred, intralipids, blood thinners and vitmamin b 6 and 3 very very important. Calcium with D3 in it. And folate I do think you need to do a frozen transfer into you, do a single embryo transfer of a new cycle into you, and at the same time do a transfer of you old embryo into you friend. get Tim to ice his boys every night for 5 minutes. No undies when ever you can, good grass fed red meat, and lots of water zinc, ubiquinol. Vitamin E, and no riding bikes no running no sweating at all. And sperm release every 2 days with out fail for 90 days. I wish I could help you so much, If we can do it with all the different issues we had you can do it as well.
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Nikki Mctouton Thanks for sharing your experience! Gives me hope. We won’t be transferring to me at this stage- the meds I’d need due to our DQ-Alpha match will cost the same, if not more, than trying surrogacy. Why did your specialist recommended TESE? This wasn’t suggested for Tim...
@nikolayromanov7152 4 года назад
we have the same 8 years we try not successful (( 3 miscarriages. This year we did 1 IVF cycle 8 eggs 0 embryos. In April we going to start second IVF . I reading about this test too. now I want to decide if we need to do it
@mmasuku6014 3 года назад
This just happened to me after 6 cycles of ivf, why did they not test the sperm dna initial; so heart broken , I really don’t know what to do now..😢
@kylie_jane4231 5 лет назад
Hi Celeste. The DNA fragmentation results doesn’t mean that Tim’s sperm was the cause of everything. My husbands results were at 34%. He took specialist supplements. After 5 losses we finally had our rainbow two weeks ago. I have high NK cells too so we are not convinced his sperm was the cause as I had extensive treatment until 16 weeks gestation. But like you we do wish we were informed about this test as it is a potential part of the puzzle XX
@awake4eva 5 лет назад
Hi, what supplements did your Husband take. What treatment did you get for your immune issues? Thanks
@amym7753 5 лет назад
Happy New Year! 2019 is your year! ❤️
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Amy Michelle Thank you! 😘
@AgathaTsing 5 лет назад
Try to avoid radiation such as mobile phone and iPad , they kill sperms as well. I hope 2019 will a great year for you and Tim. Baby is a blessing from the sky and will come to you eventually ❤️
@sunshineangelcake 5 лет назад
I'm so sorry Celeste. It's so frustrating that dna frag tests are the very last thing looked at, after rounds and rounds of ivf. The only explanation seems to be an underlying sexist assumption/bias that 'the problem' is with the woman, to the exclusion of considering all the possibilities, including that there are probably multiple issues of varying severity which combine to give a diagnosis of 'infertility'. The feeling of being 'left behind' even your infertility cohort is really tough, but I don't think you're in a small percentage, you're in the bigger percentage (because more people come out of it unsuccessful than successful), it's just that they go quietly to deal with their grief and the success stories are therefore are all you hear about. Wishing you both some peace in 2019.
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Angel Angel Thank you. It is incredibly frustrating that we’re only discovering this 5 years into our journey, especially with the thousands of dollars we’ve been paying these people. And I was the one to suggest testing for it! Outrageous... Yeah maybe, but I do know that recurrent miscarriage, multiple failed ivf cycles & alloimmune implantation dysfunction only statistically affects a very small percentage of couples dealing with infertility. It is what it is. Just hoping we can make a change to the sperm DNA integrity 🙏🏼
@sunshineangelcake 5 лет назад
@@TimandCeleste 🤞🤞🤞🙏🙏🙏
@matheya 5 лет назад
Don't worry about the sperm DNA results ! It's not that high .. I know a woman who got pregnant with 50% fragmentation ( 3rd IVFcycle). My husband has 15% and we have 2 not so great embryos in each cycle. So I know the eggs are not great as well. It's a combination of both egg and sperm. Plus - the next DNA test may show 20% as they test only 500 swimmers as a sample. Next sample may be different - it's not a fixed number ! We stay around 15-20% range with or without vitamins. Godd luck with the jurney forward! :)
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Maya Bee Very true- hoping the next sample shows a much better number. Thank you! 💕
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Maya Bee Very true- hoping the next sample shows a much better number. Thank you! 💕
@nikkimctouton6706 5 лет назад
sperm, DNA fragmentation tests in Australia are very badly done, if is shows a poor result than most likely it is actually higher than it says it is. We do not test the whole sample we just test a certain percent, in most cases if you do not change they way you are living it gets worse and worse, it is a huge problem, we lost 7 PGS tested embryos due to it, it is so important not to under estimate it,if the dna damage is bad, it effects the embryos ability to implant into the uterine lining, and the placenta cells never have a chance to thrive, causing early loses. It is a mixture of both, but after day 3 the embryos development relies on it's own dna which is from both sperm and egg, the eggs do all the work up until then, so the day after fertilization the egg cells do all the dividing, so the vast amount of poor egg quality arrest before day 3, after that if the sperm is bad the embryo's slow down and arrest or go on to make poor quality slow growing blasts, that even if they get to PGS testing and come back healthy, they do not make lasting pregnancies as much, fragmented embryos can make babies if the egg and sperm are fine, but if sperm dna is to bad even if the egg is fine, and the chromosomes are normal, the embryo can fail to implant properly.
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Nikki Mctouton So did you guys have better results after changes were made in hopes to improve sperm dna fragmentation? I feel like it’s pointless to even attempt transferring the one embryo we have frozen from last cycle, knowing it’s not likely to stick, even with a surrogate...
@matheya 5 лет назад
@@TimandCeleste You don't know the DNA of the swimmer used for this embryo so there is always hope. So it's a lottery ...
@mallekhadjer5846 5 лет назад
My husband have 27 DNA fragmentation and doctor give him Fertimax2 and I think it works
@pdore96 5 лет назад
Prayers for you!
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
pdore96 Thank you!
@knees20 5 лет назад
Not sure if you've already looked into it, but Maca Root is great for fertility, male and female. My husband and I both took it and were pregnant very quickly. I know you've tried a lot of things but you never know what little thing could be worth trying :) good luck
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Mac Miller Yes, I’ve been taking it for years. Thanks for the suggestion though 😘
@qendrim875 4 года назад
Its interesting how God let me down when it comes to kids. My grandma loved me God took her. Now I found the love of my life we still trying for 6 years. I don't know why we have so many people who struggle to have children.
@MsCherylB183 5 лет назад
I wish you all the luck in the world x
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
MsCherylB183 Thank you ♥️
@Talaylove 5 лет назад
Yess so true
@kotik4ever1 5 лет назад
Hello Celeste ❤️ finally is able to catch up on your video. Happy New Year 🎉 sorry for the loss of your mom in law. May this 2019 year will be filled with joy, happiness, laughter and the most wish for this year is rainbow baby 🌈 💗 much love to you 💗
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Katrina G-B Happy New Year to you too! Thank you for your kind words ♥️🥰 xo
@kotik4ever1 5 лет назад
@@TimandCeleste ❤️☺️
@iamsoaringeagle 5 лет назад
Wishing and hoping that this year is the one where your luck becomes good and your huge losses recede into the distance!
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
iamsoaringeagle Thank you ♥️
@deedeeanderson1803 5 лет назад
I'm so sorry it is hard for you two! I wish the best for you both. I know this is going to sound strange but yall should try going vegan. I am in a vegan fb group and people have said they easily conceived after trying a vegan diet. It doesn't hurt to try. Best of luck!
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
DeeDee Anderson I was vegan for a while, but I’m not as strict now as I used to be. Thanks for your lovely wishes!
@nataliesilva9367 5 лет назад
You should contact another you tube couple who have been fighting for many years with infertility, the have so much knowledge and now help couples by way of fundraising to help with cost of infertility and adoption called love multiplies, their channel is Phil and Alex. I think you could learn alot about different tests that they have done already, also they just have so much knowledge in this. I wish you guys the best of luck in your journey and hope you eventually conceive!
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
natalie silva Hi Natalie, thanks for your suggestion- I’ve actually already been in communication with Alex to help suggest things to her, as most of the tests she’s had done, or is getting done, I’ve already had a while ago. Hope they get the answers they deserve, like all couples who are sadly left in the dark by their specialists ♥️
@ms.jessikafutureeducator.3340 5 лет назад
Vitamins E and Vitamins C can help reduce sperm DNA damage! I pray that you guys will get your rainbow baby!
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
FutureLPN/RN Yes, Tim’s on both of those :) Thank you for your prayers! ♥️
@ms.jessikafutureeducator.3340 5 лет назад
Tim and Celeste great! I pray and hope that this journey gets easier!
@pdore96 5 лет назад
Have you considered embryo adoption? Ayla and caleb could not use their own, and adopted embryos, are now pregnant.
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
pdore96 Yes, definitely something we will most likely do.
@mayaholmesjohnson8074 5 лет назад
Praying 2019 will bring you the desires of heart.
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Maya Holmes Johnson Thank you! ♥️
@adasollystyling 5 лет назад
Hugs and thinking about you beautiful lady.😘
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Ada Solly Styling Thank you 😘
@skylardaniels3791 5 лет назад
Ubiquinol is a great supplement to help sperm and egg quality! Zinc is great for sperm as well!!!
@skylardaniels3791 5 лет назад
Praying for yall!!!❤❤❤
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Skylar Daniels Tim & I are both on Ubiquinol & Tim’s taking Zinc :) Thanks for the suggestion & prayers! ♥️
@linajimenez2144 8 месяцев назад
How did they not test DNA frag before starting IVF?!! So angry
@margepaz 5 лет назад
How about adopting embryos? See Ayla and Caleb
@nicknackntay 5 лет назад
I second looking into embryo adoption! I personally know someone who did this and have a perfect little one and plan to have another with sibling embryos. Doing only an egg donor or only a sperm donor is hard for the partner whose baby isn’t biological. Embryo adoption is such an amazing thing!
@laurene1389 5 лет назад
Praying 2019 is a better year for you, Celeste! Just wondering why the doctors have said you won't get pregnant naturally because of the DQ Alpha gene match when you and Tim have gotten pregnant naturally before? You're genes haven't changed, obviously, and you have gotten pregnant naturally a few times. That just seemed a little confusing.
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Lauren E It is confusing, but basically it’s the combination of having the DQ-Alpha match & the activated NK cells. At the beginning of our TTC journey, because I hadn’t had any miscarriages, getting pregnant was easy. But the more miscarriages I had, the more elevated my NK cells became, & with so many losses, it has caused my body to permanently reject any embryo that has Tim’s DNA, hence the reason why I haven’t fallen pregnant in over 2 years.. It’s called alloimmune implantation dysfunction. Hope that makes sense? It is very complex. Thank you for your prayers! ♥️
@JennStowe 5 лет назад
@captainkernalpopcorn8733 5 лет назад
Have you thought about or talked about sperm donation? He would still be the daddy but not dna wise.. And i understand you always want a biological child. But i came across u your page today and seen all the pain you both have gone through... It might help to think of other options if you truly want a kid... Sending all my love
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Kierney Halliday Yes we have talked about using a sperm donor, and it will most likely be something we do in the not too distant future. For now we have chosen to try gestational surrogacy in hopes for a biological bub. We know biology isn’t everything, but we lost Tim’s amazing mum 11 months ago, and since then biology seems more important to us. We’ll see what this year brings I guess ♥️
@captainkernalpopcorn8733 5 лет назад
@@TimandCeleste i totally understand❤ i wish the best for you and your growing family! You both have been through so much and you both deserve a incredible baby❤ and it's already a given you both will be amazing parents and i barely even know you lol. Just remember what will happen will happen and at the exact time it will happen❤ one way or another you guys will get this amazing gorgeous baby❤❤
@TimandCeleste 5 лет назад
Kierney Halliday Thank you so much ♥️♥️♥️
@sandrasvilajnac5573 5 лет назад
We found out 48 persent dnk sperm fragmentation few months ago. We tried 7 days therapy for him - 3 times on day he cooled his testicles and every day out semen and we got only 13 percent of dnk fragmentation.
@mr.snoopy_bdon6609 5 лет назад
Omg you look like sophia robot !! 😲
@sarahsemani9332 5 лет назад
Jai fait la hidjama moi et mon marie et j ai tembée ensainte le meme moi am pregnant a s swer a gad answer to the hidjama its good for men my hasben have a probleme sperme
@MOMO-vo5qx 4 года назад
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