
Spicing it Up #2 (w/cwdreactions) 

Sirgabealot G
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After over a year, we finally present Spicing it Up Part 2! We had a lot of fun "spicing up" 25 chain reaction tricks that the community has presented to us and presenting them back to the community with our own crazy twists. Although we are improving upon previously existing tricks, there are still many new ideas of our own in this video. This is hands down the best video that either cwdreactions or myself have ever done (and one of the longest XD).
Thank you for your patience, as this video was supposed to come out during Fall of 2016. The reason it took so long to finish was because we were both busy with school and other machine projects, along with my surgery that prevented me from building for about a month. We spent a lot of time selecting the tricks that we would spice up, looking through many chain reaction videos. In the end, we ended up with a set of tricks from a total of 10 different builders and 22 different videos, as noted in the trailer. To view each original version of each trick and to see who built them, click on the link to the video trailer here.
• Spicing it Up #2 Trailer
The entire process of my part took about 60-70 hours to do, including building, testing, research, filming, editing, documenting, downloading, uploading etc. I put an average of about four hours in each clip, whereas some clips took much longer than that to do (cough cough rolling shoebox stack cough cough). There were about 160 fails in total, with the last two tricks (the swinging C and the shoebox stack) failing the most. My only trick that worked on the first try (excluding the intro and outro) was the cup flip, which was surprising because that trick was actually very risky.
Both of us edited our own sections and cwdreactions edited the final version and added the music, which is why the audio quality actually sounds good in this video.
Shoutouts goes out to the builders whose tricks were spiced up, my new camera and the lighting for improving the video quality on my segments of the video (and to the lights for falling on top of the machines twice, lol) and especially to cwdreactions for putting together a ridiculously amazing chain reaction section for the video and for doing a very very good job with the editing. We plan on holding a podcast in the future where we will get more in depth with the details of the project.
cwdreaction's cipher: OZ'Y TUZ UBKX
Music Credits:
Song 1: Laszlo- Fall to Light
Song 2: Unison- Aperture
Song 3: Horizon- JHACS & Viticz
Thanks for watching! Be sure to subscribe to both channels and share! And if you haven't already, be sure to take another ten minutes to watch the first Spicing it Up here.
• Spicing it Up #2 Trailer
Fun Fact: All of the builders that had clips spiced up in the video had names ranging from A TO T. There weren't builders with names starting with U-Z.
I am interested in commissioned work. If you have any needs pertaining to chain reaction art, please feel free to email me at sirgabealot11@gmail.com.




30 июн 2017




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@jackofallspades98 7 лет назад
So I'll make two comments, one for your section, and one for Carson's. I'll go by timestamp because I have some very specific things I want to say about each individual trick, and then some things I want to say about the screenlink/your building style as a whole. 5:25- I figured the spiced up version of my trick would involve the diablo rolling into place and then doing the spiral rolling motion. I was not expecting it to be used in the first position as well. So you exceeded my expectations already on one of the easiest clips you made. Off to a great start. 5:38- This was one of those tricks that you keep thinking it's over, even though it's only halfway done. I was not expecting that last use of the lightbulb, it caught me off guard a little. The device that initially releases the light bulb is also designed really nicely, it seems. 5:56- This trick reminded me a lot of the cup trick I did in my 2016 Christmas machine. The way the cup falls onto a billiard ball and causes the billiard ball to roll with the cup on top of it, then the cup tilts. I'm impressed with how you got the K'nex lever to slide underneath the cup to tip it over. 6:10- This is definitely my favorite clip of yours. It's nice and clean-looking and the trick looks extremely reliable. The second use for this trick seemed so obvious to me once I saw it. I also loved the neat little touch where the ball gets poked out at the end. That really stood out to me as being really creative for some reason. 6:24- My SECOND favorite clip of yours. Again, everything looks super smooth and elegant, especially the car that pushes the tube onto the second board. Pulling out the playing card that was acting as a bridge was also a nice touch, and reminded me of something I might do. I was impressed by how well you were able to keep the blue ball inside the tube throughout those first two boards. The K'nex contraption that kicks the ball onto the third board was also really impressive and unexpected as well. 6:39- I was extremely curious to see how on earth you would make this clip more complicated, since it didn't really leave a whole lot to change about it. What you ended up doing was definitely cool and unexpected, which is always my favorite kind of trick. The timing of the last popsicle stick getting slapped out was pretty cool, even if it was unintentional. 6:52- This is another one of my favorite tricks of yours. It took the original idea (which was already a combination of two ideas to begin with) and improved upon it a third time! I wasn't really all that shocked with the trick up until the orange ball rolled across it one last time. It may seem simple, but that last use made me rethink everything, since the entire machine was leading up to that one moment, and it wouldn't have worked if there were levers in the way, billiard balls on the end, the track not flipped up, etc. I also loved how you used the technique of poking the ball out of a line of balls again. That's just one of those simple little things that I just love seeing in machines, I guess. 7:14- I think this clip perfectly represents what Spicing It Up is supposed to mean. The trick was immediately recognizable, but you made it a whole lot better by adding more uses to it. I loved the way that the K'nex device deposits the cards back onto the platform. I had to rewatch that a few times to catch how that actually works. I also like how you added a little track on the left side of the tilting lever. 7:33- I thought the original for this trick left a lot of options for how you could expand on it. This wasn't even one of the things I had in mind, surprisingly. I like how it's basically just a machine rolled up into a shell and then unfurled onto the table in one sweeping motion. Very satisfying. 7:47- Again, I was very interested to see how you could possibly manage to make this trick multi-use. This clip actually blew me away. First of all, you got the motion replicated basically perfectly from the original. Secondly, you managed to attach a cup to one of the sides that would hold the ball until the perfect moment and wouldn't come out until it was tilted just enough. And then when I saw the added bounce on the same cup the ball already got dumped out of, I couldn't believe what you had pulled off. 8:11- My favorite part about this clip is how you got the swing to start swinging the second time. The timing of it was so perfect and it just looked so elegant. The tipping over of the structure looked super sketchy though. You needed some cross-bracing in that structure. 8:35- This is another really great clip from you. It certainly has a surprising aspect to it. This is the kind of trick that I would literally never make, and if I tried, it would turn out so much worse than what you made. The first uses of the double-box were impressive enough already, but then when the orange box slid out from underneath the blue one? That seriously blew my mind. I was not prepared for it and it really surprised me. I would also say to keep in mind that the K'nex motors never stop running, so you have to build in a way to prevent them from jamming, like it came insanely close to doing here. Good thing the clip was over when it was. That was not going to last another second. 9:02- That little trick at the beginning there is DEFINITELY something I would make. The motion there looks so elegant and smooth. I love how the ball just drops directly down, only to get hit again moments later by the same track it dropped from. Realistically, it's a fairly simple trick, but I really love how it looks. My first impression while watching your segment was how VASTLY improved your machines have become since RGM 26. The jump in quality was immediately apparent when you got your new camera. I could see evidence that your building style was much more refined and professional, even though the tricks in that machine weren't nearly as cool as the ones in this screenlink. I'm looking forward to your next projects, perhaps even another full-length machine with even cooler tricks that the Toothpaste Dispenser. Keep up the awesome work, I'm very impressed by the sudden jump in video and machine quality.
@sirgabealot01 7 лет назад
jackofallspades98 Why thank you! It really means a lot to me that you would put so much work into your comment for me. So, I'm not going to say too much because I'm planning on doing a podcast with Carson where we'll say everything about SIU 2 that we need to (which we might need some help from you and Michael with) but I'll say what I thought when I read your comment. So I'm really happy that you enjoyed both of your spice ups. I actually found the first and fourth use of the Diablo by accident, but I'm pretty happy with how the clip turned out. I remember seeing on your Twitter about how satisfying it was to watch the marbles roll around in the Diablo and I can definitely relate. And I LOVED the drop kick trick. I built that exactly like your design and I'm proud to say that once I had it lined up correctly, it didn't fail once. I remember watching you find the trick by accident at ISMWE and then spend several hours on it and I was thinking "Dude. There's no way that there can be any consistency in a trick like that". But watching the trick work in ISMWE and then building it myself proved me very wrong. I LOVED this trick and how well it worked and how well the spice up worked out. Your clips only failed four times each, whereas I had a lot fail over ten times and a few over twenty. I was actually really scared about what you would say about my clip based on TheRGMGuy01's trick with the tilting track. When I saw that you were going to write a comment that featured all of your opinions on each trick, I almost wrote you a reply to not write your opinion on this one, as it was the only trick that I wasn't really proud of. I'm really glad to see that you liked it though. It was kind of a fun trick to play around with. Also, I got really lucky with the card dropper in the hair dryer trick. I had a lot of trouble with how I would place the second deck of cards onto the pad. So I made this Knex mechanism and put this little Knex piece in front of where the cards would be and for some reason, this mechanism worked perfectly (but inconsistently). I really like the fluent motion of it too. The insecurity of the flipping cube is why this trick had the second highest number of fails (25). When the cube flipped, because it had so much "wiggle room", it would destroy the track in front of it and it would fail. I don't know why I didn't bother securing it better, as I knew exactly how to do it but just decided not to for some reason. And you should have seen that Knex motor when the clip ended. It looked so funny, I wish I hadn't turned the camera off. My simple setup for that was just putting a light piece of tape on the lid of the box and then I figured that the Knex motor would pull the string out of the tape or rip the tape off. But for some reason, the tape was stronger than I thought it was and it didn't rip off so the Knex motor kept reeling and reeling. Also, the trick in the outro was directly inspired by your drop kick trick, which was my favorite trick in the setup. As for spicing up the tilting board trick, you can't pass up tilting the board the other way to let the balls off of it, lol. And the trick was not that consistent, as you will see in an upcoming fail video that I plan on uploading soon. I must say, I'm glad that you like my style because I always try to follow your style. Your machines are perfect in design and your tricks are beautiful and I always try to go for your style of building. And also, making a list of opinions for each trick is exactly something that I would have done (and I did make a mental list for the SIU #2 podcast). I know you didn't ask me, but I would be honored to work with you in a collaboration. I'm planning on cutting my Retro Machines, as there is no creativity that I can express with that series. I started my Retro machine for AD Machine Land and it's not fun building a machine to its exact design when I can be creating my own ideas and setups. So by doing this, I will have nothing to do until Machine 28 which I will start near the end of the year. So, if you're interested, please let me know. I'll say anything else if I think of it. I probably forgot a lot of stuff, lol. I'm really glad that we were able to amaze you. :)
@CreezyCreations 7 лет назад
I've seen a lot of video on RU-vid, but this is my FAVORITE Rube Goldberg Machine EVER!!!!
@cwdreactions 7 лет назад
Shenanigan S thanks!
@lorennzolictao5019 2 года назад
I loved both of your machines! It was so fun to watch! It really had me on the edge of my seat!
@corgilover1216 6 лет назад
I love your channel your so creative awesome ideas
@axdominoel1026 7 лет назад
your video are realy inspiring
@DoodleChaos 7 лет назад
I'm speechless...
@cwdreactions 7 лет назад
DoodleChaos Thank you!!
@flashdomino 7 лет назад
I smiled after every clip because AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAnyways, I loved the concept of moving each trick to a different location and setting it off a second time! That seemed to be the basis of this video and it was amazing to see how you got each thing to move. The arm at 4:33 and the C at 8:14 were structurally sound and movable so props to both of you! Keep moving giant rigs of K'nex and tracks because those are always so visually impressive :D
@dominodan7933 7 лет назад
The first joke was very great and the interpretation of joel's & Michael's tricks were my highlights. Well done!
@DaksDominoes 7 лет назад
H O L Y C R A P!!!!! This was insane. Literally in almost every clip i was thinking how are they going to spice up these amazing tricks and make them better and add another use, then you would add like 2, 3, or even 4 more uses!!. I was like HOW?!?!?I really liked variety guys trick that you spiced up and jackofallspades's swinging arm trick from his ism machine, but I loved every other clip also. Amazing job to both of you, definitely my favorite and one of the best machine Screenlinks out there
@DaksDominoes 7 лет назад
also i was thinking like how is it possible to spice up TheInvention11, but you did it
@sirgabealot01 7 лет назад
DaksDominos Thank you! I honestly don't know how we pulled off some of the tricks that we did. There were a bunch of uses that I found by accident, like the third use of the cardboard tube and two of the uses of the Diablo (the yellow yoyo). I'm really glad that you liked it! We've been looking forward to posting this for over a year and we wanted to make sure that it would be absolutely mind blowing.
@corgilover1216 6 лет назад
DaksDominos yes it was amazing great ideas and great spicing up
@TyDominoGuy 7 лет назад
This is amazing! And btw that was an amazing shoe box trick at the end!
@corgilover1216 6 лет назад
You are both very inspiring
@lorek33perandfriends47 7 лет назад
Awesome job man! My favorite trick had to be the one with the cards, I've never seen that before!
@milcooke439 4 года назад
@axdominoel1026 7 лет назад
very ingenious
@sirgabealot01 7 лет назад
AXdominoEL Thank you! What was your favorite trick from each side?
@domachino 2 года назад
I miss 2017
@teddytron2000 7 лет назад
You guys have done it once again! That was definitely one of the top 10 most amazing screenlinks I have ever seen in my entire life! Every single clip completely blew me away! Both of you did a great job of spicing up those ideas! This is definitely going to be one of the best videos of the year! I really hope this one goes viral!
@sirgabealot01 7 лет назад
teddytron2000 I do too! I'm really glad that you enjoyed it! What was your favorite clip from each side?
@teddytron2000 7 лет назад
I'd say that my favorite clip from CWD was the one with the tube and the hair dryer, and my favorite clip from you was the one where you spiced up my idea. XD
@teddytron2000 7 лет назад
I also loved the clip you did with the flying cards and CWD's variation on the swinging chamber trick.
@crazyforcats19 7 лет назад
First of all, the lighting and filming was great for both of you. Good job with the editing too; a word that comes to mind is seamless editing. I really like the intro; it seemed very creative and gave a "motive" for the entire machine. So, here were some of my favorite tricks from each section. They're in no particular order (in order of when they appear). 1. 2:06 I know speeding up the spinning Knex piece was probably necessary and a simple edit, but I thought it looked cool. 2. 2:34 3. 3:33-3:38 The section of the machine with the Altoids container and the multi-use component was fun to watch. 4. 4:58 The last trick in Carson's section - WOW! Very impressive!! That must have taken a while to get it to work perfectly. 5. 6:13-6:20 6. 6:42 The way you executed this trick so that the Knex levers were out of the way for each of the balls rolling down the tracks was clean and impressive. 7. 7:18-7:29 I also noticed how the galaxy kinetic motion was in every clip of Gabe's section. I thought it was neat, being something I didn't notice the first 3 times I watched the section. Just a way to tie all the clips together with what seemed like a hidden secret (although I suppose it's not "secret", lol). This is probably my favorite machine so far and definitely the one I've spent the most time watching.
@sirgabealot01 7 лет назад
crazyforcats19 Thank you 😊
@cwdreactions 6 лет назад
Thank you! Sorry for the late reply. I noticed that you gravitated towards some of the simpler tricks in the video, so its nice to know that our styles appeal to both builders and nonbuilders.
@bb5bucks 7 лет назад
My sub box was flooded with things from 1:00
@sirgabealot01 7 лет назад
BB 5 bucks Same, lol.
@axdominoel1026 7 лет назад
that IS to Say it will be difficult because i like a lot of trik
@BWRGM 7 лет назад
WOW! This is honestly one of the best screenlinks I have ever seen. I loved every single clip. My Top 5 were 1. 4:02 2. 3:44 3. 6:30 4. 7:42 5. 3:33 I also loved how some of the clips had an unexpected factor especially 2:40 This is a great representation of both of your styles and my favorite machine video of the year!! ps. I know you just finished a project but in the future would either of you guys be willing to do a collab? I have an idea so if either of you guys want to just let me know.
@cwdreactions 7 лет назад
Thank you! Unfortunately, I am BOOKED AS CRAP, and for a while too. But I will let you know if I ever find the time ;D
@NKSProductions 7 лет назад
Part 1 - cool. Part 2 - AMAZING!! Now when do we get to see the SPECTACULAR part 3?!?!
@sirgabealot01 7 лет назад
NKS Productions We're actually going to make it into a mini series, so it will be a little different in the future but just as amazing. I'm really glad you liked the video! We put a ton of work into it :)
@NKSProductions 7 лет назад
Sounds cool! I will look forward to it! Also, it looks like your hard work payed off! :)
@sirgabealot01 7 лет назад
NKS Productions What was your favorite trick from each side?
@NKSProductions 7 лет назад
That's a hard question! XD For cwdreactions part, I really liked the ramp! It was cool how the balls landed in the box and somehow hit another ball! Then the ramp moves! It was cool! For your part, I liked it when you used a toilet paper tube to carry a ball inside it! Then you tilted the tube and the ball comes out! I thought that was creative! How do you come up with these awesome ideas?
@cwdreactions 7 лет назад
NKS Productions it's something that comes with practice
@TheVarietyGuyTV 7 лет назад
I left a comment on carsons vid and it's glitching when I try to copy and paste it here so maybe just read it there lol
@thegoldbergguy9677 7 лет назад
Vid of the year?
@sirgabealot01 7 лет назад
TheGoldbergGuy I sure hope so.
@axdominoel1026 7 лет назад
i like thé trick 1:10
@axdominoel1026 7 лет назад
i have a lot of dificult for speacking in english because i'm french,so sorry if I speack badlly on english 😕
@sirgabealot01 7 лет назад
AXdominoEL It's okay. I'm amazed by how well you can speak English already. I'm taking Spanish in school so I know how it feels to learn another language. English is a really difficult and complex language, so I understand completely.
@axdominoel1026 7 лет назад
Sirgabealot G thanks
@axdominoel1026 7 лет назад
@axdominoel1026 7 лет назад
@axdominoel1026 7 лет назад
*in english
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