
Spooky Actions At A Distance?: Oppenheimer Lecture 

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Speaker: N. David Mermin
Einstein's real complaint about the quantum theory was not that it required God to play dice, but that it failed to "represent a reality in time and space, free from spooky actions at a distance." I shall use the rhetorical device of a computer-simulated lecture demonstration (a cartoon version of recent experiments in Vienna) to explain both the appeal of Einstein's criticism and the remarkable act that the "reality" he insisted upon is nevertheless unattainable.



22 июл 2024




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@jvailb 5 лет назад
that we all receive a broadcast from los angeles and view it on tv at the same time is the only entanglement that I can easily grip right now.
@delb0y1967 9 лет назад
Fantastic lecture ! Certainly not boring or overcomplicated in my opinion.
@dalegriffiths3628 9 лет назад
Can someone please help! With the 3 particles coming out of the source, the twio going towards B and C and passing through the stuff how can this represent the stuff left behind by A when A hasn't gone through the studf left behind, B and C have. Is it that you can think of The 3 emitted particles as equivalents and even though B and C went through the stuff left behind this is equivalent to if A had gone through the stuff left behind but it is just that the detectors B and C give a way of showing what would have happened IF the particle heading fir A had indeed gone through the stuff left behind?
@agreenjay 6 месяцев назад
Went down a rabbit hole over an afternoon or two looking at layman's explanations of QM. This is very good in showing its weirdness. The payoff is at around 58:10. You can't know both type 2 color and the type 1, either one or the other but not both. The whole thing reminds me of a board game with rules, and the rules may not make sense, but there you have it. And no one knows why its this way.
@kennethflorek8532 9 лет назад
I do not see how, once the speaker started, this presentation could be boring. If it seemed boring, then you are not interested in delicate points about how quantum theory differs, by necessity, with the world as people always have thought of it. It could well be that the reasoning presented has lapses or jumps, because when it got to the crux too much was flying by for me to follow.
@tarnopol 10 лет назад
The actual shit starts going down at 9:11.
@stephenicus1 8 лет назад
As a layman I found this lecture very interesting. Obviously I do not understand the deeper meaning behind it but it has certainly peaked my interest and I will do some further reading, at least until it becomes far too complex for me.
@D800Lover 4 года назад
Is the role of physics to describe what is or what is the purpose behind it? The problem of reconciling both is that we may have to look beyond materialism as a philosophy and look at a metaphysical answer. Now that is truly what is spooky to some.
@othertestchannelbeta 10 лет назад
I think it would be more accurate to say that our understanding of QM is incomplete. In the lab we can entangle particles, which can mean they are combined or created together so they share properties. When you consider that the quantum objects are described as wave functions (without definite locations or momentum) it doesn't surprise me that distance doesn't matter with regards to entanglement. The wave functions are still correlated, so the measurements would be expected to be correlated.
@MatthewSuffidy 4 года назад
I don't really understand this totally, but I am feeling like the stuff left behind- 2 color theory, and the 3 detectors geometry has something to do with the problem here. I never really understood the Bell experiment, but thought maybe it had something to do with the statistics of the wave function vs theoretical probability.
@AlbertGenzen 9 лет назад
Anyone know how it is that in a 222 run all outcomes are equally likely and in a 111 run they aren't?
@possumverde 10 лет назад
One question...The speaker mentioned that under QM, thing _B_ (for example) could be considered the same as the "stuff left behind " thing _A_ and thus was an equivalent representation of the original "thing / stuff left behind" test...Unfortunately he neglected to explain whether or not that assertion was backed by aspects of QM currently supported by physical evidence or if it relied on the currently implied yet still theoretical only aspects...That would seem to be important as if it comes solely from theory then it's awful close to a case of using a theory to "prove" itself...Why is (for example) "thing B" (in relation to either thing A or C as mentioned in the lecture) the same as the "stuff left behind" from the first experiment?
@supertuesday600 10 лет назад
All these has been experimented countless times. The outcome of the experiments resulted in the theory.
@maimultovidiu 11 лет назад
”stuff left behind” - very academic and specific terms for physics
@johnboyd2564 11 лет назад
Another great lecture
@softcellelectrical 11 лет назад
I never thought of it in those terms but it reinforces the postulation of a holographic universe. This would explain (if you believe in such things) why thoughts travel instantaneously. Thoughts are not bound by the illusion of observation and thus transcend any perception of distance. Thanks for the insight, it was helpful.
@seditt5146 2 года назад
Picture it like this... First off, you know what moire patterns formed from interference of waves are correct? What you get on a 2D plane is peaks and troughs resulting in banding and this banding is also capable of containing 3D information if the "observing" wavelength equals that of, or is some integer multiple of the original screening material which created the banding, in the case of Holograms this screen is the frequency and phase of the light which created the pattern. This process demonstrates the encoding of 3D information on a 2D plane and this same phenomenon exist on a 3D "plane" with the observing dimension being the observer AKA You... or any single particle which interacts with the 3D plane its "observing". Now with that in mind consider a 3D sphere which contains this 2D hologram on its surface in which you the observer is inside at some point. If we extrapolate this 2D wave front information into the center of the sphere it will also cause interference in such a way that if we shrink the frequency and amplitude such that it scales with the radius of the points distance from the center of the sphere what one gets is full on 4 dimensional spacetime which is theoretically capable of encoding all the information, from the start to the end of the universe on nothing more than the 2 dimensional surface of the sphere. My hypothesis above is also Testable in that due to the nature of the encoding what should result is a cyclic rhythm in the behavior of all particles such that what we really are witnessing is cycles upon cycles upon cycles. We should be capable of taking a timeline for instance and properly coiling it onto itself and seeing history line up when the proper coiling coefficients are used. Despite this needing infinite accuracy for such coils down to the Planck's scale we should be able to cheat with relative accuracy and take two highly similar events on a timeline and coil the ENTIRE timeline with coils in time equaling t*0.5. Once you see a rather nice correlation between two events, all sharing many many different vectors the proceed in coiling the coil again in harmonics of the base frequency. You will quickly see events start to line up in straight lines on the outer radius of the coil which share so many similarities it defies logic and probability unless the above hypothesis about the nature of spacetime being a projection of a 2D plane on a 4D sphere. Method 2 of testing... with this being a grander scale in which we can not influence results is that we should be capable of taking the Microwave Background Radiation we observer and projecting this data in a fashion described above and we should be able to observe rough structures which mirror the Galactic web of our universe. Finer and finer detailed maps of the MBR will allow us to result higher and higher detail. The MBR is simply just the surface of the Event horizon for the blackhole our universe is in Red shifted are it gets projected onto this higher dimensional hypersurface. OR.... This is all bullshit and I am delusional, ALWAYS and option however given the nature of wave fronts and how interference behave coupled with the fact that formulation has shown our observable universe is right in size and mass density for consideration of it being a blackhole it becomes extremely hard to ignore this all. It basically means the Big bang, the Singularity that started our universe from a single Plancks sized point is really a 2D sphere in a higher universe with all the information coming into that EH being our MBR and our Universe being the MBR of the universes inside Blackholes in our universe. Each Universe would simply be visualizing the hologram from a different angle similar to what happens if you smash a real hologram you dont get pieces of the original, you get the entire image however what it loses is the ability view it from some angles. It makes every Universe ALMOST the same... however very different as they break off at that specific time. Also, for better visualization of all this make sure you understand that at the Event horizon of a Blackhole Time and Space are flipped... This means to an observer outside the Blackhole they see matter going towards a singularity while an observer inside would see the trip towards the inside of the singularity as instead moving forward in time, not space. The inside observer would see the spheres surface as being a single point and the center singularity as being a point infinitely far in the future as time slows the close one gets to the center. For fuck sake I meant this to be a quick and simple post and my stupid ass wrote a mini thesis and even then there is so much I cant get into and this is by far surface level but I hope this makes it a bit easier to visualize the possibility we are a holographic universe as I personally believe there is no real other way as physics currently dictates this all to be true.
@debyton Год назад
Stuff left behind could be entangled with thing. Stuff left behind could have different properties than thing. What is stuff left behind anyway?
@heyassmanx 11 лет назад
Since your asking for one I'll give you one but it is just my interpretation based on the material I've read -- It's not so much that these particles have some obscure means of communication faster then the speed of light as much as the space between them is an illusion of space and time which are relative. More so we are making these observations from within the space-time continuum and this reminds me of Godel's incompleteness theorem as we may never know things as they actually are
@ChiDraconis 11 лет назад
i have been trying to grasp what the 2-portal shows other that the duality thing as-taught though novel and effective for undergrad or intro - my position on time is that the effector-field of density is essentially the tensor of baryonic ( observable ) - to scope the discussion beyond such effector-field is an area where time does not exist or does not yield to phase-relative tensors a/k/a does not exist ▬ consider to-wit isomorphic-resonance as a P-P' delta | 0.0 1.0 ) where the zero-point .?
@robkim55 13 лет назад
very good lecture and good explanation
@ChiDraconis 11 лет назад
it can be that we are an effect-or-field of a Δ which is non-localized as the wave-function - that which is pre-cursor to the wave may exist only as potential
@invrnrv 12 лет назад
@1:13:50 Consider not classical waves, but waves with threshold-events, much like excitation waves of a collection of neurons, combined with back-propagation waves (of the opposite sign) that originate from threshold singularities to spread outward away from the singular source. Back-propagating waves smooth out the field such that future post-threshold-event incoming-waves are likely to trigger more threshold events. Thus "virtual" particles use echos to sustain itself via field resonance.
@eltodesukane 11 лет назад
What you are saying seems to make sense. In the following article Cool horizons for entangled black holes (2013 jul) by Juan Maldacena & Leonard Susskind they suggest that ER=EPR meaning that EPR-type entanglements are actually Einstein-Rosen bridges. As I understand it, it would means that entangled particles are directly connected by a quantum-size wormhole, explaining spooky action at distance.
@BarryKort 7 лет назад
In Part IV, the logical paradox is quite clear if one tries to posit some static (not time varying) internal state that deterministically governs the outcome of the "color" measurements. One can also posit some time-varying internal state machine that maps onto the epiphenomenon of the "color" measurements, provided one also assumes that all the particles advance their internal state in perfect synchrony governed by a common master clock. Mathematically, this doesn't help us get out of the logical paradox in the gedanken experiment. But what happens if the particles have their own local clocks which, while being nearly synchronized, run at slightly different rates? Then, it occurs to me that the "left behind" particles are slightly desynchronized from the third particle, so that the prediction is subtly compromised. If we are talking about polarization angles or the orientation of the spin axis in space, we now have some time-varying wobble or jitter which compromises any mathematical calculation that relies on perfect phase-locked synchrony relative to some master clock or reference clock.
@YoutubSUCKZ 10 лет назад
so at the end all detectors detected green and yellow?
@tulliusagrippa5752 4 года назад
Did Bohr mean that physics is a model of what we experience and does not necessarily reflect what underlies the experience.
@enotdetcelfer 9 лет назад
Lecturer gets to the point at 22:20
@qualifying2359 2 года назад
imbevile! 21:00 is the most important part
@tjock-tv5181 2 года назад
I liked the part about the stuff left behind.
@softcellelectrical 11 лет назад
I think you are partially correct. There is the element of formation of the thought, feeling or emotion, but once that packet is assembled it seems to be perceived instantaneously. It would be very difficult to prove this from an academic point of view...until mental telepathy is proven beyond a doubt. Till then it is all speculation. Good observation though.
@1pointt21gW Год назад
One of the greats.
@LaureanoLuna 11 лет назад
0:35:40 I don't think in EPR's view the existence of a testing device able to test simulatneously for 1- and 2-color is sufficient to assert the reality of both properties: rather, there should be a device able to test any of the properties without physically interfering with the observed system. That's what would ensure they are elements of reality (in the EPR paper) and that's what EPR thought they'd found in entangled systems.
@adamwatson7669 11 лет назад
My initial comment was aimed at philosophers who want to make assertions about the character of nature, but without the rigour of experiment and theory. I have no problem with philosophy as a method of study, and something to be studied.
@MrKorrazonCold 11 лет назад
"Everything is two opposing fibonacci vorticies! Only difference between solids, liquids, gases and plasma is Volume! Everything is forming out of the locational spherical inward logarithmic absorption density (contraction) and outward exponential emission density now (expansion) or acceleration of electromagnetic waves inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source of the input+0/1-output electric charge forming the EM-fields or resonance and interference as time unfolds."
@charlietame1892 6 лет назад
Why do most of these lectures begin with some person we are not remotely interested in telling their life story and introducing some other nondescript entity whose life story is similarly uninteresting before the person we are actually interested in gets to say a word. Simply saying "Hello I'm (Whoever), please turn off your phones and let us welcome today's speaker ..."
@CONNELL19511216 11 месяцев назад
@invrnrv 12 лет назад
I think the reason for the contention is that people are thinking in terms of "particles", but the very notion of a "particle" implies that it is independent of its environment. There are no "particles" in isolation of the environment -- it's all self-sustaining resonance.
@ChiDraconis 11 лет назад
actually since your reply sounds legit i am now to the status that i can work those probabilities independent of wakefullness of corpus-humanus ▬ trying now for flipping that to a conscious-state (self-aware) though that can really go nuke when P-P' are brought to 0-phase
@LaureanoLuna 11 лет назад
If physicists read Kant, they'd understand physics is only about phenomena, not things in themselves. No physical observable is a property of things but of the way they appear to us. That's why speaking of physical properties unrelated to an experimental setup makes no sense. Phenomena emerge out of a cognitive interaction between observer and things. In measuring one entangled particle, we alter the whole experimental setup and enable the other to first exhibit the corresponding property.
@adamwatson7669 11 лет назад
What discoveries in physics will be useless if ZFC is inconsistent?
@MrKorrazonCold 11 лет назад
Yes and all information can be found on the Net! Everything with mass is contracting E and eXpanding c2, and even the wave-medium itself is breathing!!! Everything is two opposing vorticies and only difference between solids, liquids, gases and plasma is Volume! Time dilating wave-center's are opposed motion simulating rest and balance now through violent motion forming out of the locational spherical inward absorption density and outward emission density now accelerating electromagnetic waves!
@KazimirQ7G 10 лет назад
Thanks a lot.
@wulphstein 5 лет назад
I don't understand why spooky action at a distance is a problem for Einstein?
@RemarMaxim 11 лет назад
Waterboarding would be less torturous than this lecture.
@davecurry8305 3 месяца назад
St. Patrick was the pabtron saint of quantum entanglement.
@pyrrho314 11 лет назад
thoughts do not travel instantaneously... they are very slow in fact... that they appear to some to be instantaneous is really just us not taking the passage of time into account, ignoring the errors due to the mistake. Thoughts are actually slow, take time to form and time to unform, and nerve signals are slower than airplanes.
@adamwatson7669 11 лет назад
That was my point, even if the foundations of pure mathematics are axiomatically shaky, physicists won't lose much sleep over it.
@SideWalkAstronomyNetherlands 3 года назад
oh dear, we got a walker....
@MrKorrazonCold 11 лет назад
Everything is two opposing electrical fibonacci vorticies Only difference between solids, liquids, gases and plasma is Volume! All direction is spherically curved. Fimilab discovered quanta switching 3 trillion time per second from matter to antimatter. Experiments show how conversion of matter into energy through its antimatter brings about gamma rays with exact opposite momentum and every action has an equal and opposite reaction thus gravitational systems are ashs of prior electrical systems
@nicolo2428 3 года назад
as physicist i can say that any lecture that tries to explain entanglement by using colors or any other simple examples is more confusing than actually using mathematics
@anhumblemessengerofthelawo3858 3 года назад
_it's directed at non-physicists, bro_
@adamwatson7669 11 лет назад
Sure, but we are primarily using mathematics to describe the behaviour of the natural world. Physicists don't treat infinities with the same sort of rigour that mathematicians do. Perhaps you could argue that they should ;-)
@adamwatson7669 11 лет назад
I understand that. Physicists borrow from mathematicians all the time. For instance Hamilton's quaternions were ignored by physicists for years before a mathematically less powerful part of was nicked to form vector analysis, when it was needed. The converse is also true I suppose.
@quasipseudo1319 11 лет назад
So we create our own reality by experincing it and get a or b because of our detector the brain ?
@LaureanoLuna 11 лет назад
Physicists need philosophers (or, rather, philosophy) to know what they are talking about: whether they are talking about phenomena (i.e.the way things appear to us) or about things in themselves. This is why Bohr and Heisenberg were inspired by Kant and by Neo-positivism. This is also why Mach, Poincare and Einstein produced the theory of Relativity based on Leibniz' and Kant's conception of space.
@twstdelf 13 лет назад
@dedalus have a youtube link for another one?
@invrnrv 12 лет назад
You can't get that with classical waves, but if you study the waves in the brain, I bet you'll find virtual particles and in fact a whole virtual universe that is the person's subjective reality. The universe probably works in a similar way.
@softcellelectrical 11 лет назад
Is there one damn post on RU-vid that actually addresses the mechanics of spooky action at a distance instead of quoting other peoples quotes from other people that are quoting from other people? Seems to me that no one knows s... about the subject.
@giorus 3 года назад
This is it. There's no spooky action at a distance and this video provides the demonstration.
@merrittolsen 13 лет назад
he doesn't really explain why you can't use the 2-2-2 position...
@pennyl.8799 11 лет назад
Really? The computer you used to type your post relies on the princples of quantum mechanics.
@LaureanoLuna 11 лет назад
Why not?
@trombone7 15 лет назад
Einstein had a chuckle when a student at his lecture suggested 2 twins would be different ages if one spent a period of time travelling near the speed of light. Conversely, Einstein didn't chuckle when his own mathematics were extended to QntPhys and suggested that changing the spin of one electron would change another electron's spin instantly NO MATTER HOW FAR APART THEY ARE and faster than light. He also didn't like the 'statistical' nature of QPhysics. Read uncertain.
@adamwatson7669 11 лет назад
Saying that, I have no problem with philosophy as it pertains to ethics, political theory, and so forth. The field has many uses.
@ChiDraconis 11 лет назад
working the Sheldrake thing i would crack a joke for forward-feed but this is a legit sponsor so will speculate - we see geologic as well as linguistic epicenters on what is known in traditional-accepted as Hellenic Studies - there is a collective-mind as well as a phasor-relation binding individual-entity with collective mind so what of the generation of course-of-civilization via collective-mind as tensor phased on nation and alliance.?
@wScott905 11 лет назад
The people who already understand the EPR thought experiment used to counter Bohr's interpretation can't understand this lecture.
@TheVincent0268 3 года назад
starts at 9:00
@CstriderNNS 9 лет назад
For all the people complaining about, its is to slow,boring,overly complicated,to many diagram,etc.. GO WATCH SPONGE BOB, maybe it is more along the lines of your intellectual prow-less, this man has dedicated his life to unlocking some of the most kept secrets of the Universe, this man ,like many is a hero and deserves a little more respect...
@higgins007 9 лет назад
Agreed. I'd been learning about this (as a layman) for a while now and kind of sort of understood it in a metaphorical "abstracty" kind of way. This lecture just illuminated the practicalities of the idea and experiment. I really feel I have a much more concrete understanding after watching this. Great lecture.
@stijill 9 лет назад
I disagree! Sponge Bob is to high-brow. I would watch the History Channel. :D
@nadmey9099 6 лет назад
Some people cannot help it. As they are pea brain.as you say they got to watch Teletubbies on CBBC,s
@ZeroMass 5 лет назад
"overly complicated" I see more complaints on how its dumbed down... Berkeley being sensitive to its resident dullard sjw's I guess.
@edtronic 13 лет назад
tap that arsh!
@orbsandtea 13 лет назад
There's steam pouring through my ears! Ugh... *leaves quantum physics and goes back to good old biology*
@fornax333 8 лет назад
After listening from 39:20 Now I'm feeling left behind. ;)
@thefranciswatts 11 лет назад
I agree with Einstein and for the same reasons. quantum theory is bunk.
@jamesdolan4042 2 года назад
I am not there yet.
@parvizrainpour3549 7 лет назад
@surendarvijay2520 6 лет назад
The idea of hidden variables is how sudoku puzzles work. Wonder how "quantum" sudoku puzzles would look like?
@SaveTheFuture 11 лет назад
Quantum mechanics does not require "God to play dice". That is an INTERPRETATION of quantum theory, and there are interpretations which allow for hidden variables, and scientists often make the terrible assumption that only non-deterministic interpretations are valid. I think that quantum entanglement is the result of the fabric of spacetime itself moving in a higher dimension, thus it does not technically exceed the speed of light. Although that could conflict with gravity traveling the spe
@adamwatson7669 11 лет назад
I agree, you could plant the scientific method within epistemology, but science is more than just its methods of inquiry. I wouldn't call the interpretations of QM philosophies, or if they are then only in the most banal fashion. Nor is it true to say that "When a philosopher formulates a pet logic, it's a new theory of mathematics". That is a nonsensical statement.
@adamwatson7669 11 лет назад
Even philosophers don't agree on what philosophy actually is.
@adamwatson7669 11 лет назад
No, you asked "what is philosophy". I told you that no one agrees on a precise definition. If you had asked what /I/ think philosophy is, I would have told you it is the systematic study of fundamental problems. But it has little if any application in advanced physics.
@RichardAlsenz 8 лет назад
Just watched this. I guess he was there. Not sure, been tricked many times before. I think it is only statistically relevant, nonetheless.
@onurkara1380 7 лет назад
@gpcrawford8353 11 лет назад
I have to agree with some of the comments this was not a goo d lecture. I am still none the wiser on this issue .
I've been patient over a decade please
@adamwatson7669 11 лет назад
Yes, because the sorts of methods philosophers employ are not useful or relevant to how we do physics, or science in general. As I said, no scientist ever needs to consult a philosopher to guide them in their work.
@marklaney9252 3 года назад
IMHO Mermin thinks he's simplified things by using 1/2/red/blue instead of the actual properties. But instead it's way more confusing! It's abstracted away any hope of following the logic! As a bad analogy, it's like trying to explain a rocket flying through the air... but instead of showing the rocket you show red/ blue dots that represent the height and label1/label2 to represent near and far.... except you don't even tell the audience what red/blue,/label1/label2 even mean! I guess I'll decipher this talk by going back and cracking open his Boojum book.... (oh, bother)
@adamwatson7669 11 лет назад
So being able to form a coherent argument is a philosophy now? Am I doing philosophy when I explain why I'm late for work? Is that subversively epistemological?The process itself is not problematic,the jargon is.Hence why formal philosophy is worthless to scientists, and science in general. Theoreticians are largely using mathematics in their work. That their work needs to be consistent is a banal truism, which is certainly a synonym for the kind of philosophy you're describing.
@thrunsalmighty 10 лет назад
The greatest ........... of the twentieth century? QM I agree with. But the novels of Thomas Mann? Never, The works of Captain WE Johnns must surely be accorded THAT honour. And Stravinsky? Hmmm! For me, the jury is still out.
@eefaaf 10 лет назад
@MrKmanthie 10 лет назад
The novelists, musicians/composers, etc. and their so-called "rankings" (dumb idea, anyway) is completely a matter of opinion. (Thomas Mann was no "greater" a writer than oodles of writers I could name; same w/Stravinsky, etc).
@kosterix123 8 лет назад
lost me at 31:31
@janklaas6885 Год назад
@adam3141 10 лет назад
This seminar would have been interesting had it not been boring - I know, right, they're opposites but in all seriousness it was hard to follow. I think there was just too much waffle interspersed with actual material. This seminar did however remind me of the lectures given by MIT. 8.04 which delves into quantum mechanics quite nicely - it uses "colour" and 'hardness" properties of electrons to describe the same principles.
@woundedwomb 16 лет назад
Einstein never did this!
@adamwatson7669 11 лет назад
No, I'm attacking philosophers who think that their field has anything relevant to add to our body of knowledge from physics, or to any science. The character of natural law is not axiomatic. We actually have to go out and see how the world works for ourselves.
@adamwatson7669 11 лет назад
I'm guessing your field of study is in foundational mathematics ;-)
@adamwatson7669 11 лет назад
The 'pet logic' of your philosopher is irrelevant to mathematics. Mathematics works just as well regardless of the position you take on its ontology. More importantly, I wasn't talking about mathematics, but physics, and science more generally. Once more, we do not need philosophers muddying the waters with jargon and linguistic formalism.
@adamwatson7669 11 лет назад
No, physicists need mathematics to know what they are talking about. Sure, a little philosophy is perhaps required, but not the formalism used by philosophers, the endless categories and 'isms' and meaningless chewing around. Einstein developed the theory of relativity based on empirical and theoretical findings from other physicists, not philosophers. You may note that it is entirely incidental that some philosophers may have been on the right track, but many more haven't. Be consistent.
@hackajim 12 лет назад
omfg... im blind, I dont know what color is. =) lol
@jonetyson 8 месяцев назад
This lecture needs more polishing. The facts are right, but the presentation is a bit unpolished
@skdkskdk 12 лет назад
@sbergman27 Amen!
@heyassmanx 11 лет назад
@reichhardbuerger1492 10 лет назад
Starts at 9:30 (!), lecture is painfully slow.
@Saki630 9 лет назад
Yes this shit is slow, 11min and I cant stand the slow old speakers. They should have given them coaching, practice, and some caffeine.
@stijill 9 лет назад
Yes it's slowwwwww... But again I did't click on this for it's production value
@stijill 9 лет назад
It's funny even Professor Mermin said "good i'm on…"
@arcitejack 5 лет назад
A terrific presentation on how NOT to give presentations.
@seditt5146 2 года назад
8:00 The reason that really smart guy had an issue with Quantum theory is because its bullshit :D . I mean, seriously, God does NOT play dice... No matter how much you all want to delude yourselves into believing you have free will you are simply looking at your inadequacies for measurement and ensuring freewill exist just below that. At the end of the day that is all it boils down to, a bunch of people searching for a way to introduce some sort of control of the universe where they mathematically could not see one before. They searched, and searched, and searched, all the way down, until they got to the smallest values they could possibly measure and JUST below those values is where free will and consciousness lay. Quantum theory is just a rehash of the God of the Gaps fallacy and people have ignored glaring errors in the standard model and QED in order to keep this delusion alive. All the real geniuses from back in the day knew and admitted renormalization was absolute absurdity and yet without it our entire house of cards collapses faster than a modern day Chinese sky scrapper.
@alanmclemore3927 6 лет назад
Q: What's the difference between a "tester" and a "detector"? A: None.
@adamwatson7669 11 лет назад
Philosophers have nothing to say on the state or interpretation of our knowledge from physics. Sorry.
@48acar19 10 лет назад
I feel that the physical theory itself is much more simple and much more clear than his simplifications where he uses the stuff taken from his behind! LOL
@DavidAKZ 15 лет назад
He didn't like quantum physics. Called it spooky !
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Berkeley School of Education 2024 Commencement
The Higgs Boson Explained
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Einstein Field Equations - for beginners!
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