
Standardized Testing: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) 

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American students face a ridiculous amount of testing. John Oliver explains how standardized tests impact school funding, the achievement gap, how often kids are expected to throw up.
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@KealohaHarrison 5 лет назад
The whole “don’t discuss the contents of your test” thing is probably the least followed school rule, second only to the dress code
@mosskin2016 4 года назад
Except for girls
@andrewmelnikov292 4 года назад
What's worse, truly secure system is based on transparency and reliability, not on hiding things. Security through obscurity, as far as I know, works only for state secrets, not for automated tests.
@KamenRiderHellhound 4 года назад
Also not legally binding.
@ezekielmartin4323 4 года назад
Every single year, the second the ACT is over, the internet is flooded with memes about the shit on the ACT. Like clockwork. It's fantastic.
@86_percent28 4 года назад
Ezekiel Martin I just took the ACT and my brain is fried
@nicklaugen4470 9 лет назад
As a Florida high school student, with my closest friends having ANXIETY ATTACKS over these stupid standardized tests, let me tell you: they don't work. My teachers are stressed. My friends are stressed. I'm stressed. The worst part is that WE STUDENTS AREN'T LEARNING! If I were to theoretically become an engineer, I'd be hapless. Yeah, I passed all math requirements, but this is NOT due to my ability as a student. We're all being taught how to take Standardized Tests, tests that may total 30% of our overall grade AND determine our teachers' fates. I'll be the first to admit, under the mandatory curriculum, I'm not learning how to do anything applicable. I'm being taught how to take a test. And, last time I checked, there's no multiple choice in real life.
@nicklaugen4470 9 лет назад
Nick Laugen And yes, these are tests with absurdly high failure rates.
@ImploiteDumpling 9 лет назад
***** its a test, not a job. In a job you have a deadline, say 2 months for you and your TEAM to get say royalties done for a publishing company for example. Taking a fucking test about history, or English, hell, even math for that matter isn't going to make me incompetent in the work place.
@kerenk 9 лет назад
***** a lot of the pressure causing the stress isn't from the test itself, but from the reactions of passing/failing that test. In america, K-12 schools are stuck in a loop. If the school has bad funds, then they get bad test scores. If they have bad test scores, they get less funding. Because of the lower funds, they try and get better test scores by either only testing students on how to take a test (or specific big ones) or cheating to get them their funding. Schools put pressure on their students to get better test scores because it affects their lives- because it does, but in the most bullshit way. The pressure they deal out to students can be handled many ways, but for kids with ADHD or anxiety or depression or BPD, those stress-inducing speeches/pep-rallies/arguments can be detrimental to a student's wellbeing. Another note to touch on, school and work are two COMPLETELY different things. When you're a student (and only a student, for now we're not talking about students with jobs), that's your job. You're "job" is to do your homework, get your projects done, study, read the textbook, make notes, study some more, and oh yeah, have a social life on top of that. You're expected to do homework assignments that may take an hour or two out of your day. And while that may not seem like much, if you have an assignment for each class and you took six classes that required studying and homework, and each assignment took up 45 minutes of your day, and you get out of school at three o'clock, and you get home at three-thirty, and you have an hour for dinner, and your goal for a bedtime is 11 o'clock, you have two hours of free time. Then, of course, we have to factor in students with jobs. These students could be at work from 8-16 hours or more, depending on their financial needs. These students still have to fit in all their schoolwork, projects, studying, reading, and bonus study material if they didn't understand a topic into their schedule. These students are still expected to study for the ACT, or the EXPLORE, or the PLAN tests. To bring this back to the John Oliver video, at the 3:30 mark in the video, John references the OAA, where there is protocol if a child is to vomit on their test booklet. Just about everyone I know has cried over the stress of schools putting all their energy into the tests to push us into the real world and not teaching us about the real world. And just so your hoity-toity ass doesn't go even more pro-testing because 'they're great for weeding out people like you and your friends', every one of my friends does well on their tests and gets grades in the A-B range. A few of my friends even put themselves on pedestals, saying that an A was failing a class because it was close to an A-. These tests don't 'weed people out', they just force kids to look at themselves objectively, to force them to push their free time out of the way so they can study for the ACT. As liars often say, "High school is the best four years of your life". because who wouldn't love an environment hinging on their success taking tests and not what actually matters later in life? Side note: If you think the fast-food industry is easier than a job as a teacher or lawyer or nurse, you've never worked in fast-food or know anyone who's worked in that industry. Dealing with people who think your existence is similar to the dirt under their feet is hard.
@suijurisinfowarrior 9 лет назад
Nick Laugen Standardize testing is f'd up on purpose --> Google 'Deliberate Dumbing Down of AMerica'
@argella1300 9 лет назад
Dave Strider Not to mention a big portion of their funding comes from property taxes too, which is really sick when you see which schools in the country are failing and which areas of the country are poorest.
@susieboo22 4 года назад
I will never forget sitting in AP Literature, preparing for the AP exam - something my teacher resented the hell out of, since it meant she had to press pause on teaching us the books she'd selected and had a full lesson plan for that she enjoyed doing, and instead get us ready to pass a stupid standardized test that she openly admitted didn't really indicate how well we understood the readings. One of the practice tests we did had a few multiple choice questions centered around a poem, and one of the questions was about the main "theme" of the poem. The entire - and I mean, the ENTIRE - class picked "B" or "C" but, no, according to the answer key, it was "D." Cue a 30-minute long classwide argument about the theme in this poem, during which nearly everyone spoke up with their interpretations - most of which my teacher agreed were well thought-out and easily backed up by the text, and, if it were up to her, she'd mark them correct. But the good people at the AP Exam factory (or wherever these things are crafted) had declared that their interpretation of the poem was the only correct one - so our teacher was left to try and help us figure out what THEY wanted us to pick, not actually analyze or contemplate the work and reach our own conclusions. I'm pretty sure everyone in that class did pass the exam - standardized text taking is a garbage skill, but a skill nonetheless, and twelve years is a long time to get good at it. But we were all very burnt out, and very resentful of the whole thing... and completely convinced the brass didn't actually care if we learned anything at all.
@Mica_T 4 года назад
The fact that themes in stories is summarised into multiple choice answers says a lot about the state of the test. I'm not from the US, and when it comes to literature, the text, characters and themes are discussed in essays with evidence and justification to prove your point, allowing for freedom of thought and subjectivity which is essentially what humanities is all about. These kind of tests are teaching the wrong skills 🤦‍♀️
@goreoproductions6955 4 года назад
At least your teacher taught you stuff that wasn’t just for the test. Our AP Lang teacher taught the WHOLE year just for the test.
@morganmartin5860 4 года назад
This is so true. You can't test something as subjective as literature
@aldergodric4324 4 года назад
Right, because as we all know, literature is totally not a lot about interpretation
@sebastianlavallee706 4 года назад
@Jim Cornette So were the animals mostly annoyed, amused or hungry?
@kolinmartz 4 года назад
I remember me and my friends would do the teachers we liked a solid and fail the benchmark test at the beginning of the semester then get high 500s to a 600 (it’s a 600 scale. Don’t ask me why) on the test at the end of the semester. Actually it was one of the things my student body all agreed upon and it was one of the things I advocated for when I was in student government. Win win for everyone. No stress for the students at the beginning of the year, teachers looked better on paper and our school received more grants and funding because the state only looked at growth.
@guntergrauberger9195 4 года назад
You is smart. You is good. Have like
@richardsanchez9190 4 года назад
You son of a bitch. That's smart.
@imaanahmed4965 4 года назад
You clever duck oh my god. That is literally genius oh my god
@raptorcharly8055 4 года назад
Outstanding move. In all seriousness, that is brilliant. I remember being criticized as I'd not grown much between the two tests, even though my scores were - not to brag - very high on both beginning and end tests. I wish I'd thought of what you had.
@kolinmartz 4 года назад
Yeah. Like I get the merits of a standardised test but I do not agree with all the detriments that it currently has. It’s lazy to simply look at growth without factoring in the starting point. And if you get above a certain amount, negative growth shouldn’t matter as long as you’re still way above passing. Like going from a 97 to a 95 (on a 100 scale) isn’t that bad. But on paper it’s still a 2% negative growth. But it’s way too complicated to use logarithmic or proportional scales to measure progress. Even having a bracketed proportional scales can be problematic because that bracket will still be arbitrarily set. I think standardised tests are great but give the power back to teachers. Don’t take them out of the loop under the pretext of anti cheating secrecy.
@RedHairedRiot 9 лет назад
The minute they start handing out books on trying to win a standardized test by working with the way the test is created and graded: How to Fake Your Way Through the SATs, Recognize the Scoring Pattern, (and/or) If You Don't Know, the Answer is C... The moment when we realized we didn't know real information anymore, we had to conform ourselves to thinking like the creator of the test, Thats when we should have realized something was wrong.
@unoiamacutie 9 лет назад
+RedHairedRiot Anytime I took these tests, I always told myself "when in doubt, pick C." C seems to be the correct answer most of the time.
@fir3fly360 8 лет назад
+RedHairedRiot we are basically learning a factory style method. (im bout probably botch this but bear with me) we are not learning the material we are learning how to follow directions, which is only good if you want to stay as teammate status at McDonald. like seriously, i learned a shit load my highschool years, and i still don't remember anything.
@UltraGalaxyify 8 лет назад
+Le Kazibam Unfortunately, you are not far off the mark. All schools and some colleges want to do is regurgitate the text for you, and expect you to do the same. You think I remember anything from my freshman, soppomore, junior, or senior years of high school, other than the fact that I was always one of the nerds and had to fight my way to survival? No, because what they taught us half the time was utter shit!
@fir3fly360 8 лет назад
+UltraGalaxyify and they always cling onto the excuse of "you'll need this for the job you want" in want time day or place do i need to learn the quadratic formula or the pythagorean theorum if im studying to be an art major. and what truly sucks is how they talk about those that dropped were uneducated and will never amount to anything, yet we can clearly see who's living their dream while the other is doing a job.
@UltraGalaxyify 8 лет назад
+Le Kazibam Oh yeah, that old chestnut: "If you want to succeed in your future career(never mind the fact you'll probably have no idea what you want your career to be), you have to learn basic useless crap that you had no idea existed. And if you don't, you'll end up as a drop out and won't get into a good college, just like Bill Gates, Patrick Stewart and Dan Aykroyd." Hell, I have a history teacher right now in college who is probably one of the smartest people I know, because he gives us sage advice like "If you're able to, get out of college and make money." I'm serious, that's what he said
@ybra 9 лет назад
Wait... A privately owned company is used to make and score the test? Seriously, what? If there is to be a standardized test, isn't that the job of the department of education or something like that? Or did they just put it out to the lowest bidder?
@OmegaGamer04 9 лет назад
Welcome to government spending. Where the contractors are priced low and the bribes are high
@jktrololo35 9 лет назад
OmegaGamer04 That really does suck.
@WordsofIvory 9 лет назад
Practically everything in America is run by a privately owned company now, because the government has absolutely no clue what they're doing. There a thousands of different people in office with absolutely no clue what to do with the country, so they just get someone else to do the job.... so now most of the country is run by businesses. Nobody is elected anymore based on their actual abilities. It's based entirely on who can convince to vote for them.
@connorx447 9 лет назад
ybra This is why people move out of America, to countries that don't have oil.
@DennisVlaanderen 9 лет назад
ybra It's the same in The Netherlands, there's one company called CITO which handles all the tests from primary to middle school. But it has to create the tests following a standardized set of knowledge quota for each level of education thoughout primary and middle schools. Then there's also a very strict peer review from the examinators, the teacher as well as the students which can file complaints about tests, and if they are indeed valid complaints the test scoring will be adjusted by a modifier giving all the students an x1.2 score modifier. This system has been in place for decades now and there have been very little complaints against this system so far as it does what it's supposed to do and gives everybody a fair and equal chance.
@willh8682 8 лет назад
The problem with American education is that it's too grade oriented; all students care about is a passing grade because that's all the teachers stress to us. It's no longer about learning, it's about passing. I'm a senior in high school and I can honestly say that for me personally, after 8th grade, you don't even care about learning , you just wanna pass the damn class *update four years later* I’m graduating college in two weeks and I can honestly say that college is no different 💀. You’re more focused on passing than learning😩
@sciencepower608 8 лет назад
Right,you can see the terror on my peers faces,some look like they are about to have a heart attack.
@markie4195 8 лет назад
This is true.I'm a junior and honestly I've given up on learning.I just need to graduate.
@willh8682 8 лет назад
And if you take advanced classes like AP or IB (like me), it's even worse. The amount of apathy is unreal
@pierrespoutnik 8 лет назад
I agree, I'm a junior (just started IB) and I've got to get at least a 40. No learning required though
@POSIboys5 8 лет назад
IB exams in november *cries*
@trollskullkid69 4 года назад
I took the test with the talking pineapple. I'll never forget the famous line "Moral: Pineapples Don't Have Sleeves."
@unarmedfrog2805 4 года назад
I feel so bad for you.
@RenaissanceGrappling 3 года назад
@@unarmedfrog2805 don’t feel bad for us. It’s like a bond us class of ‘16 kids have for the rest of our lives.
@Thatguyjack758 3 года назад
There was a reading portion on the ACT I took concerning rocks at the bottom of the ocean. Yes and cars go vroom vroom when there’s gas in the tank. Who gives a shit about rocks in the ocean.
@Kpimpmaster 3 года назад
To quote a scene from Billy Madison “everyone who heard that answer is now dumber”
@apriljones1013 Год назад
I remember that too hahaha!
@karmaz3r025 5 лет назад
Almost all students, except for high school seniors if they are 18 or older, can legally discuss the SAT and similar tests with those little "i will not discuss this" signatures. Why? Because minors cannot enter a legal-binding contract. Unless your parent or guardian signed that test for you, you can discuss the test all you want, because your own personal underage signature voids the contract.
@danielfrank323 5 лет назад
KarmaZERO holy shirt your right.
@mintentha 5 лет назад
You can legally discuss them but that doesn't mean they can't cancel your scores. It's not like they're pressing legal charges, it's just an agreement
@cookieandme23 5 лет назад
We don’t have to sign anything but we follow those same rules if you have a lunch. In between finishing the test you are isolated in a room with only other people who have to take the test they have a persons watch you as you eat to make sure we don’t discuss it
@marieadelegrosso163 5 лет назад
Oh my gosh you’re right
@akiakiii5879 5 лет назад
Actually, a contract entered by a minor is not void. It is merely voidable
@boyinaband 9 лет назад
Also, there are huge amounts of scientific evidence that adding direct financial incentive to a task requiring as much creativity as teaching is massively detrimental in terms of achieving results. You would think ONE person developing the system which teaches people science would be frickin' scientifically literate. Awesome episode.
@neeneko 9 лет назад
Boyinaband The evidence gets even worse for situations like this where financial incentives are linked to things largely outside the individual's control.
@bradleyhollingsworth4691 9 лет назад
Boyinaband Hi Dave!
@shaneglasser5162 9 лет назад
I would tell everyone here about how messed up these tests are in full detail, but if I did so I would get a detention or even a suspension for just telling how bad these tests are.
@YekouriGaming 9 лет назад
Boyinaband Also, judging everything by tests are only in favour of the persons who are good in tests. A lot of people are like the girl, who is good at the subject but bad at taking tests, where the importance of the tests also takes part, since people get nervous and perform worse than they would otherwise. Some people are 1 hit wonders in tests, while other people are perfoming good in a longer period of time and failing the tests. Standardardized tests that counts for everything, even the teachers wage is really really bad
@Cheezy27 9 лет назад
Boyinaband Schools will be around forever and they will be just as shit as they are today and as they were a decade ago, deal with it.
@DrewDPoole 9 лет назад
Welcome to America where we have unquestioned monopolies on EDUCATION.
@hornchief4839 9 лет назад
@The__Creeper 9 лет назад
Drew Poole Right, because America is the only one that does anything shitty with education.
@The__Creeper 9 лет назад
CrispyHD Bitch please. I've never seen any country with a good system of schooling outside of the university level. The difference is that universities are more tailored to you as an individual. They also cut out a lot of the bullshit. Going by the university style of schooling, you'd be done with high school (and that would include calculus and physics) at 12 years old.
@FearDeniesFate 9 лет назад
The Creeper Check Denmark then? I'm confident also Germany, Norway and Sweden have a good schooling system although I could be wrong.
@edheldude 9 лет назад
FearDeniesFate No, Norway follows the US model. Finland is at the top in PISA tests in Europe, and they do things differently from others. No testing, lots of autonomy, short school days. www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/why-are-finlands-schools-successful-49859555/?no-ist
@gluestickgenius2644 4 года назад
I remember taking the PISA test in Germany. Our teacher said something like: "Here is some test as part of a study. But it does not affect your grades. So ... do what you want." Most people left without finishing the test.
@imaanahmed4965 4 года назад
Bro what??? Dang man I can't walk out of an SOL (a standardized test) or final exam without my grade being at stake. if you pass the SOL your exempt from the final exam for that class, but if the class has no SOL, then you need a 90 or something to be exempt from the exam. 90!! The expectations are absurd. It's ride or die, literally. But if you ride and fail you're screwed over with more tests to try to raise your grade. And if you straight up don't take the tests it just looks bad on your record and bad for colleges if you plan to go. Dang, it'd be amazing to do that here man..
@giovannieich7487 3 года назад
I‘ve had similar experiences, but I think it‘s noteworthy to mention that the PISA test and US Standardized Testing are two very different concepts, seeing as the PISA test doesn’t have any direct influences on students or teachers, mainly because PISA is designed to compare different countries‘ quality of education and not how educated an individual student is. Additionally, PISA is not very good at achieving what it set out to do, because whereas some countries (like Germany) collect all test results from across the country, others (like China) refuse to publish any results outside of the Shanghai metropolitan area, arguably the richest and best developed in the entire country. This leads to China, a country where only 17% percent of the population has attained tertiary education (compared to 54% in Russia or 44% in the US) repeatedly being cited as the country with the best education worldwide. This is why most students and teachers in Germany don’t really care about it anymore.
@overgrownkudzu 3 года назад
wir mussten bis zum ende da bleiben, aber ob man sich dabei wirklich muehe gab, wage ich mal zu bezweifeln
@giovannieich7487 3 года назад
@@overgrownkudzu Ja gut, das kommt ja letztendlich aufs Selbe raus...
@johannaisolde 3 года назад
wann macht man normaler weise PISA???? Ich hatte irgendwie nie die möglichkeit
@BEEEELEEEE 8 лет назад
Woah, woah, woah, I CAN OPT OUT???
@zoe5766 8 лет назад
@Monkey14891 8 лет назад
I mean, some colleges do look at test scores.
@davebets5294 8 лет назад
If you take the PARCC this year they say only a small percentage of kids can opt out, unlike last year but everyone's still going to opt out
@jessicalindly2118 8 лет назад
+R.J. Beasley If the test is pretty new, probably. Like the SBAC you can opt out of, and I think there aren't many consequences since I don't believe colleges look at that test anymore.
@calvincramer3309 8 лет назад
+R.J. Beasley The smarter balance test for juniors that year was just a trial for the juniors for the next year, so you could opt out
@obrien92 8 лет назад
There was one test I took where a girl literally cried, vomited, and then passed out because she didn't eat or sleep in preparation for the test. They still made her take it.
@matthew_natividad 8 лет назад
That's fucked up
@GregaMeglic 8 лет назад
Damn. If that happened in our country people would start screaming bloody vengence and demanding heads start to roll.
@ChunkyWaterisReal 8 лет назад
+Grega Meglic if you do that in america you just get labeled as a violent progressive/terrorist. the propaganda machine in america is fucking insane.
@GregaMeglic 8 лет назад
Conlan Hinkel that is sad to say the least. the base for democracy is a population taking the government out on every single piece of bullshit they produce, going by defenition.
@leviethan7893 8 лет назад
That's f'd up
@Tracymmo 8 лет назад
The comments here from high school students are terrific. So many bright, articulate kids who want a good education and who see through bad curriculum and standardized tests. That kind of skepticism and thoughtfulness will be a lifelong strength.
@Bobelponge123 6 лет назад
Is this sarcasm?
@aoeu256 5 лет назад
Some of them are just repeating what other people say though...
@marcmarroquin259 5 лет назад
Hey I go to a public school and this shits actually real, like it or not our systems fucked up
@Mica_T 5 лет назад
Except, as far as I see, few are coming up with solutions as to how to fix the system. It's easy to identify a problem. It's difficult to find a feasible solution.
@B.A.G.Studios 5 лет назад
Not sure it’s indicative of intelligence, I know a lot of morons and we all hated the Pearson shitrags they handed us. Most anyone is going to buck at “Hello. Take this test, if you fail, you don’t have a future anymore. Hope you like trash collection! You have 65 minutes.”
@FuugaNatsu 4 года назад
Here's a Pearson thing I had to deal with just a few weeks ago; testing for disturbed sensory perception. I'm autistic, and recently had a specialised therapist assigned to basically help me figure out both a way to make my daily life more easy to handle, and how likely I am to get a higher education and hold a full time job given my specific challenges. As part of that she suggested we find out if there are signs of a disturbed sensory perception, which is when I ran into this standardised Pearson test. How the test roughly works is that you get about 3 pages worth of questions in regards to your recent reactions to various sensory stimuli (to be answered taking basis in the last couple of months or so), you mark how often you react to it, and once you've filled it all out you give it back to the specialist, who then uses your answers to make a diagram that's supposed to show the likelihood of you having any disturbances, and which senses are affected. However, a good chunk of the questions are... how do I put this diplomatically... fucking vague to such a degree that they're borderline pointless. When I showed a few of my friends the test their reaction was roughly the same as mine, namely that going *just* by the wording of the questions, a large majority of everyone they know exhibit signs of a disturbed sensory perception. To give just a few examples that illustrate my point, one question was if I found "too much noise" disturbing, to which my immediate reaction was that OF COURSE I FUCKING DO, if it didn't disturb me it wouldn't be *TOO MUCH* noise. Another was how often I found myself avoiding bad smells, which would of course be literally every time possible when I notice a smell I dislike, just like everybody else I know. I can't think of a single person I've ever met who wouldn't avoid any bad smells whenever that's an option. Then there were a few that honestly seem like they'd be just as likely to have to do with personality, like if I found people hugging me uncomfortable. Or personal taste, like if I use a lot of seasoning on my food, or if I avoid eating anything spicy. Or if I tend to wear bright colourful outfits.
@21jayface 8 лет назад
The Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. Thanks school, now how do i get this thing called a job without having to lie through my teeth about how i'm great at teamwork, a great communicator and that I'm confident?
@jojochen3360 8 лет назад
+JasonP16 I wouldn't stress out too much. In my opinion your (future) colleagues that interview you and even the (future) bosses realise that these are buzzwords. I don't want to have a bunch of always communicating, overconfident teamworkers. That would be hell! Chatting all the time how great they are... it would be horrible to work with them! And they wouldn't get anything done. Honesty, modesty, an ability to share successes and technical expertise are qualities I'd be looking for.
@21jayface 8 лет назад
Sounds good, i'll give it a try.
@tenichebrown4546 8 лет назад
+Jojo Chen t! htfftxy.y passage in all dsp
@karsaurlong 8 лет назад
+JasonP16 And that there is the problem with our education. YOU'RE NOT JUST LEARNING THINGS, YOU'RE LEARNING HOW TO LEARN.
@matthewbennett7435 8 лет назад
+JasonP16 Or balance this thing called a checkbook, or file my taxes, use basic tools, maintain a car, or communicate with a fellow human being.
@jaydencierra6214 7 лет назад
"what is oil? and be specific" a real question i once got a standardized test
@alexanderreusens7633 7 лет назад
This is the only acceptable answer to such a question: "Just Google it!!"
@santumi2298 7 лет назад
What is oil? Fucking unrefined Gas. I hate standardized test for this reason
@GrapeappleTree 7 лет назад
Freedom and Democracy is the only correct answer
@ZNI492 7 лет назад
The reason the US invaded my country
@condimentking3395 7 лет назад
Morgan Freeman Please, your not the only one. We invade our own citizens land for it
@d-rgk2477 4 года назад
We used to call our state’s MCAS standardized test the Massachusetts Child Abuse System. We were eight. We still call it that actually.
@minimoon2374 4 года назад
That’s clever. Also. Nice profile picture. >_>
@d-rgk2477 4 года назад
MiniMoon23 Momento Mori.
@gothicwebby2097 4 года назад
As someone who takes the MCAS every year I can confirm it’s like this.
@EndlessSummer888 4 года назад
I'm Canadian, in Ontario. We have standardized tests called EQAO. As kids, we said it was Evil Questions Attacking Ontario. And the only reason I know what it _really_ means is because I'm in uni to become a teacher (thankfully, there's no standard EQAO tests for the subject I'll be teaching, to the best of my knowledge. Only math and reading, in Gr 3 and 6. Then just math in Gr 9, and Literacy Test in Gr 10).
@_daturaa 4 года назад
I used to call maths Mental Abuse To Happy Students (also memento mori)
@r-robertson-d 6 лет назад
Not only do they have protocol for if a student vomits on the test booklet, they also added protocols for if a student faints, has a panic attack, or attempts to harm themselves during the test. The protocol is essentially "if they don't need to be taken to a hospital, give them water and make them finish the test."
@megabigblur 5 лет назад
This is child abuse
@nathanielclaw2841 5 лет назад
Harm themselves!? WTF?
@brando51 5 лет назад
Nathaniel Claw I was in a class and a girl started cutting her wrists with scissors to get out of the test
@tearstainsonmycheeks 5 лет назад
G G the incredible amount of stress and knowing that if you do horribly, you will feel like a disappointment, yes. Now, please stop insulting people for things you quite obviously know nothing about.
@Kpimpmaster 5 лет назад
Sounds like China’s employee heath plan
@kaemart3465 5 лет назад
Pineapples don't have sleeves is still a running joke with my class
@itsikabitch9005 4 года назад
My class was scarred by an essay about a camel that we collectively failed so the state of Florida lowered the pass requirement and still let 27% of students fail 😂
@michelleantici6651 4 года назад
Our school didn’t even have that test, but I brought it up and now it’s a running joke in my friend group.
@Bloodlyshiva 3 года назад
To be fair, that's a wonderful line. Terrible for the test, but a wonderful line.
@nore7729 3 года назад
So as a non American - care to let the rest of us in on the jokes ? Edit: made it to the end of the video ... omg this is just sad
@0Clewi0 3 года назад
At least in my version of the SATs the ridiculous question of what "Be carefull with the mexicans" meant made sense to be hard to understand as it was the dialogue of two artists.
@rasaagresti1268 3 года назад
Legend says if you say “ no child left behind” three times in a mirror a student will vomit.
@IndogaKirai 6 месяцев назад
No that's No Tolerance policy. America's best policy since Trickle down economics.
@DopeyDetector Месяц назад
Dopey. Painfully unfunny
@MarkArandjus 9 лет назад
Okay is there any aspect of life in america that has not been completely fucked over by corporations trying to maximize profit?
@Gonzaga78 9 лет назад
Mark Arandjus that's capitalism...
@kylexile87 9 лет назад
Mark Arandjus This was the government getting involved and helping these corporations profit. The issue is the government.
@EccentricSM 9 лет назад
Headphoner Tell that to the Chinese
@alexgaudette988 9 лет назад
Mark Arandjus Any market with legitimate and fierce competition is usually pretty good. Unfortunately, the bigger companies typically just buy up all the smaller companies and everyone seems to have forgotten about our anti-trust laws.
@MarkArandjus 9 лет назад
***** I find your lack of faith disturbing. I'm not just quoting Star Wars, I genuinely am disturbed some people truly believe this.
@JustifiablyAngry 6 лет назад
My English teacher (he’s a doctor) who used to be a standardized test grader told us that they don’t actually read our essays but look at them. 1) Small handwriting (and sloppy) means you’re smart 2) Long Essay means you’re coherent so add fluff. Lots of it. Rewrite the same sentence twice if need be. 3) Write the quotes larger than the rest of the piece to be sure they see that you quoted the article and give you the point(s) for it Thus you have a perfect score.
@magentaMegi 6 лет назад
Some of my teachers and tutors told me good advice in non standardized testing. Thanks for putting up yours. Standardized testing just makes it easier on the people who mark it, since there is a multiple choice where there is only one answer But in the test situation, everyone is tense. There is a time limit, and the best advice I got was, when you are unsure of your answer, skip the question And return to it later. It saves time, and the number of questions and the time frame you have is important.
@trial_with_an_error9687 6 лет назад
I remember taking a test that wanted a 10 page story on our own tale of King Arthur. One of the kids in the class literally wrote the word "The" for ten entire pages. Out of 30 kids in the class he got a perfect score. The literally do not read the essays at all.
@chibiprussia5574 6 лет назад
Christopher Morales I wish I could known that when I was a kid.
@namingisdifficult408 6 лет назад
Chibi Prussia agreed
@Scavs_Inc 6 лет назад
Christopher Morales I suspected my Driver's Ed teacher of not reading essay answers on the tests, so I began to answer questions in French...the teacher gave me straight A's the whole semester...
@incendere244 8 лет назад
"benchmarks, diagnostics and tests" what are they, kids or computer components?
@incendere244 8 лет назад
@helioskitty9328 8 лет назад
It makes sense that a culture which treats its adults as mechanical parts would use equipment-based metrics for the children.
@Omegeddon 8 лет назад
I wish GPU rendering was on the curriculum
@larrygan9839 8 лет назад
@youtubeuniversity3638 6 лет назад
Or? That would require schools seeing any difference.
@rainbowdragon2878 4 года назад
It’s 2020 now, school feels more like a prison than anything. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve thought of suicide as an alternative to going to school. I’ve told everyone that I just need to survive, I don’t care about straight A’s, I just need to survive long enough to get out of this hell hole, even if it means getting C’s and D’s.
@foundhorrificgames.2505 4 года назад
Rainbowdragon 287 lol wow how old are you?
@onemillionpercent 4 года назад
@@foundhorrificgames.2505 probably high school, because many high schoolers (including myself, a straight A, once in a while a B in an AP, student) can relate.
@stimlord 4 года назад
Found Horrific Games Did you really just reply “lol wow” to someone saying their schooling made them feel suicidal? Damn, man. That’s sick.
@A_T216 4 года назад
I hope you're safe. School isn't forever. Things will get better. You will get through this. I hope you have supportive people in your life and that you are feeling hopeful for the post-school future. You deserve better than survival and you will get that one day soon. Please stay safe.
@A_T216 4 года назад
@@RetardGamingHDx of course suicidal ideation is serious??? It's really normal, unfortunately. I also struggle with it and a big part of why is school; my anxiety and depression definitely exacerbate things. Even if I didn't have these issues, though, school would still be a brutal place to be. By the way, your tone is rather demeaning. No one needs that, especially not here, in a discussion of mental health and safety. Please edit if you didn't mean to come across that way.
@BSKX17 6 лет назад
Is there anything in America that's not controlled by big companies?
@yes904 6 лет назад
Profano Caballero Big Companies.
@kingchimp1942 6 лет назад
Project Pancake they are controlled by bigger companies
@andromedaiscoming185 6 лет назад
where are you from? just wondering.
@pattizayas1051 6 лет назад
@erinjones4902 6 лет назад
John Oliver
@ayahsaid8356 9 лет назад
my sister was told that if she doesn't do good on the Reading test she'll be forced to repeat the whole grade. so they made her read every fucking day of her spring break... for a grade.
@feliciacanez3769 9 лет назад
@Ajcruz913 9 лет назад
Ayah Said Is that a bad thing? To read?
@gjm346 9 лет назад
Ajcruz913 Reading for the sake of reading? NO. Reading for something that can mentally torture, scare, and or make you go insane all for a score that shouldn't apply to the real world but does? maybe. Reading is a method for learning(non-fiction/text books) or entertainment(Fiction), it can give a person Knowledge, giving new understanding on one or more subjects or to escape from reality for a bit. It should not be used to make people never want to read again.
@farrex0 9 лет назад
Ajcruz913 Well I thought that reading was boring most of my life because I was forced to read in school it wasn't until I decided for myself to read that I discovered that it was awesome, but forcing someone to read might just make that person never want to read again.
@ayahsaid8356 9 лет назад
gjm346 couldn't have said it better
@MrGreensweightHist 5 лет назад
"That question about the pineapple was stupid and absurd" The fact she realizes this tells me this girl deserves credit for her reading comprehension :)
@Kpimpmaster 4 года назад
I try to figure it out...but I keep coming back to a scene from Billy Maddison were Billy tries to compare a kids story book to a question and was told everyone who heard was now dumber
@xelloskaczor5051 4 года назад
In all fairness could be a fluke children call every test stupid and pointless. Couls be a fluke
@kebubas 3 года назад
@@xelloskaczor5051 yes, but if it was a generalization, the kid would have said the whole test was stupid. The fact she points out a part of the test shows critical thinking, which is what we should encourage in children
@JoeCnNd 3 года назад
I'll be your 666th like.
@MrGreensweightHist 3 года назад
@@idiosyncraticname Compared to many people, including more than a few in this comment section, she deserves at least a 'B'
@ranjanbiswas3233 4 года назад
10:11 Her cry literally broke my heart, I thought I can't cry.
@aet5807 3 года назад
Agreed. Yeah, kick a girl who works hard, loves school, and wants to do well out of a class.
@aprilmazae4811 8 лет назад
I NEVER KNEW I COULD OPT OUT OF TESTS We had to take the Pearson tests in elementary school.
@jalenm6920 8 лет назад
Some counties allow you to opt out some don't. Most don't
@poke548 8 лет назад
Oh god Peason. Never mention that name again.
@sukki6887 8 лет назад
all the schools I went to would not let you go on to the next grade without taking every test in the courses that where set for the whole grade
@glossygloss472 8 лет назад
April Mazae, Lol. If you can't handle a test you have a weak mind.
@carolinasarmiento4895 8 лет назад
+April Mazaae it's not that I can't handle a test, I can't handle inefficient systems, incompetence in the educator's part and don't need to take at least 3 tests weekly
@noebadabing 8 лет назад
Why the fuck is everything ruled by private companies in the usa...
@emiliaholappa7864 7 лет назад
C'est d'la bonne Capitalism :)
@alexandervandesande3840 7 лет назад
Wooly Draws C'est du bon Capitalisme*. Should've taken the tests.
@BlackDevilsCat 7 лет назад
Alexander Van de Sande it's capatalism. there's no 'e'
@noebadabing 7 лет назад
Jack LaPiano It was a joke cause I speak french, and we spell capitalism with an e.
@BlackDevilsCat 7 лет назад
C'est d'la bonne oh ok I get it then. I guess that explains your name.
@mal7559 5 лет назад
we had to quit using pearson because of things like you said: 2+2=4 correct answer: 2+2=4
@richiem5112 5 лет назад
@mal7559 5 лет назад
Richie M haha you clearly have never used pearson
@richiem5112 5 лет назад
@@mal7559 Not that I can remember, used plenty of their text books. Enlighten me.
@mal7559 5 лет назад
@@richiem5112 basically its the worst math program to ever exist because it will constantly delete your progress halfway through but then it wont give you the same problems so its not even like you can just enter the same answers. often times it will tell you that your answer is wrong and they will tell you the right answer but it will be the same as the answer you put (hope that makes sense). in some classes tests are run through pearson, so basically you do homework through pearson and the problems are randomly chosen but then the problems on the tests have not ever been on the homeworks (not the teachers fault, it pearsons fault) sorry if that was scatterbrained. in short it freaking sucks
@aparanoidbw 5 лет назад
absolutely true. Mylab, by pearson absoulutely sucked. myprogramminglab was riddled with things like. "what data type stores numbers" your answer : integer correct answer : Integer myspanishlab was not much better.... I heard same for chem, statistics, etc... the prices were bad too.
@huhhwuhh Год назад
the worst part about standardized testing was the time block. every test was dedicated an entire day, including a 4-5 hour time block, a requirement to bring one’s own lunch, and a requirement that each student stay at their desk until the block is over (no matter if they finish their test in 1 or 3 hours). i knew kids who would hold on to their test hours after finishing just so that they could have paper to draw on for entertainment.
@martalaatsch8358 5 месяцев назад
Oh my goodness, yes! I was a gifted student and, apparently, ADHD. That was literally painful.
@Callestere 9 лет назад
Looking back on my school years, it's just been test after test, test to see if you can take another test, prepare for another test in a week, prepare for a couple tests before your final which determines whether or not you can pass your grade despite your work before then. What I learned should not have been primarily based on what would be on a test.
@maurice1177 9 лет назад
***** I have to take 8 tests in the next 3 weeks!
@Callestere 9 лет назад
Mo rice Wow! That sucks dude! I wish you luck on all those tests, just focus on the next one and before you know it you'll be done!
@andreaslordos 9 лет назад
Mo rice 8 tests in 3 weeks? try 4 tests in 2 days :)
@andreaslordos 9 лет назад
Mo rice But good luck:D
@redaurelia6252 9 лет назад
***** Are you from US? Can you explain it to me because I am confused...are these normal tests or something special about them...because we had probably around 40-50 tests a year. These standardized tests are probably something else...?
@connorskudlarek3119 9 лет назад
I got nearly straight As in high school. Standardized tests, and the idea that I can even remember anything that was taught to me, is a joke. Standardized tests don't test ability to learn, they test ability to recall a specific answer for a specific question.
@starilie 9 лет назад
That's why I always did way better than my peers. It's a system to figure out instead of an actual test of intelligence.
@Safe97 9 лет назад
Connor Skudlarek I agree with that in a sense, but in UK it's changed a lot so that in all the exams I'm taking, maybe around 10-30% of it is fact recall, and the rest is all application.
@KamiOfBlaze 9 лет назад
Connor Skudlarek Weird aint it? Everyone is like so surprised how I, a kid who barely put effort, made the Highest Score in the class. Intelligence? I might have some, but I didn't to use it there. Then there are the poor folks who actually put effort to everything and failed by one question because the test are always overwhelming and the way the questions are given can be stupid and confusing.
@connorskudlarek3119 9 лет назад
Not just public school. I'm in college and getting above 100% in all of my classes.
@worldwidehandsome240 8 лет назад
Testing industry??? What Those questions are made by companies??? Wtf
@dantefiore8442 8 лет назад
@SayHelloHelli 8 лет назад
Nikita Roza you would be so shocked by the amount of preparation that goes into the tests. There are special panels to try to route out biases and all sorts of things. I read this book about it, it was astounding. let me find the book.
@Hotmankillu 7 лет назад
The same companies that write your textbooks and other supplies you use. Collegeboard, Pearson, and other companies make exam review and then the test questions. Textbooks are a ridiculous scam and testing is worse. But yeah, it's an industry, a nasty one. So, try your best to not buy textbooks if/when you attend college.
@korayacar1444 7 лет назад
Hotmankillu Or just buy introductory books from trusted authors. They serve as textbooks, and aren't garbage.
@XenomorphsWrath 7 лет назад
Free marked and capitalism my frind! As long as you can convince enough people that it works, no one will bat an eye if you abuse it to the fullest.
@justajumpingypsygirl 4 года назад
I took a Pearson test in High school. There was a typo where it said my first name was printed "Lucky" on the booklet instead of Lucy. Got a 97 percentile in it....
@SinoLegionaire 3 года назад
@jaridkeen123 8 лет назад
@namingisdifficult408 8 лет назад
I bet Daniel Pinkwater, the author of that atrocity, is an alias or pseudonym because no one should want to be associated with such a horrendous piece of fiction.
@Pile_of_carbon 8 лет назад
I feel for you man. It wouldn't surprise me if Pearson got a basket of pineapples laced with strychnine after that one.
@tejkavan 8 лет назад
I wish that one went to the ceo. i fucking hate pearson
@taradrake1085 8 лет назад
same, fuck standardized tests
@lazerd3662 8 лет назад
Standardized tests can suck metaphorical dicks and die. Schools should use the time they spend preping for standardized tests on practical skills like balancing a check book or doing taxes.
@angelfaye101 8 лет назад
I lived in Florida for during the 4th and 5th grade (2000-2002) I remember in the 5th grade in particular that in order to pass the FCAT the only subjects we were taught were math, reading and writing. I vividly remember my 5th grade teacher Ms. Webber telling us at one point that our grades in geometry were going to count for our science grade. low and behold and the end of those years my school was ranked as one of the best schools in the area because of this. it wasn't until I got a little older that I realized how dirty such a practice was
@Polarcupcheck 7 лет назад
They do that shit. I've seen gym classes included to fudge grades. LOL
@minefilms1122 8 лет назад
i wonder how much children secretly died inside while filming those terrible parodies
@namingisdifficult408 8 лет назад
All of them died inside
@maxiejay9618 8 лет назад
I even died inside
@patrickharrison6293 8 лет назад
+Kenzie Jefferson I just died. Literally. I'm a ghost right now.
@skyewright2587 8 лет назад
Like I was already pretty dead inside but yo that just just stove the headstone into the ground
@TheAnimefreak2001 8 лет назад
My old school did things like this and it was cringeworthy and irritating. Everyone involved died inside.
@radiofuel2733 4 года назад
When my dad saw this episode, he was questioning me over how bad the tests were. I had to break it to him that everything John brought up is true. Kids in my class would be sweating and crying before tests, and during finals, throwing up was as normal as the sunrise. There were times when I would be in a bathroom stall just so I could cry, and another student would go into another stall and start sobbing as well. If your system causes people to break down into tears and get sick, then you should feel ashamed of yourself.
@mississippiboy1581 8 лет назад
The best country in the world on education rankings has next to no tests.
@mississippiboy1581 8 лет назад
@yiannay 8 лет назад
I was just about to say the same. And as a teacher I know that testing can never be a measurement to one's knowledge or skills. Especially the multiple choice questions. They are especially made to confuse.
@parker469a 8 лет назад
Please use a better picture of yourself for your thumbnail or at least something else, I can't really tell what you look like. I don't mean to be rude but let's just say I completely mistook what was going on in that picture and you don't want people thinking what I was thinking when they look at it.
@ghost-kv4ii 8 лет назад
bruh, Are you a complete fucking idiot? you can't just go telling random people to use better pictures themselves
@parker469a 8 лет назад
Yes I can and it was more about the lighting in the picture than anything else. Also I wasn't talking to you so fuck off.... what the hell is the person holding up in your picture... celery or is it some Beaker from the muppets sorta thing? A peanut with an afro? It's hard to tell with the picture being that small and being in black an white.
@wesleylance8221 7 лет назад
I can't say that I've ever burst into tears or vomited on my test, but i can say firsthand that us kids are given about as much respect as horny cows.
@Polarcupcheck 7 лет назад
Do you play on your phone and fuck around the whole class?
@jayjaythejetplane5390 7 лет назад
Polarcupcheck I think I speak for many students when I say that I work hard and pay attention in class. We still get fuck all respect from people who I assume have a similar mind set as you.
@avocadokin 7 лет назад
Polarcupcheck I work hard and get good grades but before I was diagnosed and given medication for my ADHD I got bad test scores. I didn't play around in class and didn't have a mobile device. I still got bad scores though. Luckily because how how well I did in class I still got in advanced classes but this could have easily gone a lot worse for me.
@98doom 7 лет назад
I constantly use to crave ABCD over and over during pracc testing
@daylight8208 6 лет назад
Wesley Lance most ACT like horny cows
I'm now in college, but I can still remember my teachers literally telling us that our scored would affect their jobs. They would straight up tell us that if we didn't do well they could get in trouble. I also don't think that standardized testing, even tests like the SAT or ACT, are accurate. Don't get me wrong; to a certain degree they are. People don't just get a 2000+ on the SAT for nothing, but it definitely punishes students who are slow readers, or the ones who have an eye for detail, or one's that like to write more things out. I was a decent student, didnt study, and scored 1830 on my PSAT without studying. My friends who had consistent honor student records, had 4.0+ gpas, and were state level competitors in various science club competitions like Science Olympia did not score more than a 1600 after studying for it for a week. And before people say "oh, it doesn't matter" or "it balances out", just know that these scores can cause them to lose out on THOUSANDS of dollars in scholarship money. I wish John Oliver would do a video on colleges to follow this one up :)
@reginaphalange8955 7 лет назад
Revo Red "Fuck the ACTs" because you're upset you got a low score despite trying hard... I don't understand the logic behind that argument
@optimisms 6 лет назад
Absolutely! I have ADHD and get testing accommodations, but my school didn't tell me that I had to file with College Board to get those accommodations on their tests. So my PSAT, the big one in 11th grade, I didn't get extended time, and I literally didn't even get to half of the test questions in the math sections. So in 11th grade, my english score went up 30 points, but my math went down 50, and I'm ONE point below my school's threshold for the National Merit Scholar competition. I get a letter, commending me for my score, and that's it. And they refuse to admit any responsibility for my THOUSANDS of lost dollars. My parents considered suing but we don't have the energy or time to deal with that, lots of medical issues and stuff that take away from that. But it's so infuriating every time I think about it. Oh, and here's the zinger: when I took the SAT after getting accommodations, I got a 1580 (out of 1600) without studying. Perfect on math. Who knows what I could have gotten on the PSAT?
@personncfdhbhbv 6 лет назад
Problem is you really can't study for the Sat or Act. You just have to hope you have seen the topics in your classes up to that point
@ianlawrence1576 3 года назад
This makes all the sense in the world. In my first semester of college, there was a class called Quantitative Reasoning. The homework assignments and tests were regulated by Pearson. I would sometimes find an easier way to do the problems, but for some reason they would be wrong. I would use their 30 minute long ass method which guided me through it, get the same damn answer, and just realize I wasted 30 minutes doing some thing I could’ve solved in five. I ended up failing that class, and while some of the blame is on myself, a vast part of it is on Pearson, for their horribly designated systems.
@leullakew9579 Год назад
My Quantitative Studies class also used Pearson.
@lowereastsideastrologist7769 5 лет назад
Standardized tests are essentially glorified short term memory tests.
@Dawn24Michele 4 года назад
Not even that. They are only used to determine how much a teacher's raise will be. Nothing more.
@fredreickweaver809 4 года назад
As someone with a severe cognitive impairment resting to short term memory and who scored extremely well on standardized test which saved my college app experience, I reject this. Their are problems of course, but these tests identify people with learning disabilities who are missed by the system. Also the blatant anti intellectualism of the “look how complicated the formula looks” is hilarious, and a bit depressing.
@spritemon98 3 года назад
I was 2 points off of my English test and I still failed
@ericschnautz6603 3 года назад
I got a perfect score on the Math part of my PSAT in my freshman year and my scores just started declining after that because the only time I was using that information was in freshman algebra and Geometry. Most students are supposed to build up to that and take algebra two in their junior year and then nail the SATs because the information is fresh in their minds. Being in the advanced classes actually made me and my friends have worse test scores than average students. Standardized testing is so useless and it pisses me off.
@jonc8074 3 года назад
No Child Left Behind was just an excuse to cut funding for schools with lots of poor kids, and children who don't speak english at home as in general they do not do as well as rich white kids on this type of test, rolled out around the same time as the School to Prison pipeline. Republicans.
@MauroTamm 9 лет назад
If pineapple has three legs, how many colors does it take for him to reach moon on a boat, considering he was eating BBQ three days later on the pluto?
@guesswho180 9 лет назад
None. Pineapples have 10 legs.
@argonunyacartel2631 9 лет назад
Mauro Tamm Orange, because motorcycles don't have doors.
@derciolichucha5864 9 лет назад
Hahahaha Argo! That answer was killer!
@emiemivideos 9 лет назад
random does not equal funny- jacksfilms
@drgeorgej5562 9 лет назад
+Argo Nunya Cartel wooooow I dont remember how long I laughed so much at youtube comment
@ameynanote 9 лет назад
Do parents watch this show. Do adults realize what is happening to our system? This is very sad indeed the education system must be improved.
@nicholishaw6833 9 лет назад
+Amey Nanote Currently a student myself, it's complete bullshit. Had to take a test last year for Algebra I, if you don't pass the test you don't graduate. You needed to get 1500, I got 1498 and will have to take the test again, or take a "project", which is a thirteen hour question and analysis test which is harder than the test itself.
@ameynanote 9 лет назад
Nicholi Shaw Same here I have to get atleast Excellence or I don't get the wanted subjects next year and will have to repeat the whole year again.
@dedrick7949 9 лет назад
+Amey Nanote I'm 12 so when i take FSA (Florida, Standerized, Assesment[ Something may be spelled wrong]) and we sign the contract and my parents say "screw the contract tell us everything".
@Ganhur 9 лет назад
+Amey Nanote My parents, including their siblings, agree that the only thing parents should give a dam about is the grade. Doesn't matter whether the school throw a ridiculous tests or knives and bullets at the students, straight As or get disowned. (a little exaggeration but you still don't want to get anything less than A- in this family)
@ameynanote 9 лет назад
Ganhur Cao No Offense but maybe its case of if you can buy your parents good grades then cool. Meaning if I say "Hey do you want your son to get good grades just pay this much" your parents would probably do that. I mean I really don't mean any offense heck my friend has parents like this. I do too to some degree (more career-wise strict). But yeah I agree with you man its hard now a days.
@ivys1991 4 года назад
In my state, from 3rd grade to 8th grade, you take the ACT Aspire, which is supposed to prepare you for the ACT and predict how well you'll do on the ACT. I took the ACT as a 7th grader, and my ACT Aspire scores directly contradicted my ACT scores. These tests are bullshit. My dad teaches in this state and every time test season comes around we rant about how much it sucks. We found out that my little sister had anxiety disorder because she was having panic attacks about the ACT Aspire in 3RD FUCKING GRADE. We did get her a 504, but even then she was quite a bit anxious.
@Kat-ng2oo 7 лет назад
As a student in America, I agree with everything said. There are few ways to check progress, but the pressure placed on students for standardized testing is unacceptable.
@veronica_hon 8 лет назад
there is something fundamentally wrong with the system when my future, goals and ambitions can be shut down with one number...
@Insertnamehere188 7 лет назад
You gotta work for what you want dude.
@ughkac 7 лет назад
Insertnamehere188 The problem with that is that some people are just not good test takers. For those people working hard won't change anything, they still would get bad scores. The intelligence of a person should not be dictated by a few tests that are purposely written to be confusing.
@nataliagonzalez1698 7 лет назад
Insertnamehere188 did you not hear the guy with freaking degrees even scoring low on the tests?
@reginaphalange8955 7 лет назад
kac "For those people working hard won't change anything" That just means you're less intelligently capable. I could try my hardest to play basketball yet I still wouldn't be as good as Michael Jordan, it doesn't mean the game of basketball itself is wrong but rather that I wasn't born with the natural talent. That's the hard truth, I've seen quite a few people who naturally have a great comprehensive understanding ability and are better than even those who put in more effort than them; just because it's unfair (in the sense that some people can't get high scores despite being dilligent whereas others can get high score due to natural born talent), doesn't mean it's not accurate representation of one's intelligence.
@morganmartin5860 7 лет назад
+Regina Phalange But there are students who are very smart who still get low test scores. A lot of kids get good grades but low scores on standardized tests. Which one do you think is a better measure of one's intelligence: how a student is evaluated through a variety of assignments, projects, and tests over the course of an entire school year in a class, or a single standardized test?
@catblimp7894 6 лет назад
Almost all my teachers before testing said the exact same thing when we were about to take the test: "Don't care about your grade, it's a stupid state requirement."
@angeldela7633 6 лет назад
Skribble With Skittle where’d you go to school
@catblimp7894 6 лет назад
School university.
@lauren64 5 лет назад
I’m jealous what state?
@catblimp7894 5 лет назад
@@lauren64 Cali.
@Manningthesehandz789 5 лет назад
Same , my teacher just told me I had to do better on the second test.
@Anonymous-eo2er 4 года назад
At the end of the last semester, I was given a question by one of my teachers. “Many assignments are not graded. How does this affect the time and effort you put into the assignments?” I’m assuming they wanted me to be honest so I wrote “I tend to not finish or put effort into assignments that don’t affect grades.” American schools depend of grades
@imaanahmed4965 4 года назад
God that's so annoying. We're only graded off of tests and quizzes man. They just give us practices and say "Hey it's not graded but you should really practice if you wanna do good on the quiz/test."
@raptorcharly8055 4 года назад
@@imaanahmed4965 I'm the same. I do the practice quizzes I'm given sometimes, but not always.
@magnuskohler2207 6 лет назад
one kid in my class threw up during the test, destroyed the test with her vomit, she tried to get the teacher to help, but the teacher couldn't do anything because it was against the rules. So this girl in 8th grade couldn't take her test, was freaking out, threw up again. Keep in mind this was mid june and it was hot so other kids started vomiting to because of nerves, and the smell of vomit. I think i was the only one in my room that actually finished the test.
@cfgcfh6350 6 лет назад
Magnus Kohler how are americans such pussies...?
@DontTouchThatPootisBird 6 лет назад
I know right!?!?!?! Imagine if you could fail the grade and fuck your entire life because of one test. The Americans have the nerve to vomit???? Ugh
@alterelch4707 6 лет назад
WTF XD thats so messed up!
@boastfultoast7066 6 лет назад
They didnt throw up because they didnt like the test. They stayed up entire nights, foregoing meals just to get some extra study time. This single test determines basically your entire future.
@snashensgazle4317 5 лет назад
Ricardo Varona laughs in GCSE and A-Levels
@meimae7804 6 лет назад
Honestly we’re taught like we’re supposed to work in a factory and tested like we have PhDs
@jemiebridges3197 5 лет назад
That's exactly what they. Only its now 20+ years out of date for the jobs we have now.
@aoeu256 5 лет назад
@G G It would be easier if it wasn't for all those government laws and regulations though...
@thagodwecreate5179 5 лет назад
Fuck school. Manufacture drugs, bury $$$, hire a great lawyer, do some prison time and come out to retrieve your $$$. No college debt no credit card debt no family no kids...yea got a criminal record but never gonna need a job or credit n retirement is already saved for...if i live that long. Life is a marathon, not a sprint.
@AnkitKshatriya 5 лет назад
@@thagodwecreate5179 good plan.... But what about rape in prison?
@FauxFoxPaw 5 лет назад
@G G Huh?
@willzyxOfficial 7 лет назад
I was raised in one of these top ranking European countries, never had any intense testing as a kid. One nationwide test at age 12, that we barely prepare for, and at high school graduation. How does the US think education works...? Americans have some deeply ingrained hate of government interference, but seem to not mind being slaves to corporations.
@cuuy 7 лет назад
+Not Todd Howard "1. Look at the rest of the world 2. Pretend it doesn't exist" Really seems like it's true, otherwise I cant understand how the us government believed that they can improve the school system simply with more tests. So many countries have better school system, and they don't do it with more tests. Maybe except some asian countries. But you don't really want that pressure and high suicide quote around exam season for the students.
@EmilioReyes_97 6 лет назад
willzyx .....Mind letting me in on how your country's education works?
@angeldela7633 6 лет назад
willzyx how does you system work
@Careonovam 5 лет назад
@@angeldela7633 since there was no answer, I feel like it won't hurt to butt in... In Germany, we have a system that is clearly not the best, but works pretty well - without students passing out or vomiting because of tests. When the child starts school, it will be in the "Grundschule" (Basics School, don't know how to describe it better) for 4 years, where the basics are taught. After that, the way splits. Children who have passed their tests (a few small ones, a few bigger ones over the years, all count together) with very good and good marks (rated from good to bad 1 to 6) have the opportunity to go to the "Gymnasium", where they receive a more difficult education. Students who do average also have that option if they want to, but mostly they choose to go to the "Hauptschule" (Main School). While the Gymnasium will be 8 years (so 12 together with the Grundschule), the Hauptschule is only 6 years (10 together with the Grundschule. While it still has a good education, it is not as highly regarded as the Gymnasium. Lastly, children who do poor on most of their tests and in school (behavior, social interaction etc) because of either learning disabilities or other reasons will go to the "Realschule", which is only for 4 years, so 8 together with the Grundschule. If you finish the Gymnasium, you will be able to study in every field you want to or visit an university. If you finish the Realschule, you will be able to study MOST jobs. And lastly, if you finish the Hauptschule, you will (in most cases) only be able to work in low paying "no-brainer" jobs. That last point is a big flaw in the system, because it doesn't take children with ADHD, bad family backgrounds and such into consideration. There are other options for such children, but to explain that, I would need way more time and space than I have. Hope I could be of help, have a beautiful day, good sir =)
@Elisabeth4844 5 лет назад
And now the interests of the corporations ARE the government!
@remytherat966 4 года назад
When I was in middle school, most of teachers told us whatever they taught was to teach us whatever was on the standardized tests we took. Come test day and none of us know what the material is because what they taught us wasn't even close to the test material and the teacher didn't like that most of us scored below average
@realstarfarts 9 лет назад
I was a test grader after graduating college. You are put in a room with a thousand people and no air conditioning. Everything is a quota, and if you don't hit quota you are demoted again and again. If you give too many high scores, you are demoted. If you don't give around the average, you are demoted. It's all a competition, down to weekly prizes for the most efficient grader. They also require a college degree requirement, but include two-year tech schools. It's a machine industry, and it's disgusting.
@gigabic7487 9 лет назад
Organize a strike with anyone who really doesn't have anything to lose who works there. That gets their attention.
@ASSASSIN79100 9 лет назад
krazyorange Dam they should get sued for giving inaccurate test scores.
@Mark_Knight 9 лет назад
krazyorange Making money by ruining the lives of kids. Another reason Americans should riot, but don't. Shame, I have seen more care on Black Friday. Put those efforts into overthrowing a corrupt system....not just Standardized Tests, but the government itself.
@haassleholtz 9 лет назад
Why on earth would you be a test grader right after college....you sir or ma'am are the defintion of insane.
@haassleholtz 9 лет назад
Mark M riot..and riot well but not unlike baltimore. Focus and see the end goal. Triumph with true freedom and ensure no government makes new laws toward rioters or crowd contol. ensure that you are not overly governed. Ensure that any man or woman is equal even if seen upon your person dependent on intellect or race or rather the depend on needing the two. Know no other country as being more hostile as your own before it falls and know no other person more than the one who strikes the hammer on your nerve. Learn and educate and spread a message of what we know to be freedom and peace...which we know peace doesnt cost dollars but it costs only time with that we charitably give in order to promote a truely free form of people far beyond what we are now.
@StudioAnnLe 9 лет назад
Turning our kids into test taking machines is a huge detriment to our society. One would think that seeing how poorly American students test in comparison to international standards would shake up the system, but instead we just pander to corporate interests.
@allyvandergaast8746 3 года назад
Unfortunately thats the American way
@vonkaiser6817 3 года назад
@@allyvandergaast8746 ‘Murica rules
@tristynbishop6158 3 года назад
@nata3467 3 года назад
it is has destroyed critical thinking
@shadymello9146 3 года назад
@@nata3467 exactly and standardized testing is a problem everywhere
@jacobgarsson2447 7 лет назад
My brother took the PARCC and it had two questions on it that were not written in English. It was a science test.
@Bobelponge123 6 лет назад
@dod1mcb1 6 лет назад
I feel so sorry for your brother. That's must be terrifying to see words in foreign language
@ziziroberts8041 5 лет назад
The No Child Left Behind Act is the longest oxymoron ever written. Standardized discrimination. How many Congress members own stock in educational publishing and testing services?
@EndlessSummer888 4 года назад
That's the problem, education isn't happening in the meeting rooms of our legislative buildings. It happens in schools and classrooms, and the people who are doing it are students and teachers. If you remove their discretion, it stops working. And the No Child Left Behind legislation was bullshit from the beginning, because millions of children are being left behind. Which, obviously, wouldn't be an attractive name for legislation - Millions of Children Left Behind. And it's only been a couple decades since the politicians were talking about giving kids a headstart. Headstart? Left behind? Someone's losing ground here.
@itsikabitch9005 4 года назад
No Child Left Behind is a nicer way of saying No Child Gets Ahead, and it didn’t even help the ones getting left behind.
@oliverc.karstark1950 4 года назад
We have something similar in our country, too. Our school system divides kids at the age of 9/10 into "classes" depending on overall intelligence and how well you did. The "smartest" go on to schools called "Gymnasium" that go for 8 to 9 years, whose Motto is "we encourage talents" meaning they'll support whatever you seem to be good at but recently they've made changes testing every higher educational school on the same standards. so schools focusing on languages will get tested on the same standards and with the exact same exercises as those who focus on physics, math, and chemistry. it's pretty demented, really... Progress? Nah fam. Greetings from Austria, national motto: we're irrelevant suckers you've never heard of, but we sure are important!
@Contra1828 4 года назад
And it gives schools a financial incentive to teach for the test, even cheat to raise test scores. I remember an incident when I was in 5th grade that seems really sketchy in retrospect: I was taking a 5th grade state standardized test when I was in elementary school - for context, it was an inner city school, not terrible, but probably below average as schools go, and I was always a pretty smart student, so it's quite possible I got one of their highest scores. The next day, they called me into the office, gave me my test with some questions circled, and told me I should re-read them and take another chance to answer. Didn't strike me as odd then, but I'm pretty sure that's against the rules - probably they really wanted to brag about having a student with a perfect score so they could get more funding.
@vee1267 4 года назад
Zizi Roberts sometimes I think the people who drafted No Child Left Behind must have met up one day and were like, “alright, we gotta name this thing, and I’m getting bored just looking at it - hey guys, what’s the most ironic name you can think of? I could use a good laugh”. And then they just rolled with it.
@ciaraoreilly3844 4 года назад
During tests we were told “think like a test maker not a test taker”
@EnLaLuna23 5 лет назад
They’re supposed to measure intelligence, but all they measure is your ability to take a test. I’m lucky in that I usually do well on standardized tests but I have so many friends who are incredibly smart but don’t do well because of test taking anxiety. It sucks that these tests determine ours (and our teachers’) scores
@lizvargas6576 4 года назад
I also get anxiety when taking test and is what brings my grades down.🙁😔
@charlescannon2469 4 года назад
And I'm the exact opposite, I rock at tests and couldn't really do shit with daily work, tedium shuts my brain down. But since tests were so important I passed a multiple grades spending nearly every day not doing any school work or being detention.
@jirachiteaminstinct4310 4 года назад
Charles Cannon I was exactly the same way. Class is tedious and boring. Often completely irrelevant to real life. Tests on the other hand are competitive and put you under pressure, so it feels like your doing something productive.
@no_peace 4 года назад
They're supposed to measure learning/improvement not intelligence
@rehksthemess9800 5 лет назад
My friend actually attempted suicide last year when finals came around she's fine now thankfully but if school drives you to do that, I think we have a problem
@Elisabeth4844 5 лет назад
That is so sad!
@megabigblur 5 лет назад
Kids killing themselves over exam stress happens all the time in Asia. That's what you get for worshipping Singapore and South Korea just because they have high science and maths scores. So do the Scandinavian countreis but they don't have an academic culture that stresses kids out to the point of suicide. Dunno why the USA didn't look to them instead.
@nostalgicmind3432 5 лет назад
G G even though they have everything handed to them from day 1
@whatever9097 5 лет назад
I know so many people who have immense stress, depression, and so many other issues because of school.
@nicoleb695 5 лет назад
Jesus I'm glad shes doing better but that's horrible that she was pushed by the system to that point!
@themangotango95 9 лет назад
I couldn't op out of my standardized tests.
@Sam-ll6wt 9 лет назад
themangotango95 ya i wish i could have, every year i had school was just test prep for the standardized tests so that the schools can get funds... Not to teach kids..
@fangoroth6600 9 лет назад
Samuel Bechard Junior year my English teacher didn't even bother with the smokescreen. She told us that everything until the last few weeks of the year would be to focus on prepping for the test.
@KetchupBlogs 9 лет назад
Samuel Bechard My whole grade school life was set like this. They would push and rush us to learn things just in time for the SATs. They did it for school reputation and not for our own benefit. It's sad.
@Codyak13 9 лет назад
themangotango95 Standarised*
@AmitAboukrat 9 лет назад
Codyak13 whale-cum 2 da internet were ppl type sht da wai dey liek...
@anonwa4309 4 года назад
for the “juniors boycotting common core test”, that happened at nathan hale high school in washington. in response, washington REQUIRED that you pass (score of 3 or 4) THREE DIFFERENT EXAMS before you can earn your highschool diploma.
@youtubeuniversity3638 Год назад
...perfect opportunity for a buncha kids to start doing less than legal things to make that non-possible in an attempt to straight up hold the whole system hostage...
@taiasoncole8148 8 лет назад
One thing I always hated was English standerized tests. At least with Math there was something to study for and only one right answer. But the English tests is based solely on whether or not you can read a passage and have the same opinion on it the same way the test makers did which isn't an objective way to grade kids. It frustrated me.
@ParallaxScene 8 лет назад
Exactly, why I hated English were way too open to interpretation .
@psycoNaughtplaysMCPC 8 лет назад
The thing with literature is it intentionally lends itself to interpretation. For example in the case of "Frankenstein, the Modern Prometheus" my friend felt that Dr. Frankenstein did no wrong and only meant to advance science in which his death was unintentional, while I felt his ambition drove him mad and forced him to become what he feared the most (the monster was him in other words) and thus his death was unavoidable
@taiasoncole8148 8 лет назад
Psyconaught Gaming Exactly.
@thomasross4578 8 лет назад
English tests suck, thats about it. It is all opinionated and my scores massively varied from top 5%( from 3rd to 7th) to the 81st in 8th and back to the top 5% in 9th. The AP tests are the only descent non-math tests at all, and they can suck sometimes too.
@evelynfinegan4687 8 лет назад
The problem with a lot of testing for english classes in the Elementary and Middle School years is that it's supposed to test reading comprehension, and not interpretation. Middle school is supposed to introduce students to interpretation (with "short answer" questions), but it isn't until high school where you're really supposed to get into interpreting literature. I don't know if I agree it should wait that long, but it's based off of early 1900's ideas about education and etc etc etc that's not what I'm here for. It's hard to gauge comprehension though, you can have the obvious questions (Who's the main character, the antagonist, the climax, the this, the that, and the other) but how do you gauge the more advanced comprehension? Those "level 2" and "level 3" questions? You can ask about the themes and symbolism of a piece of fiction, that's easy enough, but it's not always easy. The minute you frame something as an opinion (what do you THINK would have happened) all bets are off. In my opinion, the education in the English classroom shouldn't judge whether or not the student can correctly interpret what the question's author was thinking, but whether or not they can articulate and back their answer. If you're reading Romeo and Juliet, and someone asks what you think would've happened if Romeo hadn't drank the poison and your answer is the Mongols invade and give everyone ice cream, as long as you can articulate a reasonable explanation that fits the narrative of the rest of the story than that should be all that matters.
@SuperCharlieGames 9 лет назад
Those schools are lucky. Mine did a parody of "Shake it off". Ugh.
@boxylemons7961 9 лет назад
Super Charlie Games I'm so sorry for you. That sounds so fucking stupid.
@maxpowr90 9 лет назад
Joe Olson Haters gonna hate, hate, hate?
@boxylemons7961 9 лет назад
maxpowr90 -_-
@willcurncy1981 9 лет назад
Super Charlie Games mine was worse, it was.... let it go.
@kaitlyncamera8539 9 лет назад
Mine did uptown funk, then Made us all sing it at a pep rally.😑
@testticklehead 6 лет назад
So while I was working at Pearson all of the employees were notified that John Oliver was doing a "positive" piece on Pearson. Most employees tuned in and quickly realized that he was bashing the company and showing Pearson's true side. The next day Upper management hid their faces in shame and we were told that John Oliver failed to show the true face of Pearson. Oh how we all had a laugh. I worked for Pearson for 6 years in several departments. Long story short.....upper management made such bad decisions that most US employees thought that they were purposely sabotaging the company.
@batman8214 5 лет назад
Holy crap! That´s crazy, thank you for your comment. It´s good to hear from someone that was once on the inside.
@jannegrey593 5 лет назад
Thanks for this comment. Seriously.
@nicolaslevraud5311 5 лет назад
I guess hiding in shame is better than sueing him, at least they admit there is a problem. Thanks for your comment.
@RickReasonnz 5 лет назад
Whaaaaat.... who in their right mind, when hearing that their company will be featured on LWT... would assume it would be positive? Have the management ever SEEN John Oliver?
@jimmythornseed8605 5 лет назад
Those execs should get an F for even thinking being the subject of the show would be a good thing. It's obvious none of them studied it.
@SirLotzz 9 лет назад
You study for an exam that you'll forget about after you take it. >.>
@BigWalt1722 9 лет назад
SirLotzz #Im14andIthinkthisisedgy
@martix41 9 лет назад
SirLotzz yeah because after you take the exam, you stop studying it... In order for you to actually remember, you need to be continuously studying the same subject, or endlessly revising it.
@GrantTheHierophant 9 лет назад
SirLotzz I completely forgot all of the math taught to me in 10-12th grade, as well as any science taught to me ever.
@goclbert 9 лет назад
That's how school everwhere works. You spend 12 years of your life learning ramdom crap and then you go to university where you slowly trim the fat until you are finally only taking classes that matter.
@davethewave9939 9 лет назад
I'm planning to become a biochemist, and I can already see that most of the math I am taught is useless. Tell me, when am I going to ever use geometry or algebra 2 trig when mixing chemicals?
@victoriandoll2164 3 года назад
Not to mention how hurtful standardized tests are for children with learning disabilities.
@Treesuh 7 лет назад
As a graduate student studying to become a teacher, I've given Pearson over $1,000 for teacher certification tests. It's not only kids who are being graded by Craig's list hires, so are the teachers that are teaching those children. It's absolutely ridiculous. I landed here because I am doing my thesis on Standardized testing and it's place since it's creation in 1901. I can say that I am extremely disheartened by my research and this didn't help. lol
@Pabor 6 лет назад
@ginak5802 6 лет назад
@@Pabor No, "it's". "IT IS not only ..." If you're going to be grammar Nazi at least do it right.
@Midna127 7 лет назад
"What does the test say?" "Get your middle finger out, get your middle finger out, GET YOUR MIDDLE FINGER OUT!!!"
@ZuzuPie 8 лет назад
Oh god I remember that pineapple question.
@josephholder8441 8 лет назад
@Shazoo1997 8 лет назад
What the fuck is wrong with America
@Shazoo1997 8 лет назад
If you had answered: ''Everything'' then you are correct
@megamania7106 8 лет назад
Well I had nothing to do with that fucking thing.
@charlotteseifert578 8 лет назад
I do too!
@karensmith6074 4 года назад
How come every time children are getting screwed, there's always a company getting rich off it?
@youtubeuniversity3638 4 года назад
Children are societally easier targets, it turns out. Other sources of screwing over children are muscled out of the field.
@akish302 3 года назад
Children can’t vote. Children can’t run for office. Children are not taken seriously.
@kermitenthusiast485 3 года назад
@@akish302 Children can't call for help, because if they do, they're punished for hassling their parents, teachers, the police, etc. Or, alternatively, they're threatened with it.
@0wolfmoon 3 года назад
I was going to come up with a joke but after reading the other comments I got too sad
@leeb9342 3 года назад
@predatorhousepet4395 5 лет назад
I used to grade the standardized Math, English & Science tests for Texas. What they said is accurate. It required a Bachelor's degree to grade but only paid $9/hr and had ridiculous quotas that were impossible to acheive. It was highly stressful because they expected you to read essays at warp speed but also "accurately" but the kid's handwriting was usually a mess of indecipherable misspelled chicken scratch. I saw way too many high school level tests that looked like they were written by third graders but we were pressured to give a certain amount of these passing grades because the real results would cost them money. If you tried to buck the system and grade them as you saw fit you'd get fired for some other infringement. I was one of the fastest scorers compared to my coworkers but I was still chewed out on an hourly basis for falling behind quota, which they would raise anytime you got close to acheiving (because they didn't want to pay the bonuses for meeting quota so they just made it impossible to reach.) Never got any praise for anything I improved on because that was what was "expected," which made it seem like you were constantly doing a bad job even if that wasn't the case. There was extremely high turnover, most people quit after a few days. I lasted 6 months because I needed the money and couldn't find another job at the time. I used to go home and cry every day from the stress, mental abuse, and knowing first hand how badly the education system was failing our kids. Another thing I hated about the job was how heartbreaking it was to read some of those essays. Sometimes the kids wrote about awful physical and mental abuse they were enduring at home, situations that CPS should be involved in but we were told to ignore it because there was nothing we could do. I just had to hope those kids asked for help elsewhere.
@allasta74 4 года назад
That would explain on why a story I wrote on one of those tests got a 3 when I would’ve given it at best a 2 while a story I wrote a year later I would’ve given a 4 got a 2. When we got our scores back I would routinely get higher scores than my friend who graduated Valedictorian even though he definitely had the better stories for the given prompt.
@conarthesonar6089 4 года назад
Hearing that horrifies me. Your story is evidence that the system has completely failed. They worked you like a dog and graded kids not to help those children but to make themselves money. I'm so sorry you ever had to work at a place like that
@AleTitan 2 года назад
That's so messed up, that you guys couldn't contact CPS in those cases
@notavailable877 2 года назад
Moving the goalposts.
@CAP198462 2 года назад
@@AleTitan how it usually worked was, papers where the response included something disturbing were dubbed alert papers. You either called the scoring supervisor over to read it, or flagged it and the software sent it to the supervisor to review and decide what to do with it. From my experience, often they’d dismiss it since there wasn’t a way to substantiate the claims. If you called the supervisor over 9 times out of ten they told you it was just a kid with overactive imagination.
@aal3596 8 лет назад
I went into this video 100% expecting something about the pineapple story and was not disappointed. I actually took that test-it was about as fun as described. At least eighth grade me and my classmates had a lot of fun arguing over which animal was "the wisest"
@mistyriverssak7 7 лет назад
Kitern same here! It was so ridiculous even the teachers were upset. I don't even remember the right answer but I picked the owl lol
@skipperinoagadmatorino5788 5 лет назад
I'm a French middle scooler and I'm offended *puts out his cigarette*
@Churuhut 3 года назад
Dude... you spelled "schooler" wrong
@Churuhut 3 года назад
@@zUJ7EjVD I wasn't being rude or anything. Was just letting him/her know. BTW I do speak French and German.
@Kittsim 3 года назад
@@Churuhut You really scooled him.
@joshemane 10 месяцев назад
Kids aren’t learning content. They’re learning how to take tests. There’s a difference, and a big one.
@gnoufignon 6 месяцев назад
The tests examine the takers' knowledge of the content. Dartmouth is the first to wake up. How do you evaluate anyone's abilities without testing?
@joshemane 6 месяцев назад
@@gnoufignon by practicing it with them. Put another way, let’s say you’re at a job, and let’s pick a base level job for the fun of it. Cashier. Do you have to take a written test? Nope. You have someone train, and you get to be taken off of training the more you demonstrate proficiency. Your hand is held and slowly let off as necessary. Most jobs, you don’t train for the test. You go through training itself - if you can’t make it past the training period, you don’t have the job. Going back to the topic of school, a lot of school systems aren’t holding the students hands and guiding them, but rather setting the students up for test taking, and then on to the next thing. I have a daughter in kindergarten. Obviously, she really hasn’t gotten to the test taking stage. I’d rather a dialogue be created as to how she’s doing on a particular subject, rather than just her get assigned a number. The fact is, some kids ARE bad test takers. They don’t learn that way.
@joshemane 6 месяцев назад
@@gnoufignon I’m going to be super nerdy for a moment and say that I view it like “The Flash” from DC. His brain is very much enhanced by the speed force. He can learn entire languages in seconds. He can essentially freeze time and read a book on how to, let’s say, build a house. But the problem is that it doesn’t stick in his brain for very long. I view our test taking system the same way. Kids are learning as much as they need to pass the test, and then it doesn’t stick. Sorry, I’m a huge comics nerd lol
@skyronstad8185 7 лет назад
The vomiting thing is accurate...one time in elementary school a classmate asked the teacher what she would have to do if he vomited. She (with a straight face) said that she would have to put on a pair of latex gloves and put the test into a baggie so that the student could finish it.
@garystinten9339 6 лет назад
Sky Ronstad why not just give the kid a new paper. She might as well say.. Lick the paper prior to taking the test.
@Jarod-vg9wq 6 лет назад
That’s messed up bro. No pun intended
@knockhello2604 6 лет назад
Sky Ronstad What is your profile picture?
@Jarod-vg9wq 6 лет назад
Sky Ronstad teachers should not expect students to vomit when taking a test.
@namingisdifficult408 6 лет назад
Sky Ronstad that’s insane
@HaroldDavidsonUS 9 лет назад
I remember my counselor once told me that I shouldn't take AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, and AP Statistics in the same year. As she was about to change it, I just stood up, put my hands on her desk, leaned in and whispered, "I'm taking the fuckin' classes." I've never seen anyone type so fast in my life. lol
@HaroldDavidsonUS 9 лет назад
***** Well that was unnecessarily rude...
@WarriorPrinny 9 лет назад
***** And what's wrong with it?
@HaroldDavidsonUS 9 лет назад
***** Yeah, because I said "fuckin'" and not "fucking". Are you nit-picking my grammar now?
@WarriorPrinny 9 лет назад
***** No, I meant what's wrong with, "Fuckin'"? Instead of "Fucking"?
@HaroldDavidsonUS 9 лет назад
Sha Don Alright, I'm just fuckin' blocking you now.
@quickattackfilms7923 9 лет назад
Seriously, it's half the reason school sucks balls. These tests just make you BS through it the entire time. I can't count how many times I was forced to write about my stance as to whether or not school uniforms should be implemented... and you have to fill X amount of words, so odds are the paper starts out with something stupid and drawn out like "I strongly believe that the issue surrounding whether or not school uniforms should be implemented in my school is an important topic of discussion.". That's 24 friggin words already and I've said NOTHING. I can do this ALL DAY, HIGHSCHOOL!
@quickattackfilms7923 9 лет назад
Quick Attack Films And friggin talk about stress man... Our school is in a rural neighborhood, so we're like a class D. Our test scores were so low that we were on the verge of either A) The school shuts down permanently, meaning I, and all of my other classmates, are forced to relocate schools (thus destroying my town's economy, as our school is like the only reason people move and stay here) or B) We become a charter school (Honestly not sure of the ramifications of that, but the faculty made it seem awful). So our grade was pretty much the last hope of bringing our school out of a rut, potentially saving our town now that I think about it. We did it... Hoo friggin ray.
@allabored4443 9 лет назад
@rondmusic6323 9 лет назад
+Quick Attack Films crap dude that must've been some pressure, congrats at winning in fucked up situation you were in
@quickattackfilms7923 9 лет назад
Ron Dest Music lol thanks man. It sucks but you get through it.
@krullachief669 9 лет назад
+Quick Attack Films I remember writing so many essays that all my points blurred together into a congealed mass. I also remember passing my college level English class by not reading any of the book assignments, and bullshitting an essay together through spark notes and tvtropes. I passed with a C average and couldn't give less of a fuck. Mind you, I think essays and standardized tests are what made me so apathetic. So this equals out to about 76 words that are pure stream of consciousness and I can keep bullshitting all day. I mean, you give me an inch of bullshitting room, and I will give you a goddamn 1.5 spacing, 12 print Times New Roman 8 page essay on the Wife of Bath with as much sarcasm as possible. Give me a mile and suddenly I have a 1 spacing, 11 Times New Roman essay on fucking uniforms that is 5 pages long of pure bullshit since my school didn't have uniforms in the first place. This paragraph is now about 171 words long and that isn't even going into how much shit I can bullshit with a period left to write up one of those essays. You are now realizing that you just read a paragraph about an 18 year olds senior year that is 220 words long.
@_caith 4 года назад
As an Austrian, I went to an American School. I'm 28 now, back in Austria, and in a relationship with a teacher. I remember how odd it felt when she explained the different teaching models we have here, and how there just plain arent any standardized tests, since each class gets treated as a unique situation, which just can't be fairly compared with other classes...
@phrance21 8 лет назад
Holy shit! Our system is broken. I have been on a binge watching John Oliver videos and we need to fix these issues. John you are awesome. Will this reach our politicians?
@zombiepm3762 8 лет назад
Francis Dean nope
@spamwarrior8469 7 лет назад
@totorocatbus 7 лет назад
Politicians are too naive :/
@FroehligGirlz 7 лет назад
Well, hell, they've been educated in America. What do we expect?
@LimeCultivist 8 лет назад
I can still remember one "test" they announced our whole high school had to take on "student quality" or something possibly dumber. Then, when we were all gathered in that huge gym room, everyone started talking to each other, pulling out their phones, and writing complete nonsense, and no teacher could really stop it. I guess it was like a mob mentality at that point, because even I didn't try and just wrote down song lyrics on that stupid piece of paper. It didn't count for a grade, and no one got any feedback from it. Waste of everyone's time.
@gearshift6118 8 лет назад
Of course we're gonna opt out. if we can avoid a shit ton of stress and anger, we will
@balinorgryffudd2963 3 года назад
Testing has gotten so pervasive that teachers only teach the test. My senior algebra teacher actually started to cry in the week leading up to each test.
@ryboits75 9 лет назад
As a junior who lives in Washington who took the Smarter balance I can say that test was pure shit and doesn't even count towards graduation.
@Henry2905493 9 лет назад
ryboits75 The Smarter Balance test is good for colleges and university to determine whether or not the test takers are ready for entry-level courses and the test takers may be exempt from remedial courses.
@ginaheartscupcakes 9 лет назад
Henry Li ..on my SBAC, I had to complete a story about a fairy escaping out of a window. I'm an 11th grader in high school. UM....
@venser9705 9 лет назад
ginaheartscupcakes you think shit without fairies makes you an adult or something? dont analyze how the story is portayed, but what it entails... kids these days, have a little imagination goddamn
@venser9705 9 лет назад
ginaheartscupcakes and your user name really shows your age, ahahahaha
@ginaheartscupcakes 9 лет назад
Travis Long I think it's quite demeaning to have a creative writing segment that read like it was supposed to target third graders on a standardized test that is targeted to high school students. This is supposed to determine if I can possibly get into university. Whether or not I can make up a fairy tale shouldn't be part of the criterion. Thanks, I quite like my channel name too. I've had it since I was a lot younger, and I decided to stick to it. Glad that it matters in the grand scheme of this conversation!
@Akuma0607 8 лет назад
Teachers hate Common core, at least those in my high school. Mainly because they feel they spend a lot of their time preparing students for these tests, rather than spending time on what the focus of the class is. It's even more annoying when we're taking a standardized test for two weeks, along with one week of preparation (I don't remember the name of the test but I believe it's supposed to replace the CASEE exam; It was the first year this test with implemented). To make it even worse, this test was very close to AP testing, so that took two weeks plus off time necessary to focus on AP tests. Speaking with many students, and my personal experience, many expressed anger as this test was very difficult and very time consuming. Keep in mind, students must focus their time and focus on this test rather than AP tests which must be prepared for thoroughly. The level of stress that this test brings is absolutely absurd in my opinion.
@anakinskywalker7289 8 лет назад
Yea the Californian Standard Test is cancer. But I heard stories of worst schools in other states
@dubspool 8 лет назад
I've had a question that went like this "The population of bugs is going down" and I kid you not, one of the answers was IMMIGRATION, on a standardized test for sophomores, which didn't test me, but insulted my intelligence by asking 7th grade questions
@doodle5092 8 лет назад
+ Can we reach 50K subscribers without a video? I live in Texas and it's INSANE! Now we have benchmarks, SLOs (even in things like ART!) ,and STAAR on top of regular tests and finals in class. ;___;
@ethanstangl272 8 лет назад
I spent like three years preparing for the common core change. (they tried to get it in three times.) then our state passed a law that said fuck that and standardized tests for most part altogether. but now I'm a senior and it affects me none anyway so that was a big fucking waste of high school.
@losttrackoftimeagain 8 лет назад
The CST was better than the Common Core tbh. I remember taking the CST since 1st grade all the way until 9th grade, and the life science one in 10th grade. But then in 10th grade, we began getting ready for the transition to common core and took a mock common core test rather than the CST, and my junior year we took the real common core. The common core was absolute bullshit. If I had to go back to elementary, middle or high school and choose which test to take, I would rather take the California Standard Test.
@xjdfghashzkj 6 лет назад
Not everybody has the same tools to express their knowledge and proficiency. You're always going to get a lot of people who show poorly on this kind of test, but who are actually really competent and brilliant in many ways, and vice versa. I once worked with a dysgraphic student who was exceedingly sharp but had an enormous amount of difficulty writing coherently. Of course, that was something he worked on with another teacher because that's an important barrier to chip away at. But as for where he was in the moment: He, I, and the school director agreed that his history final should take the form of a recorded conversation between me and him about the various manifestations of post-war Communism and its local and global effects. We spent a good 45 minutes with a table full of books talking about it and challenging each other. He did great! He spoke about it more completely as a 16 year old than most adults I could name. If I had forced him to write about it, he probably would have failed and been regarded as stupid and slow, but thankfully he was able to demonstrate that, in any meaningful sense, he was an extremely intelligent and perceptive fellow.
@stella_lilies 6 лет назад
That’s just awesome. 👍🏽
@thereseo6008 5 лет назад
Thank you. As a dysgraphic Attorney (yes we do exist) it is heart warming to know someone is willing to look at what we know not how we are able to present it.
@superemzone 5 лет назад
@morganqorishchi8181 3 года назад
I didn't get to take AP English because in fifth grade, when I was 11, I had the reading comprehension, speed and conceptualization skills of a college freshman. Or in other words, I got a perfect score - highest in the Northwestern United States - and was unable to improve my score after that. So I was put in remedial English for all of middle school and high school. I read War and Peace and the entirety of Lord of the Rings when I was 14 and was put in a class where they taught us to sound out words because I "hadn't improved".
@Tonyhouse1168 Год назад
Same. Read The Hobbit in a weekend when I was 12, got put into the gifted and talented program. Started public school for 8th grade, stayed in the program, did football, academic decathlon, track, drama, choir, and had a part-time job all through high school; transferred schools right before senior year, took all the AP classes, was informed the penultimate day of class that I wasn’t getting college credit for the AP classes bc some document I didn’t signed was mailed to a random address bc I didn’t have a permanent address until the second month of school. Turned down all the scholarships after being so disillusioned with the whole thing, made a million+ working in the bar business and never looked back. It absolutely sucks that the system is actually rigged and that you got a raw deal. I hope you’re doing well now.
@ngarcia103 9 лет назад
Here in Canada (this testing varies from province to province) I only had to do one standardized test every three years. And thankfully, at my elementary and high school, we never had to sing any song parodies.
@ngarcia103 9 лет назад
+Wale son uv a biatch I've never seen that.
@gucciak-4740 9 лет назад
Yeah the PAT test. I'm in grade 9 right now so I will have to do mine at the end of the year. Not too bad.
@Libya4LY 8 лет назад
EQAO right? (Evil Questions Attacking Ontario, we used to call it lol)
@mythicalanimal4582 8 лет назад
+Nicholas Garcia In Quebec it's near each year if I remember well !
@ngarcia103 8 лет назад
+Libya4LY Actually, yes!
@davidlawrence4467 6 лет назад
This is not just an American problem. I taught in Australian schools for 31 years, and I can say with absolute certainty that the purpose of these tests is to transfer resources from underfunded public (state) schools to rich private schools. Anyone who claims otherwise is ignorant or lying.
@TheRealNickG 6 лет назад
David Lawrence Wait.... How can funds be transferred from public schools to private schools?..... I'm interested in how things work in Australia.....
@kellynn739 6 лет назад
David Lawrence ...I am curious too. In the US, private schools are just that, private payment with no taxpayer dollars. Do Australian taxpayers fund private schools too?
@erinmcgonigal618 6 лет назад
@danieldelport1537 6 лет назад
David Lawrence I live in the uk and I’m in year 7 (I’m 12) and my school does tests every half term (6 weeks) and big gcse style end of year tests.
@tateduran9255 6 лет назад
I’m in year at at a private school In Sydney and me and my teachers couldn’t agree more.
@savagegardenrox 8 лет назад
"If you see something, say nothing. And drink to forget."
@jesuskun3673 8 лет назад
"Some things just aren't to be questioned. Most things actually."
@helencashwes 8 лет назад
Steve Carlsburg........
@PrettyBoyDevito 8 лет назад
All hail the mighty glow cloud
@peasantsoul 3 года назад
Seeing the kid cry made me tear up. I hate seeing how these tests mess with the kids.
@Butterfly1798 Год назад
Exactly. It's not right
@NameName-ft6ur 5 лет назад
We can say: "Pearson has failed" ....or worse...."Pearson LOWERS student achievement."......and that alone should prompt a move AWAY from the Pearson based system of evaluation.
@hjv6133 4 года назад
I know this is a year old but I'm gonna reply anyway. This should be the case, but the good ol' US of A cares more about money than people
@gsp4prez 2 года назад
Follow the money, I guarantee some Republican Christian zealot gets a lot of money from these companies to tank our test scores, gutting funding and making “school choice” more attractive to White suburban moms.
@AragornRespecter 7 лет назад
When in doubt, C it out
@solar7427 6 лет назад
Pyrus where I live we always say, when you dont know, just fill in B. But then again our tests are rarely abc questions let alone abcd questions
@insertedgyemobandnameshere813 6 лет назад
Pyrus nah fam 🅱️ is the best option
@anonwa4309 6 лет назад
“these tests are too crude to be used and should be abandoned” - the guy who invented standardized testing
@TheNarwhalGal 5 лет назад
whatwhen999 the funny thing is, he actually said that
@laura.st. 5 лет назад
But like... 20 tests? That's a dream for german students.
@andrewhailstorm4081 5 лет назад
Lora St. a.k.a Sewing 2 people together a.k.a the Human Centipede in real life
@ITheMystery-sc2kw 5 лет назад
That man is frederick j kelly
@iaccidentallyshotmymonitor 5 лет назад
@@laura.st. Bei uns werden Tests aber auch nicht so hoch gewert wie in Amerika
@elimorozov4769 4 года назад
I remember when I took the AP Chemistry exam and one of the free response questions wasn’t actually a question, it was a statement of fact. I drew a picture instead of answering the question and I still scored a 4 out of 5 on the test, so I’m not sure what that was about.
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