
Star Trek - Arena - fixed visual effects comparison 

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This is a fixed version of my previous Arena video. In the original video I missed a couple of changes, like the changed mountains, changed Metron effects or the Gorn blinks, hopefully this version is complete. I really must find a way how to automate this :-)



26 сен 2024




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@FairyWeatherMan 3 года назад
I started watching Star trek more than 40 years ago, when I was a kid. My first episodes were Arena & Balance of Terror. After 40 years i stll believe these two episodes are among the best SF stuff I've ever seen.
@Pimp-Master Год назад
Balance of Terror, Shore Leave and The Galileo Seven...episodes that still hold up.
@lotstodo Год назад
I watched them in black and white. I was thrilled when we got a color TV.
@scoopicman Год назад
The Doomsday Machine is my favorite. Some I like more that others (though I like most of them): City on the Edge of Forever Space Seed (Khan!) As mentioned - Arena, Galileo Seven, Balance of Terror, & Shoreleave Devil in the Dark The Changeling (inspiration for V'GER) Mirror Mirror (bearded Spock) The Corbomite Maneuver Who Mourns for Adonais The Gamesters of Triskelion The Ultimate Computer Metamorphosis Assignment Earth The Apple Elaan of Troyius Amok Time Bread and Circuses Charlie X Where No Man Has Gone Before What Are Little Girls Made Of Tomorrow is Yesterday The Enemy Within The Man Trap Operation Annihilate! The Paradise Syndrome Spock's Brain
@squareeyedgit 4 года назад
I've not actually seen many of these remastered episodes, so watching this comparison video was very interesting. It seems to have been very tastefully and effectively carried out, but I'm also glad that on the BluRay you can see the original versions - I think it's very important to have the originals to hand, however they may be improved upon in later times.
@Spacejockey426 Год назад
I agree about having the originals, but only to a point. The remastered episodes are truly stunning, and enhance the great writing /acting of this iconic show. If only Babylon 5 could get such treatment . . .
@kevinmorgan_truth Год назад
The CGI doesn't always improve the original. Often the ship in space looks more like an animation.
@chuckintexas Год назад
@@kevinmorgan_truth - and the interior people shots are a bit higher-key , and give more of a sense of presence with the characters .
@bokmcdok Год назад
I'm not a fan of some of the new shots of the ship, but at least they didn't George Lucas it and alter plot details and try to suppress the originals. The stories are still intact and you can still watch the older versions if you prefer them.
@flyingsodwai1382 Год назад
Wish you coulda mentored George Lucas...
@VolcanoEarth 7 лет назад
I like that they made some things more realistic like the planets as seen from orbit and some of the landscapes...yet they had the respect for ToS as a period-piece to keep the Gorn as his original sexy-self as opposed to the more terrifying version of his species that appeared on Enterprise.
@jesuszamora6949 3 года назад
Because CBS respected the source material in the remaster, instead of trying to change it to be more "modern" like Lucas did in destroying the original Star Wars films.
@chrismiddleton4733 2 года назад
Lol the CGI Gorn on Enterprise possibly looked even less realistic than the man in the green rubber suit with the glittery eyes seen here. And of course, it also couldn't do slow motion arm swings at Archer so there's that strike against it too lol
@jacklai633 2 года назад
@@chrismiddleton4733 The baby Gorn of Strange New Worlds looks amazing! It is practical effect + CG enhancement
@DeaPeaJay Год назад
What are you talking about? There was no respect at all to the original. It was completely re-rendered from scratch into an obviously (and bad) cgi version, destroying all the charm of the original model. There’s nothing good at all about these edits. And the original is going to be impossible to access at some point. Throw away all the hard work of the original artists who made the series everyone grew up loving. It’s a travesty.
@betaneptune Год назад
Ya gotta love the Gorn. But re the planets: In most cases they're still visibly rotating. It doesn't work like that!
@angrykermit3192 6 лет назад
5:12 Oh, Gorn can blink now? Well that totally changes everything!
@anthonyreed3682 5 лет назад
but his mouth still doesn't move
@MildMisanthropeMaybeMassive 4 года назад
Reminds me of the Ewoks blinking in the Blu-Rays for Return of the Jedi.
@marklechman2225 4 года назад
Yes, he's much more realistic now >D
@patrickwilson1459 4 года назад
I prefer the original special effects. I’ve never seen the point of Paramount redoing those to the show, just because of all they had nearly 55 years ago. Even before Star Wars was first released back in 1977 with special effects that looked more realistic than even the ones used in Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey from 1968.
@betaneptune Год назад
Doesn't hurt much, though. I love the Gorn the way he is (in a heterosexual way--not that there's anything wrong other ways!).
@MrTonyretro Год назад
'Arena' was the first thing I ever saw on a colour television in a department store in Manchester UK, I was gobsmacked by the explosions having only ever seen that sort of thing in black and white at home in 'All Our Yesterdays'. The only colour I'd seen on a screen before that were things like 'Mary Poppins' etc etc at the cinema. I like to watch original 'Star Trek' today on a CRT TV in 4:3 of course!
@beltrams 5 лет назад
Well, this video has been up almost 5 years now and I'm surprised nobody commented on how the CGI folks softened and largely eliminated the vehicle tire tracks in the sand at 2:20. That's a downright blooper now fixed.
@TrekkieChannel 5 лет назад
Great catch!
@2150dalek 5 лет назад
Picard had a vehicle in Nemesis...I still think there are cars in the future.
@Daniel-Strain 4 года назад
They can't have vehicles on a colony?? I don't see the problem.
@beltrams 4 года назад
Ha ha!
@brandonlink6568 2 года назад
@@2150dalek We don't talk about Picard's dune buggy
@appleheaddefender 5 лет назад
The original just has something so nostalgic about it
@betaneptune 3 года назад
It was "the look." Perhaps the best demonstration of this is the big arch scene in "Amok Time". It looks really, really out of place. Well, some things needed to be fixed. Like when they're heading straight for the sun in "Tomorrow Is Yesterday", and what do we see on the screen? A black sky with points of light moving about. Where's the sun? And one of the shots of the ship had some serious blue/green screen problem: time-varying frizzy edges.
@appleheaddefender 3 года назад
@@betaneptune yeh
@rjmacreadyoutpost3121 Год назад
Not to mention quality (mostly) writing.
@M167A1 Год назад
It's mainly a difference in writing quality and direction. It's much better cast, written and paced than the versions being processed now. In fairness when it has a bad episode it doesn't mess around either..
@betaneptune Год назад
@@rjmacreadyoutpost3121 Definitely "mostly." There are a few real stinkers in the mix, but people really disagree on which ones those are! But for most fans, it probably numbers in the single digits. I do recall a quick reference to Star Trek TOS saying that had about 30 good episodes. Well, I wouldn't agree with that!
@ThoughtFission Год назад
Really amazing work. The only thing I would question is the black background in the space shots. It seems to be a lot more black and natural looking in the original.
@goodtoGoNow1956 Год назад
I was thinking the same thing. I wondered about those choices.
@jamesross1003 Год назад
@@goodtoGoNow1956 In reality, there would be some light pollution making it not quite black but yeah I feel that the background was a bit bright.
@ossalomheleno248 Год назад
CGI can't draw the stars properly
@_XR40_ 9 месяцев назад
Reduced saturation. The color depth has been adjusted to seem more "realistic". Very obvious in the actor's faces and the red shirts, etc. More naturalistic, but lacks the vibrancy of the original. It's kind of like the difference between the 1938 _Robin Hood_ and one of the more recent historical films where everything has a dull gray tint - As if history had no color or contrast. This is the fad in recent years....
@craigw.scribner6490 2 года назад
Glad you gave me a "heads-up" about the Gorn's blinks! I saw this episode when I was a kid during Star Trek's original network broadcast, and it scared the daylights out of me! Thanks!
@StarWarriorCentral 4 года назад
I love how the Enterprise gained more torpedo launchers between this episode and the third season. This episode had Kirk order "Fire all banks," which amounted to two photon torpedoes. However, in "Elaan of Troyius," he gave the order to fire, and Chekov managed to shoot SIX photon torpedoes at the Klingons!
@STho205 Год назад
They also gained a warp factor in S3. Warp 9. They never ordered anything higher than 8 in the preceeding years...and anything above 6 was a struggle to maintain. Maybe the kept some of the Kelvin refit.
@chrisjacobo7997 Год назад
Well there were Klingons so you need more torpedos 😆😆
@chrisjacobo7997 Год назад
Great episode
@roxybot9840 3 года назад
The star backgrounds are better in the original as well as some ship images
@MindBodySoulOk 2 года назад
CGI has NO place in the original series. Only a true dipshit would replace any aspect of the original series.
@betaneptune Год назад
Well, yes and no. In the CGI version, the stars actually move when the ship steers. Point, CGI team. And the star pattern actually changes when the ship wooshes by in the opening credits in seasons 2 and 3. Now, regarding the ship images: What's lighting up the ships in the first place? It's dark in outer space! All you have for lighting the exterior are distant stars.
@arminosaeure29 Год назад
Well i see the benefit of the more realistic movement of the stars,the lighting and the the somewhat more argil camera movement in the cgi version. But still, the ship itself looks terrible in cgi and prefer the old one. Iwould have like to see repainted phaser/torpedo graphics, a little sharpening more detail on the outer hull and new starfield backround.
@Cello69. Год назад
Not a chance. Unless you rather see a toy being driven along with a string.
@ossalomheleno248 Год назад
Space should have much more stars. But CGI doesn't have a model to copy. They could at least add a few more stars than original.
@ZipplyZane 5 лет назад
They seem to have dropped the ball on the star fields in this one. They're all darker than the original, to the point that you can barely see they're moving.
@therealscarred2112 7 лет назад
It's a shame that the *ENTIRE RUN* of TOS have gotten these "enhanced effects", which I totally agree with as they're simply clearing up janky visual effects from the late '60s and not creating new, over-the-top scenes, but Paramount won't put up the minimal amount to re-create "Star Trek: The Motion Picture - The Director's Edition" which made a *significant* improvement in the film as a whole and brought it back to something the legendary director Robert Wise was proud of! The reason is that when the idea came up to "finish" the visual effects that couldn't be done originally due to time & money constraints, as well as giving the film a proper sound mix and final edit (which is the main reason the original version drags... and drags... *and drags!* was that the final Visual FX came in about 24 hours before the Premiere and that raw, unedited VFX was "dumped" into the film without a proper edit. Thus the idea with the "Director's Edition" was to finish the VFX that didn't make it into the final film... but *only* shots that were storyboarded in '77/'78 and not toss in all new visual effects, as well as finally doing a final sound mix, color mix & final edit to *Robert Wise's* approval. Unfortunately, in a "penny wise, pound foolish" method Paramount only budgeted & allowed for these new effects at a *DVD* resolution, even though the successor to the format was already being discussed and planned. But because if that decision, it's impossible to take "The Director's Edition" and upscale it to Blu-ray or 4K resolution... and as I stated at the beginning would have to be redone for higher resolutions. Which wouldn't be terrible at all, as most of the "heavy lifting" in terms of design work was done in 2000-2001. I know *I* won't feel right about purchasing a version of ST:TMP that isn't "The Director's Version", just like I waited to purchase "The Wrath of Khan" until Nick Meyer's Director's Cut was released on Blu-ray in 2016 rather than "inferior versions" that were out 7 years earlier. Hopefully Paramount will realize this and get to work on a new, Blu-ray version of "ST:TMP-TDE" using Robert Wise's notes and choices from the DVD version.
@Renshen1957 5 лет назад
The owners of the TOS had another mercenary reason, new special effects, newly recorded versions of the original musical scores, etc., result in a "new work" and extend the copyright protection, and by way of Walt Disney ruling, Trademark. Steamboat Willie should be in the public domain, but the people with money argue Mickey Mouse is a Trademark and any other than Disney merchandise is a violation of said. Leonard Nimoy's image as Mr. Spock is no doubt owned not by Nimoy's estate but by Paramount.
@GothSwan2109 2 года назад
And now the directors edition is in 4K! Huzzah
@betaneptune Год назад
"not creating new, over-the-top scenes," Well, they made many things worse. Consider "The Doomsday Machine". The new version is basically a flamethrower. A flamethrower! Comes from ANOTHER GALAXY, and it's a flamethrower. Well whoop-dee-do. Well, here's my saved write-up: I'll go with the original. Yeah, it has some defects, but they are grossly overshadowed by the defects of the CGI version. The original had an irregular shape, rough and craggy, esp. the rim. The new one looks like a telescoping monocular. Yeah, real scary . . . NOT! The CGI version is a flamethrower. A flamethrower! Comes from ANOTHER GALAXY, and it's just a flamethrower. Well whoop-dee-do. Wikipedia mentions use of flamethrowers back in the 7th century A.D. Decker told us it was made of antiprotons. Antiprotons don't look like flames. IN the original, the weapon is an abstract beam that flashes, which is much more consistent with being composed of antiprotons. We have flames in the kitchen, in the barbecue, in the forests. Yeah, how exciting for something that comes from ANOTHER GALAXY. When we look down its throat, what do we see? Flames. Looking inside in the original, we see an abstract optical effect, not ordinary flames. Much more likely. The explosion at the end is much more exciting in the original. The exhaust is more intense in the original. Yeah, the _Constellation_ looks pretty bad in the original on its way to its destruction. But the rest makes up for it. The phasers look bad in both, but in different ways. Another sin: The thing droops when it dies. It droops! There's no up and down in space! It's bad enough we have 1-G gravity in ships, even badly damaged ones, on asteroids, in asteroids, almost everywhere. And now something totally unnecessary. In the original, the thing just quickly turned to an icy cold, dead appearance. If the CGI people would have just redone most things as they were, it might have been pretty good. But no. They had to add stupidities into the mix. The CGI effects have only a few pluses: the space battles are better, the background stars actually move when the ship steers, and the planets look better except that they are still visibly rotating in most cases. Oh, in "The Ultimate Machine," the energy beam from the machine to the port looks better in CGI. There are other dumb things they did in this and other episodes. Being ignorant of the most basic astronomy is another problem. Yes, the imagery is superior, but not most of the things they changed are, well, not improvements!
@betaneptune Год назад
TMP is incredibly boring. Why would you want any version of it? Well, Ilia isn't boring, but the rest is.
@nifftbatuff676 Год назад
I still prefer the original effect. At least they are "different" from the samey CGI shit we are immersed nowadays.
@BrianSmith-lj6ug 6 лет назад
Love watching these comparison videos.Will always put the originals first but the new versions are "facinating" as Spock would say!
@TrekkieChannel 6 лет назад
Thanks, glad you like these!
@90lancaster 3 года назад
+2:21 the original plate looks more realistic & naturalistic to me. I suspect someone has been looking at the effects model rather than the show and that is why the Enterprise is a "funny colour" now though to be fair I'm not even sure if I prefer blue-white or yellow-white anyway. Maybe people are Forgetting that the colour of the models was made with the final effect in mind knowing it would alter the final result after processing. Leading to the argument are Klingon Cruisers Blue & off-white two tone or mostly grey or even grey-green.
@pikeflowed Год назад
*AWESOME*, nothing too out of place, incongruous or outlandish, effects that compliment and enhance the Star Trek experience, excellent work !
@stephenwoehr3116 7 лет назад
I cross my eyes and watch them placed on top of each other. It adds a sort of 3D effect, except for the space pictures, especially with the ship.
@Revan2908 9 лет назад
Whenever the Metrons communicate with the ship, I can't help but think of this: "There is nothing wrong with your television. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are now in control of the transmission." Bonus points if you understand *all* of the irony of that.
@theironclads 9 лет назад
+Revan2908 Vic Perrin who did the opening/closing narration for The Outer Limits also was the voice for the Metron. Vic also would do the voice of Nomad on The Changeling episode of Star Trek,& he would appear as an alien in Mirror,Mirror on ST.
@betaneptune 7 лет назад
He was also the voice of Nomad in "The Changeling", and played Tharn in "Mirror, Mirror". I didn't know he was the voice of the Metron.
@cannalibrium2492 7 лет назад
whoa, it's an angel.
@garyzim 6 лет назад
He was in old westerns on TV, like Wanted: Dead or Alive with Steve McQueen. Usually playing a bad guy. You'd never know it was the same guy. I guess that's why they call it "acting"!
@jerobriggs6861 6 лет назад
+Tolland love your comment.
@blindkimberly1360 Год назад
I’m one of those silly TOS purists. That being said and accepted I’ve got to say these subtle enhancements really are spectacular. Especially the ship! From the phasers to the skin. I like. Shhhhh.
@huckwalton2307 Год назад
Big improvement, and this was 8 years ago as of this writing. If it were done today in Blender, I would expect the ship to have more detail. The good thing about the model, the low res, was all of the plate detail.
@dthorne4602 11 месяцев назад
blender is just a freebie rendering program. Not considered the highest standard. Plenty of appropriate software available when this was done - Blender today isn't an improvement over what could be done at the time. It's up to the level of artists hired for the job. These guys did some stuff ok, but the studio should have paid more and gotten a better team.
@astralplane6182 Год назад
Great side-by-side comparison - the best I've seen with this material. Well done!
@Kmac005 5 лет назад
One interesting effect that is present in both versions is the sparkles that can be seen to the left of the Metron. It is a lens reflection that is briefly visible on the back of Kirk when he's seen in the foreground with the Metron in the background. Normally, such reflections are accounted before the film is shot, but I believe in this case they decided to include them as part of the Metron presence ... or they didn't notice them until it was too late to correct.
@TrekkieChannel 5 лет назад
Good catch, I have not noticed the sparkles before!
@Renshen1957 5 лет назад
As to the TOS originals Special FX, they were revolutionary in their day both in design, and execution for a TV series, a moving camera and stationary model and movie star screens. A vast improvement over the cylindrical rocket or flying saucers held up by strings against a backdrop (except for the movie This Island Earth), just cartoons, or the overly used White Sands stock footage of V-2 missiles. I will include Lost in Space in this same category, as the best executed to the limits of technology as it was by Irwin Allen, probably the pinnacle of this form. The TOS effects hold up well if not as stellar as when TV's only had 525 scan lines, and even then with broadcast not that level of resolution. My main issue with the CGI, is that critical shots (as in The Doomsday Machine) have been so completely changed from the originals as to distance, as to action, and as to motion. Yes, and AMT model of the Enterprise used for the Constellation was obviously what it was, but staggering start under impulse power with Kirk attempting the impossible task of single-handedly piloting a Star Ship and the crew being thrown backward and forward became just a simple FX of the Constellation moving as nothing was happening. The improved planet detail neither adds nor detracts from the original, but the original planets weren't that essential to the storyline having greater detail. Frosting on the cake, but in most cases its CGI Jerking off. Different shots of perpetually a darker Enterprise which moves quicker or is seen at different angles. Not a criticism, but the blinking eyes could have been more reptilian as a Crocodiles second eyelid is transparent. Everyone knows budget constraints required recycled stock footage, but if the original images, either cleaned up digitally, or frame by frame digitally recreated by CGI as a perfect match to the original, I would wholeheartedly support and purchase in the progressively newer formats. Until then, I will hang on to the videotapes, with the limitations of the time. PS I feel the same way about the remastered special edition added FX for Star Wars (Han Solo shoots first, no changes to Jabba's palace, to many to mention. If and when such a video would come out with the as originally given an Academy Award version of Star Wars (later a New Hope), in whatever format, and I will purchase a player.
@Tinfoil_Hardhat 2 года назад
While some changes may be pointless, overall I think it adds to the experience and especially makes it easier for new people to go back and watch the original series. Obviously the story is more important and it’s what makes it worth watching, but the dated special effects and basically everything else in the show does prove to be a hurdle for new people. I’m speaking from personal experience. As for Star Wars, people really cherry-pick the worst stuff while most changes were either good or fine. Greedo shooting first and Jabba’s palace plus appearance in A New Hope were all terrible and pointless. The added scene with Luke talking to Biggs before the battle or the song change from Yub nub at the end of Return of the Jedi absolutely improve their respective movies on top of the improved effects and smaller details like the buildings on bespin actually having windows.
@Renshen1957 Год назад
@@Ferro_Equus Actually Matt Jeffries original sketches have been public knowledge since the 1970s, the original designs of more than a dozen or two ships had no resemblance to the saucer secondary hull and nacelles connected to the secondary hull. The first main hull was a round ball secondary hull above and the nacelles connected by pylons to the main hull. Try a google search with the words Matt Jeffries original sketches to discover how totally wrong your reply is. The Enterprise that we know and love was his last concept.
@MORE1500 5 лет назад
Always been fascinated by the Metrons. I wish the writers had included them in other episodes.
@CommanderBalok 5 лет назад
They have reappeared here and there in non-canon materials. Books and most recently a comic book story. The problem would be figuring out a good story to tell that required them.
@roncole855 4 года назад
Yes- the Metron-sexuals do show a lot of potential. Who knows, maybe in several thousand years they'll appear again!
@betaneptune Год назад
My question with the Metrons is: Why is the one we see at the end paralyzed from the neck down? Yeah, probably running out of money and time to get the show done on schedule. Still, it's interesting.
@wayneaiello Год назад
Never should have changed it. Just like the “specialized” editions of Star Wars, the originals were masterpieces of the tech available at the time and should be remembered that way.
@todd5082 Год назад
I’m usually not a fan of screwing with the classics but definitely an improvement without distracting.
@AndrewChapman 9 лет назад
0:59 YES! They removed the tinfoil from the top of the shot. I saw the Gorn blink and it's great that we finally get to see the Gorn's ship.
@MaskedMan66 9 лет назад
Andrew Chapman I always figured the Gorn had cybernetic eyes. And some ship! A little dot on the screen. Bit of a disappointment.
@robertbrown3956 6 лет назад
Anyone else catch the empty threat? "Advanced trait of mercy, therefore you won't be destroyed"? Kirk ALREADY won the contest! Survival was guaranteed! Or do Metrons LIE, TOO!?
@betaneptune 3 года назад
With the Metron appearing at the end: why did they add the glare? How does it make it better? The one thing that was fixed is the shifting of the entire scene when the Metron is fading out. BTW, the dude is paralyzed from the neck down! I guess that's what happens after 1500 years!
@hatednyc 6 лет назад
“does my appearance surprise you, Captain?” It does NOW! I really do love the color makeover on the ship. Reds are red and there are gradations in the whites and the Nacelles look high tech and more in line with a futuristic style.
@sarahfullerton6894 2 года назад
In my opinion, they made Enterprise's main hull color way too dark, especially with the darker star field.
@alucard72 8 лет назад
That Metron guy sure was sparklie ! So 50 years from now it will be re-mastered again ? Lets not lose the work the original production people did in the 60's.
@Lumibear. 3 года назад
If you buy the box set you can switch off the remastered effects, they’re not lost, this isn’t Lucas.
@lads.7715 Год назад
Before he fought Capt Kirk, the Gorn first gained extensive training by terrorizing Dr. Smith.
@Sewinginagarden 2 года назад
Seeing the original version brings back such great memories! I’ll stay with the original rather than CGI. Though the special tweaking is great, I love the 60’s version I grew up with!
@mistamichal 2 года назад
yeah, I'm the same. I think the CGI looks like it was done by a kid on his home pc.
@fearlessfreap8093 Год назад
The most significant changes to me were in the clarity and sharpness of the interior scenes, especially the actors. They made everything more realistic. The special effects improvements were noticeable but didn't make as much difference to me as the other improvements.
@dthorne4602 11 месяцев назад
the fx took away from the experience, they were lousy and now look more dated than the originals. I agree, the interior scene clean up is very nice.
@fearlessfreap8093 11 месяцев назад
@@dthorne4602 I don't think they took away from the experience. They were improved but I don't think they made much of a difference. For example, in the original Trouble with the Tribbles you never saw the Klingon ship. I noticed that deficiency the first time I watched the show. They added the Klingon ship in the remaster. That was an improvement that added a bit more realism to the shot. The rest of remastered shots were better than the original but didn't really add much to the story. I could have lived without them.
@dthorne4602 11 месяцев назад
@@fearlessfreap8093 yeah, its funny, they ruined it for me but some people liked them. Everybody has different tastes and appreciates different aesthetics. I'm a professional 3d artist myself, I didn't like them and didn't find them necessary at all, and I know from personal experience that there is no reason that they were poorly done as they were, they just hired the wrong art director for the project.
@dannykrinkle4726 Год назад
Wish they would just leave things alone. There's a charm about the old school effects that makes these shows really enjoyable.
@AtahualpaVilladiego Год назад
4:42 To appreciate Shatner's enormous acting technique, set the action to 0.25x. Enjoy it.
@johnwatson3948 2 года назад
For those who haven’t read the original Fredric Brown short story - the hero and alien are put into a large dome and separated by a force-field wall that only inanimate objects can penetrate - there are only some bush branches and rocks to use. The alien is a squishy red ball with tendrils that come out to manipulate things. If I remember correctly does not have the same merciful ending.
@kellwng Год назад
I have the complete series on DVD and it was already fixed. Although, growing up watching as a kid, I feel a sense of nostalgia watching the original unchanged recordings.
@kylej741 3 года назад
That Gorn guy sure looks like one of the bounty hunters with Boba Fett in SW:TESB. 😉
@Mark-yn4vl 8 лет назад
I'm all for remastering things to correct errors such as color balance, noise, things like. These look great from that standpoint! However, the CGI effects, especially the ships, stick out like sore thumbs. They're not bad, they just don't fit the "feel" of the original film. Like the special effects when they re-released Star Wars around 1997. They looked out of place.
@diogocatalano9557 4 года назад
The Enterprise physical model is much more interesting than the digital version. However, I understand that certain scenes are more dynamic in CGI but Star Trek deserves something better.
@ultrametric9317 5 лет назад
Nice effort, but I prefer the original.
@AndrewChapman 5 лет назад
While it's great we get to see the original versions on Blu-ray in their true 4:3 aspect ratio presentation, it's a shame we can't see the new vfx shots in their 16:9 format as they were made. Shots like 1:00 and 1:56 are perfect examples as they're actually 4:3 footage digitally extended into 16:9 format. They discuss this in the Spacelift: Transporting Trek into the 21st Century documentary on the Season 1 Blu-ray.
@TrekkieChannel 5 лет назад
There is apparently a 3rd version of the series, where the old footage is in 4:3, and all of the new / changed footage is in 16:9. I read about this version many years ago (I think it was aired in Japan) but I have never ever found any evidence of it.
@AndrewChapman 5 лет назад
@@TrekkieChannel They show this version over here too on one of our channels. Obviously the old 4:3 footage is cropped to fit the 16:9 format, meaning the top and bottom of the image is out of frame. Except of course for those shots I mentioned.
@CBrolley Год назад
They corrected Kirk’s Canadian pronunciation of the word “civil-eye-sation” in the intro. Nice touch.
Congratulations on the beautiful work! It turned out very good.
@brotherricksafety 6 лет назад
Thankyou ,I like when you caption the diffs because I can not see differences in the head shots but I would notice things when you pointed them out.
@bobblowhard8823 2 года назад
No CGI effects needed for Lt. Uhura, that's for sure!
@jlomesou Год назад
Aside from the space ship scenes and planet, there's very little that looks touched, which is good for me, but makes me wonder why anyone would think touching up shading and deepening colors is an improvement? You're basically adjusting tint and color they way people use to back when the first color television came out. And everyone had their own preferences on that.
@interstelar7396 Год назад
Changing the original does a disservice to the artists who were creating purely from imagination, since there was no space photography yet.
@leroystea8069 Год назад
Even though the remastered may have picked up clearer details (planet orbits were the best ones as were the ones with the Enterprise firing phasers), I prefer most of the original visuals. The main view screen in the remastered was empty of stars in most shots. In the original you got a sense of the vastness of space.
@prime-ps4lh 11 месяцев назад
These CGI Effect fans should be PAID for increasing media viewership for it
@ecclestonsangel 5 лет назад
As the Keeper would say, "Excellent!" You get an awful lot of whiners, don't you, especially about the Enterprise being "darker." It's not necessarily darker; it's just not GREEN anymore; it's now battleship grey, which is what color a ship SHOULD be, whether it's a Naval ship or a Star ship. It's not supposed to be that sickly, "I'm dying, I'm dying," green! While that might be fine for an unfinished model and all, you would have thought, even back in the 60s, somebody could've taken a few minutes to paint the damn thing grey so it doesnt LOOK like a plastic model. Sheesh!
@wecontrolthevideo 5 лет назад
The reason the Enterprise, and other ships, are darker is the HD transfers have a much higher dynamic range (brightness to darkness) than the original SD version. Also the studio special effects required more lighting to create the compost effects. The HD version doesn’t have an exposure problem so the CGI can be created at a lower level, to make windows and lights visible more clearly. Since they were redoing all the Enterprise shots, it also allows correction for the phaser problem. There was no standard, sometimes red, other times blue, and the beams would originate from several different locations on the saucer section. The remasters set a standard of blue and from one location near the center of the saucer.
@CommanderBalok 5 лет назад
Naval ships are gray because it makes them harder to see. That, of course, is before radar made visual target acquisition largely irrelevant, but traditions die hard. In space, the correct color for that would be black, but again, targeting would be by instrument in most encounters.
@paktype 9 лет назад
The guy who played Mr. DePaul, the navigator, also played the injured version of Captain Pike in The Menagerie. Obviously, the uninjured Pike was played by Jeffrey Hunter.
@josephheston9238 9 лет назад
+paktype You mean Sean Kenney?
@paktype 9 лет назад
@Nigelrathbone1 Год назад
BTW, the filming site for the duel with the Gorn is a Los Angeles County park called Vazquez Rocks, in an area called Agua Dulce. About 15 miles northeast of Santa Clarita. Scores of movies and TV shows used it for filming. You can see it in movies like Blazing Saddles, Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey, The Flintstones, etc.
@AlfredFJones1776 4 года назад
I like that The Gorn blinks now.
@DaveNarn Год назад
Instead of moving the camera in a sweeping arc around the ship or a close paint scrapping pass, I’ve noticed on recent sci-fi like The Expanse, the exterior views of ships are presented in a more technical way - like a Go Pro mounted on the hull showing a fixed view. It looks more legit. Like Lens Flair - The wide exterior shots are still good but are used more sparingly.
@elescritorsecreto Год назад
While I don’t mind the new CGI, there is something of an important historical record to the old untouched episodes. Not only were the miniatures quite convincing, the blurry look of all the planets matches what they assumed planets would have looked like at the time bc Mars, Jupiter, Saturn looked fuzzy through a telescope until Voyager I came along. You kind of lose that historical context by revamping all the SFX.
@evanmiller3377 4 года назад
I do feel bad that William Shatner suffers from Tinnitus because of explosion sounds in the episode. But still it’s a good episode.
@sarahfullerton6894 3 года назад
Apparently, so did Leonard Nimoy. I guess they both got too close to the explosive effects!
@angryscottishidiot Год назад
Clicking audio is lovely to listen to.
@AlphanPeter 5 лет назад
one of my favorite episodes
@TrekkieChannel 5 лет назад
Mine too
@harryc1971 Год назад
This was one of my favourites
@markc.7984 Год назад
The technical improvements are clearly far better than the original, nice work. I take exception to the changes that were creative decisions. From the phasers (wide, spreading, translucent red beams in the original, narrow parallel blue-white ones CGI), to where and how the ship is angled in the shot, feels like an overreach. Using the CG to recreate the original but in superior technical quality is great, but creative alterations are a distraction.
@battlestarmarc 9 месяцев назад
Arena was one of the best episodes of TOS Star Trek.
@Acein3055 Год назад
The Metron was played by actress Carolyne Barry.
@uhpkkim Год назад
Some executive in the 2000s: "hmmm.... that high ground isn't high enough. make the ground higher."
@ohgary Год назад
Disagree with Mark-y4vl: those CG shots of the eEnterprise were a pleasant surprise when I first saw them. I couldn’t believe Paramount actually spent the money.
@JRMcDowell Год назад
I think the CGI is good, but the ship plates need to be enhanced on the CGI, as the ship looks way too smooth. The Planets look great and so do the horizon planet side FX. I think the stars in the opening also looked better, they had more depth to them over the CGI. Your Panning is better in the CGI. Overall a good job.
@dthorne4602 11 месяцев назад
It was just rendered by a "B" team level of artists. It's a shame, but probably cost a lot less than getting some really good guys to do it.
@spleefthedude7747 4 года назад
Gorn eye blink was awesome
@captainramart1293 8 лет назад
I know it may not be possible for you to get another video up but I found two more remastered visual effects - a third Gorn blink at approx. 27:30 into episode when Kirk records his encounter and approx. 45:08 - the Gorn's eyes are in a half open/shut state after cannon blast.
@insertanynameyouwant5311 8 лет назад
I wish we`ve already become like Metrons
@YTRulesFromNM 7 лет назад
@insertanynameyouwant5311 7 лет назад
ha ha, you`ve got the point
@captaincell 7 лет назад
I agree with some of the other comments that say some of the original scenes were preferable. It's great that special effects and visual quality could be improved. However, I'm not particularly fond of changes such as changing a shot of the ship from a full three quarter view from the front to a close-up three quarter view from above that leaves part of the ship out of frame. They should have left those shots as is and simply enhanced their color and density.
@fredderf3207 Год назад
At least there is a Gorn ship on their view screen. Can't really see much for detail but it's better than nothing. Growing up with Star Trek as my favorite tv show, it sometimes bugged me when they would just depict an alien ship as some spinning/sparkling lights or nothing but stars on the viewscreen but they calling out the range and position of the target. As a sci-fi fan and model builder, I looked forward to seeing different ship designs.
@Fraiyia Год назад
I know everyone’s like get with it, CGI, and all this but the artistry of the models and techniques used before CGI impresses me more. Sure it’s OK to dress it up with the current technologies…. I used to do editing with Commodore amigas so I get video editing, and all that, but just amazing part for me was early production , the models and the effects and techniques in the films , the super close camera is just amazing you. It’s less nostalgia and more about appreciating the art form.
@VideoNOLA 2 года назад
At 2:28, the original Enterprise is moving backwards, while the CGI version is traveling ahead. Also, it's worth noting that "in actual space, you would be unable to see phasers , since there is nothing in a vacuum to reflect or disperse the beams." Speaking of reflections, the red light from the photon torpedoes is incorrectly rendered in the antenna dish below; the brighter area should be the lower half, not the half nearest the photon torpedo.
@mistamichal 2 года назад
Well, according to the official blueprints, the photon torpedo tubes are on the top part of the saucer section. So, I don't think they were too concerned about accuracy with the CGI effects.
@jimodonnelly7762 Год назад
I have to think the CGI crew couldn't believe their luck to get to play with the iconic Enterprise and rework the famous "Space... The final frontier" opening titles sequence.
@nougatbitz Год назад
3:35 I really like the lighting of the original shot here.
@johnnydiamondsmusic1673 Год назад
The biggest difference in the enhancement is the space scenes which I love.
@richardmattingly7000 7 лет назад
The CGI flew the ship around the frame and a physical prop has a dimensional quality that can't be recreated by this method well. Indeed the cinematography of the original shots had a drama that swooping over/around the digital one lost and detracted from the newer version. Either use CGI to clean up the older version grainy film quality and rushed production mistakes or not do it at all since what it is now can't be called anything but a reboot.
@TrekkieChannel 7 лет назад
That's what I was hoping they will do when I first heard about this project cca 10 years ago.
@geoffshaw346 Год назад
Nothing against fixer-uppers in movies and tv for poor or bad effects.Purists may complain,but IMO the product should be the best.This episode was a good example of enhancement.
@earth2006 8 лет назад
Got to agree it some ways the new FX take away from the show, back in the day you watched it because it seemed like it's FX were a generation beyond "Lost In Space" or "Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea". One the other side of the coin, shows the show durability that the expense was used for the upgrade, the other two shows, Nada.
@ForceMaximus84 6 лет назад
I’m surprised that the Metrons effect in the viewscreen wasn’t upgraded or at least added a pulsing light effect to match the light from the bridge.
@dondrewecki1909 2 года назад
Any chance you can fix the accidentally reversed shots in the episodes "Return of the Archons" and "By Any Other Name"? Namely reversed reaction shots on Kirk and on Rojan. Thanks.
@clurkroberts2650 Год назад
These aren’t corrections… merely improvements of optical effects using off the shelf newer digital technology. The original optics effects were far more complicated to create.
@sydneysmith1521 Год назад
One of the best episodes of the TOS yet Roddenberry and company never developed the gold in this episode. Sadly, 'Strange New Worlds' is ignoring canon and making the Gorn more like Predator.
@paullastnamehere3295 Год назад
I like the original version of the outside of the ship. Other than that the CGI greatly improved the look.
@Lumibear. 6 лет назад
Some of the enterprise external shots are a bit too ‘Look at me, I’m CGI! Wow!’ and a few blinks can’t help the Gorn suit, but the rest looks really good, and this will always be a fave episode no matter what, let’s face it.
@betaneptune 3 года назад
I like the Gorn suit. Blinking, no blinking, not a biggie.
@scottkellogg3502 Год назад
The mountainous background beyond the compound walls at 55 seconds does not match the background with that big black thing at 1:00
@albeit1 Год назад
What spaceship orbits a planet so they have to look to the left to see the planet? And at altitude do you turn the ship by 90 degrees? And why are ships meeting in space always oriented the same? They never battle upside down Klingon ships.
@mrcydonia Год назад
01:23 I suddenly realized that, wow, that planet (on the left) is spinning really really fast.
@starexplorers1202 Год назад
The phaser sounds in this episode were like a gurgling gas tank being filled up. It was changed in later episodes I believe. IMO this episode still holds up.
@jaykay6387 3 года назад
Cool, did not know that the original episodes were "enhanced" like this! I guess you could say I'm as close to being a "trekkie" as possible without actually being one, never been to a convention or anything like that but it is my fave alltime show, prob seen each episode dozens of times each. From what I've just seen here, It's obvious they went out of their way to not change the "integrity" of the story. One must be careful not to mess with a show like this too much, the nostalgia of it is a crucial element, and it's a proverbial "slippery slope" to be sure. One shot change that I'm not sure I liked was when they show the exterior of the ship orbiting the planet. In the "original" shot, the planet is kind of "blurry", but they sharpened that up in the enhanced version. That's really a 50/50 for me, but I think I come down on the original. That seems to be more of a "style" choice that the effects guys made, even in the sixties, they prob. could have made that appear more defined back then.
@twinwankel 2 года назад
I never understood this episode of how such a savage and brutal race such as the gorn could develop such highly advanced technology. To me, you have to have a spirit of cooperation to build technology and this means that there is a desire to give rather than kill.
@whiskeyvictor5703 11 месяцев назад
They might not have developed it themselves: perhaps it was violently co-opted from another species...
@termporal 10 месяцев назад
Might as well also ask how a wild savage race like the Klingons evolved to travel in space.🎉
@davescardcreations Год назад
So, you're showing me how the original looks ten times better than the CGI "fixed"? While the old filming quality isn't as good as today, the Enterprise still looks more real than the CGI ship. And its because the original is a real spaceship. Maybe a scale model, but still a real thing. The CGI Enterprise looks like a fake thing. And the Bridge view screen looks better too.
@d.d.jacksonpoetryproject Год назад
Haven’t we learned from the original Star Wars Trilogy to just leave well enough alone?
@STNeish Год назад
I liked a lot of the things they did, but I'm not sure about a few little details... like adding extra rocks on the high ground, or changing the stars on the main viewer. I mean, they look fine, but I'm not sure it was necessary.
@betaneptune 3 года назад
At 5:27 the old version is better. The ship looks "stopped cold". In the CGI version the camera is moving about. Ruins the "stopped cold" bit. Point: original.
@Neo.Picard 11 месяцев назад
I probably stand alone here, but I’d like to see them go all out and redo Star Trek: ToS completely - strip it down to only the actors, and that’s it, and everything else gets redone to the best special effects we can possibly do to date. I know some people love the nostalgia of maintaining the series as it was intended and only polishing the scratches incurred with aging videos… well, I’ve got good news for EVERYONE: you can now have your cake AND eat it too. We now have the technology to build the world’s first bionic (oh sorry, wrong show), but we do have the technology to create TWO versions of ToS! . With digital technology, we can now (relatively) easily make one copy for lovers of classic Trek, so we could call this version “Coke Classic… sorry, sorry, I mean “ToS Classic”, and concurrently release a separate copy called “ToS to the Max!” for people like me who’d love to see these same actors surrounded by 22nd century technology. I doubt I’ll ever see my dream come true, but one can hope.
@00bikeboy 2 года назад
Star Trek's key strengths were it's stories, and the ideas behind them, the characters and the performances. In their time the FX were impressive, but had very little, if anything, to do with why the series is still revered 50+ years later. No 'enhanced' FX will do anything to improve Star Trek.
@TheNeonRabbit Год назад
The original looks like a tangible physical object. The "fixed" version looks like a cut-scene from a 25 year old video game.
@Kmac005 2 года назад
I do not have the original footage to double-check, but one possible fix that may have occurred happens at the 37:59 mark in the episode. In the original footage, Kirk "popped" onto the screen between the rocks and then runs towards the camera. In the restored footage, you can just see a faint view of him approaching the rocks before he becomes more opaque for lack of a better word. So, Kirk no longer "pops" in, he seems to appear naturally from between the rocks.
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