
StarCraft 2 - BEGINNER Terran Build Order | Bronze to GM Series Part 1 (B2GM) 

PiG Coaching
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12 сен 2024




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@codinginflow 2 года назад
I've played Starcraft 2 a few years ago. I recently found out that it's free now and gave it another try. I immediately fell in love with it again. There is something about this game that just clicks for me like no other game does.
@bryanthegoalie5692 2 года назад
lets go play! COMP STOMP Son! Then some 2v2s or random 4s
@dpend Год назад
Yeah it truly does scratch an itch that no other game does for me as well!
@EMDRONES Год назад
Me2 ❤🎉
@codinginflow Год назад
@@dpend It gets me into a "Flow state" very quickly because it's so demanding (but fun)
@inacitydon Год назад
I love this game as well not very good but it's an awesome game
@thepedalsadvocate7389 2 года назад
I am old. 49. And slow.... Still play since 2011. Hover between Silver 1 and Gold 2. This set of videos ... The BEST I have ever seen. Much appreciated.
@xTheNameisEthan 2 года назад
All that talk about your reflexes and brain slowing down as you get older is pretty negligible until you get really old, if you have the time and dedication you can climb as high as you want in whatever game you want
@thezzach Год назад
I’m 46 and can’t get past 3300. Btw The nitwit (above, Ethan) who said age doesn’t matter, who also purposely left out his own age, is likely quite a bit younger than both us. If you’d ever like to play someone around your age and speed, I’d be happy to share a few sloppy games. 😊
@@thezzach You can't teach an old dog new tricks!
@MaydayAggro Год назад
Yeah somehow I got up to diamond really fast and then got my ass handed to me all the way back to silver. LOL
@chelfyn Год назад
@@xTheNameisEthan At 53, I can tell you for sure that your reflexes and speed go, but you combat that with experience and often good temper. 20 years ago I would get distracted and angry at shit-talkers. Now it's like water off a ducks back :)
@paulmdevenney 2 года назад
Literally 1 week ago I thought to myself "I fancy getting back into SC2. I haven't been on the ladder in years. Probably a good chance to learn the core too...."
@paulmdevenney 2 года назад
Oh, that game where they guy asked you to say hi. That is CLASSIC low league technique for distraction. If someone tries to "engage in conversation" its instant checking for proxies and cannons. Such obvious dipshittery.
@Estoile 2 года назад
Same :) time to get back into the grind since my country is in lockdown anyway.
@smnvalex 2 года назад
@@paulmdevenney if someone ever sends me a smiley face in game i immediately drop down a bunker and start scouting extra
@paulmdevenney 2 года назад
@@smnvalex if someone sends me a smily face in game I know I've *already missed my chance*
@AiR1DaN 2 года назад
@@smnvalex now I'm gonna start sending smiley faces even when I'm not rushing
@p.p.wienersson 2 года назад
Honestly shout out to PiG and Harstem. Love seeing pros take care of the community
@shosroy 2 года назад
After some debate I’m going to leave a record here. This video got me to the point where I felt i knew enough to actually play 1v1. I practiced this video for says now. Went into placements and went 0-5 which was disheartening but not totally unexpected. Even then though it placed me in silver 2 with 2100-2200 mmr. Now at 0-8 im finding opponents who are about the speed i am army building wise and also noticed THE OTHER 9 VIDEOS in this playlist so ill be going there to improve further. Current goals are faster unit production early and better transition into 3rd and 4th bases and army fight micro. Time to see the next video!
@CKPMJUNG Год назад
What server are you on? I'm in NA and I'm bronze 1 with 2665 mmr
@pentapandamusic 2 года назад
This video is so helpful, I really like the way it is structured, let's be honest I'm a noob but I watched the first part 3 times, will come back over and over again until I muscle memorised it.
@billbillson3129 2 года назад
I have never played a single game, but I have watched many! I really liked this video coming from a place of blissful ignorance! XD
@noahblaine1901 Год назад
How bad is direct mapped keys, i.e. using qwert for top row, asdfg for mid row, and zxcvb for bottom row? Kinda like how AOE2 does it.
@noahblaine1901 Год назад
So I messed around and it seems like you only have one screwed up macro with deploy so its not the end of the world.
@drakeusmaximus2459 2 года назад
The Macro cycle concept was so helpful. The very specific tips about how to micro scvs was something I have been looking for. Watching high level players POV they do things so fast it’s hard to tell if they are clicking, using hotkeys, just box selecting etc.
@goldensea03idk51 2 года назад
Im 18 and know I could be good at starcraft but just dont know all the nuance of the game. The way he explains, repeats, and shows everything makes for the perfect educational content. Thank you!
@zackglickert4495 Год назад
I believe in you bro
@boonedockjourneyman7979 2 года назад
With respect to hand health: You are a hero. Your brief, non-breaching, non-technical advice will save a bunch of kids a bunch of pain. After 12 surgeries in hands and arms, I know of what I speak.
@ebadathar5066 Год назад
This video and others encouraged me to go back to sc2 after a many years hiatus. I thought id place in silver or gold, but was suprised to find that I placed in diamond. Watching this video in particular got me into playing terran whereas I was a protoss main in wol, hots, and for a bit in lotv. I also love how pig is slowing everything down for new players and explaining everything. I remember trying to find coaching type vids in the early days of wol and the people would leave so much unsaid and/or unexplained. I wish I had these videos when I started playing. Highly recommend for anyone looking to get into sc2 but also other rts. Sc2 really trains you to play rts games well.
@PiGCoaching Год назад
eyyy welcome back mate!
@raydafuq3570 Год назад
PiG I gotta say your guides are some of the best I found so far on RU-vid. I play SCII since launch on and off with sometimes pauses for years and coming back rusty af. But watching your B2GM already made me exponentially better with all three races than I ever was before. I managed to secure a win here and there back in the day but really was never actually good. These guides are very well explained and I appreciate you taking so much of your time to teach us noobs the game.
@mdahlin66 2 года назад
Great video! I’ve been playing Terran since SC1 but never got past gold. I love how you explain the macro cycles and explain your thought processes at each step. Thank you for the great video. Looking forward to more!
@PiGCoaching 2 года назад
Replays for the series are uploaded! If you're a Twitch sub or Patron you can access it in the Replay Packs channel in my Discord channel
@Qriator 2 года назад
I have heard you talking about “the core” for several videos now and I finally checked it out. Turns out I have already developed a version of this, because I am left-handed, and I need to use my right hand on the left side of the keyboard. It turns out that it is super efficient to use that, but you need to basically learn to touch type again. I had no idea there was a community around this, so thank you for Bringing it to my attention.
@TheKylehyslop 2 года назад
Bro I'm left handed and have made my own keys in the right hand side of the keyboard 🙂
@MrPoltergeist101 2 года назад
Mad love for Bruce and Gary love the reactions of missing cycles some genuine and played haha when you’re used to playing at a pace it’s harder to forget when you are trying to intentionally play slow great video 😊
@jkc877 Год назад
The ability to stay calm @1:20:09 is extremely underrated and a very important skill to develop.
@s_crylly7751 2 года назад
Hard to even begin to describe the help these videos are. I went from 30 minute back and forth games with my friends (we are novices for sure) to learning how Starcraft, "ticks" and wiping the floor with them in 10 (after 10s of melees with bots). Hell it even helped me play sc2 on hard mode (some missions brutal) and anything less boring. Thanks so much for your time, given freely. Can't say it enough. Edit: I'm not sure if you just decided you wanted to help other players out of the goodness of your heart, or what your motivations were (the need for understandable and just compensation for your time none-withstanding). But thanks again because I'd never be the player I was today without help. Especially so late in the game and with a set of twins taking up most of my time.
@PiGCoaching 2 года назад
Thanks for the kind words! I initially was against doing these kinds of videos as I don't enjoy smurfing, but after seeing how my Zerg series helped so many it was a no brainer to keep doing it for Terran and Protoss too. Many of my viewers are similar to you, older gamers, not much time to play after work/family. It's been good to help bring many people back to SC2 or see new faces entirely!
@pathurley354 Год назад
@@PiGCoaching How do you drop the MULEs and have them immediately start harvesting? I always have to click after drop and click the mineral patch.
@valv_ Год назад
@@pathurley354 drop them on the mineral not close to
@noxxtromonoctis5295 2 года назад
Lad, this is one of the finest guides around! Been playing Terran for years and are in a habit of returning to the game once in a while. I normally end up somewhere in platinum, before things start feeling like hard work. There are so many helpful aspects on so many levels in this game - and this guides gets it perfectly! Truly.. GG!!
@pajapac4959 2 года назад
Man thank you so much for this video, only 5 minutes in and i love how you slowly and clearly explain everything you do, step by step. I started playing sc2 at this summer and wanted to quit multiplayer so many times but now since i understand basics i will try and stick to it. Thank you
@marcinbednarczyk4627 Год назад
Yours tutorials are great dude, I'm started playing SC2 week ago, fun as f. I tried two years ago but I bounced off really quick, now maybe some things are complicated for noob like me, but when you get used to beginning build order you can mix things a little bit and react accordingly to situation, like after couple games when you losed beacuse of composition or something, you know what to fix and adds something new and I don't watched your silver/gold tutorials yet. Great work really.
@wyrdplae8586 Год назад
10:10 this moment of reassurance came not a second too late hahahaha. was deep in the throws of panic hahahaa
@chelfyn Год назад
Just getting back into SC2 after years away. I never knew anything of any use with build orders or building positioning, or macro cycles. This is awesome content. I now have a strategy for learning the game properly, getting the right habits ingrained and actually improving as a player. Thank you Pig!
@jedenasty2226 2 года назад
11 years and I just now realised, there is so much craved by me option, of deleting units from existing ones, when you make a new one. Amazing, thanks PiG!
@BlizzarDofBabyloN 2 года назад
I just finished SC2 campaign and thought I'd give the ladder a try, got my a$$ handed to me during the placement matches in the Asian server. Very basic understanding of grouping, HOTKEYS, etc ... So having a thorough explanation like this video is extremely helpful! Subscribed, and looking forward to other similar content!
@andrewpike8814 Год назад
A lot of the issues with beginners are… "They see something as difficult so they say, ok I should find an easier way of doing that, and then they never get better, because they're too busy always looking for an easier way to do things rather than improving” This should be engraved in something. Well said. Not just applicable to this game.
@NM-rz6tq 2 года назад
Dude, thanks so much for this. I have had this on my watch later playlist since the day it dropped and just got through the whole thing over 3 days. Just by watching and listening to your other casts and videos, even crazy ICYFARs, I managed to go from a solid Gold 1 player to actually busting into Plat 3... something I never thought would happen. I reckon all of this free coaching will get me even further, but really I just want to enjoy the game without feeling like I'm losing to my own mistakes. You even have me tempted to watch the Protoss playlist and try another race for the first time in 10 years... which means you're creating a(nother) monster... Thanks a heap and looking forward to watching the rest!!
@the_kovic 2 года назад
Finally my turn! Can't wait to see what useful things I can pick up from this. In particular I am interested in some Terran benchmarks I can try to match in play games
@Fjordgnu 2 года назад
I've been following your advice and just hit Gold 1. I honestly never expected to get out of Bronze, lol. With your advice in mind, it's hilarious to see people try to do all kinds of fancy tricks - and fail. I regularly beat people with twice my APM - and much worse economies. It's very satisfying.
@psywalker7973 2 года назад
People try to emulate pros, and they inevitably fail. I do an even simpler version of this build. 2cc 3 rax. Move out at 6 mins 30. marauder heavy composition, they concussive shells, v armour bonus and 125hp make them a solid investment. No factory, no starport, no frills, just marine/marauder with tech lab upgrades only. 1 stim to fuck up their army and you're done :)
@Qladstone 2 года назад
@@psywalker7973 I don't mine gas at all, do 1-rax expand, move out with 17 marines when my 6th rax completes at 4:20, and continue rallying marines out while making 2 more barracks. Attack hits at about 5:00 mark. It kills anyone in Gold and below that doesn't have a decent build order.
@psywalker7973 2 года назад
@@Qladstone In other words, if I had 2 marauders out to supplement my marines you'd be fucked?
@Qladstone 2 года назад
@@psywalker7973 No it doesn't matter. What matters is if there is any slack in your macro. If your build is tight it doesn't matter what you make you will defend my 2-base push at 5 minutes because my units take time to move over and you'll have more units than me at your base. If there is some slack in your macro you can still hold it off with a bunker and fewer marines / a tank. The thing is at Gold league and below, a lot of players are just screwing up their macro getting supply blocked, having idle production, having too few production, delaying orbital upgrade / mule drops etc. By the time my 17 marines reach their base, they might have 6 marines and a reaper, and a tank still in production. They are dead by then.
@duual1794 2 года назад
I used to play BW as a kid. I'm 30 now, after years of not giving a sh.. i bought better PC and due to nostalgia bought SC2:) game is awesome and I feel sad i haven't tried earlier! I finished campain and going for GM now;) ur videos are rly helpful for me, Thank You!
@Baohbun Год назад
stopped playing sc2 for 10 years, was missing my childhood memory, came across this video - DAMN SO GOOD, his explanation is concise, well paced and easy to follow, im going back to this game!
@adriangarciasantiesteban8227 2 года назад
WOW this going to be great, such a great tools for newbies like me. Thank you very much for the efort and the dedication .
@chrisgriffith1573 2 года назад
I just checked out your Discord, and met some guys that helped my game recently. I had gone over your vieos before, but I am now reviewing this content to pick up the stuff I did not have insight into... great stuff!
@sageschultz3841 2 года назад
What I've learned from this hour and a half video is to say no to stranger danger when getting cannon rushed. Thank you Pig!
@Zeergruush Год назад
My man here really looked at the travesty of the tank and just left it there with ~6 medivacs that could've picked it up. Just to make his earlier point about smurfing xD Brilliant video, using this to get back into SC2 in 2023 :O
@wusspie 2 года назад
41 year old who has been bad at RTS since Warcraft: Orcs & Dorks. Watched this and jumped like 300 mmr in 24 hours. Thanks.
@jonichiban 2 года назад
For me, a platinum 3 lifer, this is the most useful guide I've seen so far.
@thecoffeebadger5807 Год назад
I just started playing this game after 10 years of not playing it and it was one of the most nostalgic games I ever played. I was sad that my new laptop cannot read my old SC2 disc but when I found out that WoL was free to play, I said, "yessss!!! Let's goo!!!" I love this game and I'm glad that it is still popular after all these years. I have beaten the campaign in the past but now I need to relearn everything again. I do want to replay the campaign and get HoTS and LoTV just for the fun and story part and finding the right race for my playstyle. At this time, I am still undecisive about which race to use but only time will tell.
@quackduckpics Год назад
thanks PiG. thanks to you I was finally called a cheater in bronze lol. dude was in shock at the size of my army at 7:30
@parkerhardy8398 2 года назад
If you're wondering if this video is worth your time, there is no other video out there that breaks down how to prioritize and excel at whats important in sc2 like this video. This makes it so much easier to focus on what you need to do, before you know if you'll just have more units and better upgrades with a good economy without even trying. I just did this for my first time and it was hard to focus on that macro cycle, but after giving it the attention it needed i just...had more...and moved across the map and won. Crazy how it works like that haha
@CaesartheGrape Год назад
This guide is great! I played the original starcraft as a kid and I've jumped in and out of SC2 every few years so I have a baseline knowledge of what to do, but you just helped me take my gameplay to the next level and be way more focused on what I'm doing. It's been probably 5 or 6 years since I last played SC2, but I jumped back in the other day and have been addicted. I've gotten used to difficult games over the past 5 years playing a lot of indie games and fromsoft games so I feel much more motivated to actually get gud at SC than I did in the past. Looking forward to climbing the ranks!
@PiGCoaching Год назад
gl on the ladder caesar
@CaesartheGrape Год назад
@@PiGCoaching Thanks! I've been practicing your macro cycle/build order the past couple days and I'm starting to get the hang of it
@ricardotapia9339 2 года назад
I want to thank you for all these tips. An excellent job. And definitely very helpful. I just started playing a couple of weeks ago, and I have learned a lot while playing against other players. Probably I have won a couple among many matches, but with this video, there is more to learn. Thank you again!!
@tordwhitealienhybrid1685 2 года назад
iam a new player that only knows the Marine rush start - and nothing else. I will practise this tips today! SC2 is a cool game, thanks for learing us up!
@benjaminbustamante7924 2 года назад
thank god someone made this, i was wanting to play some sc2 but i remembered i completely forgot how to play
@passepartout1 2 года назад
Best SC2 tutorial I have ever watched. And it's been 10+ years. I'm not kidding
@sothwick80 2 года назад
This was EXTREMELY helpful! I'm new to SC2 (now that it's free) and after watching some tournament vids, completely lost, you've made sense of it and given me some amazing info on what to practice and how to build my army. Gonna keep watching, thanks a bunch 🤘
@PiGCoaching 2 года назад
welcome to starcraft!
@thejazzyfizzle99 2 года назад
new as well, went from constantly losing on unranked while i was learning everything to going 4-1 on my placements on my second day and ended up S3. Extremely helpful, looking forward to the rest of the vids.
@kendrickwhite4868 Год назад
Love this series. Came to this video from the protons b2gm. You are a great teacher can't wait to watch the zerg one you just released!
@guillaumemilab5673 Год назад
Seems quite obvious but that little trick u explained ar 48:10 is very useful when u play widow mines or even tanks to spread them on several choke points in one action (shift+clic/a-clic+shortcut to plant your mine/tank, then de-select a few ones (u can even keep your shift button pressed) and do that again somewhere else) while like doing micro with battleships hyperspace/canon and stuff ! Very nice video, I'm kinda newbie like, not that level but always good to remember the basics (and tbh I didnt even knew about the locations view stuff shortcut (ctrl+fx) ^^ so thanks a lot ! Oh and I'm french btw and you speak very clearly and ... understandably ! :) AAAND I'm freaking in love with your Gary and Bruce's mnemotechnic stuff, it won't ever get out of my mind (and that's a great thing) ! x')
@ethanjackson2674 Год назад
Thank you for the video just got pc couple weeks ago always watch star craft 2 games but never played soo this is definitely helping. never messed with settings yet need to do that
@AimingAtYou 2 года назад
one or two postit-notes on the bottom of your screen with one or two tips on each is a good thing! I had one that said "MAKE OVERLORDS" when I first started playing!
@ozramblue117 2 года назад
Been watching you for years. Also been away from sc2 for a few years and am just getting back into it today. Always appreciate your good work!
@Terran0va_Plays 2 года назад
Your teaching style is so mich like a math teacher. Repition. I find myself answering your questions before you do haha. "What do we do as our units are moving across the map?" "MACRO CYCLE! MARINES AND MARAUDERS!" Haha. Thanks for the info
@babaclontz Год назад
These videos are a gold mine! I've never really been interested in climbing the SC2 ladder, so I've been apprehensive about playing multiplayer for fear of being steamrolled. At least now I can enjoy the game, even if I stay at lower rankings. Thanks for making the game more enjoyable!
@PiGCoaching Год назад
Glad you like them! Gl on the ladder mate!
@joeschmidt8856 2 года назад
PIG!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!! the setting for mouse and keyboard is great, totaly improve my gaming experience
@TheTioGuedes Год назад
Never played the game but watched a lot of it, this video is absolute gold for a beginner, really excited to grab such hard and fun game
@ItzzWarfare Год назад
14:04 . Been learning and I thought he legitimately crapped his pants for a sec.
@Weaver0x00 Год назад
Dude added subtitles for the section that was muted, what dedication!
@filthcauldron2441 Год назад
Ty pig. This helped me fend off a few cannon rushes and stomp them for trying. it's nice having a good amount of units when they try to sneak attack you too lol
@Gieldur 2 года назад
Great and valuable content as always. What I am missing as a person who is a complety begginer is that You don`t explain how the supply system is working. I always thought that supply goes up, when unit pop up from building, like Comand Centre or barracks. In fact, the supply is increased when the building start production of the unit. For me, this is very importatnt, because it give You better understanding when you will be supply blocked.
@GameplaySquared 2 года назад
Thank you so much for providing a text document. I've been sourcing guides for the new journey and you are a gold mine of information. Keep it up!
@DezKaiZer Год назад
Man you are a great Teacher at SC2 Pig! i finally get better with other races than just zerg! Thank you so much
@PiGCoaching Год назад
Thnx mate
@shaunwells5015 Год назад
I would add to the learning build orders question; Regardless if you're playing a game or learning a new language, it is good to write it down at least once. The act of writing it out, not typing, actually helps your brain embed the data more permanently. This is a trick used often in language immersion. Now obviously frequency of writing and such will be different based on many variables such as whether or not a person picks things up more quickly by doing rather than reading, etc. While some prefer a mix of both. But absolutely write it down. I put mine on sticky notes and place them around me within my view area so i dont have to take my full attention away from the screen. Just quick glances to ensure im not skipping any steps. As someone whose short term memory is clinically awful, if it works for me, then anyone with a healthy memory should get even more out of that strategy. Just adding on, in time i agree that one should do away with the training wheels as it were and go in the deep end. GG
@bakets7987 2 года назад
Questions: 1. If two bronze players followed this build to the letter and attacked exactly at the same time...who would win? I bet the one who had the siege tanks at the high ground. 2. That build is very suceptible to well placed widow mines, sieged tanks or a planetary fortress isn't it? The only thing I would be afraid of in that situation is it had more siege tanks that I cannot counter with cloaked banshees or BCs. Armoured building upgraded planetary fortress is not easy to take down with SCVs repairing it. 3. A well timed cloaked banshee attack can decimate your worker count quickly if you don't have a turret agree?
@DrumsOFONEDESIGN 2 года назад
Yea but... Bronze League
@PiGstarcraft 2 года назад
Plenty of marines and scan to deal with banshees. Vs PF you just drop your army in the main base. Worrying about what could happen is a trap. We learn to scout and react as we improve
@thiswebsitesucksTBH Год назад
omg this is so simple to understand yet incredibly helpful, thank you so much from a starcraft noob!!!
@MoustiqueClad Год назад
Excellent for beginners, and easy to understand with subtitles, even if you don't speak English
@danacwsf 2 года назад
I lost my 5 placements games and popped out in silver 2 lol. Which is what I had when I stopped playing back in hots, I assume that's what happened. That said I'm having a lot more fun with the game than back then thanks to this guide, winning some games now, I'm sure I'll be able to hit gold soon. Still dying to a lot of cheese tho.
@davidm2031 2 года назад
Yo that guy that conon rushed you was just trying to get you to talk to slow down your start. That's master level stuff.
@Whosyourdaddy21 2 года назад
Damn cheesing all the time actually helped me cause I always build my army early and I got over being afraid of getting countered
@INTEG17 9 дней назад
best rts guide ive ever came across. ty
@ToTheNines87368 Год назад
Remember Snute? he was a crazy person who didn't use mouse scroll at all, he had it turned off, so he'd have to use the mini map. sounds insane to me.
@jameslockwood8008 Год назад
Great video! I just started playing and learning build orders and macro is scary and intimidating, on top of learning counters and tactics and such. Thanks for the nice, clear explanations, with just enough humor to make it stick. Time to hit the bots!
@PiGCoaching Год назад
Welcome aboard! Remember the earlier you hit the ladder the better, first 10 games you'll lose anyway but it'll adjust your MMR very quickly so you can get to facing well-matched human opponents surprisingly quickly
@rsnate2930 2 года назад
best series I have ever watched.... thank you.
@rcsx839 2 года назад
this series is incredible!
@johnbloomberg83 2 года назад
OK, second time through, finally mod'ed my hotkeys and set about playing a very easy AI. I have a lot of muscle memory to learn and much more to forget. For instance, I have used as a "select all army key for some time and unlearning that is going to take a bit. But this will break my "F2" habit once and for all. I really need to drop Pig some serious coin for all the entertainment and info. The comments about Pros learning about settings and camera location is hilarious. We all know those who are oblivious to some basic knowledge in life that just make us crazy. I feel like I'm playing slower but my APM is going up. Cool.
@bastooo3 2 года назад
finally!! i didnt catch that you uploaded this on the coaching channel.. i am so happy right now! :)
@marioman2086 2 года назад
Learned a lot, watched the whole thing. Couldn't believe you didn't have more subs
@TheGreyPhoxx Год назад
Thank you so much, these are amazing tips, and they just helped me win my first game of the season! Amazing work! Keep up the awesome content!
@InservioLetum Год назад
The Discord-blue twitch logo on your cap is breaking my brain, a bit like seeing someone listing "Do. Or do not. There is no try." as a quote from Dumbledore.
@ismark9573 2 года назад
This is great, I already learned a lot in the first 10 minutes, looking forward to check the rest of the playlist. Thank you
@Stelven_ 2 года назад
i am a bit late to this but i just wanna say you have helped me so much and your guides are absolutely unrivaled
@hoffsale Год назад
Hello Pig, thx for these coaching videos, I’ve got this build down pat & moving up the ladder. Ty Ty
@HighLanderPonyYT 2 года назад
Gonna watch and like all of these!
@edwardjoscelyne8135 2 года назад
got into watching sc2 recently, and tried playing tonight after I watched this. got bunch of L's, one genuine W, and one guy said I had promise and gave me a GG!
@CrumpetGaming 2 года назад
Fantastic video! I followed along with the macro cycles and build order and made it up to gold league with your guide.
@tatotato85 2 года назад
I didnt plan to learn terran yet here i am currently 30 ladder games in. Love your teaching
@psywalker7973 2 года назад
Holy shit, Pig is like a Buddhist: Don't get distracted, your enemy is trying to distract you, so don't, just keep doing your build.
@lxnux_._.9310 2 года назад
Wow I've been playing the game for 5 years now and have StarCraft 1 and 2 together over 250 hours of play but this video took me further than all the hours together O_o xD
@TheTrueReiniat 2 года назад
The core seems super complicated lol, I just use the Grid setup which I think should be the default one, you dont have to strictly memorize all the hotkeys cause when you have a doubt you can just look its position on the grid and replicate it on your keyboard, and all the keys are close together. Also if you disable the Simple Command Card in the gameplay settings you can issue commands like Hold or Patrol with E and R, or Stop with W (super useful when using Medivacs). Shift clicking on the grid is awesome :0, I did not know this. I started playing in may and Im Diamond 2 atm, will follow this video along, I want to get Diamond 1 before the season ends ;0
@heart7331 2 года назад
Nice video! Never played ladder before, so i tried this build to learn how to play. But, perhaps, build was too good, because i got a diamond with it! Gonna keep watching this series)
@tupping Год назад
I've been a fan of yours a long time now. I meant to learn a cool TvP build order you put up years ago... It was beyond me at the time (early Factory harass followed by liberator harass etc.) I hope it's still in the archive... and that Liberators are still playable.
@Zeal_the_Escobear 2 года назад
Thank you for this! Excited for Terran B2GM!
@Jin32cs 2 года назад
Very insightful, thank you very much! Also your enthusiasm makes it so fun to watch and learn the basics, keep it up! :D
@ciara6694 Год назад
So my bf plays this alot, and im learning how to play so I can talk yo him about it and watch the tournaments with him and understand. I usually play FPS like Apex and such, but I've been playing the SC2 campaign. This helped out alot!! Thank you! 😊
@PiGCoaching Год назад
Glad it's helping you yo! Welcome to Starcraft, gl hf!
@IGIVEINPS3 2 года назад
Lol, I know a couple with names Bruce and Gary, made me laugh everytime u said. Thanks for vid. I've only done one tutorial game so far but this vid def seems very useful.
@TheDuckHasArrived Год назад
Thank You, this video and all that follows opened my eyes. Highly informative video.
@PiGCoaching Год назад
Glad it was helpful!
@egos_ua Год назад
I really love your teaching style. Subscribed!
@CaptainBrash 2 года назад
Nice to see a B2GM that has bio Terran. I couldn't get on with ViBe because he goes mech early. (No shade to him, he's great and has helped a lot of people but I don't enjoy mech)
@DrumsOFONEDESIGN 2 года назад
Epic video, more balanced than most
@emmanuelisaacdmagcawas6708 Год назад
Pig i maybe commenting on the wrong vudeo but your protoss beginners guide reslly helped me, im doing the timings mych more late like 10 minutes intead of the usual 7:49 like you did in the videos but im smashing in bronze - silver rn, still a lot to improve but i appreciate this kind of videos
@PiGCoaching Год назад
Thnx for the feedback mate! Glad to hear it's going well for you
@matthewheadland7307 2 года назад
Was so excited for this! And I’m not even Terran!
@killedr6621 Год назад
SC2 is pretty intimidating (I'm 30 and only had a pc for 5 years now bc too poor before) and still play it like I'm playing sc64 which was the last time I played it many years ago. Getting familiar with the keyboard on this level is still pretty hard to get used to, but I really appreciate this video! It's been very helpful! Any tips on practicing MM with a keyboard?
@Theeconomist3848 Год назад
I'm in my 30s only started this game in 2019. It's a great game to jam to every now and again.
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