
Students Challenge God’s Morality: You Won’t Believe the Answers! 

Daily Reflection
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Join us as we explore one of the toughest questions in Christianity: why doesn't God force us to love him? Discover the power of free will and how it allows us to experience real love and relationships with God."



26 сен 2024




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@DockSchrem 4 месяца назад
It was one of the hardest part to learn through my life. It is absolutely true. If you love a girl truly, and she doesn't want you, you just wish her best and leave her alone.
@MarkusAvrelius 4 месяца назад
I don't think this analogy with a girlfriend works. There is always a reason for a girl not to like a boy since non of us is perfect. God is perfect, no reason not to love him. God's sight is stronger than any drug. Trust me all atheists would fall in love.
@belphemmore3802 3 месяца назад
If you built this girl and you tell her to love you otherwise you will torture her but when you built her you knew she would not love you why would you build her?
@belphemmore3802 3 месяца назад
@@MarkusAvreliusyeah i did once i saw all the times he told his followers to murder and mutilate people in their path
@EBreadyyy 3 месяца назад
@ This analogy doesn’t work bro Christianity isn’t so boldly real that a Christian is 100 percent certain that gods exist so what your saying doesn’t really make sense
@ethanhinkle683 3 месяца назад
​@@EBreadyyyI 100% believe in God. There is no arguement you can give that would convince me otherwise.
@dianawise203 3 месяца назад
When I was very young I gave my life to Christ. From then on my life was His and I made many foolish choices but He was with me so when those choices could have ended in terrible consequences He carried me through the fires. Fires I started but couldn’t put out or withstand. I still had consequences but they were muted by His love and protection. I’m old and disabled now. He is still providing for me as long as I pray to Him, asking Him for help and turning that worry over to Him. His love is freely given to accept or reject. I always accept and always will.
@kryptonian5539 4 месяца назад
People need to stop thinking God as a human.
@saint037 4 месяца назад
I always use this box analogy of why would you put God in a box He created and expect Him to follow the box's rules when He made the box and it's rules... this is an easier way to say this and I shall henceforth ask my question in this way
@O_tropos 3 месяца назад
It has nothing to do with God being human. All emotions humans have come from God so does our logical thinking. Only difference is that God's logic operates on a higher level. That being said every logical thinking human being understands that it's pure evil to eternally burn people alive. Try watching a video where you see criminals burn alive see if you think it's justice still. You christians are so delusional and out of touch to think our God would do such a thing.
@salserokorsou 3 месяца назад
People need to stop thinking of god being real.
@kryptonian5539 3 месяца назад
@@salserokorsou god isnt real but God is.
@Kimpa222 3 месяца назад
Good for you to make that statement, when the reason yall believe that God exist is because according to human knowledge, all things need to be created, so there you have it, God, because man could not explain how they were brought about, they made up this magical being with their own understanding of life and despite science and logic pointing that this is not true, you still believe because yall are in a cult and can never escape.
@stevenevosando8840 4 месяца назад
Gods foreknowledge does not take away man’s free will !
@erkziltonz 4 месяца назад
But then it raises the question, God knew a talking snake which was one of his creations would decieve another in Adam and Eve. God knew they would be banished before hand and let it unfold.
@CappieBG 4 месяца назад
@@erkziltonz Free will in unbiblical concept. Actually we are called Slaves to Sin. ,, Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men. '' Acts 2:23. That being said. He does his thing in a way that everyone is still responsible for their acts and sin. Even Satan was doing his thing at the cross who is supposedly way way way more intelligent than us, but still accomplished God's plan. So why this whole thing? Well for God's Glory. His holiness, justice, righteousness and love in Jesus. The father allowed the fall to happen so he can bring Jesus in the picture. The father, loves the son and created this world for him so he can have a kingdom ,, For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him ''. That being said ECT view of hell in unbiblical. It supports annihilationism at the last day. And if your objection is, well why doesn't God save everyone or why create people just to destroy them. Well it's his right as the creator and our existence is thanks to him anyways. ,, "I am not doing this for your sake," says the Lord GOD. "Let that be known to you. Be ashamed and humiliated for your [wicked] ways, O house of Israel!" So who does the Father does it. Who does the Father save us for because we deserve to die just like any other human: ,, My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me, I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand, My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. '' Jesus came to glorify the Father as primary reason. But now that we know that they love each other more than us how did Jesus glorify the father? ,, For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life '' . There is no escaping God's glory when asking such questions.
@nitsujism 4 месяца назад
Yes it does. Foreknowledge means all outcomes are predetermined which means free will is an illusion.
@mikethebike2463 4 месяца назад
@@nitsujism That would be true from our limited human perspective. But God is outside or better beyond our four dimensional perspective. In other words, god doesn‘t predetermin your decision and yet knows it‘s outcome. Hard to grasp.
@nitsujism 4 месяца назад
@@mikethebike2463 It's the opposite. It's true from gods perspective. Let's say that god exists outside of time and space. He can see the entirety of our universes existence from start to end. For him, it's like he's looking at a 4D finished painting. Everything is fixed. There are no arbitrary choices. All the choices everyone will make in that reality are fixed. It doesn't matter that you think you are making arbitrary choices, you're not. They're fixed. And...free will is an illusion.
@charliecarboni4642 3 месяца назад
God gave us free will because God is Love. The Love of God requires the ability to make a decision and go left or right. If we didn’t have the ability to choose options, He would not be Love; but He is Love.
@Kimpa222 3 месяца назад
The problem with the free will argument is that God, who created everything including evil, put us in a world were we have to choose between the two things he created even while he made our natural instincts to be sinful, he made us that way, yet, if we pick otherwise, we go to hell? How he is good in any way, that's called pushing us into a rat hole were good people who are muslims will go to hell just because he simply don't believe. The free will argument is flawed because if he knew we were gonna go to hell and his wishes for us are to make heaven then it doesn't make sense he should create us, remember, the reason he knows is because he created, so honestly, you can't really say free will exist.
@profsaiontz 3 месяца назад
Isaiah 55:8-9, God's thoughts are not our thoughts, neither are His ways. Therefore people struggle to understand Them (The Father, Yeshua, Holy Spirit). Put our trust in God.
@spitter7657 4 месяца назад
You can have a world three ways, A. every one obeys, B. No one obeys, C everyone has the choice to obey or not. Only one of those worlds is it possible for love to exists.
@TG070 4 месяца назад
@rogervincent2092 4 месяца назад
I am sorry, but a perfect love already exists in the trinity.
@michaelmichael-ci8hi 4 месяца назад
@@TG070 exactly WRONG .................. A. God can save everyone .......... B. God can save none ........... C. God can save the ones HIS free will chooses .......... you are NOT saved by obedience ..... you are saved by GRACE AND MERCY .................
@gabrielduran291 4 месяца назад
The claim that love can only exist in one of those options you listed doesn't cohere with what Christians believe. In Christianity, earth is a means to an end. A world before the final worlds of heaven and hell. Love exists in the earthly world, where people can choose to love/obey God. Also, love exists in the Heavenly world where the choice has already been made prior and therefore is not open to choice anymore. People have already chosen God and thus obey him in Heaven. If the choice is not open to disobeying God in Heaven, again this would annihilate the concept of Heaven. So no Love does not just exist in one of those worlds. We would have to say it exists in at least 2 of the options you gave.
@unholywarrior9007 4 месяца назад
​@michaelmichael-ci8hi time to destroy some false doctrine... revelation 20 12 kjv and I saw the dead small and great stand before God and the books were opened and another book was opened wich is the book of life and the dead were judged out of those things wich were written in the books according to their WORKS. ... not judged by their faith ... works .. . Revelation 22 12 kjv for behold I come quickly and my reward is with me to give every man according to their WORKS. .. .. works works ....first Timothy 2 kjv 13 for Adam was first formed then Eve 14 and Adam was not decived but the woman being decived was in transgression 15 notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing if they continue in Faith and charity and holiness and sobriety. ... works works works charity holiness. Now don't make me bust out Mathew it's alot of typing . And try harder your doctrine makes us look bad
@Otts287 3 месяца назад
The fire in hell has no light. 😢 Each person will be in a terrible state of isolation, torn by their own guilt and regrets. But the worst suffering will be the eternal loss and separation from God. Let us repent and leave our sinful lives while we still can. We are all called to holiness. Let us love God and choose God everyday. 🙏
@Kalixadam9977 4 месяца назад
Question: if all questions are answered will one choose to Love God? NO! Because it’s the love of God that draws us to Him. Not getting all the answers to our questions. “We love Him because He first loved us”-1John 4:19 This is just my thought
@eternalvisualbeatz4903 4 месяца назад
respectful thought, Amen
@Robyn-l7v 4 месяца назад
Exactly you can't force someone to love you. He gave us Free will the right to choose. We face those decisions in life everyday.
@billowspillow 4 месяца назад
That’s a flawed analogy. A parent will stop their small child from causing permanent damage to themselves if they can intervene, but a good parent lets their children suffer the consequences of their actions when it’s appropriate. Especially if the child knows better but refuses to listen.
@Gerald-cb5px 3 месяца назад
God will make you do what he wants you to do when he wants you to do it. Is that free will? He's a liar. Fuck you.
@JesusIsLord7773 3 месяца назад
What analogy is flawed?
@billowspillow 3 месяца назад
The one about a parent stopping their small child from causing permanent damage to themselves.
@ArmorForToday 3 месяца назад
Do you have a choice? You do? It’s not a flawed analogy. Got (the parent) gave us choices. And we run away again and again and again and again. Your child can refuse and know better (we all do, and you do too) and yet here you and I are. Sinning
@billowspillow 3 месяца назад
@@ArmorForToday Not entirely sure you read what I wrote, but as long as you get to feel smug, it’s worth it.
@nuggetoftruth-ericking7489 4 месяца назад
This was very interesting. Thank you.
@DavidTaufa-n6b 22 дня назад
God gives us free will so that we may choose to love him in return. True love is freely given, not forced. Some people think that they can enter heaven on their own terms.However, God being the creator and king of universe,sets the rules, just like any earthly ruler.
@Crosswalker. 4 месяца назад
The second question has a logical error built into it, people who are running willingly into the fire are NOT Gods children. The bible says 1 John 3:10: “By this the children of God and the children of the devil are clearly identified: anyone who does not practice righteousness [who does not seek God’s will in thought, action, and purpose] is not of God, nor is the one who does not [unselfishly] [a]love his [believing] brother.” We become God’s children when we are saved because we are adopted into God’s family through our relationship with Jesus Christ. Galatians 3:26 says that “in Christ Jesus you are all children of God, through faith.” It is by faith in Jesus Christ that we become children of God. So no, God is not the loving father of people who are wilfully disobeying him, Satan is their father. Gods children will listen to him if he tells them not to go that way... 🤷‍♂️
@marcushans4317 Месяц назад
Praise the Lord in Christ Jesus🙏 For God soo loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, so that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. Jn 3:16
@JesusSavesJohn3verse16 3 месяца назад
Thank you for the excellent video 😊 The Lord’s love + grace be with you His hope + peace, in Life, and beyond the grave Hope you are all well and resting in Jesus saving love + grace 😊 Warmest Love + blessings friends 😊
@bigmal3128 4 месяца назад
It's in The WORD: The Son of Man goeth where He will. But woe to the one who betrays Him. Judas did not have to betray Christ and He STILL would have made it to the cross. Despite what GOD knew, Judas still had a choice. Judas chose the woe.
@sharonodom6575 Месяц назад
Exactly, they wanted Christ gone & it would've happened regardless. --Christ knew Judas' was a thief & his heart was full of greed. Still Christ put him in charge of their ministry funds. --Christ showed His want to forgive & the seriousness, but Judas tried to stay hidden in his own sin. --Even at the Last Super when Christ tried to confront Judas, he did not confess?!!
@jacobwest7 4 месяца назад
I suppose that God could just create those He knew would follow Him but like the video said we should trust Him
@SuperMrAndersen 4 месяца назад
Yes, he's unable or doesn't want to create people that will all follow him and love him
@jacobwest7 4 месяца назад
@@SuperMrAndersen He can I just don't know why He doesn't, this way there is visible choice, you see that others choose otherwise and you stick with Christ, there's something in that, that a world where all are Christians wouldn't entirely have
@wishyouthebest9222 3 месяца назад
This is not the best world yet but the best way to it. Creating only those who freely would choose HIM would be the same as creating moist robots. No true freedom in that world without true choice. They would be robbed of their choice. Does that make sense?
@jacobwest7 3 месяца назад
@@wishyouthebest9222 yea I've heard turek say the same thing
@Hakeem597 4 месяца назад
You would much rather have grace than justice. (Romans 3:23, 3:10-12).
@georgemakary5127 4 месяца назад
@piijay14 4 месяца назад
Force is NOT LOVE! Whenever one is forced it is not the result of Love! Your parents didn't force you they gave you choices and consequences. That's what this life we live is all about and that's exactly what God gives us. Because he loves us he's not gonna force himself against our own will instead he gives us Free Will to reject him if we choose. However there's consequences for our choices. Love requires Choice!! That's why we have choices!!
@osmanmohamed4676 3 месяца назад
We have a free Will. We need to trust so True. Stop asking all the Questions it doesn't have a point. We are not suppose to Question the creation of God. He who does not follow the Commandments will be punished.
@Zomboo 4 месяца назад
Romans 8:29 29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. 30 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified. God predestined those who would follow and those who would not follow and God finishes all of His works. If you struggle with this, give it time.
@Luvallo 3 месяца назад
I don't think this portion talks about "those who would not follow"
@CappieBG 3 месяца назад
Calvinism in combination with eternal concious torment is a horrifying thought.
@ballhog-v4t 3 месяца назад
love your channel and commentary bro, God bless you
@paul.etedder2439 4 месяца назад
Freewill is a myth we are slaves to sin and a slave doesn’t have a Freewill
@black-cross 4 месяца назад
That's the same thing as saying we're slaves to gravity. No, its just a limitation.
@michaelmichael-ci8hi 4 месяца назад
@@black-cross the words in Greek are doulos and in Hebrew ebed ....... they are used continually throghout scripture ........ and it describes who man is ........ Romans 9 ..... you arrre either a slave to sin or a slave to righteouosness .............
@black-cross 4 месяца назад
@@michaelmichael-ci8hi yeah, you're proving my point. you choose your master
@johnathanjordan5294 4 месяца назад
@PatrickNDH 4 месяца назад
God is sovereign. We can agree on that. If you allow Him to be sovereign enough, he can give of His sovereignty to each of us. We can choose absolutely. or is your god limited to your theological box. He is almighty and still able to give us absolute freedom to choose.
@thomthompson9217 4 месяца назад
I might add some scripture for you to ponder that we are chosen from the foundation of the world. As Christ said you have not chosen me I have chosen you. Then again in Romans eight we are predestinated to serve the Lord. Then again in Romans, nine explaining the dynamic between, God, Esau, and Jacob. God‘s grace is imparted to whom he will impart his grace and that should be enough… Let me rephrase that God‘s great grace IS enough. When I hear someone complain “that’s not fair “ I just want to SCREAM 😱
@Sirjwinsalot 4 месяца назад
Watch Sam Shamoun on Romans 9 and predestination. It would be too long to explain so I'll leave it to the video to explain. I love my Calvinist brothers even though I believe that it butchers the context of Romans 9. Sam has a lot of videos that explains it.
@The-Real-L3X 3 месяца назад
Thanks for the clip.
@GSpotter63 3 месяца назад
How can heaven remain a place without pain suffering and hate If you allow in those who would cause pain suffering and hate? If you haven't repented and you're never going to do that sort of stuff again then what makes you think he's going to let you in?
@Thadd107 3 месяца назад
Why would you serve a God that makes you serve Him. That takes away your free will too choose.
@bigjoe8922 4 месяца назад
God blessJake poor your spirit out on him bring him to your son Jesus
@makeitcount179 4 месяца назад
St.Paul Scoffs at your premise : he quoted Isaiah " there is none who understands there is none who seek after God." Romans 3:11
@EvilGoodGuy 4 месяца назад
I think you misunderstand Romans 3:11. In context, Paul is describing how Israel has rejected Christ and how all of us are sinners. It's not saying that you should not seek after God. Actually the very opposite. It's saying that we are not seeking God because we are sinners.
@makeitcount179 4 месяца назад
@@EvilGoodGuy you wish he was.
@ben.duffour 8 дней назад
​​​@@EvilGoodGuyno one= no one. Would you then say , according to your premise, that only Jews are not righteous, or not good?
@JP-ec9rl 4 дня назад
It's a bottomless lake of fire and it's dark because you cannot perceive light through melted eyes.
@JackieSkellington 4 месяца назад
we have free will to make the right or wrong choices, right is better
@SuperMrAndersen 4 месяца назад
God could create us with free will and not making wrong choices. Is it a problem for him to do anything like that?
@joshuaelliott2727 4 месяца назад
He could but it won't be free will. He wanted us to have free will. Why. To experience his love. Why. That I honestly don't know purely. ​@SuperMrAndersen
@SuperMrAndersen 4 месяца назад
@@joshuaelliott2727 You forget that he is all powerful and all knowing. God is all knowing? Yes. He knows how to create people with free will and not making wrong choices. God is all powerful? Yes. He can do that. You agree? Could he found another way for us to experience his love without sin, diseases, natural disasters, etc.? As all knowing god - I think he could. I think this is the main problem of Christianity.
@SuperMrAndersen 4 месяца назад
@@joshuaelliott2727 You think as a human. But god is not a human. So everything is possible for him to do. We cannot even imagine that. But even I know what to do - why create Devil and sin? Why not put the tree of knowledge somewhere on the island where humans will never reach it and he knows that they will never reach it. But when he put it near Adam and Eve - he knew they will eat it.
@joshuaelliott2727 4 месяца назад
@SuperMrAndersen he could've but he didn't. It's a reason why. That reason I don't know. Just because he chose to not do so doesn't meant he can't. Just means he chose not too. You gonna whoop his ass for that???
@1luckyccmom 3 месяца назад
Separated from God is a choice
@holybible..9280 3 месяца назад
God trusted humen to not to sin , But we break the trust So Jesus gave a solution to us through resurection Just bcaz God made us with freewill and we misused that freewill it is not Gods fault But he did not stop your ability of freewill bcaz thats what his elegant class is
@broal122 3 месяца назад
Judas was ordained called by Jesus to be an apostle is he going to make heaven or will he be the one that says depart from me for I never knew you?
@robrussell8515 4 месяца назад
The question I’ve heard and have trouble with is all the people who never heard of Christ, who died and go to hell because of no knowing and all the innocents who died before even hearing - get sickness, catastrophe earthquakes, tsunami etc- death and suffering for innocents. That’s what gives me difficulty
@OnuigboChimaobi 4 месяца назад
No one who has never heard of Christ are in hell. From my perspective. I think God in his fairness and justice would judge those people based on the judgment of their conscience. Remember God said he would judge every man according to their works
@robrussell8515 4 месяца назад
@@OnuigboChimaobi I thought there was also a passage where it says you are not judged by works. Ephesians 2:9
@_K1YA 4 месяца назад
The Lord Himself said that He doesn’t want anyone to perish. He is never unfair, especially to people who never heard of Him. They will be justified by their conscience. It’s a common misconception that good works are necessary to be saved. Our good works will be rewarded but will NEVER get us to Heaven. These videos explain it more. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-uM2AR9gH4SA.htmlsi=AQfpoFSSwkeJ0fPB ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-BbPchtYsXNo.htmlsi=tb4kPkdr25ZpeUto
@vernandsockey8611 3 месяца назад
Ultimately this is one of the questions where we will never know the answer for sure because God hasn't told us what happens to them. But we do know God's character, so we can make an educated guess. For me, the best explanation I've ever found comes from C.S. Lewis in book seven of the Chronicles of Narnia. Slightly off topic, but if you haven't read those books yet you should! They're really good, and they're an easy read. But in The Last Battle there is a conversation between Aslan and a Calormene soldier where we learn that even though the soldier didn't know Him by name, he had been searching for Aslan his whole life. Something in his spirit acknowledged God, even though he was never formally introduced, and therefore God knew him and brought him into paradise with His people. I think every human being who has ever walked the Earth has been given the choice in their life to follow God or to reject him, whether or not they've ever had a missionary explain the gospel to them.
@invictusunum4808 4 месяца назад
How is 'choosing' to love God "Free Will" when we are threatened with eternal damnnation if we dont? How is that any different than a mugger pointing a gun at your head and threatening to shoot you if you don't give him your wallet? Is it still Free Will when you hand over your wallet? If so, where is the Love in that?
@anupamatirkey2648 3 месяца назад
Good question. So loving God means obeying His commandments. He said don't murder, do you want to do otherwise? He said don't return evil for evil but pray for those who persecute you, do you want to do otherwise? I'm sure knowingly or unknowingly you've hurt someone in some way, would you want them to obey God or do otherwise? We all are born sinners, with a tendency to go against God because of our first parents Adam and Eve. We are already going eternally damned. Unless we accept his free gift of salvation through his only begotten Son Jesus Christ. He didn't just come and say belive in me and you'll be saved, he came, died on the cross for you and me, rose again on third day. All this was done because God is author of love and of justice and of mercy. You and I have a choice to make like we make daily, but this one is important, choosing Jesus as our God in our heart and believing he died for us, or reject him.
@Robert.S.. 4 месяца назад
A hard truth about God that non-believers and some believers don't understand is that God is a GOD. An all powerful, all knowing, omnipotent GOD. There is nothing in our universe , that he created, that can stand against his will. Isaiah 44:6-48:11 New King James Version There Is No Other God 6 “Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel, And his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts: ‘I am the First and I am the Last; Besides Me there is no God. No human can stand before him and live. Yet humans in their ignorance or arrogance think they can say to God ,"why have you made me thus" Praise be to God.
@brandone.5106 3 месяца назад
Most Christians have strong biblical support that children that are unable to truly and fully understand the moral implications of sin will in fact be “forced” to go to heaven. Adults are a different category. We do have the moral capacity to understand sin, and if we reject Gods morality and solutions, it’s our fault, not God.
@drewdrake9130 3 месяца назад
I've never been presented God's morality. I only been presented with humans telling me what God's morality is. Is it the same for you?
@vernandsockey8611 3 месяца назад
@@drewdrake9130 I'm assuming at some point in your life you've been presented with the option to make a choice and something inside of you said 'this is wrong'? Every human being has a God-given conscience. We just know some things are wrong without anyone having to tell us. God gave that to you. He presented you with morality before you were even born.
@domatthew1666 4 месяца назад
The question a lot of people are asking is if people did not hear about Christ or God especially in ancient history, are they condemned to hell as the new testament appears to suggest?
@WizzRacing 4 месяца назад
God tells you.. It was counted unto those as righteousness. For those that knew too do good and what they did was wrong. As the second Jesus Christ rose from the dead. He brought all those that had died with him. Why he told the person on the cross next to him. This day you shall be in Paradise with me. As he admitted his guilt. The other one rejected it..
@angenlois 4 месяца назад
Romans 2:15 in that they show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience testifying and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them,
@kryptonian5539 3 месяца назад
Hell simply means to exist without the grace of God. God would never force anyone to be with him that know him and choose not to be. People who are never introduced can never make that choice. So I will assume they will not be damned. To know him and reject him is one thing. To never know him at all is another.
@MMJ501 3 месяца назад
8:48 has the gospel reached everyone?
@brianschmidt704 4 месяца назад
Because god wants real love. Just like we want others to love us genuinely and not because we are forced to or out of compulsion. God created true free agents who can freely choose to love him or wave their fist at him.
@rogervincent2092 4 месяца назад
A perfect love already exists in the trinity.
@joshuaelliott2727 4 месяца назад
​@@rogervincent2092then what other explanation is it?
@CappieBG 3 месяца назад
@@joshuaelliott2727 The Bible says they do it for each other's Glory. God is never portrayed to love every single human being. Infact he should hate us all. God is glorified in giving justice and giving Grace. So no. God doesn't love the people he sends to hell. He interferes only in the lives of some people.
@Golfdad8356 3 месяца назад
Free agency is the greatest gift we have. Also, being given answers to the test really nullifies the test. Why doesn’t god show himself- then I’ll believe…. Well, he has, to a few chosen prophets and it’s up to faith to believe. Sign seeking is like having chatBot write your term paper. Doesn’t help you
@dennis87885 4 месяца назад
Brother, no doubt you believe in Christ. But where in scripture does it say any of what you just said?
@bowieupland6112 4 месяца назад
Nowhere. That's why he has to make everything up.
@frankbeethoven9428 Месяц назад
Sometimes God hardens peoples heart, some people are created to Go to hell to show how powerful he is.
@CMA418 4 месяца назад
If a parent had a child knowing full well they would not only face pain, sickness, fear, sadness, and loss, but they would ALSO spend eternity in even worse torment; if that parent purposefully placed temptation in front of them, again knowing full well that they would succumb, and then curse them for being deceived by that parent’s own creation, and then played a non-consensual game of hide and seek, watching them live in confusion and terror, and then blamed them for falling short, would it be unreasonable to think of that parent as a monster? Would we be rebellious if we said this is unacceptable? Something isn’t adding up here. I have a strong suspicion there is indeed a God, and that God is just and merciful, but this is neither of those things. Perhaps the enemy’s greatest trick is his impression of God.
@Wachary1 4 месяца назад
I was thinking recently that if hell does exist as an eternal punishment I don’t want to have kids in case they end up there
@CMA418 4 месяца назад
@@Wachary1 Technically, the longer they live, the greater the chances. 😭
@gardengrrlWendy 4 месяца назад
If you say it's unacceptable, I respectfully reply that you might not have enough information at this point to conclude that. Your narrative is missing one thing. You're basing your idea on a world without a way to know God's will. He has provided a way. It's in His word. Read the Bible. Ask Him to help you understand it. The Bible is the roadmap to heaven, showing you there is a way, and that is only through understanding what Jesus Christ did for each one of us: He took our sin on Himself while dying on the cross, and gave us His righteousness, to all who will accept His payment for our sins. Jesus took God's wrath on Himself so we wouldn't have to experience it. It's the best gift you can ever receive.
@CMA418 4 месяца назад
@@gardengrrlWendy I was in the ministry. I have read it and studied it and taught it. I was as devoted to it as Paul was to his Pharisaical teachings before his conversion. I was a more fervent believer than most everyone I encountered. What specific information would you say I am missing? Did I not accurately describe the situation(s) that God created? Did I list one thing that is not true? 🙏
@gardengrrlWendy 4 месяца назад
@@CMA418 Respectfully, you have presented the information the way you see it, not the way others see it, or God sees it. As you know, we all have a sin problem. Romans 3:23 says that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Do you disagree with this? We all have a sin problem. If we die with our sins on our record, so to speak, we fall under God's wrath. BUT! He doesn't want us to perish (die with unforgiven sin and go to hell), so He sent His Son to take the punishment we deserve. It's because of His love for us that He gave us a way to avoid the eternal consequences of our sin and live forever with Him in heaven. We are all tempted and we all fall. That's the result of free will. But without it, we would merely be puppets, with no will of our own.
@daviddrew3372 4 месяца назад
God can know and not reveal, even to His Son.
@bowieupland6112 4 месяца назад
What is that even mean? Just gibberish
@ben.duffour 8 дней назад
Why did God create who wouldn't believe? Instead of using philosophy, lets answer with scripture. Romans 9:22-23 LSB [22] And what if God, wanting to demonstrate His wrath and to make His power known, endured with much patience vessels of wrath having been prepared for destruction, [23] and in order that He might make known the riches of His glory upon vessels of mercy, which He prepared beforehand for glory
@DanyelCarter 3 месяца назад
How can you love something that is hiding and does not communicate effectively?
@peterparker9626 4 месяца назад
God not putting you there you put yourself there it's sad l how people just love to point fingers, God love us, He could've wipe us for what they did to Jesus but Jesus said to forgive them they do not know
@khajazakirhussain9611 4 месяца назад
Message of religion: Do good be away from bad deeds,, there is life after death good ones are awarded,, bad ones are punished,, worship creator alone. Mankind is created and put in test of good deeds. Faith in Creator & good deeds save you hereafter.
@Hakeem597 4 месяца назад
Wrong. "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God" Romans 3:23...there is not enough good deeds in the world to which you can get on God's side and appease His wrath (Ephesians 2:1). It is only through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ (John 14:6) whereby you have access to God. And not man can come to Christ unless the Father draws him....this drawing is regeneration which leads to belief, repentance and faith (John 6:44). "By grace you are saved, through faith, it is the gift of God; not by works lest any man should boast" (Ephesians 2:8-9). By grace not by works.
@silenthero2795 4 месяца назад
Imagine a judge looked a case when someone robbed you of 10k and then they found out this same robber gave 50k to charity years before. That is still 40k surplus of "good works" so no punishment, right? Do you want that kind of "justice" even in the afterlife? No good deed can save you no matter how many you did. You did the crime, you take the time. And that's why we need a Savior.
@khajazakirhussain9611 4 месяца назад
God has created mankind to test. Test of deeds and faith in Creator. Thank you for your valuable time to search truth brother.
@user-gq3qw4jy7s 3 месяца назад
​@silenthero2795 continuing with that same analogy: imagine the judge pardons the offender whom you have just described, and pays the exorbitant fine at his own expense, and then, after a span of time, finds the former offender back in his courtroom with new charges of a thieving spree, compounding way more theft than the offender was originally pardoned of. What would any judge do under such circumstances? Pardon the offender yet again when his former pardon was obviously trampled under foot and put to an open shame, or would he not judge the offender according to those brazen works which were performed after his great pardon had been given?
@silenthero2795 3 месяца назад
​@@user-gq3qw4jy7s You do know the analogy falls apart if you keep adding into it? That's not the point of ANY analogy because you can skew it to whateve you want. But for the sake of argument let's go with the new analogy where the offender keeps adding "bad" works to his name. Well, if your "good" works can pardon you then the offender can just do some good deeds and everyone's happy! In this system where the good must outweigh the bad to avoid punishment, he just subtracted his bad works by doing good deeds after so all is well! So what if "his former pardon was obviously trampled under foot and put to an open shame"? If he has done enough good works then the judge has no choice but to pardon him again since he still has a surplus of "good deeds". Does that sound justice to you? You can just "undo" what you did to avoid any crime by doing the opposite?
@black-cross 4 месяца назад
foreknowledge means knowing how things will end. Meaning they had to start and happen at least once freely. Don't you think that God, a perfect, all powerful being can create beings with a perfect free will that not even Him can influence? Do you think that's possible?
@silenthero2795 4 месяца назад
First, you have to define what a "perfect free will" means. Is that just a being who will do whatever you told them to? Isn't that just another term for a robot? For love to be possible, you have to give them a choice of their own so it is "freely given" - even if you know the consequences of their choices.
@onenuubgamer4918 4 месяца назад
My answer to this is God knows everything provided it has happened. Free will is given to experience life. We need to experience life so we can appreciate what heaven is. Hell is there to let you know heaven is real.
@xing349 4 месяца назад
man i like your analysis. God bless you! and I'll use it to explain. =)
@kingtutan3414 4 месяца назад
Then why just create everyone in heaven and give free will
@joshuaelliott2727 4 месяца назад
​@@kingtutan3414we'll all get kicked out lol. He had to show us why sin is evil to have a strong desire to stay away for ever. It's an experience/experiment. That's how I look at it. If I'm wrong Lord forgive me.
@kingtutan3414 4 месяца назад
@@joshuaelliott2727 then why create us if he knows hes just gonna kicked us all?
@bsu154 4 месяца назад
Am blessed to watch this and that book by CS Lewis I'm gonna get it
@Car0lc0 3 месяца назад
John 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. People love their sins more than love God. That's the point. 😢
@ValorantRivals 3 месяца назад
10:21 it’s that they don’t believe heavan exists, but if they knew & were convinced it existed, then they would choose heaven
@sesamesprinkles 3 месяца назад
I think a good way to look at all the evils in this world is NOT to think God DID any of those things but rather God allowed it to happen. Now as a finite being I’m not sure why exactly but changing the wording helped change my perspective to some extent
@Kimpa222 3 месяца назад
He did let it happen, but he created it, so how is he good, evil has to exist for his to be good, so he created both, do you see the problem.
@CappieBG 3 месяца назад
@@Kimpa222 He doesn't say he didn't in the Bible ,, I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things. '' . He is good and we are evil because of the original sin. And yes he intended it to be this way.
@Kimpa222 3 месяца назад
@@CappieBG so what exactly are we overcoming then? Something he created that way? Our nature is sinful because God created it that way, now how exactly is he "good" when he made us evil? Try to really understand what I'm saying, a kid born into a Muslim background is gonna be screwed no matter what cause it's not a matter of sharing the gospel, if a Muslim comes to preach to you to convert, you won't because, apparently, you know the truth, same thing goes for the muslims, they feel like we are living in lies and at the end of the day, they will end up in hell even if they lived a righteous life, all because God made us prone to indoctrination? These questions never bother you? You can decide to live in your God bubble all you want but the truth is, we can't say God is good, simple
@michaelmichael-ci8hi 8 дней назад
1980s: "self-esteem" movement 1990s: "self-made" movement 2000s: "self-help" movement 2010s: "believe in yourself" movement 2020s: "self-love" movement  it all stems from the pagan goddess called free will ......................
@rkol2729 4 месяца назад
In space, there is nothing to scatter light to our eyes 👀. Space is a deep void, so even though the sun is shining bright, blackness still surrounds it, because of the void.
@TreenighetMaranata 4 месяца назад
In a place like Hell/Gehenna where gnashing of teeth goes on because of such a severe torment forever, and where no relief exists! You can't even pass out in the severe pain and agony in that horrible, awful place! You will wish you were never born, made, you will want to die away from that horrible hell, but death never comes as a liberating release there! Many believe that death means that you cease to exist, but death in God's eyes is not that you cease to exist, but that you are existentially cut off from God's caring love/Holiness and blessing forever! The suffering in Hell is so hopelessly intense and strong that earthly life appears in comparison as the Kingdom of Heaven to the tormented! The knowledge for the tormented that one deserves Hell does not mean that one wants to, or prefer to be in that place of torment, moreover, forever!
@CappieBG 4 месяца назад
Let's trust the Bible instead and not make up our own doctrine shall we?
@TreenighetMaranata 4 месяца назад
@@CappieBG All is from God, and He let me see and experienced it!
@nitsujism 4 месяца назад
Why would an all loving god create such a place?
@TreenighetMaranata 4 месяца назад
@@nitsujism Are you aware that when Jesus absorbed/took upon himself the sins of mankind, that we all murdered Him? Many people think that they are so morally good, when we in ourselves in fact are not. Many deny that they had anything to do with Jesus' death on the Cross, this despite the fact that Jesus is the one who frees everyone who believes from the grip of our Inherited sin! Romans 10: 9, 10. ✝ This condition of our inheritance nailed Jesus to the Cross, and we can receive forgiveness, be forgiven for it, and also for all our other personal sins we committed during our lifetime on earth!
@nitsujism 4 месяца назад
@@TreenighetMaranata No, I don't buy any of that.
@truthseekers1620 4 месяца назад
i'm sure we read this verse God has consigned all to disobedience so he may show mercy. God is the savior of all mankind he makes vessels of honor and vessels of dishonor. ir is a demonstration of justice and mercy with the conclusion of all being saved in the end.
@qfranklin2777 3 месяца назад
If God forces his creatures to love him, that is not love and freewill wouldn't exist and it would tyrannical if God force us to love him and God isn't tyrannical, God is love and give choice.
@GSpotter63 3 месяца назад
Should those who will choose good not be made simply because there are those who would choose evil? If so then evil has already won.
@ValorantRivals 3 месяца назад
4:34 it’s just that the life people go through also impact the choices they make, so I’ve God put mother Theresa in a different situation. She would’ve became a different person and if Hitler was putting a different situation, he would’ve been a different person events and experiences we go through mold who we are which impact our decisions and the way we think. God could easily give everyone free, will, and choose who does and does not go through a harder times
@SunilFrancisGeorge 2 месяца назад
Jesus' statements: Jesus says, "The Son of Man will go just as it is written about him. But woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born" (Matthew 26:24). This implies both divine plan and human responsibility. The question "Was Judas created to betray Jesus?" is a complex theological issue that has been debated by scholars and theologians for centuries. The Biblical perspective on this matter is nuanced, and different Christian traditions may interpret it somewhat differently. Here's an overview of the key points: 1. Free will vs. predestination: The Bible generally supports the concept of human free will, meaning individuals are responsible for their choices. However, it also acknowledges God's sovereignty and foreknowledge. 2. Biblical accounts: The Gospels present Judas' betrayal as his own decision, though they also indicate Jesus was aware it would happen (e.g., Matthew 26:21-25). 3. Prophecy fulfillment: Some passages suggest Judas' actions fulfilled Old Testament prophecies (e.g., Psalm 41:9, Zechariah 11:12-13), which Jesus references (John 13:18). 4. Jesus' statements: Jesus says, "The Son of Man will go just as it is written about him. But woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born" (Matthew 26:24). This implies both divine plan and human responsibility. 5. Theological perspectives: - Some argue God used Judas' free choice to fulfill His plan. - Others suggest God foreknew but did not predetermine Judas' actions. - A minority view holds that Judas was predestined to betray Jesus. 6. Judas' motivation: The Bible doesn't definitively state why Judas betrayed Jesus, leaving room for various interpretations (e.g., greed, disillusionment, misguided attempt to force Jesus' hand). In conclusion, the majority Biblical interpretation does not support the idea that Judas was created specifically to betray Jesus. Instead, it presents a complex interplay between human free will and divine foreknowledge. The betrayal is generally seen as Judas' own choice, for which he is held responsible, while acknowledging God's ability to work through human actions to fulfill His purposes.
@realchurch2693 4 месяца назад
The bible shows several examples where God didn't know. He also changed his mind several times too.
@chereejohnson2400 4 месяца назад
@Charlydx21 4 месяца назад
You can also ask why did god make love the way it is? Like you can’t force someone to love you but god created that feeling. Like he’s saying that he can’t make you love him so why not erase that feeling as if it never existed. You can’t say there’s has to be love in the world but you’re only saying that because you know what love is already but if it didn’t exist from day 1 when god created the world then we would have no idea.
@TruthSeekerAll 4 месяца назад
What if Judas exercised his free will to NOT betray Jesus on that fateful day? Would the work of salvation been aborted since Judas made the right choice?
@TG070 4 месяца назад
The Jews already had planned to kill Jesus, with or without Judas in the picture.
@ronaldhart9457 4 месяца назад
Blasphemy, so God doesn't really save? God saves everyone he determined to save before the foundation of the world.
@joshgaston7839 4 месяца назад
The issue of it is explained in Genesis. Lest man eat from the tree of life and obtain immortality in his fallen sinful state. Believe it or not, God loves the unsaved that other unsaved ppl harm, kill, steal from, and destroy. To allow mankind to continue on immortally evil is unloving. His justice is also mercy. Taking unsaved ppl out of a possible perpetually evil hellscape of death and destruction.
@poleviatia5372 4 месяца назад
Truth be known, God did not give us freewill. Genesis 2v16.
@mercies4763 4 месяца назад
All he did was give a command. Just like a parent and a child you’re free to disobey, as shown by the fact Adam and Eve did disobey. As shown though you’re not free of the consequences.
@poleviatia5372 4 месяца назад
@@mercies4763 that is the problem. Everyone thinks that a command comes with an option. God gave Adam a command not an option. It was the enemy that gave Adam and Eve an option. That is why we were cursed with a will. People everywhere calls it freewill. Freewill is the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. What does the freewill consist of? Good and Evil. You go to an apple tree you expect to find apples, go to an lemon tree you expect to find lemons. So it is when when we go to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil we expect to find good and evil, what does the freewill consist of? Good and evil.
@JesusSavesJohn3verse16 3 месяца назад
John 3 verse 16 ^_^ please search the Gospel (Bible) all who read this. Your soul is far to precious to gamble in thinking there is no hell or need for salvation in The Lord Jesus Blessings friends ^_^
@stevevillareal1246 3 месяца назад
para sa akin ang mali ay ang salitang hell,maling pag kaintindi.apart from God is death not hell or forever turture.salamat po ki dr. tim mackie
@thirdmonkeyent 3 месяца назад
The lake of fire is also reserved for a certain time and certain group during revelation when Jesus returns and reigns over the earth for 1000 years. So not everyone who dies today just goes into a lake of fire. They do end up in a place absent of God, but the rejected wanting to BE with God, so like Frank says, God isn't going to force you into His presence against your will.
@tafm3446 4 месяца назад
If you read the news and find out the result of a race. Then you go home and watch that race. When to watch the recording knowing that your team will lose, have you caused the result? Can you change the result?
@toinedenteuling9864 4 месяца назад
We all know deep down inside that what true love is, doesn;t need force. Wether it's a song, a profession, a love for another person, don't we all feel and know that's the way to go to create energy? Do we really need to question that or read books about? God is that energy, he can't be an energy off force. Thank God for our free will.
@davidrobinson8949 4 месяца назад
I have a theory that is annoying me a little and it’s this , say that someone is living a life that will send him to hell , wouldn’t it be loving for God to simply say to that person “your doing things that will separate you from me , I’m not going to stop you because I love you as the creator of the universe I’m lovingly letting you know that you’d be better doing it my way “ that way the person can still choose whether to follow God or not or even why not give someone the option to repent after they die ? God would know whether their repentance is genuine or not wouldn’t he ? .
@gardengrrlWendy 4 месяца назад
I used to want that, too. I desperately wanted God to tell me if I was "okay," and going to heaven. What I finally learned was that I needed to read the Bible, which tells me if I'm on the right track or not. I've found this is one of the ways He communicates with us. Start with the book of John in the New Testament, and ask God to help you understand what you're about to read. Bless you.
@ProphecySocietyAtlanta 4 месяца назад
According to the First Commandment, man was created by God because God wanted us to love him. God knows that love cannot be coerced, it must be voluntary, so that is why he gave man free will, so that we could voluntarily choose to love HIm. Our free will is a gift from God, but it is limited to the span between birth and death.
@bowieupland6112 4 месяца назад
Telling someone that if they don't love them, they will torture them eternally, is the Epitome of Coercion. And if God forknew what was going to happen, then Free Will is an illusion. Your comment is irrational.
@SuperMrAndersen 4 месяца назад
God could create people loving voluntarily, following god voluntarily and with free will. God can do whatever he wants
@MMJ501 3 месяца назад
8:20 This context is romantic love. Not the love between mom and child or father and child. If God is our lover, this analogy makes perfect sense, not so much for as a Father
@andyknigth 4 месяца назад
Why do people confuse God's all knowing ability, with the free will he gave mankind (and all of his sentient creations). God is all knowing, he knows the result of all possible decision you would make, that's why humans have a free will to pick their own decisions! So all possibilities is know by he who lives forever.
@Loading....99.99 4 месяца назад
This is for all men - let's be honest, if you could create the perfect woman on this planet and give her the 'will to only love you', deep down you know if she had 'free will' she might show that she really doesn't love you but may choose to love another man of her liking.
@berane8909 3 месяца назад
It's unfortunate for those who never heard the gospel and those who heard but couldn't understand, and so God will judge them fairly even though they won't make it heaven. We have to understand that heaven is a gift not a reward. We can't earn eternal life. The angels did nothing to merit eternal life. It was simply God's choice. Jesus came to die not necessarily to give us eternal life but to rescue us from God's wrath, because there will be a day of retribution. Jesus did not merely take our punishment for us, he became the shepherd of our lives so that wherever he goes, we follow, in death and in life forever and ever. Therefore, according to his own promise, he will bring us to paradise.
@martelljhixson 3 месяца назад
Yes, Judas was made to betray. That’s not the only reason but it’s a major I’m one.
@kensutton6306 3 месяца назад
I sometimes wonder if Judas was actually Jesus best friend, and may have made the sacrifice for his soul and eternal reputation. Because someone had to take the silver.
@WizzRacing 4 месяца назад
Here is the deal. As it took me many years to see the small picture. 1/3rd of the Angels and Lucifer were kicked out of heaven for rebelling against him. So in order for God to judge them justly. He created Humans with the same free will to choose. This is why Lucifer spends all his time before God. Accusing him of being Unjust. Job is a good example. As it even says the Angels watch what we do. So that they may see Gods forgiveness. That they may know God judged the fallen ones rightly. So if you're betting on Gods forgiveness for rebelling against him. You are sadly mistaken. As even Lucifer knows his days are numbered. And he is using every excuse to avoid his punishment..
@ChristianVonWielligh 3 месяца назад
I can program my computer to give me honour and send me loving messages all day long. But that wouldn't mean anything, because it has no choice. If I want a true and meaningful relationship, I have to find someone who has a choice in the matter. If God didn't give us free will we would be like robots, or even worse, zombies, and there's no honour and glory for God in that.
@stephendavies2925 4 месяца назад
We must understand at the outset of any discussion, that Men are made in the image of God! The difficulty is men don't see it because of the blinding effect of sin! Without dealing with sin it is impossible to understand the things of God!
@JamesRichardWiley 4 месяца назад
That is the sound of cult indoctrination.
@SuperMrAndersen 4 месяца назад
Why god created sin??
@stephendavies2925 4 месяца назад
@@SuperMrAndersen Where there is freedom there is bound to be the possibility of rebellion! Men are god's with the power to choose their own destiny. Evil is the result of man's choice; All evil is the result of mens actions. To blame God is absurd, we are not animals. God commands that we love not only our neighbours, but also our enemies. He tells us to be like Him. But men refuse because of self interest. If men obeyed the commands of Christ, there would be no wars, no shortage, but they refuse! And say, why did God make it like this? When man has chosen it with his free will.
@princy._ 3 месяца назад
3:20, 12:30
@tripleb221 4 месяца назад
God knows every outcome of every choice made by every person. There are nearly an infinite number of outcomes. Simply put, God knows if you accept the sacrifice made by Jesus and you believe with all your heart that he died for you and in His suffering and death paid for your sins, you will be with Him in heaven. The thing is, YOU don't know the outcome so YOU have to do what is necessary to live eternally with God.
@Beencouraged777 4 месяца назад
So, because God gave us free will, it means he didn’t really want us saved? That is an assumption. Salvation is a free GIFT, and is not intended to be a forced idea. That is the truth.
@TheyHateTheTruth18 4 месяца назад
To be honest he didn’t answer the question. I myself question why God would create people He knows would go to hell. That’s the ONLY thing I think thats really messed up.
@piijay14 3 месяца назад
That just like asking 'was Humanity created to Sin? Were you created to lie? You have told lies! "Let us make man in our own image" Genesis 1:26
@thomaswerle4134 4 месяца назад
Jesus explained that a house divided against itself can not stand. In him making this declaration, I perceived that he was explaining why the kingdom couldn't be established in his first coming. He didn't force any apostles to follow him, they all had equal opportunity to learn from his teachings and his example. Jesus also warned that one can not have two masters and that to serve one will require you to betray the other.
@makeitcount179 4 месяца назад
Only God...is Absolutely FREE. Man is "free" in a limited sense in EVERY way and toward God, inherently, not FREE at all.
@gingercake0907 4 месяца назад
Man cannot and will never be God. Everything in the universe answers to God, period. Now there are consequences for not answering to God. God is perfectly in His right to judge people who don’t love Him and decide to reject Him. So now when you die you are going to find out who really runs the universe and it ain’t you. God is great and worthy to be praised. Moral of the story is you had better turn to God in this life or be eternally separated from Him in the next. It’s fair and just for people who deny Him in life to go where they won’t ever see Him in death. God will let you do what you want.
@darrenkoglin3423 4 месяца назад
Please show me in the Holy Scriptures where the creation of hell is i see the day of the creation of the heavens and the earth but there is no account of the creation of hell
@melindak6846 3 месяца назад
The hell has not been created for human beings but for Satan and the fallen angels. God has created a paradise for us. So why are you always thinking about the hell. Don't you want to choose the best way. He is just asking you to follow the right way but some people don't. They prefer to choose the wrong way and that way leads to eternal perdition. You're like a child whose parents have prepared a beautiful house, food, clothes and many beautiful things, but this child always wants to stay outside. So he is handed over to the thieves, bandits, murderers, etc... The devil is a thief, and a murder. God does not want to put you in the hell. The devil does. And if you don't submit to God then you are submitting to the devil who will drag you down to hell with him.
@IvanMartinez-ld5mx 4 месяца назад
Humans assume that this only happens to God. But God has also given laws to humanity and said to them " you will see that even if you have laws, many people will still choose a life of crime and to hurt their fellow man." And also I don't know of any parents that when holding a baby will know that in the future that baby grows up to become a serial killer. All parents hope for successful law abiding citizens. But in many instances children will choose a life of sin, and crime.
@dansilberstein326 4 месяца назад
What if hell has to exist in a post fall world. Like prefall everything was good, life was abundant etc. then after we have a dual natured system with good and evil, life and death, happiness and sorrow etc. maybe it’s like negative and positive on a battery or a magnet where in order for heaven to be blissful hell must be miserable. Not making any claims.
@yem.t.3930 4 месяца назад
Imagine people like Hitler and his colleagues getting a free pass in the after life after rejecting Jesus and doing all the horrible things they did. Definitely everyone needs justice so there will definitely be punishment in the afterlife.
@zachariemelanson485 4 месяца назад
A girl can't chose to love someone. They either do like them or they don't. In the same way, you cannot chose to believe in god. You either do or you don't. If you do, you cannot chose to stop believing, you would only be lying to yourself. Same goes for non believers. You can chose to look for him, but you do not chose whether you find him or not.
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