
Students who've been expelled from school, what happened? 

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28 сен 2024




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@AndrewSmoot 5 месяцев назад
Ah, schools and their "let's punish students for missing school by forcing them to miss more school!" seems logical.
@GrosvnerMcaffrey 5 месяцев назад
My kid brother got suspended he liked it
@Roadent1241 5 месяцев назад
I would have been so happy not being in that hellhole. Then they would have made me sleep there or something.
@princessmarlena1359 Месяц назад
@_ilikecupcakes_ 5 месяцев назад
"Boys will be boys" Thats the same as saying "boys will be always right" Also op did the right thing
@floproro4 5 месяцев назад
@Wolfie54545 5 месяцев назад
Who tf says “boys will always be right?” But ya, “boys will be boys” and “you were wearing that clothes” Ah yes so now we encourage men to not be able to control themselves like literal animals.
@SpencerMckenithWilliams 5 месяцев назад
That is a cop out people use to justify bad behavior from boys, usually by girls. I hate when people say that. Society is collapsing just by its refusal to hold women accountable. A one week old baby girl being held responsible for the poor choices of a of model is one such instance. Ain't even a full year old already blamed for her mother's poor choices. It's irresponsible for people to throw that out there to excuse unwanted advances which let's call it out for what it is. Unwanted. This is just sad. Yes there are those directly victimized but that sets off a catastrophic chain of events that'll eventually affect us all. Too many girls are too accommodating to bad boys, from the mothers to the triad princesses. People need to stop using the boys will be boys moniker to justify unwanted advances by boys who refuse to adhere to any level of boundaries from anyone. In the same coin, people also need to stop using it to victimize boys by hinting that they're p®€d@to®$ by default simply for being born a male. Or keep feeding that divide. Girls continuing to treat innocent guys like enemies because of the f#©k boys they're attracted to, and guys boycott girls entirely and just walk away. I've said my peace. I'm part of the 64% of guys that the pew research center reported to essentially be just done with women. No relationship, not even a platonic nor familial one, No marriage and refuse to contribute to an ungrateful society and a fascist government system, all willing to dï€ on that hill we stand on alone on our two feet. This is the way and that 64% is increasing rapidly. it was 63% in 2023. Y'all best get it together while you can salvage what's left. "Boys will be boys." Ladies and simp nĪ¢¢@§, sexist or not, stop using this as a cop out. It just creates more victims.
@oniemployee3437 2 месяца назад
Normally boys will be boys, but I don't think it applies here. To play devil's advocate, I do think the teacher(s) didn't know the extend of the harassment.
@JakeyzPlayz Месяц назад
Boys will be boys and girls will be girls. That wasn’t a boy, that was a little piece of crap. (I wish I could say worse)
@Bobslayer20000 5 месяцев назад
Undersparked, if you’re being held against your will and forced to read stories from reddit, say the word “banana” twice in the next video.
@mannys9130 5 месяцев назад
You kidding? He's laughing all the way to the bank! Can't imagine a gig as good as spending a couple hours every other day reading the stories that other people did the work writing out for you, which are accessible on a free and wildly popular website. The hardest part is editing, which isn't that hard for this video style. No face cam on this channel so it's just gameplay background and captioning. 🤷🏼‍♂️ The investment of a mic, editing software, and a small anechoic booth to record in is the only capital needed for this type of channel.
@buzzaboo 5 месяцев назад
hearing "i got suspended for not showing up to classes" seems funny. like isn't that just making the problem worse
@llamawalrushybrid 2 месяца назад
4:00 Really glad you were on OP's side, narrator.. I was worried you'd say he was too harsh or something.
@thebest12123 4 месяца назад
I got in trouble because I was “making fun of someone.” I was quietly sitting at the lunch table and the people around me were. I hate all of this kids I was sitting at the table with. Except one because he didn’t do anything and was nice
@doommakerm6563 5 месяцев назад
I used to get suspended all the time back in elementary school due to the vice principal at the time. The vice principal had it out for people who showed really any signs of mental disabilities or other things. Due to that i had alot of situations involving him cause he honestly especially had it out for me even when i left class to cool down (i was allowed to due to having an iep that stated that) but because he didn't care he would either give suspensions or in school suspensions to me all the time whether justified or not my teacher was similar causing me to be suspended quite often in all honesty it happened often enough that i nesrly got expelled due to the issues i had with the vice principal and honestly i couldn't do much about it but i luckily was able to get to middle school before i did get expelled
@animesenpai1163 3 месяца назад
The little sister one made me so mad... If I were him I would've done the same.
@kelsiismirliesmusic 5 месяцев назад
Our VP interrogated me (light shone in my face and everything) because apparently someone drew male genitalia on a whiteboard in sharpie in a science lab that I had been in earlier in the day. Was asked if I saw anyone draw on the board, I said no. VP then tried to tell me I was a liar cause another student said I saw them write their name on the board - I pointed out that writing and drawing are not the same thing... he didn't like that. My mom went full momma bear mode when she found out. Same VP tried to dress code me for a rip in my jeans because I fell when walking to school. Rip was in my knee and also covered in blood from my skinned knee. Told me it was inappropriate because it was "easy access"... a hole in the knee of my jeans was "easy access." Told me to walk home and change and then come back. My walk was 45 minutes so I told him I wouldn't be walking back. Probably comes as no surprise that this guy was nicknamed "McDick."
@Mezclado 5 месяцев назад
I got expelled from a Christian school in 8th grade (2019) for beating another student up after he called me the n-word, I don’t know what happened if he received punishment as well, but he probably didn’t since this was his 2nd time and the first time he was reported he didn’t get in trouble.
@Kirbylord76 5 месяцев назад
A few days ago, some kid said the word to my face. (Im half black). he said he "had the pass". Im not quit sure how to feel, because he's usually a pretty chill dude.
@Mezclado 5 месяцев назад
​@@Kirbylord76 no such thing as a pass
@princessmarlena1359 Месяц назад
Christian schools are the worst. Justifying incompetence and corruption behind the name of God.
@lucealmorningstar587 2 месяца назад
I got expelled so many times i had to be homeschooled.
@princessmarlena1359 Месяц назад
@James_Irish 5 месяцев назад
Never got suspended for it, but the older student who touched my older sister inappropriately was dumb enough to do it in front of me. I was always clumsy, but thankfully, when I tripped into him when he was at the top of a two level staircase, he broke my fall. And both his arms. And nose. And he had this weird bruise on his throat, stomach and chest. It was strange. He looked more like a 16 year old who just had the crap knocked out of him by the 12 year old brother of the girl he had groped and was shoved down a flight of stairs. Well, at least after that freak accident that followed my tripping, nobody messed with my sister. And the school had cameras in all the stairwells within the month.
@theemoturtle7002 5 месяцев назад
For people who are curious like I was, Satan Blood has a power level of 800,000 on the scoville scale, and to put that into reference, a jalapeno is only 4,000, and a ghost pepper hits 1,001,304. It's not the worst, but it will make you wanna die on the toilet later 😂
@HeavenLeahSky 5 месяцев назад
I kicked an aid in the face. The teachers picked me up after I got upset that my teacher wouldn't tell me which math book I needed for the lesson.
@hopie5272 5 месяцев назад
In elementary school I got suspended because some dumb ass kid stab my arm with a pencil
@SpringsAnimations-mh6zx 5 месяцев назад
Oo nice I’m early I don’t have a good comment to make tho :(
@codm22712 5 месяцев назад
Bruh some of theses op need to chill
@sunnybee91 5 месяцев назад
I got expelled for being an " extremely difficult" student, because i have Dyscalculia. I worked so hard trying to understand math, but i was labeled "Unteachable". I consistently tested off the charts in all my other subjects. But Math was just not happening in my brain. This eventually led to a teacher making fun of me in class, and her son hit me in the face with a math book, yelling "Do you get it now, R***rd?" I snapped and beat him up, thus "proving" the allegations that i was a "problem child" and a "troubled Youth". Now days i'm doing pretty decent in life, I'd like to think.
@pikapixel0229 5 месяцев назад
i’m currently being tested for discalculia, as i already have some math learning disorder and we’re trying to label it
@sunnybee91 5 месяцев назад
@@pikapixel0229 I genuinely hope they find a label for it, because one you have a name for it, you then know how to work with your brain. I hope you get your answers soon!
@availanila 5 месяцев назад
I hope you know, for your benefits that is ableism. A lot of children with learning difficulties, learning disabilities and other disabilities get treated exactly like this including siccing "flying monkeys" to attack you (the special needs learner). I'm sorry you went through this. I grew up seeing this happen around me (I was in an inclusive school smh), happened to me, and when I started working it was rampant and almost all of the cases we handled yet knew we weren't even helping 1% of the cases out there. 😢
@sunnybee91 5 месяцев назад
@@availanila Thank you for your kind words! It didnt really click for me until I was older just how messed up that was. I remember my mother yelling at the principal over it. Thabk you for your work. If you can help even one child, then I would say you are living a life of honor.
@kiraaisling9603 5 месяцев назад
Yeah teachers are so mean to neurodivergent kids and I can’t understand why. I was bullied to su!c!de and none of the teachers did anything. I dropped out in 6th grade and haven’t been back to public school since I’m 17 and have never actually met a teenager in real life.
@mindyschocolate 5 месяцев назад
S1: that’s a good brother. I wonder if the guy ever apologized to the teacher. Not too late to find him thanks to social media.
@BoxOKittens 5 месяцев назад
I wasn't actually expelled but several teachers and a truckload of students wanted me expelled. The reason? I was a lesbian. That's it. I didn't cause trouble or do anything bad, just was open with my friends about being a lesbian and word spread like wildfire. This was the very early 00's.
@OtakuSapien 2 месяца назад
Same thing happened in my school. A kid was openly bi in 2006 and kids thought he should be kicked out for being a creep bc he asked a popular boy to dance with him and a school dance. Pretty sure the popular kid didn't even mind (may have even said yes to be nice, iirc?), it was his friends that were upset
@eldermorpheus3713 5 месяцев назад
I got expelled, but then I got my principal fired and myself unexpelled much to the surprise of the whole school. I’ll tell the story if yall are interested ❤
@dldropper83 5 месяцев назад
I'm interested
@pooperpants800 5 месяцев назад
Tell the story
@DDAS_INSANE 5 месяцев назад
im dying to hear it
@beetlejuice3x309 5 месяцев назад
He's lying everyone, he fishing for likes
@landon2plants 5 месяцев назад
Very interested
@japanesejackalope 5 месяцев назад
I got detention because my belt broke and I couldn’t get a replacement. My school had a strict dress code. Funny enough a boy punched me in the face (I’m a girl with glasses) and nothing happened to him outside of a talk with the principal. To this day I assume it’s because either the principal was too soft (the kid had anger issues and it wasn’t the first time he had been in trouble) or it was because I’m black. I’m the type of person who goes out of my way to avoid confrontation and I’ve always had anxiety so getting in trouble for a BELT really pissed me off. That school was awful.
@TheRealBlazingDiamond 5 месяцев назад
How does a belt break?
@LibraryofAcousticMagic3240 5 месяцев назад
@@TheRealBlazingDiamond If it's made out of cheap material it might get cracked and then break. Usually a sign of poor quality (so the school probably had it coming imo)
@Wendy_O._Koopa 5 месяцев назад
@@TheRealBlazingDiamond LOL How does _anything_ break? By being cheap, or misused, or a combination of both, or time plus normal wear and tear... is clothing invincible where you come from?
@japanesejackalope 5 месяцев назад
@@TheRealBlazingDiamond It was a cheap crappy belt from Walmart and the adhesive keeping the buckle together came apart. I had trouble finding belts my size because everyone who attended middle school around here has to wear a uniform with a belt so I didn’t have many options unfortunately since a lot of them had been bought up.
@TheRealBlazingDiamond 5 месяцев назад
@@japanesejackalope ah, that makes more sense. Sorry, it's just because I couldn't see how it could come undone on accident because I have never had a belt break on me lol, but if it has to do with adhesive, then that makes a lot more sense
@timehunter9467 5 месяцев назад
Yeah, I got suspended for almost choking a guy out after he called me a slur towards my disability. He called me it once before and I gave a very stern warning to never call me that again (I don’t tolerate it at all) in front of a member of staff, so they had ample warning, obviously he called it me again and I saw red.
@S3IIL3CT 5 месяцев назад
he probably didnt do it a third time
@timehunter9467 5 месяцев назад
@@S3IIL3CT He never said a word to me ever again, totally worth it.
@That_Furry_Star 5 месяцев назад
I got suspended twice. First time was for “rEfUsInG tO fOlLoW iNsTrUcTiOnS”, aka refusing to go back to class without my crutches that I somehow managed to forget in the classroom. I had a broken ankle, and I told the teachers that I would happily return to class if one of the staff could retrieve my crutches for me. They offered to have a student do it, but the only two people there that did not either stalk, bully, or harass me were absent, and I did not feel comfortable with bullies who constantly tried to steal my crutches to be in charge of a medical necessity. Second time, it was for “aGrEsSiOn AnD vIoLeNcE”, which would have been fair, but all I did was throw a soccer ball back at the person who was continually aiming it at my face. They landed 5-6 blows before I did this and had no consequences. Bonus mention, the teacher witnessed some asshat call my (lesbian) friend THE F SLUR. What did they do? ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING. I would’ve punched them, but that would lead to a third suspension and an expulsion. I carry the entire Pacific Ocean worth of salt for these things. Edit: Moral of the story, don’t enroll your kids in Eschola Concept, São Paulo City, Brazil. It’s be bullied or be a bully there, not to mention shoving kids aged 3 to 15 in the same campus. The counselor also yells at you if you refuse to sit at a table with people who make your life hell. Brazilians are friendly, but the middle schoolers sure as fuck aren’t nice.
@m310grass 5 месяцев назад
I don’t think middle schoolers are nice anywhere it’s a difficult age
@okXD569 5 месяцев назад
Nice teachers = good students why can’t all teachers get it
@crystalcastle5910 5 месяцев назад
Cause some teachers just want to control people. I’ve had first hand experience. It sucks.
@thisisavivistanaccount7866 5 месяцев назад
not always. Some kids can be given all the support in the world and they just suck for other reasons
@m310grass 5 месяцев назад
Probably because some kids tried to take advantage of niceness and the teacher snapped and never recovered there niceness
@oniemployee3437 2 месяца назад
Fuck no. A multitude of these stories have shown that a good number of students are still assholes regardless of teacher input.
@Blazewolf000 5 месяцев назад
haven't gotten suspended or expelled yet, but my friend got suspended for something extremely stupid. so they were in high school french class, and in this high school some classes have you put your phone up for the duration of class (like a hanging thing at the front of the class.) so there was an annoying kid who kept setting timers on his phone one day, and when the first timer went off, the teacher understandably asked that whoever's phone that was turned it off. my friend obviously didn't think it was theirs, but went up anyways, only to find it was. later in the class, he was listening to music with bluetooth earbuds, only to hear "timer set for 2 minutes." he looked up and saw the annoying kid, then went up to disable the timer, and after sitting back down, the kid grabbed his phone, looked my friend straight in the eye, and said "set a timer for two minutes." friend obviously gets upset, stands up and gives like half a shove, to which the kid freaks out and stumbles back pretending he was just launched across the room. teacher obviously sees and they get sent to the office with a couple of kids as eyewitnesses. my friend tends to be the quiet type, and the other kid is the loud obnoxious high schooler type who somehow still has friends. so their in the office, friend tells his side, other kid tells their side, and obviously the annoying kid has their friends back them up, so my friend gets suspended for a week. he later told me that if he knew he would get suspended, he would've just decked the kid because "it's not worth it to get suspended over something so small." not a crazy story, I know, but it is something so I figured I'd share. the school also has a "mutual combatance" policy, so if you get attacked you better just take it or you get in trouble too. I wish I would've coaxed the people who gave me trouble into hitting me so I could've gotten them suspended at least.
@gabrielsfilms2086 5 месяцев назад
uh I got a detention (yes I know not the prompt) for punching (barely, I always pull my punches even when I don't mean to, which is so annoying btw) cause he was consistently being an ah, and I was having a REALLY shit day and I had dropped my papers and he was laughing then later I got suspended because they brought in a person who they KNEW gave me panic attacks and when I tried to run (they had *cornered me*) I thew water in her face, which apparently also deserved being physically restrained (thanks a fucking lot for that trauma) and a suspension
@malice6081 5 месяцев назад
13:49 also zero tolerance, makes fights worse. If you’re going to get in trouble for defending yourself, why not go all out.
@Lily_of_the_Forest 5 месяцев назад
Very sad to read about kids being afraid to tell their parents anything. What kind of crappy parents are they?
@Blazewolf000 5 месяцев назад
unfortunately I feel like not telling parents about your sh*t is a common thing. maybe you feel like they won't understand, or you worry what they'll think. you get to hear your parents voice their opinions a lot, so if you think your reality might not line up with their opinions, you likely just won't say anything. a good example of this would be if a parent says that therapists are just wacks who are payed to give an opinion, or that mental health isnt real, you likely wouldn't feel safe to go to them about anything mental health related. not to mention, if you ever have any small thing that makes you fear your parents, you might never want to trust them with something again.
@Roadent1241 5 месяцев назад
I was shrugged at until a decade later I had physical bruises and bits of wicker basket in my hair haha. And my dad's a former teacher.
@TrunkyDunks 5 месяцев назад
I got suspended and nearly expelled my senior year of high school. I wasn't the greatest kid, saw the principle a lot for skipping class or showing up late. Nothing serious. The vice principal was a very angry man who started screaming at me over basically nothing....he screamed "go to the counselor! NOW!". I just said in return "should I grab a counselor for you too? Seems like you could use one". 😂😂😂
@User_FoxyFurry 5 месяцев назад
Not first Saying first is dumb AF
@_ilikecupcakes_ 5 месяцев назад
@User_FoxyFurry 5 месяцев назад
@ShowierData9978 5 месяцев назад
You are the second, so true! (i generally go to the oldest lmao)
@User_FoxyFurry 5 месяцев назад
@@ShowierData9978 and
@SpeedUpThatComputer 5 месяцев назад
The video title is about being expelled not being suspended. Most of the stories are suspensions.
@elizabethcox5911 4 месяца назад
But it was a close call on a lot of them.
@clover3230 3 месяца назад
Idk if you heard in the intro, it also said suspended
@thespudlord686 3 месяца назад
Pay attention He said suspended or expelled
@therealcheesequeen 5 месяцев назад
i never got expelled, but i got a girl expelled. do yall want the story? edit: GUYS 5 LIKES IS ENOUGH - ok so in i think 6th grade there was this one girl who would always get on everyones nerves for some reason. she was just so mean and so annoying and she had little to no friends. i felt bad for her and at one point i was friends with her. anyway, one time she was rizzing someone up and the next day i was too 💀. she got maddd pissed at the fact i "copied" her. after i did that, she slapped me HARD. like red hand print on my face kinda hard. it hurt rly bad and as a little 6th grader i started to cry and told my friends what happened. one of my friends told on her to the teacher and the teacher pulled her out into the hall and was talking to her. there were rumors that the girl called the teacher a "fat b*tch" and so thats apparentlt how she got expelled. GUYS IK ITS NOT THAT JUICY BUT THATS THE REAL STORY AND SO IN SHORT: I GOT HER EXpELLED BC I RIZZED SOMEONE UP WITH MY W RIZZ
@ChrissyBae 5 месяцев назад
@okXD569 5 месяцев назад
How it goes you get sent to the office, you get detention/in school suspension you get expelled
@nattyluvshellokitty 3 месяца назад
I was a cheerleader and we had frequent squad sleepovers. One sleepover, someone brought a bottle and a few of us shared it, including me. I wasn’t really used to being drunk, and sort of had a meltdown. I remember crying and hurting myself, then yelling at the girl helping me get cleaned up. Someone told their parents, who told the school. Of course, everyone including myself said I was the one who drank too much and reacted very badly, but everyone who had even a sip was suspended from cheering at games for a few weeks. I still feel mortified just thinking about that incident.
@princessmarlena1359 Месяц назад
My high school had drinking, smoking, and drugs. We were pretty secretive about it. Snitches get stitches, especially in an all girl catholic school.
@yeeteducation 2 дня назад
When I use the school bathroom, if I see, hear, or smell anything suspicious, I report it to the school and they get expelled or suspended.
@Kall_me_Kait 5 месяцев назад
I dont have a story, i just feel like story 10 was some Percy Jackson level crap. How did a 13 yr old manage to beat an 18 yr old's butt!?
@thespudlord686 3 месяца назад
It's called hormones and rage
@ORI_ginal_ 5 месяцев назад
Story 14 bully was only in the VP TWICE?!?! Ive been in there at minimun 60 time. (I'll tell my worst story at 100 likes)
@itt2055 5 месяцев назад
I got expelled for being dyslexic, this was before dyslexia was officially recognised, so they just classified me as being lazy and too stupid to be at school. I was 15 and had taken all my exams verbally up until that point because the education department changed the rules. Since then, I have had multiple iq tests and multiple knowledge tests that have placed me in the top 1% worldwide for intelligence and knowledge. I still can't write without the help of spellcheck and a computer and I can't do maths but at least I know that all my teachers and my states education department were wrong.
@DE2X618 5 месяцев назад
one time in p.e. me to one of my friends: what’s your favorite basketball move? friend: *says basketball move* me: mines the ball buster *hits friend in nuts* got suspended for a weeks for this
@Taynty 5 месяцев назад
@_ilikecupcakes_ 5 месяцев назад
@User_FoxyFurry 5 месяцев назад
@softie_preppy5625 5 месяцев назад
@ShowierData9978 5 месяцев назад
your first
@mizukittyakinyama 5 месяцев назад
@easternwoyer3876 3 месяца назад
Imagine almost getting expelled for giving a teacher a black eye, by accident to
@SqmButBetter 5 месяцев назад
im so mad at that one where a literal adult beat up a 13 year old near to death from choking and NOTHING happened?!
@m310grass 5 месяцев назад
The 18 year old was beat up by the 13 year old wrestling coach/school cop put 13 year old in chokehold to restrain him
@BakuganChampion 4 месяца назад
In Middle School, I got suspended because I said writing sucks. The day I got suspended, I was battling sickle cell anemia. And my school had expected me to come in when I was clearly sick. I did and got suspended after. In High School, I got suspended for usually skipping class to read books at the library. They got tired of telling me to go back to class😂😂😂😂
@princessmarlena1359 Месяц назад
Just for saying “writing sucks”? Where did you go to school, North Korea? Or Iran?
@AutisticBearLover 5 месяцев назад
My little brother almost got expelled for breaking a 4th graders arm (he was in like 6th grade), until we found out that little shit 4th grade pulled down our 1st grade sister’s underwear during recess. He just got a warning and the little brat was pulled out because his mom was scared either me or my brother would hurt him worse.
@thespudlord686 3 месяца назад
I have autism, and I was suspended at least 3 times for standing up for myself cause nobody would Like, I had the absolute shit beat out of me to where the admin couldn't get me to make sense out of what was happening, so they went by the cameras, unfortunately they didn't ever look at what led up to the beating Needless to say, I scared the admin at the end of my senior year following that last one and at least 3 members resigned
@princessmarlena1359 Месяц назад
Good for you on standing up for yourself. Schools are useless.
@redfailhawk 5 месяцев назад
The one about bathroom stalls... I was given two days of ISS in grade five because someone wrote my name on a bathroom stall door. I not only didn't do it, but I got in trouble for it, and it was a religious private elementary school and no one except the bus driver (who also worked as a cleaner) believed it wasn't me. She knew I wasn't lying because I was good friends with her son and hung out with him in the mornings before school. Despite her protests, I still got ISS. Thanks, anyways, Ms. P. You were awesome.
@mannys9130 5 месяцев назад
A lot of times, management needs someone to blame. Anyone. It doesn't matter who it is, as long as it has a shred of plausibility and brings the issue to a close for them. It was your name, and they needed to do something to show the students that graffiti would be punished. Ms. P. knew you didn't do it, but so did everyone else. They just didn't care enough about punishing an innocent student compared to the shitstorm that would snowball into existence if they did nothing about it because they couldn't figure out the actual culprit. 🤷🏼‍♂️ You were a textbook, CLASSIC scapegoat. Sorry to hear it. :(
@reaganbryant6520 5 месяцев назад
Was expelled for giving another kid back a pipe before school off of school property. Suspended twice once for being hit by a girl and walking away, zero tolerance so even though she walked up behind me and punched me without warning and i just walked away i was suspended for 3 days, other time a guy 2 years younger was telling people he slept with my female friend after school the day before but funnily enough me and her left school early and had pictures going an hour away to party. Told him to stop lying and as i turned to walk away he hit me, so i proceeded to beat him up he would hit the ground then when i let him up try to hit me again, this was in the middle the school hallway, this happened for about 3 or 4 minutes. Finally he stayed down and i walked to class. 3 hours later i am being suspended for fighting no school for a week and people learned that rumors about me from other schools were true.
@ArthropodJay Месяц назад
I had been severely bullied for years at that point by one kid, "mick" (fake name). It had gotten to the point where he had turned the whole school against me...but i finally snapped when he made my friend accuse me of horrid shit. I did not handle it well and threatened to beat his ass to the pavement and that i was sick of his shit...this was AFTER the counsiler had several 'meetings' with him where i was made to apologize to HIM for HIS behavior...needless to say, school was going to suspend me for 2 weeks and let mick go without punishment...my parents were so pissed because it was clear to them it was just a boiling point after years of horrible bullying, they pulled me out of the school and i went to online school
@sarahackermann2399 10 дней назад
I got suspended in 3rd grade for "disruptive and defiant behavior." The behavior? Refusing to agree that 2x3 = 5, correcting the teacher, and then drawing out 5 lines and 2 groups of 3 lines to support my argument. My father took the wind out of the administration's sails by saying, "If refusing to say wrong is right is defiant, I don't want an obedient child." I had a week of in school suspension. It was my first day of grade 3, and that set the tone lol
@albertwong1182 19 дней назад
My story isn’t quite the same as the others, but I got expelled from a Sunday Chinese language school in Orange County, CA while I was 12. The school had a “school olympics” in which classes face each other in all sorts of athletic competition. However, I was recovering from knee surgery and had a doctor’s note stating that I cannot participate. My teacher and the parents of the other kids though, despite seeing me in crutches as recently as two weeks earlier, stated that since I could walk, I can participate. I tried reasoning with them but they refused to hear it. So I threatened that if they made me participate, I will intentionally lose by not trying hard because my doctor told me to stay away from physical activity. The teachers and parents still didn’t care and forced me to participate. I then followed through on my threat by refusing to go at full speed on the three events that they signed me up for (running long jump, tug-of-war, and marathon). Obviously my class lost, but they all blamed me for it despite my knee condition. They demanded an apology, but I was so angry that I told them that they should apologize to me for ignoring my knee condition. One of the parents then put her hands on me in an attempt to pull me off to the side and give me a scolding, but I immediately swiped her hands away, then put my finger in her face and warned her not to do that again. I was expelled from the language school the following week. To this day, I am still somewhat angry over what transpired that day. If I ever run into those teachers or parents again, I will gladly tell them that I would do the same thing. My knee condition is more important than some inconsequential competition.
@BBYNANNA 14 дней назад
I got suspended 3 times in elementary school. First time I stole a parents phone on a field trip ( I was playing a game on it and they feel asleep and forgot they let me borrow it when they woke up) second time time was for dancing like a stripper (fully clothed) and the last time a asked me to fight. I said no right until they hit me and I beat the heck out of them. In high school for 2 years I got forever detention for ditching daily
@Wendy_O._Koopa 5 месяцев назад
19:00 Not school, but the frichen library banned me for "hacking" their computers one time. Get this, it was for *_an even stupider reason than OP's story._* I had brought in a 3.5 inch floppy disk (1.44 MB storage space... actually it's 720KB x 2 sides, but whatever), to copy jpegs or other files off the internet because I didn't want to pay 10¢ per page to print them out. Also, I didn't want to have to explain this obscure game "Ocarina of Time" that I was looking up all these pictures and/or FAQs for. Anyhow, the librarian saw me and flipped her lid, because it was the nineties, and apparently just using the disk drive at all meant you were _hacking!_ But the strangest part is, no one ever corrected her, I got a real ban with a formal letter sent to my house claiming that I had "hacked" the public library's computer's. If permanent records were a real thing, that would actually be on there.
@Tobias_da_silly_billy 5 месяцев назад
I’ve gotten suspended before, ⟟ was having worse mental issues then normal but no one really knew bc ⟟ hid it. ⟟ had gotten so addicted to s/h that ⟟ was planning on it in the school bathroom but ⟟ pussied out, ⟟ was in an after school club and while there ⟟ was gotten into a little fight with my friend (verbal). Later on we were called to the room of the teacher who ran this club, ⟟ had a swiss army knife and was messing with the screwdriver in my pocket when the teacher was just about to let us go. ⟟ had been suspended indefinitely and almost expelled (the knife was 2 in but the rule was 2.5) when we had ⏃ meeting w/ the super attendant and other “important” ppl (like my principal and who not) the attendant had said and ⟟ quote “it was ⏃ knife this time, but next time it could been ⏃ gun”, ⟟ am ⏃ mixed (Hispanic) 4’9 TRANSMASC WITH NO ACCESS TO GUNS???? It was extremely disgusting to us when my stepmother was related to someone that had passed in ⏃ school shooting. Long story short be careful and take care of yourselfs,
@markday4215 2 месяца назад
I was not expelled but I was in my junior year of high school and they invited me not to return until the next school year. I had discovered a flaw in their new registration system. They refused my class selections for a variety of reasons. I put the computer punch cards (long time ago, obviously) in my pocket and randomly signed up for whatever crap classes they would allow. Then when asked in the classes I wanted if anyone had not been called out as class members I'd pull out the punch card and say "my card is right here". They'd say I screwed up and write me into their book. After an entire semester my parents were called and I had a meeting with them and the dean of students over my skipping all my classes. My mother looked at me and said "you told me you've been attending classes!" I said I had been. Suddenly you could see the light bulb go on over her head and she asked what classes I'd been attending. I gave them the list and they started calling in the teachers. After the third teacher that said "Oh, yeah, good student, excellent grades!" I was asked not to return. So I got my parents to sign and joined the Navy instead of going back.
@Oye_Gallard 5 месяцев назад
UnderSparked at 20:20 i can completely understand OP and to be honest i can share OP happiness because i had a highschool principal who was and old entitled grizzly butt who was also teach statistic and probability and showing off how casinos had him in a black list because of his genius in numbers who would always beat the house, this same old fart enjoyed putting students to humiliation and abusing his power, giving bad grades because they didnt like them or vice versa, giving injured students difficult exersices or tasks only to worse the injury and prove that "it wasnt that bad" a friend and i had to stand up and tell him that a female student leg cast wasnt a prank and she was going to get worse because he forced her to stand in the injured leg, expelled a friend who knew first aid and was a ERUM volunteer (Medical Urgency Rescue Squadron in Mexico city, he was older than us, long story) because some dumb students hit the back of their heads pretty hard on concrete playing rough and passed out, other students kept filling their mouths with toilet papaer so they wouldnt bite their tounges or smth but they were choking those poor kids so my friend saved their lives and this old swamp troll suspended him for more than 2 weeks, school took credit for "taking care of injured kids". I Was in absolute happiness when in the fb school page announced he passed away
@ExSharkV 5 месяцев назад
In seventh grade I had been sitting on a table in a technology/shop class and one of my classmates kicked me in the back of the neck/head causing me to fall off the table. So I retaliated by whipping my 5-subject 5-Star notebook (the kind with a sturdy plastic front cover) at the kid's face point-blank. Catching him in the eye with the corner leaving him with permanent damage. I was initially given a 3-day suspension however due to several other things done and said that day, my parents pulled me out of that school that day and had me transferred to the other junior high school in our town. The school I transferred to decided to not uphold the suspension so I more-or-less wasn't punished for the incident. I don't consider being pulled out of that first school by my parents a punishment.
@Moon-a-Stan-Fan 4 месяца назад
Story one: The brother did what had to be done. I would do the same. Don't. Mess. With. My. Siblings. Idc if I get hurt too.
@sistermadrigalmorning233 4 месяца назад
My bff had a boy stick his hand down her pants backstage at a spring school choral performance as a jr in high school. She went home and told her mom who, furious, went into school the next day reporting the assault. They interviewed the boy and he said it was consensual. They said "it's a he said, she said" and by "policy" they had to expel both of them for being sexually inappropriate at a school event. Infuritiates me because if she'd not told anyone about the assault, she would have been allowed to stay in school and graduate with us, so she literally was expelled for reporting her assault. She eventually got her diploma from adult education, but missed senior year with us.
@Cpt-Pugwash14 5 месяцев назад
I took a wizz in the sink in the washroom, kid snitched on me and the school janitor made me clean the sink :(..... another kid mailed a envelope full of baking soda to the school, this was during the Anthrax scare time, the police and hazmat people came to the school
@sonyatheforestgaurdian3152 5 месяцев назад
I am a transgender student with a problem with my ribs. Basically my ribcage is trying to open up due to my sternum not developing correctly. From Preschool to Softmore year of College I atended very conservative evangelical christian schools because my parents belived that private schools gave better schooling than public schools. Start of 2nd semester of my college Softmore year I was suspended for a week wearing a sports bra . I was wearing it because the medical brace was too expensive because US health care and was a cheap alternative my GP suggested due to bearly making tuition paymentsas is. Transphobic Student Life director overlooked the medical need for thr sports bra and suspended me for violating biblical values and wearing women's clothes. 2 months later the same school admin found out I'm transgender and made a case for me to be expelled for violating Christian and biblical values along with gender related policies in the student handbook. Admin at a community college I applied to laughed it off and have been very helpful since. They're now helping me as I'm working on transferring from the community college to one of UC San Diego's engineering programs.
@Velaroz 4 месяца назад
The first story's conclusion is part of why they actually tell teachers to not get in the way of fights. Especially if you are not prepared to do it right. Especially if you're trying to go in alone to do it. Someone clearly enraged and just as big as you needs at least 2-3 people of a similar weight class to more safely haul off another person. More if they're on stimulants, steroids, or otherwise.
@jayvarela3200 5 месяцев назад
I did get suspended when I was a kid like 13 I did something stupid and hung out the wrong people I took weed to school tried to trade it got in trouble, took drug test, and probation. The most recent thing was me dropping out, I struggle with getting up early and the school I went was a early start and off early as well so I went back to there about 3 times which I admit is pretty bad on my part but I have a insomnia disorder but that doesn’t excuse my lacking of persistence. I got called into the office to talk with the principal and she asked me if I knew the definition of insanity was and I said no cause wtf and she told me and said it remind her of me trying to graduate from her school and that this wasn’t helping me and maybe I should try something else. I hated myself after that conversation and I still do but I’m on online high school trying to figure it out.
@Snakelover131 5 месяцев назад
I basically got expelled because the school had no idea how to deal with me. I had some emotional problems and when something upset me I sat in a corner and cried. The school expelled me after one month.
@chipproductions1510 4 месяца назад
Fun fact! Mass punishment (in certain contexts) is a war crime!
@oniemployee3437 2 месяца назад
But this isnt a war setting so it doesn't count.
@Beingahumanisntveryfun 2 месяца назад
School isn’t a war
@WillyC300 5 месяцев назад
Got expelled in middle and high school, currently have a REAL diploma I got in Juvenile Detention which I can honestly say had a far better school system than the actual school system, I was always a very pronounced troublemaker and even got busted with drugs but the straw that broke the camels back was a threat of violence to another student (not the entire school).
@thespudlord686 3 месяца назад
The fact that you specified all this means you've had to explain it before, and had to deal with people twisting your story
@princessmarlena1359 Месяц назад
Happened to a friend of one of my brothers.
@blackosprey2219 5 месяцев назад
My brother got detention in middle school for arguing that the gender pay gap existed more as a consequence of different life priorities, not due to sexism. He went to the principal's office and argued his case so well that the detention was dropped and the principal forced the teacher to apologize to him.
@samuelbell 3 месяца назад
S1 - That sounds like "blackmail"
@RedX101 5 месяцев назад
The first story took the cake
@MaxwellCatAlphonk 5 месяцев назад
@gabrielsfilms2086 5 месяцев назад
wow ppl from story 1 & 3 were assholes gods story 4's "inclusion unit" sounds cool s9 WHAT??? dude lighting kids on *fire* was what she said s10 wow you go op- 13yr fuckin decks that 18yr s13 hell yah you go op start a fucking fight club- s14 yessss beat his ass s15 oooooo "hacking" ring. also wtf did he mean by when he died??? s16 ...how did she know op did that? s17 WHY WOULD YOU DO IT THEN??? s18 100% yes protest s20 ...they did the WHOLE class??? that is SO fucking stupid, though they did get to miss a bunch of school lol and a ton of ppl probably got to keep better grades so that's cool?
@p71nero 5 месяцев назад
One time, i was in my photography class in senior year of high school. During the class we were supposed to take pictures of things. We were supposed to go by ourselves, but my good friend and I went together. One of the campus supervisors asked us what we were doing and my friend said "shooting around the school for *teachers name*" gesturing with his camera in hand. This was no problem, and I thought nothing of it, but when i arrived back in class, I was told that i needed to go to the office. At the office, there were several police officers as well as the principal. Turned out that some freshman had overheard what my friend said to the campus supervisor, then told the administration that I had said i was going to "shoot up the school". I didn't end up getting in trouble because my story made sense, and funny enough while i was taking pictures i had walked past the officers who were heading to the office and neither of us had any idea
@SXLLYSTRXNG 5 месяцев назад
I've had my fair share of suspension due 2 my own bad choices but I'll never forget when I was around 9 & having an autistic meltdown in class, I guess the teacher or school didn't know what 2 do so they called the police😀 I was arrested & driven 2 a children's hospital & the cops drove off before my mom could arrive👍👍 (this happened twice) Ppl did NOT know how 2 handle autistic children back in the day :( all this ever taught me was that I couldn't trust adults & 2 hold in my feelings so I wouldn't explode & be arrested / severely punished again
@affinityxs 5 месяцев назад
Reminds me of a time where I almost got suspended because my classmates, including the useless substitute teacher, practically bullied and chased me out of the class. They pretended that nothing happened and I just ran away, they alerted the principal, they found me crying in a corner, and practically drilled into me the idea of not being present in class, and threatened to suspend me if I run from class again. And everyone wonders why I've changed so much from before
@jonmendelson1104 5 месяцев назад
When I was in 3rd grade I was playing 4 square and a kid poked me in the eye so I was yelling at him. One of the 'yard narcs' (I don't think they were teachers, just staff members who watched over us at recess) yelled at me to stop. I yelled back, "f*** you, b*****" using the actual words. I ended up with 3 days of in school suspension. I definitely deserved it, I remember trying to lie and say I didn't say that and said something about having an itch which was clearly BS. (I'm in my 30s now so I don't remember too many details. The only reason I know it was 3rd grade is that was the only year I was at that school, not because of trouble or anything, I'd moved there that year and a new school was being opened a 10-minute walk from my house the next year).
@somethinunameit637 4 месяца назад
My bestie was suspended in middle school. We had a teacher who favored well-endowed students. My bestie was one of them. She wrote a note in class stating that if she caught him looking at her chest again she would "punch his lights out." The school suspended her without second thought and he continued to work there until we graduated out of the district. Her parents fought the district and eventually lost.
@theblindartist1 5 месяцев назад
I got in school suspension for forging my mom's signature on my progress reports. I didn't want her to see that I was failing, so I tried to submit one with what I now realize was a very poorly copied version of her signature.
@JDUBBAU2 Месяц назад
@M-A-J. 5 месяцев назад
@burning_inspiration 5 месяцев назад
I got suspended for defending myself from being bullied. :P
@thespudlord686 3 месяца назад
Same 3 different times And nobody noticed a pattern in what was going on
@princessmarlena1359 Месяц назад
I almost got suspended for that, as did my siblings…but our parents raised hell and threatened to sue the school district into the stone ages, so they backend off.
@tucker2901 5 месяцев назад
@SailorLavender 5 месяцев назад
Story 1: Under the circumstances, I'm pretty sure the teacher understood.
@animetalk8132 5 месяцев назад
S1 was heartbreaking and I feel for the op and I'm sure He's sister reminds him it's not his fought
@The-ULMR 3 месяца назад
@ChuramiNakahara 2 месяца назад
Sounds about right for the 'boys will be boys' its stupid
@YamanekoshiroYoukai 5 месяцев назад
I was given detention for a week for bringing a friend from out of state into school.
@Meloettadg2 5 месяцев назад
Whats the game? Looks interesting
@DragonTheOneDZA 5 месяцев назад
Idk why I read that as art school
@mizukittyakinyama 5 месяцев назад
7:40 rip op
@karisasani7006 9 дней назад
13:09 Another way of the police officer/wrestling coach saying, "Im not even mad, just impressed at how well you did fighting them and me for that matter"
@BassGal92 5 месяцев назад
While I believe that the way women dress brings attention to men and that we should dress modestly, "boys will be boys" should be a mindset that we should stop.
@Wendy_O._Koopa 5 месяцев назад
Excuse me? Just because I'm wearing nothing but a bow and heels, doesn't mean I wanna passionately hug everyone. We need to stop _both_ mindsets.
@strugglesxxx 5 месяцев назад
​@@Wendy_O._Koopacome on you'd look at a naked person if they walked in lol unless you're ace, then high five
@Wendy_O._Koopa 5 месяцев назад
@@strugglesxxx You misunderstand, being naked _does_ mean I want people to _look._ Being naked *_does NOT_* mean I want people to touch, and/or go further. There is a _huge_ difference. I shouldn't have to dress modestly for anyone to respect my bodily autonomy.
@thespudlord686 3 месяца назад
Yes, dress modestly, but more importanly, be comfortable As someone who is pan and genderfluid (amab), I don't give a rat's ass what you wear, boundaries are boundaries, that's why sexual assault is a crime
@llamawalrushybrid 2 месяца назад
You literally just used the exact 'boys shouldn't be held accountable' mindset.. failed trolling.
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