
Sufi Trail reveals secrets of Islamic mysticism 

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AP Television
Near al-Khawass shrine, West Bank - 6 October 2012
1. Wide al-Khawass shrine on hilltop
AP Television
Birzeit, West Bank - 6 October 2012
2. Wide "Rozana Association" Chairman Raed Saadeh talking to Sufi Trail participants outside Rozana offices
3. Medium "Rozana Association" Chairman Raed Saadeh talking to Sufi Trail participants outside Rozana offices
4. Walking shot Sufi Trail participants walking down stairs
AP Television
Al-Qatrawani shrine, West Bank - 5 October 2012
5. Sufi Trail participants entering al-Qatrawani shrine
6. Close-up sign reading (Arabic): "Al-Qatrawani Garden"
AP Television
Al-Qatrawani shrine, West Bank - 6 October 2012
7. Sufi Trail participants at al-Qatrawani shrine
8. "Rozana Association" Chairman Raed Saadeh talking to Sufi Trail participants. UPSOUND (English): "And Catherine, Qatrawani, so another connection to the name, ok, Qatrawani, Catherine. And it's also connected to the same myth, that Catherine actually was descended into Mount Sinai and this guy was descended to this location, so there might be also similarities."
9. Wide "Rozana Association" Chairman Raed Saadeh talking to Sufi Trail participants
AP Television
Deir ghassaneh village, West Bank - 6 October 2012
10. SOUNDBITE (English): Raed Saadeh, "Rozana Association" Chairman
"Some of the things that we found that still exist on top of the ground are shrines and memorial places that are connected with religious practices such as sufism. Our interest is not to revive sufism, our interest is to expose a certain area, a certain period of history that was rich in Palestine."
AP Television
Nabi Ghaith shrine, West Bank - 5 October 2012
11. Wide Sufi Trail participants entering Nabi Ghaitih shrine
AP Television
Al-Qatrawani shrine, West Bank - 5 October 2012
12. Wide Al-Qatrawani shrine dome seen from inside
13. Close-up Sufi Trail participant Shahd Farraj listening to friend's explanation
AP Television
Al-Assirah ruins, West Bank - 5 October 2012
14. Wide Sufi Trail guide Rafat Abu Jamil talking to Sufi Trail participants
15. Medium Sufi Trail guide Rafat Abu Jamil talking to Sufi Trail participants. UPSOUND (Arabic): "They swim in water that's like sewage water, but this is part of their belief. They dip in the water."
16. SOUNDBITE (English): Shahd Farraj, Sufi Trail participant
"I chose to do the trail today because I believe it's really important to know our history, our village's history and heritage."
AP Television
Em Safa Forest, West Bank - 5 October 2012
17. Wide hills seen from Em Safa Forest
AP Television
Birzeit, West Bank - 6 October 2012
18. Medium Sufi Trail participants entering bus
19. Driving shot Sufi Trail bus on the road
AP Television
Nabi Saleh, West Bank - 6 October 2012
20. Wide Sufi Trail participants walking towards Nabi Saleh shrine
21. Wide tilt-down Sufi Trail participants outside Nabi Saleh shrine
22. Medium Sufi Trail participant Sandra Willett
23. SOUNDBITE (English): Sandra Willett, Sufi Trail participant
AP Television
Near al-Khawass shrine, West Bank - 6 October 2012
24. Wide Sufi Trail participants walking along trail at the bottom of al-Khawass shrine
AP Television
Nabi Saleh, West Bank - 6 October 2012
25. Wide hills seen from Nabi Saleh village and shrine
AP Television
Em Safa Forest, West Bank - 5 October 2012
26. Wide Sufi Trail guide Rafat Abu Jamil walking with Sufi Trail participants
AP Television
29. Wide tree
AP Television
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@LloydDeJongh 4 года назад
Ghazali, Islam's #1 and most respected scholar after Mohammed, writing in Islamic Sharia Law, has said that knowledge of their definitions, causes, remedy, and treatment is personally obligatory. (A: And this is what Ghazali meant when he said that Sufism (Tasawwuf, dis: w9) is personally obligatory for every Muslim. - Sharia Law, Umdat al Salik, A4.7. The world's most common Sharia manual
@LloydDeJongh 3 года назад
@See Ease WTF?
@jagenaught 2 года назад
@See Ease hahaha good one. He doesn't even get it.
@xtremeownage2 5 лет назад
Allahu Akbar. This is not history, this is the living Islam. Islam is a living deen. Tasawwuf is the core of Islam.
@jagenaught 4 года назад
It's innovation. Made up stuff.
@jagenaught 4 года назад
@Yusuf Isa You're a degenerate. Prove it's not. Was Sufism there in the time of Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alyhi Wassalam? Did the Sahabas know of it? What of the 4 imams? Give 1 hadeeth. You're an idiot. They're grave worshippers. People engaging in innovation. Show is a hadeeth that approves their dodgy acts. An idiot like you can't fathom that basic principle.
@daniahmed7460 3 года назад
@@jagenaught how is submitting to Allah and not ur nafs an innovation 🤣🤣
@jagenaught 3 года назад
@@daniahmed7460 You're a lost soul. Sufism is steeped in innovation and shirk. Is grave worshipping submitting to Allah? How does this video presented by an uncovered woman an example of submitting to Allah?
@daniahmed7460 3 года назад
@@jagenaught aint talking about the video im talking about orthodox sufi islam the likes of which Junayd of Baghdad taught which is in line with quran and sunnah
@LloydDeJongh 4 года назад
Hujjat al-Islam Ghazali, who's title was used exclusively for him, due to his influential integration of Sufism and sharia. It is the highest title in Islam, after Mohammed himself. His works were so highly acclaimed by his contemporaries that al-Ghazali was awarded the honorific title "Proof of Islam" (Hujjat al-Islām). Muslims consider him to be a Mujaddid, a renewer of the faith who, according to the prophetic hadith, appears once every century to restore the faith of the ummah ("the Islamic Community"). He was a sufi and writes of sufism in the most common Diarrhealaw manual on earth, "knowledge of their definitions, causes, remedy, and treatment is personally obligatory. (A: And this is what Ghazali meant when he said that Sufism (Tasawwuf, dis: w9) is personally obligatory for every Muslim." - Sharia Law, Umdat al Salik, A4.7. The world's most common Sharia manual
@baddacas1 5 лет назад
Reply to Ultra Conservative: Your statement reeks of pure ignorance and arrogance. A Warning Against Casually Accusing Someone Of Kufr (Disbelief) There is a Hadith which states, “If a man calls his brother a kafir, then one of them will have deserved the description.” (Transmitted by Bukhari from Abu Hurayra.) Such judgment should only be made by one who, in the light of the Sharia, is aware of the things which cause a man to enter or leave the state of kufr, and of the frontiers established by the Sharia which separate faith from unbelief. It is not permissible for anyone to charge into this area and declare people to be outside Islam merely on the basis of one’s own imagination and conjectures, without seeking firm proofs and certainty, and in the absence of firmly established knowledge. Otherwise, great confusion would ensue, and very few Muslims would be left on the face of the earth. Neither is it allowable to accuse sinners of unbelief, as long as they have faith and affirm the Two Testimonies. It is not permissible for a Muslim to accuse his brother in Islam of disbelief, if he is not so. He should repent to Allah and seek his forgiveness from this sin. Moreover, he has to ask the accused person to pardon him. Imaam Al-Dhahabi narrates in Majmu' Shuyukh al-Dhahabi (vol.1 p.72-74) that the son of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal said to his father that people touch and kiss the Qabr of Nabi Muhammad, sall-Allahu `alayhi wa sallam, to get the Barakah. Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal replied that there was no problem with that (la ba'sa bihi). Imam al-Dhahabi went on to explain that: "Only some of the Sahabah did this, as the Sahabah had (obviously) seen Nabi Muhammad, sall-Allahu `alayhi wa sallam, when he was alive, had close interaction with him, kissed his hand, fought over his Wudu water, distributed his Hair for Barakah, and even took his spit and rubbing it over their faces (as in Bukhari in clear words). But those who had not met Nabi Muhammad, sall-Allahu `alayhi wa sallam, express their love by going to his Qabr, and kissing and touching it". To have a bad opinion of an ordinary Human Being is a sin, let alone to question the Imaan of those Saints whose holy lives and examples have inspired generations of True Believers in Allah. Point: If an accusation is made that people are kissing the Awliya out of worship, it remains the onus of the accusers to prove this, as we are all Muslims who say, "La ilaha ill-Allah, Muhammadun Rasul Allah." To brand a Muslim as a Kafir (disbeliever) is one of the gravest sins in Islam. We worship Allah, subhanaHu wa Ta`ala, and honour his friends. Shirk (polytheism) is related to one's internal belief concerning Allah, it is not about kissing and respecting. To consider acts of love and respect as Shirk is a trivialization of the concept of Shirk. In fact, to call Muslims as Mushriks on issues of difference is the real Bid'ah that is plaguing the Ummah of Islam. www.ummah.com/forum/forum/islam/general-islamic-topics/35755-a-warning-against-casually-accusing-someone-of-kufr-disbelief
@MB-tb6jy 5 лет назад
Najdi Salafism has really destroyed the minds of Muslims. None of this was considered shirk by the Salaf unless someone went out to either worship or make du'a to any other than Allah. This black and white mentality has only divided the Ummah and still is to city is day. And it's all because people dismiss the previous `ulama for some reformers
@jagenaught 5 лет назад
@@MB-tb6jy Your mind is the one that's been destroyed. You can worship graves if you want and call to other than Allah. You can say what you want. As long as it's refuted and if many realise and abandon those evil practices of your cult, then it's for the better. However we're still a minority. You've lost the plot. Just because your family etc etc do something, it doesn't make it valid. It's based on Qur'an and the Sunnah. You have yet to prove that Sufism has any links to the Qur'an and the Sunnah. If Allah is merciful he'll save you and May Allah protect me from shirk. I know shirk very well. Sufism has magicians etc. It's just a messed up ideology with a lot of bid'a.
@jagenaught 4 года назад
@@LloydDeJongh You have no proof you half wit degenerate. Al Ghazali was a confused fellow. He didn't even know the science of Hadiths. You're a degenerate with little knowledge of Islam/. Sufis are grave worshippers. Morons like you can't distinguish the difference. Where did I lie you spastic? Ibn Tamiyah lied? Did the Sahbas lie? What do the Sahaba and sifis have in common? You wouldn't know would you? Nothing. Grave worshipping wasn't practised and its against Islam. So shut the hell upi and give proofs you deluded buffon. You can't give proof, you're not even a Muslim from the sound of your rhetoric to know the basic principles. Get the hell out of here. Give proofs or go and bury yourself in a grave and command some misguided sufis to worship a heretic like you. Do you want examples of your shirk nonsense? Plenty around to refute a deluded moron like you.
@LloydDeJongh 4 года назад
@@jagenaught Liar, liar. Try reading your diarrhea law manuals. Ghazali is the most highly regarded scholar of Islam after Mohammed himself, with the highest titles. You are a half wit degenerate. He founded your Islamic consensus that became the Diarrhea law of Islam
@jagenaught 4 года назад
Lloyd De Jongh Which manuals are those spastic? Give me evidences not nonsense.
@schrobey5727 2 года назад
@LloydDeJongh 4 года назад
Sharia = "Crap that any Muslim can deny, and they will". This includes the Hujjat al Islam and ANY Sheikh al Islam and their Sharia manuals: Nawawi, Maqasid: The Rules of the Sufi way 7. I The basic rules of the way of Sufism (def: 8.11) are five: (1) having godfearingness privately and publicly, (2) living according to the sunna in word and deed, (3) indifference to whether others accept or reject one, (4) satisfaction with Allah Most High in scarcity and plenty, and (5) turning to Allah in happiness or affliction. (l) Godfearingness is attained by scrupulousness and uprightness; (2) Following the sunna is attained through caution and good character; (3) Indifference to others' acceptance or rejection is attained through patience and trust in Allah;
@LloydDeJongh 4 года назад
Ghazali, Islam's most respected scholar after Mohammed writing in Islamic Diarrhea Law, has said that knowledge of their definitions, causes, remedy, and treatment is personally obligatory. (A: And this is what Ghazali meant when he said that Sufism (Tasawwuf, dis: w9) is personally obligatory for every Muslim. - Sharia Law, Umdat al Salik, A4.7. The world's most common Sharia manual
@LloydDeJongh 4 года назад
"One of the duties toward Allah is to parry those who disparage the apostle." Ibn Qayyim. What a doofus this guy was. His book on hating Christians is a doozy. Want a link to it? Muslims really hate Christians knowing the Sharia laws of Mohamhead and reading the Sharia manuals
@LloydDeJongh 4 года назад
Sharia = "crap that any Muslim can deny". This includes the Hujjat al Islam and ANY Sheikh al Islam and their Sharia manuals: Nawawi, Maqasid: The Rules of the Sufi way 7. I The basic rules of the way of Sufism (def: 8.11) are five: (1) having godfearingness privately and publicly, (2) living according to the sunna in word and deed, (3) indifference to whether others accept or reject one, (4) satisfaction with Allah Most High in scarcity and plenty, and (5) turning to Allah in happiness or affliction. (l) Godfearingness is attained by scrupulousness and uprightness; (2) Following the sunna is attained through caution and good character; (3) Indifference to others' acceptance or rejection is attained through patience and trust in Allah;
@jagenaught 4 года назад
You view is Islam is a joke. You clearly are clueless. Quite from the Qur'an and the Sunnah. Those you quote are not more important than Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alyhi Wassalam.
@LloydDeJongh 4 года назад
@@jagenaught Well, I quote Islamic scriptures, from Sharia and major scholiars, no wonder you say it's a joke. It is a joke
@LloydDeJongh 4 года назад
@@jagenaught Where did Mohamhead write the way to do the 5 daily prayers in the Quran? Please show us. Where is he in the full Shahada in the Quran? And where exactly are the 5 Pillars of Islam listed in the Quran? Give us the references. I want to see them, if you can provide them?
@LloydDeJongh 4 года назад
@@jagenaught Where is the Sharia in the Quran? Can you point it out? Muslims and taqiyya go together like pork and bacon.
@jagenaught 4 года назад
@@LloydDeJongh You clearly can't read properly. Do you know what the Sunnah is you halfwit? I said refer to the Qur'an and thr SUNNAH. How the payer is performed is in the SUNNAH. Just in case you don't know he is a Prophet, not just some individual you can call by name and may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon Mohammad our most beloved of prophets. Its in the Sunnah in the Bukhari and Muslims. If you want references I can give you. However you have nothing from the Quran and the Sunnah. You are trying to get away from your lies. Where did Muhammad Sallalahu Alehyi Wassalam practice sufism? You can't escape that simple fact that sufism didn't exist in his time. Its all made up hogwash.
@amir123786 4 года назад
There are no secrets in Islam
@amir123786 4 года назад
Enriko Arfan islam has no secrets. Prophet Muhammad pbuh came with the Quran which is speech of god. Muslims follow Quran and the sunnah of the final prophet. There are no secrets in Islam. That is a crazy statement to make. Allah said in the Quran today i have perfected your religion. So don’t make out like Islam has secrets. There is nothing hidden.
@naluyangeaishah8643 3 года назад
moon is the biggest mistake in Islam , people worship it and kills
@amir123786 3 года назад
@@naluyangeaishah8643 nobody worships the moon. Go get an education.
@amir123786 3 года назад
@@jagenaught read it properly bro. I said no SECRETS IN ISLAM. not sectors.
@jagenaught 3 года назад
@@amir123786 I see my bad bro. Afwan. Jazak Allah Kheir for the correction.
@LloydDeJongh 4 года назад
Ghazali, Islam's #1 and most respected scholar after Mohammed, writing in Islamic Sharia Law, has said that knowledge of their definitions, causes, remedy, and treatment is personally obligatory. (A: And this is what Ghazali meant when he said that Sufism (Tasawwuf, dis: w9) is personally obligatory for every Muslim. - Sharia Law, Umdat al Salik, A4.7. The world's most common Sharia manual
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