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12 июн 2019




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@mriitho 5 лет назад
Pastor Lai,you have displayed considerable courage and understanding in confronting the Sunday question and pointing us to the truth.you have done your work and those of us who have heard you have no excuse now.let him who has ears hear!
@billionaireconcepts1095 4 года назад
The first time I heard this preaching I did not understand what Pastor Lai meant, after one year now I can fully understand. It is true, Sunday worship is the worst witchcraft that has ever happened to the church. There are two forms of existence one is the creator and the other is the created. The creator is God and the trinity, no one created them and the created is everything inclusive of the devil, the angels, and us. Of all the ten commandments the Sabbath commandment is the only commandment that seems not to make sense because most of us do not understand the meaning. However, keeping the sabbath day is meant for acknowledging God as the creator of the universe. Now let's take a careful look at all Sunday churches, the largest of them all is the catholic church which changed the sabbath from Saturday to Sunday, they came forth with practices not written in the Bible such as praying to St. Peter and Mary to intercede and it's only Christ who can intercede. They have also come with practices like confessing to the priest and holy water which is purely unbiblical and worshipping of idols in their churches (that is why they did away with the second commandment that says not to make any idols or images and bow down and worship them, then split the last commandment into two so that they can be 10). If you look carefully these practices they have come with, are ways to convince the congregation that for God to hear and answer your prayers you must do such kind of things. Now let us look at the doctrines of other Sunday churches, especially these prophetic churches that are coming up in this age. Most of these new prophetic churches will encourage you to pray more than reading the bible, they will tell you how you need to pray for 1 hour or 5 hours for God to hear your prayer. Mind due praying is talking to God, reading the Bible is listening. These churches are putting emphasis on talking to God and not listening to what he says. The reason is they know if you put careful study to the Bible, they will lose business because people will stop going to church on Sunday. Most of these new prophetic churches will tell you how you need to speak in tongues so that your prayers can be more powerful, while in the Bible Paul (who had the gift of speaking in tongues) said of all gifts, the gift of speaking in tongues is the least. And even though you speak in tongues of men and of angels without love, all that is nothing. What does love mean? John 14:15 "If ye love me, keep my commandments" Loving God is to keep His commandments all ten including the fourth one of the sabbath. These Sunday churches have come up with theories of how you need to fast for 21 days or go to the mountains and fast for 40 days so that God can answer your prayers. Fasting is a form of sacrifice which is a good practice but the Bible says "Obedience is better than sacrifice" These means no form of sacrifice can take the place of obedience. The message of salvation is simple but Sunday churches have made it so complicated. Salvation is simply accepting Jesus Christ as your personal savior and accepting Him means you receive Him in your heart first and acknowledge He died for your sins, second it means to believe in Him and there is no way you can claim you believe in Him and you don't keep his commandments. Sunday worship has made faith seem like something so difficult to understand, while faith means believing in God and how do you believe in God? by doing everything he says. The majority of the Christian population worship on Sunday which happens to be a commandment of man, little do they know that they are worshipping in vain, because the Bible says, "In vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrine the commandments of men"- Matthew 15:9 You wonder why is it that every month your pastor tells you this is the month of breakthrough and nothing happens, all these are the result of Sunday worship.
@kipangayaqichwa4500 3 года назад
@douglasmurangiri2245 2 года назад
Thank you for insight
@lynkaku472 2 года назад
These words were revealed to you by the Spirit himself...not by any man, not even by Pr Lai,he just gave you a hint.. I've never looked at this way. Thank you for sharing.
@nuffsedd3408 2 месяца назад
you might be surprised that Roman Catholic sun-day law is based on trinity paganisms. The whore of Babylon says the trinity doctrine is the central pillar of all her teachings. All forms of the trinity doctrine are from Rome. So while you are right on the Sabbath, please check the trinity as well. The ecumenical councils that brought sun worship also brought the trinity gods.
@saitotisapiyo5997 3 года назад
John 8:32. You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free
@lydiamburia4113 3 года назад
Thanks Man of God for putting it as it is
@robertnjuki6491 5 лет назад
''If you don't like it you just don't love the truth''.To understand what Pastor is saying its important to go back to the church History and how the church changed from Sabbath day to Sunday. Canon 29 (The Council of Laodicea) Christians must not judaize by resting on the Sabbath, but must work on that day, rather honouring the Lord's Day; and, if they can, resting then as Christians. But if any shall be found to be judaizers, let them be anathema from Christ. Since then churches and government offices started working on Saturdays to date.......... Matthew 15:9 (KJV) 9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. WAS SABBATH THE COMMANDMENT OF GOD OR THE COMMANDMENT OF MAN?
@manassehayako1820 5 лет назад
Thank God, the truth is finally coming out, some of the protestants dont know they broke out from Roman catholic doctrines of devils and forgot to break from Sunday worship which was changed from Saturday.
5 лет назад
“For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works. And in this place again, If they shall enter into my rest. Seeing therefore it remaineth that some must enter therein, and they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief: Again, he limiteth a certain day, saying in David, To day, after so long a time; as it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts. For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day. There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.” (Hebrews 4:4-10)
@davidmwambua9376 5 лет назад
Christians don’t worship the day, we worship the resurrection of Jesus Christ but the pharisees (Matthew 12:1-8: Mark 2:23-28 & Luke 6:1-5) worship the day. The day has nothing to do with salvation and forgiveness of sin and if it were so, Jesus would have not come for man kind
@maranathaafrica 5 лет назад
If Jesus did not resurrect, would there be Christianity, what makes Christ be different from other prophets, Jesus himself broke the Sabbath law several times telling us that man was not made for the Sabbath, ( he should be tied to the sabath) but the Sabbath was made for man , in the book of Hebrews the writer indicates that the real sabbath is yet to come. 4b And God did rest the seventh day from all his works , in other words he finished his works, he did not rest because He was tired God does not get tired, 9, There remains therefore a rest to the people of God 10, For he that's entered into his rest, has ceased from his own works as God did from his, ( in otherwise you only rest when you finish your works ) In John gospel Jesus told you Pharisees when they said he cannot from God since He broke the Sabbath law and healed some body on the Sabbath , He said I work because my father works also he does what he sees his father do, he healed in the Sabbath because God heals on the Sabbath, if you r cow or car fell in a ditch would you not remove , if God's child falls I'll in a Sabbath would God not heal, if you got an accident on Sabbath would the doctor not attend to you? God's love towards us compels him to attend to us on any day of the week.
@morebualex5792 2 года назад
God is speaking everywhere through his servants. Funny thing though, someone used to ask us;Usipofanya kazi on Saturday (sabbath) utakula nini hi Nairobi?" COVID-19 came,some were retrenched,sent on unpaid leave etc. Right now,they have an answer. God expects us to obey him in totality. Thank you Lai
@ruhonge 5 лет назад
@stanleyoruta3463 5 лет назад
Pastor Lai you need to tell them to change and follow the true sabbath, though most of your members are in darkness, actually God is watching over all pastors who have mislead many people. Tell all JCC and redeemed gospel church members to change and follow the truth. Am happy to see you saying the truth.
@kod4130 5 месяцев назад
Seventh day Adventist (sda) has been preaching this for over 150 years
@user-tp2jw4yc3b Месяц назад
The goodness the truth has been told ignore and face jesus on judgement day you are to blame
@jacklinendege6280 3 года назад
There is a counterfeit for all that God created: 1. True Sabbath (Saturday)False Sabbath (Sunday) 2. True baptism (by immersion) False baptism (Sprinkling and all others) 3. State of the dead. People don't go to heaven when they die. They don't watch over us. They don't dance with angels. They stay in their graves. If truly they go to heaven, then who will resurrect when Jesus returns???
@samonya9063 2 года назад
pastor ongeza Volume
@douglasmurangiri2245 2 года назад
Very true
@kristopapaapaulo811 3 года назад
God bless you 🙏 Brother Lai
@jacklinendege6280 3 года назад
If the Sabbath is the seal if God, whose seal do you think Sunday is?
@gracelusasi3865 Год назад
@geofreywadeya9972 5 лет назад
Bitter truth really
@wewehehe6405 2 года назад
Now even in the Sunday church the truth is being preached. No one will say that "I didn't hear"
@josephnyandusi6616 4 года назад
ukweli chungu lakini itabidi tumekubali na kufuata. John 17:17 kieleweke sasa
@solidword5505 Год назад
When and where was the pastor speaking? Is it possible to get the full sermon.
@henryosoro7696 2 года назад
Sunday is not the lords day of worship. Its Saturday which is the Sabbath.
@jacklinendege6280 3 года назад
The Bible has answers to all counterfeits, lets become deliberate Bible students.
5 лет назад
“And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight.” (Acts 20:7) First day of the week is a Sunday. Jesus rose from the dead on the first day of the week. In the New Covenant, we more celebrate his resurrection than his death.
@emeraldahebwa7324 5 лет назад
What does the 4th commandment say,what did Jesus say when you break one of the commandments.
5 лет назад
Emerald Ahebwa . Did Paul and the disciples break the 4th commandment by meeting on Sunday? “At that time Jesus went on the sabbath day through the corn; and his disciples were an hungred, and began to pluck the ears of corn, and to eat. But when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto him, Behold, thy disciples do that which is not lawful to do upon the sabbath day. But he said unto them, Have ye not read what David did, when he was an hungred, and they that were with him; How he entered into the house of God, and did eat the shewbread, which was not lawful for him to eat, neither for them which were with him, but only for the priests? Or have ye not read in the law, how that on the sabbath days the priests in the temple profane the sabbath, and are blameless? But I say unto you, That in this place is one greater than the temple.” (Matthew 12:1-6). JESUS IS LORD OF THE SABBATH DAY.
@collinskimutai529 5 лет назад
CHRIST did not ask man to celebrate His resurrection, He asked man to obey His commandments and show that he loves the LORD by obedience. Remember GOD says that he prefers obedience than sacrifice. The Sabbath was observed and kept Holy even before Christ came to this world to die for our sins......Christ says He came not to abolish the LAW but to FULFILL IT........that LAW includes the SABBATH. I know it might be difficult for you to change because of the culture you were brought up in and the belief that you have grown up in, but the TRUTH is you have to choose to follow GOD and discard the DOCTRINES of man. My brother, you did not come to this knowledge of TRUTH by chance, spiritual things are not by chance, they are ordained by GOD. Now that you know the truth God will JUDGE you by it. God says, while you were ignorant, i blinked on your ignorance,but when the truth came to you,my judgment fell on your disobedience. so choose ye this day whom you will serve; the God of ABRAHAM, ISAAC and JACOB set the day to be worshiped and now you are privileged to have come to that knowledge. It does not mean that the rest of the days you can do and live the worldly way,the Sabbath is a day of Fellowship and a day of coming together to share and Glorify the LORD as a FAMILY. Till then, may GOD`S GRACE BE WITH YOU.
5 лет назад
collins kimutai . You still have not answered my question. Was Jesus wrong to break the law of the Sabbath? Was Paul and the apostles wrong to meet on Sunday? In the New Testament, Grace has more strength than the law. Otherwise SDA adulterers would be stoned to death. They don’t. A Sunday fellowship is actually a celebration. They Jews met on the Sabbath to celebrate. Christians must celebrate the greatest day in the history of the world. That God died for our sins, and God raised himself from the dead. Without resurrection, there would be no salvation. By denying the resurrection, SDAs are not saved.
@geofreywadeya9972 5 лет назад
Sabbath is not about resurrection of Jesus. God gave sabbath to human beings as His symbol of creation and power, that He is the creator of the world so He rules the world.
@jacklinendege6280 3 года назад
Too late they see that the Sabbath of the fourth commandment is the seal of the living God.
@dianarose1168 2 года назад
That's my daddy
@generalkyalo1 9 месяцев назад
@jumalewis633 3 года назад
I have the right to worship my God any time I want
@stellakioko8863 5 лет назад
what i know is that my pastor wants people to stop being religious. In the Acts of apostles the church met daily for fellowship in the breaking of the bread.What my pastor meant is that we should refrain from being only Sunday worshipers or should i say people who attend to church just on a specific day.Thanks and regards
@ElickMataraCPRIDE2015 4 года назад
@Stella Kioko Don't interpret Lai;s Message he has quoted the Bible and by so doing he is telling the church "his church" the day of worship and put it clear that Sunday worship was an intention of the Devil to weaken the church. So stop whatever you are trying to think he meant. Read John 19:31 Make use of your bible
@stellakioko8863 4 года назад
@@ElickMataraCPRIDE2015 @Elick Matara no aren't interpreting its just the truth yeah .He is God from the beginning to the end and there is no place for argument for He is God by Himself .Most people want to be only Sunday worshippers to fulfill an obligation which is just a doctrine.The church met daily and broke bread together (the true worship )
@0723881435 4 года назад
@@stellakioko8863 Then when should we work if all days are worshipping days? I still refer you to the bible so that you know the difference between worshipping and praying. Worshipping day is once per week- Exodus 20:8-10, Isaiah 66:22-23, praying is all the time- 1 Thesalonians 5:17
@billionaireconcepts1095 3 года назад
@@stellakioko8863 There is nothing wrong with worshipping God every day, you need to worship God every day but there is only one Sabbath day and that is Saturday
@kristopapaapaulo811 3 года назад
My sister unless you come to Bible study
@bibiangondwe5512 5 лет назад
True Sunday is not day of worship Sabbath is day of rest SDA member
5 лет назад
bibian gondwe . By denying the resurrection, SDAs are not saved.
@bibiangondwe5512 5 лет назад
@ we saved by keeping the commandment read exodus exodus 20:8-11 Leviticus 23:15 Read Jeremiah 17:5
5 лет назад
bibian gondwe . No. No. By Faith in a resurrected Jesus Christ are we saved. The law only condemns us as sinners. The Jews could never keep the law. They were secret sinners. Likewise, SDAs are secret sinners. If you obey the law of Moses fully, why don’t you stone to death all those many adulterers in SDA churches? Hypocrites you.
@bibiangondwe5512 5 лет назад
@ listen day of rest is Sabbath read Hebrew 4:8-11 said for if jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day 9 there remaineth therefore a rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as god did from his 11 let us Labour therefore to enter into that rest let any man fall after the same example of unbelief🙏🙏
5 лет назад
bibian gondwe . In the New Covenant keeping the Sabbath Day is not a law. “For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world.” (Hebrews 4:3) . In the New Testament we are not saved by the law. By faith are we saved. God gave the Jews the law. They all perished in the wilderness 40 years. Why then do you desire the law when grace is freely given in a resurrected Jesus Christ?
@user-hd3nf1qo7s 7 месяцев назад
I think Alfred Lai is theologically ignorant and needs to be trained thoroughly on history of Christianity.
@josephmuli2679 4 года назад
Repeat again
@axicautobodycare2897 5 лет назад
It doesn't matter whether Sunday Monday or any other day. For me am tired of all this teachings and interpretations that are driven by self interested. God is God and any day is worship day I don't care about what you say.
@geofreywadeya9972 5 лет назад
You might not care but GOD cares
@0723881435 4 года назад
It matters to God because He made only one day Holy and that is the Seventh Day- Genesis 2:1-3
@chrisoketch2313 3 года назад
Which bible are you using?
@kristopapaapaulo811 3 года назад
Read using Good News Bible...Acts 20:7 Mathew 28:1 Mark 16:2,9,12 e.t.c
@mikem.m4294 2 года назад
God has given the day. The circumstances under which the changes were done were satanically motivated(refer to history Constantine, Bishop of Rome who introduced the change). Be careful God expects obedience than sacrifice(remember King Saul when he tried to justify his disobedience trying to explain that he carried some choice animals to offer sacrifice to God, against God's command to destroy everything!)-1Sam15:22: Ronald emember also Namaan the leprotic Syrian army commander who was instructed to deep 7 times?.. Not once or twice or not at all. God gives specific detail in His instructions and requires faith& obedience. The present truth message that is also the last to a dying world, that is reeling like a drunk now to all is seperate Isaiah 24:20. Choose to stand for the truth of God as it is in His word. Search for it with a sincere, humble teachable heart and God will reveal: - Jer 33:3, Proverb2:4-6 God will have a remnant people at the end of this world's history soon to be: Rev14:12
@michaelwainaina4476 4 года назад
After Jews persecuted christians and threw them out of synagoues they started meeting saturday evenuing technically first day of week according to JEWISH CALENDAR. rEAD ACTS 20;7, 1 COR 16;1
@maranathaafrica 5 лет назад
That's a lie from hell, Jesus rose up on Sunday the first day of the week. The old testament ended on the seventh day, laws ended and grace took over, we now live under grace not under the law. You are missing something, Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath also, .
@PaulMuturi 5 лет назад
When you talk of the resurrection of Jesus: 1. The resurrection was not on Sunday. They only found the tomb empty on Sunday? The current Easter/passover observance does not validate jesus (Friday Evening, Saturday Day Saturday Night, Nothing found on Sunday)? As it were his only sign that he is the son of God(Matthew 12:39 (NKJV) But He answered and said to them, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. 40 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. According to traditional teaching Jesus could not have did on friday and rose on Sunday? It does not validate Jesus. Quit the Jesus rose on Sunday bandwagon.
@farmwithengineermgalega737 5 лет назад
We need biblical evidence which support you
@billionaireconcepts1095 4 года назад
Jesus might have rose on Sunday, he rose on sunday because saturday was the sabbath day that's why he did not rise on saturday as he rested
@danm1697 4 года назад
@@billionaireconcepts1095 Jesus did not rise on suns day....read your bible properly. Friday 3pm to suns day has two nights and one day.....he spoke of three days three nights, Mathew 12:39..... Sign of Jona
@danm1697 4 года назад
@@farmwithengineermgalega737 Read and re-read my post well....
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