
Superstitions | Ajahn Brahm | 12-01-2007 

Buddhist Society of Western Australia
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A hint of irreverence for all forms of superstition, lashings of humour in this talk, serve to stress that it's ONLY our personal accountability and actions that make a difference. Trinket jewellery, mindless chanting and holy water do not. Is there heaven and hell? What is the mind? Ajahn's stories of the 'Samurai Warrior and the Monk' and 'The Cloaked Emperor' provide the answers...



13 янв 2007




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@pacoval4577 9 лет назад
This Dharma talk saved my life. It was the first time I heard Ajahn Brahm speak. It is wonderful. THANK YOU AJAHN BRAHM THANK YOU!
@chrisndg 11 лет назад
Thank you Ajahn Brahm. Funny, witty, but most of all honest. I greatly appreciate you sharing your talks on the internet, I find them enormously helpful and insightful.
@Marmadhammaruci 13 лет назад
It was nice talk by Ajahn Brahm! Thank you for sharing....I love it!
@Deesperado83 11 лет назад
AMAZING TALK! Im new to this still, but Ajahn Brahm makes it so easy to grasp. Thanks so much!
@jcferrell931 11 лет назад
Brilliant words, brilliant man.
17 лет назад
i was glued to it from start to finish....thank you!
@capnquackenbush 17 лет назад
awesome dhamma talk!
@LadyFlameSniper 17 лет назад
Another great lecture. Thanks for donating your time to speak about these subjects.
@modenasss 17 лет назад
It is by way of learning more about Buddhism that leads me to find these videos and its teachings spoken in English. I thank u for posting it and please keep it coming. It give me great understanding to practicing it in my daily life. Thank you so much.
@pragzter 15 лет назад
Quoting from londonbuddhistvihara website: "How would you recognise an enlightened person? Are there any enlightened persons in the present day?" "There are no obvious outward signs, but one could observe that such a person remains calm even under most hostile conditions and goes about his tasks in a calm and mindful way. He will not get annoyed or desire wealth or social position, since unwholesome states of mind such as greed, hatred and delusion are completely absent." (contd)
@TheUncleOfAllUncles 10 лет назад
Thank you very much Ajahn Brahm. I've learned alot.
@anargapeiris8713 11 лет назад
wow this is real buddhism !!amazing !!!!!thank u so much!!!!!!
@timkul76 13 лет назад
beautiful. true wisdom.
Dear Ajahn Brahm.... I just wanted to chime in and say thanks...way over here in Canada there are a few people that watch you at least now and then... it's nice that you present yourself as you really are instead of someone more evolved than the rest of us... it gives me some real hope that I too am acceptable as I am. Gary as who you really are...
@matreyia 14 лет назад
Hey rob, to see how ridiculously pragmatic the Buddha actually was, do a search on the "Kalama Sutra". It's pretty awesome in terms of no nonsense thinking. Fairly short and easy to understand. My favorite part in it is called "the four solaces". You'll see what I mean. Even when folks were asking him about religion, he answered directly and pragmatically without denigrating their beliefs & manages to convey perfect logic without fear or doubt. Amazing stuff.
@purplebatflower 11 лет назад
Wow. Wow. Buddhism is so unlike every other religion. A lot of what Ajahn says sounds like secular humanism. :)
@PavanKumar-tw3yt 10 лет назад
@guyneo 16 лет назад
Thanks for the teaching. Thank you.
@porpoisepork 15 лет назад
that's an interesting conception of how to deal with other people in a virtuous and civil way. i can't remember 1 sutta (and i've read hundreds) where the buddha advocated the killing of others. in digha nikaya 2 he even says: "And how is a monk consummate in virtue? Abandoning the taking of life, he abstains from the taking of life. He dwells with his rod laid down, his knife laid down, scrupulous, merciful, compassionate for the welfare of all living beings. This is part of his virtue."
@matreyia 14 лет назад
Buddhism is not classified as a religion. It is classified as a philosophy. However, there are some less educated people in the world and some cultures who are addicted to their superstitious ways and integrate them into the philosophy of the Buddha. They believe that since the Buddha didn't care to refute Gods or the afterlife, it must mean that He was teaching a kind of religion. Thus to this day, there remains this mixing of the two by some. but....
@devot12 8 лет назад
I find it interesting the different types of religions that rely on superstitions and let it became intertwined in daily life or even beliefs . The Buddha noticed that becoming bogged down with superstition would seriously effect your life. Saadhu! Saadhu!!!
@ML-el8vr 7 лет назад
Lol! Loved the gypsy story!! The power of Buddhism! Haha
@meadish 12 лет назад
If you shoot first, you will never know what the other guy might have done, had you reacted another way. Every single person is capable of change, at every single moment in time. It just takes the will to truly change. We get nudged all the time. Some times, in a very direct way. When we meditate and attempt to lead a mindful life, we will notice the spots we need to work on. Whenever negative emotion arises, it means you have something you need to become aware of and accept.
@daveyork0 15 лет назад
The rinpoche has taught me that Pommynature resides within us all, awaiting cultivation
@matreyia 14 лет назад
even though some mix & confuse the two, the teaching of the Buddha remains philosophical in the technical sense. He only addressed questions about Gods whenever a confused outsider asked for guidance - b/c he knew that he should talk in their language/perspective or else they could not relate to what he was saying. To his own monks, he spoke of ethics, morals, dispassion towards all impermanent things in the world. He did not dwell on Gods or supernatural things when he spoke to monks.
@veramann 11 лет назад
The book "How to Overcome Superstitions" shows you how to get good luck. It will be free on Amazon in a few days.
@matreyia 14 лет назад
As to Buddhist rituals, there are far too many to mention & many supposed "Buddhist" rituals are actually modified local folklore of the affected area. Pure Buddhist rituals have no goal of reward from divinity, they are in most cases just ritualized actions designed to remind the doer of 1. teachings 2. historical events 3. or to make the doer more humble (such as kow towing etc.) 4. showing appreciation and acknowledgment of His contributions. more reasons besides these...
@bullhaddha 15 лет назад
I do agree, that, if you think along the lines 'nothing out of nothing', the question is, where the primordial energy came from in the first place, and why the laws of physics formed. I admit that this is a case for 'creation'. On the other hand, what you are saying goes further and says, it was an intelligent super-powerful something/body, that still is taking part in the game. It is looking for a purpose, and the fret, that there is none, that leads humans to think this way.
@samuraichuck87 11 лет назад
Very Nice Dharma Lecture!! Thank you for uploading _/\_
@declanring 14 лет назад
You have to walk the spiritual path not just be friends with people who do. We create our own suffering. We are responsible for our own actions. This guy is getting ritual and superstition mixed up though. Purification through 'confession' is a very powerful technique to eliminate negative karma. Blessings, Prayers and Mantra are all very important. Learn to understand your own mind and all will be good.
@veramann 12 лет назад
That's good info. Thanks.
@matreyia 14 лет назад
Robert, the Law of Karma is absolute. It is not subjective like human concepts of justice, "good/evil". U agree that what is good to one can be evil to another depending on the culture/time? Here friend, ur speaking of what u consider good/evil. But karma does not care what u think - it acts in total harmony & balance beyond conceptions. I could justify many unconstructive deeds to suit many definitions of "good". But for all my conceptual agility, I will never be able to escape Karma.
@matreyia 14 лет назад
...because, although that man felt "righteous/ethical" in killing a "heretic" (due to his upbringing), his actions (karma) produced suffering for u & ur loved ones, his actions (karma) will most likely produce a mistrust & hatred towards himself & his religion/nation. That is what I mean by Karmic Law being absolute and beyond egotistical concepts of "good and evil". Whatever causes suffering, avoid those actions. Whatever causes benefit for u & others, cultivate those actions = Karmic Logic.
@alfulani5 15 лет назад
To cu the long discussion short, give me a shout when the scientists are able to explain and recreate the formation of matter and LIFE out of nothing, so that I too can become a nontheist!
@tmuser1 12 лет назад
It's covered in a few other talks of Ajahn Brahms. Sorry I can't remember the titles to give you. you can try "Four ways of letting Go" video or you can try look for them in his MP3 talks at BSWA's website - metta
@alexfreeman23 13 лет назад
There is a lot to know about water that many people do not realize. There is a reason why many different religions use water as a means of cleansing. It is very interesting when you look into it. Watch the documentary "Water the Great Mystery". Namaste
@supremeplustv1892 3 месяца назад
Basis of Budhism is reincarnation and law of karma . The necessity of Budhism is impermanence , sufferings and concept of no soul 🙏🙏🙏 thanks
@vincevnc 17 лет назад
The law of kamma and rebirth are not beliefs nor superstitions but are facts of life which one can come to know for oneself. Just as one might carry out an experiment to understand the law of, say, thermodynamics in a laboratory by using special apparatus, so also one may come to know how the law of kamma work by following the Experiment that has been shown by the Blessed One; once one exited the Jahna, one will be able to understand how kamma works (as well as recall past lifes).
@matreyia 14 лет назад
Because of misunderstandings about Karma (Action), some say, "if u get away with murder, surely that is proof that karma isn't true." If ur not caught for crimes, u still must live w/urself, ur life becomes stress bc. u must be careful, paranoid that someone will find out, ur mind becomes sicker, u must keep up a facade of innocence (quite energy intensive), keep track of ur alabis. How then is this NOT an example of karma here & now? I ask those who don't understand to reconsider their views.
@tingytube 11 лет назад
for the buddhist superstition, refer to his talk 'What happens after you die'
@alfulani5 15 лет назад
So it is you make your own exam paper, do the exam, grade it, and give the results to yourself!! But unfortunately this defies even common sense.
@tingytube 11 лет назад
Comments from others: amazing, brilliant, wow, real buddhism, etc...Just for stating the obvious; that superstitions are foolish? fact is, Buddhism as practiced in asia is full of superstition, thats why he gives this talk.
@pragzter 15 лет назад
"There may well be enlightened persons existing today - most certainly a truly enlightened person will not go about advertising his achievements!" As you see it's not some mystical impossible-to-achieve thing. You can get closer to this state of mind by following the teachings of Buddha.
@hairysuit 16 лет назад
While karma as it pertains to future rebirth might be labelled superstition, as it pertains to ones mental state in this life, in this moment, it is not superstition, but an observable, lawlike phenomenon
@veramann 12 лет назад
The monk doesn't say how to forgive yourself if you feel guilty about something. There's no the steps or process to forgive oneself.
@wickaaa3 8 лет назад
Thank u :)
@psikhyobar 9 лет назад
If I could get a copy of that section of the Tipitaka you are talking about I will send it your monastery. What is the name of the book? Preferably the name written in Thai.
@alfulani5 15 лет назад
I asked a question and all what I get as reply is beating around the bush! Someone tell me how can you be so sure Buddah attained nirvana, or even a state called nirvana exists!!
@riteshshaw8582 2 года назад
Sadhu Sadhu Saaaaaadhuuu ❤️
@phatcrayonz 16 лет назад
i get his talks on podcast.
@alfulani5 15 лет назад
They who created the universe with all its precise workings?
@scherffenberg 15 лет назад
Sorry 4 late replying coz' i dnt come around often in here just onece in a full moon :)
@erajliyanage 15 лет назад
I think you have a valid point. Please read more about Buddhism, I think it will be more clear for you. I think it would be a waste of your time arguing.
@scherffenberg 15 лет назад
I dnt knw yet what i was in my past but my teacher knw I'm jst a student trying to practising to see wit my own eye tht how tht bhudda would like us see too. It's doesnt matter anyway to concern abt ur past I properly born as a reach and poor, a dog and a cat 4 many life time, but tht importanting is today ( now ) You can direct you position where would u go.
@tmuser1 12 лет назад
(in addition to my earlier reply below) I think you can find the process if you look for his talks on meditation.
@matreyia 14 лет назад
But robertwc82,- Whether a man has morals, feels guilty or not, it doesn't mean that what he does is exempt from the laws of karma. Nor does it mean that his mind is protected from being mentally ill. Just as an Alzheimer's sufferer is not aware of his/her sickness, so too a murder without remorse is unaware of his mental illness. That he/she has no remorse underscores his illness (& karma) even more so. Therefore, guilt or remorse has little to do with karma in regards to its truth or potency.
@sampuna 17 лет назад
Dear youssariantheonliest,meditation can be done on the chair or floor.Buddha recommended,not forced, 4 meditation postures-walking,reclining,sitting&standing.Don't judge Buddhism by looking at those who failed 2practise it.Buddha taught us 2cure our ever attached mind,not fancy rituals.TQ
@bullhaddha 15 лет назад
And, actually, as a physicist in biophysics and complexity sciences, i do know the theories described in this book. Unfortunately, it would be too long to discuss them here. I also don't think this is the right place. I gave you a reference, you could do your part and see for yourself. I did watch your ref. The trend I see is, that in your circles someone states an arbitrary number of options to rule out all but one, and everybody nods, because they are too lazy to think up more options...
@robertwc82 14 лет назад
ok, i watched the video on this channel about the law of Karma. i understand why i'm wrong, because my definition of karma is a mistranslation. as for looking foolish, i'd rather parade my ignorance around and get beaten "if you hide your ignorance, no one will hit you and you will never learn" =D
@alfulani5 15 лет назад
For starters tell me if random chance can maintain your body temparature precisely at 36.8 °C.
@jayantavva 3 года назад
@daveyork0 15 лет назад
The rinpoche sounds like John Lydon a.k.a Johnnie Rotten of the Sex Pistols
@tmuser1 12 лет назад
Or alternatively you can email to BSWA your question and they will pass it on to Ajahn Brahms. Even better, you can put your question as a topic for his weekly Friday night talks.
@rkulla 17 лет назад
This isn't about him, it's about you/me. If you can get something out of the talk, great, if not, great. And ultimately, can you absolutely know that he is superstitious just because of his appearance? It's easy for the mind to look for proof that things aren't right so it can avoid changing, and if you look for proof you'll always find it!
@quoe1 15 лет назад
actually, the Buddha did not explicitly state that eating meat was wrong, although different traditions vary on this. He did however list 'trading in meat' as one of the five professions which are not morally correct. I believe the idea here is intention, if monks recieve meat on alms some of them eat it!!!
@hearts0ngs 13 лет назад
@impermanentoo How do you know that 'Buddhists do not pray'? I'm a Buddhist, in the Theravadan tradition in fact, and I pray every night...
@alfulani5 15 лет назад
Basic physics is if you throw a ball up THE BALL will come down!! But this karma thing is like you trow up a ball and you will sick as a result. TWO TOTALLY UNRELATED EVENTS! And someone very intelligent should keep adding the good and the bad and will have to make judgment!!
@alfulani5 15 лет назад
This is getting funnier! So do you take cows, chicken, fish etc. to school and teach them?? Tell me since when cows and chicken have souls?
@alfulani5 15 лет назад
Please tell me who or what were you in your last life and what are you planning to be in the next? And can you teach me how to select the type of life you want to have in the next??
@bullhaddha 15 лет назад
sorry, if the discussion drifted away. I also think it does not belong here. I first just wanted to point out some things in Al-Fulani's comments that I think are plain wrong. The rest you can read here, or just ignore it. Sorry again. Peace.
@hairysuit 16 лет назад
Youssarian, as far as I am aware buddhists can meditate in a chair and wear normal clothes like normal people
@shendelenin 11 лет назад
Sadhu sadhu sadhu!!!
@scherffenberg 15 лет назад
The best life to be born again is human only. COZ human can enlighten and where would u go is 'nenava' a place with no suffering no reborn again ! but during a journy i recomment u do only good deed
@fingerprint5511 2 года назад
@robertwc82 14 лет назад
no, thats called consequences, there is a difference. if you murder someone and dont get caught you will ever be punished.
@scherffenberg 15 лет назад
we're all capture in those 3 world reborn, millions of time as animals , human, deva in heaven til animal in hell. We gonna keep reborn like this until u attant enlighten like bhuddha n get out of this Circle of life.
@alfulani5 15 лет назад
If there is no God, Who makes the decision about the life form one will take in the next life. Someone with intelligence should make that judgement!
@alfulani5 15 лет назад
Doing good and good karma are 2 unrelated things. It is just like claiming you do good in the exam and you get a free holiday!! For this someone should draw the cut off line, grade the paper and THEN give the reward! But you dont see this happening by itself, do you?
@Rxsiri 13 лет назад
hahahahaha so funny
@matreyia 14 лет назад
heehee, that's a good question! How are Muslims different from Christians? In their way of self righteous thinking, they're similar, only in their subject beliefs do they differ. The same goes for even some "Buddhists" and for myself as well. Not many folks can transcend the strong sense of self-hood. Anywho, I just wanted to opine that to me, Karma is not a superstition - it's just cause & effect beyond human notions of good & evil. Cheers.
@scherffenberg 15 лет назад
The living life wit no soul for e.g all plants and microlife which we cant see wit ours naked eye, it's a living life wit no soul. The law of karma doesnt effect if u do harm them.
@matreyia 14 лет назад
hi robertwc82, i would disagree with u. Just bc, u can't see it, doesn't mean there isn't a result of actions whether good or bad. Suppose u did something good in anonymously, certainly there would be good consequences for u personally & to what/whomever u did it for. Personally, u feel good bc u did something constructive - and that in itself is something positive for u. & of course for the other thing/person which u did good to, that also gets the results of ur deed or the thought of it.
@scherffenberg 15 лет назад
The buddha said tht there is a living life wit a soul e.g animals tht we can see wit ours naked eye inclucding insect n' human are animal too but we da Perfect one,the highest of all kinds. Human knw wht is good n' wht's bad. It's perfect body for inlighten.
@alfulani5 15 лет назад
Tell me then if someone kills another life what karma will do for him?
@scherffenberg 15 лет назад
We r all immure or capture in this 3 world in bhuddhist it's mean a world of heaven, animals in hell , human n' animals living th same place on earth . They're all capture in the same univers.
@alfulani5 15 лет назад
I am asking what does it say according to Buddism!!
@dhammaisan 12 лет назад
@matreyia 15 лет назад
cont... So....if you say that it is a lie, then u must know the truth concerning the matter. Then do us all a favor and deliver us with your truth about matters beyond the grave, so that we may all benefit from your wisdom. If u don't know, then it behooves u to keep ur mouth closed.
@prabhatjn 13 лет назад
@PsijicOrder It is belief only if you have not seen it working in life.
@robertwc82 14 лет назад
well in that case u can count me in. lol
@robertwc82 14 лет назад
so if i murdered my rich uncle in such a way that it looked like an accident, the consequences would be to inherit his fortune and live the rest of my life with ease, that is Karma is it?
@alfulani5 15 лет назад
You accuse me of having a distorted perception of life! Tell me what is the correct perception!!
@robertwc82 14 лет назад
because, not every one has morals and a sense of guilt. perhaps they commit the murder in war time? im wasnt saying there wasnt a result for actions b/c u cant see them. there is actions and reactions. and cause and effect but those are different from justice, apparently the bhudist concept of karma deals only with cause and effect and not with "right" and "wrong" "good" or "evil" "punishment" and reward" the hindu idea of karma is if you do wrong you move to a lower life form in your next life
@dtstrain 12 лет назад
@PsijicOrder Depends on your understanding of Karma. Google "Naturalistic approach to Buddhist karma & rebirth".
@ReactbyWin 11 лет назад
Let them go for your happiness
@alfulani5 15 лет назад
SINCERE ADVICE TO THOSE WHO ARE THINKING OF TAKING UP BUDDISM! Every human is born with dignity! And you have the right to keep that. Don't end up walking the streets of Asia barefoot, dressed in rags, begging for food, and kissing the feet of monks!! There is a purpose of our lves! Islam is the ony way for success in the life after death. Look past the negetive stereotyoes and go to the basics of Islam. You will be surprised at how badly the media distorts Islam.
@alfulani5 15 лет назад
Well I guess any far sighted human will not take a chance with some unproven theories! If by any chance scientists solve the question about origin of matter and life, I will become a nontheist too!
@daveashe 17 лет назад
Isn't the buddhist belief of karma and having enough to re-incarnate as a human or whatever you want to be a superstition itsself?
@alfulani5 15 лет назад
I am sure you did not realise that Newton's theory cannot be applied for this situation! According to Newtons theory, you do GOOD you should get BAD karma! which is equal and "opposite"
@matreyia 15 лет назад
GOD: The keys to Paradise are not bought or sold or traded with favors. Only the pure, hateless, angerless, the disciplined, the loving, the understanding ones may enter my house. Do not insult me with your petty acts to gain my favor. I see through you. Your greed for relief renders all ur acts insincere. I let not even one particle of dust enter My house, yet you who are covered head to toe with the feces of hate expect Me to even look at you? Now down you go. Let the fires burn the feces off.
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