
Surviving the Experiment of Tradition: An Interview with Bethany 

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Bethany Grant shares her experiences growing from childhood to womanhood in the SSPX.
Please say a prayer for Bethany! If you'd like to get in touch with her, email me at lauravandervos@outlook.com and I can get you connected. Thank you and God bless!!
I'd love to hear about your own story or faith journey, and offer encouragement in any way I can! Please reach out to lauravandervos@outlook.com
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28 сен 2024




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@veronicawinrod Год назад
This video gave me so many flashbacks!! I grew up in the SSPX, the CMRI(briefly), and the Resistance. The experience gave me so much trauma and twisted my understanding of the Faith for years. It is only by the grace of God that my husband and I have found our way to the true Church. We officially left 3 weeks ago. Thank you for your series of videos on SSPX survivors. It definitely helps to know that I’m not alone in this struggle❤️
@andrewbartel12 Год назад
Welcome home, Veronica 😊
@MatthewLetendre Год назад
Welcome back I didn't grow up in the SSPX but for a short time I went to SSPX chapel and a independent chapel with Sede vacanists. But because of my Dad we ended up coming back.
@AnaMT1985 Год назад
So happy you have educated your way into the Church ❤
@cityoftheimmaculata Год назад
I have a dear friend, brilliant guy, who grew up with a very similar experience in SSPX. I'm going to try to get him on my channel.
@bethanygrant4350 Год назад
I’m so sorry you had to go through all of this as well! Glory to God that you have made it out! I will be praying for you through this healing journey! You are definitely not alone in this!🙏🏻💪🏼💕
@Kaitlyn-ve1ce Год назад
Regarding the modesty issue, I remember back when I was being pulled into traditionalism, everything I wore was giving me so much anxiety. Are my sleevs shoving too much, are my skirts long enough, are they wide enough, is my clothes too tight? I got all into numbers and inches that my husband once said it was great to have a modest wife but I was becoming ridiculous. A lot of my ideas actually came from few pro SSPX Instagram accounts....once one girl apologized and said she would remove one picture if others found it immodest....she took a picture of herslef in a shirt and she hung her sunglasses so the top of the shirt was just under the collar bone...it just blew my mind how could that be immodest. Those seem to be impossible standards of (im)modesty. It influenced me so much, I was feeling super anxious even just thinking of wearing pants. Thank you so much for your great work in the channel and this interview, you have helped me pull away from SSPX during my research phase and I was so close to joining their chapel. Good bless both of you
@Summer1in3 Год назад
@Misshappycatholic @Bethany Grant Thank you both so much for this collaboration! I was raised a devout NO Catholic, belonging to a parish that is also a Benedictine Monastery (which is amazing), a seminary, and a college. So I was blessed to be steeped in Catholic culture my whole life. I also occasionally went to the diocesan TLM. During 2020, with all the Covid craziness, the churches got shut down, and I got mixed up with the SSPX church in Pittsburgh, and eventually an independent chapel. This went on for almost two years. Thanks be to God, it's been a little over a year since I got out of that. I relate to so much of what you are saying, Bethany. But being raised so firmly within the bounds of the Roman Church, it was pounded into my head as a child to listen to the authority of the Magisterium and the Pope. When I was being so aggressively told the opposite by the Society, it really affected me psychologically. It did not help that I suffered a concussion during this time, so my emotions seemed even more amplified. The SSPX literally made me feel like my world was crumbling, like everything I ever knew and believed was wrong. How I always was taught to view my femininity, what I was taught about the role and dignity of women growing up, all began to fall apart. Although I always strived for modesty, and thought I was living up to that standard, the Society made me feel like I was definitely not. I became so overwhelmed with the dress code that they were setting forth, almost like I had to throw everything in my closet away. I felt oppressed and looked down upon as a woman, like all I would ever be good for was serving men. It was a horrifying experience! I even began to feel abandoned by God, like I was so far from Him and from Our Lady, who I always had a special devotion to. You are so right about how they use Fatima so often to push their agenda. I have always loved that apparition, and I hate to even say it, but I almost became resentful of it, because of how they were presenting it. I'm sorry that this is so long, I am just so thankful for your platform, Laura! As someone who is still trying to heal from that experience, it is so comforting to know that I am not alone on this journey. God bless you both!
@SuppressioHibernicis Год назад
Great comment, these videos illicit some very lengthy responses, thanks to the good work of the presenter and guests. Your part about the Independent Chapel caught my eye: I think I might be mixed up in one of them also: they make the sspx look like liberals, the latter which I also infrequently attend. It just appears these days that there is nowhere else to go: the novus ordo in my country is almost identical to the Anglican /episcopalian church. Imho the Fatima schtick is so overplayed, and even more extreme in the break-away chapel; I now glaze over every time it's mentioned.
@Summer1in3 Год назад
@@SuppressioHibernicis Thank you for sharing! I'm wondering what country you are from? I definitely caution you, my friend, especially with the independent chapel. That experience led me down an even darker road spiritually than SSPX. I understand what you're saying about the Novus Ordo, as some parishes are worse than others as far as modernism and liberalism go. However, I also want to make you aware that going to Mass at SSPX and independent chapels does not fulfill your Sunday obligation according to Rome, unless that is the only church within a reasonable distance. That was a sin that I had to repent of when I finally came back to the true Church again, missing almost 2 years of my Sunday obligation. It would be better to go to the Novus Ordo, even if it is liberalized, than to miss your Sunday obligation by going to these schismatic counterfeit churches.
@SuppressioHibernicis Год назад
@@Summer1in3 thank you for your reply. From Ireland, so by virtue of that I'm actually surrounded by churches, many within walking distance, whereas I've to drive to get to the sspx and it's break-away groups. Was raised devout NO also, and served. Drifted away into the occult for years but when I returned was aghast to find rainbow flags on the flagpoles of some Catholic churches, as wokeism has engulfed Ireland. Then the NO fully embraced and coerced people into getting the 💉 , so it's really difficult to warm to that. Having been in several cults I'm very cautious not to get sucked into the almost pathological levels of religiosity I've observed, so I remain on the periphery. I'd be interested to hear what kind of Darkness you observed?
@Summer1in3 Год назад
@@SuppressioHibernicisFirst of all, I just want to say that I am so thankful to God to hear that you were liberated out of the unimaginable darkness of the occult 🙏 I can imagine how inspirational the story of your journey is! God bless you! In regards to the rest of your comment, I understand exactly where you are coming from. Although I am American, I have some Irish heritage. It saddens me greatly to see the current state of Ireland, the land that St. Patrick won over from paganism and has slipped back into so many of its pagan ways. As far as the 💉 goes, I am in agreement with your stance. The events of 2020 was a driving force of my going to the SSPX and independent chapel, because I felt that they were handling things much better than the NO churches. However, they are not in line with the true Church. Any break off group doesn't have a leg to stand on, because they have separated themselves from the authority of Rome, the Magisterium and the Pontiff. The priests do not have true missions even, because a true missionary calling has to be established through the authority of the hierarchy. These priests act of their own accord and go where they want, instead of going where the Church sends them to minister. I did experience more of a darkness in the independent chapel. Whereas the SSPX acknowledges the Pope, although they do not listen to him or feel compelled by anything he says - the independent chapel outright disregarded Rome with an underlying vehemence that even SSPX didn't have. This environment slowly made me become so miserable, judgemental, and confused that I reached a breaking point where I was just done with it all. Interestingly enough, like Bethany, the last straw was a bad confession experience. I came out of the confessional crying and left the building. Side note, I found out later that there is substantial evidence that the independent priest at that chapel was not even validly ordained. That is another danger, these so-called priests that are independent might not even be validly ordained, but nobody has records because there is no hierarchy that they answer to. Anyway, thanks be to God, by His grace I was driven back to my lifetime long parish with my wonderful Benedictine monks once again. I heard this great analogy : The Church is like Noah's ark, it stinks, it's messy, but if you jump off the ark, you will drown. Instead of complaining about the stench, we just have to pick up a shovel and do what we can to clean up in our own capacity. We can't leave Our Lord Jesus, because of Judas. There is nowhere else to go. God will ultimately defend and uphold His Church, like He has throughout all the turmoil of the last 2,000 years. This thought has encouraged me greatly, and I hope it encourages you as well. God is in control, always. I encourage you to leave the SSPX, get back to the Church of Rome. I pray that you are able to find a more faithful one, though. I will be praying for you, my friend, and have thoroughly enjoyed our dialogue thus far ☺️
@SuppressioHibernicis Год назад
@@Summer1in3 apologies, to have missed your reply when it came in; only seeing it today, and thank you for such a conscientious one. That is interesting about your experience of a bad confession: it goes against the whole idea of feeling that a weight has been lifted from you. Would you suspect that it see was on account of an invalid ordination of the confessor? The sspx breakaway or "resistance" tend to cultivate in many of their congregation a meanness of spirit which doesn't sit well and I suspect will damage, psychologically, the children of the congregation later down the line. Thank you for your prayers and I too have enjoyed the conversation: good to know there's more out there who can sense something not quite right.
@susiefira Год назад
Thank you for sharing your SSPX experience. It’s valid and consistent with my own right down to the devastating confessional response and the judgmental yammering about me being too feminine and my clothing drawing too much attention. I was raised NO Catholic and the point you make about us expressing love and charity is so important. God is love, the SSPX don’t seem to teach or understand that underpins everything.
@jackolyte Год назад
That confessional experience sounded like a living nightmare! Like, that's the kind of stuff Satan whispers and snarls at me when he's trying to steer me away from something good; it's disturbing you would hear that in Confession. Thank you for sharing and bringing awareness to these issues.
@bethanygrant4350 Год назад
Yes it was a nightmare! It truly was heartbreaking that happened in confession, because that is supposed to be so vulnerable and healing! Keep fighting the good fight! Thank you for the comment!
@monus782 Год назад
I was FSSP but I did experience some of the aspects mentioned here including the Purity Culture part even though I’m a guy, I find it deeply ironic that I had more things in common with the Protestant fundies I despised for being heretics than most American Catholics so thank you for sharing this testimony. Also regarding Fatima I’ve been reading from a blog called Where Peter Is (which in part is dedicated to debunking Trad conspiracy theories and they recommended this video recently) and one of the writers is from Portugal and he mentions that ironically Fatima isn’t seen as apocalyptic over there as it is in the US because she is to the Portuguese what Guadalupe is to us Mexicans (I grew up in a conservative Mexican family before I became a Trad after moving to the US) and even Muslims and Hindus sometimes make pilgrimages to the site, I’ve read an interpretation that is closer to hopeful universalism (which is what I am now, how heretical of me) by pointing out that it doesn’t snow that often in Fatima to begin with so it’s not the massa damnata as it’s implied to be and besides why would we pray for Jesus “to lead all souls to heaven” if we’re certain most people are going to hell if the SSPX is right?
@Danielcoleco Год назад
Keep dropping these! Can't stop listening to them! After being out for 4 - 5 years all of this resonates for me! More of us men need to speak out about this! They're debasing your wives, daughters and sisters!
@christophercrusader3554 Год назад
I'm really liking these videos.
@TonyG8297 Год назад
I think you should rebrand these videos more about being in the SSPX because the abuses people mention I don’t hear about happening at all in Ecclesia Dei communities in full communion with Rome such as the FSSP and ICKSP.
@mrshappycatholic Год назад
JMJ Hi Antonio! I intentionally designate these videos as addressing Traditionalism and not just the SSPX because the issues under discussion do crop up in every kind of trad community; the FSSP and ICKSP are not exempt just because they're operating within the Church. We're not saying the problems are as serious or noticeable in every single community, but they are more widespread than you would think, and I talk to people from all over the US and other countries, too, who can vouch for this. Traditionalism as a whole is not synonymous with Catholicism. It has its own flavor that easily becomes negative, elitist, and schismatic; not that it necessarily will in each individual, but by and large those tendencies are manifesting more and more and we want people to be aware of the dangers involved when aligning oneself with that ideology.
@TonyG8297 Год назад
@@mrshappycatholic oh ok that makes sense. It reminds me of Pope Francis’ accompanying letter to the bishops after publishing Traditions Custodes where he was concerned those attending the TLM would conflate preferring the TLM to also being traditionalist and rejecting the teachings of the Church post Vatican II. Happy to say I love the TLM and I accept the teachings of our Church, Vatican II and respect the primacy of the authority of the Papacy.
@mrshappycatholic Год назад
@@TonyG8297 That's wonderful to hear! We can love it all - every part of our patrimony - the old and the new, and still be faithful to the Church. Thank you, Antonio. :) God bless you!
@tracyattar8562 7 дней назад
I really don’t think Our Lady would be in pants if she came now. Maybe that’s another reason she lived when she did? To my knowledge, when she appears to people in different cultures, she was culturally dressed, yet still in a long gown? You can be modest and femininely dressed and not stand out in our culture. Don’t think you gotta wear jeans or booty shorts to fit in.
@AshleyJones-m7k Год назад
With all due respect, if neither of you mentioned that you are Catholic, I would have guessed you to be protestant. What is wrong with modesty and suffering? The Church has always encouraged Her faithful to suffer with joy so as to be more united with Christ. After all, wasn't His a life of suffering? How can we do less. As far as modesty is concerned, that benefits us and those around us. Men and women alike should practice modesty. How we appear on the outside is a reflection of our soul.
@mrshappycatholic Год назад
JMJ Thanks for your comment! I would respond by saying that we never said there was anything wrong with modesty or suffering. Of course the theology of suffering is an important part of our faith, but you mention "suffering with joy", which is not taught or made possible in an environment like what Bethany was describing. An over-emphasis on suffering and basically teaching people to be miserable, to expect misery, and to see it everywhere, is not healthy, and that is what she and many others have experienced in Traditionalist circles (a carry-over from Jansenism). Jesus said He came that we might have joy and have it in abundance. That is what we look forward to in Heaven. But we are not to downplay the importance and value of happiness and joy here on earth and the gift that is if granted by God. If the dominant emphasis is on suffering - on the negative - life gets very dreary and too hard for most people to bear. The reason for our joy, the hope that makes it possible to persevere, the glory of what we look forward to, the love that sustains us on our way, those things are inspiring and motivating, and quite often they are not getting enough emphasis in traditionalism. Modesty, though a virtue, is often reinforced as a more external rather than an internal practice, and then it becomes this superficial box to be checked and held accountable for and the inner disposition that should generate our outward demonstration of modesty gets lost in the shuffle. Again: the reason behind the value and importance of modesty needs to be upheld and glorified and not just left at: "Dress the way we tell you to or you'll send your neighbors to Hell." There's also an imbalance in how modesty is made the entire burden of the woman, as if a man could not be immodest, or has no responsibility for his own vulnerability to the immodesty of others, when in fact there are things he himself can do to be better able to resist those inevitable temptations. Why this is not being addressed with as much care as women are being brow-beaten into conforming to certain standards of modesty (which have never been binding under sin or included in any catechism or moral manual of the Church's publication) is beyond me. There's obviously a disconnect when you observe girls who attend the Society Masses (for instance) buttoned up and full-skirted for Mass and then wearing a bikini on the beach or skin-tight jeans when out with their friends, a not uncommon occurrence. These are the kinds of issues we were addressing in the video.
@larryhicks4203 Год назад
Thanks Bethany for sharing your story. It's so refreshing to see a mass exodus of people leaving the trad movement and stories like these are reassuring. I am a recovering trad myself (independent chapel and SSPX for a while) so I 100% sympathize with everything you said. God bless you!
@theresed5967 Год назад
Bishop Williamson has a lot to answer for, given the amount of damage he did by influencing so many of the parents of us girls. His legacy continues to hurt girls because the SSPX priests have never actually apologized for his teachings or formally recanted them. Consequently many parents still say things like "I don't think girls should go to college".
@andym5995 Год назад
There’s a certain irony that Lefebvre picked Williamson as one of the four because he was afraid the bishop Rome would pick out for him wouldn’t be a good one.
@bethanygrant4350 Год назад
Yes! College was not even on the table as an option for me and my sisters!
@TonyG8297 Год назад
I can’t believe a “bishop” would even say that. It is a mortal sin to get drunk or high because it negatively impacts our intellect which is the highest gift God gave us. Wouldn’t it be more glorifying to God then to educate ourselves and thus wouldn’t deliberately promoting the suppression of the edification of intellect then be an offense to God and ergo sinful?
@jimdooley6152 11 месяцев назад
Pope Francis publicly endorses blessing the grotesque & monstrous act of Sodomy. I'd say this 'pope' may have something to answer for, especially considering the fact that Sodomy is one sin that cries out to Heaven for vengeance. God Almighty. 😢
@theresed5967 Год назад
Everything you said about modesty and responsibility was what I lived. It also fed into my eating disorder, because I took it to mean that being invisible was holiest and the thinner you are the better you can be invisible. Also grew up thinking the modesty rules were Dogmatic, and Our Lady of Fatima explicitly forbade pants. So you couldn't argue against things like that, because Our Lady of F would nuke us if we wore pants. Fun times.
@clelia8885 Год назад
I agree, the responsibility pushed on young women is extremely damaging. Also no one is taught about purity and what immodesty and impurity actually are. So sorry to hear it fed into your disorder, that must have been so hard.
@bethanygrant4350 Год назад
Oh my word! I relate to this sooo much! I’m so very sorry you have had to suffer this wound as well!❤️‍🩹 it was all lies they feed us! But no more! No more living in fear. We are perfectly and wonderfully made! ❤️
@AnaMT1985 Год назад
The people in the SSPX might be happy if girls wore potato sacks? Surprised that wasn't recommended.
@littlerock5256 Год назад
I am former SSPX. In our time there "potato sacks" were cautioned against. Modesty can simultaneously be attractive and feminine.
@AnaMT1985 Год назад
​@@littlerock5256 that's nice you experienced that.... all the sspx parishes I grew up in didn't necessarily recommend them but they certainly never objected to the potato sacks woman wore...
@littlerock5256 Год назад
@@AnaMT1985 No woman has to wear a "potato sack," but if she chooses to dress frumpy who, exactly, should be doing the objecting? The priest? Her friends? Much of what Bethany said we did not experience, and no one needed therapy. There were a number of young converts in our 5 years there. The main problem with the SSPX, as Bethany stated, is that the recognize & resist position is not Catholic and not tenable. To hold it one must trample on Catholic teaching on the papacy, and that is most certainly not a traditional thing to do. The SSPX is functionally sedevacantist; to pick and choose what one will accept is not submission. They need to either embrace that or fully integrate into the conciliar structure. This fence sitting between the two renders them lukewarm on both sides and we know what Our Lord said he would do with the lukewarm.
@bethanygrant4350 Год назад
lol I had the same thoughts many times!
@wisewoman7 8 месяцев назад
@AnaMT1985 I have heard an SSPXer speak approvingly of a young woman who wore clothes described as "shapeless, baggy clothes, like potato sacks." 😔
@LovedbyJesus23 Год назад
Thank you, Bethany for sharing your story. God Bless!🙏🏽💖
@buscandoelcatolicismo 9 месяцев назад
Good job again!!!!!
@lesliehanson6614 Год назад
So you waited to get married until he joined the Church?
@mrshappycatholic Год назад
JMJ Bethany's husband was a catechumen when they got married and entered the Church shortly after. It became a timing issue because at first they thought he could be baptized right away, but then found out that he would have to wait until Easter. COVID stuff was going on, so everything was a little up in the air sacramentally, too. :P but yes, they waited until he was committed and through his formation to join the Church.
@lesliehanson6614 Год назад
@@mrshappycatholic thank you! My son is trying to bring his girlfriend into the Church and she is not convinced yet. She is a very staunch Church of Christ member. Otherwise, they are almost literally perfect for each other and my whole family loves her. She loves all of us too! Hoping it all doesn't take too long since he is 29 and she is 27.
@bethanygrant4350 Год назад
Yes I did! Growing up in a divided household it was very important for me and my spouse to be on the same page❤️
@lesliehanson6614 Год назад
@@bethanygrant4350 oh, so you get it! Is there a way we can connect privately? I think I heard you say you are glad to communicate with people?
@bethanygrant4350 Год назад
@@lesliehanson6614 yes absolutely! I would love that!
@Martha_DC 6 месяцев назад
@Bethany were you part of the SSPX-The Resistance?
@marikaefer78 4 дня назад
We grew up im the SSPX going to the St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary, then St. Ignatius Retreat House in Ridgefield, CT. It was definitely OCD about going to Mass, not breathing or moving for the 2 hrs. at Mass, keeping the veil on your head, etc. The 3-hr.-Eucharistic fast was reason for the dominant woman of the house to rant and scream in the morning that everyone has only "10 minutes to eat breakfast" or in the car coming out of the McDonald's drive-thru I was opening my burger once for which had waited hours and suddenly she slams on the brakes and shouts: "stop! You can't eat!" It was exactly 2.5 hrs. before an evening Mass was to begin. When you're a young child, you don't know anything else, but I later learned that these were definitely signs of her serious mental illness.
@marikaefer78 4 дня назад
The other huge point about the "modesty" doctrine of the SSPX is the sadistic narcissism of the priests/males to the point where I now realize as an adult that they were secretly deriving pleasure from abusing women's minds! Also, dominamt parents were often sadistically satisfied by controlling their daughters in this way.
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