
Symbols of Jesus Christ in the Latter-day Saint Temple Endowment | Easter Temple Fireside 

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It might not always be obvious, but the Latter-day Saint temple endowment points to Jesus Christ in all its aspects. The purpose of the temple endowment is to help us learn how to return to the presence of our God, but it also serves to help us learn how to become LIKE God in new ways.
The temple helps us learn to be like God, to resemble Him in purpose, spirit, and visage. Naturally, by living a good, honest, and virtuous life we become more like God. By living our temple covenants we become more godly and approach the likeness of God. But today I’d like to narrow in on how the temple symbolically and ritually helps us to resemble Christ. The temple teaches us to receive the image of Christ in our names, in our hands, in our countenances, and in our hearts.
This was originally a fireside given on April 16, 2022 entitled, “We Shall Be Like Him: Becoming As Christ Through The Temple.”



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@russelllewis5852 Год назад
This young lady does an amazing job at presenting this material. Thank you for your research. I have been very enlightened by these videos.
@diannesmart4797 9 месяцев назад
I learned so much and feel so very thankful . We are so blessed to have the temples and the great plan of salvation and to be so loved by Heavenly Father and our Savior.
@awfulwaffle1341 2 года назад
I must admit. I am the opposite of you. I have been very non-passionate towards the temple. I’ve always found the temple too strange and foreign. But this is helping me to appreciate it more. So thanks.
@clintonlemarluke1507 Год назад
"The work we do in the temple is different from the kind of pragmatic work we do at church on Sundays. Where our churches are simple and spare, our temples are layered with murals, carvings, and symbols. Where our churches are down-to-earth and plainspoken, our temples are stuffed with allusions, allegories, and sacred gestures. Growing up in the warm, shallow pools of our Sunday services may do little to prepare you for the temple’s deep and bracing waters. Compared to the worn predictability of our Sunday school lessons, many members first find the temple strange. I suppose this is as it should be. The temple is strange. It does not belong to this world. The temple is a door and, if you pass through it, you will arrive someplace you’ve never been. The aim of the temple is to initiate you into the mysteries of the kingdom and before you can solve these mysteries you must encounter them as just that: mysteries." Adam S. Miller, Letters to a Young Mormon
@oldschoolgmail Год назад
@@clintonlemarluke1507 That was awesome! Thank you for that!
@markkrispin6944 Год назад
The Mormon Temples are strange and foreign to you is because it is occultic. 99% of the rituals preformed in the Mormon Temples were stolen and used from the Freemasons. Mormonism is a cult and Joseph Smith was a con man, a liar, a fraud, a sexual predator and an occultist. Now everyone knows the truth. You are welcome
@mikewood3557 Год назад
We may struggle with the temple because it has its roots in times long past. It is very different from our modern culture. But as I have learned more of the antiquity of the endowment I have come to marvel at it. But that wasn’t my reaction the first time I attended the temple. It was indeed strange and foreign to me. I have learned to love and appreciate so much more over the years.
@Glen.Danielsen Год назад
Waffle! Thanks delightfully much for your candor. What impresses me besides your honesty, is your willingness to face the right direction. It’s a process, and you are enroute! Be blessed, have peace!
@B1u9v8E7 Год назад
This is a great presentation of the temple and there are no words to add about this. Temple work is one of the important things that anyone can do, for their family's, ancestors, and lastly for themselves.
@doreenliebenberg3517 Год назад
Thank uou, beautifull, absolutely love the Holy house of my Father and His Son, Jesus Christ ❤❤❤
@VAATAUSILI4139 11 месяцев назад
Bros's & Sis's, i thank GOD the Eternal FATHER, & HIS WIFE, GODDESS our beloved HOLY Eternal MOTHER, for your Podcast.
@rachaelbrundy3837 7 месяцев назад
Thankyou for Al the teaching you have do ne It has helped me greatly . To understand!
@barrychristensen356 9 месяцев назад
This was really a outstanding lesson about the Temple and the atonement of Jesus Christ. I learned a lot and reaffirmed things I already knew. The Temple truly is the Lords University, I by the way am in the "MASTERS" program. ( The Master being our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ).
@brettsellers2899 Год назад
Loved this. Thank you so much!
@dougmecham7764 Год назад
Excellent! For those who are not members of the church, of course you don't understand. The Gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored. Come to Christ and learn more. The Book of Mormon is another testament of Christ and will lead you to Him. The temple has the power to transform your life through Christ and bring you to the presence of the Father. If you are truly Christian, you will be like the parable of the man who bought a field. The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. Go buy the field and learn of Christ! I have a far more intimate relationship with Christ because of the temple.
@dinocollins720 2 месяца назад
thanks again!
@Cronenplays 8 месяцев назад
love your vids thank you
@sherryhughes8412 Год назад
Thank you for this video. It was incredibly informative and time well spent watching it. I feel I appreciate the temple even more now. I was a temple worker in the Portland Temple for just under two years and was an experience I'll treasure forever.
@angelalewis3645 4 месяца назад
Jasmin, I absolutely love this. Such a long and beautiful and helpful video essay. Thank you so much for creating it and sharing it! ❤🌟
@David-Alexander-German Год назад
Jasmin, you are amazing. Thanks so much.
@focuslee Год назад
I will be going to the templates sinful mind down, but I’ve been learning a lot from your videos. Thank you so much sister.
@itsgoodforthesoul9749 5 месяцев назад
We are not asked to come sinless we are asked to come. Repentance means a course correction; that we change direction and make efforts to come into Christ. None of us that go or serve in the temple as ordinance workers are sinless, but everyone who goes is trying and that is what matters. Be kind to yourself ❤
@troyweiler1045 Год назад
What a wonderful presentation of the temple symbols and significance! You did a fantastic job on this! Thank you
@RNRPhHMC 9 месяцев назад
Thank you
@TheLastDispensation Год назад
I love learning from you! thank you.
@skylerreddy5436 Год назад
This help many! Thank you for sharing your experience and thoughts about the this sacred part of the Plan of Salvation.
@hollayevladimiroff131 4 месяца назад
Christ is in our own bodies, he lives with us there, God does not live in temples made with hands, all believers in Jesus Christ, the biblical Jesus, have been given the gift of faith, by this faith we are able to live with Jesus in the Kingdom of God. We can dwell with Him wherever we are, we need no external thing to have Him close to us.
@wadeenglund5095 Год назад
Loved it. Very helpful
@agnesivan5533 11 месяцев назад
What a great explanation. Thank you very much! I learned soo much from it!
@ryun3307 11 месяцев назад
Really appreciate your videos
@amybarlow3045 Год назад
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
@EnthusiastCarHangar 2 года назад
Thanks for sharing!
@tinacarvalhoBodyandHealth Год назад
Just keeps getting better.
@ninakaneen-xu6gn Год назад
It is a wonderful temple presentation ! Thank you I wondered if one or two of the painted pictures that you showed were by Anthony Sweat ? Lovely either way ! Hugs from Nina
@bcg3166 2 года назад
There are over 160 passages in the Book of Mormon that speak of the Lord Jesus Christ. There were 22 men named in the Book of Mormon who saw Christ. Some form of Christ’s name is mentioned on an average of every 1.7 verses. The New Testament mentions a form of Christ’s name on an average of every 2.1 verses. The name of the Savior appears nearly 25 percent more frequently in the Book of Mormon than in the New Testament. When we realize that a verse usually consists of one sentence, we cannot on the average read two sentences in the Book of Mormon without seeing some form of Christ’s name. Baptism of the Dead in Early Christianity Did Joseph Smith invent "baptism for the dead", or was it a doctrine of Early Christianity? Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?1 Corinthians 15:29 To Latter-day Saints, this scripture is obvious evidence the Early Church practiced this. We see the baptism for the dead practiced in Early Church break-off groups "St. Chrysostom (A.D. 347-407) tells of hows, when one of their catechumens died without baptism, the Marcionites would place a living person under the dead man’s bed and ask whether he desired to be baptized. The living person would respond in the affirmative and was then baptized as a proxy for the deceased (Homily XL on 1 Corinthians 15)".[1] (St. Chrysostom did not believe in baptism for the dead, but was referring to its practice.) Historical records are clear on the matter. Baptism for the dead was performed by the dominant church until forbidden by the sixth canon of the Council of Carthage in A.D. 397. Some of the smaller sects, however, continued the practice. Of the [Cerinthus][2] of the fourth century, Epiphanius wrote: "In this country-I mean Asia-and even in Galatia, their school flourished eminently and a traditional fact concerning them has reached us, that when any of them had died without baptism, they used to baptize others in their name, lest in the resurrection they should suffer punishment as unbaptized.” (Heresies, 8:7.) [3] About 400 A.D., church Councils saw baptism for the dead being practiced, and outlawed it "That baptism for the dead was indeed practiced in some orthodox Christian circles is indicated by the decisions of two late fourth-century councils. The fourth canon (fifth in some lists) of the Synod of Hippo, held in 393, declares 'the Eucharist shall not be given to dead bodies...nor baptism conferred upon them.' The ruling was confirmed four years later in the sixth canon of the Third Council of Carthage."[4] "It also seemed good that the Eucharist should not be given to the bodies of the dead. For it is written: 'Take, Eat', but the bodies of the dead can neither 'take' nor 'eat'. Nor let the ignorance of the presbyters baptize those who are dead."[5] Early Judaism performed ordinances on behalf of the dead In early Judaism, too, there is an example of ordinances being performed in behalf of the dead. Following the battle of Marisa in 163 B.C., it was discovered that each of the Jewish soldiers killed in the fight had been guilty of concealing pagan idols beneath his clothing. In order to atone for their wrong, Judas Maccabaeus, the Jewish high priest and commander, collected money from the survivors to purchase sacrificial animals for their dead comrades... "And when he had made a gathering throughout the company to the sum of two thousand drachmas of silver, he sent it to Jerusalem to offer a sin offering, doing therein very well and honestly, in that he was mindful of the resurrection: for if he had not hoped that they that were slain should have risen again, it had been superfluous and vain to pray for the dead. And also in that he perceived that there was great favour laid up for those that died godly, it was an holy and good thought. Whereupon he made a reconciliation for the dead, that they might be delivered from sin.” (2 Maccabees 12:43-46.) [6] Today Today, some Christian churches and Jewish customs offer prayers and light candles on behalf of the dead. The Coptic Church of Egypt continues to practice baptism by proxy for deceased members of Coptic families. Also the Neo-Apostolic Church in Europe.[7] Joseph Smith No major religions in Joseph Smith's day believed in this doctrine. It is highly unlikely that Joseph Smith would have known that the Early Church practiced this. Even if he did read Corinthians and invented this belief from scratch, how did he come up with such a logical reason for its use?
@lindamartinez7006 Год назад
Thank you for that history . That was great .
@oldschoolgmail Год назад
That was fantastic! Thank you for that historical evidence! Truths keep unfolding on how Joseph Smith was a prophet of God!
@alexanderv7702 11 месяцев назад
It would help if there were a General Conference talk on the subject: Baptism For The Dead.
@Kristy_not_Kristine Год назад
The temple endowment teaches us HOW to enter into His presence.
@DiffQ_Bro Год назад
Kings and priests, I get it. I don't remember anything in the temple about being a prophet.
@dougknighton5348 8 месяцев назад
11:58 "the Son acting as some sort of symbolic key word" Gotta say, so far it feels like a real stretch on most of the points you've made.
@johnlds1965 2 года назад
PS. Have subscribed so I don't miss any others, thanks for sharing.
@chrislayton2025 Год назад
But in the temple we are taught to consider ourselves respectively as Adam and Eve who on finding themselves in the lone and dreary world built an altar upon which they offered sacrifice and prayed (hence they are taught the True order of Prayer a.k.a "Mighty Prayer" which prayer circles since 1978 had been banned from being performed outside of the temples) and this narrative being in similitude of Joseph's first vision where he also prayed and messengers came from God after dispatching the devil.
@sampatane 2 года назад
There is a beautiful painting of the father and the son displayed at 46:43. Where can I find that painting please? And thank you for the awesome video as well.
@chrystinereynolds7509 Год назад
That painting looks like a combination of Harry Anderson's portrait of Christ, and Michelangelo's portrait of God the Father on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican.
@alexanderv7702 11 месяцев назад
I encourage others to obtain a Hebrew English Interlinear; checking where the KJV reads "the LORD", and you can see where the Tetragrammaton is written: reading from right to left yod, hay, wah, hay. Also, the KJV translators inserted the English definite article, "the", although the definite article in Hebrew does not appear there.
@amandadierenfeldt7052 5 месяцев назад
In ancient Israel, the use of goat knuckles as tokens or counters can be traced back to practices associated with ancient Semitic cultures and religious traditions. While the exact reasons for this practice may not be explicitly detailed in historical records, there are some potential explanations and interpretations that shed light on the significance of this custom: Divinatory or Ritualistic Use- One possible explanation is that the goat knuckles were used in divinatory practices or rituals. In many ancient cultures, including Mesopotamian and Canaanite societies, rituals involving the ‘casting of lots’ or the use of tokens for divination were common. The knuckles may have been employed as part of such practices to seek guidance, make decisions, or determine divine will in various matters. -Symbolic Significance- The use of goat knuckles may have had symbolic connotations in ancient Israelite belief systems. Goats held symbolic significance in Near Eastern cultures, often associated with fertility, sacrificial rituals, and spiritual symbolism. The choice of goat knuckles as tokens could have carried symbolic meanings related to fertility, abundance, protection, or other aspects of religious belief and practice. -Cultural Tradition The use of goat knuckles as tokens may have been a cultural tradition inherited from surrounding cultures or earlier practices within Israelite society. Many ancient societies incorporated animal parts or bones into their religious rituals, practices, or symbolic systems. The use of goat knuckles could reflect a cultural continuity or adaptation of such practices within Israelite religious contexts. Practical or Utilitarian Purposes- It is also possible that goat knuckles were used as practical markers or tokens in certain contexts within ancient Israel. They may have served as counting devices, gaming pieces, or markers for transactions, contracts, or other social or economic activities where a physical token was needed. -Sacred or Ritualistic Objects-The use of goat knuckles as tokens may have been associated with specific rituals, ceremonies, or sacred contexts within Israelite religious practices. They could have been employed in offerings, rituals of atonement, purification ceremonies, or other religious activities where symbolic objects played a role in the performance of sacred duties. In conclusion, the use of goat knuckles as tokens in ancient Israel likely had multiple layers of meaning and significance, drawing from cultural, religious, symbolic, and practical considerations within the context of ancient Semitic societies and religious practices.
@jamescoe4765 4 месяца назад
Maybe you can help me understand something. I have read about the encounter between Joseph Smith and the Angel Moroni in the book of Mormon. I did not find that Joseph tested the spirit by asking Moroni "who is Jesus Christ". Did Smith ask that and if not, why not? and if he did what was Moroni"s answer? How can I trust Moroni isn't an evil angel?
@babyvlad007 Год назад
Hello, Are LDS encouraged to read the Bible also? I have been learning more about the LDS beliefs and cannot reconcile many of these teachings with what the Bible says. For example, the LDS teaching that God the Father was once a human...Who do LDS say His father would be? Is this believed to go on infinitely and LDS doctrine teaches there exists more than one God? Am I misunderstanding? Thank you.
@ChrisPadillaAZ Год назад
Glad you need to build your foundation to learn more and more. Maybe you could have the missionaries over to see what they have to say.
@mikewood3557 Год назад
Yes, we read and study the Bible as well. The questions you’re asking don’t have answers. There is much that the Lord has never revealed. That is as true for traditional Christians as for Latter-Day Saints. Often when people struggle to reconcile our beliefs with the Bible, the problem is reconciling our beliefs with what they believe rather than what the Bible says. We would often point to other passages for further insight than you might. Where you might think we’re contradicting the Bible I would say it’s more likely that we’re only contradicting your interpretation of the Bible. We revere and accept the Bible and study it in depth.
@IL-948 Год назад
You shall not add to the word which I command you Deut. 4:2 Do not add to his words Prov. 30:6 The Bible is complete.
@johnrowley310 Год назад
Whoops, you are dealing with mormon crazy stuff. Just say I know this church is true ten times and you will be ok...
@lindamartinez7006 8 месяцев назад
@@IL-948that is only talking about those particular books you just named . The Bible was never a book but a long scroll with no chapters or verses . 66 books separate books were chosen to put in the Bible . It also says that in revelations which of course was not written last but one of the first . I’m surprised when you quote the books that say nog to add to the words you can’t understand it just means that book . How do you nog see that . What about all the other words written after those books ? Many thinks are written after those books you named .
@bonnienandino6942 Год назад
@alexanderv7702 11 месяцев назад
The Book of Mormon reads: "bread and wine."
@Mark-rm2yu Год назад
(2 Nephi 9:41) "O then, my beloved brethren, come unto the Lord, the Holy One. Remember that his paths are righteous. Behold, the way for man is narrow, but it lieth in a straight course before him, and the keeper of the gate is the Holy One of Israel; and HE EMPLOYETH NO SERVANT THERE; and there is none other way save it be by the gate; for he cannot be deceived, for the Lord God is his name." Yet, the endowment is designed to give us the signs and tokens in order to pass by angels who stand as sentinels before we get into heaven (or the celestial kingdom or exaltation, etc). Here is the problem I've had for a long time: where in the LDS scriptures does it say that we have to pass by any servant or sentinel or angel who stands in our way as we enter God's presence? I've looked hard to find it, but maybe someone here knows.
@71greatdane Год назад
Hi Mark. I totally agree with you that it doesn’t say anywhere in the scriptures we are to pass by angels and sentinals to get to Heavenly Fathers presence. I notice the presenter here in this presentation where she quotes Brigham Young that says those words. I noticed you quoted my very most favorite scripture in 2 Nephi 9:41 So when I read it the first time it stood out to me I took it literally and I believe truly that the Holy One of Israel is our Savior and Redeemer and that he personally will bring us through the veil. With that understanding my Temple worship became so much more meaningful as I picture our Savior bringing me through! Yes it could be either Heavenly Father or Jesus Christ but it’s so beautiful and so personal. Thank you so much for sharing the same thoughts I have had for years.
@Mark-rm2yu Год назад
@@71greatdane And thank you for the kind words. Finding someone I agree with in youtube comment sections has not been easy lately. When in doubt, I go to the Book of Mormon. I didn't know that about the new endowment version - I haven't been through for a while.
@71greatdane Год назад
@Mark. I hope you get to go again soon. The Endowment session film has been changed and now it’s focus is even more on our Savior and redeemer. It is so beautiful and my testimony has been strengthened by the beautiful music and focus on our Savior. If you have the time definitely go and see for yourself. It will change you and strengthen you beyond what you ever thought possible.
@Mark-rm2yu Год назад
@@71greatdane I can't ignore the many questions I have about the endowment and other temple things. Maybe they have altered it again to mention Christ more, but that doesn't change how things were in the past. I still want to know why Brigham put the "angels who stand as sentinels" in the endowment and if there's anything canonical that mentions something similar. As for Christ, I believe I have spoken to Him and received guidance directly from Him. I'm very grateful for Him and what He's done for us. Thanks for the chat!
@pattiallred9635 11 месяцев назад
It is always interesting to look at symbols and try to make connections, but how do we justify the temple narrative and 3 Nephi 11? 32 And this is my doctrine, and it is the doctrine which the Father hath given unto me; and I bear record of the Father, and the Father beareth record of me, and the Holy Ghost beareth record of the Father and me; and I bear record that the Father commandeth all men, everywhere, to repent and believe in me. 33 And whoso believeth in me, and is baptized, the same shall be saved; and they are they who shall inherit the kingdom of God. 34 And whoso believeth not in me, and is not baptized, shall be damned. 35 Verily, verily, I say unto you, that this is my doctrine, and I bear record of it from the Father; and whoso believeth in me believeth in the Father also; and unto him will the Father bear record of me, for he will visit him with fire and with the Holy Ghost. 36 And thus will the Father bear record of me, and the Holy Ghost will bear record unto him of the Father and me; for the Father, and I, and the Holy Ghost are bone. 37 And again I say unto you, ye must repent, and become as a little child, and be baptized in my name, or ye can in nowise receive these things. 38 And again I say unto you, ye must repent, and be baptized in my name, and become as a little child, or ye can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God. 39 Verily, verily, I say unto you, that this is my doctrine, and whoso buildeth upon this buildeth upon my rock, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against them. 40 when the floods come and the winds beat upon them. 41 Therefore, go forth unto this people, and declare the words which I have spoken, unto the ends of the earth.
@ChrisPadillaAZ Год назад
9:20 who is that artist?
@MegaJohn144 10 месяцев назад
Let me ask you something. Would you prefer the SYMBOLS of Christ, or the actual personage of Christ, Himself? Contrary to what you might think, the center of the Restoration, and the center of the work of Joseph Smith is, as is stated in Section 1, to prepare for the coming of Christ, that faith might increase in the earth, that every man might speak in the name of the Lord, to establish the Everlasting Covenant, to proclaim the fullness of the Gospel. All of this centers on Christ. The revelations, the church, even the temple (presumably) center on Christ. The temple ceremony is a dress rehearsal for what should be happening in our own lives. Are we preparing in all things to converse with the Lord through the veil, and actually enter His Presence? If not, all the temples and their symbolism is a grand waste.
@DiffQ_Bro Год назад
Is the Book of Mormon adoptionist?
@RyanWhetten 3 месяца назад
now do the masonic symbols.
@johnrowley310 Год назад
You need the symbols for Christ. Because he ain't there...
@cameronross7236 Год назад
You don't have to do ANY of this. Like none of it. We are the temple. God wouldn't charge 10%, slap some underwear and oil on you and have you dress up like eve and get a new name just to be with him. Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.
@nuns8126 5 месяцев назад
Repent & Be Baptized. Though your sins be scarlet yet shall become white as snow.
@geoffnoyes520 Год назад
All Mormon temple ordinances and covenants were not taught by Christ or his Apostles, but taught by Joseph Smith. Two class system, temple worthy and those not, not taught by Christ or his Apostles but taught by Joseph Smith. Exaltation to Godhood, not taught by Christ or his Apostles but taught by Joseph Smith. The building of temples, not taught by Christ or his Apostles, but taught by Joseph Smith. Celestial marriages, not taught by Christ or his Apostles, but taught by Joseph Smith. Baptisms for the dead, not taught by Christ or his Apostles, but taught by Joseph Smith. Masonic type clothing, symbolism, rituals, oaths and covenants, not taught by Christ and his Apostles but taught by Joseph Smith. The building of Mormon temples and everything that is done in them every day across the world is done in faith obedience and trust in one man, JosephSmith, Biblical Christianity is following one man, Jesus Christ. That is the foundation and heart of this faith, their temples symbolize this fact.
@alexanderv7702 11 месяцев назад
The 'Supreme Being' is the Tetragrammaton is YHWH = Yahweh = Jehovah. It is not Jesus! Jesus is the "only begotten son" of Jehovah.
@Notfromhere347 Год назад
The new and everlasting covenant is polygamy. The endowment is the new and everlasting covenant. See D&C 131 and 132.
@michaelparks5669 4 месяца назад
it is not polygamy it is plural marriage they are not the same
@dannylarsen4290 Год назад
God had one tabernacle until Solomon's temple was built. Herod's temple replaced it. That one temple represented the One true and living God of the nation of Israel. The Levitical priesthood was established to perform animal sacrifice in the temple. When Christ died on the cross, He became the final sacrifice shedding His own blood. The temple veil was torn in half from top to bottom signifying that Jesus was our Only High Priest entering the holy of holies. No more need for the Levitical priesthood. The material temple was destroyed by the Roman army in 70 AD. Under the New Covenant, Christ becomes the temple. When we believe in His sacrifice for our sins, we also become temples where His Spirit resides. The Bible is clear on all of this. No more need for material temples. That is why both Jews and Christians are not a temple-building people. Yet hundreds of material temples are constructed in Mormonism to perform ordinances that never took place in the ancient temple. Not a restoration of anything that our Savior taught.
@nuns8126 5 месяцев назад
Right now in Jerusalem the Temple Institute is ready to build the third temple. Everything is prepared, all the blue prints, construction materials, implements for worship, vestments, furniture, everything. Even 5 red heifers have been imported into Isreal. The Jews are ready.
@nuns8126 5 месяцев назад
Thousands of Roman Catholic & Eastern Orthodox Cathedrals/Temples around the world have been constructed in every nation where Christ's sacrifice is daily commemorated & glorified.
@AlbertJLouie Год назад
Mormons depend too much on Temples, thinking it will bring you closer to God. You all need to understand the things of the "HEART" (I Samuel 16:7). Let's hear what God Himself says about Temples in ACTS 17:24 "God, who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands..." Now, let's go down to verse 29 "Therefore, since we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Devine Nature is like gold or silver or stone, something shaped by art and man's devising..." So if you want to be closer to God, you must accept the real Jesus Christ of the Bible who is God the Son 2nd person of the Trinity as your Lord and Savior. Not in building of pretty temples. But don't get me wrong., Christians need a place to gather to fellowship. But the Mormon church has you jumping through "spiritual hoops" with they're Endowments, ordinances Basin water on 12 oxens, progression of rooms to approach God, symbolic ceremonial clothing, eating all your vegetables, sacred things done in secret. We live in a time of Grace. God has now made it that you can go before Him anytime, anywhere as you are. Let's hear what God Himself says about this in: HEBREWS 4:16 "Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need..." See Mormons, "come BOLDLY to the throne of grace!" No jumping through spiritual hoops to see God.
@bcnidiomas6528 Год назад
Marketing of Religion !!!
@Mark-rm2yu Год назад
Even in the Book of Mormon, we're warned "...the Lord worketh not in secret combinations" (Ether 8:19). So it would be nice to hear their defense of doing so many things that they can't reveal to the world while believing the Book of Mormon's warnings about secret works.
@aricoleman5802 Год назад
We need what we think we need. Thank you very much!
@AlbertJLouie Год назад
@aricoleman5802 But the only problem with that is you worship the wrong Jesus Christ. Mormons teach and believe that their jesus is the brother of Satan, which contradicts what God says in His Bible that Jesus is God the Son 2nd person of the Trinity. So which Jesus do you believe in? A. Your jesus of the Book of Mormon, who is the brother of Satan. OR B. The Jesus of the Bible, who is God the Son 2nd person of the Trinity.
@lindamartinez7006 Год назад
Oh what are you babbling on about . Nothing you said is true .
@natalieb.1454 3 месяца назад
That was rude of you. If your beliefs differ, then don't watch the video. Don't accuse woman with a degree in Ancient Near Eastern Studies, who cites her sources, of "babbling" just because you disagree with her conclusions or views. If you wouldn't have said it to her face then you shouldn't say it online, Linda.
@kamiwallace4408 Год назад
Please be careful in your presentations to not put more into the scriptures than is actually there (ie: when trying to teach the principle of God’s usage of the right hand you share the story of Nephi shocking his brothers… you even quoted that Nephi stretched “forth his hand” but the added “he stretched forth his RIGHT hand” … the scriptures don’t say that. I am a very faithful, active LDS member, but have always struggled with people enhancing the scriptures for their own teaching purposes.
@Mark-rm2yu Год назад
Thank you! I agree completely. Sometimes people want two things associated so badly that they'll do all sorts of mental gymnastics to make it happen. It's like using a hammer to solve a jigsaw puzzle.
@jephthahgatei8841 Месяц назад
She claims to have a lot of scholarships in her presentations, but I noticed how she over exaggerates. Good catch !!!!
@alejandrovalenzuela377 2 года назад
This was just amazing. Thank you so much for putting this together.
@raykitt4858 Год назад
At baptism we only Covenant that we are willing to take upon us his name. It is not until we go through the temple that we actually take upon us his name
@CarolynAitken-yp2rq 9 месяцев назад
There’s actually a condition called Temple anxiety and it’s very common lots of people get nervous, with me the atmosphere reminded me of a hospital with everyone walking about dressed in white and talking in whispers but it’s something I’ve had to try and learn to get over!
@lindamartinez7006 Год назад
Number 5 spiritually reborn . We know means baptism . We know the gateway into the Celestrial kingdom is baptism . And the Holy Ghost. The terrestrial king the middle and the t Telestial kingdom the lowest which is still a glory do not need baptism . Baptism is the gate to Celestrial . Unless a man be born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter into heaven . This is what Jesus was teaching Nicodemous . When he said but can a man enter into his mothers womb again ? He was not understanding at first . If you are a member you should know this . If not a member then perhaps you would not understand the three degrees of glory although it is in the Bible .
@sherryhughes8412 Год назад
I thoroughly appreciate all the information you've shared. I've gone to the temple for 41 years and I feel like I have a better understanding of the sacredness of the ordinances performed. Thank you for your clarification and knowledge on this most important work.
@mwagoner7531 Год назад
The picture background at 6:20. Is that available for purchase or do you have the artist's name?? Love your videos -- so clear and helpful. Thank you!!
@ChrisPadillaAZ 10 месяцев назад
That is a combination of pictures . Not a single pice of art.
@markevans5498 9 месяцев назад
Hello, I'm 66 years old. And born and raised in salt lake city. At 35 I started a much deeper study of the church and the temple. And as i listened to your video, i realized that you are just saying the same, kindergarten type information that has been repeated for many many decades. And so repeating the same errors. For example; the latter-day temple ceremony, is absolutely nothing like the ancient temple ceremony that was in Jerusalem. That temple was all about the killing and blood of the animal. That is the temple that represented Jesus Christ. He even said it did, as you know. This latter-day temple represents someone else completely. And he is referred to in, Leviticus 16:7,8,10,20,21,22 (this is the one who must die spiritually, to overcome spiritual death. As Jesus is the goat referred to in the same chapter in verses 16:7,8,9,15-20. This is the goat/person who dies physically, to pay for "Sins". And we all know that Jesus died to take away "sins". But i haven't met a latter-day saint yet who has any idea, or understanding about who is the second goat that pays for the transgressions, and Iniquities of Isreal. And he is the main reason for the restoration of the gospel in the last days. This mystery person (second Messianic figure, or second son of the Father) is referred to in D&C 113:5-6 ... unto whom RIGHTLY belongs the PRIESTHOOD, and the KEYS of the KINGDOM...and for the GATHERING of my PEOPLE in the LAST DAYS. Also in Isaiah 11:10 the Root of Jesse. And the apostle Paul in Romans referred to him in describing his assignment to take the gospel to the gentiles (or the ten tribes), in Romans 15:12 The book of Mormon even talks about him in the prophet Jacob's exhortation to his people, when speaking of the overcoming of the "TWO" deaths, physical and spiritual. Then and only then will the Atonement be completed. 2 Nephi 6-10, but specifically 2 Nephi 8:19,20... These "TWO SONS"... Thy sons have fainted save " THESE TWO" Again the Book of Mormon quotes Isaiah, in reference to the "Root of Jesse". 2 Nephi 21:10. The " Root of Jesse is NOT Jesus. Jesus is the root of David Rev 5:5, and Rev 22:16. There is so much more, but I've found that most Latter-day saints just want to keep repeating the same kindergarten type knowledge that every latter-day saint knows. They are stuck on being ignorant. I find it sad. The Latter-day temple represents the scapegoat/Azazel goat/Root of Jesse/ he to whom it RIGHTLY BELONGS. And if it RIGHTLY belongs to the Root of Jesse, then it DOESN'T Rightly belong to Jesus Christ. If you want to understand more, let me know. Mark 👋
@nuns8126 5 месяцев назад
Isn't Jesus both the Root of Jessie & the Root of David?? The famous hymn "O Come O Come Emanuel " that is sung at Christmas says so.
@JT-zt7uq Год назад
Thank you for sharing and teaching. I learned a lot of good things. Thank you
@hollioram Год назад
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and testimony. This is so inspiring and enlightening!
@dinocollins720 5 месяцев назад
Another fantastic video! Thank you!
@benasante3227 Год назад
As a new convert, this is very helpful to my growth. Thanks
@alexanderv7702 11 месяцев назад
You only know what you know!
@alexanderv7702 11 месяцев назад
The gold plate that was worn by the High Priest on his forehead read: HOLINESS UNTO YHWH Unfortunately the Translators of the KJV did not translate accurately-they were not consistent. The Tetragrammaton occurs over 6,000 times in the Old Testament. It is only translated six times as Jehovah. Both Yahweh and Jehovah are translation of the Tetragrammaton. Furthermore, elohim is the Hebrew word for God in the Old Testament. The suffix im at the end of a Hebrew word normally makes it plural, however, as in English, s does not make all words plural; as for example, News, mumps, measles. In conclusion: Jehovah is not Jesus in the Old Testament; as it should be Jehovah God, or YHWH elohim-the Father of Jesus Christ.
@davidjanbaz7728 11 месяцев назад
No, Restoration needed and the Most important action is Jesus Atonement on the Cross and His Resurrection : Jesus lives in our lives by the Holy Spirit as they R the One God along with the Father. And Christians R One because we have the Same Holy Spirit in a unique way even though we are many.
@jillsnyder6467 4 месяца назад
I love these videos! So helpful and it has helped me piece things together! Thank you for putting these out!
@carterbrown9695 2 года назад
I love this channel so much
@DeanneSanchez-q8u 4 месяца назад
The Temple has nothing to do with following Christ You need to do some research on the church history
@PeoplesCareClub 11 месяцев назад
Salamat igsoon.
@adambass100 6 месяцев назад
Why do we do what Satan tells us to do in the endowment by putting on an apron? We keep it on through the whole ceremony. Even with the robes of the priesthood. Anyone have an answer?
@michaelparks5669 4 месяца назад
Yes It means what God(Jehovah Elohim) said. "man has become one of us knowing good from evil" putting on the apron symbolizes we are no longer innocent children but becoming like our Heavenly Father. It is curious that the word for God in genesis 3: is Jehovah Elohim. Jesus and Heavenly Father. There are documents which say the Early Christians wore aprons when they did the Holy Oranits ceremony which is a prayer circle.
@amazonwater7778 Год назад
Talk to Rabbi Tobias Singer about that he is Rabbi from Israel 🇮🇱 see what Israel thinks about that. They are in you tube videos.
@ChaChaDancin Год назад
I’m reminded of the most prominent temple symbols every time I drive past the local free mason lodge. Square and compass.
@BeeDub57 11 месяцев назад
Please do more of these! You have amazing content.
@chriscockrell9495 Год назад
Good video. Got me thinking on a number of tangents. Thanks
What does the "thumb extended" symbolize?
@Sayheybrother8 Год назад
Just finished your temple changes 2023 video and was very interested to know how you found the connection between the temple and Christ. I sincerely asking if I’m understanding what you’re saying here and would love for you to correct me where I’ve misrepresented what you’ve taught here: 1-the temple teaches us about Jesus Christ by anointing us to be “Saviors” to others who need us to save them because THE Saviors infinite atonement somehow doesn’t qualify them for entrance into Gods presence? 2-tokens were used to identify those who you should trust. How does this teach of Christ? The signs of the print of the nails were literal signs of His resurrection. I don’t believe God will need me to prove with a physical token my worthiness to be in His presence in the same way Christ had to demonstrate who he was. 3-Garments represent our commitment to try and live righteously but don’t have any connection to the atonement or sacrifice. We’re to assume that the coats of skins Adam and Eve used were from sacrificed animals? Sorry, I don’t remember where the garment is in any way connected to Christs atonement. 4-I’ve always thought the scriptures say the veil was torn because it wasn’t needed anymore since the ultimate sacrifice of the Son of God was made and the atonement complete. The veil and altar where the animal sacrifices were made all pointed to this ultimate sacrifice and it seems like that is finished nullifying the need for the veil and altar. 5-The sacred embrace of the Egyptian deities giving life still don’t point me to Jesus Christ as my redeemer. The Bible and Book of Mormon are very clear in teaching this fundamental principle. Why would the LDS temple hide it for almost two centuries when it should be shouted from the mountain tops? He is our redeemer and he died so we can live again and through His atonement our hearts will be made pure and we will become a new creature, spiritually reborn and worthy of Gods presence. Could it really be that we somehow can be that Salvific change for others when Christs atonement was infinite?
@lindamartinez7006 Год назад
Number 4 the veil was not torn because it was not needed any more ?? It was torn when Jesus died because the veil is symbolism of Jesus Christ . The veil is Jesus . So it was torn at his death . Bruised broken torn for us on Calvary . Do you see the symbolism in the veil being torn now? Why would we still not need the veil ? We still need Jesus to come to the Father even though his sacrifice is complete it is still only through Jesus we come to the father .hope this helps .
@lindamartinez7006 Год назад
Number 2 tokens ?? Tokens are Jesus Christ wounds . You are very mixed up on that part . Tokens are not you identifying anything for Jesus . That is how Jesus identifies himself to you . Seems you missed the mark in your understandings of symbolisms taught in the temple just like the Jews . You missed the mark . Try harder if you are a member to understand what tokens are . I would suggest you read third Nephi when about 2500 people come up one on one to the savior . Study this chapter and learn what tokens represents . Since you are quoting from the Book of Mormon that would be the best chapter to read . Hope this helps you out . Don’t miss the mark here or what is being taught . Every thing done in the temple as she says is openly taught in the scriptures . You say hide it ?? No it is sacred . But can be found in the scriptures as Jesus said everything I have taught openly to you at the temple . Outside the temple but some did not understand all his teachings . Obviously because they did not want to or had hard hearts .
@Sayheybrother8 Год назад
@@lindamartinez7006 I’m asking if she is teaching that the tokens and Christ showing his hands are parallels. I’m curious if that is where the atonement of Christ was taught in the temple prior to this week. Trying to follow:)
@Sayheybrother8 Год назад
@@lindamartinez7006 I’ve been studying this a bit since the realizing I was missing Christ in the temple. These words are from a study guide I’ve been using and feel it describes more clearly what I’m asking about: The veil was a physical, visible barrier indicating that access to God was strictly prohibited because of his holiness. It is imperative to remember that the holiness of God remains unchanged from all eternity - even after the veil is torn. What has changed, then, is that the atoning death of Jesus on the cross has provided the appropriate wrath-bearing sacrifice, one which the bulls and goats of the old covenant could not provide (Hebrews 10:4). The author of Hebrews expounds on this very clearly: “we have confidence to enter the holy places” (Hebrews 10:19), and this is accomplished by the blood of Jesus. This is the “new and living way” (Hebrews 10:20) that Christ opened for us through the veil, which, the author says, is through his flesh. This means that the breaking of Jesus’s body at the crucifixion is the unprecedented means by which believers have access to the presence of God.
@lindamartinez7006 Год назад
Number 5 the sacred things of the Egyptians don’t point me to Christ ? Remember now that the Egyptian temples were somewhat corrupted ok . Not the same as ours . And we can also find some of the tokens in Chinese temples believe it or not . Now what does that teach us or let us know about temples ?? That sacred thugs were taught to all at first . Then they changed things . It shows us how true temple teaching truly are because even some of the corrupted or changed ones still have some bits and pieces of true teachings that point you to Christ which is marvelous tk know that portions of the temple are still seen in a lot of other temples . It is history she is showing here how it connects the dots . It is fantastic . How even they at one time understood that it is Jesus Christ they are worshipping and looking forward to even though they did not know it and missed the mark that teaching is still there and can be found all over the world . Isn’t that mind blowing . His do you not understand these fantastic things ? Being a member ? You don’t grasp this ??? She did a great job . There is another guy a member who shows even more his all these rituals in other temples and countries have some connections . It is so profound .
@johnlds1965 2 года назад
Excellent, thanks for sharing, I also enjoyed your recent video about prayer... well done... :-)
@FOHguy Год назад
In the time that I spent living in Salt Lake City, I learned one very important thing. The higher up that daddy was in the church, the wilder the daughters were. Good times.
@mr.gabriel382 Год назад
Your preaching a false religion.
@user-ub5rg6fn6e Год назад
You really should not be speaking of sacred things, you might break your covenants unknowingly!
Qalpoq - Amakivachcha (hajviy ko'rsatuv)
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