
Taekook facts | Coincidences which looks intentional & some recent things 

I believe in Taekook 𐤀
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31 окт 2024




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@alicializarraga4621 Год назад
Tiene que traer protección v es un artista muy valioso profecional hermosísimo tiene que cuidarse lo mejor para el lo quiero muchísimo y lo quiero feliz
Рада за.ребят.заслужили.наградв
Тэ и JK -это real Пара boyfriend!! Их нужно любить и уважать. Потому что их отношения никому не вредят. Любовь этих красивых мужчин настолько уникальна, как и Они сами!! И я желаю Им добиться всего, за что Они бороться. Я бы очень хотела , чтобы Они могли свободно гулять по улицам, , беззаботно посещающать мероприятия, дышать воздухом свободы в обществе. ТэКук мощная Пара!! Вернулся Тэ в Сеул ( здесь кадры с аэропорта) и одел толстовку перепутав лицевую сторону с задней. Всё, бренд Tuewid теперь продаёт эту модель в том виде, в каком она была на Тэ. Wow , какое влияние Ким Тэхена!! У парочки Тэ и JK все так и происходит: сначала JK ошибся , и не правильно назвал еду. Бренд под него подстроился . Теперь Тэ перепутал стороны одежды, и та же Самая история! Пара Тэкук - real Magic!! И они, все подсказки в деталях:: JK танцует в той же футболке в которой был на концерте Юнги. Тэ на Vlive был одет в те же спортивные брюки, что и на концерте Юнги. И этим всем они дают ещё большую уверенность на сейчас ( а многие все " на качелях" пребывают) , что у них все хорошо!! Недавно у одного блогера с Сеула спросили, не называя имён: как понять, что людю другой сексуальной культуры, являются Парой?? Он ответил: они носят парную одежду. О инциденте , с которым столкнулся Тэ, когда непонятно каким образом появилась сталкер, это вызывает больше вопросов, чем есть на них ответы. Как Big Hit, которая несёт за ребят ответственность , могла такое допустить? И как это возможно, что на территорию престижного комплекса, охраняемого, где так же TPI apartment отвечает за безопасность жильцов и самой квартиры могла проникнуть сталкер??- , затем ещё и убежать, а позже по всем данным в свидетельстве о браке, ее смогли найти?? Как такое можно допустить? Не даётся понимаю, очевидно есть ещё звено цепи, и что-то умалчивается, а то получается совсем доступно даже неадеквату проникнуть на территорию Каннаме по своему желанию.
@liliandersen3052 Год назад
Вы правы, возможно она выполняла задание, слишком ей легко удалось найти пути проникновения. Полиция должна быть более тщательной, в разборе этого уголовного инцидента. Популярность КимТэХëна, кому-то очень не нравится. Это прослеживается на всём пути его творчества. Нет ни одного айдола, кто выдержал бы этот прессинг.
@ДораКим-х2й Год назад
​@@liliandersen3052 многие тоже пишут , как может девушка одна провернуть такое проникновение в охраняемое место , наверняка есть сообщники и среди работников компании.
@liliandersen3052 Год назад
@@ДораКим-х2й Вот это скорее всего правда. Иначе случись это с Чимином, то все уже, выли бы на каждом углу: какой он бедненький, аж до квартиры добрались. А так, развели бла, бла. А про конкретные меры, ни полиция, ни компания не оповещает. Одни блогеры и фанаты возмущаются. А это уголовное дело с применением давления на человека.Потом неизвестно, что она там конкретно хотела, что за этим шантажом стоит. И хоть Тэ успокаивает, хотелось бы конкретных мер, и конечно усилить охрану.
​@@liliandersen3052Есть ещё один момент, накануне Джойс С записал видео, где говорил, что если с Ким Тэхеном что то случится, за это будет ответственность нести полностью Компания ( по сути так ... бегло просмотрела). Если такой текст, это говорит об одном: были угрозы!! Ранее JK на своем лайв говорил о том, что у него охрана...., шла речь о каких то напитках, и он сказал : ок, можете передать моей охране "". А , в случае с Тэ вообще не понятно, Где эта охрана. Он является достоянием своей страны, и какое то чучело свободно может проникнуть на территорию охраняемого комплекса. Офигеть !!! А , если бы она имела другие цели, и не бумажку имела в руках... Да, очень все мутно.....и обществе , это не вызвало никакого резонанса Значит , что то умалчивается Компанией .
@liliandersen3052 Год назад
@@АленаТитаренко-ц6з Так открытый буллинг, саботаж, фейковые голосования для Чмина, с Тэ давно хотят работать западные музыканты( Джон Батиста встречался с Тэ в ЛА, так же он фанат леди Гага - с ней у него теплые отношения: она показала это на Гремми, после съёмок фильма Хваран- ему предлагали работу из кинокомпаний, Кортье целый год боролся, чтобы Тэ стал амбассадором), готовил микстейп из 13песен, даже спойлерил на трансе, отдал на просмотр бшху, тот сказал сырые, но вернул только три, остальные канули в лету, а сколько за годы работы притеснения, насмешек, тычков просто не перечислишь. Ещё фанаты насмехаются, что мол фанаты всё время ищут подоплёку, а что её искать, это всё на виду. Попробовал бы выжить их бездарь Чимин, при таком отношении.
@Arin_69_Jeju Год назад
I don't understand where some people get their brains and their manners. What was that woman thinking? That Tae is going to marry her? 🙈🤬 Unbelievable! TaeKook wears clothes from the (also mine) community very often and I'm glad they do because I think they always give us a clue with that. 🌈 👬🏻👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 TaeKook forever 💚🐯🐰💜
Mentally unstable people walk the streets in every country
Большое спасибо АВТОРУ этого канала за ваш труд ❤
@sincerelyyours-sz6lg Год назад
There's no end to the achievements that these two beauties will receive. But I wish hybe/bighit would put an end to allowing individuals to get so close to Taehyung! A fan grabbed Tae's hair this past August, now the elevator incident. What will it take for that company to wake the HELL UP and protect Taehyung better! The thought frightens me tremendously!! And if they can't do a better job at controlling the crowds at the airport, then please have the guys use a different exit. Them being safe means more to me then any airport footage! Author, thank you❣️
@veroniquepayet7704 Год назад
J ai l impression que V n'a pas d importance pour l entreprise. 😢
@jamietkh5862 Год назад
If not mistaken it was JK whose hair was almost grabbed by a desperate lunatic fan! Situation is getting frm bad too worse with the saesaeng situation. Goddammit! BHM/HYBE need to do away with fans airport fanfare cheering on all departures/arrivals of our BTS boyz. Thoughtless fans go into stampede rampages surging forward trying to get as close as possible, intruding into personal space of eg. TaeTae or JK. Had the fan managed to grab JKs hair, (it was a very close call) she'd pulled a turf off to keep as souvenir! What if in a hypothetical scenario, that same mentally deranged woman stalking V decided if she can't marry V and for her own keepsake she'd rather V (I darent imagined🤯) 'RIP'- mentally deranged 'grimm ripper' lunacy! Excusez-moi! There're already infamous cases of such incident eg. John Lennon gunshot by deranged fan Mark David Chapman, a 21 yo Hollywood actress stabbed to death by a delulu fan in love with her! V could say not to worry he's OK coz, ofc he's alive to say so after stalking incident in lift..yikes!! Hello BHM/Hybe how close proximity is that?🥵🥴. Too late if preemptive measures not taken RN! Prevention better than cure or no cure? Noticed all airport scenes security personnel were so exasperated to protect all sides. Some instances they failed! Better do away, cancel fans airport cheering fanfares. Make special exclusive arrangements with airport security mgmt to whisk away only the global VFP idols - separate private departure/arrival. Any fan, ARMY know how to get this msg direct to BTS's agency eyeball👁👁?
@meireelen3627 Год назад
Infelizmente a empresa não suporta Tae principalmente porque esse não se afasta de JK, cujo a empresa quer a todo custo empurrar para jimin para manter os coringas alimentados mais JK não quer 😂😂 o engraçado é os coringas gostarem do Fanservice e gritarem com orgulho que é amor recíproco 😂😂 quando não a a mínima alegria nos olhos do JK enquanto atua com jimin, então a empresa pune esses dois severamente porque Tae não aceita fazer fanservice JK aceita por algum motivo, talvez a empresa o ameace usando o nome de Tae e JK fica com medo mais é gritante seu pedido de socorro para sair disso e eu tenho nojo dessa maldita empresa que os tratam como objetos sem valor, Taekook merece respeito e apoio e todos merecem proteção que empresa não protege seus funcionários sua filial de lucro é um absurdo Tae sofrer na própria casa e JK também já sofreu até ameaça de morte de uma louca que lhe enviou comida, porque nada foi resolvido quanto a esses fatos não são incidentes são crimes e que estão sendo deixado de lado como se eles não fossem importantes, mais eles são pra mim então eu exijo que BH tome providências e acabe com esses ataques e pare de empurrar os membros uns aos outros como putas porque isso só está gerando guerra entre o fandon e hater aos meninos principalmente a Tae e jimin mais o que leva fama de tarado safado que quer os dois é o JK, e eu acho isso um absurdo visto que esta óbvio quem o JK verdadeiramente ama é o Tae então não tem sentido a empresa insistir no shipper falso para gerar conteúdo aos coringas e fazer Taekook sofrerem com haters e loucas que querem vê-los separados 🎉❤ Taekook Foreverrrr
@leniraguerra8236 Год назад
Jungkook está sendo empurrado para os americanos, com colaborações de "amigos" que nunca ouvimos falar e músicas sexuais, pra mostrar um Jungkook "macho americano" ! A HYBE tentou com Jimin, agora levou Jungkook para América pra ver se ele amadurece....( vira homem ?) Tae fica só implorando o amor dele... Foi lindo a história deles no passado....
@sincerelyyours-sz6lg Год назад
Yes, there's so much injustice going on and I wish there was something that we could immediately do! The fan service should have ended years ago because, yes, so much hatred towards the guys has developed and although I truly love Jungkook I'm not a fan of the collaborations, I still want the best for him but between the two, Taehyung is the one that I absolutely adore! I want the best for them all but I've remained a fan because of him! Hybe/Bighit has become a horrible company that has no honor and that I no longer respect and that goes for that disgusting Bang PD as well! I know that the members are shareholders but I wish we could somehow support them w/o supporting BH but unfortunately that's not the case. I believe it's extremely important that we constantly comment when we see wrong being done, which is a huge way of making everyone aware by spreading the word as much and as often as possible! Hopefully the disgrace towards BH will cause some sort of positive change towards our angels! I'm sure Taekook has a strong legal team and if a contract was signed (I've heard conflicting reports) I hope the restrictions are not as tight as before! I hope at some point they'll have total control of their own creativity! Like the others, Taehyung has played an enormous part in the success of that company and keeping him protected is the least that they can do!! I know we all just want them to be safe, happy and have continued success and honesty I believe the guys are so Blessed to have wonderful and caring individuals that love and support them, such as you!!😘 Taekook 💜❤️💚
@cvetlanagrevceva2280 Год назад
Спасибо за новости, как всегда чётко и по делу. Волнуюсь за нашего Тэхени💜💜💋
Группа.бтс..самая лучшая ребята.все.талантливые
@susiandriana9342 Год назад
Wow congratulation taekook...power couple 💚💜
@normaalicia6554 Год назад
taekook forever estriste saver lo que lepaso a tae espero que lo protejan taekook los reyes de universo taekookuk de corazon💜💚💜💚
@ManikaDebbarma-zk3zt Год назад
Taekook forever and always 🐯🐰💚💜💚💜💚💜💚💜
@silverhoneycat Год назад
Agreed! 💯 Who wouldn't want tannies to feel safe?? Make space PLEASE, Army 💜💚 In every way~ It's hard to be satisfied sometimes with what we're given but our greed should never step over their safety and happiness. At the end of the day, it's their life and they are human too. 💞
@MT-bp1yz Год назад
OMG , all is beautiful , thank you for your work .🤗🤗🤗❤💜💚👫💚💜❤💯💥💯👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏
@fabiennereuvers Год назад
That looked so beautiful and this Woman really needs Psychological help for allowing herself to stalk Taehyung😠like that. I remember, Jungkook was already stalked by someone twice earlier this Year🥺and now Taehyung😞. It's unbelievable that this Woman has the nerve😠to do that. What many People think is simply no longer normal. Yes, you're right, Fans should give their idol Space and respect them. I think it's great that Taehyung was so kind in helping the woman up because she had fallen at Tae's feet. But you still don't do something like that, that's no excuse for not giving your idol space and distance. Yes, i posted these two videos on my main channel and when I saw it I thought it was really cute, both of them can dance really well to girl band songs and also look really good with the Girl Bands... and congratulations👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾on your MMA 2023 Nomination🏆Taehyung🐯 and Jungkook🐰🥰. Thank you for sharing, Taekook Family🐯👨‍❤‍👨🐰💍💍♾💚❤💜🖤🐕🐕🏳‍🌈forever.
@sharongerlach8971 Год назад
Taekook always and forever
@Stigma228 Год назад
TaeKook is pure love! TaeKook Forever!💜💜
@taekooklover5060 Год назад
Taekook forever 💜💚🌀🇧🇩
@dyahsulistyowatidyah8471 Год назад
First time taehyung photo look a like jk.i'm sure sasaeng woman is taekook hatters do it like that forced taehyung sign because will spreading rummors about taekook Will broke taekook and taekookers because jealous over to taekook Taekook power couple Taekook realy real couple
@yannn614 Год назад
Some armys are crazy they even didn't respect their privacy they always make our taekook uncomfortable at airport at the restaurant even at tae's home that woman is really brainless and toxic ..and I am proud of them and jk seven won international best song of the year at the tiktok awards TH2023 !!!! 💚💜
@FatNebraskaMom Год назад
I love how people are still like, "they're just brothers!" Lmao. Yeah. Ok
@FatimatujZohuraRuponty Год назад
I'm here now 😢😢
@walkofnails2923 Год назад
@jamietkh5862 Год назад
IBiTK says: '.. he's someone we all know...and the name of his (best) friend is Levi! Did I get spelling right? Errgh...how come i didnt know this? Vs best friend with a BF...wow so telling!😊. JKs attire design inspired by Marcel Duchamp, American-French painter, sculptor...described/interpreted as fluidity of sexual identities! IBiTK cutely remarked: 'What a nice coincidence?'🥰 Geewhizkid! I ain't know nothing of these fact. I had to Wikipedia on Duchamp on instant😂! You did hardwork gurl. Merci beaucoup mon cher.... eh muah😘 >3x
@VilmaAssis-f9n Год назад
Taekook most Beautiful couple in The world taekook perfect couple forever forever i believe and i support fully and forever love taekook forever i love taekook forever 🐰❤️🐻💚💜👬🤟
@Galina_comsorg958 Год назад
🥰🥰🥰💜💜💜🌹🌹🌹 Спасибо за информацию.
@musukoijk4997 Год назад
Vkook 💚 💜 💚 💜 💚
i am assuming you havent read jk comments about feeling uncomfortable or not right about being called a boy at his age. And for anybody younger than him calling him a boy it’s extra weird he said. So why don’t we all get into the habit of calling them what they are, which are men
@nikonladyd4509 Год назад
As much as we love our ships and want them to be together. This recent ruling of criminalizing same-sex relations even when on leave is back on the books. Please see this article written on 10/26/23. With the members in or going to the military by the end of the year, it is critical they not be outed. We the supporters and those that ship really need to tone things down regarding thier relationship. The photos of kissing, sexualizing them, explicit fan art needs to stop for now. This is for the safety and well being of our beloved members. We know from many other idols the trouble and issues they had when serving. Taemin is our most recent high profile example of bullying that resulted in him being moved from active duty to service duty due to mental health trauma. Taemin has also dealt with rumors of being queer and that carried over to the military. Please, please, let’s protect our members…all of them! *********************** Dismay as South Korea upholds military ‘sodomy law’ for fourth time Activists deplore ‘distressing setback for equality’ as court backs law against ‘indecent acts’ between military personnel Raphael Rashid in Seoul Thu 26 Oct 2023 07.29 EDT Last modified on Thu 26 Oct 2023 21.31 EDT South Korea’s constitutional court has upheld two anti-LGBTQ+ laws including the country’s notorious military “sodomy law” for the fourth time, in a ruling activists are calling a setback for equality rights. The court, in a five-to-four vote, ruled that article 92-6 of the military criminal act, which prescribes a maximum prison term of two years for “anal intercourse” and “any other indecent acts” between military personnel, even while on leave and consensual, was constitutional in response to several petitions challenging the law. One judge in favour of the law stated that because there were many men in the military, opportunities for same-sex sexual relations were frequent, and as such, the law was needed to maintain order and prevent same-sex sexual assault and the breakdown of the military’s combat-readiness. Lim Tae-hoon, head of the Center for Military Human Rights Korea, which provides assistance to soldiers including those accused of breaking the anti-sodomy law, said the decision was “absurd, illogical, regressive and driven by prejudice. “While the world has been making progress in abolishing discrimination against minorities over the past 20 years, the minds of the judges have not advanced even a single step,” he said. Amnesty International’s east Asia researcher, Boram Jang, said it was “a distressing setback in the decades-long struggle for equality in the country. “This ruling underscores the widespread prejudice experienced by LGBTI people in South Korea and the government’s lack of action to prevent harm and ensure equality which is their human rights responsibility,” Jang said. “It has no place in Korean society and should be scrapped immediately.” Article 92-6 has long been a controversial law, with local and international human rights organisations, as well as the UN human rights committee, calling for its repeal. The law has been indiscriminately applied to punish and out gay soldiers, regardless of any sexual act, in a conservative society where being gay is often considered taboo or even a medical condition. The law has also faced criticism for creating barriers for victims of sexual assault within the military to come forward. In 2017, an investigation - decried by rights groups as a “witch-hunt” - was launched to identify servicemen suspected of being gay, resulting in the indictment of a dozen soldiers. A case in 2021 criminally punished two soldiers for a consensual sexual act. At the time, a court said their actions “bordered on rape”. Thursday’s ruling comes despite the supreme court’s decision to overturn article 92-6 convictions. Separately, the constitutional court ruled that an article in the Aids prevention act that criminalises the transmission of HIV infection was also constitutional. The ambiguous law, enacted during the Aids panic in the late 1980s, has been criticised for preventing individuals living with HIV or Aids from receiving the necessary care by stigmatising them through criminalisation. Rainbow Action, an umbrella of LGBTQ rights organisations, said that the court’s failure to rule the sodomy and HIV-stigma laws unconstitutional meant “it had not fulfilled its responsibility to protect the rights of minorities”. “The fight is far from over,” it said
@danibancos Год назад
@ana-ye8et Год назад
cadê a legenda em português/Br?? 🇧🇷🇧🇷???
@leniraguerra8236 Год назад
Só o meu tablet traduz todas as línguas... Mas tem uns canais estrangeiros que não permite ! 🇧🇷
@btsian686 Год назад
What happened to kia , I can't find her acc on insta😢
Почему нет субтитров на русском языке?
@IbelieveinTaekook Год назад
Subtitles are available dear
@88mindygirl Год назад
@lindafelipe-x6z Год назад
How true is the tweet that Jungkook is a regular customer at VIP sxx lounge in Gangnam.This is an adult establishment where rich customers are allowed to enter Hope JK is not involved in drugs because I think this is the club that sells drugs to their customers.If Jungkook will be investigated then he will follow GDragon.What will happen to his album and career? How will Big Hit protect him?
@cleonicesouza5246 Год назад
Não e. Coincidência. Nem. Fatos. E. Infantilidade. Vê. Se. Cresse. Garotas.
@prissgracia1477 Год назад
Te van demandar baja eso y busca una vida
@Виктория-у2м3л Год назад
Get out of your imagination 🤣 Jk and V friends only
@Marce28-16 Год назад
Exacto 👌 hermanos y amigos por siempre ❤💜
@Sa3bluemoonjtfamami1921 Год назад
Get out of your imagination 😂 Taekook are married couple. ❤
@Виктория-у2м3л Год назад
@@Sa3bluemoonjtfamami1921 dirty
@nadin5174 Год назад
​@@Marce28-16Даже через 2 пары черных очков-нет!
@meireelen3627 Год назад
😂😂 saiam vocês da suas imaginações jikook é só fanservice 😂😂😂
@ponce106 Год назад
Tae for sure goin to.marry to a.women soon..not man..hes.not gay...jk is.his young brother...and tae was thankful to jk as hes big brother to him in some ways....7 members always has coencidence...and no.fans knows them very well and whose with them behind the doors..only.people thinking like they are gays...aaaaiiiissssh...brain🤨
@КопыловаЖанна Год назад
@Kimjeonjannat7 Год назад
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