
taekwondo-one kick 

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taekwondo-one kick



12 сен 2024




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@doystkd 16 лет назад
These are TKD Honors, Best fighters, Best Martial Art is TaekwonDo # 1
@nqw52u 17 лет назад
it means the art of the hand and foot actually and this part is classed as SPORT fighting the important part being SPORT and it is far more tactical than most people think, its chess in doboks!. There are so many more areas of taekwondo
@ddo90 17 лет назад
Glad im Vietnam! Eventhough Taekwondo isn't come from VN but they got a strong club there.
@Lordp00m 16 лет назад
The chest is left open on purpose... It is to draw in the opponent closer so you can strike him while he tries to strike...
@pkmasteiz 15 лет назад
(CONTINUED): it alot more, meaning you will either lose your balance, or you will be unable to swing another kick just as fast. Whereas, if you use just medium force and as fast as you can go, you're gauranteed to be able to follow up your kicks, causing pressure on your opponent. Although, if you're a counter fighter and you want ONE good kick for a possible knock out, I suggest a full force back kick, or reverse turning kick to the jaw.
@taekwondomartialarts 15 лет назад
i love taekwondo!!!
@moussleouf 14 лет назад
my cousin is unbeatable :) 75 taekwondo fights, 75 wins. as fast as a cobra =) Go taekwondo :)
@thekhai 16 лет назад
Some of you kept arguing about fighting, I see that you learn martial arts because you want pick fights instead of just exercising your mind and body. You cannot discuss different styles of martial arts when your purpose is not martial arts.
@moussleouf 14 лет назад
thanks m8 I hope he will get better and better. ( he's my teacher too, so i have a lot to learn from him ).
@pkmasteiz 15 лет назад
Well, those of you saying it's best to kick with full force. In some ways it can help, for example, the new Electronic Body Protectors which require a huge threshold to score points and is best scored on by using full force turning kicks, or pushing/back kicks and of course, punches. Although, if you take out the electronic body protectors and just use normal electronic scoring (Ring Master), and you go to kick full force, the problem you have is that you need to turn your hip and body into
@Amosral 14 лет назад
@ActionSamwise this is the art fighting, the sport. you might as well critise boxers for not kicking or grappling, or fencers for using body armour and blunt swords. Self defence fighting is a completly seperate thing, but still gets taught in good clubs. Some things should be universal to martial artists, though, respect and discipline being two of them.
@mennoace 14 лет назад
@TheHamster88 Also I agree with you that it doesn't look awesome, wrecking or even entertaining to most of you guys, but it's the name of the game; patience, analysing and trying not to get hit to lose any points. It's a tactical waiting game moreover a striking game such as kickboxing. It is easy to compare to BJJ though, only instead of trying to grapple/lock/choke your opponent, it's trying to hit your opponent without getting hit yourself.
@devourerofbabies 17 лет назад
Nah, it was the best Dojang in town, going by the tournament results. Actually, one of our guys beat the Mexican national champ. "Not every style can fit to every person. Maybe best style is, let's say Thai Boxe o Judo or something else." The problem with that argument is that looking at high level competition, MT or BJJ are pretty much the best styles for everybody.
@ejohanet080 15 лет назад
WTF= World Taekwondo Federation...i agree with keeping your hands up especially colored belts, against a faster opponent it's easier to block a head kick than dodging one
@kewlzman69 17 лет назад
i agree wif u man, taekwondo is effective and if devoure thinks its not then he isnt a good fighter.. tkd rules!
@devourerofbabies 17 лет назад
I never said TKD isn't a martial art, I said it's no good for fighting. As for trying it myself, I did it for four years. As for not being effective, the round kick is weak, fancy stuff doesn't work, and they are utterly optionless inside of kicking range. That's why TKD guys get destroyed whenever they fight boxers or kickboxers.
@godofnot 16 лет назад
We use distance to stay safe not our hands. If we have to put our hands up we can do that too. But if you watch they are out of range where there hands would really change anything, up or down.
@AznSupaStar14 16 лет назад
I can learn something from this. ^^
@dominking16 14 лет назад
wooo very nice sparring keep it up guys
@thekhai 16 лет назад
Oh, the one wrestling grapple that I was talking about is the one where they charge at you and try to grab both of your legs.
@pkmasteiz 15 лет назад
Well british people call it reverse turning, others call it spinning hook kick but, yeah. And it just depends what type of fighter you are and how your flexibility restricts you. I personally would use a spinning hook kick or axe kick.
@TKDFighterJoe 15 лет назад
boxing is also point based. you just don't see the score till after a point. a 'point' in tkd should technically be (assuming it was scored correctly) a blow to a valid area which causes trembling shock, and immediate bodily displacement. (aka, a hard shot) is not the conflict of a fight one where a person attempts to land as many hard shots on an opponent as possible, whilst trying to avoid hard shots attacking himself?
@TgWaKu 17 лет назад
I think you should read up on Taekwondo before posting a comment like that. This is a Taekwondo competition fight; where you do not receive points for punching, and alot of the time it is easier to move out of the way of a kick instead of blocking it for a clear shot of their chest protector.
@edraith 17 лет назад
If you practice the Taekwondo (WT Federation or IT Federation, whatever) you do practice the martial art, the sportive-sparring, the martial art-sparring (that is more close to Mixed Martial Arts that to Olympic Sparrying...), Self Defense and so on. Maybe, with no offense, in four years they taught you wrong.
@ScyllaIo 15 лет назад
Tournament style and self defense style of fighting is different in TKD. Since you really don't use your hands for tournys you can keep them down so it is hard for the other person to score. In a real life or death situation we keep them up and avoid anything too fancy. Personally I have always hated the chest protector cause it slows me down and my kicks lose reach, speed and power.
@TimmyMcTimface93 13 лет назад
Actually, last year the WTF changed the rules so now they give you a point for punches. It's about time. So if you want to complain about Olympic style Taekwondo being "lame" or not suited for street situations, think again. Even without the rule change our training includes hand techniques. At my dojang we learned some Hapkido, and 3-step techniques at red belt as well.
@thekhai 16 лет назад
To ptran14444. There is one wrestling grapple I know how to counter, step back into a low front stance and if you are talking about real life then start bashing the back of the head with your fist. Obviously, if the guy surprise you with the grapple then you will be taken down. It's all about scouting and surprising your opponent in a real fight. Any styles can beat any styles as long as you know both styles.
@haydentkd 14 лет назад
@TheHamster88 there are in fact a few broken bones and knockouts. There are some powerfull kicks, my friend had a disc in his back broken and you cant "condition yourself" for things like that.
@Tomatito1981 17 лет назад
Now thats a very typical response from a hardcore ITF person if ever i saw one! Exhibit some courtesy (no 1 tenant of TKD) for other people and their chosen art. the WTF lads / girls are trained to a much higher standard than their ITf counterparts with proper sports medicine, anti-doping measures and realistic tapering periods to win at competition and by the way can kick BLOODY hard
@haydentkd 14 лет назад
@TheHamster88 no. I have seen people who have blocked and broken an arm, that is why their guards are down. Also you try to dodge more than block.
@exodia94 14 лет назад
LOLZ the refree nearly pointed tat the blue won
@f7y6 14 лет назад
yeah, some of the boxers and mma fighters are pretty legit too. cause they have lots of experience. still, since they're not technically "trained to kill" I still rank like Israeli defense forces and SEALS above them.
@calculator027 15 лет назад
yea, depends on martail arts too. the title says taekwondo-one kick. there is pretty no punching in taekwondo. only about 5%
@peeyush981 17 лет назад
the first rule of self defence is to lead a good healthy life.why would i need to walk in the bad parts of my city?if you come from a place where violence is a part of daily life then avoid it.and at times when you are pushed too far any fighting knowledge helps.i dont think that i am going to be mugged by a muay thai or jui jitsu guy!! so comparing of arts is pointless.the simple knowledge that you ought to keep out of trouble + some basic punches and the slap kick are good enough
@richard2mitchell 14 лет назад
1:50 blue i got to piss. red you to? blue yea BIG time.
@lvcsslacker 16 лет назад
we can trust someone who has naruto in their name.
@edraith 17 лет назад
No this brings us to the point of the debate: if you train well, you will reach good levels, regardless of your particular style. Taekwondo is not just kicking. Maybe in your dojang they practiced only "sportive taekwondo"? Nonetheless Fedor himself (and MANTY other big champions) studied TKD to improve his kicking technique: tkd is specialized in kicking. But tkd should not be just kicking...
@elwa8460 12 лет назад
so sweeet
@mennoace 14 лет назад
@TheHamster88 now i agree with you ^^ taekwondo-ka's arent dominant enough for freestyle fights, purely because we never practise that scenario :P so idd, in freestyle a kickboxer has more chance to take the win
@edraith 17 лет назад
I see your point but I fear I don't understand it; I try to explain: it seems you are talking about "only-sportive-tkd". Taekwondo, in the origins, had a sparrying very similiar to MMA, with boxe punching, throws, elbows, knees, something similiar to kyokushinkai karate or muay thai BUT with different style (more research in flexibility, footwork, legs, speed).
@devourerofbabies 17 лет назад
There's nothing wrong with TKD as long as you realize you can't really fight with it.
@edraith 17 лет назад
Modern sportive tkd is just "kick the red circlet on the body armour" and this FOR SURE IS very uneffective! And the martial-traditional and pre-established shotokan-like mini-randori are uneffective too. This is sure. But if TKD is well practiced it has boxing punch, GUARD, throws et cetera. In my dojang is normal to boxe-spar or to spar in judo or to spar in "traditional taekwondo" (that is "mixed martial arts with more footwork").
@devourerofbabies 17 лет назад
There are no low kicks allowed in TKD. Also no head punches. It is very much a sport and not a martial art.
@HaykAmirbekyanTKD 17 лет назад
lol. ye thast happened to me when i kicked a guy in the face but then got jumped from the back. its funny when you look back at it lol
@Roochfan20 16 лет назад
I know that I have no experience in TKD whatsoever but I'm just wondering at why TKD fighters don't cover their heads and why they rely on their kicks almost the entire time and not using fists like other martial arts do.
@purenathan 17 лет назад
yea but people think it'd be useful for fighting in the streets to. It'd be like using basketball in a fight dribble then dunk them on their head -.-
@fisutin 17 лет назад
ima start TKD in september :)))))))
@richard2k5 15 лет назад
I'm assuming you're talking about WTF (olympic) sparring. In ITF sparring we can score points with hand, and its more benifical to have a guard up
@music4life320 15 лет назад
I donno about you, but you should keep one hand up, not to prevent a point, but to protect your head, cause if you get hit right you're down.
@wp90NL 17 лет назад
yes that is true, there are great kicks in TKD, but there are also kicks that are just crap, and are more for the show. TKD only on it self is just not to effective since it has weak points; the 'close combat' , the defense is weak and the option to strike with more differend limbs, is not there, what makes the defence of a TKD attack more easy. but I must say that combining MT with some of the better TKD kicks would be very effective.
@29622 18 лет назад
^ Is it illegal to have such a short attention span?
@zzomgitsme 17 лет назад
tkd is only effective to a certain point. not criticizing it or w/e but there are some situations where tkd can go so far.
@Icepak666 15 лет назад
its prolly coz ure watching them when there going in a for a kick, so they dont bring there arms up to the face
@AppleDGreen 13 лет назад
Mornin' everybody!!!!
@haydentkd 14 лет назад
@TheHamster88 he took a kick, i think it was a round house while he delivered a back kick.
@Kudiz 15 лет назад
you did not learn wrong. and tkd may very well work as a combat system, BUT since they tend to compete alot and whilst doing that they keep hand down to avoid scores coming in on the ir body they keep em down, and learning that makes it hard to have the guard up by default.
@millball 17 лет назад
erm, yea... i got an email saying your replying to me.. but i have no idea what on earth your talking about m8. please explain if you want. this vid is kickass btw and cant remember seeing it. so thanks
@santines45 15 лет назад
hell yea
@TheHamster88 14 лет назад
@haydentkd yeh they might seem powerful , only cause there is no denfending or blocking to reduce the impact. wat i would class as powerful kicks would be say muay thai kicks..also howd he break the disc?
@moussleouf 14 лет назад
@marcinekrudzki his name is Rachid, but you can't see any fight of him on youtube nowaday coz he's fighting in a special federation in France without shit rules. peace
@rorinho95 15 лет назад
exelentes ko
@TheHamster88 14 лет назад
@scorcher165 well u use ur keyboard, and input the appropriate configuration of letters to get the result intended... :D
@devourerofbabies 17 лет назад
This is where I must respectfully disagree with you. It's true that TKD teaches hand techniques, however, the hand techniques that they teach are not useful. There is inadequate defense for the head, and they don't train effective hand strikes, and they don't train combinations. In addition, a lot of useless techniques are trained.
@KLxSkyLight 13 лет назад
@ActionSamwise How can the stances be wrong? i mean when you look at wing-chun's stance, its often stable on the ground without bouncing. How do you expect to knee someone in a real fight when theyre gonna punch you. From TaeKwonDo, we learn how to puch and how to direct our force. As for body armor, theres such thing as full contact, youtube it if your not too lazy. And its not the martial art, a white belt in tkd can beat a black belt in karate. it all depends on the person
@richard2k5 15 лет назад
@ BornTubin, WTF = World Taekwondo Federation Just realised it could also mean "what the f*ck"! lol
@wp90NL 17 лет назад
Like they are kicking, I would someone needs about 12.268 kicks to go down. But if im right in TKD it is more about making a lot kicks than making effective kicks and KO your opponent. I prefer muay thai...
@Chen94 16 лет назад
Yeah its not bad ^^
@moussleouf 14 лет назад
taekwondo is a real good martial art, taekwondo is really effective in a fight.... that was before it becomes a olympic sport, now taekwondo looks like a shit sport.. there's no spectacular kicks in fights, only kicking like bitches to match points that's my opinion, long live taekwondo.
@linos13 17 лет назад
ok but there are lot of ko's in tkd and even though u have protection. that shows us that if a tkd fighter hits someone with nno protection it can b deadly.
@29622 18 лет назад
Hehe the Taiwanese seem so aggressive.
@smsjgoku 14 лет назад
its funny how everyone looks at the sports side of TKD and say its not realistic so therefor TKD isnt good yet my instructor hds 1 class specificly for sparring the other classes are for on the streets so in my TKD we learn self defence ALOT more then sport, so what every other school doesnt do that ?
@purenathan 17 лет назад
Ya know I don't ever remeber saying anything about kicking being wrong to much of it isn't a good thing If you would think about it wouldn't it be smarter to set the person up for a kick with a few punches first.Also punches and kicks aren't the only thing you can do in a fight you can elbow,knee,throw lotta stuff and fight science?There differences in peoples sizes which more had more muscle which is why readings could be wrong so don't use that as a refernce.
@devourerofbabies 17 лет назад
Your English is adequate. Don't worry about it. "Taekwondo is, like every other style, very effective when well practiced." TKD is very very limited. It relies on long range kicking, and that simply isn't enough to win most fights. "I owned a boxeur at boxe, once" So he's a boxer and you weren't allowed to kick and you beat him at his own game and he's a pro and you're not? Sounds like you're supremely talented. That doesn't have anytyhing to do with TKD though.
@moxigen 14 лет назад
and again TKD… perfect sport for contergan victims.
@TaeKwonDodk 15 лет назад
Yes, but not many does it. Why I don't know. I do though...
@WimiBussard 14 лет назад
@chooseit2 "and a good fighter can see kicks coming so they just move their head" That's true... in most cases ;) ... but nevertheless it's risky
@EliasOwnage95 14 лет назад
@1mpur1ty yep , almost three times the punch from what i've heard
@slanahesh 17 лет назад
maby u should go to the bad side of your town or city and walk around for a few hours.... maby then you'll think differently
@Corvus___ 18 лет назад
@TheHamster88 14 лет назад
@mennoace well derh, clearly im seeking a reaction, wen it comes down to it , its a sport, a rather lame one at that. true the knockouts are pretty cool sometimes, but thats only because they tend not to put up a guard resulting in a full fledged kick with no deflection or blocking. and i could most definitely do better :) the fact that i went and tried it, and was able to learn the required techs for the next belt in that single lesson shows its a gimped MA. I train in kick boxing and BJJ btw
@koreanwutard 15 лет назад
the blue guys stands is off...
@069stylez069 15 лет назад
uuuuu painnnn
@MrSHAWNANINO 14 лет назад
what do you call a kick that its like a running kick?
@devourerofbabies 17 лет назад
OMG, did you just use practicaltaekwondo as a positive example?
@edraith 17 лет назад
Ooh, fuck my bad english... "Maybe YOUR best style is, let's say Thai Boxe or Judo or something else" :P Ghgh, :) Taekwondo is, like every other style, very effective when well practiced. I owned a boxeur at boxe, once, and I was just Taekwondoka, only sixth kup (green belt), while he was a semi-professionist. Now let's say taekwondo sucks: I think this is pure idiotry (can I say "idiotry"?)
@TheHamster88 14 лет назад
no no i didnt mean that i would be better than them at TKD.. no no no, most definitely not although i do have a basic knowledge of tkd, i mean in a freestyle fight. not just tkd rules. if it was just tkd style and rules.. id most definitely get owned ahahha
@devourerofbabies 17 лет назад
Okay then. :)
@wp90NL 17 лет назад
man, I did TKD before MT and I liked it but I found out that it isnt effective, especially on the street, and offcourse the kicks look nice but TKD is about making the right moves, in the right way and score points, and not about KO's. And the MT trainings are far harder than TKD trainings, if you really wanna learn to fight you should do MT. and tell me why there olmost arent TKD fighters in K1... because it isnt effective if you really need to kick someone's ass. And I can know that...
@ruhtraeel 16 лет назад
Lol you would probably get smoked before you even reach his legs.
@seung89 17 лет назад
off balance with high kicks?? i understand what ur trying to say, but u have to understand tkd is diffenent than Karate..someone else can say the same thing to u..for ex just like there is no kicks below the belt in TKd..A muy ti fighter can say why arn't they knee and elbows in karate? and fucken high kicks are amazing if u know how to use them
@mennoace 14 лет назад
@TheHamster88 you learned the required tactics for the next belt by the western commercial standards I'm sure...Look I'm not trying to insult you, you're probably good at the sports you do, but comparing taekwondo style/stance in a match with kickboxing is like comparing monopoly to risk, its different in many ways. And once again I don't, at all, believe that you can do better than the Olympic TKD-practicioners.
@edraith 17 лет назад
These two posts were in response to devourereofbabies (comunist? :D LOL)
@NeoErtation 15 лет назад
Đa số là đấu ở VN
@mennoace 14 лет назад
@TheHamster88 trolling...If you can't do it better yourself (of which I'm pretty sure, because you wouldn't be calling it gay if you could), then don't say negative things about it. If ye don't like it, leave it.
@Sya93im 14 лет назад
@ActionSamwise Judging by your comment, i see you r not a good martial artist or fighter or not even both... In taekwondo trainning, we do learn punches, hand up defence, and everything else, we didn't punch in a 'sport' fight is because it scores no point, no knees, no elbow or clinch because its against the 'sport' part of taekwondo rule... Same as muay thai taekwondo is invented because of war. If sport taekwondo havent gotten so many rules, we've maybe fighting in better punches and stuff...
@user-pr6dm7jh9s 6 дней назад
@purenathan 17 лет назад
>.> look below
@moussleouf 14 лет назад
I don't think so...If u just take Mike Tyson when he was still a boxer. No One was able to beat him in the street. why? coz 2 thousands pounds of power in each punch make him 10 000 times more dangerous than another human. Just look all his fights, 1 punch = 1KO, 5 punchs/sec. That's what we call martial arts.
@TheHamster88 14 лет назад
@haydentkd broken arms from tkd kicks? wow ... some people need to condition themselves better
@maximinou63 17 лет назад
La qualité de la video est a chier! c est tres dommage! ^^
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