
Talking Starling / Bessette Da Birdie / Her Song XO 

Melissa M Wagner
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1 year old hand-raised Starling... her 'song' consists of a bird calls (mimic from a bird clock in her room) a couple of bars from a Mozart piece, her name, and clicks / sounds taken from me.



1 окт 2024




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@amaliamika6880 11 месяцев назад
Ljudi predivni ste. Mene gledaju kao čudakinju, jer volim čvorke. Svake godine su u mome dvorištu, prolazim s njima sve faze, svaki dan... Jučer je došlo jato, njih oko 10 pojesti grožđe koje sam im ostavila na grani. Jednog malenog, koji je ispao, debelog stomaka sam vratila u gnijezdo, bilo je sve ok. Prihvaćen. Uglavnom, drago mi je da ima još ljudi koji ih vole, i suprotno!
@wagnermia 11 месяцев назад
Zar se Starlins ne sviđa gdje živiš? U Sjedinjenim Državama ih je vrlo loše gledala javnost. Tužna kao tako lijepe društvene ptice. To je zato što u velikom broju mogu uništiti poljoprivrednike u nekoliko dana nakon toliko posla, što utječe na njihov godišnji proračun s gubitkom. Iz te perspektive, razumijem. Ali nisam farmer. Volim svoju slatku Birdie xo
@amaliamika6880 11 месяцев назад
@@wagnermia Da, i ovdje ih se boje jer sve pojedu, voće, polje, ...ali kod mene u dvorištu nisu jeli višnju uz koju su odrasli 😁
@wagnermia 11 месяцев назад
Gdje si ti? Osjećam se loše zbog gubitaka usjeva. Ostale ptice također štetne, ali ne dolaze u tako velik broj kao što je Starlings. Ali kao ljubimac, najzadovoljniji, zabavniji, interaktivniji ikada (je moja prva ptica) kada te jedan Starling odabere, to je duhovna stvar. Dar iz svemira i uvijek dolazi kad ih najviše trebaš. Obično nakon traumatskog događaja velikog gubitka. Mnoge kulture prepoznaju Zvjezdanog kao glasnika iz viših duhovnih područja, od Boga, simbolizirajući preobrazbu. Dolaze uz podršku za promjene i nove početke. Podsjeća nas da pustimo prošlost kako bismo krenuli naprijed. I da će nas držati nježno u tom prostoru, jer je ispunjen milošću odozgo. Xo
@GRUNGELEOPARD 4 месяца назад
❤❤❤❤❤ let her fly
@positivelythinking 4 месяца назад
@wagnermia 19 дней назад
Very belated response to simply say ‘Thank You’ - from myself and The Birdie xo
@supersasquatch 5 месяцев назад
No way it's not a proto language
@wagnermia 5 месяцев назад
Not sure I understand your statement but Starlings don’t have a standard song like a robin or sparrow. They are from the Mynah family who are mimics of sounds within their environment. If raised by parents, they WILL adapt their language; however my Birdie was a rescue, hand raised by my self from 5 days old. I played Mozart and Beethoven over and over and said specific phrases ongoing ‘my name is Bessette, good job, etc) BUT what I did not realize was in her room was one of those bird sound clocks where a different birds song played each top of the hour. So she sings like a robin, sparrow, woodpecker and and owl, picked up from that clock 😂 Starlings are life long learners. Usually adding a few new things p year, especially if her environment changes. Neighbors behind us got a puppy, constantly barking. Now Birdie barks like a dog. Hence her Indian Name I have assigned as Little Dog. If you view the video titled eavesdropping… you’ll meet Little Dog 😂 pS Starlings have a song, all different, of about 12 measures/bars of ‘music’ that typically never changes with, always, a loud screaming at the end. Birdies includes words, clicks, phrases, always her name, and night night Birdie. Most amazing entertaining pet ever.xo
@PAULARCHER-zw5dk 9 месяцев назад
Truly God's child
@sawyerthestarling 11 месяцев назад
His song. Your birb is a boy. 😊
@wagnermia 11 месяцев назад
Yes 😂 but he self identifies as a she 😂😂
@sawyerthestarling 11 месяцев назад
@@wagnermia 🤣🤣 I totally get it. It took me what seemed like forever to get Sawyers gender. They take 6 months or better until their first yellow beak and I decided it was gonna be a girl Sawyer if that turned out to be the case. Such a pain in the butt to have to wait so long. Your bird is beautiful and I love that you've had it so long. Hold old are they? Mine is 3 and it feels like 10 years. Ha!
@wagnermia 11 месяцев назад
⁠​⁠@@sawyerthestarling It really is a pain though this he/she thing 😂 I thought she was a boy her first yellow beaky. Then others were for certain a girl. Then around 2 yrs old, with intensity, a few said for sure a girl. And that was that. Always calling her The Birdie… that day she officially became Bessette da Birdie. She came to me, chose me (it’s a spiritual thing when a starling chooses you I believe) in rural upstate NY, Canadian border. Passing down 3 floors in between a 200 yr old’s double bricked - the space in between - to the cellar where I found her, unscathed. Nothing broken. Perfection. Her parents nested each year in my homes upper eaves by chiming where bricks needed repointing. And ever year when they moved, I planned to repair but never did. I would have return her to nest but the only access was from outside and a very tall ladder. I also then believed that thing about if we touch them, the mama won’t care for them - now knowing it’s a myth. Regardless, she remained w me, learned all about feeding from the ladies at StarlingTalk… that feeding, a tireless job! Never happier for the break when the sun went down 😂 I did intend to release her but that became a non-option. She is 8yrs old and never any problems, no need for a vet until we moved to Tampa. And basically just forma check up. Now finally back in our original home in Fort Lauderdale her vet is Dr K (Kelleher from that Exotics Er show on National Geographic channel. And all was perfection, until it wasn’t when waking up, lifting her cover (my favorite part of the day) finding one of her legs snap in half like a tooth pick. No clue how it happened. It was a Friday. Her Dr couldn’t see her (said the gal on the phone)Drove around all day trying to get anyone to see here with no success. On Monday she was able to see Dr K however infection had set in and it had to be amputated 😢 Sadness thing and I have to adjust my thinking often regarding this. If only I had driven to the vet that Friday, vs calling, giving no opportunity other than seeing her… today most likely she would have that leg. BUT we have adjusted. She is still the same happy healthy bird. I do lots of physical therapy on her to keep her midline straight - an added bonus from such a tragic accident is….. I can hold her much more easily. And I love that. She could have lived upwards of 15-18 yrs old however with the handicap, less flying, more sitting, loss of muscle strength/energy making for challenging molts… I’m thinking more like 2-3 more yrs. But I love love love her. Apologies about rambling on. Now tell me about your Sawyer - a favorite name of mine FYI. M.
@sawyerthestarling 11 месяцев назад
@@wagnermia I loved reading this. Sawyer fell 3 stories from the eaves at an apartment in Nashville. I had a secret garden outside window hidden behind bushes outside my bedroom window and he fell on a squash plant. He was cold and all kinds of weird colors. He was 2 days old and I warmed him up and here we are three years later. There's a video on my channel of his first feeding and I rewatch it often. He lost his tongue on his first birthday even though I took him to the vet twice. He had a hair wrapped around the base and even under anesthesia they couldn't see it. It basically amputated it. I still carry that guilt and remember the pain of thinking I would lose him. I'm so sorry to hear about your little birb having an accident. I'm glad he/she is ok now. It takes a lot of love and work but it's more worth it than I could have ever imagined. We moved to Destin two years ago and he's been happy and healthy ever since. He's in free flight all day and I don't use his cage any more. It took some adjustment but we figured it out so he could have more freedom. He's seen a hawk before and hit his cage so hard trying to escape that it could've killed him. Knowing their little stick legs could get between the wires worried me too. I absolutely agree that starlings are incredibly special and somehow choose the exact right person. This 3 oz creature saved me. I couldn't possibly love him any more. I even tattooed him on my inner forearm. Lol. Sawyer Grey carries my heart with him even though he's the naughtiest thing on the planet. I judged yours being a boy by the blue base on his beak and the fact that he's so vocal. Idk what's gotten in Sawyer Grey since the weather changed here because he's going through broody behavior like it's Spring. I posted a video today of how naughty he's been and he's glued to me all day long. The feedings were no joke in the beginning but I'm just as happy about sunset these days so there's a little peace for 12 hours. Now that it's Autumn bedtime is down to 6:20 from 7:50 just a month ago. Thanks again for all the info and your story. I'm pulling for way more than 3 more years for you. 🥰
@wagnermia 11 месяцев назад
Serendipity. I got weepy reading your story as I know the emotions personally which you described. This bird is my heart. We have only been separated for 2 nights during the past 8 yrs when I had to travel back to New York for final closing of my home there. I just won’t leave her. She’s my emotional support animal 😂 but I have to control guilt creeping in that I could do better for her; however, with her flying not very consist now, with weight/balance off and usually only with belly landings…. It’s not safe for her to free flight at will. I built her a huge cage to promote her flying end to end but she ended up simply sitting, quite happily, most of the day. I can get sad but must remain in a state of gratitude. Plus, like I said earlier about being able to cuddle her more easily… each morning I take her outside, nuzzled under my neck at first, then repositioning on palm of hand to take in all the sights, sounds, sun. It’s never good to look backwards, to analyze the past…. I love her deeply. That’s it. Never changed w injury. Never will long after her precious soul passes to its next phase. I’m going to check out some of Sawyers videos tonight ❤
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