
Tallinn Treff 2023 

Eesti Noorsooteater
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Tallinn Treff trailers in EST
Tallinn Treff
25.-28. mai 2023
Rahvusvaheline visuaalteatrifestival Tallinn Treff toimub alates 2007. aastast. Festivalist on kujunenud kaasaegse nuku-, objekti-, materjali-, füüsilise ja multimeediateatri kohtumispaik, mis otsib inspireerivat dialoogi sisu ja vormi, traditsioonide ja uuenduste vahel.
Tänavune festival on arvult kolmeteistkümnes. Programm on koostatud nii, et siit võib leida ja kokku panna erinevaid alaprogramme: lastele, noortele ja täiskasvanutele, spetsiifiliste visuaalteatri liikide huvilistele. Publiku ette jõuab 17 lavastust, neist 4 Eestist ja 13 mujalt Euroopast (Saksamaa, Itaalia, Norra, Taani, Belgia, Holland, Iisrael; Inglismaa, Sloveenia), 7 lavastust lastele ning 10 lavastust noortele ja täiskasvanutele.
Peame oluliseks, et festivali programmis oleksid esindatud nii valdkonna absoluutsed tipud kui ka omanäolised uued tegijad piire kompavate lavastustega. Nii võime seekordse festivali eredaimate tippudena välja tuua kogu maailmas hinnatud lavastaja Duda Paiva nuku- ja füüsilise teatri lavastuse „Bruce Marie“ (Holland) ning nuku- ja objektiteatrilavastuse „Kajakas“ (lav. Nataša Belova, Belgia). Lastele suunatud programmis tasub eraldi tähelepanu pöörata Norra objektiteatrilavastusele „Garaaž“ (lav. Circa teater) ning Taani miimi- ja multimeedia-lavastusele „Elu väikesed imed“ (lav. Frede Gulbrandsen).
Eesti Noorsooteatri pika ajalooga rahvusvahelisest festivalist on aastate jooksul saanud oluline sündmus visuaalteatrite festivalikalendris. Sisuka programmi kõrval on Tallinn Treffi oluline identiteedi osa olla algatajaks ja arendajaks rahvusvahelisele haridusalasele koostööle.
Eelmiste festivalide tuules on juba sündinud teatritevahelised koostööideed nii lavastuste loomiseks kui töötajate täiendkoolituseks. Festivalil toimunud seminarid ja järgnevad kohtumised on loonud pinnase tegelemaks ka kaasaegse nukuteatri-hariduse teemaga kogu meie regioonis.
Tutvu lähemalt:
Tallinn Treff
May 25-28, 2023
The International Visual Theatre Festival Tallinn Treff has taken place since 2007. The festival, having evolved into a meeting place for contemporary puppet, object, material, physical, and multimedia theatre, seeks an inspiring dialogue between content and form, traditions and innovation.
This year’s festival is the thirteenth in a row. The programme has been set up in such a way that it can be divided or combined into various sub-programmes: for children, youth, and adults, as well as for visitors interested in specific forms of visual theatre. The audience will be presented 17 productions, of which 4 are from Estonia and 13 from elsewhere in Europe (Germany, Italy, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, Israel, England, and Slovenia). There are 7 productions for children and 10 for youth and adults.
It is important for us to include in the festival programme both those performers who are considered the cream of the crop in their field and unique newcomers with their boundary-pushing productions. As the crème de la crème of this year’s festival, we could point out the puppet and physical theatre production Bruce Marie (the Netherlands) by the globally renowned director Duda Paiva and the puppet and object theatre production Chayka (The Seagull) (director Natacha Belova, Belgium). In the programme directed to children, the Norwegian object theatre production Garage (directed by Cirka Teater) and the Danish mime and multimedia production Little Miracles of Life (directed by Frede Gulbrandsen) deserve special attention.
The international festival of the Estonian Theatre for Young Audiences has a long history and has gradually become a significant event in the festival calendar of visual theatres. Next to its content-rich programme, being an initiator and developer of international educational cooperation constitutes an important part of the identity of Tallinn Treff.
In the wake of previous festivals, several ideas have already been born regarding cooperation between theatres - both for creating productions and offering training courses to staff members. The seminars that have taken place at the festival as well as the subsequent meetings have also prepared the ground for promoting the topic of modern puppetry education in our whole region.
For more information:



22 мар 2023




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