
Tallit and Kippah | Does Scripture command us to wear them? | What is their purpose? 

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The tallit and the kippah may be seen being worn by those in the Jewish faith. Are they items that Scripture commands us to wear? Can we wear them? Should we? What is their purpose anyway?
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4 окт 2024




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@tomference4618 Год назад
..I always appreciate teachings that stand up to scripture,...and traditions!
@johnplouffe3673 Год назад
Another great teaching totally in agreement with everything you said. That's the joy of Truth it sets you free from error.Yehovah shalom and may you have yourself a blessed Sabbath.
@abuskeleke3378 Год назад
Thank you for this lesson, all glory to God
@frsiqueira Год назад
That's why I love you guys. Y'all are direct.
@kalabalakrishnan1484 Год назад
Shabat shalom brothers n sisters. I agree, Thank you for sharing.
@gregaj7 Год назад
Using the Talmud as a source might not be in the best interests of Torah-keeping born again followers of Yeshua, since it rejects Yeshua as the goal of the Torah.
@atlasdm 7 месяцев назад
Right on. A little leaven leavens the whole batch. Why teach from the works of those who actively rejected Yeshua?
@PascalPeters-h3w 5 месяцев назад
... And the Messiah also rejects the oral tradition, or man made rabbinical teachings, which are not found in the tora (like the washing of the hands before to eat).
@Davi.Abraham.Millman 2 месяца назад
Judaism was corrupted with the Talmud.
@CS-de4et Год назад
Clara. - Thank You for this wonderful information. SHALOM!
@AlmondHouseFellowship Год назад
Very timely video as we have just covered if "Christians" should wear tzitzit in our last teaching. We too agree kippah and tallit are tradition and not required or found in scripture. Shalom
@truthnotlies Год назад
Why Christians in quotations??
@Abcdefghijajajaja Год назад
Why is Christians in quotes
@joncampbell3754 7 месяцев назад
WONDERFUL teaching...I love it....
@Soloong_Gaybowzer Год назад
The kippa is more of a tradition that points back to the headgear worn by the levitical priesthood. However I do believe that all people of the Commonwealth of Israel who were living within the borders of the land where required to wear a tallit with the specified tassels as an identifying marker of the person being a worshiper of YHVH.
@davidpatrick1813 Год назад
Didn't the modern writings say a man should not pray with his head covered. I know people intellectualize away the simplicity .. but think about how men have taken off their hats when praying.
@wynfeather9997 Год назад
Shabbat Shalom👋😁🌷♥️🙏🏻
@mitzvah7061 Год назад
Thank you so much i am blessed by your Teaching
@delphineleu5852 5 месяцев назад
LOVE your teaching
@sherryr7792 Год назад
Thank you!
@Jazbo777 Год назад
We are commanded to wear the tzitzits, which are on the four corners of the tallit. The mashiach told us to enter our prayer closet to pray, the tallit serves that purpose. The kippah is a tradition not a commandment. They are worn in reverence to HaShem’s authority and respect for holy places.
@pegtop5455 Год назад
The commandment is to wear tzitzit on the four corners of your garment. Some translate it “clothing”.
@davidpatrick1813 Год назад
Do we do all 600 and some odd ... perhaps... where are those listed or are those traditionally pulled out of the writings. Only do the ones that won't get you in trouble with the laws of the land? Interesting the fact of law keeping in general and sabbath keeping is where this numbers thing was said. content context context. circle reasoning is tricky. But if the people were not picking up sticks and they were not given something to REMIND THEM ... they would keep doing it... If you personally need the reminder to keep the law of Yah by all means wear them ... but you should not do it to be seen of others and as a show. ... The sabbath is the sign not the tassels between Yah and his people. Ex 16 is a great important similar mentality to remember to KEEP THE LAW. Some laws were added because of transgression ... maybe this tassel one is one of them. ... Keep the law and get up and keep it again if you stumble. Then as it is written in your heart you won't need the reminder and will become more converted. To obey is better than sacrifice. Try not to trample the sacrifice. ...
@TheNarrowPathOfYahuah 11 месяцев назад
But what would you say about 1 Corinthians 11:4? I’m genuinely curious. I want to know the truth about covering your head with something like a Tallit
@DedicatedtoYAH 10 месяцев назад
@@davidpatrick1813Yes and Amen!
@deepwildblue74 Месяц назад
We are commanded to wear the tzitzit on the corners of our garment, the commandment never spoke of a tallit, never enforced on a tallit, never said it was to be wear on a tallit only. "To enter our prayer closet to pray"???!!! Let's see what really said Mashiaj ... Mattithyahu (Matthew) 6:6 TS2009 [6] But you, when you pray, go INTO YOUR ROOM, and HAVING SHUT YOUR DOOR, pray to your Father who is in the secret place. And your Father who sees in secret shall reward you openly. there is no mention of a closet here, so He never told us to do what you said. tallits covers a person, a closet encloses. The biggest reverence you can do to Yahweh (which is His Set Apart Name) is to have a circumcised heart and to stay away from traditions of men that nullify Yahweh’s commandments. The Set Apart places are shown reverence with a humble heart and love to Yahweh and your neighbor. See the Mashiaj example of leaving your offering at the Temple and forgive your brother first.
@paulgroth3345 Год назад
Thank you that was so clear. And just brought Clarity to some things that I was questioning. May Hashem grant that you receive in abundance all that you wish for others.
@davidpatrick1813 Год назад
Please read my comments above. pat
@malloyneil40 Месяц назад
This might need to be reevaluated. It says to attach them to the 4 corners of a garment. As such one needs a 4 cornered garment to put them on to. So just throwing them on a pair of pants isn’t actually following the instructions. If we are being technical then the Jewish Tallit is in keeping with the command, so long as it has 4 corners.
@nakiaboyr6196 Год назад
One thing I don't understand about a tallit is, doesn't it say it is a shame for a man to pray with his head covered in Scripture? And I see no command for kippah ot tallit in Torah. Besides Catholic priest (priests of Mithra) use kippah's. So anything they do. I feel weary about.
@chimmy___ Год назад
I heard that it represents a pagan sun disc and signifies submission to the sun god.
@davidpatrick1813 Год назад
@@chimmy___ The Jews and many others have taken non biblical influences and try to read them back into the scripture... this is a big mistake. Using outside references as "the" authority in effect ... is in effect following man.
@nakiaboyr6196 Год назад
@@chimmy___ idk about that. I wouldn't doubt it if the Pope wears one. It's sus! And the Pope owns the temple mount. The tallit just seems like a tradition, which Judaism is filled with.
@jeffreyalvarez3035 Год назад
@@nakiaboyr6196 It is part of the Rabbinical tradition and is not of God. Men are not to have their head covered when praying or hearing the word of God. It is these things that made Yeshua call the Pharisees hypocrits. Even the so called symbol of Israel the star of David is a pagan symbol. The only image Yahweh permitted for the nation to have was the covering cherubs in the tabernacle and the temple.
@nakiaboyr6196 Год назад
@@jeffreyalvarez3035 Peace to you! Fully agree, Amen brother. Keep speaking truth. Water the trees and Elohim will give the increase.
@CoquiUnlimitedOfficial Год назад
Please update your Podcast at the same time as I enjoy listening anywhere rather than watching. TY
@PatrickTengmusic 4 месяца назад
Thou shall not have any gods before Me including the Tallit god.
@Davi.Abraham.Millman 2 месяца назад
What are you? 54?
@TheKingsDaughterOdelia Год назад
I think it's a good practice to wear a kippah, both the kippah and the tzitzit are a tool of humbling yourself before God, Just as a woman is to cover her head as a sign of submission, i think as the bride of Christ men are to do the same as a sign of submission to the husband. It's a good tradition. My boys will be wearing the Kippah per tradition as soon as they reach the required age.
@pegtop5455 Год назад
Key word: tradition. Not sure how you feel about Yeshua/Jesus; but if his teachings are meaningful to you, check out Mark 7:1-13 for his attitude toward tradition, and the rules of men.
@jeffreyalvarez3035 Год назад
Tzizit is something that came about because of sin not from the law of righteousness. If anything it was a sign of shame on Israel because it came about right after a man broke the sabbath. It is like animal sacrifice was a place holder for christ blood the tzitzit it was a place holder until the law got written in our hearts (mind).
@davidpatrick1813 Год назад
@@jeffreyalvarez3035 excellent point about the shame.. not thought of that before ... also do they wear them to be seen of others ("witness to them") or to remind themselves. The witness aspects reminds me of traditions of praying on street corners (hmm? corners) to be seen by others ... maybe it could be (maybe) a sign of "self righteousness". See my notes above. I'll say again, "to obey is better than sacrifice"... I didn't make that up myself 🙂
@jeffreyalvarez3035 Год назад
@@davidpatrick1813 the Torah has two sets of laws and once you realize that the writings of Paul make perfect sense. He switches between talking about how the law is perfect and defines sin then he speaks of law that came due to sin. Something that defines something cannot come about because of violating the very things it defines. We see evidence in the Torah that the moral code of Yahweh existed even before the creation of man since iniquity was found in Lucifer before he got kicked out of heaven. That means that the one known as satan was found quilty of breaking the law and this was before the physical creation. We also see that in psalms that God added animal sacrifice but had no pleasure in it. If we look at the context of the Tzitzit it came about as a consequence due to sin. Yahweh was going to kill the entirety of Israel multiple times so he put things in place to either appease his wrath, or to prevent them from sinning as much as possible. Tzitzit fall into the second category and is why it is a law written write after a man had to be stoned to death for violating the Sabbath. The sequence of events is important for the context of this law.
@TheKingsDaughterOdelia Год назад
@@davidpatrick1813 i reject Paul
@AidenRKrone 6 месяцев назад
I consider myself a Torah-observant Protestant. I'm in touch with the Hebrew roots of the Christian faith. I had the opportunity to wear my new kippah to a Good Friday service at a Baptist church that my wife took me to. I meditated on it and asked God for an answer and did some research into the history, purpose, and meaning of the kippah. Ultimately, I decided against wearing it. Since I'm concerned only with what is commanded in the Law of Moses, and since kippahs aren't mentioned in it at all, I don't consider kippahs necessary. Moreover, since it was our first time at the church, and since Gentile Christians often have a negative impression of the Hebrew roots of the Christian faith, I didn't want to create a scene (and thereby embarrass my wife) by wearing it. Perhaps God will provide me with a better opportunity to wear it.
@davidpatrick1813 Год назад
There is a rightly handling the word of truth. I think the whole context is miss understood if focusing on wearing or not wearing ... Of course outside of biblical writings are traditions that I would agree with Messiah. The "Jews" were (and Christians are today) transgressing the law (instruction) of Yah by their "traditions". Traditionally most look at wearing or not wearing as "the" important thing. If you read the whole context from people picking up sticks on the Sabbath to a couple of verses past the wearing, the much more contextual meaning is clear. Implementation of wearing in that context is almost moot because the following story of the rebellion shows more of THEIR problem. They were braking the law of Yah and doing whatever they wanted. This is the IMPORTANT element of the whole context. What if they were obeying ... would Yah have said for them to wear them to remind themselves to obey? Probably not.. the REASON or wearing them wasn't for "prove to me you obey by wearing or not"! Read the whole chapter of Exodus 16 and you will see Yah say (essentially) "to see if you will keep my law or not". Circle reasoning is what it is so be careful. This all being said, if you have a problem with allowing yourself being caught up in worldly like thinking and behavior and you are forgetting to keep the law ... they by all means wear them if you think the reminder would help you. At least you could take the reminders with you.. at your home you might put the 10 words on your door posts ... sooner or later Yah will write them on your heart and you will be able to become more converted. What do you think this means, "to obey is better than sacrifice"? Wearing them won't save you because the act is considered a "law to obey or not" ... man's traditions goes into their reasoning sometimes.
@sarahlynn4790 3 месяца назад
A head covering is a head covering…. Men should also not wear a baseball cap during and assembly. Because it is a head covering. Even though they were not around when Paul wrote.
@purposesusage5655 4 месяца назад
What do you think about the wearing the tefillin? Do you wear them?
@geoffreybudge3027 6 месяцев назад
So strange about covering one head as a man . I personally have informed people about the custom of wearing the kippah without noticing that I wear a ball cap in very much the same way . How bout that ❤
@BrianSapp945 7 месяцев назад
I AM A HEBREW ISRAELITE AND I PRAY WITH A TALLIT. The Torah teaches us who the Gentiles are in Genesis 10.
@arizonabusinessleague918 3 месяца назад
Tzit-tzits were worn by the Messiah. The woman who grabbed his TT was cured. Messiah is a law abdding, Jew, of the one and only God, the One who he pointed all worship and respect to.
@michaelsmith9453 Год назад
A "gentile" is anyone outside of Covenantal relationship with YHWH, so NO a gentile should not wear Tzit-Tzit.
@chimmy___ Год назад
Those who follow Yeshua are grafted into The Commonwealth of Israel.
@davidpatrick1813 Год назад
What verses are you quoting here? I don't recall these. ... Are you also saying if and as one is in right walk with Yah that he does not need to wear them?
@davidpatrick1813 Год назад
@@chimmy___ This is interesting in that Israel has a bloodline and they were to obey the Law. Strangers within their jurisdiction (gates) were to also keep the law, yet were not of the bloodline yet treated the same within the Law. I see the times of Messiah Yeshua and those that obey through time are ambassadors of the Kingdom of Yah ... The Kingdom of Yah is not one and equivalent to the Kingdom of Israel. The body of Messiah is a whole different animal than the Kingdom of Israel, his descendants and even in prophecy. One is physical on the Earth and one is of the Kingdom of Yah, on Earth as it is in Heaven. The latter is what carnal mankind do not want to have on Earth and worldwide. But they got something else coming.
@michaelsmith9453 Год назад
Tzit-Tzit are for those who are Israel.
@chimmy___ Год назад
@@davidpatrick1813 - You might have a point but there are scriptures that show that Israel will still be relevant although the old covenant is done away and there will be no distinction between Jew and Gentile. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Yeshua Messiah. And if you belong to Messiah, then you are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise.…Galatians 3:28&29 Therefore remember that you, once Gentiles in the flesh-who are called Uncircumcision by what is called the Circumcision made in the flesh by hands (Jews)- that at that time you were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Yeshua Messiah you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Messiah. For He Himself is our peace, who has made the two (Jews & Gentiles) one and has torn down the dividing wall of hostility by abolishing in His flesh the law of commandments and decrees. He did this to create in Himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace and reconciling both of them to Elohiym in one body through the crucifixion, by which He extinguished their hostility. He came and preached peace to you who were far away (Gentiles) and peace to those who were near (Jews). For through Him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit. Ephesians 2:11-18
@bettyeholt1696 Год назад
Should women wear tzitzit?
@AliciaGuitar Год назад
Yes, since the hebrew word used refers to either men or women. I think thier teaching on tzitzit mentions this.
@119Ministries Год назад
Shalom Bettye, We have a teaching on this very question that you can watch here: www.119ministries.com/teachings/video-teachings/detail/should-women-wear-tzitzits/ Blessings to you and yours...
@MrOrangeonion 10 месяцев назад
Remember Jews, you follow the Law of God not of Man. If anyone deems the Kippah a must, that is them not following God. Optional be optional, but, save this for yourself that it is the women that must cover their head.
@elimarshall1497 Год назад
I have a question. Does God love everyone. For example does god love hitler but hate what he did?
@yuini4227 8 месяцев назад
Yes, Yes Hitler did not repent for his atrocities, and wasn't remorseful
@j1mbobtech Год назад
David is given as a witness to the people... "...Isa 55:3 Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David. Isa 55:4 Behold, I have given him for a witness to the people, a leader and commander to the people..." "...2Sa 15:30 And David went up by the ascent of mount Olivet, and wept as he went up, and had his head covered, and he went barefoot: and all the people that was with him covered every man his head, and they went up, weeping as they went up. 2Sa 15:31 And one told David, saying, Ahithophel is among the conspirators with Absalom. And David said, O LORD, I pray thee, turn the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness. 2Sa 15:32 And it came to pass, that when David was come to the top of the mount, where he worshipped God, behold, Hushai the Archite came to meet him with his coat rent, and earth upon his head..."
@JJ-Misch Год назад
Num. 15:38 is not the same as Deu. 22:12
@CECS1 2 месяца назад
Listening to a christian about torah commandments isnt smart. Thats like asking a toddler for advice on car repairs
@dariorosado7419 Год назад
Shalom! The tallit was made to make it simple for men to wear it, and make it easy to wear it, it is. that’s all. What strike me the most is that you are teaching of a commandment about wearing tzitzit and you yourself are not wearing one. Do you think YESHUA wore them during his time on earth or he basically ignore it? This is where we must cross the line and say; you are not God. So please don’t teach of something you do not comprehend. Yes, the Kippa is different. But many of you believe in x-mas and follow other traditions that were made by men. Why don’t you criticize that many Christians follows laws and traditions that are not in the Torah, and still they celebrate it.
neither one of the two. one is a pagan sungod symbol from the roman greek pagan religion
@kutijuice3 6 месяцев назад
Don’t wear these. More traditions more carnality. Yawn.
@aaaa-ur2jw Год назад
Sorry my Friends but you are wrong here. Kippa has pagan origins. It comes from sun worship. Please see Ra Egyptian God or saints in roman church - they have sun around the head. Pope has also round head covering.
@pastordavidberman2091 6 месяцев назад
You do know that covering the head is a Jewish religious practice going back thousands of years? All kinds of people and traditions had head coverings. That does not mean a head covering or even a similar head covering is pagan. That’s not how one comes to logical conclusions.
@vintageswiss9096 5 месяцев назад
Catholicism didn't even exist when Judaissm was already 2000 years old... Stop trying to co-opt Judaism.
@Joe-ic3xe Год назад
@TimKollat Год назад
Jesus fulfilled all things and the end of the age (law covenant) came soon after his ascension while some of his first disciples were still alive, just as he said would happen at Matt 16:27,28 Paul stated many times over that the law and ordinances was done and fulfilled. Love fulfills it all. Jesus atonement set free, not kept us in bondage. The law covenant /Levitical/flesh New covenant/Melchizedek/spiritual, higher order than Levitical. Terms like “forever” in scripture do not always mean it how we interpret. The end of the age is the end of that “heavens and earth” structure. That age has passed with Jesus as the fulfillment of all the law and prophets “It is finished” he said on the cross
@chasitywalsh5330 Год назад
But what is love? When you study the Word YHWH tells us what LOVE IS TO HIM!. Yashua cam here to show us how to following or fulfill the law from the Father. IF you are saved and have repented and died and became reborn again you will want to DO EVERYTHING you can to Obey your Father your creator. Yes Grace saves us. YASHUA came and sacrificed his body for our wickedness.. THE BETTER QUESTION IS THIS --- Why would you not want to try and live within the Laws? The Laws are for the ones who are REALLY blessed. Look up what the word says about those with are REALLY BLESSED. Those who are Blessed have obeyed the law.
@TimKollat Год назад
@@chasitywalsh5330 If this is true, then all of Pauls letters need to be thrown out of scripture and him viewed as an apostate..which by the way some of the first christians the Ebionites did say he was an apostate because of what he said about the law. Actually many of the early christians said Paul was a false apostle because of this
@TimKollat Год назад
@@chasitywalsh5330 I understand what your saying and have been battling this within my own mind for years, but Jesus showed us how to go well over and beyond the original Law. Love fulfills it all. If we have the love of God, the spirit of God in us we dont need a law that says "you shall not steal", "You shall not commit adultery"..etc Its written upon our hearts and if we break one of those we immediately will feel stricken to our core. I have come to the point where I stated in previous reply that either Paul is correct and we walk by the spirit now, not the law or he was a false apostle and we are to walk by the letter of the law and all its ordinances
@RB-sz9gv Год назад
Nonsense- The law of Moses contained in ordinances was abolished at the cross. No reason to follow any Mosaic law, none. In fact, doing so, denies the sacrifice Christ made at the cross
@LivForYahuah Год назад
Were those the Laws of Moses or the Laws of God? The Messiah taught from what God instructed Moses to teach. Similar to the Gospel being what God instructs us to teach/preach. The Gospel is not our gospel, it’s God’s Word and Instructions. The laws of Moses are not Moses laws, they’re God’s Laws. The Messiah followed the Laws of God and we’re told to follow Him. The Messiah said He did not come to abolish the Law (Matthew 5:17). See what He also says about lawless ones in Matthew 7:21-23. Lawless ones are those not following The Laws of God. This shows that there’s a standard everyone should follow, which are the Laws of God. God stays true to His Word, Laws and Commandments. From the beginning till the end His Laws remain. Don’t let the enemy trick you like he did eve. Blessings and Shalom to you! 😊
@LivForYahuah Год назад
Throughout history have you ever heard of any King dying for their beliefs, laws, customs and traditions to be abolished/destroyed? Or have they fought and died for laws, customs and traditions that they believed to be true and upheld. Even the most evilest kings have fought and died to uphold their wicked laws. The Messiah’s death does many things but one thing it does not do is abolish The Creator’s Perfect Law (Psalms 19:7) Imagine sending your child or someone to accomplish a task for you and they do whatever they please. That’s what many are unknowingly saying when they claim The Messiah’s death put an end to God’s eternal and everlasting Law. God didn’t send His Son to abolish His Laws. Similar to the prophets and prophetess before Messiah, they instructed people to turn back to God and His standards/Laws and not the ways of the other nations. Read The Parable of the Wicked Tenants found in Matthew, Mark and Luke. It’s a similar concept of what occurred throughout history. God sent His servants (prophets and prophetess) to His children (tenants) and instead of giving their share of fruit they beat, killed and stoned them. He then sent his son cause they will have respect for him, but they didnt. They killed him also. In this parable notice that from the beginning the land owner sent people for the same reason (to collect his share of fruit). The task didnt change when he sent his son. He sent his sons for the same reason he sent the servants before him. Just like God. He sent those before The Messiah to instruct His people to return back to Him and His Laws, but they didn’t listen. He then sent His Son to do the same (instruct His people to return back to Him and His Laws) and they still didn’t listen.
@davidpatrick1813 Год назад
I know the laws of Yah are not thought of the law of Moses ( I can't find "Mosaic law" in scripture) but they are one and the same. What about hating others, murder, lying, stealing, making a false report about other people (being a false witness) ... all these are part of the law of Moses, that he was given by/from Yah to bring forth. Be careful about the traditions of modern Christians. Yeshua said something like, " I never knew you who practice lawlessness" . .. antinomian is a spirit of anti law.. it is rebellion against Messiah and the Most High. Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. Modern Churches and modern media practice witchcraft and people are struggling with trying to break free of their hypnotic powers. I have family that wig out about me supporting the law that is perfect and converts the soul ... it is usually because they want to justify sinning and think they are good to go ... "at the cross".... but the law of Moses wasn't killed on the cross..
@RB-sz9gv Год назад
@@LivForYahuah Let me educate you, or rather let the Bible educate you. The law of Moses is different from the law of God. The law of Moses was hand written, contained in ordinances, written by Moses, placed in the side of the ark, was contrary to us, and was abolished at the cross. The 10 commandment law of God was written in stone, written with the finger of God, placed inside the ark, now is written on the fleshly tablets of our heart as the new covenant and still in effect. Different.
@RB-sz9gv Год назад
@@LivForYahuah The law of Moses is different than the 10 commandment law of God. See my other post. Find the book the 10 Commandments twice removed and it does an excellent job explaining the difference, however the Bible explains it very clearly.
@wushupants Год назад
Easy answer... nope. These are practices that came about centuries after Yeshua/Jesus. However there's nothing wrong with wearing them so long as they aren't worn religiously.
@JudahBen-Zadkiel 4 месяца назад
There's nothing wrong with religiously wearing the things that God commanded us to wear 🎉
@jamesklapp3510 29 дней назад
You are lost my brother
@whatyouknowboutme 11 дней назад
they are religious you’re not allowed to walk more then or less then 4 cubits without it on……
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