Love it. Mirna had been a victim of robbery & killed during the event. She killed by one of the 2 group who gave the camera from the robber 2 his gf. They all being haunted by Mirna ghost who been kept at home, not burry at grave, by her dad 2 revenge all. 1 by 1 the robbers died except the killer who been taunted & tortured by the ghost.
Waktu kk roy kecil...papa mamanya benar" extra sabar n capek hari" selalu ada aja mslh yg hrs roy bantu dan itu pasti pp mm nya hrs terlibat untuk membantu juga....smoga kk roy n kluarga senantiasa dlm sht wal'afiat dan slalu dlm lindungan Tuhan
Yg punya episode 55 yg lengkap tlong di share dong . Msak kurang dikit lgi filmnya selesai tp berhenti g smpai slesai...tlong y tmn2 semua yg ada tlong di share di youtube ok mksh...😇😇😇🙏🙏🙏🙏